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Immunology, Health, and Disease: Benefits of Probiotics And/or Prebiotics For Antibiotic-Reduced Poultry

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Benefits of probiotics and/or prebiotics for antibiotic-reduced poultry

H. S. Al-Khalaifah1

Environment and Life sciences Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 24885, 13109

ABSTRACT Antibiotics have been used for many and 1960s, each European state approved its own na-
years as growth promoters. They contribute to build tional regulations about the use of antibiotics in ani-
the immunocompetence (i.e. ability of the body to pro- mal feeds. However, using antibiotics may develop bac-
duce a normal immune response following exposure to teria resistant to these drugs. Accordingly, the use of
an antigen) of birds against infectious diseases and as antibiotics has been minimized and replaced by ef-
growth promoters. Antibiotics have been widely used fective dietary supplements such as probiotics and/or
as growth promoters in the field of animal produc- prebiotics that are claimed to enhance growth and
tion since 1940s. There is a hypothesis that is effect is positively modulate the immune response. The cur-
brought about by dynamic biological interaction with rent review paper sheds light on the benefits of us-
the micro-flora in the intestine. In 1951, the United ing probiotics and/or prebiotics in poultry feed ver-
States Food and Drug Administration approved the sus the risk of using antibiotics and the mechanisms by
use of antibiotics as animal additives to prevent dis- which they exert their effects, as well as the economic
ease in general and, in some cases, to improve effi- analysis of using these beneficial additives in poultry
ciency without veterinary prescription. In the 1950s feed.
Key words: antibiotics, poultry, prebiotics, probiotics
2018 Poultry Science 97:3807–3815

INTRODUCTION Accordingly, the use of antibiotics has been mini-

mized and replaced by effective dietary supplements
Over more than six decades dietary antibiotics have such as probiotics and/or prebiotics that are claimed
been used not only as a means to control infectious dis- to enhance growth and positively modulate the immune
eases but also to improve growth performance and feed response.
efficiency (Gadde et al., 2018). The wider use of antibi-
otics as feed additives in the long run can contribute
to the development of bacteria resistant to drugs used Benefit of Probiotics and Prebiotics
to treat infections which are of a potential risk if they
are transferred to humans. For this reason, the World The inclusion of antibiotics as growth promoters was
Health Organization (WHO, 1997) and the Economic effectively banned in 2006, throughout the European
and Social Committee of the European Union (1998) Union, because some microbes developed resistance to
concluded that the use of antimicrobials in food animals these antibiotics (Europe Union Commision, 2005), and
is a public health issue. The European Union banned dietary probiotics and/or prebiotics have been used as
the use of all in-feed antibiotics as growth promoters immunomodulators and alternatives to antibiotics.
in 2006 (Castanon, 2007). In 2009, government agen- Probiotics and prebiotics maybe classified as func-
cies in the USA such as the Food and Drug Adminis- tional food; that which affects bodily functions in a
tration (FDA) testified that the use of antibiotics for positive manner so as to improve health or if its ef-
growth promotion should be eliminated (FDA, 2009). fect extends to the physiological or psychological lev-
However, probiotics have not been approved by FDA els going beyond the traditional nutritional effect.
yet. Although safe and effective, this treatment cannot Probiotics are live microorganisms which when ad-
become the standard of care, nor can be implemented ministered in adequate amounts confer a beneficial
in hospital formularies (Janvier et al., 2013). health effect on the host. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB),
Bacillus and Bifidobacteria are the most common types

C 2018 Poultry Science Association Inc.
of probiotics (Parvez et al., 2006; Roberfroid, 2000).
Received October 29, 2017. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stim-
Corresponding author: [email protected] ulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial microflora


in the digestive system. Typically, prebiotics are car- coccus acidilactici. The results showed that probiotic
bohydrates (such as oligosaccharides), but they may treatments significantly decreased Salmonella spp. and
be non-carbohydrates. Prebiotics are selectively fer- had no effect on the production parameters of broiler
mented in the colon by beneficial bacteria such as chickens. Similarly, Tellez et al. (2012) reported that
Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. The probiotic bacte- Lactobacillus probiotic significantly reduced Salmonella
ria exert competitive effect in the gut and produce bac- spp. when administered in high amounts during broiler
teriocins, which have an antimicrobial effect on other production. These results agree with other studies that
bacteria (Patterson and Burkholder, 2003). investigated the effect of probiotics administration in
poultry on the occurrence of Salmonella spp. (Hume,
2011; Taheri et al., 2010; Tellez et al., 2012; Vicente
Effect on Production Parameters and use of et al., 2008; Vila et al., 2009).
