Contractor Quality Control (CQC) Plan: Project Name

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Contractor Quality Control (CQC) Plan

Construction of Head Office Building at Korangi Creek Industrial

Parks Karachi
Project Name



Project Manager
Submitted By

[email protected]
Email Address


Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Contractor Quality Control Plan Acknowledgement
Project Name: ________________________________________
Project Number: ____________________

The undersigned have read and concur with this Contractor Quality Control Plan:

_________________________________________________________ ________________________
Quality Control Manager Date

_________________________________________________________ ________________________
Project Manager Date

_________________________________________________________ ________________________
Project Superintendent Date

_________________________________________________________ ________________________
Electrical Foreman Date

_________________________________________________________ ________________________
Mechanical Foreman Date

________________________________________________________ ________________________
Civil Foreman Date

_________________________________________________________ ________________________
Site Safety Manager Date

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Table of Contents

CQC Plan Cover Sheet 1

CQC Plan Acknowledgement 2

Table of Contents 3

Organizational Chart 4

Quality Contol Manager Responsibility 5

Stop Work Authorization Letter 6

Major Definable Features of Work 7-8

Three Phases of Inspection 9-10

Quality Control Testing and Verifications 11

Tests and Records 12

Testing Agency Schedule 13

Submittals 14-15

Tracking Deficiencies 16-17

Contractor’s Quality Control Report (CQCR) 18-19

Non-Conformance Report 20

Construction Punch List 21

Weekly QA/QC Meeting Minutes 22

Preparatory Meeting Checklist 23-25

Initial Inspection Checklist 26

Receiving Material Inspection Report 27

Paradigm Engineering/Contractor Quality Control Worksheets 28-29

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Organizational Chart
This is a recommended organizational chart. It may be modified provided the responsibilities
are covered in the positions presented.

Project Manager

Quality Control Manager Site Engineer

Surveyor Site Supervisor

Safty Officer

Subcontractors and other Prime Accounts Officer Store Keeper


Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Quality Control Manager Responsibility Form

The Quality Control (QC) Manager, is responsible for overseeing the overall implementation of the
Quality Control Plan and coordinates all project testing, inspections and reporting matters directly with
the Project Manager. The QC Manager has the authority to intercede directly and stop unsatisfactory
work and control further processing, delivery or installation of non-conforming material.


o Preparation, approval and implementation of the CQC Plan

o Verification of materials as per project plans and specifications
o Development of means and methods to store and protect materials
o Maintain documentation of inspection status of materials
o Maintain documentation for material and administrative approvals
o Ensure that all materials and construction are in accordance with the requirements for the
completeness, accuracy and constructability in accordance with applicable building codes
o Carry out and participate in weekly progress and QC meetings
o Maintain documentation of inspection of work executed by subcontractors

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Stop Work Authorization Letter
Project Name: ___________________________________________________________________

Project Number: ____________________________

From: Company President _________________________________________________________

To: QC Manager _______________________________________________________________

This Letter of Authorization outlines your responsibility as our site Quality Control Manager for the
project referenced above. As the site Quality Control Manager, you report directly to the Project
Manager. You review the specifications, addendums and plans in their entirety and implement the
Quality Control Program. The Quality Control Program encompasses three phases of inspection:
Preparatory Meetings and Initial and Follow-Up Inspections. All inspections and testing are recorded in
the Contractor Quality Control Report (CQCR) and submitted to the Project Manager. Test reports are
submitted no later than three (3) working days after the test was performed. You and/or your staff are
responsible for reviewing specifications, submittals, as-builts, plans and shop drawings for compliance to
the contractural requirements.

Additionally, this applies to all subcontractor documents. You and/or your staff conduct daily inspections
to ensure that the workmanship and materials used in the construction of the project are in compliance
with the plans, drawings and specifications.

