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2018, Scienceline Publication

J. World Poult. Res. 8(4): 105-110, December 25, 2018
Journal of World’s Research Paper, PII: S2322455X1800015-8
Poultry Research License: CC BY 4.0

Effect of Combination of Encapsulated Black Cincau Leaves

(Mesona Palustris BL) and Probiotics on Production Performances,
Yolk Cholesterol Content and Ammonia Level of Laying Hen

Muhammad Halim Natsir1*, Osfar Sjofjan1, Ilham Ardiansah2, Siti Khairani2 and Elliyana2
Lecturer of Department of Animal Feed and Nutrition Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya, 65141, Malang, Indonesia
Undergraduate student of Department of Animal Feed and Nutrition Science, Universitas Brawijaya, 65141, Malang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author's Email: [email protected]
Received: 17 Oct 2018
Accepted: 20 Nov 2018
The purpose of this research was to determine addition of natural feed additives from combination of encapsulated
black cincau leaves and probiotics on feed intake, feed conversion, hen day production (HDP), egg mass, income
over feed cost (IOFC), egg weight, yolk cholesterol content and ammonia levels in excreta. One hundred ninety-two
laying hens at 28 weeks were used in this experiment. Egg mass which used before this research was 64.63±2.97 g/
day with CV was 4.59%. The method which used was experimental of completely randomized design (CRD) with
four treatments and six replications (eight-layers each). The treatments used were T0: basal feed; T1: basal feed +
combination of encapsulated black cincau leaves and probiotics 0.5%; T2: basal feed + combination of encapsulated
black cincau leaves and probiotics 1%; T3: basal feed + combination of encapsulated black cincau leaves and
probiotics 1.5%. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance, if any significant effect, it would be further tested
by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The result showed that no siginficant effect (P>0.05) on feed intake, feed
conversion, HDP, egg mass, IOFC, egg weight and yolk cholesterol content, but any significant effect (P< 0.05) on
ammonia level. This research concludes that using 1.5% of combination of encapsulated black cincau leaves and
probiotics give better result than others.
Key words: Black cincau leaves, Egg quality, Encapsulated probiotic, Hen production, Laying hen

INTRODUCTION developing country of Indonesia, this tropical country has

high temperature and humidity. Those conditions could
The term of probiotic mean life microorganism which trigger heat stress on egg of laying hen (Li et al., 2015).
have beneficial effect for its host. Probiotics are Heat stress is able to disturb the health and reducing feed
classified by the US Food and Drug Administration as intake, then followed with decreasing productivity. Feed
generally recognized as safe (GRAS) ingredients (Patil et in poultry farm have highest production cost
al., 2015). Commonly syntetic Antibiotics Growth (approximately 70-80%). That all of the reason, feed
Promoter (AGP) was used as growth promoter in poultry. should be efficiently used. Feed efficiency can be
AGP was used by farmer to increase egg production. improved by adding feed additive (Teguie et al., 2004).
Otherwise, using uncontroled AGP produce chemical Using natural feed additives is needed. Natural feed
residue on laying hen and its eggs, which can be harmful additive might use probiotics and phytobiotics from
for human health. AGP was under supervised by many herbal plants. Probiotics is single culture or mixture of
association, and have been removed from many countries living consumable microbes for human and/or animals
(Ratcliff, 2000). and it has beneficial effect for its host (Patil et al., 2015).
Developing sustainable livestock in poultry sector Its mechanism process is done in order to preserve the
in the world should be considered as a good solution. natural microflora balance within the body. Several
Nowdays, the researchers are not only to focus on the benefit of addition of probiotics as feed for chicken
enhancement of productivity, but also on food healthy would be decreasing mortality and cholesterol, increasing
and safety (Sienny and Serli, 2010). Especially in the

