Motion To Move Casey White's Trial
Motion To Move Casey White's Trial
Motion To Move Casey White's Trial
6/3/2022 10:40 AM
COMES NOW, the Defendant, CASEY COLE WHITE, by and through undersigned counsel
and moves this Honorable Court to transfer this matter to another County, with a constitutionally
composed traverse jury list, within the State of Alabama, to ensure the Defendant is able to receive a
fair trial by an impartial jury of his peers. As grounds therefore the Defendant states as follows:
4. Some of the largest news networks in the world covered the story on the whereabouts
of Vicky White and the Defendant along with why the Defendant was in the Lauderdale County
Detention Center and “facts” this Honorable Court or any juror is yet to hear regarding the
Defendant’s Capital Murder case. CNN, Fox News, NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, and others
focused reports on Florence, Alabama and the surrounding area. It was one of the most viewed stories
in the country trailing only the war in Ukraine for several days. This information has severely
prejudiced the Defendant.
5. Social media has also generated significant interest in the Defendant’s capital murder
case. These include but are not limited to the Defendant’s story, capital murder case and background
becoming a top trending topic on social media website Twitter. Celebrities including actor Rainn
Wilson, who has more than 4 million followers, shared a CNN story about the Defendant which
received – to date – 789 retweets, 132 quoted tweets, and more than 18,500 likes. A Facebook Group
called “Vicky White & Casey Cole White-Lauderdale County, AL” has more 50,000 members. Many
of those members reside in Lauderdale County, Alabama. The group has dozens of posts daily
debating the “facts” of the Defendant’s capital murder case, speculating on theories, and sharing
information. This information has severely prejudiced the Defendant.
7. Furthermore, our Supreme Court has concluded “the Fourteenth Amendment’s due
process clause safeguards a defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to be tried by a panel of impartial,
“indifferent’ jurors”. Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717.722 (1961).
8. The Court has also concluded, “when prejudicial pretrial publicity or an inflamed
community atmosphere preclude seating an impartial jury, due process required the trial court to
grant a defendant’s motion for change.” Rideau v. Louisiana, 373 U.S. 723, 726 (1963).
9. In Hunt v. State, it was concluded by the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals and
affirmed by the Alabama Supreme Court that,
642 So.2d 999, 1042-43 (Ala. Cr. App. 1993), aff’d, 642 So.2d 1060 (Ala. 1994)
capital murder case, and his other legal matters. Therefore, to ensure that Mr. White receives a fair
trial from an impartial jury of his peers, it is imperative that this matter be transferred to another
county whereas it is obvious that Lauderdale County has been overwhelmed with prejudice towards
Mr. White that cannot be cured in any manner.
11. If the Defendant were to have a trial in Lauderdale County, it would violate his rights
to a fair trial by an impartial jury guaranteed by the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United
States Constitution.
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises being considered, this Movant prays that upon
review of the same this Honorable Court will grant The Defendant’s Motion for change of venue
to another county due to the local, state and national publicity that this cause has received along
with the sentiments currently with the community surrounding this matter.
I certify that I have filed the foregoing with the Clerk of the Court using the Alabama
Judicial System electronic filing system which will send notification of such filing to those parties
of record who are registered for electronic filing, and further certify that those parties of record
who are not registered for electronic filing have been served by mail by depositing a copy of same
in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid and properly addressed, on this the 3rd day of
June, 2022.