Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges: Design, Life Cycle Assessment, Maintenance, and Decision-Making

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Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges: Design, Life Cycle Assessment,

Maintenance, and Decision-Making

Article  in  Advances in Civil Engineering · May 2020

DOI: 10.1155/2020/8823370


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3 authors, including:

David Martínez-Muñoz Victor Yepes

Universitat Politècnica de València Universitat Politècnica de València


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Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2020, Article ID 8823370, 13 pages

Review Article
Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges: Design, Life Cycle Assessment,
Maintenance, and Decision-Making

D. Martı́nez-Muñoz , J. V. Martı́ , and V. Yepes

ICITECH, Department of Construction Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia 46022, Spain

Correspondence should be addressed to D. Martı́nez-Muñoz; [email protected]

Received 20 March 2020; Revised 16 April 2020; Accepted 18 April 2020; Published 28 May 2020

Academic Editor: Mario D’Aniello

Copyright © 2020 D. Martı́nez-Muñoz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Steel-concrete composite bridges are used as an alternative to concrete bridges because of their ability to adapt their geometry to
design constraints and the possibility of reusing some of the materials in the structure. In this review, we report the research
carried out on the design, behavior, optimization, construction processes, maintenance, impact assessment, and decision-making
techniques of composite bridges in order to arrive at a complete design approach. In addition to a qualitative analysis, a
multivariate analysis is used to identify knowledge gaps related to bridge design and to detect trends in research. An additional
objective is to make visible the gaps in the sustainable design of composite steel-concrete bridges, which allows us to focus on
future research studies. The results of this work show how researchers have concentrated their studies on the preliminary design of
bridges with a mainly economic approach, while at a global level, concern is directed towards the search for sustainable solutions.
It is found that life cycle impact assessment and decision-making strategies allow bridge managers to improve decision-making,
particularly at the end of the life cycle of composite bridges.

1. Introduction also be considered. This impact can be mitigated with good

design and planning [3]. Since the World Commission of
Bridges are one of the most important structural typologies Environment and Development defined sustainable develop-
made by civil engineers and have a great impact on society by ment guidelines [4], national policies have focused on
favoring territorial connection. The design of bridges must obtaining infrastructures that accomplish the sustainable de-
integrate different requirements to reach a design according velopment terms. In addition, the United Nations defined the
to the required needs. In addition, the design of bridges must Sustainable Development Goals [5] as objectives for 2030.
consider the context in which the structure is framed. This Because of this, it can be understood that one of the demands of
context is related to the characteristics of the place where the society is the incorporation of sustainability in infrastructure
structure will be located and the determining factors from design. De Jong [6] adds environmental friendliness as one of
economic, cultural, and environmental point of views. their design principles. Furthermore, innovation in building
Engineers are faced with making designs that must take materials and structural shapes give designers more tools to
into account factors that go beyond the simple fact that their make designs more in line with current design criteria. In
work fulfils the function for which it is designed [1]. In bridge Figure 1, the scheme of design criteria have been displayed.
design, other aspects, such as the construction process or the To achieve the objectives of the current design, steel-
structure’s reuse or demolition strategies, must be evaluated. concrete composite bridges (SCCBs) can be a good alter-
This requires a clear understanding of the behavior and stresses native due to the recyclability of the steel parts of the
that their materials will be subjected to throughout their service structure [7]. SCCBs have been used extensively since the
life [1]. In addition, these infrastructures have an associated 20th century, when composite structure theories were de-
environmental impact during their construction [2] that must veloped more generally [8]. In addition, Musa and Diaz state
2 Advances in Civil Engineering


(i) Behavior
(ii) Numerical modeling
(iii) Experimentation
(iv) Functionality
(v) Buildability

Culture Innovation
(i) Context (i) New materials
(ii) Society demands (ii) New structural types
(iii) Sustainability (iii) New techniques
(iv) Aesthetic (a) Life cycle assessment
(v) Contour conditions (b) Decision-making