You are authorized to stop work that does not comply with the plans and specifications. You and/or
your staff witness all tests required by the specifications and coordinate such tests with Paradigm
Engineering. You and your staff must document all non-conforming conditions, items and/or
workmanship noted and constantly monitor and alert Safety personnel to safety violations. If, at any
time, you require assistance with the implementation of the Quality Control Program, contact the
Project Manager.
Company CEO

Subcontractor “A”

Subcontractor “B”

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Major Definable Features of Work

Check all definable features of work and describe how each feature will be accomplished. (You may add
or delete items based on the project. All items will be reviewed and approved by Paradigm

Construction Activities Contractor Primary Contact

☐ Trenching & Excavation

1. Trenching
2. Excavation Work
3. Form Work
☐ Gravity Sewer

☐ Force Mains

☐ Erosion Control


☐ Plumbing

☐ Electrical

☐ Roofing

☐ Masonry

☐ Concrete

☐ I&C

☐ Landscape

☐ Bridges

Construction Site Activities Contractor Primary Contact

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

☐ Fire Alarm

☐ Fire Suppression

☐ Hazardous Material Abatement

☐ Elevators

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Three Phases of Inspection

Preparatory Meetings

Preparatory Meetings are performed prior to the beginning of any major Definable Feature of Work. A
meeting is held for each crew performing such feature or when members of the crew change.
Preparatory Meetings are conducted by the Quality Control Manager and/or designee after a complete
review of all applicable plans, specifications, shop drawings and related submittals. A Preparatory Phase
Meeting Checklist (pp 23-25 ) is completed for each Definable Feature of Work and distributed at the
meetings. At the Preparatory Meeting, the Project Manager and Foreman (involved in this phase of
construction) coordinate with Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Safety personnel and introduce
their plan for accomplishing the work. Paradigm Engineering is notified at least 48 hours in advance of
the Preparatory Meeting. The following items are discussed at each meeting:

1. Review of applicable specifications.

2. Review of applicable plans and shop drawings.
3. Review of related submittals and a check that all related submittals, shop drawings and
materials have been tested (if applicable), submitted and approved.
4. Review of the detailed sequence of the execution of the work.
5. Discuss required testing and frequency.
6. Review provisions to ensure controlled inspection and testing.
7. Examination of the work area to ensure that all required preliminary work has been completed
and is in compliance with the plans and/or specifications.
8. Examination of the related material, review of the Receiving Material Inspection Reports (p 29)
and verification that the items received are in compliance with the contract and are properly
9. Review of the Site Safety Plan to ensure that all safety precautions are met and the required
safety equipment has been purchased and is available.
10. Review the document and the workmanship expected for the Definable Feature of Work.
11. Meeting Minutes are recorded and sent to Paradigm Engineering Document Control within 48
hours of the conclusion of the meeting.

Initial Inspections

Initial Inspections are performed at the beginning of any Definable Feature of Work and must be
repeated at any time new workmen or new crews are assigned to the work or if the required standard of
work is not being met. An Initial Phase Checklist is completed for each Definable Feature of Work and
distributed at the initial inspection. Paradigm Engineering is notified at least 8 hours in advance of the
Initial Inspection. The same personnel who attended the Preparatory Meeting also attend the Initial
Inspection. These include the Superintendent and Foreman, Safety Personnel and the Quality Control
Staff. The following is accomplished during these meetings:

1. Review the minutes of the Preparatory Meeting and verify that the work complies with the
design documents (ie, submittals, specifications and/or shop drawings).
2. Resolve all differences.
3. Verify adequacy of inspection and testing.

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

4. Establish a level of workmanship and verify that it meets the requirements.
5. Provide documentation of the previous inspection of the work area.
6. Re-examine the work area for compliance.
7. Meeting Minutes are recorded and sent to Paradigm Engineering Document Control within 48
hours of the conclusion of the meeting.

