Dietary Supplementation With Sodium Butyrate Growth Gut Response at Different Ages and Meat Quality of Female and Male Broiler Chickens
Dietary Supplementation With Sodium Butyrate Growth Gut Response at Different Ages and Meat Quality of Female and Male Broiler Chickens
Dietary Supplementation With Sodium Butyrate Growth Gut Response at Different Ages and Meat Quality of Female and Male Broiler Chickens
To cite this article: Antón Pascual , Angela Trocino , Marco Birolo , Barbara Cardazzo ,
Francesco Bordignon , Cristina Ballarin , Lisa Carraro & Gerolamo Xiccato (2020) Dietary
supplementation with sodium butyrate: growth, gut response at different ages, and meat quality
of female and male broiler chickens, Italian Journal of Animal Science, 19:1, 1134-1145, DOI:
Under optimal health conditions, Na-butyrate supplementation did not affect performance or
gut response at different ages of broiler chickens.
Males showed a significantly higher occurrence of wooden breasts, whereas females had
higher rates of spaghetti meat.
In females, the Na-butyrate supplementation tended to reduce the occurrence of spa-
ghetti meat.
CONTACT Dr. Angela Trocino [email protected] Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science (BCA), University of Padova,
Viale dell’Universita 16, Legnaro 35020, Padova, Italy
ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
surface area of the villi (Guilloteau et al. 2010). It can light systems. Sixteen wire-net pens (2.5 2.4 m; 6 m2)
also exert an antimicrobial action (Leeson et al. 2005) were used, each equipped with five nipple drinkers
using multiple mechanisms, such as an increased pro- and a circular feeder for manual distribution of feed.
duction of mucins and antimicrobial peptides and Each pen had a concrete floor covered with wood
decreases in intestinal epithelial permeability (Peng shaving litter. A total of 24 h of light were provided
et al. 2007). Moreover, undissociated butyric acid can for the first 2 days after the chickens had arrived at
penetrate bacterial cell walls and alter the internal pH the poultry house. Then, the hours of light were pro-
and osmotic equilibrium of cells, affecting pathogenic gressively reduced until an 18L:6D photoperiod was
bacteria and balancing the gut microbiota (van Der achieved, which was then maintained from 13 days of
Wielen et al. 2000). age onwards.
In poultry, dietary supplementation with butyric
acid has been found to increase growth rate as well
Animals, experimental groups, and in vivo
as augmenting carcase and breast weight (Leeson
et al. 2005; Namkung et al. 2011). Indeed, butyric acid
is involved in many pathways, such as lipolysis, lipo- The study was approved by the Ethical Committee for
genesis, and gluconeogenesis (Heimann et al. 2015). It Animal Experimentation of the University of Padova
has also been hypothesised to have a role in regulat- (project 17/2016; prot. no. 154392; 10 May 2016). All
ing cell growth and differentiation programming animals were handled according to the principles of
(Liang et al. 2010; Mali et al. 2010; Berni Canani et al. EU Directive 2010/63/EU regarding the protection of
2012), with possible effects on muscle fibre in pigs animals used for experimental and other scientific
(Duan et al. 2018), and meat quality in broiler chickens purposes.
(Wu et al. 2020). To our knowledge, before now there A total of 384 male and 384 female 1-day-old
has been no investigation concerning whether these chicks (Ross 308; n ¼ 768) were delivered by a com-
effects imply differences in the rate and occurrence of mercial truck to the experimental facilities of the
myopathies. Myopathies, such as white striping (WS), University. All chicks had been vaccinated against
wooden breast (WB) and spaghetti meat (SM), affect Marek’s disease, infectious bronchitis, and Newcastle
the pectoralis major muscle fibres at a histological disease at the hatchery. They were randomly allocated
level, involving changes in the chemical composition among the 16 pens (48 birds per pen) according to
and rheological traits of meat (Trocino et al. 2015; the following experimental arrangement: two sex-
Kuttappan et al. 2016; Baldi et al. 2018). Breast meat es two dietary treatments (control diet versus butyr-
affected by myopathies shows an increase in intramus- ate diet) and controlled from the day of arrival until
cular fat and decrease in protein content, which are slaughter at 45 days of age.
associated with inflammation, myofibrillar structural Chicks were individually weighed on the day of
degeneration, and regeneration of muscle fibres their arrival, identified by a leg mark, and then
(Mudalal et al. 2015; Radaelli et al. 2017; Soglia weighed once per week to measure live weight until
et al. 2017). commercial slaughtering. Pen feed consumption was
Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate measured daily during the trial.