Figure 1: Scheme of design criteria.

that this type of bridge is highly efficient due to the pos- In order to filter the works that are directly related to the
sibility of placing the steel and concrete in the parts of the relevant topics, a first exclusion criterion was applied
cross section where they perform best. They also provide considering only peer-reviewed scientific papers and con-
added value due to their attractive appearance [9]. ference works. In addition, studies that do not consider the
The aim of this review is to collect knowledge regarding complete composite action of the structure or that deal with
SCCBs to identify the approach that designers and re- the behavior of independent composite elements were
searchers have given to design. This work provides designers discarded. Finally, we only considered articles written in
and technicians with a guide where current information is English for this study. This screening strategy resulted in 90
collected regarding the behavior of this type of structure, the articles.
methods used by authors to reach the optimum design, the
construction methods and maintenance, as well as the repair
strategies. Furthermore, a lack of knowledge related to 2.1. Statistical Analysis. To identify the fields that have been
SCCBs is found, offering researchers the possibility of fo- extensively studied and those that present a lack of
cusing their efforts on the weakest areas. The gaps are ob- knowledge, a simple correspondence analysis was carried
tained by using statistical techniques that analyze the out using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY,
correlation between different variables. Furthermore, all the USA) software [10]. This method allows us to represent the
information considered in this study gives a broader vision relationship between two variables. In this case, it was used
of the possibilities of the sustainable design of SCCBs, to relate the fields of knowledge related to the design with the
considering sustainability in the whole process. type of section of the SCCB and the stages of the design
process. This statistical method has been applied in other
literature review studies [11].
2. Data Sampling Strategy
3. Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge Design
The searches related to the subject of this work were carried
out with the scientific bibliographic databases of SCOPUS 3.1. General Overview. SCCBs have been studied extensively
and the Web of Science. The search period was limited from due to the good behavior of this type of structure. The in-
1995 to 2019. The terms used for the search of the different formation obtained from the literature review was divided
articles were the combination of “Steel-concrete composite into six fields of study: Design and Behavior, Optimization,
bridges” with the following words: “Optimization,” “Decision Construction Process, Maintenance and Repair, Life Cycle
making,” “Multi-attribute decision making,” “Multi-target Assessment (LCA), and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
decision making,” “Multi-criteria decision making,” “Life (MCDM). This division is not arbitrary. The division is
cycle assessment,” “Life cycle, “Maintenance,” “Fatigue,” related to the sustainable design phases that Penadés-Plà
“Reliability,” “Uncertainty,” “Robustness,” “Fire resistance,” et al. and others proposed in their work [11]: Planning and
“Construction process,” “Safety,” “Strength,” “Seismic” and Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance, and
“Buckling,” finding a total of 4784 articles. Demolition and Recycle.
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

