Business Policy: Nature, Scope

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Business Policy: Nature, Scope

As already observed, policies are basically formulated by the two management or

the general management for guiding, directing and facilitating the thinking and
acting process of the various functional executives, to ensure the best contribution
towards the corporate objectives and goals. Policy can either is formal or informal,
which can be applied, implied or imposed.

It originates from the top management for the express purpose of guiding
themselves and their subordinates to make use of their operational tools as
effectively as possible. It also enables to set objectives for the whole organization
in general and for the various functional areas in particular.

It is the corporate policy that creates a sense of mission and purpose in the
executive value judgment, and in their managerial operations, because a direct and
purposeful preparation to face the challenges, opportunities and threats of the day-
to-day business activities, is provided by the business policy from time to time.

According to Edmund, the associates’ business policy is concerned with the

top management function of:

1. Shaping high-level, long-range corporate objectives and strategic that will be

matched, to both company capacities and to external realities in a world marked by
rapid technological, economical, social and political change.

2. Casting up an effective well-matched set of general policies for the pursuit of

that strategy.

3. Guiding the organization in accordance with that strategy.

The mission of the top management is influenced by the policy at various

levels and phases. They are:

1. Perception of industry and economic trends that affect the prospects of the

2. Clearly understanding the needs, opportunities, threats, strengths, weakness and

3. Selecting the best opportunity or opportunities from an array of them, this can
cope with the capacity of the company.

4. Formulating of a strategy taking into account the opportunity and availability of


5. Development of operating plans for the pursuit of the chosen strategy and

6. Creation of organizational relationships, organizational climate, and an

atmosphere for the proper implementation of policy.

7. Evaluating the performance and the progress, and

8. Periodic re-evaluation of positions in the light of developments within the

organization and its environment.

To sum up it can observe that the overall performance of the company depends on
the pragmatic policies, and the top management is mainly responsible for the
policy formulation.

Business policies cover such a wide variety of subjects and are so broad-based that
every possible matter that affects the interests of any one in the organization, the
community and the government are included in them.

In fact, business policies cover all the functional areas of business- production,
marketing, personnel and finance. These functional areas are generally covered by
the term as “major policies” and “minor policies”.

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