in-ovo technology in Chickens The beneficial effect of using prebiotics is well doc-
umented in the literature. For example, Ammerman
There are many reports concerning the effect of us- et al. (1989) investigated the effect of supplementing
ing probiotics including Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, broiler chickens with 0.375% oligofructose on the body
Bacillus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus, Enterococcus, and weight gain and percentage carcass and breast weight.
yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the different The authors reported that the supplemented diet pro-
performance parameters in chickens including immune duced heavier birds at 47 d of age, improved percent-
status and feed efficiency in broilers. age carcass and breast weights, and reduced percent-
Body weight gain and increased feed intake as a result age fat pad, compared to the control group. Cengiz
of dietary probiotics supplementation were reported. et al. (2012) investigated the effects of a dietary pre-
For example, Mountzouris et al. (2007), supplemented biotic (Agrimos) for a period of 14 d on the intesti-
broiler chickens with a probiotics mixture at 1 g/kg nal micro-flora and growth performance of male broiler
of feed from 1 to 42 d of age. The probiotic mixture chicks. A significant decrease (6.2 vs. 5.5 log10cfu/g) in
included microbes that were isolated from the gut of Enterobacteriaceae (P < 0.01) and increase (5.5 vs. 5.9
healthy chickens. These included Lactobacillus reuteri, log10cfu/g) in Lactobacilli count was noted in prebiotic-
Enterococcus faecium, Bifidobacterium animalis, Pe- supplemented groups on day 7. Dietary prebiotic sup-
diococcus acidilactici and Lactobacillus salivarius. The plementation also significantly improved digestibility.
probiotic product had a total bacterial count, expressed Also, the dietary supplementation of 0.2% Aspergillus
as colony-forming units of 2 × 1012 CFU/kg of product. prebiotic meal against the horizontal transmission of
The authors showed that the dietary probiotics in the Salmonella spp. in turkeys and chickens was evaluated
feed of broiler chickens significantly promoted growth by Londero et al. (2011). They suggested that the ad-
performance. Similarly, supplementing broiler chickens dition of Aspergillus meal as a prebiotic at 0.2% may
with a probiotic mixture of Bacillus licheniformis have a beneficial effect in reducing Salmonella spp. lev-
and Bacillus subtilis spores at 0.05% of feed signifi- els and may enhance overall food safety of poultry meat.
cantly improved the feed conversion ratio, compared The effect of the fermentation product of Aspergillus
to the unsupplemented control group, the supple- oryzae, as a prebiotic and a Lactobacillus-based probi-
mented probiotic contained 2.3 × 108 CFU/g Bacillus otic, individually and in combination as a synbiotic, on
licheniformis and 2.3 × 108 CFU/g Bacillus subtilis broiler performance and litter quality was investigated
spores in equal rates, at a level of 0.5 g/kg (Midilli et al., (Chegeni, 2012). The author used prebiotic at 1.8, 1.0
2008). In addition, Bacillus coagulans-supplemented and 1.0 g/kg and probiotic at 0.9, 0.5 and 0.25 g/kg
broiler feed significantly improved final and daily to a corn, soy-based diet during starter, grower and
weight gain, feed conversion ratio and survival rate, finisher periods, respectively. The prebiotic improved
when compared to the un-supplemented control group, body weight gain and feed conversion efficiency after
and is recommended to replace growth promoters in 36 d significantly (P < 0.05) by 1 and nearly 2% re-
broiler production (Awad et al., 2009; Cavazzoni et al., spectively, whereas the probiotic had no significant ef-
1998; Francesca et al., 2010; Hume, 2011; Huyghebaert fect. The synbiotic improved body weight gain and feed
et al., 2011; Kral et al., 2012; Sohail et al., 2011; Taheri conversion efficiency significantly (P < 0.05) by 3.0 and
et al., 2010; Zhou et al., 2010). 2.1% respectively.