The first stage encompasses the Design and Behavior field Plate girder
of knowledge, where researchers study the behavior of the
structure and propose calculation methods and structural
solutions to improve the behavior of specific areas or the
whole set. In the next phase of the process, designers use
techniques to achieve better solutions and study how to
Twin girders
bring their designs to reality. At this stage of the design
process, the optimization and construction processes play a
crucial role and must be considered together to reach the
best solution for the construction phase. Once the structure
materializes, the design should consider maintenance pe-
riods and methods to evaluate the condition of the structure,
in order to assess the actions to be taken, either for repair or
Box girder
maintenance. When the service life has come to an end, the
construction has to be demolished and recycled. All these
processes and decisions have an associated impact, which is
where the LCA method allows technicians to assess the
impact of the structures. Throughout the design process,
decisions have to be made to reach the best solution for each
stage. MCDM methods offer a powerful tool for designers to Figure 2: Bridge cross sections considered.
select the solution that most closely matches the constraints
[12]. Maintenance Construction
In addition, the SCCBs found in the articles of this and repair process
review can be grouped by the type of cross section into three 6% 5%
categories, plate girder, twin girders, or box girder, Multi-criteria
according to the classification of Vayas and Iliopoulos [13]. decision-making
In Figure 2, the three bridge sections described are displayed.
The plate girder bridge consists of a number of steel girders Life cycle
that are connected to a concrete slab by shear connectors 8%
that allow composite behavior. The twin girders bridge has
two or more steel girders that are usually I-shaped girders, Optimization
13% Design and
which, like the plate girder bridge, are connected to a behaviour
concrete slab. The difference between the slab bridge and the 66%
beam bridge is the behavior of the steel beams. On the one
hand, slab bridges have a larger number of smaller beams. Figure 3: Distribution of publications in every research field.
Because of their slenderness, these beams are classified as
class 1 or 2 sections according to the Eurocodes [14]. On the
other hand, in beam bridges, the larger dimensions of the 3.2. Design and Behavior. The field of design and behavior
beams make it impossible for the steel beams to behave as includes all the studies related to the behavior of SCCBs
class 1 or 2; sections these are classified as class 4 sections and towards traffic loads, torsion, fire, fatigue, and seismic ac-
a reduction must be taken into account for calculations [14]. tions. In addition, this field includes new designs proposed
The geometry of the concrete slab is also reduced consid- by authors for the global design of the bridge deck or other
ering an effective width due to the phenomenon of shear lag local parts that have unique behavior.
according to regulations [14]. Finally, the box girder bridge In this field, three main approaches have been found:
is made up of an open steel box girder connected to a design proposals, behavior studies and calculation methods.
concrete slab on the top. The difference lies in the torsional Design proposals are focused on the conception of new
behavior of this type of cross section, which is better than for geometries or the distribution of materials that improve the
twin girders bridges [9]. behavior of SCCBs [15–25]. Behavior studies are centered on
The distribution of studies found in every field is dis- the application of experimental or numerical approaches to
played in Figure 3. As shown, the greatest number of studies study the bridge response when submitted to fire [26–30],
is focused on the Design and Behavior of bridges (66%), seism [31–39], fatigue [40–52], secondary torsion [53], vi-
followed by the Optimization (13%) and the LCA (8%). brations [54–59], blasting loads [60], or other phenomena
Furthermore, the studies can be grouped by the year of [61–67]. Alternatively, some authors have focused their
publication and research field, as shown in Figure 4. The studies on implementing new calculation methods for
period of greatest production related to SCCBs was between SCCBs [68–75].
2010 and 2019. In 2019, there was a change in trend, with Table 1 summarizes the studies carried out for bridge
more studies carried out in fields related to optimization and design, with the majority of the studies dealing with proposals
decision-making instead of continuing with the study of the for the design of bridge cross sections and shear connectors.
behavior of bridges and the generation of new designs. The most studied cross section type is the box girder.
4 Advances in Civil Engineering



Number of publications

10 2

1 1
1 15 1
1 1 1
1 3
2 2
1 1 5 1
2 4 4 4 4
1 1 3
2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Design and behaviour Maintenance and repair

Optimization LCA
Construction process MCDM
Figure 4: Number of publications grouped by year and research field.

Table 1: Summary of SCCB design publications.

Ref. Author Topic Cross section Method
[15] Nakamura et al. Cross section designs Twin girders Experimental
[16] Kim and Jeong Cross section and shear connector design Plate girder Experimental and numerical
[17] Xie et al. Steel sections depth for midspan in concrete bridges Box girder Numerical
[18] Kim and Jeong Cross section and shear connector design Plate girder Experimental and numerical
[19] Vasseghi Shear connectors in negative bending region Plate girder Numerical
[20] Shao et al. Cross section design with reactive powder concrete Box girder Experimental and numerical
[21] Wu et al. Cross section U-shaped design Box girder Experimental and numerical
[22] Nie et al. Corrugated steel web cross section Box girder Experimental
[23] Esteves et al. Union between concrete and composite sections Box girder Numerical
[24] Peng-Zhen et al. Negative bending region Twin girders Experimental
[25] Xie et al. Steel sections length for midspan in concrete bridges Box girder Numerical