Follow-Up Inspections

Follow-Up Inspections are performed daily to ensure that the control established during Preparatory
Meeting and Initial Inspection continues to provide a product that conforms to the contractural

1. Construction daily activities are inspected by Quality Control in accordance with Quality Control
Procedures and the Quality Control Report (CQCR) (pp 18-19) is completed.
2. Installation and testing activities which do not comply with the requirements are documented
on a Non-Conformance Report (NCR) (p 20).
3. Modifications, repairs and/or replacement of materials and/or parts performed subsequent to
Final Inspection require replacement of materials and/or parts installed. Re-inspection and re-
testing are required to verify acceptability. Inspection and testing documents are submitted to
Paradigm Engineering Document Control and are filed and maintained in accordance with
Quality Control Testing and Verifications (p 11).

Signature of acknowledgement indicate that the Three Phases of the Quality Control Inspection
Program are understood and will be followed.

________________________________________ ____________________
QC Manager Date

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Quality Control Testing and Verifications


To ensure that tests of the Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s work is adequately planned and that the
necessary testing procedures are available to perform the tests in a satisfactory manner. This procedure
establishes the methods to be used when performing the tests listed in the specifications. Test reports
are submitted to Paradigm Engineering Document Control and are filed and logged with other project

TESTING (Onsite, Factory/Offsite)

A list of tests required to verify that control measures are adequate are delineated in the specifications
and/or determined upon the completion of the design. The list includes the test name, specification
paragraph, feature of work to be tested, the test frequency and the organization’s name that will
perform the test. The QC Manager provides written notice to Paradigm Engineering of the proposed
test 3 days in advance (5 working days for factory or other offsite tests). The QC Manager witnesses
the test with the appropriate organization representatives present and/or with the individual(s)
qualified to perform the designated test(s).


Failing tests are cleared by one of the following methods:

1. Retest – Retest if there is any doubt that the first test was not adequate.
2. Rework – Re-inspect and re-test.
3. Failed Material – Remove, replace, re-inspect and re-test.


1. The Quality Control Manager reviews the testing requirements to ensure that the planned test is
in accordance with the design documents: ie, plans, specifications, shop drawings and/or other
2. Instruments used for testing are calibrated in accordance with established calibration
procedures. Specialists experienced in such work perform the calibration.
3. Technicians performing tests provide copies of calibration certificates and their field notes and
reports to the Quality Control Manager.
4. The Quality Control Manager witnesses all required tests detailed in the design documents
(plans, specifications, shop drawings, etc).
5. Paradigm Engineering’s witnessing of tests does not relieve the Contractor and Subcontractor of
their obligation to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
6. Paradigm Engineering is notified 3 days in advance of all scheduled tests (5 working days for
Factory/offsite tests).
7. Test reports, when completed, are attached to the Contractor’s Quality Control Report and
submitted to Paradigm Engineering.

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Tests and Records


This section establishes a system for the control of documentation and records which provide objective
evidence of the quality of items and activites performed in accordance with the programmatic
requirements. The Quality Control Manager is responsible for the control, review, verifications and
maintenance of the documentation delineated in the specifications.


1. After reviewing reports (including Subcontractor reports) the Quality Control Manager submits
documentation to Paradigm Engineering Document Control.
2. All inspections and testing are summarized and recorded in a Contractor’s Quality Control
Report (CQCR). A copy of the CQCR is sent to MSD Document Control and to the Project
Manager. “Original” reports are retained by the Quality Control Manager. Field notes,
inspection forms and test reports are filed and available for review by PARADIGM ENGINEERING.
3. The Contractor’s Quality Control Report includes the following:
a. Contractor and Subcontractor areas of responsibility.
b. Working, idle and downtime hours for equipment.
c. Work accomplished each day, indicating the location, activity and by whom.
d. Laboratory test reports, including the test results (passing or failing), location of tests
and specification references.
e. Deficiencies and corrective actions.
f. Material received onsite.
g. Safety violations and corrective action implemented.
h. Conflicts encountered in the plans and/or specifications.


1. Project records are stored in areas that protect them from damage, deterioration and/or loss at
the site Field Office during the construction period. Records are accessible to Paradigm
Engineering personnel.
2. Project records are stored for a period of time as determined by the contractual documents.
Records, designated for storage, are not to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of within that
period of time. Control and final disposition of Subcontractor and Supplier records, both onsite
and offsite, are to be in accordance with the contractural documents.