comprehensively how dietary supplementation with a
microencapsulated sodium-butyrate affects broiler
chickens, including consideration of growth perform- Diets and feeding plans
ance, slaughter results, gut morphology and gut Three commercial diets were offered during three peri-
microbiota at different ages, and the occurrence of ods and used as control diets (C): diet C1 (crude pro-
myopathies in both females and males. tein, 22.5%; ether extract, 5.25%; crude fibre, 2.61%),
diet C2 (crude protein, 19.4%; ether extract, 6.10%;
Materials and methods crude fibre, 2.44%), and diet C3 (crude protein, 18.5%;
ether extract, 7.48%; crude fibre, 2.39%), to be fed
Experimental facilities from 0 to 12 days, 13 to 22 days, and 23 to 45 days,
The trial was undertaken in the poultry house of the respectively. The components of each diet, in descend-
Experimental Farm of the University of Padova ing order of quantity included, were: C1 – soybean
(Legnaro, Padova, Italy), after 6 months of downtime. meal, corn, soft wheat, animal fat, monocalcium phos-
The poultry house was equipped with a cooling sys- phate, calcium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate,
tem, forced ventilation, radiant heating, and controlled sodium chloride, lignocellulose, and seaweed meal; C2
– corn, soybean meal, soft wheat, animal fat, mono- Sampling of caecal content, DNA extraction, and
dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, sodium bicar- library preparation
bonate, sodium chloride, seaweed meal, and lignocel-
Each surface of the two caeca per animal was steri-
lulose; C3 – corn, soft wheat, soybean meal, animal
lised with 70% ethanol and opened with a scalpel.
fat, calcium carbonate, mono-dicalcium phosphate, Then, equal amounts of the caecum contents from the
sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, seaweed meal, two animals (approximately 32 mg/bird) in each pen
and lignocellulose. All three diets also included vita- were pooled and immediately frozen at 80 C until
min–mineral premix and phytase, and diets C1 and C2 analysis.
contained coccidiostat (Maxiban G160; Ely Lilly & Co DNA was extracted using a DNeasy PowerSoilV R
Ltd, Indianapolis, IN). Control diets were produced by DNA Isolation Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). A total of
a commercial feed mill (Mangimificio Settecolli S.c.r.l., 100 mg of sterile 0.1 mm beads (BioSpec, Bartlesville,
Montegalda, Vicenza, Italy). A commercial microencap- OK) were added, and a bead mill (TissueLyser, Qiagen,
sulated sodium butyrate (500 mg/kg; 30% Na-butyr- Hilden, Germany) was used to carry out disruption in
ate), designed for release butyrate along the small high-speed shaking steps (2 30 s at 30 Hz) after the
intestine, was added to each of the control diets to addition of lysis buffer. A total of 40 uL of proteinase
obtain three supplemented diets (B1, B2, B3) using a K (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) was added and incubated
180-l mechanical mixer before administration. All ani- at 56 C for 90 min. After this step, the DNeasy
mals were fed ad libitum throughout the trial. PowerSoilV R DNA Isolation Kit manufacturer’s instruc-
Diets were analysed to determine the contents of tions were followed. The concentration and purity of
dry matter, crude protein and crude fibre using AOAC DNA were analysed using a spectrophotometer
(2000). Ether extract was analysed after acid hydrolysis (NanoDrop ND-1000, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA).
(EC 1998). A two step-amplification approach was used to
construct the 16S DNA library. The samples were
amplified in 20-lL reactions, each composed of 5 lL of
Sampling of gut tissues for morphometric analysis diluted DNA, 0.4 lM of each primer (Table 1), 0.25 mM
deoxynucleotide (dNTP), 1 Phusion HF buffer, and
At 11, 24, and 35 days of age, 96 chickens (2 chickens
1 U Phusion High-Fidelity DNA polymerase (New
per pen; 303 ± 25 g at 11 days, 880 ± 74 g at 24 days,
England BioLabs, Inc., Ipswich, MA). The PCR was con-
and 2268 ± 74 g at 35 days) were selected for gut tis-
ducted in a 2720 Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems,
sue sampling on the basis of average live weight and
Foster City, CA) with 25 cycles of 95 C for 30 s, 60 C
slaughtered by cervical dislocation. One sample
or 49 C for 30 s, 72 C for 45 s, and a final extension
(length, c. 2 cm) was taken from the jejunum, at the
of 7 min at 72 C. Three PCR replicates were performed
midpoint between the end of the duodenal loop and
per sample.