According to the amount of studies found, it can be seen a beam-truss model for box girder SCCBs based on classical
that work is focused on analyzing the behavior of SCCBs. shear-flexible grillage analysis, obtaining a 10% difference
Fire resistance studies are focused on modeling fire action between this model and traditional ones. Jia et al. [72] in-
with numerical models [26, 30] or fluid mechanics [27]. cluded in their method the system reliability to failure with a
Other studies, related to the analysis of the fire behavior of ten-degree-of-freedom finite element model. Other authors
SCCBs, have also carried out experimental tests to calibrate have focused their method on evaluating the shear lag [69],
the numerical models [28, 29]. However, all the authors shrinkage, creep and cracking [73], or flexural lateral loads
conclude that there are very few studies on the fire behavior [74, 75].
of SCCBs. This lack of studies is also reflected in issues such
as blasting loads [60] or the torsional behavior of curved
SCCBs [53]. On the contrary, the behavior of SCCBs to 3.3. Optimization. The design of structures is based on the
fatigue and seism has been largely studied. search for solutions that allow the structures to be able to
Studies related to new calculation methods focus on fulfil their function using as fewer resources as possible. The
adding new concepts to the design of SCCBs. Zona et al. [68] designers use an iterative process that consists of the
proposed a probabilistic nonlinear analysis method for modification of the geometry and a later verification to
bridge design using the first-order second-moment ap- arrive at a better design of the structure. This procedure is
proximation [76] and the direct differentiation method clearly based on the experience and judgement of the de-
[77–80] for the sensitivity analysis. Nie and Zhu [70] created signer. Researchers have developed different methods to
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

