Maria Fe Arana Prac2 Week 3

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Kinds of Variables and their Uses

Name: Maria Fe Arana Grade Level: 12

Section: Talde Date: _______________

Background Information

According to Laerd Statistics variables refers to something that can take more than one value
and values can be words or numbers.
The following are common variables in research, i.e., age, sex, gender, education, income,
marital status, and occupation.

Natures of Variables/Data
1. Nominal Variables - are variables that have two or more categories but which do not
have an intrinsic order. Examples: Biological Sex (Boy and Girl), Gender (Male, Female,
etc.), Political Affiliations (Liberal, Democratic, etc.), Basketball Fan Affiliation (Alaska
Aces, TnT Katropa, etc.).
2. Ordinal Variables - are variables that have two or more categories, just like nominal
variables only the categories can also be ordered or ranked. Examples: Educational
Level (Kinder, Grade 1, etc.), Age Brackets (Children, Infant, etc.), Classroom Ranking,
3. Interval Variables - are variables for which their central characteristic is that they can be
measured along a continuum and they have a numerical value. Examples: Temperature,
Individual’s Net Worth, etc.
4. Ratio Variables - are interval variables, but with the added condition that 0 (zero) of the
measurement indicates that there is none of that variable. Examples: Height, Mass,
Distance, etc.

Kinds of Variables
1. Independent Variables – are variables the experimenter changes or controls and is
assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable (Saul 2019). Example: Title
“Effects of Age on the Quarterly Grades of Senior High School Students”, Dependent
Variable (Quarterly Grades), Independent Variable (Age).
2. Dependent Variables – are variable being tested and measured in an experiment and is
'dependent' on the independent variable (Saul 2019). Example: Title “Effects of Age on
the Quarterly Grades of Senior High School Students”, Dependent Variable (Quarterly
Grades), Independent Variable (Age).
3. Intervening/Mediating Variables - variable that helps explain the relationship between
two variables. Example: Title “Effects of Age on the Quarterly Grades of Senior High
School Students”, Dependent Variable (Quarterly Grades), Independent Variable (Age),
Possible Intervening Variable (Age Bracket).
4. Control Variables – are variables which the researcher holds constant (controls) during
an experiment (Helmenstine 2020). Example: Title “The Relationship of Content-Based
Integration Activities to Quarterly Grades of Senior High School Students”, Control
Variable (Grades of Students in a Control Group that does not facilitate Content-Based
Integration Activities), Experimental Variable (Grades of Students in a Experimental Group that
facilitates Content-Based Integration Activities)

5. Confounding Variables – are variables, other than the independent variable that you're
interested in, that may affect the dependent variable (McDonald 2014). Example: Title
“Effects of Age on the Quarterly Grades of Senior High School Students”, Dependent
Variable (Quarterly Grades), Independent Variable (Age), Possible Confounding Variable
(Family Income, Social Status, etc.).

Learning Competency with Code

Differentiates Kinds of Variables and their Uses - CS_RS12-Ia-c-3

Activities/Exercises Activity 1 (Kinds of Variables)

Directions: Read the following items and do as directed.
1. In your own words, how can you differentiate a dependent variable from an independent
-the independent variable are the cause and the dependent variable is the effect.

2. In your own understanding, what is a control variable?

-are the variables that are not primary interest.

3. In your own understanding, what is a confounding variable?

-this are the extra variables that are used.

4. Identify the independent variable in the research title below”

“The Effectiveness of Vaccine ABC Against Pathogen XYZ among Asians” Explain why
you identified it as an independent variable.
Pathogen XYZ,because it is the cause why they needed a vaccine.

5. Identify the dependent variable in the research title below”

“The Effectiveness of Vaccine ABC Against Pathogen XYZ among Asians”
Explain why you identified it as dependent variable.
The Effectiveness of Vaccine ABC, because the variable that are tested.