To cite this paper: Natsir MH, Sjofjan O, Ardiansah I, Khairani S and Elliyana (2018). Effect of Combination of Encapsulated Black Cincau Leaves (Mesona Palustris Bl) and
Probiotics on Production Performances, Yolk Cholesterol Content and Ammonia Level of Laying Hen. J. World Poult. Res., 8 (4): 105-110. http://jwpr.science-line.com
J. World's Poult. Res., 8 (4): 105-110, 2018

hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, Packed Cell Volume Production (HDP), egg mass, feed conversion, Income
(PCV), villus height also inhibit Eschericia coli and Over Feed Cost (IOFC), egg weight, ammonia level) and
Enterococci (Rahman et al., 2013; Vantsawa et al., 2017; yolk cholesterol content of laying hen.
Bitterncourt et al., 2011; Pourakbari et al., 2016; Song et
al., 2014). Cholesterol is a fat component composed of MATERIALS AND METHODS
triglycerides, free fatty acids, and phospholipids. Eggs
contain protein, carbohydrates, water, vitamins, mineral Materials and diets
and cholesterol content, in one egg reaches 230,7 mg/ One hundred ninty two 28-week-old strain
100 g (USDA, 2018). Lohmann brown were used tin this experiment. Pre-
Black cincau is underbrush plant with height experiment showed that the HDP was 84.57%, egg mass
between 30-60 cm and mostly grown in 150-1800 m average was 64.63±2.97 g and variation coefficient was
above sea level. Its leaves contain bioactive compound 4.59%. Birds then were housed in 24 group cages sized
such as antioxidants, antibacterial, antimutagenic, 64 cm ×35 cm ×30 cm (eight birds each) at 25-32 oc. The
hepatoprotective, antihypertensive and antidiabetic cages were equipped with lighting for 16 hours, feeder,
properties. Those bioactive compounds supposedly can drinker, egg container and digital scale (5 kg capacity), in
maintain gastrointestinal tract and improve small order to measure feed residue and egg weight every day.
intestinal microflora, performances and egg quality of Black cincau leaves were obtained from Ponorogo
laying hen (Hung and Gow, 2002). Regency, East Java province. Probiotics used in this
Combination of black cincau leaves and probiotic study were Lactobacillus sp 5.4 ×107 cfu/ g and Bacillus
has potentially given positive effect. This combination is sp 2.4 ×108 cfu/ g. Encapsulation process was made
expected to improve the ability of digestive system and using 20 g arabic gum, 5 g whey and 0.06 g butylated
also to improve the digestive enzyme activities, so that it hydroxy toluene, 100 g of green black cinacu leaves were
could absorb feed nutrients for its production. extracted with ethanol 70% and then mixed with mixer at
Combination of phytobiotics and probiotics were 2500-3000 rpm for 15 minutes. Furthermore, the
characterized as hygroscopic. High vulnerable potency to extraction was dried in modified microwave at 60oC for
beat heat condition, should protected by encapsulation 20 minutes. Composition of basal feed and nutrients
technology. Microparticles should be water-insoluble to content in proximate analysis were showed in table 1.
maintain their structural integrity in the food matrix and
in the upper part of the GI tract that was needed to Experimental design
preserve the matrix content, benefit of these compounds This research using four treatments and six
during processing and storing, also to preserve probiotics replications (eight birds each). Feed was given as
viability (Chavarri et al., 2012). Encapsulation restricted feeding, 120 g/ hen/ day and drink as ad
technology can be used as an alternative oral delivery to libitum for five weeks (35 days). Feeding frequency was
maintain the viability of probiotics, and allow it in done once a day, in the morning. Experimental feeding
controlling the release of viable cells into the host gut (in method was done by mixing basal feed with encapsulated
small intestine) so that it can be benefits (Cook et al., of black cincau leaves-probiotics. The treatments were
2014). used as follows: T0 = basal feed; T1 = basal feed +
Encapsulation is the process of coating one or more combination of encapsulated black cincau and probiotics
material to protect sensitive materials, in this case is feed 0.5%, T2 = basal feed + combination of encapsulated
components. It can reduce feed degradation in small black cincau and probiotics 1%; T3 = basal feed +
intestine. According to Natsir et al. (2013), polymer that combination of encapsulated black cincau and probiotics
often used was Arabic gum, skim milk and whey protein 1.5%. Data were analyzed by completely random design
which are able to prevent oxidation in feed additive, of ANOVA. If there was significant (P<0.05) then it is
preserve the bacteria to stay alive during storage and tested using LSD test (Steel and Torrie., 1980).
better emulsion.
Based on that brief description, a study concerning Ethical approval
a combination of encapsulated phytobiotic from black This research did not involve the introduction of
cincau leaves and probiotic were observed on this any intervention on birds. The data collcetion was
research. This research was conducted to know about obtained with humanly handled, which according of
production performance (feed intake, Hen Day animal care and welfare standard of Republic Indonesia.

