Write An Essay 220-260 Words.: Among Whose Highlights
Write An Essay 220-260 Words.: Among Whose Highlights
Write An Essay 220-260 Words.: Among Whose Highlights
high street shop”. The presenter included some comments she received during interviews with
consumers. You have made the notes below.
Areas that the presenter focused on:
- Convenience
- Cost
- Enjoyment
Some comments made by consumers:
- Online shopping means avoiding parking fees and crowds.
- Goods are more reasonably priced on the Internet.
- I love shopping and trying things on.
Doctor Orwell focused her analysis on the arisen of AliExpress and the harsh
competence created by online shopping. AliExpress has reduced the number of intermediaries
in the process of buying. They can sell their products all over the world without spending too
much on transport companies, so the products go almost directly from the producer to the
consumer. As a result, we have a better final cost of any product, as well as other benefits such
as avoiding crowds or parking fees when we want to shop. Because of these reasons
traditional shopping would finally disappear.
However, not everyone agrees with Doctor Orwell’s vision. During the panel
there was a deep questioning among the audience about Orwell’s arguments. The main
problem is that most people enjoy the process of physically going on shopping. Some
products don’t need to much interaction, but when we are talking about clothes, shampoos or
fragrances, we wish to touch, to feel or to smell.
Orwell’s thesis was controverted during the panel, because most people go
on shopping as a way of spending their leisure time. Online shopping erases most feelings
linked to the “social ritual” of shopping. That is why her ideas did not convince the audience.
284 words.
You have been asked to write a report for the World Information Organisation of the following
What are the greatest threats to the environment in your country today? What are the
In the following document I would analyse the main environmental threats currently
considered as a high menace for Spain. After the analysis some solutions would be proposed.
Nuclear plants:
Over the last decades the government has invested in Nuclear Plants with the goal of getting a
cheap energy source. The damages for the environment caused by the nuclear waste have
been increasing through the years. Some lakes and rivers have reached a level of radiation
found to be dangerous for the health of humans and animals.
Co2 emissions:
The development of better highways has resulted in an increment of the number of cars. As a
result, the Co2 emissions have been rising in the whole country. Some cities are even
considered as highly polluted and dangerous for living, such as: Madrid, Barcelona or Bilbao.
Spanish economy depends highly on tourism. Even though a big number of products are
imported from other countries through the harbours. Colossal transatlantic ships reach
Spanish ports every day. Those boats usually expel oil into the water, which is later deposited
in our beaches polluting them.
262 words.