Directions For The User: Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc
Directions For The User: Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc
Directions For The User: Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc
When you choose a career, there are many things that you need to consider: the kind of work and
its environment, the type of people you want to work with, the nature of the job and its benefits, the skills
and training needed, and the educational attainment required. These are only few of the number of
external factors which are creatively integrated to the deep insights and factors in your personal
development which may guide you in the planning and making of a career decision as an adolescent.
With this module, you will explore the external factors and the insights of personal development affecting
your decision in choosing a career and identify the advantages and disadvantages of your career options
with the help of important people around you which you may need to design a career plan based on your
personal goals.
1. Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Personal Development Reader 1stedition, What Influences Your Career
Choice? by Melissa Venable(Quezon City: Sunshine InterlinksPublishing House Inc., 2016), 104-105.
Notice that the job personality types closer to each other are more alike, while the job personality types
further away are least a like. You can see more clearly the relationships of job personalities according to
their placements on the hexagon. For example, for Realistic and Social job personality types, you will
see that they are virtually the opposite of each other. On the other hand, Social and Artistic are located
besides each other. This shows that realistic and social job personality types are least alike, while social
and artistic job personality types are more alike.
3. Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Personal Development Reader 1stedition, Your Personal
Mission Statement: You’re Never Too Young to Clarify Your Life Goals and Aspirations by Joe Villmow(Quezon City:
Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House Inc., 2016), 130.
Why You Need a Personal Mission Statement?
Personal mission statement is an important guide in personal development. They motivate you to reflect
deeply about your life, its purpose, and identify what is truly important to you. Personal mission statement
also inspires you to express your deepest values and aspirations. It traces your life values and purposes
in your mind so they become a part of you.
Why is a Personal Mission Statement Important?
1. It integrates who you are.
2. It provides focus.
3. It simplifies any decision-making processes.
4.It holds you accountable for your decisions and actions.
Writing a personal mission statement gives you sense of direction and responsibility. Personal mission
statement allows you to get to know yourself better and discover your sense of purpose in life.
4. Rhett Power, “4 Reasons Why You Need a Personal Mission Statement,” February 19, 2016,
Name : ________________________________________
Grade and Section : ________________________________________
Date : ________________________________________
NOTE: Submit this page until page 7
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided
before each number.
____1. People who have athletic or mechanical ability, prefer to work with object, machines, tools, plants
and animals, or be outdoors.
A. Artistic B. Investigative C. Realistic D. Social
____2. People who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, prefer to carry things out in
detail or follow through on others’ instructions.
A. Artistic B. Conventional C. Realistic D. Social
____3. People who like to work with people –influencing, persuading, performing, leading, or managing
for organizational goals or for economic gain.
A. Investigative B. Enterprising C. Social D. Realistic
____4. People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate or solve problems.
A. Conventional B. Enterprising C. Investigative D. Realistic
____5. People who have artistic, innovating, or intuitional abilities, and like to work in unstructured
situations using their imaginations or creativity.
A. Artistic B. Conventional C. Realistic D. Social
____6. People who like to work with people –to inform, enlighten, help, train, develop, or cure them or are
skilled with words.
A. Artistic B. Conventional C. Realistic D. Social
____7. An integrated collection of programs and services intended to develop student’s core academic,
technical and employability skills; provide them with continuous education, training; and place them in
high-demand, high-opportunity jobs.
A. Career Pathways C. Health and Wellness
B. Guidance and Counseling D. Sports Development
____8. This will help sort out priorities in life. It may include short-term and long-term goals or life-long
A. Career Development C. Philosophy in Life
B. Personal Mission Statement D. Vision and Mission
____9. It covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human
capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams
and aspirations.