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Testing Agency Schedule
Project Name: Date: Project Number:

Agency Discipline Estimated Date of Test

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan



All submittals shall be reviewed, certified and managed by the Quality Control Manager. Copies of the
manfacturer’s data (material, equipment, etc.), including catalogue cut-sheets showing dimensions,
performance characteristics, capacities, wiring diagrams, schedules, operation and maintenance
manuals and any other relevant information are reviewed by the Quality Control Manager. The Quality
Control Manager is an authorized submittal reviewer and testing lab report reviewer. One (1) copy of
the submittal remains with the Contractor and one (1) copy is retained by MSD’s Document Control.

Filing of Submittals

Submittals (material, design, data, samples, shop drawings, etc) are filed according to the specification
section and paragraph number in a secure place for reference and coordination. Color and mock-up
samples are maintained in a secure place at the job site for comparisoin with the finished product. A tag
or sticker identifying the submittal number and the date of approval is attached to the sample. When a
color or mock-up sample is not approved, it is labeled as “Rejected” and removed from the job site (if
requested). The record is maintained along with a photograph of the disapproved item with a copy
submitted to Paradigm Engineering Document Control.


The Submittal Register is maintained by the Project Manager. Revised copies of the Submittal Register
are provided to Paradigm Engineering Document Control on a monthly basis.


Prior to submittal, all items are checked and approved by the Quality Control Manager. If found to be in
strict conformance with the contract requirements, each item is stamped, signed and dated by the
Quality Control Manager. Copies of review comments indicating action(s) taken are included within
each submittal.

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan


1. Be familiar with the submittal procedures.

2. Review all of the information attached to the submittal.
3. Ensure that all of the pages associated with the enclosures are attached to the submittal.
4. Thoroughly review the applicable design documents.
5. Ensure the attachments are legible.
6. Direct all questions to the Project Manager.
7. Submit a detailed written report pertaining to the review of the submittal in a timely manner to
the Project Manager.
8. Ensure that the sample received and/or material received complies with the submittal.
9. Notify the Project Manager if material is installed without a submittal; then request a submittal.
10. Maintain and file submittals so they are readily retrievable.


Stamps are used by the Contractor to certify the submittal meets contract requirements and are similar
to the following:

Contractor (Firm Name): ______________________________________________________________

Project Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Project Number: _______________________________

I certify that this submittal is accurate, is in strict conformance with all contract requirements, has been
thoroughly coordinated and cross-checked against all other applicable disciplines to prevent the
omission of vital information, that all conflicts have been resolved, that repetition has been avoided, and
that it is it complete and in sufficient detail to allow ready determination of compliance with contract
requirements by the Contracting Officer.

Printed Name of the Quality Control Manager: ____________________________________________

Signature of the Quality Control Manager: ________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Tracking Deficiencies

1. Non-conforming items are those conditions that deviate from the requirements detailed in
the specifications, plans and /or shop drawings. The Quality Control Manager is
responsible for the control and documentation of non-conforming items.
2. The Quality Control Manager prevents non-conforming items from being installed.
3. Minor non-conforming items, which are corrected in the same day, are documented in the
Contractor’s “Weekly Report.”
4. All other non-conformances are documented on a Non-Conformance Report prepared by
the Quality Control Manager, sequentially numbered and dated and include the following
information, as appropriate:
a. Description of the non-conformance including relevant details of the occurrence.
b. Identification of material, component or system by part number, plan, shop
drawing and/or specification number and intended installation location.
c. Source of material or item (name of supplier, owner or subcontractor).
d. Current status or item in shop, warehouse, lay-down yard or structure.
e. Individual and organization which detected the non-conformance.
f. Recommendation for corrective action including sketches, test data and/or repair
procedures necessary to substantiate the recommendation.
g. Cause of the non-conformance and steps taken to prevent reoccurrence indicating
action(s) taken, positions or titles of persons contacted, letters written and/or
procedural changes proposed.
5. The Quality Control Manager signs and forwards the Non-Conformance Report to Paradigm
Engineering Document Control.
6. Each Non-Conformance Report is recorded on the Non-Conformance Report Log by the
Quality Control Manager.
7. Actions to be taken are entered on the Non-Conformance Report Log. The Engineer of
Record initiates the disposition(s) necessary to clear the item.
8. Verification of “Corrective Action” (eg, completion of repair) by Quality Control after the
work in question has been re-inspected and re-tested. Entries are made in the Non-
Conformance Report (NCR) log documenting the Final Disposition of each NCR.
9. Non-Conformance Reports, logs and documents are filed and maintained. Reports and
Records are submitted to Paradigm Engineering Document Control.


