Lesson 2 Unit 3 Months

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Lesson Plan

Date: The 05th of February

Teacher: Ciorbă Cristina
Grade: IInd form
Lesson topic: The months
Unit 3
Aproach: communication, based on SPEAKING and LISTENING
Time: 45 minutes
Teaching aids: blackboard, flashcards, pictures, textbook

O1 to read properly the words naming seasons and months (minimal) READING
O2 to link photos/flashcards with seasons (minimal) SPEAKING
O3 to write sentences about seasons and their months WRITING
O4 to ask and to answer questions about peoples’ birthdays, upon a table
O5 to discover an English rhyme using basic words WRITING & READING

After greetings, T checks notebooks and pens, students’ mood.
T writes the absentees in pupils’ roll.
Who is on duty today? I’m on duty today.
Who is absent today? The absentees are: … …
Homework checking: Teacher checks pupils’ homework using short questions
about the weather.
Warm-up: T announces the pupils that there will be a lesson related to the previous
and the lesson has many words similar with their Romanian translations.
Announcing the title of the new lesson. Teacher writes the title on the blackboard.


(Anotimpurile si lunile anului)

Activity no. 1. 10 minutes, READING & WRITING(O1)
T writes the seasons and the months on the blackboard as follows:

December |
January | winter
February |

March |
April | spring
May |

June |
July | summer
August |

September |
October | autumn
November |

T writes the new words and ask the pupils to repeat them, 2-3 times, all
pupils/individually. T ask pupils to memorize them, working especially with pupils
which get poor marks, in order to encourage them. T utters words in English asking
for their translation, then words in Romanian asking the same thing.

Activity no. 2. 5-7 minutes, SPEAKING(O2)
After explaining the activity, T shows pupils photos and flashcards, asking them to
identify the seasons and to choose answers (5) related to them: It’s spring./ It’s
summer. / It’s autumn./ It’s winter. /I don’t know.

Activity no. 3. 5-7 minutes, WRITING & READING(O3)

After explaining the activity, T writes on the second blackboard the sentence:
The four seasons are: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The winter months are: December, January and February.,
asks then 3 pupils to write the three other ones.
The spring months are: March, April, May.
The summer months are: June, July, August.
The autumn months are: September, October, November.
T asks then some different pupils to read by their own/ to repeat answers to
question: Which are the winter months?
If there’s enough time, pupils will ask the questions above.

Activity no. 3’. 2-3 minutes, LISTENING & SPEAKING(O1)

(can be stepped out if the prevoius three activities haven’t been practised and
understood by the majority of pupils. It’s related to Activity 3.)
T asks the following questions:
Which month comes after/before September?
There are only 28 or 29 days in it. (…),
Waiting for answers: It’s August./ It’s February. (…)

Activity no. 4. 10-12 minutes, LISTENING & SPEAKING(O4)

Pairwork. T writes the dialogue on the blackboard and asks pupils to copy in their
A: When is your birthday?
B: It’s in January/(…).
and then to play it, by groups of two (deskmates). Each pupil will ask and answer at
least one question.
After that, T draws a simple table on the blackboard, or gives them a printed one, as follows:
Name Birthday
Victor September
Emily December
Luke May
Tony June
John April
Christina February
Sarah August

T elicits then to ask and answer questions (long and short answers):
When is John’s birthday?
John’s birthday is in April./ It’s in April.
(extra questions, from the teacher: Ok, so Chilli’s birthday is in spring?
Yes, Chilli’s birthday is in spring. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.)

Activity no. 4. 5-7 minutes, READING(O5)

T asks the pupil on duty to clean the blackboard, and writes (pupils write) again the
four seasons. T tries to remember the colours to the pupils, to relate the four seasons
with one single colour and to make-up the rhyme:

Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

T elicits pupils which have given good answers to read the rhyme by their own and
then gives them marks for the lesson.

Assessing the homework: from the table, to make-up another 3 questions and
answers regarding people’s birthdays.

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