Modul 2 Peta Konsep

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Modul 2 Peta Konsep

Learning Activity 1 : Personal Letter

1. Defnition of Personal letter; a type of letter which concerns about personal matter, and it is
addressed to one individual to another a person who is known well.
2. Generic Social / language function of persona are date of writing, receiver, greetings, ice breaker,
main purpose, closing, complementary close / sign off, and sender.
3. Social / language function of personal letter are to give information, to keep in touch, to share the
information freely, and to persuade.
4. Language features of personal letter:
 Focus on exchanging personal current news, feelings, and conditions
 Use of pronouns, simple present tense, and past tense
 Use of date and address
 Informal greetings or salutation

Learning Activity 2 : Invitation Text

1. Definition of Invitation letter is a document that presents a formal request for the presence of an
individual, a group of people or an organization at an event.
 An invitation is a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something
 The invitation is defined as a written or spoken request to come to an event such as a party, a meal,
or a meeting
2. Attitude of Invitation Letter: Uphold and apply religious values, moral values,ethical values,
personal and social values, care qnd respect for differences and diversity, tolerance, peace
collaboration and nationalism
3. Knowledge of personal letter : to understand and compare the social functions, text structure to
analyze the social functions, text structure and language features of a number of formal invitation and
to apply knowledge to engage in social function with formal
4. Skills of personal letter: To analyze the contextual differences in regard to the social function, to
analyze the contextual differences and similarities between a number of formal invitation, to respond
number of formal invitations accordingly and to write a formal invitation text for contextually
appropriate social function.

Learning Activity 3 : Announcement

1. Announcement is a statement made to the the public or media that give information that has
happened or that will happen. Annnouncement in a public place, such as newspaper or the window of
a shop, is a short piece of writing telling people about something or asking for something.
2. Attitude of announcement: Uphold and apply religious values, moral values,ethical values, personal
and social values, care qnd respect for differences and diversity, tolerance, peace collaboration and
3. Knowledge of announcement: to understand and compare the social functions, text structure to
analyze the social functions, text structure and language features of a number of formal invitation and
to apply knowledge to engage in social function with formal
4. Skills of personal letter: To analyze the contextual differences in regard to the social function, to
analyze the contextual differences and similarities between a number of formal invitation, to respond
number of formal invitations accordingly and to write a formal invitation text for contextually
appropriate social function and to practice an announcement broadcasting orally

Learning Activity 4 : Advertisment

1. Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service.

2. Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it.
3. Hybrid learning is the combination of learning process between synchronous and asynchronous
4. Coherence is a state or situation in which all the parts or ideas fit together well so that they form a
united whole. 
5. Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or sentence that holds a text together
and gives it meaning.
6. Lexical resource is one major criteria of the writing portion as well as the speaking portion.

Social / language features of advertisement; language also has an important role. Language in
advertisement uses transactional language which prioritizes the content of communication. Language
also can be conceived as interactional language which has the priority in interrelationship between
addresser and addressee

In this module, I guess there isn’t misconception

Hi everyone, I'm Grace, from Palu, Central Sulawesi

I've difficult things to understand from :

1 Analyzing the differences between poster and banners

2. Creating an infographics

3. Social function between poster and advertisement text

Higher Thinking Order Skill (HOTS) merupakan suatu kemampuan berpikir, yang tidak hanya melibatkan
kemampuan mengingat, memahami, atau menerapkan suatu pemahaman saja. Namun, kemampuan yang perlu
dimiliki oleh setiap orang dalam berpikir, menganalisa, mengevaluasi, serta menciptakan suatu hal pada
tingkat yang lebih tinggi. HOTS dapat dikaitkan dengan kemampuan sesorang dalam memahami, mengolah,
dan merepresentasikan suatu informasi bernalar, bukan hanya sekedar mengingatnya. Hal ini berpengaruh
terhadap pengembangan keterampilan seseorang, dalam berpikir kritis dan kreatif, dalam memecahkan suatu

Karakteristik pembelajaran pada HOTS (Higher Order of Thinking Skill) yaitu:

 Berfokus pada pertanyaan

 Menganalisis / menilai argumen dan data

 Mendefinisikan konsep

 Menentukan kesimpulan
 Menggunakan analisis logis

 Memproses dan menerapkan informasi

 Menggunakan informasi untuk memecahkan masalah

Kelebihan dan HOTS

 Siswa akan diajak untuk berpikir bagaimana memecahkan suatu masalah.