The QC Report reports Punch List items (deficiencies) throughout the life of the project and
demonstrates that the QC Staff is correcting the deficiency(ies) in a timely manner. An Initial Punch
List is developed as a result of initial inspections and then maintained throughout the life of the
project. The Punch List is consistently updated and submitted to the Project Manager for
corrective actions. Corrections are accomplished within the time stated. The QC Manager
performs Follow-Up Inspections to ensure the deficiencies have been corrected before notifying
Paradigm Engineering of a Pre-Final Inspection.

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan


After the completion of the Initial Punch List Inspection, the Quality Control Manager and Paradigm
Engineering Representative conduct a Pre-Final Inspection and develop a joint “Punch List” of
noted deficiencies. The Punch List is formally documented along with the estimated date by which
the deficiencies will be corrected. The Quality Control Manager conducts Follow-Up Inspections to
ensure that all deficiencies have been corrected before requesting a Final Inspection by Paradigm


Upon completion of the items listed in the Pre-Final Inspection “Punch List,” the QC Manager
notifies Paradigm Engineering 14 days prior to the Final Inspection (or as agreed to) with the
assurance that all items listed in the Pre-Final Inspection and all other remaining work has been
completed and will be acceptable by the date of the Final Inspection.

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Report Number: Page 1 of 2

Project Name: Project Number:

Contractor: Weather:

1 – Were there any delays in work progress?


2 – Verbal instructions given by PARADIGM ENGINEERING:


3 – Did anything develop that may lead to a change order/claim?


4 – Activities in process:

5 – General comments:

6 – Safety Inspection/Safety Meetings:


7 – Prep/Initial Dates (Preparatory and initial dates held and advance notice)

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Report Number: Page 2 of 2

Project Name: Project Number:

Activity Start/Finish:

QC Requirements:

QA/QC Punch List:

Contractors/Visitors on Site:

Equipment Hours (Total Operating Hours to Date):

Accident Reporting (Describe Accident):

On behalf of the contractor, I certify that this report is complete and correct and all
equipment and material used and work performed during this reporting period are in
Certification compliance with the contract, plans and specifications, to the best of my knowledge,
except as noted above.

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Non-Conformance Report
<Project Name> <Project Number>
Structural ☐ Mechanical ☐ Electrical ☐ Civil ☐

Date: Location: Spec. Section: Spec. Paragraph:

Non-Conforming Condition:

Reported By (Quality Control Representative): Date:


Dispositioned By (Project Engineer): Date:

Re-Inspected By (Quality Control Representative): Date:

Accepted By (Quality Control Manager): Date:

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Construction Punch List
Project Name: Project Number:

Structural ☐ Mechanical ☐ Electrical ☐ Civil ☐

Inspected By: Date: Page: ___ of ___

Completed by Accepted by
Description Construction Quality Control
(Sign/Date) (Sign/Date)

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Weekly QA/QC Definable Feature Meeting Minutes
Project Name: Project Number:

Date: Time: Location: Page: ___ of ___

PARADIGM Contractor Subcontractors Other

No. Description of Item Discussed Action Action

Date By

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Preparatory Meeting Checklist (to support each DFOW)
Project Name: Project Number:


Date: Sheet: Spec. Section: Page: 1 of 3

PARADIGM ENGINEERING Representative Notified? YES ☐ NO ☐ _____ Hours

in Advance Position Company/Government

Review submittals and/or submittal register. Have all submittals been approved? YES ☐ NO ☐
If no, what items have not been submitted?

