Eng - 1
Eng - 1
Eng - 1
April School To get familiar with To enable the child to be Through planned activities for 4 Learns about self,
readiness the school ready for listening, weeks such as poems, rhymes, class, teachers,
programme surrounding, speaking, reading & drawing, colouring, pasting friends & school
teachers,, friends writing pictures etc.
May Unit-I Listening 1 .Listens to the 1. Repeat the rhymes. 1. Love for nature.
1. A happy Speaking recitation of the poem. 2. Children identify the colors of 2. Happy family.
child Reading 2. Knows & identifies the the things around them. 3.. Be wise
2. Three little Writing different colours. 3. Pasting of the pictures of 4. Wear clean ,
pigs 3. Recognizes emotions different animals & their young uniform. Save
happy & sad. ones. water.
5. Speaks about Boy & 4. Classification of animals, land &
Girl. water.
6. Knows the names of 5. Role-play enacting the
the young characters.
June 3. After a bath ones of the animals. 6. Practice writing alphabets
7.Reads the lesson with uniformly & correctly with proper
proper spacing.
pronunciation. 6. Write the items which help to
8. Knows about personal keep the body clean.
July 4. The bubble, cleanliness. 7. Role-play with masks of bubble
the straw & 9. Learn action words- straw & shoe.
the shoe jump, stretch, sleep etc
One Little Kitten Listening 1. Listen & enjoys the poem. 1 . Role play & recitation Awareness &
Speaking 2. Identify the names of of the poem with masks appreciation of
Lalu & Peelu Reading animals from the poem. of animals & colored different kinds of
Writing 3. Identify colors, classifies good objects. 2. Narrating the awareness. Learn
Mother Hen & Chicks. & bad food. story with picture the value of family
4. Identify the eatables of sequence cards & with relationship.
different colors. words written on it.
5. Carry out simple conversation 3. Enact the story in the
6. Learn to speak with proper class with the moral of
pronunciation. the lesson.
4. Similar story was be
August Once 1 Saw a Little Listening 1 . Learns to listen & recite. 1 . Recitation of the Learn to share the
Bird. Speaking 2. Learns to identify the birds & poem with rhythm. things.
Reading speak about them 2. Pick out rhyming
Writing 3. Identifies naming words, words. 3. Matching the
Mittu & the Yellow describing words action words. tress with fruits.
Merry Go Round. Listening 1 . Learn to recite the poem with 1 . Games related to go Care of public
Speaking rhythm. round. Property.
Reading 2. Identify rhyming words.
Writing 3. Pick out new words to 2. Repeat the words Love & respect for
improve vocabulary. having same sound. elders
September Circle 4. Learn the words for basic 3. Learns to draw a
shapes circles, round, name the circle & other shapes by
objects with round or circular drawing different objects
shape. like ball, balloons,
moon, sun etc.
If I were an Apple Listening 1. Recite a poem with intonation 1. Recitation of the Develop aesthetic
Speaking & rhythm. poem with correct sense
October Our Tree Reading 2. Learn the names of common pronunciation. Trees are our best
Writing fruits. 2. making & flying of the friends.
3. Listen to the poem kite. Take care of plants
Murali's Mango Tree understands the growth of a 3. Pasting pictures of & trees, don't cut it.
seed. things that fly in the sky.
4. Knows the uses of trees, fruit
5. speaks about fruit bearing
Kite Listening 1. learn, listen & recite the poem.
trees. 1. Arrange sentences in Friendship. Art of
Speaking 2. Learn to make a kite. order: flying kite.
Reading 3. Learn words associated with 2. Imagine himself a kite
Writing the sky - clouds, rain, sun, & speaks about it.
rainbow, stars & moon. 3. Pasting pictures of
4. Write A to Z. things that fly in the sky.
4. Making & flying of a
November Sundari
A Little Turtle Listening 1. Recitation of the poem. 1. Picture story about Pride goes before
Speaking 2. Learn names of crawling snails, tortoise & hare & fall.
Reading animals tortoise. Every animals has
Writing snails, worm etc. 2. Picture sequence its own role in world.
3. Know & learn about shelled card. Appreciate, nature.
December The Tiger & the animals 3. Practices answering
Mosquito. 4. Speak about the animals the questions "WHY"?.
Clouds living in 4. Uses picture cards of
the jungle. seasons & actions.
6. Learns about weather. 5. Picture cards of
7. Learns about tense.(Past & different seasons.
Present) 6. Draw a rainbow &
8. Colors of the rainbow. colors.
9. Describing words speak 7. Speak about clouds,
about nature. sky, rainbow
January Anandi's Rainbow
February Flying Man Listening 1. Relates the character with 1 . Recitation with Dignity of labour.
Tailor & His Friends. Speaking comic or cartoon like superman, activity.
Reading shakti man etc. 2. Speaking about the Never harm others.
Writing 2. Learns days of the week & characters wearing their
months. costumes.
3. Write the alphabets with 3. Dress up as various
correct order. professions & speak
4. Know about the dignity of about their work.
labour 4. Picture sequence
cards for story narration
& sequence.