achieve optimal structures by means of algorithms. These Table 2: Optimization techniques used by authors.
procedures guide the search for optimal solutions by Cross
changing the variables that define the structure. The ac- Ref. Author Method
ceptance of new solutions depends on the value of the Colliding bodies
objective function and the characteristics of the algorithm. optimization [101]
These optimization methods have been applied to all types of Kaveh and Box Enhanced colliding bodies
structures, including bridges [81–84]. [100]
Zarandi girder optimization [102]
Some researchers have focused their studies on the Vibrating partial systems
search for optimum designs, taking as an objective the cost [103]
reduction of the structure [85], starting from basic studies Set-based parametric design
carried out by applying techniques that include penalty [96] Rempling et al. [97, 98]
functions for the search of the optimum [86]. Since then, Set-based design [97, 98]
techniques have become increasingly more complex, with Backtracking search
algorithm [104]
the use of optimization algorithms, like in the study of Musa
Firefly algorithm [105]
and Diaz [9] who used the Excel optimization module to Twin
[93] Pedro et al. Genetic algorithm [106]
reach a preliminary design without cracking and fatigue girders
Imperialist competitive
checks. The optimization process generally uses a numerical algorithm [107]
model to evaluate the stresses of the bridge, which has a high Search group algorithm [108]
computational cost, with the authors having developed Cuckoo search [109]
methods that divide the optimization process into two [99] Kaveh et al.
Box Harmony search [110]
stages. Briseghella et al. [87] used a simple model to reach the girder Particle swarm optimization
optimum geometry with the Ansys optimization tool and [111]
later applied topological optimization [88–92] to a more Plate
Matlab fmincon function
complex numerical model using the finite element method [94] Lv et al.
to reduce the steel sections that are subjected to local
buckling. Ansys optimization tool
Pedro et al. [93] applied different algorithms in a two- Briseghella Box
[87] Topological optimization
stage optimization process. The results of their analysis gave et al. girder
good behavior for the optimization techniques for SCCB Box
[9] Musa and Diaz Excel solver
optimization, with good results. Other authors have applied girder
the fmincon Matlab functions [94] to SCCB I girder bridges,
taking good results for span lengths up to 20 m. In other
algorithms to the problems. There are no studies related to
studies, the life cycle cost of the structure were evaluated,
the knowledge of the algorithms in a more scientific way in
comparing the SCCB solution with prestressed concrete
the field of bridge optimization. Sörensen and Arnold [115]
solutions and stating that the prestressed concrete solutions
expose this phenomenon in his work and indicate that the
are better than the composite ones [95]. These results could
trend to be taken is towards the understanding of the be-
depend on the life cycle phases that have been considered.
havior of algorithms. The application of optimization al-
Rempling et al. [96] propose a set-based parametric design
gorithms in the field of structures and especially in the field
[97, 98] applied to SCCB optimization. Kaveh et al. applied
of SCCBs is quite recent, and therefore further studies of
and compared different algorithms to composite bridges in
different optimization methods is needed to have the pos-
their studies successfully [99, 100]. The optimization tech-
sibility to compare. However, the study of how these
niques are summarized in Table 2.
techniques work and why some are better than others for
Nowadays, the value of structures is assessed not only by
this field of study should not be left aside.
their economy but also by their social and environmental
impact. Optimization studies carried out in the current
literature focus on the optimization of a single objective and 3.4. Construction Process. The construction process of the
fundamentally on the reduction of weight and therefore on SCCB is unique because the construction has a differenti-
an economic improvement. The social and environmental ation between the steel and concrete parts of the structure.
pillars of sustainability are not studied from the point of view The most common process is to build and place the steel part
of optimization. Furthermore, in studies carried out on first using support systems to reduce the deflections of the
concrete bridges, multi-objective optimization has been steel part of the bridge. Then, the concrete slab formwork
applied [112, 113], while in SCCBs, these methods are not and the reinforcement are placed and the concrete is poured.
applied, nor are those of accelerated optimization [114]. This unique procedure gives the structure a characteristic
Therefore, it can be said that there is a lack of knowledge in behavior and researchers are currently developing and
the field of multi-criteria optimization and the use of studying different construction processes for SCCBs
methodologies that allow the optimization of the structure [116–121]. The construction processes can be summarized as
from a social and environmental point of view for the continuous precast girder bridges, incremental launching,
SCCBs. Moreover, the approach given to the optimization of span-by-span construction, and cantilever construction
structures consists mainly of the application of different [122].
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

