Creative Non-Fiction 12: 3 Quarter Week 7-8
Creative Non-Fiction 12: 3 Quarter Week 7-8
Creative Non-Fiction 12: 3 Quarter Week 7-8
3rd Quarter
Week 7-8
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules,
Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office.
Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for
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Write a draft of a short piece (Fiction, Poetry, Drama, etc.) using any of the literary
conventions of genre following these pointers:
1. Choosing a topic
2. Formulating a thesis statement
3. Organizing and developing ideas
4. Using any literary conventions of a genre
5. Ensuring that theme and technique are effectively developed
Learner’s Tasks
Lesson Overview
A genre originates from a French word meaning 'kind' or 'type.' It refers to any works that
share certain characteristics. It also gives writers a definite type of literature to work within
and allow writers to focus on one genre or to dabble in others.
Literary conventions are defining features, characteristics or must-haves of particular
literary genres.
The five main genres of literary conventions:
FICTION features imaginary characters fantasy, historical
and events. fiction, contemporary
fiction, mystery, and
science fiction.
NONFICTION tells the story of real people and biographies,
events autobiographies, or
In writing literary genres, complex skill is needed that can be attained using these pointers:
1. Choosing a topic
- This is one of the first things that you have to consider when writing a literary
piece, fiction, poetry, drama, etc.)
2. Formulating a thesis statement
- This is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay.
3. Organizing and developing ideas
- These are necessary skills where ideas should be clearly organized and developed
in a well-structured manner.
4. Using any literary conventions of a genre.
- This is done through selecting conventions that are appropriate for your chosen
genre or piece.
5. Ensuring that theme and technique are effectively developed
- This is the phase of making sure that elements are clearly presented.
In evaluating the draft, make it more specific based on:
1. Clarity of idea
- Make your content easy to understand. If people can't understand what you're
trying to say, then your content is not useful, right?
2. Appropriate choice of literary element
- Choose components of a literary work (example: character, setting, plot, theme,
frame, exposition, ending/denouement, motif, titling, narrative point-of-view).
3. Appropriate use of the element
- Use elements that suit with the chosen piece.
4. Effective combination of the idea and the chosen literary element
- Make your piece organized and structured while combining ideas in a chosen
literary element.
In revising the draft of your own literary piece, remember to apply any of the literary
conventions of a chosen specific genre to make it meaningful.
(Week 7)
Activity 1. Answer This!
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Use separate paper for your answers.
______1. Folktale is also referred to as mythology.
______2. Poetry tells stories of original oral literature and are meant to pass on particular
moral lesson.
_____3. Nonfiction is a story created specifically for a stage performance.
_____4. Fiction features imaginary characters and events.
_____5. Classifications of fiction are fantasy, historical fiction, contemporary fiction,
mystery, and science fiction.
_____6. Poetry is written in lines and stanzas.
_____7. Folktales are meant to pass on particular moral lesson.
_____8. Examples of nonfiction works are biographies, autobiographies, or memoirs.
_____9. Some examples of poetry are poem, sonnet, elegy, ballad, etc.
_____10. Drama is abundant in figurative language.
B. Fill in the chart with the needed information based from the story. Write your answers
in the next column. Use another paper for your answer.
(Week 8)
Activity 3: Let’s Write!
It’s time to make your first draft following the pointers in writing. You can choose any genre
or piece that you like. (short story, poem, biographies, etc.)
Thesis Statement/Main idea:
Organizing and Developing Ideas:
Now, it’s time to write your own piece based on what you did in Activity 2. Be sure to review
and make necessary revisions. Encode or write it legibly in a long bond paper.
Your output will be graded using the following rubric:
4 2 1
Clarity of Idea The content is The content is The idea is unclear
appropriate and easy somehow easy to
to understand understand
Appropriate The piece uses the The literary element The piece does not
choice of literary appropriate literary used is inappropriate choose the
element elements appropriate literary
Appropriate use The piece meets the The piece lacks 3 There are no literary
of the element required literary literary elements elements detected
Effective Words used are 5-10 Words used are Words are incorrect
combination of correct and the piece incorrect and paragraph is not
idea and the is organized organized
chosen literary
Write a 5-sentence paragraph on the importance of literary genres and its contribution to our
lives? Please be guided with the rubrics for reflective paragraph below.
4 The reflective paragraph has an organized content, but has few (2-5) grammatical
errors, spelling, punctuation and has complete parts of a paragraph.
3 The reflective paragraph has an organized content, but has several (6- 10)
grammatical errors, spelling, punctuation and lacks one part of the paragraph.
2 The reflective paragraph has an organized content but has enormous (10 and beyond)
grammatical errors, spelling, punctuation and lacks one part of the paragraph.
1 The reflective paragraph has an unorganized content, has enormous (10 and beyond)
grammatical errors, spelling, punctuation and lacks one part of the paragraph.
Formative Test
Answer the following questions. Write only the letter of the correct answer in your paper.
3. Which of the following refers to a story that are created specifically for a stage
A. Drama
B. Fiction
C. Nonfiction
D. Poetry
Answer Key
Topic: Goha and his son in going to Cottonfield
Thesis Goha is going to work in his cottonfield together with his son.
Statement/Main idea: They’re bringing the donkey which gives them the trouble in
deciding who will ride in it and ended up with carrying a donkey
instead of riding it.
Organizing and Goha and his son were on their way to the field. The son rode the
Developing Ideas: donkey whilst Goha walked alongside. Looking at them, some
neighbors yelled, “he is riding and his poor old father is walking.”
Upon hearing, Goha told his son to get off and he’ll ride. While
riding, passersby yelled again for riding the donkey whilehis son is
walking; so, he decided to let his son and him ride in it. Upon seeing
them, passersby screamed, “look at those people riding that poor
donkey; so Goha told his son that they’ll get off and walk alongside.
This time, people said that they are fools; walking along when they
have a donkey to ride on. So it ended with carrying the donkey
instead of riding it.
Literary Conventions Imaginary characters and events
of a Genre:
Theme and Technique Plot, character, point of view, setting and style are evident.
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. A