Department of Education: Teacher-Made Learner'S Home Task (Q3-Week 5 - Week 6)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


School :Madridejos National High School Date: April 26-May 10, 2021
Grade Level/Section :Grade11/12 Subject Area/s: DRR
I.MELC/Code DR11/12-If-g-18 DR11/12-If-g-20 DR11/12-Ih-i-24
Competencies: DR11/12-If-g-19 DR11/12-Ih-i-22 DR11/12-Ih-i-25
II. Objective/s:
Knowledge: analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards; recognize the
natural signs of an impending tsunami; explain various volcano-related
Address: IPHO Bldg.,
hazards; Sudlon, Lahug,
recognize signsCebu City impending volcanic eruption; and
of an
Telephone Nos.: (032) 520-3216 – 520-3217; SDS Office: (032) 255 -6405; ASDS Apao : (032) 236 -
Skills: interpret different earthquake hazard maps.
Values/Attitudes Manifests readiness to unexpected disaster and develop resilience towards
challenges in life.

IV. References: DRR modules

V. Procedure:
A. Readings Lesson 1: Earthquake Hazards
You’ve learned from the last lesson that impacts are associated to
various hazards, affecting different exposed elements such as persons and
properties. Knowing that hazards can cause danger to you and your family,
it is important to know how the hazards work and how you can possibly
prepare for them, in order to prevent or at least minimize the impact.
This lesson will introduce you to the first geological hazard you will be
examining: earthquake hazards. Specifically, it is aimed at helping you
analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards, interpret different
earthquake hazard maps, and recognize the natural signs of an impending
tsunami. These knowledge and skills are helpful for you since Philippines,
being situated in a tectonically active region of the Pacific Ring of Fire, is no
stranger to earthquakes and tsunamis.

Recall that earthquake is defined by PHIVOLCS as a weak to violent
shaking of the ground produced by the sudden movement of rocks or rock
materials below the earth’s surface. It could either be tectonic (generated by
the sudden displacement along faults and plate boundaries) or volcanic
(induced by rising lava or magma beneath active volcanoes). Regardless of
the type, an earthquake is inevitably associated with hazards that could
potentially cause damage to vulnerable and exposed elements. These are
termed earthquake hazards. Earthquake hazards, just like any other
hazards, could possibly cause health impacts, physical and property
destruction, social and economic disruption, and environmental damage.
The most common earthquake hazards are: (a) ground shaking, (b) ground
rupture, (c) liquefaction, (d) earthquake-induced landslides, and (e)
tsunami. We’ll learn each hazard and their effects in this lesson.

Ground Shaking
Ground shaking is basically the up-down and sideways motion felt during
an earthquake. Different parts of the country will experience ground
shaking at varying degrees depending on various factors, such as the
magnitude of the earthquake, distance of one’s location from the fault that
moved, orientation of fault rupture, bedrock type, and topography. If an
earthquake produces a strong ground shaking, infrastructures can be
severely damaged. Hanging and stacked objects could fall and cause
physical injuries. Windows and glass doors may break. Persons standing
can be destabilized and may be injured from falling.
Ground Rupture
Ground rupture is the visible displacement or deformation on the
ground brought about by the movement of a fault. The movement may be as
Prepared by:
Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telephone Nos.: (032) 520-3216 – 520-3217; SDS Verified
Office: (032)
by:255 -6405; ASDS Apao : (032) 236 -
School Head

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