Here, we review the effects of the construction processes. stakeholders infrastructure management data to make de-
Marı́ et al. studied the effects of construction process and cisions regarding the maintenance of the bridge. Gheitasi
slab prestressing on the serviceability behavior using a finite and Harris [129], using a finite element model, assess the
element model of one dimension [122], with a 14% increase composite action that is still working in bridges with damage
in negative bending zones and a reduction of 50% in positive in the concrete slabs; this method allows us to evaluate if the
bending reported. Jung et al. [123] studied the behavior of a structure needs maintenance or, on the contrary, it still has
prestressed concrete box girder bridge with corrugated steel sufficient resistance capacity. In other studies, the authors
webs built by incremental launching. The results of the study proposed a decision-making method according to the data
conclude that this type of structural cross section allows the obtained by instrumented bridges that have corrosion
maximum span-to-depth ratio due to the self-weight re- damage on the steel beams [130]. The numerical model
duction of the structure to be extended compared with a proposed by the author is capable of assessing the main-
prestressed concrete box girder. Other authors have studied tenance needs of the bridge by the infrastructure manager.
the precast construction of bridges in Europe and America Moreover, Matos et al. [131] proposed a model that is ca-
[124]. They state that the construction of prefabricated pable of introducing data from the bridge condition and uses
bridges accelerates the construction of bridges and that the Bayesian inference [132, 133] to reduce the uncertainty of
possibility of doing so with steel-concrete bridges is a good model parameters, allowing stakeholders to take better
solution for the use of the material. This also occurs because decisions according to maintenance.
such precast structures usually work in an isostatic way and
therefore the upper concrete slab is compressed and the steel
3.6. Life Cycle Assessment. Bridges have an associated impact
section is pulled. Another possibility is the use of removable
during all phases of their life cycle. Therefore, researchers
prefabricated elements, allowing for connection of the
have searched for different ways to evaluate the impact of
precast concrete slabs with the steel beams, as in the study by
bridges in an objective way. Widman [134] applied the
Valipour et al. [125]. This study reveals that good results are
environmental priority strategies in product design (EPS),
obtained in the construction process in terms of ductility
the environmental theme method (ETM), and the eco-
and strength using prefabricated elements.
scarcity method (EM) to assess the life cycle of a box girder
In this field, the literature on SCCBs is scarce, so a
SCCB. This evaluation resulted in a low maintenance impact
detailed study is needed of their structural behavior with
of the bridge. The author states that the maintenance phase is
different construction methods. In addition, there are new
very small and, therefore, it is not necessary to protect the
methods being used to build mixed bridges that differ from
structures, it is better to repair it. ISO 14040 : 2006 [135]
the traditional ones. In addition, it is important to consider
defines the methodology to assess the life cycle of bridges for
the new construction procedures as a further boundary
the first time; in this way, a framework is generated that
condition for the models and work to find optimal solutions.
allows researchers to have a guide for their studies. Gervasio
and da Silva compared concrete with composite bridge
solutions, analyzing the cost and the environmental impact,
3.5. Maintenance and Repair. To reach a sustainable design,
with the results showing that SCCBs have a higher cost but a
a complete study of all the stages of the service life of the
low environmental impact [7]. Du and Karoumi [136] state
bridge is required. Service life is a concept that allows de-
that SCCBs are better from the point of view of the envi-
signers and engineers to define the period of time that is
ronmental impact due to the possibility of materializing
considered to use the infrastructure. However, maintenance
slender sections and the higher capability to recycle of
activities are necessary to keep the structure in a state that
structural steel. The steel recycling rate for structural steel is
allows it to be used in a safe way. These activities can be
98% [137], which allows us to reduce the impact of SCCBs.
preventive when related with the design of infrastructures
In other researches, the authors have done a literary review
preventing the possibility of damage [126] or corrective, with
of the LCA methods and software and implemented new
a repair approach. Focusing on the search in SCCBs, two
LCA methods to reach the impact evaluations of SCCB
main trends have been established: repair and renovation
railway bridges [138] and short span bridges [139].
[127, 128] and the evaluation of bridge conditions [129–131].
As seen in Table 3, the studies carried out for the LCA of
In contrast, Albrecht and Lenwari propose three
SCCBs have been focused on the economic and environmental
methods of fatigue damage repair [127]. The method that
pillars. For SCCBs, there exists a knowledge gap in the approach
gives better results is to tension a steel wire in the low part of
social of LCA. Furthermore, researchers have considered a
the steel section to compress the section, so that when loads
cradle to grave approach. It is necessary to carry out studies with
are applied, the section will always be compressed. This gives
a broader vision to take into account the entire life cycle process,
a fatigue resistance higher than the one imposed by the
including the phases of dismantling and demolition of the
AASTHO. Sugimoto et al. [128] proposed the reinforcement
structure and the recycling and reuse of materials.
of steel railway bridges by placing a concrete slab on the top
of the steel beams, transforming the steel bridge in a
composite one, taking advantage of the composite action 3.7. Multi-Criteria Decision-Making. Decision-making is a
between steel and concrete, and improving the behavior process that allows solutions to be obtained that satisfy
against deflections. Alternatively, the authors have proposed different objectives. This process can be carried out in many
different methods to assess bridge conditions, giving ways. Hwang and Yoon [142] classified the multi-criteria
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Table 3: Summary of SCCB LCA publications.

