Physioex Lab Report: Pre-Lab Quiz Results
Physioex Lab Report: Pre-Lab Quiz Results
Physioex Lab Report: Pre-Lab Quiz Results
You correctly answered: Insulin is a hormone secreted into the stomach to aid with starch
You correctly answered: the cells of the body are unresponsive to circulating insulin.
5 Glucagon is a hormone
Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: To measure the amount of plasma glucose in a patient sample
Your answer: the glucose concentration of the sample will be measured and the optical
density will be extrapolated from the glucose standard curve.
Experiment Data
Tube Optical Density Glucose
Part 1 1
0 30 30 1/4
4/28/2021 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 2
Part 1 1 0.30 30
2 0.50 60
3 0.60 90
4 0.80 120
5 1.00 150
Part 2 1 0.73 104
2 0.79 160
3 0.89 131
4 0.83 120
5 0.96 144
1 A male patient has had successive fasting plasma glucose readings of 115, 110, and 122
mg/dl. The healthcare provider will inform him that
3 In the spectrophotometric assay used in this experiment, the __________ as the glucose
concentration in the sample increases.
4 A female patient has had successive fasting plasma glucose readings of 130, 140, and 128
mg/dl. The healthcare provider will inform her that
You correctly answered: insulin-mediated transport of glucose into cells acts as negative
feedback when plasma glucose levels rise.
6 A laboratory technician withdraws a blood sample from a vein in your upper arm
knowing that
You correctly answered: the plasma glucose concentration will be the same in both the
arm vein and the index finger. 2/4
4/28/2021 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 2
Your answer:
The glucose standard curve is a method of monitoring blood glucose over a period to
identify patterns and peaks in glucose
levels , the prediction is a wrong depiction of how the curve works, the optical density is
measured and then the glucose
concentration is extrapolated using the curve.
2 Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the diabetic range? Can you say with certainty
whether each of these patients has type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Why or why not?
Your answer:
Patients 3 and 5 appear to have diabetes based on the glucose standard curve ,
I cannot say with certainty is the patients have a specific type of diabetes, because type 1
and type 2 diabetes are different
responses by the human body :
In both cases, glucose remains in the blood stream and the body's cells are unable to
take it up, meaning it is not filtered out of the body fluids.
3 Describe the diagnosis for patient 3, who was also pregnant at the time of this assay.
Your answer:
Patient 3 appears to have diabetes based on the glucose standard curve measurements,
but with the news that this patient is pregnant it is possible that she doesn't have
The blood sugar is higher than normal during pregnancy due to hormonal
changes, as nutrients are being supplied to the placenta. During the course of a
pregnancy, the sugar levels rise , and the body makes more insulin to get the sugar levels
into the cells.
Your answer:
5 What are some lifestyle choices these patients with normal plasma glucose readings
might recommend to the borderline impaired patients?
Your answer: 3/4
4/28/2021 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 2
Some lifestyle changes include dieting and exercises , specific to dieting, eating foods with
lower sugar intake. Also exercise because it promotes the breakdown of
nutrients,specifically glucose, so it can be used as a form of energy for the body's needs. 4/4