Meckel’s diverticulum (Wang et al. 2016), and washed Products were purified using the SPRIselect
in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) solution. Samples (c. Purification Kit (Beckman Coulter Life Sciences,
1 cm) were fixed in paraformaldehyde in PBS (0.1 M, Indianapolis, IN) and, after bead purification, the target
pH 7.4) for later processing in standard histological band was confirmed using a 1.8% agarose gel.
analyses. Each sample was cut into 4-lm serial sec- Barcodes were introduced by a second PCR analysis
tions and subjected to haematoxylin and eosin stain- with platform-specific barcode-bearing primers. Each
ing for morphometric evaluation. The villus length and 50-lL PCR reaction contained the PCR product, 0.2 lM
crypt depth were measured using image-analysis soft- of each primer (Table 1), 0.3 mM dNTP, 1 Phusion HF
ware (DP-soft, Olympus Optical, Co., Hamburg, buffer, and 1 U Phusion high-fidelity DNA polymerase;
Germany), according to the procedure described by 10 cycles of the PCR profile described above were per-
Hampson (1986). formed. PCR products were purified using the
SPRIselect purification kit (Beckman Coulter Life and the maximum shear force was assessed with a
Sciences, Indianapolis, IN). After the final purification, LS5 dynamometer (Lloyd Instruments Ltd, Bognor
each sample was quantified using a QubitV 2.0
Regis, UK) using an Allo-Kramer (10 blades) probe
Fluorometer (Invitrogen, Life Technologies, Monza, (load cell, 500 kg; distance between blades, 5 mm;
Italy). Amplicon library quality was tested using an thickness, 2 mm; cutting speed, 250 mm/min) (Mudalal
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Palo et al. 2015).
Alto, CA). Libraries were sequenced using the Illumina
MiSeq platform with a paired-end 300-cycle run
Statistical and bioinformatics analysis
(Macrogen Inc., Seoul, South Korea).
Individual data for live weight, daily growth, slaughter
results, and meat traits were submitted to ANOVA,
Commercial slaughtering, and carcass and meat with diet (control versus Na-butyrate), sex, and their
quality recording interactions as the main factors of variability and pen
At 45 days of age, all remaining chickens were slaugh- as a random effect, using the PROC MIXED procedure
tered in a commercial slaughterhouse. Chickens were in SAS (SAS Institute 2013). Pen data for feed intake
individually weighed before crating. Chickens were and conversion were also submitted to ANOVA, with
slaughtered according to the standard practice of the diet, sex, and their interactions as the main factors of
commercial slaughterhouse. Ready-to-cook carcases variability, using the PROC GLM procedure (SAS
were recovered after 2 h refrigeration at 2 C and indi- Institute 2013). Individual data related to gut morph-
vidually weighed to measure the slaughter dressing ology were analysed using the same model, with diet,
percentage. age, sex, and their interactions as the main effects.
A total of 192 carcases (12 per pen, previously The myopathy rates were analysed using a Chi-square
selected as representative of their pen on the basis of test according to diet and sex. Differences between
slaughter live weight) were submitted to gross exam- means of p .05 were considered statistically
ination to evaluate the occurrence (presence or significant.
absence) of WS, WB and SM on the pectoralis major The sequencing raw data were imported into the
muscle. Then, 96 (6 per pen) of the 192 carcases were QIIME 2 pipeline version 2019.10 (;
selected and transported to the laboratories of the Bolyen et al. 2019) with default parameters. The 16S
Department, University of Padova, to be stored at 2 C raw reads were denoised, dereplicated, chimaera were
before conducting meat quality analyses. Twenty-four removed, and raw reads were then merged using
hours after slaughter, carcases were dissected to DADA2 software. After detecting and correcting
obtain the main cuts and pectoralis major muscles for Illumina amplicon sequence errors, DADA2 created a
meat quality analysis (Petracci and Baeza 2011). A pH high-resolution amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table.