A. Career Development C. Community Development
B. Educational Plan D. Personal Development
_____11. Why is personal development an important component of setting career and life goals?
A. Personal development gives judge show right or wrong your career is.
B. Personal development must be attained fully before setting a career.
C. The insights in personal development discriminates your choice of career.
D. The insights in personal development guides your career decision making.
____12. Which statement is ideal in the process of making your personal mission statement?
A. All of us make a personal mission statement for the same reason.
B. Personal mission statement clarifies what you want to attain in life.
C. Personal mission statement may not be written.
D. Personal mission statement must have permanent parts.
____13. All elements below may be part of the content of your personal mission statement, except one.
A. Education and career C. Personal attribute and values
B. Failures and negative experiences D. Sports and community service
____14. All can help you formulate a better personal mission statement, except one.
A.Identify your core values C. Identify your past failures
B.Identify your contributions D. Identify your goals and aspirations
____15. In Holland’s hexagon of job personalities, which is a least compatible work environment of
enterprising personality type?
A. Artistic B. Investigative C. Realistic D. Social
Processing Questions:
1.With the different factors affecting your career choice, which among them do you think are less
important and why?
2.Which of the factors do you consider has great impact to your career choice?
3.Which of the factors you need more time to work out in order to come up with a decision on your career
4.What are your realizations after doing the activity?
Post Test
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided
before each number.
____1. People who have athletic or mechanical ability, prefer to work with object, machines, tools, plants
and animals, or be outdoors.
A. Artistic B. Investigative C. Realistic D. Social
____2. People who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, prefer to carry things out in
detail or follow through on others’ instructions.
A. Artistic B. Conventional C. Realistic D. Social
____3. People who like to work with people –influencing, persuading, performing, leading, or managing
for organizational goals or for economic gain.
A. Investigative B. Enterprising C. Social D. Realistic
____4. People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate or solve problems.
A. Conventional B. Enterprising C. Investigative D. Realistic
____5. People who have artistic, innovating, or intuitional abilities, and like to work in unstructured
situations using their imaginations or creativity.
A. Artistic B. Conventional C. Realistic D. Social
____6. People who like to work with people –to inform, enlighten, help, train, develop, or cure them or are
skilled with words.
A. Artistic B. Conventional C. Realistic D. Social
____7. An integrated collection of programs and services intended to develop student’s core academic,
technical and employability skills; provide them with continuous education, training; and place them in
high-demand, high-opportunity jobs.
A. Career Pathways C. Health and Wellness
B. Guidance and Counseling D. Sports Development
____8. This will help sort out priorities in life. It may include short-term and long-term goals or life-long
A. Career Development C. Philosophy in Life
B. Personal Mission Statement D. Vision and Mission
____9. It covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human
capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams
and aspirations.
A. Career Development C. Community Development
B. Educational Plan D. Personal Development
____10. All are external factors influencing career choices except
A. Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health
B. Gender, Interest and Personality Type
C. Life Roles, Skills and Abilities, Culture
D. Previous Experiences and Childhood Fantasies
_____11. Why is personal development an important component of setting career and life goals?
A. Personal development gives judge show right or wrong your career is.
B. Personal development must be attained fully before setting a career.
C. The insights in personal development discriminates your choice of career.
D. The insights in personal development guides your career decision making.
____12. Which statement is ideal in the process of making your personal mission statement?
A. All of us make a personal mission statement for the same reason.
B. Personal mission statement clarifies what you want to attain in life.
C. Personal mission statement may not be written.
D. Personal mission statement must have permanent parts.
____13. All elements below may be part of the content of your personal mission statement, except one.
A. Education and career C. Personal attribute and values
B. Failures and negative experiences D. Sports and community service
____14. All can help you formulate a better personal mission statement, except one.
A. Identify your core values C. Identify your past failures
B. Identify your contributions D. Identify your goals and aspirations
____15. In Holland’s hexagon of job personalities, which is a least compatible work environment of
enterprising personality type?
A. Artistic B. Investigative C. Realistic D. Social
Ricardo Rubio Santo. (2016) Personal Development. Rex Book Store, Inc.
American Psychological Association (APA) 2014 Journal
Coren, Stanley. The Left-Hander Syndrome: The Causes and Consequences of Left-
Handedness, Free Press, New York, 1992).
Penetrante, Marylendra (2016). Personal Development, CIB Cronica BookHaus. Manila,
Online sources:
Pretest/Post Test
1.C 6. D 11. D
2.B 7. A 12. B
3.B 8. C 13. B
4.C 9. D 14. C
5.A 10. A 15. B