Nebraska State Sen. Eliot Bostar & Sen. Adam Morfeld Letter To PSC Re: Keytone XL
Nebraska State Sen. Eliot Bostar & Sen. Adam Morfeld Letter To PSC Re: Keytone XL
Nebraska State Sen. Eliot Bostar & Sen. Adam Morfeld Letter To PSC Re: Keytone XL
District 46
State Capitol Education
PO Box 94604 Judiciary
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509·4604 Committee on Committees
(402) 471·2720 Education Commission of the States
[email protected]
May 25,2021
TransCanada filed an Application, PSC No. OP-0003, with the Public Service
Commission on February 16, 2017 seeking approval for the route of its proposed
KXL Pipeline pursuant to the Major Oil Pipeline Siting Act (MOPSA).
In its 2017 Application, TransCanada stated "Keystone is filing this Application for
route approval. Keystone also has submitted a renewed application for a
Presidential Permit to allow the border crossing from Canada to the United States."
On November 20, 2017 the PSC entered an Order granting the Application.
Despite the revocation of the critical President Permit for completion of the
proposed KXL pipeline, TransCanada continues condemnation actions against
Nebraskans across this state. Those condemnation actions would result in taking
Nebraska land forever for a project that cannot be built and is subjecting
Nebraska landowners and citizens to on-going costs and uncertainty.
Additionally, TransCanada has materially changed the Nebraska route after PSC
approval, and under MOPSA, any substantive change to the approved route
requires re-approval by the PSC.
TransCanada has failed to seek re-approval despite admitting in recent court filings
that the PSC has exclusive jurisdiction of this issue stating "Except as otherwise
provided in the Administrative Procedure Act, the commission [Public Service
Commission] shall have original exclusive jurisdiction to determine ... the scope or
meaning of a ... permit, tariff, rule or regulation ... "
The PSC does have jurisdiction to reopen this matter and alter or amend, including
rescind, the prior Mainline Alternative Route approval, or in the alternative require
all of TransCanada's efforts related to condemnation cease pending re-application
given they have modified the approved route.
Please describe the PSC position and what you believe your role is on the issues
discussed above.
Sen firfeld
District 46
Senator Eliot Bostar
District 29