Jin et al. (2000) supplemented broiler diet with Recently, Palamidi et al. (2016) investigated the
0.1% dried culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus or effect of dietary viable or heat inactivated probiotic
0.1% dried culture of a mixture of 12 Lactobacillus forms (PF) combined or not with avilamycin (AV) used
strains (two strains of L. acidophilus, three strains of as a growth promoter, on broiler growth performance,
L. fermentum, one strain of L. crispatus, and six strains nutrient digestibility, digestive enzyme activities, and
of L. brevis). The results showed that the body weight expression of immune response related genes. The
gain was significantly increased in the supplemented authors used 450 one-day-old Cobb male broilers
group compared to the control group. Al-Zenki et al. allocated in 6 treatments according to a 3 × 2 factorial
(2009) investigated the effect of commercial probiotics arrangement with 5 replicates of 15 broilers. The results
on the performance of Salmonella spp. in broilers. They of their study showed that viable probiotic, as well
used Aviguard, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pedio- as inactivated probiotic alone or in combination with
avilamycin, improved nutrient digestibility and that di- Eimeria. Tissue samples and measurements were taken
etary additives affected growth performance positively on days 3, 9 and 15. No significance was observed for
and induced an anti-inflammatory response at cecal hatchability, body weight, body weight gain or immune
level. In another study of Hutsko et al. (2016), the au- organ weights prior to Eimeria challenge. However the
thors suggested a positive effect of probiotic (commer- non-challenged birds; administered with the probiotics,
cial mixture) and prebiotic supplementation (mannan showed significantly higher body weight, body weight
oligosaccharide) on the intestinal microenvironment. gain or immune organ weights, whereas no differences
The authors supplemented young turkeys with two were observed in the challenged groups. Also birds re-
commercial probiotics or a commercial mannan ceiving probiotics had lower mortality, with reduction in
oligosaccharide and investigated the transcription of lesions. Overall, this is an indication that supplementa-
MUC2, the primary mucin protein produced by goblet tion of probiotics in ovo may improve performance and
cells within the small intestine. The intestinal morphol- offer immunity against infection (Pender et al. 2016).
ogy was also studied immediately post-hatch through In another study, in ovo technology was made use
day 11. The results of the study revealed an increase in of to deliver prebiotics (inulin; Pre1)and synbiotics
the height and area of the villus upon supplementation (bi2 tos; Pre2)into the air chamber of chicken eggs ob-
with the probiotics and the prebiotics. Also, the MUC2 tained from 32-wk-old Ross 308 chickens, at 12d in-
transcription increased from d zero to d 4 post-hatch. cubation, and their effects on the immune system de-
Chickens reared under harsh environmental condi- velopment was evaluated; with emphasis on lymphoid
tions such as high temperatures are subjected to im- organs. The observations made were that the adminis-
munological stress. Dietary probiotics and prebiotics tration of prebiotics of in ovo, did not adversely affect
have been used to modulate the immune response in immune system. Pre2 caused a reduction in the cor-
poultry. Their effect may include immuno-stimulation, tex/medulla ratio of thymus on day 21 post hatching.
anti-inflammatory reactions, exclusion and killing of Enhanced B-cell proliferation in secondary lymphatic
pathogens in the intestinal tract, and reduction of bac- organs occurred due to formation of germinal centers
terial contamination on processed broiler carcasses. The in the spleen on day 21 and 35. Thus, administration of
balanced interaction between the intestinal microbiota, these pre- and synbiotic at day 12 of incubation resulted
epithelium, and immune system provides resistance to in modulation of central and peripheral organ develop-
enteric pathogens (Patterson and Burkholder, 2003). ment. However, the effects were more prominent with
Recently, scientists from Nottingham Trent Univer- synbiotic treatment than with prebiotics (Madej et al.,
sity fed 240 broiler chickens with different doses (200 2015).
and 800 g/t) of a yeast-based feed supplement and mon- The use of probiotics and prebiotics may not always
itored them every day for 42 d. Their findings suggest provide a positive response in poultry production. In
that the feed supplement containing a carbohydrate contrast to the above, laying hens and broilers infected
fraction Antigen found in yeast resulted in the birds with salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) were
having greater natural defense to harmful bacteria en- divided into groups fed control, probiotics, prebiotics
tering their guts, and this effect could be age-dependent and synbiotics. The results showed that laying hens
with younger birds having increased secretion capac- and broilers fed probiotics and synbiotics did not
ity of mucin, a substance secreted by the gut lining, influence SE infection (Murate et al., 2015).
