An Undergraduate Thesis Presented To The Faculty of College of Education University of Rizal System Antipolo City
An Undergraduate Thesis Presented To The Faculty of College of Education University of Rizal System Antipolo City
An Undergraduate Thesis Presented To The Faculty of College of Education University of Rizal System Antipolo City
An Undergraduate Thesis
Antipolo City
In Partial Fulfillment of
Chapter 1
hypothesis of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study,
Covid-19 pandemic. Classes all over the world turn to remote learning. According to
closures, affecting about 1.1 billion students globally. Also, according to a recent
UNICEF report, more than 90% of countries have implemented some form of remote
and effective utilization of the materials (Olaitan & Agusiobo, 1994). Abdu-Raheem
student academic performance in Nigeria. It says that the public should be aware of the
collaborate in the provision of instructional materials for effective teaching and learning
According to the study of Hilda Ng’etich Tuimur and Bernard Chemwei (2015)
about the availability and use of instructional materials in the teaching of conflict and
conflict resolution in primary school in Nandi North District, Kenya. It stated that the
existing teacher preparation for teaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution is insufficient
in terms of their ability to design relevant teaching and learning resources and use them
Our country as of this moment is in the process of adapting to the new normal
other stakeholders are the driving force for its success (Dangle & Sumaoang, 2020).
DepEd Secretary Briones says "Life goes on," that education should continue amid
education here in the country without compromising the health of our learners and
school personnel has been implemented. In the DepEd Order No. 12 S. 2020, The
Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in
the Light of Covid-19 Public Health Emergency, The Department of Education has
developed a Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan, that will help the students to
learn amidst the pandemic. Where possible, the teacher shall do home visitations to
essential because students are a diverse group of learners with different learning needs
and learning styles. These teaching materials should support or enhance curricula;
relevant to the learning outcomes and contents of the course; appropriate in content
and emotional development, and age of students; and absence of stereotypes.
exploratory. It should also be developed for learning rather than for teaching.
Unfortunately, not all students who are now enrolled in the new normal setup
education have the capacity to easily engage in the lesson provided, specifically in the
scramble for teachers to ensure that students had remote access to instructional
materials. The aim of Supplementary Learning Materials is to make students master the
the Department of Education (DepEd). In doing so, once they mastered the concept,
they could easily comprehend questions and answer them correctly, thus, the better
Learning: Voices of Filipino Students in the Wake of COVID-19 Crisis” stated that the
students are having difficulty in the vague contents. Also, the students tend to listen
carefully yet they still cannot understand the lesson. In terms of the asynchronous class,
the students are having a hard time understanding the module and some instructions
were not clear to them. Another thing is the uploaded activities within a week, and the
student stated that they are losing the value of the lesson.
unfortunately, there are times that the said resources are either unsuited or not enough,
thus supplemental materials were introduced. Teachers, therefore, should select and
use certain supplementary materials based on their learners’ learning styles and needs
(Riasati & Zare, 2010). As future educators believe that appropriate and enough
materials to fulfill the needs of the students and the objectives of the lesson. This
students tIme of new normal set up of education. Moreover, researchers will try to
develop supplemental materials with aggregate resources and activities and test if it
Researchers aim that the result of this study will give a helping hand for our teachers.
In the Republic Act 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013, has extended the years of schooling in basic education from 10 years to 12 years.
introduced in the basic education system through senior high school. This causes an
individual to be autonomous, creative, can think critically, and to have the capacity and
In the K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Social Studies, Contemporary Issues
environmental, political issues and challenges, human rights, education, and civic
skills, analysis of data and various references, research, critical thinking, effective
provision targets, as well as data to predict learning teaching materials supply and
distribution to schools (Read, 2016). On the other hand, Teachers were already working
out how to integrate technology into their classrooms before the pandemic even started.
Multimedia and digital resources are a growing source of knowledge as well for
more instructional resources performed better than schools that have less instructional
resources. This finding supported the study by Babayomi (1999) that private schools
performed better than public schools because of the availability and adequacy of
teaching and learning resources. Adeogun (2001) noted that there was a low level of
instructional resources available in public schools and hence commented that public
develop higher learning abilities to the learners through self-teaching or guided learning.