metre (Basic 20, Crison Instruments, SpA, Carpi, Subsequently, the taxonomy was assigned by the sci-
Modena, Italy), equipped with a specific electrode (cat. kit-learn method using a pre-trained Naive Bayes clas-
5232, Crison Instruments, SpA), was used to measure sifier against the SILVA database release 132 (https://
pH values of the pectoralis major muscles in triplicate Data
on their ventral side. The Lab colour indexes were normalisation, alpha- and beta-diversity determination,
measured in triplicate on the ventral side of the same and statistical analysis were conducted in CALYPSO
muscles using a Minolta CM-508 C spectrophotometer version 8.84 (
(Minolta Corp., Ramsey, NJ) (Petracci & Baeza 2011). Calypso; Zakrzewski et al. 2017). The raw sequence
After measuring the pH and colour indexes, one data were deposited in the Sequence Read Archive
meat portion (8 cm 4 cm 3 cm) per carcase was (SRA) database (accession no. PRJNA624052).
separated from the cranial side of the pectoralis major
muscle, parallel to the muscle fibre direction, and Results
stored under vacuum in plastic bags at 18 C prior
Growth performance and health
to meat analysis. Losses due to thawing and cooking
were measured in this cut (Petracci and Baeza 2011). On hatching day, the average chick weight was
After thawing, each meat portion was placed in a plas- 46.0 ± 3.4 g, without significant differences between
tic bag and cooked in a water bath at 80 C for groups (Table 2). Dietary treatment did not affect
45 min. After 40 min of cooling, another meat portion weight gain (73.5 g/d on average), feed intake
(4 cm 2 cm 1 cm) per meat portion was separated (112.5 g/d), or feed conversion (1.43) across the whole
Table 2. Productive performancea (least square means) of broiler chickens prior to slaughter.
Dietary treatment (T) Sex (S) p Value
Control Na-butyrate Females Males T S TS MSE
Chickens, n 335 331 335 331
Live weight, g
Initial (1 d) 45.9 46.0 45.6 46.3 .76 .16 .78 3.4
22 d 1061 1054 998 1117 .38 <.001 .26 78
Final (45 d) 3294 3266 2975 3586 .16 <.001 .79 256
Whole trial (1-45 d)
Daily weight gain, g/d 73.8 73.2 66.6 80.4 .16 <.001 .79 5.8
Daily feed intake, g/d 113 112 104 121 .06 <.001 .53 1
Feed conversion 1.44 1.43 1.46 1.40 .15 <.001 .73 0.01
MSE: root mean square error; SEM is equal to MSE/冑n.
Individual data: live weight and daily growth rate. Pen data: feed intake and feed conversion.
Table 3. Slaughter results and carcase traits (least square means) in chickens slaughtered at 45 d of age.
Dietary treatment (T) Sex (S) p Value
Control Na-butyrate Females Males T S TS MSE
Chickens, n 335 331 335 331
Cold carcases, g 2406 2386 2165 2626 .44 <.001 .88 185
Dressing out percentage, % 73.9 73.9 73.5 74.3 .70 .001 .95 1.6
Dissected carcases, n 48 48 48 48
Breast yield, % CC 39.5 39.2 40.4 38.4 .48 <.0001 .92 1.5
P. major, % CC 12.3 12.2 12.6 11.9 .81 <.0001 .13 0.6
Wings, % CC 9.88 9.69 9.77 9.80 .26 .86 .40 0.92
Hind legs, % CC 29.1 29.2 28.7 29.6 .96 .01 .41 1.7
MSE: root mean square error; SEM is equal to MSE/冑n; CC: cold carcases.
Table 4. Rheological traits (least square means) of the pectoralis major muscle in chickens slaughtered at 45 d
of age.
Dietary treatment (T) Sex (S) P-value
Control Na-Butyrate Females Males T S TS MSE
Pectoralis major, n 48 48 48 48
pHa 5.83 5.86 5.83 5.86 .09 .34 <.01 0.10
L 48.5 48.5 47.9 49.0 .89 .01 .07 2.2
a 3.20 3.33 3.25 3.28 .56 .85 .20 0.71
b 21.6 22.0 22.1 21.5 .47 .10 .79 1.7
Thawing losses, % 7.17 6.98 7.20 6.96 .67 .59 .24 2.15
Cooking losses, % 25.3 24.2 24.0 25.5 .11 .02 .06 3.3
Shear force, kg/g 2.88 2.67 2.74 2.81 .12 .60 .57 0.59
MSE: root mean square error; SEM is equal to MSE/冑n.