which can help defend against infectious agents (Lea In a study on the digestive potency of pancreas, cock-
et al., 2012). It was demonstrated that Bacillus subtilis erels of different ages were injected in ovo a combination
facilitates the growth of another probiotic organism, of probiotics and synbiotics. The results showed that
L. reuteri, through the production of catalase and sub- the probiotics and synbiotics increased body weight but
tilisin (Hosoi et al., 2000). The authors examined the did not change the feed conversion ratio (Pruszynska-
effect of Bacillus subtilis on the growth of L. reuteri Oszmalek et al., 2015).
co-cultured aerobically in vitro and showed that addi- However, there are some studies in the literature
tion of B. subtilis to the culture medium resulted in showing no benefits of using probiotics and prebiotics
an increase in the number of viable cells of Lactobacilli in poultry production. For example, A total of 108 one-
tested. This increase in lactobacilli is due to the fact day-old commercial broilers chicks were divided into
that the produced catalase by Bacillus subtilis exhibits six groups; probiotic/prebiotic non-challenged, probi-
a growth-promoting effect on Lactobacilli. Also, a ser- otic/prebiotic challenged, non-treated challenged and
ine protease from Bacillus subtilis, subtilisin, improved non-treated non-challenged. The study was conducted
the growth and viability of L. reuteri in the absence of to test the protective properties of commercial probi-
hydrogen peroxide in the in vitro culture (Hosoi et al., otic (Lacto G) and prebiotic (Immunolin) on perfor-
2000). mance, lesion scores and immunological parameters in
Probiotics were administered in ovo in broiler chicks Eimeria tenella infected broiler chickens. The results
with a mixed Eimeria infection, to study its effect on obtained showed that probiotic/prebiotic supplementa-
hatchability, performance, immune organ weights and tion did not improve body weight or feed conversion
lesion scores. They proceeded to inject 210 eggs with ratio, lesions scores were significantly reduced and to
probiotic bacteria. Post-hatch, on the third day, half of some extent the negative effects of coccidiosis was re-
the chicks were challenged with a mixed inoculum of duced (Abu-Akkada and Awad, 2015).

In addition, Houshmand et al., (2012), conducted an The production of antimicrobial compounds such as
experiment to determine the effects of prebiotics on per- bacteriocins has been also described. Bacteriocins are
formance, immunity and some stress indicators. The bacterially produced peptides that are active against
broilers were fed two levels of proteins, stocked at a nor- other bacteria and have been an important criterion
mal or high stocking density. The treatments consisted in the selection of a probiotic strain. Colicin is a type
of two levels of prebiotic, dietary CP and stocking den- of bacteriocin which is produced by and toxic to some
sity. The results showed that no significance was seen on strains of E. coli and closely related bacteria (Braun et
performance, immunity and stress indicators like blood al., 1994; Parker et al., 1992). This competitive action
glucose, cholesterol, corticosterone etc. whereas protein regulates the balance of the gut micro flora.
levels influenced performance and stocking density re- Probiotic bacteria are capable of enhancing both
sulted in better feed conversion ratio (FCR). specific and nonspecific immune responses by acti-
vating macrophages, increasing cytokine production
by intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), and increasing
Mechanisms of Action the levels of immunoglobulins, especially IgA. Casas
et al. (1998) reported that turkeys given L. reuteri
Proposed mechanisms by which the indigenous in- had enhanced humoral antibody levels against S. ty-
testinal bacteria inhibit pathogens include competition phimurium, and this appeared to be highly correlated
for colonization sites on the intestinal epithelium, com- with increased numbers of ileum IEL CD4+ (helper)
petition for nutrients, and production of toxic com- T-cells that function to expand the humoral immune
pounds such as volatile fatty acids and bacteriocins or response. On the other hand, the number of ileum IEL
modulation of the immune system. The inhibition pro- CD8+ (cytotoxic) T-cells was not different in L. reuteri-
cess may comprise one, several, or all of these mech- fed turkeys. The ileum CD4+ /CD8+ ratio in L. reuteri-
anisms in a balanced way (Rolfe, 1991).These mecha- fed turkeys increased from 2 to 3.5, but in the duode-
nisms will be subsequently discussed briefly. num, where few to no L. reuteri reside, the CD4+ /CD8+
The mechanism of competition for colonization sites ratio was not affected. Dalloul et al (2004) reported
on the intestinal epithelium is mediated through that a Lactobacillus-based probiotic treatment given to
polysaccharide-containing components attached to the chickens challenged with Eimeria acervulina sporulated
cell wall (Soerjadi et al., 1982). An acidic polysaccha- oocysts resulted in larger numbers of IEL CD3+ , CD4+ ,
ride cell wall component mediates adherence of com- and CD8+ than that to the chickens on a control diet.
