21st Century Literature
21st Century Literature
21st Century Literature
21 Century of Literature
from the Philippines and
the World
Poetry is indeed one form of literature which is known for its high aesthetic and emotional appeal.
Just like any other forms of arts, a poem has its own qualities that mainly represent the writer's
style, perspective, and disposition. Thus, similar to visual arts, the total beauty of a poetic work is a
result of the writer's deliberate use of a variety of elements to create certain effects.
The Greek term “poesis” which means “to create" or "to make" is said to be the derivation of the
word poetry. Poetry is indeed a majestic form of literature for it manifests aesthetic value relative
to how carefully languages is used by a certain poet. This is an art of communicating meanings,
emotions, and value which leave an effect or impact on its readers. It evokes emotions, aspirations,
conditions despite the shortness. This can be delivered in both spoken and written forms.
a. Structure
Most poetic works utilize few words and these are mainly arranged in lines and in stanzas.
However, the structure may have some different feature depending on the style established by a
writer. For example, a haiku, a ballad, and a sonnet have peculiar structures.
b. Language
The writer of a poetic work mainly expresses familiar feelings, emotions, conditions and the like in
an implicit and suggestive way. Thus, the words as they are used in certain expressions may bear
numerous meanings and interpretations. The use of connotation, concrete words, as well as
figurative language can be perceived very evident in poetry writing. The writer may use a variety of
figurative expression to beautify and heighten the effect of a poetic work.
Poem writing is most likely similar to song-writing. Various elements that may contribute to the
total effect and impact of a poetic masterpiece should be in unity and harmony. In most cases, poets
are careful of using various rhyming patterns and even sound devices. For example, Shakespearean,
Spenserian, Petrarchan sonnets have their own rhyming schemes and measurements. The haiku,
Japan's foremost poetic form, has also its peculiar measurements for syllabication and line
d. Emotional Appeal
Poems mainly convey meanings in a mysterious way. Thus words, ideas, or constructs used by the
writer may bear certain meanings which go beyond the literal or ordinary sense. A reader must have
the ability to deduce and to interpret certain ideas that may lead to the better understanding of
what the poem reveals. Thus, a poem is composed of few words but it may bear a volume of
meaning depending on its readers.
Essential Composites of Poetry
There are certain elements that go together to the organization of a poetic work. They all play
important roles for they contribute to the total aesthetic value of poetry.
This element involves diction or known as the word choice, imagery that can truly appeal to the
senses, and lastly, figurative expressions. Thus, sense can be best established by the meanings of
words, symbolism, and images used by the writer.
b. Sound
This element is an offshoot of a variety of elements like tonal patterns, rhythm, and measurements.
Sound devices, rhyming schemes, and repetitions are mainly utilized to create an effect and a
strong appeal.
c. Structure
This element pertains to the way how words and lines are organized, sequenced, arranged and
formed to ensure unity of form. Thus, this also involves the careful and mindful combination of
different parts, establishing harmony among these to form a whole. This also helps to reveal the
meaning of a poem.
a. Dramatic Poetry
This is a lyric work that exhibits dialogue and characterization which are known to be elements of
drama. A monologue which is specifically a speech delivered by an individual in a dramatic
performance and another is the soliloquy which is a monologue used to develop the character of a
speaker by providing informatics by the revelation of the characters personal thoughts, emotions
and feelings both belong to this type.
b. Lyric Poetry
This mainly discloses a poet’s feelings and emotions which can be perceived to be subjective and
personal. This is known to be melodic since it was first recited accompanied by a lyre-a U-shaped
string instrument. Lyric poetry covers the following: simple lyric which includes pastorals that
describe scenes and objects of nature, songs which are emotional verses sung during special
occasions, odes which are extended lyric poems ascribed to be more serious and complex in form
than a simple lyric, sonnets which are commonly composed of 14 lines, and lastly, an elegy which
mainly laments the death of a person or group of individual.
c. Narrative Poetry
This is mainly a poem that is non-dramatic in which the prime goal of the author is to narrate a
story. It has a variety of length and of complexity. Examples of narrative poems are epics,
metrical tales and romances, and ballads.
Poetry is a form of expression of meaning in a special way. Indeed, poets do not directly reveal what
the poem talks about. Thus, it is mainly the task of the readers to discern the central message and
sense of a poem. To achieve this, a reader must be conscious of various ways on how to analyze a
poetic work that will lead to a sound understanding of a poem ‘s message and also a genuine
appreciation of its total aesthetic value.
It is important to be conscious of the various aspects of 2 poem tor they may provide essential
information or clues that can be of help to reveal the ideas that a poetic work bears. Hereunder are
some aspects as to what a reader needs to consider in analyzing a poem.
A. The Author
Know who the writer of the poem is. It is also significant to know the background of the author
including his/her life experiences, writing style, and type of works he/she |has developed.
Mainly, a title bears important information about a poem. Mostly, titles provide a gist of what the
poem is about. Thus, it is necessary to inquire as to what the title suggests in relation to the content
or theme of a poem. In analyzing this part, you may consider these questions:
The persona refers to the one speaking in the lines of a poem. It is a requisite to determine the
setting and conditions prevailing in the lines for these are hints as to who speaks in the lines of the
poem. On the other hand, the addressee is the receiver or the one being talked to by the persona. In
addition, it is the entity as to whom the message of the poem is addressed.
These are mainly suggested by the words used by the writer. The prevailing emotion of the persona
towards the addressee can be discerned and elucidated by looking into the choice of words of the
writer. Also, recurring motifs and conditions are also revealed by the quality words found in the
A poem appeals to the senses, thus, words may also be effective tools to create connections between
the poem and its readers making them see, hear, taste, smell, and feel whatever the poem presents.
Words utilized in poetry may also be symbolic. In this sense, words may bear other constructs aside
from their literal or ordinary meanings.
F. Genre
It is a requisite to know how to classify the poetic work based on its prevailing features. For this
consideration, you may inquire if the work is a kind of a dramatic, lyric, or narrative poem or taking
into account the specific types like sonnet, elegy, ode, epic, ballad etc.
G. Structure
Look whether the poem has regular or irregular structure. Consider the length and measure of the
poem. Also, do examine the rhyming scheme and sound devices used.
H. Theme
This mainly involves the significant truth or the central idea that the writer attempts to disclose and
to communicate to its readers. Thus, this is also the meaning that readers are expected to discover
as they read the entirety of the poem. Also, as a reader, you may even discuss the writer’s possible
purpose for framing the poem.
I. Appeal
This pertains to your impressions about the poem. It includes your personal judgment and
evaluation with regard to the aesthetic quality, intellectual and emotional value of the poem.