Source: (Prieto, Naval and Carey, Exercises 2017)

Activity 2 (Natures and Kinds of Variables)

Directions: Identify the different variables on each phenomenon below. Write the variables of
each phenomenon on the correct columns below each number. Answers may repeat
on different columns. Explain why you identified your answers as variables and why
you classified them under each nature of variables/data and kinds of variables.
1. Daily Attendance of Students

Nature of Variables
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
-Biological Sex -sleep time -Age

-I do identify the biological sex as the independent variable, as it has been manipulated by the researcher. Sleep
time for intervals because it the cause for a student to get absent. the more you sleep late the more you wake up
late in the morning.
Kinds of Variables
Independent Dependent Intervening/Mediating Control
Students & daily attendance -Age brackets Participation in
Teachers flag ceremony

Independent is Students and Teachers because they were the ones that needed to be. In Dependent is the daily
attendance of the same people in school. Age bracket to make sure that they were at the right arrangement.
2. Promotion to the Next Grade Level
3. Nature of Variables

Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

-Passing or failing the rankings in a class Years of Education.

Nominal are passing or failing the grades of the students for the next school year level. Ordinal are the rankings in a
class for more to consider in the next year level.

Kinds of Variables

Independent Dependent Intervening/Mediating Control Confounding

Students -The promotion IQ family financials or

Students will be the Independent of course they were the priority. The promotions are the Dependent . Intervening
are the IQ of the students. And Checking the family financials are needed because not everyone can handle there
children and gave the full support.
Activity 3
Direction: In the box below, draw a diagram that shows how two (2) or more variables connect
to form a good researchable topic. Give a short explanation of your diagram on the
space below the box

ig h
f Se s
o t
e s en
ad Stud
Age te


Attendance Gender

Attemptin Progressin Accomplishin Excee

g1 g2 g3 d4
FOCUS Writing is not Writing is Writing is Writing i

sufficiently somewhat focused on the consistently

focused on focused on the essential and strongly
the essential essential question. focused on
question. question. the
Writing does Writing Writing clearly Writing clearly
not identify identifies explains an explains and
an idea about but idea about the elaborates on
CONTROLLING the central does not central text. an idea about
IDEA text. explain an the central
idea about text.
central text.
Writing does Writing refers Writing refers Writing refers
not refer to to the text in to the text in to the text in
the text or ways that are ways that are ways that
refers to it in partially accurate and are
ways that are accurate relevant to the accurate and
not or explanation relevant to the
TEXTUAL explanation,
accurate or relevant to the
EVIDENCE and also
relevant. explanation.
contribute to a
of the central
Writing does Writing Writing Writing
not support supports supports its supports its
its its explanation explanation
explanation. explanation with clear, with clear,
with weak or persuasive and persuasive,
unclear ideas. reasonable and original or
ideas. creative ideas.
Writing is not Writing is Writing i Writing is
organized in organized but organized s purposefully
a way that only partially meet the to and
ORGANIZATIO meets the meets the demands. tas thoughtfully
N task task demands k organized
demands. to meet
the task
Writing uses Writing uses Writing Writing
only limited moderately accurately and accurately,
vocabulary varied clearly clearly and
and vocabulary incorporates creatively
incorporates and attempts varied incorporates
WORD CHOICE no language to vocabulary varied
from the text. incorporate including vocabulary
language from language including
the text. from the language
text. from the
Writing has Writing has Writing has few Writing has no
consistent some errors errors in usage errors in
errors in in usage and or mechanics. usage or
usage mechanics. mechanics.
Source: (Teaching Tolerance 2017)