mon bacteria to each other and to the intestinal ep- Probiotic-fed chickens also showed fewer faecal oocysts
ithelium preventing other bacteria from attaching to than the controls. In addition, Haghighi et al (2006)
the epithelium, effectively blocking all receptor sites reported that serum and intestinal antibodies increased
(Fuller, 1975). The competition between probiotic and in chickens after the administration of probiotics. Also,
pathogenic bacteria is complex and very competitive. mannan-oligosaccharide and probiotic supplementation
Competition for available binding sites on the intesti- elevated IgG and IgM levels in turkeys (Cetin et al.,
nal mucosa is also influenced by the pH of the luminal 2005) and broiler chickens (Alavi et al., 2012).
contents. Also, Fuller (1977, 1978) demonstrated that On the other hand, it was suggested that some of
an acid pH favors the survival of acid loving bacteria the effects of probiotics and prebiotics may be brought
such as the Lactobacilli. Therefore, larger numbers of about by the modulation of the amount and type of
the Lactobacilli will bind to the intestinal mucosal ep- chemical mediators called eicosanoids. Eicosanoids reg-
ithelial cells and exclude pathogens such as Salmonella ulate the production of cytokines, which control the
spp. and E. coli. Furthermore, the composition of the nature and intensity of the inflammatory immune re-
medium in which the probiotic is growing will influence sponses (Miles and Calder, 1998). Munyaka et al. (2012)
the adhesion of the organism to the mucosal epithelium investigated the effect of yeast-derived carbohydrates
and affect its resistance to acid (Fuller, 1975). (YDC) on the performance and innate immune re-
Competing for available nutrients as a means to con- sponses of broiler chickens. The authors used a standard
trol intestinal bacterial populations is probably not the broiler diet containing monensin (control), monensin +
most effective mechanism. Rolfe (1991) indicated that bacitracin methylene disalicylate, and YDC treatment
there were many environmental factors that affected at 0.02%, 0.01%, and 0.005% for starter, grower, and
the availability of nutrient either from the diet of the finisher, respectively. The results showed that the ex-
host or through the manipulation of dietary ingredients pression of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) was down reg-
that enhanced the growth of certain microbial popu- ulated in the YDC group compared with control in
lations, which might have resulted in the exclusion of the ileum. The expression of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and
other bacterial species. A normal balance of bacteria interferon gamma-Y (IFN-γ ) were down regulated in
in the gastrointestinal tract is capable of utilizing all of the YDC treatment only in the cecal tonsils. Com-
the potential carbon sources in the environment (Freter pared with the control, the expression of interleukin-10
et al., 1983). It has been shown that by manipulating (IL-10) in both the ileum and the cecal tonsils was down
the lactose concentration in the diets of chickens, one regulated in the YDC treatment. Serum IgG and H: L
can selectively provide an advantage for the enhance- ratios were lower and higher respectively, in the YDC
ment of L. reuteri (Casas et al., 1998; 1993). treatment compared with the other treatments.
