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Morga'S Observation Rizal'S Annotation: Customs, Traditions, Beliefs of The Early Filipino

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Using a table, identify the observations/perceptions stated by Morga on

the different areas above (A to F) and how Rizal annotated (gave comment
or expound) Morga's concept/idea about us Filipinos during that time.


A. SOCIAL CLASS Morga’s observation to the social Rizal then stated that Filipino woman,
AND WOMEN made him captivated by it. Morga never burdens anyone including her
described the privilege of social family nor her husband but all on the
classes, inheritance of possessions contrary. Rizal added that it is the man
and titles. who gave the women’s a proportion
because they are losing a daughter.

B.CLOTHING Morga described the early Filipino Rizal’s annotation on Morga’s

AND TATTOO clothing including the golds and description on being tattooed is that, it
jewelry. Morga started to take was drawing first on the skin what has
notice of the used cotton in which to be tattooed similar to the method as
he stated that the thread and woven the Japanese used. Regarding the
fabrics are sold to the Chinese and clothes described by Morga, Rizal
other foreign merchants. clarified that Morga must have meant
sinamay, a woven from abaca thread
that comes from the trunk of the tree.
Rizal also quoted Fr.Chirino which
mentioned that the cotton fabrics were
sought after Nueva España and that
encomenderos made fortunes on the
cotton trade. Which in fact 31 years
after encomendero existed.
C. WRITING Morga’s observation is that natives Rizal’s response to such observation,
SYSTEM from all the islands had their own he stated it was not true. However, the
form of writing that somehow government claimed in print and in
resembles Greek or Arabic. words that it tries to educate the
Filipinos, but in truth it foments
ignorance, placing education in the
hands of friars who are not only
accused by Spaniards but also by
Filipinos and foreigners wanting to

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daze of the country and they want to it
with their writings and behavior.

D. LAWS From Morga’s statement and In response to Morga’s statement,

observation he stated that the Rizal said that it was no better of
system of government barely someone ruling someplace that he had
existed. He added that there were never lived in. He added that a figure
no powerful individual or figure that who haven’t lived among the
can rule over the community community will not be able to solve any
conflicts nor implement policies.
E. FEAST AND Morga’s description of how natives Rizal’s annotation to Morga’s
CEREMONY held feast is that they love to eat description of how feast is held by the
fish that is smelly and about to rot. natives, Rizal responded that the fish
In addition, Morga also mentioned mentioned which is said to be smelly
of how heavy drinkers the natives and about to rot is called bagoong.
are during wedding feast. Rizal explained that this fish is a
fermented delicacy. He added that
Europeans also have smelly food,
pertaining to certain kind of cheese. In
addition Rizal also annotated Morga’s
perspective on how weddings are held
back then. Rizal quoted Fr.Colin who
stated that natives does drink alot but
no matter how drunk they are, they
can always find their way home.
F. RELIGION Morga stated that native filipinos Rizal responded that every people
AND BELIEFS proceeded in primitive fashion. He believe what is their own. Rizal
also added that they did not take described Morga as a person of
any pains to reason to find God nor superior judgement to many of his
no one envision that one exist. He contemporaries, and can be only
mentioned that a devil deceived and forgiven for such pretension for the
appeared to them in various forms sake of the dominant ideas.
like a ferocious animals which
makes them tremble in fear and
very often worshipped by them
through an image representing God.

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2. What do you think are the effects if an outsider (foreigner) will write and
narrate the culture and history of the other nation? Support your answer with

In our present time there are alot of Youtubers mostly are vloggers that record
their experiences from other countries. They mostly talk about the culture and practices
of the country they visited and how those people in that certain place act and behaves.
If one these vlogger is not satisfied or used to the culture he is seeing and started
spreading false information, that country may get different responses from other
countries. This may result in racism towards that country and people from different places
will start hatred towards that country. This can be related to what Antoni de Morga written
about the Philippines during the pre-colonial period in which Jose Rizal annotated.

3. Based on these, why did Rizal annotated the book of Morga’s Sucesos Dela Islas
Filipinas? Read and cite other references to prove your point.

According to an article of Manile Bulletin titled Rizal and Morga, Jose Rizal at first
lamented that he was born without knowing the history of the pre-colonial period. As a
result he felt that he had no authory to speak on what he did not know. Fortunately, Jose
Rizal heard from his uncle, Jose Alberto, about the pre-colonial history of the Philippines
written by Antonio de Morga titled Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas. In hope of knowing the
history of the Philippines during his time, Jose Rizal immediately acquainted himself with
the British Museum where he found one of the few remaining copies of the book. His
theory was that the country was economically self-sufficient, prosperous and had a lively
and vigorus community. Rizal also believed that the conquest of the Spaniards contributed
in part to the decline of the Philippine’s rich culture and tradition. Rizal then proceeded
to undertake the annotation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas.Rizal
devoted four months of research and almost a year of writing to get his manuscript
published in Paris January 1890.


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Araneta, G. C. (2018, April 23). Rizal and Morga. Retrieved May 14, 2020, from

Araneta, G. C. (2018, April 26). Rizal and Morga (2). Retrieved May 14, 2020, from

Bibera, E. T. (2017, September 2). Dr. Rizal's Annotation of Morga's Sucesos. Retrieved
May 14, 2020, from https://prezi.com/gbu6vtg8fv4p/dr-rizals-annotation-of-morgas-

Siasit, P. (2013, September 26). Rizal's annotation of Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas.
Retrieved May 14, 2020, from https://prezi.com/qawe8nczviaq/rizals-annotation-of-
sucesos-de-las- islas-filipinas/

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