Ref. Year Author Structural type Pillar Method Approach
[134] 1998 Widman Box girder Environmental ETM Cradle to grave
[7] 2008 Gervasio and Da Silva Twin girders Lippiatt [140] Cradle to grave
[136] 2013 Du and Karoumi Twin girders Environmental ReCiPe [141] Cradle to grave
[85] 2017 Batikha et al. Twin girders Economic Cost of materials and maintenance Cradle to grave
[139] 2019 Milani and Kripka Plate girder Environmental ReCiPe [141] Cradle to gate

decision-making processes into multi-attribute decision- such as environmental or social. Furthermore, the optimi-
making (MADM) and multi-objective decision-making. zation is only focused on the application of different algo-
MADMs are used to decide on a discrete number of solu- rithms to take results; however, the authors are not
tions which usually occurs in bridge design and more considering the study of the behavior of algorithms in
specifically at SCCBs. structural optimization. There is a lack of knowledge
Penadés-Plà et al. carried out a review of MCDM according to the search for causes and reasons why some
methods applied to bridges [11], but in SCCBs, these heuristics work better than others. Related with that field, the
methods have not been extensively applied. Only two authors do not emphasize in the construction process, which
publications have been found related with that field. The first is decisive in many cases. This may be due to the lack of study
applies SCORE [143] and PANTURA [144] methods to of the behavior of SCCBs in the construction processes with
choose the best alternative between concrete and composite I only a 5% of papers of the total considered.
girder bridges [145]. In the other study, the method AHP Once the final design is defined, the structure has a defined
[146] and Vikor [147] have been applied to short span service life. To reach this, it is important to define the main-
bridges. In this second study, the results obtained gives as the tenance periods and, if it is necessary, the repairs. There are few
most suitable solutions for the two methods the steel-con- studies focused on the repair and maintenance of SCCBs,
crete composite one. Furthermore, authors state that the representing the 6% of the total. Work in this field focuses on
application of MCDM in short span bridges can provide evaluating the condition of bridges and defining the repairs to
good design for small-span bridges to fulfil the needs of be carried out. There is a lack of knowledge in the preventive
connection between areas in undeveloped countries [139]. maintenance of this type of structures. There are currently
According to the small number of well-founded inves- techniques for evaluating the impact of these actions and
tigations related to this research topic; it can be said that methods for making decisions regarding maintenance, repair,
there is a lack of knowledge in this field. This must be and demolition. These methods are LCA and MCDM.
completed with future studies that take into account the LCA and MCDM studies, which represent the 8% and
MCDM methodologies in each of the phases of the SCCB 2%, respectively, are closely related in the studies included in
design cycle, introducing uncertainty and robustness in the this review. These methods are used to choose the best al-
decision-making process [148, 149]. ternative, comparing between concrete, steel, composite,
and timber bridges. These methods always give SCCBs as a
good alternative compared with concrete. Because of this, it
4. Discussion is important not only to apply these methods for the type of
Most of the studies focus on preliminary design and bridge selection but also to use these methods to assess the
structure behavior as these represent 66% of the total with 55 needs of the bridges built, in maintenance, repair, or de-
articles. Inside this category, three main trends have been molition according to different criteria.
found: bridge design (18%), behavior (42%), and calculation To identify the relation between the research fields, the
methods (13%). The bridge design studies have been focused sustainable design phases, and the structural type of the cross
on the definition of the transverse section of bridges and the sections of bridges, a statistical analysis has been carried out.
connection between the steel and concrete parts of the The method used to study the relation between that variables
structures. In the behavior approach, a lack of research is have been the simple correspondence analysis [150]. To use this
observed in accidental actions, like fire and blasting loads, method, every publication has to be classified according to the
compared with other topics considered by authors, such as research field, the design phase, and the structural type con-
seism and fatigue behavior. In addition, other works have sidered in every study. Once the classification is completed, the
focused on the new calculation method considering sensi- frequency of each combination of variables has to be obtained.
tivity or reliability and carrying out statistical methods The method uses the chi-squared distance to give as a result the
applied to the design of the structure. relation between every categories of each variable. IBM SPSS
Optimization research, which means the 13% of the total Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0 [10], software have been
with 11 articles, has focused on cost optimization. There is a used to carry out the statistical analysis. For clearer results, the
lack of knowledge in applying multi-criteria optimization variables have been compared in pairs, obtaining the results
methods and considering other criteria for the optimization, shown in Figures 5 and 6.
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