It was also suggested that some of the immunomod- kept at the thermoneutral zone (TN) or exposed to
ulatory effects of probiotics and prebiotics may also in- heat stress (HS) to the conclusion of study, d 42. Re-
clude changes in intracellular signalling pathways and sults revealed that dietary supplementations decreased
transcription factor activity. This involves alteration of the serum cortisol and cholesterol concentrations and
the genetic expression of key adhesion molecules in- increased thyroxine concentration compared with the
volved in direct signalling pathways as well as alteration HS group without supplementation. The percentage
in cytokine gene expression. It was concluded that the of the C-reactive protein-positive birds was higher in
dietary supplementation of probiotics and prebiotics en- the HS group compared with the TN group. Dietary
hances the expression of messenger RNA (mRNA) of supplementations improved humoral immunity against
genes related to the innate immune response. Newcastle disease virus and infectious bursal disease
virus during HS. The authors concluded that dietary
supplementation of either MOS or LBP alone or in
Effect on Meat Quality combination can reduce some of the detrimental effects
of heat stress in broilers. In addition, a similar exper-
Studies on the modulatory effect of dietary sup-
iment was conducted by Sohail et al. (2011) to study
plementation with probiotics on the lipid profile in
the oxidative status of broilers under cyclic heat stress
broilers are limited. Salma et al. (2007) reported that
(HS) as modulated by supplementation of mannan-
the dietary supplementation of bacteria (Rhodobacter
oligosaccharides (MOS) and a probiotic mixture at
capsulatus) could improve fatty acid profile in broil-
6 × 107 CFU per gram of product. The probiotic
ers. Yang et al. (2010) found that dietary Clostridium
mixture contained Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacil-
butyricum at 1.6 × 1010 cfu/g moderately decreased the
lus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus
ratio of n-6:n-3 fatty acids in breast muscles and in-
rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Streptococcus
creased eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA(and total n-3 fatty
thermophilus, Enterococcus faecium, Aspergillus oryzae,
acids. In the same study, supplemented C. butyricum in
and Candida pintolopesii. The author showed that heat
the diet significantly reduced the shear force of broiler
stress increased total oxidants and total antioxidants
meat. A positive correlation between intra muscular
and decreased paraoxonase and arylesterase, with
fat content of breast muscle and shear force was also
no change in ceruloplasmin, aspartate aminotrans-
observed in this study. In a study conducted by Ma-
ferase, and alanine aminotransferase activities. Dietary
teova et al. (2008), a decrease in serum cholesterol level
supplementation decreased total oxidants and total
and total lipids was observed after feeding Lactobacillus
antioxidants, with no effect on the activities of other
fermentum probiotic at 109 cfu/g and oligosaccharide
enzymes. Heat stress did not influence serum copper,
prebiotics to broilers. Similar results were obtained by
zinc, and manganese concentrations of birds when com-
Jin et al. (1998), where serum cholesterol levels were
pared with those in the thermoneutral group. However,
significantly lower in broilers fed with diets enriched
MOS increased concentrations of all the trace minerals.
with Lactobacillus cultures.
It was concluded that MOS or PM supplementation,
The supplementation of probiotics (Bacillus,
alone or combined, may reduce some of the detrimental
Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Clostridium, Saccha-
effects of heat stress. Also, the prebiotic mannano-
romyces, and Candida spp.) to broiler diets improved
ligosacharide, with a mixture of probiotics, was found
the characteristics of carcass and meat quality in male
to enhance body weight, reduce feed consumption, and
broilers (Endo and Nakano, 1999). Also, Mahajan et al.
improve the immunity of the gut in broiler chickens
(2000) reported that the use of probiotics (Lactobacillus
which were subjected to chronic heat stress (Sohail
acidophilus and Streptococcus faecium) increased mois-
et al., 2012). Similarly, Ashraf et al. (2013) reported
ture, protein, ash, water holding capacity, emulsion
that a mixture of mannan oligosaccharide and pro-
capacity and stability in broiler meats.
biotics improved intraepithelial lymphocytes count,
In general, probiotic supplementation improves meat
goblet cells count and differentiation of intestinal
quality of the produced broilers.
microflora in broilers reared under cyclic heat stress.

Effect on Oxidative Status and Heat Stress

Effect of Cecal Volatile Fatty Acids
The effect of cyclic heat stress in broilers fed
prebiotics and probiotics is well documented in the lit- In newly hatched chicks in commercial hatcheries,
erature. For example, Sohail et al. (2010) investigated the volatile fatty acid concentration and pH are not
some of the biological markers of heat stress in sufficient to chemically suppress pathogens (1980;
challenged broilers as modulated by dietary supple- Barnes et al., 1979), and therefore, supplementation of
mentation of mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) and a probiotic microorganisms will be very beneficial. It is
Lactobacillus-based probiotic (LBP) at 6 × 107 cfu critical to apply probiotic products as early as possible
per gram of product, either alone or in combination. to achieve the best results in the poultry industry.