Natsir et al., 2018

Table 1. Composition and nutrients content of basal feed1

Feedstuffs ingredients Percentage (%)
Soybean meal 19.42
MBM 7.96
CGM 0.97
Maize 48.56
Rice bran 14.57
Premix 1.75
Binder 0.19
Salt 0.19
O-lalat 0.005
Orgacid 0.05
Vitamin C 0.01
Grit 6.31
Total 100
Analyzed feed composition Content
Dry matter (%) 88.89
Ash (%) 13.87
Crude Fiber (%) 4.17
Crude Protein (%) 19.90
Crude Fat (%) 4.59
Gross Energy (MJ/ kg) 16.58
Metabolizable Energy (MJ/ kg) 11.61
Proximate assay analyzed by Nutrition and Animal Feed Laboratory, Animal Science Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya, MBM= meat bone meal, CGM=
corn gluten meal, MJ/ kg= megajoule per kilogram

RESULT AND DISCUSSION influenced by feedstuffs and feeding method, such as

feeding pigments. Moreover, different average value for
Effect of combination of encapsulated black cincau each treatment would probably due to environmental
leaves (Mesona palustris BL) and probiotics on factor.
production performances and yolk cholesterol content of There was significant difference (P<0.05) on feed
laying hen have observed. The result in this research conversion (Table 2). This might be supposed feed intake
showed in Table 2. and egg mass in this research were also showed no
significant difference (P>0.05). Feed conversion were
Effect of combination of encapsulated black reported 2.26; 2.28; 2.21; 2.11, consecutively. Several
cincau leaves (mesona palustris bl) and probiotics on factor that influencing feed conversion were feed
feed intake and feed conversion physical form, body weight, feed nutritional content,
The result has shown in table 2. There is no nursery environment, strain and sex. Another factors,
significant effect (P<0.05) of combination of such as temperature condition, damage of feed, feed
encapsulated black cincau leaves (Mesona palustris BL) quality and different location of housing have been
and probiotics on feed intake and feed conversion. Feed reported to affected on feed conversion (Kelebemang,
intake in this research (T0, T1, T2 and T3) were reported 2005; Suganthi et al., 2011; May and Lot, 2000).
117.62 g, 118.34 g, 116.68 g, 118.05 g, consecutively.
This result has been supposed to refer to the restricted Effect of combination of encapsulated black
feeding management which given once in a day. cincau leaves (mesona palustris bl) and probiotics on
Furthermore, encapsulated black cincau leaves and HDP, egg mass, IOFC and egg weight
probiotics have not influence on palatability, which The result of HDP, egg mass, IOFC and egg weight
respectable to feed intake. Factor affected feed intake have been shown in table 2. There was no significant
were body size, genetic trait (breed), temperature, cage difference (P>0.05) on those variables. HDP was
condition, feeder, condition of drinking water, quality reported, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in
and quantity of feed also the existence of disease. this research. HDP result of this study were 84.57%,
Oyedeji et al. (2005) reported that feed intake was 84.64%, 83.00%, 89.80%, consecutively. It is supposed

