Alitagtag Senior High School
Alitagtag Senior High School
Alitagtag Senior High School
A Quantitative Research
Presented to
Faculty of
Alitagtag, Batangas
In Partial Fulfillment
In the Requirements for Practical Research 2
Alitagtag Senior High School
The Problem
which implies that pupils must be able to study alone. To aid the system,
support services in the form of a virtual class that lasts eight weeks.
Students may connect with professors, ask questions about the material,
and get to know and discuss each other if they can't attend a face-to-face
including in education. OER has gained increased attention for its potential
learning. The rapid growth of OER provides new opportunities for teaching
Alitagtag Senior High School
and learning, at the same time, they challenge established views about
material, the teacher can adapt material that is freely taken from the
students since it can increase students’ insight beyond what they can get
themselves). There are also several benefits of OER. Initially, they can
valuable resource to students and instructors for many reasons. From the
D’Antoni (2009), there are also several barriers in using OER: technical,
teaching staff; and legal, such as the time and expense associated with
its removal from the material. Many higher education institutions around
the world have been using the Internet and other digital technologies to
develop and distribute teaching and learning for decades. As with any
bringing about changes and others may hinder a broader uptake of OER
initiatives. Recently, OER has gained increased attention for its potential
Alitagtag Senior High School
and promise to obviate demographic, economic, and geographic
OER provides new opportunities for teaching and learning; at the same
elements, (1) learning content, (2) the tools required to support the
distance education was created for the students who were unable to
2006). Higher education systems all over the world are challenged
Rosenblit, 2005). E-learning has been used very effectively in our school
administration. Students on many strands in our school now find they have
web access to the lecture notes and selected digital resources in support
of their study, they have personalized web environments in which they can
join discussion forums with their class or group, and this new kind of
access gives them much greater flexibility of study. E-learning refers to the
students to explore knowledge more than what they can get from a
packages for learning and teaching. These two modes are subsumed
et al., 2006).
materials that are free to use in the public domain or that have been
Resources (OERs) are types of educational materials that are in the public
economic, social, policy, and legal issues, just like any other technology-
among Grade 12 students in Alitagtag Senior High School who lacks learning
tools for modular distance learning. Following the major objectives of the
research study:
the Alitagtag senior high school about the effect of open resources education
conclusions from the findings and results of the research study. Additionally,
investigation, the researcher acted with honesty and integrity when collecting
Moreover, the researchers did not address the most intimate aspects of their
The results of the study will have a great impact on the following:
more attention to their children, and motivating them to never give up and
keep fighting. Furthermore, because of the changes made by the study's plan,
Alitagtag Senior High School
the research will give individuals the opportunity to empower themselves—
even in the face of factors that may force them to give up.
Faculty. This research study will help them in reducing the number of
students who are late or fail to complete their work, allowing them to maximize
their learning. This will also result in a shift in their daily online interactions,
scholars looking into the same subject. This could be a source of inspiration
for them, as well as a piece of related literature. In addition, the study could
serve as a guide or foundation for their research. They may also be able to
Definition of Terms
that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing, as well as for research
resources for any user to use, re-mix, improve, and redistribute under some
Learners may have to take a written exam before they pass their driving test.
Utilization when you utilize something, you use it, whether it is a tool,
like when you utilize a pen to write something down, or a skill or talent, like the
speed you utilize when you run a race. So, utilization is the act of using.
Alitagtag Senior High School
themes and recommended practices that evolve from this literature review.
seen in Alitagtag Senior High School's current blending approach. The study
in a more efficient and easy manner when performing the research. It also
Alitagtag Senior High School
Distinct features of
open educational
Frequently utilization
of the learners in the
open educational
resources in doing
activities in terms of
performance task and Technological
written works. Questionnaires enhanced materials
Effectiveness of the Group discussion to further improve
open educational the learner's
resources in
improving the
learner's academic
encountered in the
utilization of open
The first box discusses the characteristics of a blended learning method, the
extent to which open educational materials may aid student performance, and
the obstacles that come with it. The second box comprises the surveys and
study's final outcome, the plan of action, is highlighted in the last box.
provides students with the opportunity to expand their skills and succeed
academically, but also prepares them for the real world upon graduation.
implementing technology into the curriculum. While this chapter has focused
on the impact that technology has on student engagement and success, the
Open Educational Resources (OERs) was introduced as a very potent tool for
enhancing the quality of and access to education. OERs, with their inherent
purpose, reduce costs by reusing learning materials. The use of OER results
their performance and completion rates in school. The term opens educational
resources was first adopted by the 2002 UNESCO Forum on the Impact of
by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The term was defined as “the
proven notoriously exclusive (e.g., Wiley, 2000), a look at even a few of the
many divergent definitions is telling. For example, the learning object has
design attribute for the object and its content, emphasizing the “self-
are based on approaches not reducible to those of either the OER or the
learning object terms or categories. One could say that they have developed a
than deriving them inductively from first principles. This includes the
(MERLOT), which went online in 1997 and includes links to contents that are
available both for free and for a fee. Correspondingly, it is one of the original
inspirations for the OER movement (UNESCO, 2002, pp. 1-2), and it is
significant for being one of the few early, high-profile online initiatives
same time, this project is also conspicuous in its emphasis on MITs own
robust and distinct from efforts that make available smaller components or
unwieldy. Instead, the collections listed in the table below are intended to be
determine the source of finding for each collection or project as well as its
start date, which is in most cases the year the collection first appeared online.
The current research analyzes the guiding variables for using online
taking a step further by including open educational resources (OER) with the
standard methodology. Using the suggested model, the current study looked
utilizing online learning platforms met their study criteria, or whether or not
noted to perceive that platforms of online learning is more useful only once
they discover that such a technology is actually better than the traditional
learning which does not include online learning platforms (Choy &
the instrument, data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of data.
research project, the data gathered must be reliable, credible, and relevant.
ensures that the evidence obtained allows you to address the research
too soon, before they have critically considered what information is needed to
answer the study's research questions. Without first addressing these design
issues, the conclusions drawn risk being weak and unconvincing, failing to
their respondents who were from Alitagtag Senior High School during the
Table 1
Students Respondents
Science Technology 9 9
Accountancy Business 4 4
and Management
Technical-Vocational- 1 1
TOTAL 15 15
The data gathering tool was Alitagtag Senior High School's Grade 11
and 12 profile. We utilized Google Forms to collect the students' profiles and
their matter and ask for their permission in distributing survey forms provided
in the study. Then, the researchers administered the survey forms to the
are two parts in our questionnaire. The first part is how much time did the
students spend on average answering modules. The second part is, did online
classes every two weeks helps the students make modules much easier?
Fig.1. is 60% of the student’s population is studying more than 5 hours and
the other 40% of the students is answering the modules between 2-3 hours. In
the second part, in Fig.2. 53.3% of the students is not sure if online classes is
helpful in making modules and the other 46.7% of the students find online
Figure 2
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Alitagtag Senior High School
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Alitagtag Senior High School