 Siswa akan diajak untuk memecahkan masalah yang nyata terjadi
 Kemampuan berkomunikasi secara ilmiah akan terasah
 Siswa akan terbiasa mencari berbagai sumber pengetahuan

Kekurangan dari HOTS

 Penggunaan waktu yang tidak sedikit

 Sering terjadi miskonsepsi
 Terkadang sulit mencari masalah yang relevan dengan materi yang akan disampaikan

 Materi HOTS pada modul 2 yaitu:

notice, poster and banner, graphic organizer dan infograpics

Modul 2 : Announcement

1. Announcement is a statement made to the the public or media that give information that has happened
or that will happen. Annnouncement in a public place, such as newspaper or the window of a shop, is a
short piece of writing telling people about something or asking for something.
2. Attitude of announcement : Uphold and apply religious values, moral values,ethical values, personal
and social values, care qnd respect for differences and diversity, tolerance, peace collaboration and
3. Knowledge of announcement: to understand and compare the social functions, text structure to
analyze the social functions, text structure and language features of a number of formal invitation and
to apply knowledge to engage in social function with formal
4. Skills of personal letter: To analyze the contextual differences in regard to the social function, to
analyze the contextual differences and similarities between a number of formal invitation, to respond
number of formal invitations accordingly and to write a formal invitation text for contextually
appropriate social function and to practice an announcement broadcasting orally

Intragsi Hots dalam materi

Critical Thinking : Siswa dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok, tiap kelompok akan membuat daftar
jenis announcement yang ditemukan di sekolah
Communication : Dalam kelompok akan mempresentasikan hasil temuannya

Collaboration : Setiap kelompok dapat berkolaborasi dengan para ahli dibidangnya untuk membuat
announcement yang dapat digunakan sekolah

Creativity : Siswa dapat membuat announcement yang dapat digunakan sekolah, sesuai dengan
kreatifotas mereka

Good morning, My name is Intan Defita Putri.

Modul 2_English for Personal Communication :

1. Personal Letter

2. Invitation

3. Announcement

4. Advertisement :

Difficult topic I found : What are the specific differences of social language feature between
advertisement and announcement?

Thank you

The differentiation between formal and informal invitation, masih memerlukan

pemahamahan yang lebih mendalam.

High Order Thinking Skills atau HOTS, adalah konsep
pemikiran yang diperkenalkan oleh Benjamin S. Bloom dan
kawan-kawan dalam sebuah buku berjudul Taxonomy of
Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational
Goals yang terbit pada tahun 1956.

Mengutip dari Wikipedia, HOTS sendiri merupakan

kemampuan berpikir yang menerapkan pengolahan dalam
kegiatan mengingat, menyatakan kembali atau merujuk suatu
hal. Kemampuan ini meliputi kemampuan seseorang untuk
menyelesaikan suatu masalah, berpikir kritis, berdaya cipta
serta mampu berargumen dan mengambil keputusan terhadap
suatu hal.

Salah satu contoh penerapan HOTS pada materi inti : Learning

Activity 3 Announcement

1. Siswa dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok, tiap kelompok akan

membuat daftar jenis announcement yang ditemukan di

2. Dalam kelompok akan mempresentasikan hasil temuannya.

3. Setiap kelompok dapat berkolaborasi dengan para ahli

dibidangnya untuk membuat announcement yang dapat
digunakan sekolah

4. Siswa dapat membuat announcement yang dapat digunakan

sekolah, sesuai dengan kreatifotas mereka

Kelebihan dari HOTS pada penerapan materi ini :

1. Siswa dilatih untuk jeli, teliti melihat materi yang dibahas

2. Siswa dilatih untuk bekerja sama dalam kelompok,

komunikatif - belajar berpendapat dan percaya diri saat
melakukan presentasi

3. Siswa dilatih untuk berkreasi dalam mendesign

announcement yang akan dibuat

4. Siswa dilatih kemampuan berkolaborasi dengan para ahli

tentunya pengetahuan akan semakin bertambah dari berbagai
Kekurangan dari HOTS pada penerapan materi ini :

1. Waktu yang dibutuhkan cukup lama- bisa jadi siswa bosan


2. Dana yang dibutuhkan juga harus tersedia, seperti saat akan

melakukan kolaborasi dengan pihak lainnya

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