Birds were immunized against Newcastle and infectious As soon as a chicken hatches into an environment
bursal disease viruses. From d 22, the birds were either that is heavily contaminated by bacteria, viruses, and

protozoans, which emerge from the surface of the ease of their applications against their potential bene-
eggshells, it must begin to develop protective gut mi- fits to improve production performance and to increase
croflora (Rinttilä and Apajalahti, 2013). The microflora overall profits. Currently, there is a wide spectrum of
that is beneficial, contributes to the formation and commercial probiotics and prebiotics for poultry avail-
development of the intestinal immune system and also able in the market. These additives are commonly used
helps in the activation of innate and adaptive immune at small dosages. In general, the cost of probiotics or
responses (Adil and Magray, 2012). Under normal con- prebiotics ranges from US $1 to 20 per kg, depending
ditions, a 35-wk period is required for the development on the commercial company and the active ingredients
of a stable population of gut associated bacteria, and in the product (Young, 2008). If growth performance
it is in the ceca where the greatest numbers reside. and feed efficiency are increased in commercial farming,
In the ceca, an anaerobic environment develops and then the costs of production are likely to be reduced.
favors the growth of organisms such as Bifidobacterium Also, if the chicken flock is able to resist disease and sur-
spp. and Bacteriodes spp. Along with these bacteria, vive until they are of marketable size, the subsequent
other lactic acid bacteria create a micro-ecology that cost of medication and overall production costs would
can be characterized by an acid pH resulting from the be reduced drastically. For example, Torres-Rodriguez
production of undissociated volatile fatty acids in the et al. (2007) reported that the economic analysis of us-
caeca (acetic, butyric, propionic, and lactic acids) and ing probiotics dietary supplement in turkeys indicated
antimicrobial substances that effectively exclude or a lower cost per kilogram of live turkeys after includ-
kill many different pathogens (Sarra et al., 1992). The ing their probiotic cost, 59.90 and 58.37 cents/kg of live
effect of undissociated short chain volatile fatty acids is turkeys for the control and probiotic treatment respec-
well documented in many studies. They present in high tively. In the same study, the combination of a higher
concentrations with acid pH and exert antimicrobial daily weight gain and a small reduction in the feed con-
effect. These acids are lipophilic penetrating the version ratio associated with the addition of the probi-
bacterial cell wall and produce H+ ions which in turn otic may have contributed to the lower cost of produc-
destroy the internal physiology of the bacterial cell. tion, even after considering the costs for the addition
In a study by Mookiah et al., 2014, broiler chickens of the probiotic, with an estimated additional income
were fed diets supplemented with probiotics, prebiotics per turkeys hen of about US 10 cents, representing an
and synbiotics. It was observed that the prebiotics and economic alternative to improve poultry production. In
probiotics increased caecal populations of lactobacilli Anjum et al. (2005) studied the economic efficiency of
and bifidobacteria and decreased caecal E.coli at 21 using protexin probiotic in broiler. The authors fed di-
days of age whereas it increased caecal volatile fatty ets containing protexin at 100 and 110 g/t in starter
acids at 21 and 42 days of age. The synbiotics did not and 50 and 55 g/t in finisher diets, respectively. The re-
show any such synergistic effect. sults of the study suggested that protexin supplementa-
Polymannuronate, is an alginate which has been tion is beneficial for better weight gains, feed efficiency
isolated from marine brown algae and is considered and economic efficiency in broiler chicks. The results
a potentially useful prebiotic. It is known to exclude of this study revealed that per bird total return aver-
pathogenic and harmful microbes and also selectively age on sale was $1.59 at total average expenditure of
colonize beneficial microbes. In this study, 540 one-d- $0.982. The net per bird income was $0.611 on average.
old Arbor Acres male broilers were fed diets of corn and This indicated that supplementation of broiler starter
soybean meal basal diet supplemented with 0, 1, 2, 3, and finisher diets with protexin at 100 g/t in starter
and 4 g/Kg polymannuronate. It was observed that and 50 g/t in finisher diets were economically bene-
by increasing the levels of dietary polymannuronate, ficial and encouraging where treated groups generated
led to a reduction in E.coli (P < 0.01) and increased more profit than the control group (Anjum et al., 2005).