Interaction dietary treatment sex. pH: control diet, 5.82 (females) and 5.91 (males); Na-butyrate diet, 5.90 (females) and 5.87 (males).
trial. Females were lighter than males from 22 until 35.9% of breasts showed WS exclusively, an average
45 days of age (2975 g versus 3586 g; p .001); males of 14.6% showed WB (whether or not associated with
showed a higher daily weight gain (þ20%) and feed WS), and an average of 14.1% showed SM (whether or
intake (þ16%), and lower feed conversion ratio (5%) not associated with WS and/or WB) (Figure 1).
throughout the trial (Table 2). During the trial, there Males had heavier carcases and higher proportions
were recorded losses of 0.9% (i.e. 6 chickens) due to of breast, pectoralis major muscle, and hind leg meat
mortality (4 chickens) and lameness (2 chickens) (data than females (Table 3); the former also had a higher
not reported in Tables). L index (þ2.5%; p ¼ .01) and cooking loss (þ6%;
p ¼ .02) on the pectoralis major muscle than in
females. However, final pH, thawing loss, and shear
Slaughter results, meat quality, and force were not sex-dependent (Table 4).
myopathy rate Males showed a higher WB (þ15.6%; p .01) and
lower SM (21.9%; p .001) rate compared with
No effect of dietary treatment was recorded in the
females; there were no significant differences concern-
slaughter (Table 3), meat quality (Table 4), or myop- ing the WS rate (Figure 2). The rate of SM doubled in
athy occurrence (Figure 1) results. An average of
Control Na-butyrate females fed the control diets compared with those fed
P = 0.87 Na-butyrate diets (p ¼ .06) (Figure 3).
40 35.4 36.5
35 P = 0.17
30 P = 0.43 Gut morphometry
% 25
20 16.7
18.8 The dietary treatment did not affect gut morphology
15 12.5
in terms of villi height (1024 mm on average), crypt
10 depth (184 mm), or villi to crypt ratio (5.76) (Table 5).
Males had longer villi (p .001) and a higher villi to
White striping Wooden breast Spaghetti meat crypt ratio (p ¼ .05) compared with females. Finally,
Figure 1. White striping, wooden breast, and spaghetti meat with increasing age from 11 to 24 and 35 days, villi
rates in the breasts of chickens fed a control or Na-butyrate height increased (803–988 lm and 1282 lm, respect-
diet. White striping: breasts show only white striping; wooden ively) and crypt depth decreased (208–170 lm and
breast: breasts may also show white striping; spaghetti meat:
175 lm); thus, the villi to crypt ratio increased
breasts may also show white striping and wooden breast.
(4.02–5.91 and 7.34) (p .001) (Table 5).
Female Male
P = 0.44
45 Microbial profiles at the cecum
40 38.5 P < 0.001
35 33.3 P < 0.01 The 16S amplicon sequencing produced 13,351,438
30 raw sequences. Good’s Coverage index values were
% 25 21.9
between 0.986 and 0.991, i.e. the sequencing appro-
15 priately described the community composition. Dietary
10 7.3 treatment and sex had no effects on microbial diver-
5 3.1
sity or the composition and abundance of intestinal
White striping Wooden breast Spaghetti meat microbiota (phyla, classes, and orders).
Figure 2. White striping, wooden breast, and spaghetti meat The species Richness index (defined as the number
rates in the breasts of male and female chickens. White strip- of different species represented in an ecological com-
ing: breasts show only white striping; wooden breast: breasts munity, landscape, or region) increased with increas-
may also show white striping; spaghetti meat: breasts may ing chicken age (p .001; Figure 4(A)). The community
also show white striping and wooden breast.
composition was also affected by age as shown by
the results of a principal coordinate analysis (adonis:
Control Na-butyrate
p .001) (Figure 4(B)).
45 P = 0.64 Caecum communities included the phyla Firmicutes
P = 0.06
40 (51.69–98.18%), Proteobacteria (0.35–28.55%),
35 31.3 Bacteroidetes (0–38.37%), Tenericutes (0–21.27%), and
Actinobacteria (0–0.11%). Sample clustering based on
% 25
P = 0.79
community composition at phylum level was related
15 to chicken age: Tenericutes and Bacteroidetes
10 6.2
increased, whereas Proteobacteria decreased (p .05)
(Figure 5(A)). At the class level, Mollicutes increased,
White striping Wooden breast Spaghetti meat whereas Gammaproteobacteria, Erysipelotrichia, and
Figure 3. White striping, wooden breast, and spaghetti meat Bacilli decreased (p .05) (Figure 5(B)). When final
rates in the breasts of female chickens fed a control or Na- recordings were made at 35 days (p .05) (Figure
butyrate diet. 5(B)), Melainabacteria and Bacteroidia were found to
Table 5. Gut morphometry results for the effect of Na-butyrate supplementation, by age and gender.
