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Zero Hunger

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The No hunger SDG or sustainable

Development goal looks at ending hunger

as well as malnutrition in the world.

zero hunger United Nations Development Program has

set a set of 17 SDGs to be completed by
2030. One of the challenges faced by
billions worldwide, even today, is access to
quality food.

What is the goal of the SDG to end What are the goals of the Zero Hunger
hunger? initiative?
Goal: End hunger by 2030. This means The goals of the Zero Hunger initiative
eliminating undernourishment for all.
are to end hunger and make sure that
More research: Further data and
enough nutritious foods are available to
research can be found at the Our
World in Data entry on Hunger and
people by 2030. Other aspects of the goal
Undernourishment. Additional include ending all forms of malnutrition
charts: Prevalence of and promoting sustainable agriculture.
undernourishment by region. Global One environmental scientist that is
number of people undernourished. working to alleviate world hunger is
SDG Indicator 2.1.2. Jennifer Anne Burney.

How are schools helping to achieve the SDG?

This summary explains how various
school-based and school-linked How are we going to solve the problem of
programs support global actions to
A profound change of the global food
achieve this goal. and agriculture system is needed if we

are to nourish today’s 815 million
hungry and the additional 2 billion
people expected by 2050. The food and
A profound change of the global agriculture sector offers key solutions
food and agriculture system is for development, and is central for
needed if we are to nourish hunger and poverty eradication."
today’s 815 million hungry and

the additional 2 billion people

expected by 2050.
The food and agriculture sector
End hunger, achieve food
offers key solutions for
security and improved nutrition
development, and is central for and promote sustainable
hunger and poverty agriculture

If done right, agriculture, forestry and

fisheries can provide nutritious food for all

and generate decent incomes, while
supporting people-centred rural development
The best way to contribute would be to increase and protecting the environment.
the food production capacity. However, few
Right now, our soils, freshwater, oceans,
firms can indulge in such practices. The same
forests and biodiversity are being rapidly
can be said about the reduction of food
wastage. Firms have little control over this degraded. Climate change is putting even
aspect, even within their organizations. more pressure on the resources we depend
Nevertheless, there is still a way to contribute on, increasing risks associated with disasters
towards reducing hunger. Firms can contribute such as droughts and floods. Many rural
a part of their earnings towards providing women and men can no longer make ends
financial assistance. We have already discussed meet on their land, forcing them to migrate to
that there are numerous NGOs and startups cities in search of opportunities.
working in this space.

Source • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (cdc.gov)

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