According to Tomlinson, (2012) materials selected/developed should be informative,
instructional, experiential, eliciting, and exploratory. (p. 143). The teacher sometimes
has to modify the selected materials according to the levels of students and contexts
providing clear instruction. Ur (2013) classifies the supplementary materials into two:
paper and digital. According to her, reference books, textbooks, teacher handbooks,
books for extensive reading, reading, worksheets, test papers, word cards, pictures
(posters and flashcards) are paper supplementary materials. Several studies in Africa
achievement (UIS, 2012). Similarly, the interactive whiteboards (IWBs) and data
projects, internet, websites, interactive, digital tools, wikis and blogs, digital recording,
Theoretical Framework
cognitive load. This idea supports as well by North Carolina's elearning education
a traditional classroom. ”
Instructional Material can be used to develop higher learning abilities to the learners
supplementary materials that Grade 10 teachers will use, and by considering the current
instructional materials which are integrated with the use of new technology. Dodge
(1997) who observed that using technologies like simulation devices open new horizons
the use and design of educational technology can enhance effective learning (David,
2015; Wang 2012). Based on this, Mayer, Sweller, and Moreno (2015) established 11
design principles for learners using technology (Mayer, Sweller & Moreno, 2015;
used and designed to promote effective learning” (Wang, 2012, p.346). The eleven
principles of the model that can promote effective learning are (1) Multimedia principle:
Using two formats of audio, visual, and text instead of using one or three. (2) Modality
principle: Explaining visual content with audio narration instead of on-screen text. (3)
Coherence principle: Avoiding irrelevant videos and audio. (4) Contiguity principle:
principle: Managing complicated content by breaking a lesson into small parts. (6)
Signaling principle: Offering signals for the narration, such as arrows, circles, and
highlights. (7) Learner control principle: Allowing the learner to control their learning
style. (9) Pre-training principle: Providing descriptions or explanations for key concepts
in a lesson before the main procedure of that lesson. (10) Redundancy principle:
Presenting visuals with audio or on-screen text but not both. (11) Expertise effect:
Considering that design principles may have a different effect on learners with various
amounts of prior knowledge. (Clark & Mayer, 2016; Mayer, 2003; Mayer & Moreno,
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual diagrams represent how the study will be done. It illustrates how
Frame 1 There was input, process, output, and feedback in the conceptual
model of this study. The input includes the: Profile of the teachers: Sex, Age,Years of
teaching araling panlipunan, Position, and School affliation. The second was the level of
Frame 2 For the process of the study, the researchers conducted an online
survey through a google form. The survey questionnaires were being sent to the social
media of teachers. After the teacher respondents answered all the questionnaires, the
researchers retrieved all of them. And lastly, the data were being interpreted and
Frame 3 For the output of the study, the researchers were able to determine the
Selected Teachers in National High School in Antipolo City, the School year 2021-2022
Conceptual Model
Figure 1:
This study aims to determine and test the supplementary materials and test its
1.1 Sex
1.2 Age
1.4 Position
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Content
2.3 Organization
2.4 Suitability
2.5 Presented
2.6 Language use
to their profile?
This will test the null hypothesis if there is no significant relationship of the sex,
age, years in teaching araling panlipunan, position, and school affiliation of the selected
teachers on selected national high school in Antipolo City on the supplemental material
in contemporary issues that the researcher will develop. Therefore the researchers will
National High School in Antipolo City, school year 2021-2022. The researchers will only
focus on some areas where the students were having difficulty in the subject matter
(MELCs) of Araling Panlipunan. The teachers who served as respondents were the
Selected teachers in National High School in Antipolo City, the school year 2021-2022.
This study will benefit the following:
The result of this study may help teachers to empower their lesson and to
support the instructional materials that the teacher uses. This will also serve as a
The result of this study may help students to aid the difficulties that they
experience upon answering the materials. And to make the supplemental material
easier to understand on the part of the students so that they have a shorter time to
Future Researchers
This study may be used by the future researchers as a reference on the study
that they will conduct that is related to the development and acceptance of
supplementary materials.
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the following terms are defined either operationally
and conceptually.