Dietary treatment (T) Age (A) Sex (S) p Value
Control Na-Butyrate 11 d 24 d 35 d Female Male T A S TxA TxS AxS TxAxS
Chickens, n 48 48 32 32 32 48 48
Villi height, lm 1,018 1,030 803a 988b 1,282c 981 1,067 .73 <.001 <.001 .54 .97 .20 .37 157
Crypt depth, lm 183 185 208b
184 185 .76 <.001 .90 .69 .40 .73 .56 31
Villi to crypt ratio 5.77 5.75 4.02a 5.91b 7.34c 5.54 5.98 .91 <.001 .05 .32 .95 .64 .40 1.09
MSE: root mean square error; SEM is equal to MSE/冑n.
Values with different superscript letters are significantly different (p .05).
Figure 4. Alpha-diversity (richness index) (A) and beta-diversity (principal coordinate analysis) (B) of the caecal microbiota in
chickens fed a control or Na-butyrate diet at different ages (11, 24, and 35 days). OTU: operational taxonomic unit; PCoA: principal
coordinate analysis.
have largely increased. At the order level, coating fat, and coating procedure (Guilloteau et al.
Pasteurellales, Lactobacillales, Erysipelotrichales, and 2010; Chamba et al. 2014).
Enterobacteriales decreased with increasing chicken Based on the literature, dietary supplementation by
age, whereas Mollicutes RF39 and Bacteroidales butyrate as encapsulated Ca-butyrate (50% butyric
increased (Figure 5(C)). Significant changes in family acid) enhanced daily weight gain at increasing doses
abundance according to age are shown in Figure 5(D). until 500 mg/kg, especially during the first growth
period (0–35 days), and thus final live weight and feed
conversion (Levy et al. 2015; Kaczmarek et al. 2016). In
contrast, high inclusion rates (1000 mg/kg protected
Butyric acid has been widely used as a feed additive Ca-butyrate; 70% butyric acid) decreased broiler
for broiler chickens. Nevertheless, analysis of its effects weight and feed intake and worsened feed conversion
on performance and health are not always consistent, at every growth stage (Pineda-Quiroga et al. 2017).
because several parameters may differ among studies. Similarly, dietary supplementation with Na-butyrate
First, butyric acid may be administered either in its at increasing doses (up to 500 and 2000 mg/kg) posi-
free form, associated with a salt, and/or protected in a tively influenced growth performance in the starter
glyceride matrix. Second, it may be supplemented at phase (0–21 days), without residual effects during the
different doses and/or under different experimental whole growth period (0–42 days) (Hu and Guo 2007).
conditions (genotype, trial duration, presence or In contrast, the highest dietary supplementation
absence of specific challenges and stress conditions). (2000 mg/kg) negatively affected feed conversion (Hu
Due to its volatile and pungent nature and since it and Guo 2007). A coated Na-butyrate (54% butyrate),
is quickly absorbed at the crop level in the upper supplemented at increasing doses until 1000 mg/kg,
digestive tract (van Der Wielen et al. 2000), butyric did not affect growth performance and feed conver-
acid is in most cases associated with salts, primarily sion in broiler chicken during 42 days of treatment
calcium (Levy et al. 2015; Kaczmarek et al. 2016; (Wu et al. 2018); this is consistent with the results of
Pineda-Quiroga et al. 2017) or sodium (Hu & Guo the present trial with microencapsulated Na-butyrate
2007; Liu et al. 2017; Wu et al. 2018). Moreover, free (500 mg/kg). Other authors, using a blend of protected
SCFA can negatively affect feed odour, reducing its (30%) and free (40%) Na-butyrate, observed a positive
palatability (Andreopoulou et al. 2014). When the salt and significant effect on weight gain, feed intake, and
is encapsulated (coated) in a glyceride matrix, it is feed conversion only in the growing and finishing
released more slowly and its absorption in the lower periods (until 42 days of age) (Chamba et al. 2014).