J. World's Poult. Res., 8 (4): 105-110, 2018

due no significant difference (P>0.05) on feed intake in would balance the non-pathogenic bacteria population in
this study. Egg shaping of laying hen also depend on digestive system, particularly those from genus
feed, which have been determined by its protein, fat, and Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
calcium content. HDP is always related with egg There was no significant effect (P>0.05) of
shaping- production, thus egg production affected by combination of black cincau leaves and probiotics IOFC.
feed intake and environmental condition. Reported from IOFC (Rupiah / hen/ day) in this research was showed
Awoniyi (2003) that different stage of housing 652.20, 546.75, 559.28, 600.85, consecutively. Higher
influenced HDP of laying hen. result of IOFC was better than decreasing, because relate
There was no significant effect (P>0.05) on egg with economically analysis, such as income for farmer.
mass in this research. Egg mass (g/ hen/ day) was Feed in laying egg farm have the highest production cost
reported as follow 53.24, 52.79, 53.72, 57.27, (60-70%) (Jahan et al., 2006). The best IOFC was
consecutively. This might occur because the addition of obtained from basal feed (T0) with Rp (Rupiah) 652.20.
encapsulated of black cincau leaves and probiotic have This situation occurs because the combination of
not significant effect (P>0.05) on HDP. Measuring of egg encapsulated black cincau leaves and probiotic has more
mass (g/ hen/ day) was HDP × average egg’s weight, expensive price (Rp 5,498/ kg – Rp 5,788/ kg) than basal
otherwise increasing HDP will increase egg mass of this feed (Rp 5,208/ kg).
treatment. Protein and fat from feed can be digested as There was no significant difference (P>0.05) on
the constituent ingredient for both egg yolk and egg egg weight on this research. Egg weight (g) result
weight. Egg mass have also been influenced by the showed 61.49, 62.44, 65.34, 64.51, consecutively. It was
weight of egg yolk and egg whites. Numerically, supposed that egg weight affected by several factors,
treatment using 1.5% of combination of encapsulated either internal or external, such as genetic, environment,
black cincau leaves and probiotics could increase egg feed nutrients (including amino acids and mineral). This
mass of laying hen. This might be due to active research used balanced-amino acid (methionine and
compound in treatment that is able to increase the lysin), with the same composition for each treatment. The
digestion ability and improve digestive enzyme activities, best treatment was shown in T3 (using 1.5% phytobiotic-
so that it can absorb the feed and use it for digestion- probiotic), which was supposed that amino acids content
metabolizing. Combination of phytobiotics-probiotics obtained from protein content of treatment.

Table 2. Average of feed intake, hen day production, egg mass, feed conversion, income over feed cost, egg weight, yolk
cholesterol content and ammonia level in 28-week-old laying hen
T0 T1 T2 T3
Feed intake (g/ hen/ day) 117,62±0.67 118.34±0.95 116.68±1.94 118.05±0.22
Feed conversion 2.26±0.21 2.28±0.19 2.21±0.10 2.11±0.17
HDP (%) 84.57±6.17 84.64±6.50 83.00±3.54 89.80±2.78
Egg Mass (g/ hen/day) 53.24±4.17 52.79±4.56 53.72±3.29 57.27±4.30
IOFC (Rp/ hen/day) 652.20±30.83 546.75±116.24 559.28±85.15 600.85±106.00
Egg weight (g) 61.49±3.59 62.44±1.44 65.34±2.51 64.51±2.18
Yolk cholesterol content (mg/ 100 g) 214.59±2.83 211.71±1.65 212.55±1.33 213.32±0.52
Ammonia level (ppm) 1.42±0.26b 0.80±0.03a 0.81±0.08a 0.80±0.18a
means different superscripts (P<0.05); followed by different lowercase letters within a row are statistically different. HDP= Hen Day Production, IOFC
= Income Over Feed Cost

Effect of combination of encapsulated black is supposed that different metabolism condition of laying
cincau leaves (mesona palustris bl) and probiotics on hen each, sample-drying method and several cholesterols
yolk cholesterol content and ammonia level distributed to meat. As numerically, T1 decreased
The results showed that cholesterol levels of egg cholesterol content on this research. This is because the
yolk (mg/100g) were 214.59, 211.71, 212.55, 213.32, content of antioxidants in treatment able in holding the
consecutively. The result showed that there was cholesterol of egg yolk by inhibiting free radical
significant effect (P≤ 0.05) on yolk cholesterol content. It formation of cholesterol. Flavonoids work in blood by

Natsir et al., 2018

inhibiting enzymes 3-hydroxy 3-methylglutaril coenzyme Competing interests

a reductase (HMG CoA reductase), HMG CoA-reductase The authors declare that there is no compete of
enzyme helps the formation of mevalonic acid and interest in this research.
influencing cholesterol content (Nelson et al., 2000).
Another studies showed that yolk cholesterol content Author’s contributions
carried out from serum cholesterol, i.e investigated by The authors contributed to arrange the experimental
Kurtoglu et al. (2004) showed using 250 mg/ kg-1 research, determine method of research, preparation of
probiotic either at 60th or 90th days were decreased. materials method, research and data analyzed.
There was significant difference (P<0.05) on
ammonia level of laying’s excreta. The result (ppm) was Acknowledgments
reported 1.42, 0.80, 0.81, 0.80, consecutively. It was The authors would like acknowledge to Ministry of
supposed that ability of probiotic in this research to Research Technology and Higher Education of Republic
maintain small intestine of laying hen. Lactic acid Indonesia through for funding of this research.
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