MELCs (Most Essential Learning Competencies)- it is the primary reference for all
implementing learning delivery approaches that are suited to the local context and
Remote learning - is a type of learning where the student and the educator, or
Chapter 2
This chapter features the research methods and procedures that were used
in this study. This includes research design, setting of the study, subject of the
Research Design
This research was a quantitative approach in nature. The SIS International
data from various sources in an organized manner. To get results, you'll need to apply
gathered from only those persons who are most relevant to the study's objectives. This
sample, known as a target segment, is a collection of people who are similar in a variety
the how, what, when, and where questions rather than the why. Evaluation research It is
methods to collect and evaluate helpful needs for organizational processes and
was chosen to meet the objectives of the study, to determine the development and
The researchers will conduct a study at a selected national high school in the
Division of Antipolo City, province of Rizal. The respondents of the study will be the
Dalig National High School was located at National Road, Sitio Parugan Antipolo
City, Rizal. It started its operation in November 2011 with some pioneering teachers. In
its first year of operation, it already had an initial enrollee of 320 students and it tripled in
San Jose National High School was located at Sen. Lorenzo Sumulong
Memorial Circle, Sitio Pulong Banal Antipolo City, Rizal. It was founded in 1999, Ms.
Melinda D, Gedang prepared all the documents needed to establish five extension
schools of Antipolo National High School, with the help of Mayor Angelito C. He signed
the Resolution No. 3-A series of 1999 that recommends to the Department of Education
about the opening of San Jose, Mambugan, San Isidro, and Muntindilaw as an
Researchers will give the questionnaires and materials on selected teachers in Dalig
National High and San Jose National High School. The researchers came up with the
number and nature of respondents in the belief that chosen respondents are fitted and
were appropriate enough for the evaluation, besides the focus of the study are the
Source of Data
The researcher will use a likert scale to gather quantitative data from the selected
Araling Panlipunan teachers in Selected National High School in Antipolo City that will
serve as the basis of this study. Likert Scale is a rating system, used in questionnaires
that is used to measure their attitude, perception, and opinion. The likert scale can help
the researcher to identify if the respondents will agree or disagree with the suggestions
that the researcher will present on creating an instructional material. In the study, the
range and its verbal interpretation were used to rank respondents' level of perception on
the various alternative assessment methods. In every statement or question, there will
be four(4) choices that the respondents can pick. The choices were “Strongly Agree,”
supplemental materials that the researcher will develop. Each choice has a numerical
value that is given in the table below. Conventionally, the response gathered from the
respondents were coded numerically. In this study, “Strongly Agree: will be equivalent
Disagree” is equivalent to 1. In determining the maximum and the minimum point in the
likert scale, the range will be calculated as (n-1=n/4) whereas “n” depends on the rating
of the respondents. For example the respondents selected the answer “strongly agree”,
therefore it will be 4 then subtract 1, the answer is 3, then divide it by 4, the answer is
Range Verbal Interpretation
2.513.25 Agree
1.76-2.5 Disagree
The following are the procedures that the researcher will execute once the
research proposal has been approved by the research instructor which is entitled as the
conduct a study in the proposed High School (Dalig National High School and San Jose
National High School) that will be signed by the Class Adviser, Research Instructor, and
When the letter has been approved, the researcher will interview the Grade 10 Araling
Panlipunan Teachers on what are the hindrances that the teachers encounter in
teaching “Kontemporaryong Isyu”. After that, the researcher will give a questionnaire to
the respondents (through google form) to know if the respondents will agree or disagree
Statistical Treatment
The following are the statistical treatment that the researcher will use
1. A survey form will be used to determine the profile of the respondents such
2. Mean Scores will be used to compute the mean and gather the acceptability
Gantt Chart
1. Title Defense
2. Formulation
of Research
(Chapter 1 & 2)
3. Research
4. Generation of
Letter to
conduct the
5. Data
Google Forms)
of the
7. Interpretation
of Data
8. Final Defense
of Research
Blog, F. (n.d.). Evaluation Research Design: Examples, Methods & Types. Https.
Blog, F. (2020, January 23). Descriptive Research Designs: Types, Examples &
Private Education Assistance Committee. (n.d.). RA 10533.