gut is enhanced (Smith et al. 2012); this was the case When comparing dietary supplementation by buty-
for the microencapsulated Na-butyrate used in the ric acid derivatives (glyceride mixture of mono-, di-
present study. Accordingly, dietary supplementation and triglyceride) with antibiotic treatment in broiler
rates for butyrate-based additives vary depending on chickens, no effect on growth performance was
multiple factors, including the form (free, salted, or reported either at 200 mg/kg of mono- and diglycer-
coated), salt to organic acid ratio, amount and type of ides (approx. 75% butyric acid) (Leeson et al. 2005), or
Figure 5. Significant differences (at least p .05) in the caecal microbiota relating to phylum (A), class (B), order (C), and family
(D) abundance in broiler chickens at different ages (11, 24, and 35 days).
at different doses and combinations of butyrate gly- (Guilloteau et al. 2010). The supplementation of buty-
ceride blends (500 mg/kg monobutyrin þ 500 mg/kg ric acid as mono- and diglycerides can be helpful in
trybutirin, and 500 mg/kg trybutirin þ 2000 mg/kg maintaining the intestinal villi structure after a specific
monobutyrin) (Bedford et al. 2017). challenge (Leeson et al. 2005), conditions under which
Indeed, dietary supplementation with increasing changes in gut morphology have also been associated
Na-butyrate doses (0, 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg; with improved growth performance. However, in
99.9%) did not affect broiler chicken performance healthy chickens, the effect of dietary supplementation
under standard farm conditions, whereas the highest with Na-butyrate on the small intestinal epithelium
dose improved growth performance after an may be insignificant (Hu and Guo 2007); this is con-
Escherichia coli challenge compared with broilers fed a sistent with our results.
control diet (Zhang et al. 2011). Thus, differences Gastrointestinal tract integrity is crucial to nutrition
among studies may be related to Na-butyrate reaching absorption, immunity development, and disease resist-
the small intestine as well as the microbial environ- ance, together with the gut microbial community bal-
ment to which chickens are exposed. Various authors ance. Alterations in the gut microbial community may
(Leeson et al. 2005; Smulikowska et al. 2009) report adversely affect feed efficiency, productivity, and
that there is no growth-promoting response to fat- health of chickens (Kohl 2012; Wu et al. 2018; Kogut
coated butyric acid or its mono- and diglycerides 2019; Zou et al. 2019). The gut microbiota in broiler
when chickens are reared in an environment with low chickens is characterised by a prevalence of Firmicutes
pathogens or where health is good, such as in our and Bacteroidates, as confirmed in the present study,
trial conditions. whereas Enterobacteriaceae are usually associated
Previous studies have also shown that butyrate has with gut dysbiosis, which, in turn, causes low micro-
a strong trophic effect on the gastrointestinal epithe- bial diversity (Kogut 2019).
lium; it generally increases enterocyte proliferation, dif- Both in pigs (Manzanilla et al. 2006) and broilers
ferentiation, and maturation in the small intestine (Jerzsele et al. 2012), Na-butyrate supplementation has
been found to promote microbial diversity and induce chickens (24 and 35 days). Bacteroidetes increased and
competitive exclusion between beneficial and patho- Enterobacteriaceae decreased consistently in the
genic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. A number microbiota with increasing age and good chicken
of previous broiler studies have focussed on reduc- health.
tions in specific pathogenic bacterial counts, such as Slaughter yields and carcase traits are usually corre-
Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritis, and Campylobacter lated with the daily growth rate and final live weight,
jejuni in the caecal tract, whereas different butyrate for which we found no effects of dietary Na-butyrate
products have the potential to mitigate the impact of supplementation. Similarly, Leeson et al. (2005)
pathogenic bacteria (Fernandez-Rubio et al. 2009; observed no changes in carcase weight and breast
Namkung et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2019). yield in chickens supplemented with 100 mg/kg butyr-
Supplementation with butyrate glyceride (3000 mg/ ate mono- and diglycerides, whereas breast muscle
kg) did not affect ileal microbial diversity but altered and carcase weight increased at a higher supplemen-
caecal bacteria, with special reference to the class tation rate (200 mg/kg). Using butyrate glyceride
Mollicutes and genera Eubacterium, Subdoligranulum, blends (mono- and triglycerides), Bedford et al. (2017)
Holdemania, Anaerotruncus, and Bifidobacterium (Yang reported an increase in breast muscle and a decrease
et al. 2018). Reductions in the abundance of in fat. This finding is consistent with Yin et al. (2016),
Mollicutes and Holdemania have been considered who observed a decrease in abdominal and breast
beneficial to chicken intestinal health (Yang et al. intramuscular fat deposition in chickens subjected to
2018). With specific reference to Na-butyrate, its diet- dietary supplementation with butyric acid derivatives.