Knowing the definition variables, nature and kinds of variables, and their uses in an academic research
setting, can you use this knowledge in your day-to-day life? How?
Rubric for Writing
1 3 4 5
Criteria Does Not Meet Does Not Fully
Meets Meet Meets Exceeds
Writing is
Writing is Writing does not confident and
limited in clearly Writes related, clearly focused.
communicating communicate quality It
knowledge. knowledge. paragraphs, holds the
Length is not The with little or no reader’s
adequate for reader is left details. attention.
development. with questions. Relevant details
enrich writing.
Writing is brief Writing is Writing includes
and confused and a strong,
underdeveloped loosely Uses correct beginning,
writing format. middle, and end
ORGANIZATIO with very weak organized.
Incorporates a with clear
N transitions and Transitions are
coherent transitions and
closure. weak and
closure. a focused
closure is
ineffective. closure.
Uses a variety
Language is Shows some Effective and
VOCABULARY/ of word choice
trite, vague or use of varied engaging use of
WORD CHOICE to make writing
flat. word choice. word choice.
Writer uses Writes with a
Writer’s voice/
Writer’s voice/ voice/point of distinct, unique
point of view
point of view view. Writes voice/point of
shows that
VOICE shows little with the view. Writing is
sense of
sense of understanding skillfully
audience is
audience. of a specific adapted to the
audience. audience.
Many run-ons or Some run-ons Consistent
Uses simple
fragments. Little or fragments. variety of
SENTENCE variety in Limited variety compound, and
FLUENCY sentence in sentence complex,
structure. structure. sentences.
Inconsistent Maintains Uses consistent
agreement Occasional agreement agreement
between parts errors between between parts between parts
parts of
of of of
speech. Some
speech. Many errors in speech. Few speech. No
CONVENTIONS errors in mechanics. errors in errors in
mechanics. mechanics.
Limited mechanics. Creative and
evidence of
evidence of Applies basic effective use of
spelling grade level spelling
strategies. spelling. strategies.
Adapted from: National Council of Teachers of Teachers (NCTE) 2004)

Helmenstine, Anne Marie. 2020. The Role of a Controlled Variable in an Experiment. January
30. Accessed 07 16, 2020.
Laerd Statistics. 2018. Types of Variable. Accessed 07 16, 2020.
McDonald, John H. 2014. Confounding variables. Accessed 07 16, 2020.
McLeod, Saul. 2019. What are Independent and Dependent Variables? Accessed 07 16, 2020.
National Council of Teachers of English. 2004. “Writing Rubric, Read.Think.Write.” 2004.
Prieto, Nelia G, Victoria C Naval, and Teresita G Carey. 2017. "Exercises." In Practical
Research for Senior High School 2 Quantitative, by Nelia G Prieto, Victoria C Naval and
Teresita G Carey, 22. Quezon City: LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Prieto, Nelia G, Victoria C Naval, and Teresita G Carey. 2017. "Kinds of Variables and their
Uses." In Practical Research for Senior High School 2 Quantitative, by Nelia G Prieto,
Victoria C Naval and Teresita G Carey, 15-18. Quezon City: LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Teaching Tolerance. 2017. "Explanatory Writing Rubric." Tolerance Teaching | Diversity,
Equity and Justice. Accessed 07 16, 2020.
Williams, Yolanda. 2015. Intervening Variable: Definition & Example. October 14. Accessed 07
16, 2020.

Answer Key
demographics of the population who are going to take the dosage of the vaccine.
5. Effectivenessof Vaccine ABC. The effectivenessof a vaccine may change dependingon the
under demographics of a population can be a big factor in the effectiveness of a certain vaccine.
vaccinevariesfromeveryonewhois affectedof a certainpathogen.Age,gender,lifestyle,etc.whichare
4. Demographics of the Asian subjectsof VaccineABC againstPathogenXYZ. The effectivenessof a
may affect the results of a study.
3. Theseare variablesthat are affectingthe dependentvariableasidefrom the independentvariablethat
to the experimental variables.
2. Theseare variablescomingfroma controlgroupthatis the basisfor comparingthe changesthathappen
latter which is the one being tested.
1. Independentvariablesaffectdependentvariables.Independentvariablesare the onesthe controlsthe
Activity 1 (Kinds of Variables)

Prepared by

Vito Dominic D. Sese

Name of Writer

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