Are all materials on hand? YES ☐ NO ☐

If no, what items are missing?

Check approved submittals against delivered material. (This should be done as material arrives)

Are materials stored properly? YES ☐ NO ☐

If no, what action is taken?

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Preparatory Meeting Checklist (to support each DFOW)
Project Name: Project Number:


Date: Sheet: Spec. Section: Page: 2 of 3

Review each paragraph of specifications.


Discuss procedure for accomplishing the work.

Clarify any differences.

Ensure preliminary work is correct and permits area on file.


If no, what action is taken?


Identify test to be performed, frequency and by whom.

When required?

Review testing plan.

Have test facilities been approved?

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Preparatory Meeting Checklist (to support each DFOW)
Project Name: Project Number:


Date: Sheet: Spec. Section: Page: 3 of 3

Site Safety Plan Approved? YES ☐ NO ☐

Review Site Safety Plan:

Comments during meeting:



Other items or remarks:


Reported By: Reviewed By: Reviewed By:

(Quality Control Inspector) (Quality Control Manager) (MSD QA Representative)

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Initial Inspection Checklist
Project Name: Project Number:


Date: Sheet: Spec. Section: Page: ___ of ___

No. Item Yes No N/A

1 Was the production foreman present?
2 Material
a) Were materials inspected for compliance?
b) Were corrective actions taken for defective material?
c) Were corrective actions appropriate?
d) Were any deviations accepted?
3 Installation Requirements
a) Did work comply with specifications or plans?
b) Was workmanship satisfactory?
c) Were corrective actions appropriate?
d) Were any deviations accepted?
4 Tests
a) Were tests being performed?
b) Was testing frequency satisfactory?
c) Were test samples or locations appropriate?
d) Was testing quality coordinated with Mechanical/Electrical technicians?
5 Inspections
a) Was inspection done by the QC Inspector in the Prep. meeting?
b) Was the inspection frequency as established in the Prep. Meeting?
c) Were critical inspections satisfactory?
d) Was the inspection satisfactory?
6 Safety
a) Was the safety officer present?
b) Were the safety requirements followed?
c) Were the safety requirements modified?
Remarks (explanations required for “No” responses and if deviations were accepted):

Reported By: Reviewed By: Reviewed By:

(Quality Control Inspector) (Quality Control Manager) (Quality Assurance Representative)

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Receiving Material Inspection Report
Project Name: Project Number:


Date Received: Order Number: Date Inspected: Inspected By:

Ref No. Item Description Quantity Partial or Okay or Special

Full? Damaged? Storage?

Remarks (explanations required for partial and damaged material):

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Check worksheets that apply based on those listed in bid package and attach:

☐ Cable Test Data Form

☐ Calibration Sheet
☐ Circuit Breaker Schedule
☐ Control Circuit Piping Leak Test Form
☐ Controller Calibration Test Data Form
☐ Cut-in Schedule Form
☐ Dry Transformer Test Data Form
☐ Equipment Record Form 1
☐ Equipment Record Form 2
☐ Equipment Test Report Form
☐ Individual Loop Test Data Form
☐ Installed Motor Test Data Form
☐ Loop Commissioning Test Data Form
☐ Loop Wiring and Insulation Resistance Test Data Form
☐ Manufacturer’s Installation Certification
☐ Manufacturer’s Instruction Certification Form
☐ Misc Instrument Calibration Test Data Form
☐ Motor Control Center Test Form
☐ Motor Data Form
☐ Operation and Maintenance Transmittal Form
☐ Requrest for Contractor Proposal
☐ Submittal Transmittal Form
☐ Substitution Request Form
☐ Unit Responsibility Certification Form
☐ Wire and Cable Resistance Test Data Form
☐ Work Directive Change Instructions and Form

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

Contractor QC Documentation
(Attach resumes and applicable worksheets including
Contractor recommended forms)

Paradigm Engineering Quality Control Plan

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