ary supplementation (800 mg/kg; 54% Na-butyrate) In fact, butyric acid has been associated with many
modified the chicken gut microbial community when pathways involved in lipolysis and lipogenesis
compared with chickens fed a control diet or a diet (Heimann et al. 2015; Yin et al. 2016). Additionally, at
supplemented at lower doses (400 mg/kg) (Wu et al. the cellular level, butyric acid regulates gene expres-
2018). Additionally, dietary supplementation with Na- sion by inhibiting histone deacetylase (HDAC) and
butyrate (1000 mg/kg) has been found to reduce com- enhances the efficiency of induced pluripotent stem
positional changes in caecal microflora when chickens cell derivation from fibroblasts; this suggests a role in
were fed a low-energy low-amino acid diet compared regulating cell growth and differentiation program-
with a control diet (Bortoluzzi et al. 2017). Finally, diet- ming (Liang et al. 2010; Mali et al. 2010; Berni Canani
ary supplementation with encapsulated Na-butyrate et al. 2012). In growing pigs, dietary supplementation
(150 or 300 mg/kg; 99.9% butyrate salt) did not modify with calcium b-hydroxy-b-methyl butyrate (0.62%) has
the composition and structure of the microbial com- been shown to promote the generation of more oxi-
munity in chickens submitted to gut inflammation dative muscle types and increase muscle growth,
when compared with healthy chickens (Zou et al. especially in oxidative skeletal muscle, when compared
2019). Thus, based on previous discussion, dietary with a control diet (Duan et al. 2018). This finding has
butyrate could be more effective in modifying gut been associated with an upregulation in mRNA
composition in chickens challenged by nutritional or expression of the oxidative isoform-MyHC IIa in the
health issues compared with healthy chickens, but longissimus dorsi muscle and a downregulation in
both the dose and the form of supplementation may mRNA expression of the glycolytic isoform MyHC IIb in
play a specific role. the soleus muscle. In broiler chickens, dietary supple-
In our trial, microbial composition and changes mentation with Na-butyrate (1000 mg/kg) has been
with age confirmed the good health of chickens. found to upregulate gene expression of myogenic
Microbial biodiversity within a sample (alpha-diversity) regulatory factor 5 (MYF5) and inhibit protein ubiquiti-
was lower at 11 days compared with 24 and 35 days, nation of FBXO9, FBXO22, and FBXO32, which can be
i.e. microbial complexity increased with age, consist- activated by oxidative stressors (Wu et al. 2020). Under
ently with the results of previous studies (Lu et al. our experimental conditions, no effect on carcase
2003; Ranjitkar et al. 2016). Conversely, microbial traits and muscle growth was observed, but a reduc-
diversity among samples (beta-diversity) was lower tion in the rate of SM was observed in females fed
with increasing age, indicating a high level of similar- diets supplemented with Na-butyrate compared with
ity among them. Indeed, broiler chicken microbiota those fed the control diet. Little information is avail-
has been found to mature between 15 and 22 days able on SM compared with the other two myopathies
(Ranjitkar et al. 2016), which is consistent with our (WB and WS), with the exception of a description of a
observations of microbial stabilisation in older similar pattern at a histological level (Baldi et al. 2018;
Baldi et al. 2019; Soglia et al. 2019). Localised hypoxia, Disclosure statement
oxidative stress, increased intracellular calcium, and No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
the presence of muscle fibre-type switching have author(s).
been proposed as responsible for WB and WS, based
on gene expression and pathways determined by RNA
sequencing (Abasht et al. 2016; Zambonelli et al. 2016;
Marchesi et al. 2019). Based on previous consideration This study was funded by a research project of the
University of Padova [CUP: C22F17000030007].
of the effect of butyrate at the muscular level, these
relationships could justify hypothesising a role for Na-
butyrate on myopathy occurrences and rates; this,
however, warrants further and more specific investiga- ORCID
tions with reference to SM. Angela Trocino
Finally, while the results of the present study con-
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