lactic acid bacteria (P = 0.04). Also the broilers were According to Rosen (1995), supplementing broiler diet
found to have a higher concentration of acetic acid with bacitracin probiotic increased in live weight from
(P < 0.01). Thus, the production of lactic acid, 1.5 to 2.6 kg over weeks 5 to 8 of the growth period, this
acetic acid and volatile fatty acids (VFA) can lower elevated the annual net profit per 1,000 birds by £60. In
intestinal pH, creating an environment which hin- addition, Gutierrez-Fuentes et al. (2013) evaluated the
ders the growth of harmful bacteria (Zhu et al., effect of a commercial lactic acid bacteria-based pro-
2015). biotic (FloraMax-B11) on growth performance, bone
Based on the above, probiotic supplementation af- qualities and morphometric analysis of broiler chick-
fects the balance of cecal volatile fatty acids, which in ens. The authors also estimated the cost benefit of us-
turn exert antimicrobial effect in poultry. ing this probiotic in their study. The results showed
an increase in body weight and improvement in feed
conversion upon using the probiotic. The cost benefit
Economic Analysis of using Probiotics analysis showed that the increase in body weight of
100 g, when converted to a cost benefit ratio, suggested
The decision to use specific types of probiotics and/or that for every $ 1 spent on this probiotic there was a
prebiotics is governed by the costs of these products and cost benefit of 1:22.57.
However, there are studies in the literature show- Casas, I., F. Edens, and W. Dobrogosz. 1998. Lactobacillus reuteri:
ing no benefit of using Probiotics and prebiotics an effective probiotic for poultry and other animals. J Food Sci
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Casas, I., F. Edens, W. Dobrogosz, and C. Parkhurst. 1993. Per-
old commercial broiler chicks were experimentally formance of GAIAfeed and GAIAspray: A Lactobacillus reuteri-
divided into five dietary treatments; control (T1), based probiotic for poultry. Prevention and control of potentially
probiotic in the feed (100 g/tonne) (T2), prebiotic pathogenic microorganisms in poultry and poultry meat prod-
ucts. Proceedings. 12:63–71.
in the feed (500 g/tonne) (T3), probiotic + prebiotic Castanon, J. 2007. History of the use of antibiotic as growth pro-
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of this usage was calculated in terms of Return Over broiler chickens supplemented with Bacillus coagulans as probi-
otic. Br. Poult. Sci. 39:526–529.
Feed Cost (ROFC) and European Efficiency Index Cengiz, O., B. H. Koksal, O. Yagin, A. S. Bakirci, D. Beyaz, S.
(EPEI). It was seen that a diet supplemented with Buyukyoruk, and A. G. Onol. 2012. Influence of dietary prebi-
symbiotic (100% level) proved to be more efficient in otic addition on digestibility and intestinal microflora of young
terms of EPEI and ROFC (50% level) than prebiotics male broiler chickens exposed to delayed feed access after hatch.
International J. of Poultry Science 11:408–416.
or probiotic alone (Saiyed et al., 2015). Cetin, N., B. K. Guclu, and E. Cetin. 2005. The effects of probi-
In conclusion, the economic analysis data obtained otic and mannanoligosaccharide on some haematological and im-
from probiotic studies in broilers indicated that probi- munological parameters in Turkeys. J Vet Med Series A 52:263–
otic supplementation may not always be more feasible 267
Chegeni, A. 2012. The effect of a synbiotic-a cocktail of pre and
and economical to obtain maximum profitability from probiotic-on broiler performance and litter quality. Paper pre-
broiler production and hence further research in the sented at the Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Australian Poultry
field is currently ongoing. Science Symposium, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 19–22
February 2012.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dalloul, R., H. Lillehoj, M. Okamura, H. Xie, W. Min, X. Ding, and
R. Heckert. 2004. In vivo effects of CpG oligodeoxynucleotide on
Eimeria infection in chickens. Avian Dis. 48:783–790.
The author would like to extend sincere thanks to the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union. 1998.
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) and Kuwait Opinion on resistance to antibiotics as a threat to public
Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) for health. No. ESC-98-016-EN. http://eescopinions.eesc.europa.eu/
their technical and financial support of the current study. EESCopinionDocument.aspx?identifier=ces\ancienn es sections\
envi\envi471\ces1118-1998 ac.doc&language=EN.Research,
Gate, Accessed onJune 12, 2007.
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