Reviewer in PPG (Midterm) : Politics - The Term Politics Came From The Greek

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Reviewer in PPG (Midterm) Politics extend to every activities involving human

beings associated together in relationship with

Politics – The term politics came from the Greek power and authority where conflicts occur. In this
word “polis” or city-state. Politics by Aristotle made regard, politics exist everywhere:
a reference to certain kinds of authority.
 Labor Unions
a) Authority of a statesman  Business Organizations
b) Authority of the head of the family  Professional Organization
c) Authority of the master over the slaves
 Farmers association
Politics arrives, then whenever there are people.  School campus association
Living together in association, whenever they  Anywhere where groups of individual
involved in a conflict and whenever they are assembled.
subject to some kind of power, ownership and
Political Party
authority. The state is the biggest political
organization which that the greatest power within Political party, a group of persons joined together
a certain particular territory. on the basis of principles who seek to control
government in order to bring about the adoption of
Nature of Politics
certain public policies and programs.
1. The study of politics has to consider which is the
Function of Political Party
best constitution (gov’t).
1. Nominating Function – To nominate
2. Politics has to consider which sort of constitution
candidate for public office. It select
suits which sort of civic body. The attainment of
candidates and present voters.
good constitution is likely to be important for the
2. Informer – Stimulator Function -
general run of the state, and the good law-giver
and the true statesman must therefore have their
eyes open not only on what is the absolute best,
but also the best in relation to actual condition.

3. Politics has also to consider the sort of

constitution where students of politics must be
able to study a given constitution just as it stands
and simply with a view to explaining, how it may
have arisen and how it maybe made to enjoy the
longest possible life.

4. In addition to all of these functions, politics has

also provided knowledge of the type of constitution
which is the best suited to state in general.

Boundaries of Politics

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