2 improved at later stages. To reach that first design, it is

necessary to consider the structural behavior of the SCCB.
Construction process To obtain the final design to build the bridge, the con-
1 Construction struction process of the bridge and the optimization
procedure must be considered. These concepts are in line
Demolition and
with the graph, but it is observed that, in the studies
Design and behaviour
recycling considered in this review, the construction design is fo-
Research field

Planning and design cused more on optimization than on the construction
process. This result shows a lack of consideration of the
MCDM construction process in the optimization. Furthermore, it
can be seen that the LCA and MCDM are quite linked to the
Demolition and Recycle design stage. This is because a large
Operation and maintenance
part of these studies focus on making decisions between
–2 maintenance and repair of SCCBs or demolition. This is an
Maintenance and repair
important topic that should be developed in subsequent
studies due to the lack of studies related to these topics for
–3 SCCBs.
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2
Figure 6 shows the relation between the research fields
Sustainable design stage
and the structural type of the transverse section.
Research field Articles that consider the box girder sections for the
Sustainable design stage
studies are 28. Otherwise, plate girder and twin girder
sections are considered in 23 and 64 of the articles in this
Figure 5: Simple correspondence analysis for research field and paper, respectively. There is a relation between the box girder
sustainable design stages. cross section and the Optimization field, while the twin
girders section is more related with the LCA. The distance
2 between the box girder section with other research field
shows a need to carry out studies related with the con-
Maintenance and repair struction process, the maintenance and repair, and the study
of the design and behavior considering MCDM and LCA.
The results of the analysis between the field of knowledge
and the structural type of the cross section, in general, do not
Plate girder MCDM show a clear relation between them. This is a sign of a lack of
studies in most fields, which is an opportunity for re-
Research field

Construction process
Twin girder searchers to develop these topics in greater depth.
Design and behaviour LCA
0 The statistical analysis accomplished in this review shows
the relation between the fields of knowledge with every
design phase. Based on the results obtained, it can be state
that construction should be considered in optimization as a
–1 determining factor. The LCA and MCDM methods are
Box girder
related to maintenance and repair and demolition phases
due to the need of decision-making and assessment methods
to ease the decision of stakeholders in infrastructure man-
agement. The studies have not a clear relation between the
–2 research fields and the cross section type of SCCBs. A larger
–2 –1 0 1 2
Structural type study should be done to complete the lack of knowledge
identified in this work.
Research field
Structural type 5. Conclusions
Figure 6: Simple correspondence analysis for research field and
structural type. This review has focused on a design approach for steel-
concrete composite bridges. Four design stages have been
considered, and the research fields related to that phases
In Figure 5, the results of the simple correspondence have been reviewed. These research fields are Design And
analysis are shown for the Research field and Sustainable Behavior (66%), Optimization (13%), Construction Process
design stage variables. The graphic shows a clear rela- (5%), Maintenance and Repair (6%), Life Cycle Assessment
tionship between Design and Behavior with Planning and (8%), and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (2%). To improve
Design stages and between Construction and Optimization. the literature review, a statistical analysis has been carried
These results are logical because the Planning and Design out to look for relations between fields of study, design
stage is related with obtaining a first design that has to be stages, and bridge cross section types.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

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