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BSBSUS401 Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices

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Student Guide

SIT40516 Cert IV Commercial Cookery Block G

BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work


CCG16-IMES Commercial Cookery

Units of Competency
This module is comprised of the following units of competency:

BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

Elements of Competence

 Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage.

 Set targets for improvements
 Implement performance improvement strategies
 Monitor performance
assessment Three: Written Report

BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

In this task, you will report on the outcomes of the improvements you implemented in the
previous assessment task. Your report will document the outcomes, evaluate the strategies,
identify any adjustments to be made to improvements, and set new efficiency targets.

This task will require you to report in writing about the outcomes of the improvements you
have made. You will need to clearly show how the changes have impacted on resource use
and/or production of waste. You will also need to evaluate the impact of the changes and
suggest modifications to work processes, policies or targets to improve environmental
sustainability in the workplace.

You are required to complete the following steps to write a report documenting the outcomes
of your improvements.
1. Use software such as Word or Excel to present resource measurement data clearly
(such as using charts, flowcharts, graphs or other visual representations).
2. Complete a written report that includes the following headings and information:
Background information
What work practices, tasks or processes were addressed and why?
Ans: I have done all according to my work place because I am used to my work place and
also all the question is almost related to my workplace.

How were they originally carried out?

Ans: All the information written in these assessments are physically seen and then
note out to my note book which helps me during my assessments. Also sometime I
have digital reading.
What potential for improvement did you identify?
Ans: As shown in the assessment before there is clear about the improvement that I can do
in my work environment. I try to switch off the light as possible in the closing to save the
energy. Also, the used level of water is controlled. Not only this, for to save energy of gas
I have control the use of gas and oven. Importantly I have tried to control the use of more
bags and take away box.

Consultation with stakeholders

Summarise outcomes of consultation with stakeholders.
Ans: During the completion of this task I have done all by myself in my work place. There is no
any involvement any stakeholders.

Describe the changes that were implemented and the intended outcomes of the
Ans: After all the implantation plan and strategies there is a lot of outcomes such as:

i) Lot of watt electricity is saved.

ii) The level of water used is decreased.

iii) Lot of money is saved in packaging.

Describe the outcomes of the changes (include your graphs or charts in this part of
the report) and specifically describe performance against original efficiency targets.
Ans calculations of resource usage, e.g.:
○ sums

○ averages

○ trend lines/projections

○ other statistical methods

#) the level before and after






Water electricity gas packaging Wages

Series 1 Column1



Evaluate the strategies and improvement plans.
Ans: For more improvement in the coming future I have made a lot of plan and strategies
but not only me other staff of my company has to follow. Such as minimizing the level of
use in electricity, gas, water and packaging also in wages as well.

Were the intended outcomes achieved?

Ans: The outcomes of those plan and strategies is achieved in my own work environment.
Were there any problems with the plans or strategies used?
Ans: #) No, all the plan and strategies is been physically seen and noted in my note book. Also
those strategies are implemented and the good result has been seen and those is proven in
over bar diagram.

Recommend modifications or changes to strategies, plans, processes or policies or
recommend further improvements to environmental sustainability in the workplace.
i) Ans: Buy those thing which is really needed except buying unnecessary thing.
ii) Stop lighting in unnecessary area which save in electricity.

Avoid excessive packaging and recycle everything that you can

Include recommendations for incentives that can be used to reward compliance and
promote the adoption of sustainable behaviours.
i) Ans Always focus in the goal commitment.

ii) All the plan and strategies must be follow as rule.

iii) Try to plant more tree as possible in the surrounding which make the environment

Efficiency targets
Set new efficiency targets based on current sustainability performance.
i) Ans: Regular review of work tasks for better result.

i) A system to collect and analyse improvement suggestions from customers, suppliers

and employees.

Always target to get less number of complain from the costumer.

3. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you
keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.
You must provide a completed report that includes:
● the headings and information outlined in step 2.

● graphs, charts or other visual representation of data.

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:

● analytical skills to identify improvements to practices and recommend modifications to
strategies, plans, processes or policies
● communication skills to clearly report on changes to work practices and impact on
workplace efficiency
● communication/consultation skills to present information provided by stakeholders

● innovation skills to identify improvements and apply knowledge about resource use to
organisational activities
● literacy skills to report outcomes

● numeracy skills to analyse data on organisational resource consumption and waste

product volumes
● problem-solving skills to make recommendations that improve environmental
● technology skills to use word processing and other software for interpreting charts,
flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information
● knowledge of quality assurance of work area

● knowledge of strategies to maximise opportunities and minimise impact of work

Marking Guide
Assessment Task 3: Report on outcomes
Student’s name Pukar bista
Student ID Rrg2035
Assessor Name Anandan
BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work
Unit of Competency
Overall Student Performance
Satisfactory Comments
Did the candidate:
Yes No
Submit a completed report that includes:
● the headings and information outlined in step 2 of the task.

● graphs, charts or other visual representation of data?

Assessment task in agreed timeframe?
Summarise outcomes of consultation with stakeholders in the
Note: Not required for overall decision of competence if evidence of
stakeholder consultation was provided in Assessment Task 2.
Describe the outcomes of the changes, specifically describing
performance against the efficiency targets in the report?
Use software such as Word or Excel to present resource
measurement data clearly (such as using charts, flowcharts, graphs
or other visual representations)?
Evaluate strategies and improvement plans in the report?
For example, did the candidate do one or more of the following:
● describe if the changes resulted in the intended outcomes

● identify any problems with the plans or strategies

● recommend modifications to the strategies, plans, processes,

● recommend further improvements to environmental
Set new efficiency targets based on current sustainability

Comments/feedback to participant

Outcome: Successful Unsuccessful

Assessor name:
Assessor signature:

Final Assessment Summary & Feedback

Pukar bista Rrg2035

Student ID
Student Name
Anandan Date of
Assessor Name
BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable
Unit of work practices
Student Results
Assessments Not Not
Satisfactory Completed
Assessment 1 – Portfolio - Collect Information   
Assessment 2 – Research and Analysis – Plan
implement and monitor   

Assessment 3 – Report   
Feed back to student:

 Competent  Not Yet Competent


Is Re-Assessment Required:  Yes  No

Assessor’s Signature Printed Name Date

Student’s Signature Printed Name pukar Date15/4/2020

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