Ethiopian TVET-System: Learning Guide # 2
Ethiopian TVET-System: Learning Guide # 2
Ethiopian TVET-System: Learning Guide # 2
Ethiopian TVET-System
Level I
Unit of Competence: Connect Hardware Peripherals
Module Title : Connecting Hardware Peripherals
LG Code : ICT ITS1 L02 02
TTLM Code : ICT ITS1 TTLM 0511
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –
Learning Activities
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1” in pages 3-5.
3. Accomplish the “Self-check” in page 6.
4. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information Sheet 2”. However, if your rating is
unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning Activity # 1.
5. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio.
6. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2” in pages 7-13.
7. Accomplish the “Self-check” in page 14.
8. Do the “LAP test” in pages 15-16 (if you are ready) and show your output to your teacher. Your
teacher will evaluate your output either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If unsatisfactory, your teacher
shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory you can proceed to Learning Guide 3.
Your teacher will evaluate your output either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If unsatisfactory, your
teacher shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory you can proceed to the next topic.
Obtaining a peripheral
The first step in obtaining a peripheral device is to locate suppliers of that device. Then,
there are factors you need to consider about the supplier and the devices on offer, such as
support provided and purchase price. This will help you to compare and choose the most
appropriate supplier and the exact model of the device according to client requirements. Finally,
you are ready to place an order for your organisation or client to purchase the device.
Locating a supplier
There are many ways to find a supplier of peripheral equipment. Some ways include:
The Internet provides different methods for searching for suppliers. Using search engines
such as Google or Yahoo can help you find a hardware supplier anywhere in the world. Suppliers
will often have their own websites that can provide you with catalogues of available equipment.
Other ways to investigate suppliers are to follow links from a website such as a manufacturer’s
website, or to browse website directories that may be linked to search engine home pages.
PC magazines
Brochures/advertising material
Many larger hardware suppliers use television, radio or leaflet deliveries to inform
potential customers of their latest hardware.
Telephone directory
A telephone directory is useful if you need to find a hardware supplier located within your
local area.
Manufacturers generally have their own websites. These may list major suppliers in your
area. Emailing or telephoning the manufacturer may also be a way to find out names of local
Choosing a supplier
With so many choices of suppliers available, how do you find the right one? There are a few
factors to consider:
How long has the supplier been operating? It is a good idea to find a supplier who will
still be around for the lifetime of the hardware.
Does the supplier offer suitable support and training? If the client will be requiring a
lot of additional assistance, training could be a major contributing factor for choosing a
particular supplier.
Does the supplier offer competitive pricing? Considering the support and stability, it is
also important to weigh up these factors in relation to price. For a client with a strict
budget, price may be a big issue when determining where to purchase hardware.
Is the supplier a preferred supplier for your organization? Some organizations have
arrangements that equipment must be purchased from suppliers who are considered to be
the preferred provider for the organization. Organisations create these agreements because
customer loyalty offers substantial discounts, extended warranties and additional support.
Selecting a peripheral
Once you have selected suitable suppliers you need to contact each supplier. Information
you should find out from the supplier includes:
model and manufacturer names of peripherals that will satisfy the majority of your clients
requirements (including system specifications, physical dimensions, support)
price of each model
availability of each model.
You may find it helpful to keep a record of any details that you collect so you refer to this
information quickly and easily.
Placing an order
Depending on the type of organisation you work for, placing an order for a hardware
peripheral device could be done in a variety of ways. In a small organisation you may be
responsible for ordering the device yourself. However, in a larger organisation there may be
employees who are responsible for purchasing new equipment. You may need to fill out an
order form that can be given to the purchasing department.
Before an order is submitted, it could also be necessary to obtain final approval from
senior staff. Often an order form might require signatures from the manager or supervisor
before it can be processed. A purchasing department might require written quotes from three
suppliers, a recommendation and justification for the chosen supplier.
Make sure that you find out from your supervisor or manager what procedures you need to
follow when placing an order within your organisation.
Date: ____________________________
Name:____________________ Date:_________________
Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to ask your
3. After choosing the suitable supplier, what three (3) information you should find out from
the supplier? (3 points)
Note: Satisfactory rating – 10 points above / Unsatisfactory - below 10 points. You can ask you
teacher for the copy of the correct answers
Hardware inventories
The purpose of a hardware inventory (or registry) is to keep detailed information about all
the hardware equipment within an organization. Every piece of hardware, including each
computer and peripheral device, should be recorded on the inventory. As well as providing an
excellent quick reference guide to the organization’s hardware, an inventory can be very useful
for insurance, warranty and service purposes.
In order for an inventory to be a valuable source of information, it is vital that the
information be maintained regularly. New devices need to be entered into the inventory as soon
as they have been obtained. You must also adjust the inventory frequently, to delete hardware
that is no longer functional or has been removed. Some organizations do random checks or
yearly audits of their hardware inventories to ensure that all information is current.
There are a number of tools available to create hardware inventories. Databases and
spreadsheets are often used to store the information. There are also software programs that
you can purchase, designed specifically for recording hardware and software details. Although
these programs are good for keeping a ‘soft copy’ of the information, it is also essential that you
keep a current ‘hard copy’ (printed version) of the inventory. In this way, if the computer
system ever fails you will still have the information.
Details that should be included within a hardware inventory include:
description of hardware device
model number
serial number
warranty or maintenance conditions
number and identity of authorised users
purchase price
date of purchase.
If the peripheral is an essential part of the computer system (for example mouse,
keyboard or monitor) it is logical to record information about the device within the
documentation for the computer to which it is connected. Individual computer inventories will
often contain detailed information about the computer’s related hardware and software. It may
also be more practical to record information about the peripheral inside the computer’s record, if
the device is also permanently connected to a computer (for example a printer or scanner).
If the device is shared between several computers, it makes more sense to keep
information about the peripheral as an individual entry in an inventory. Devices such as digital
cameras, data projectors and USB drives would more likely to be used by many computers, thus
it would make more sense to record their details separate to the computer details.
Checking contents
When unpacking any peripheral device, an organized and methodical approach needs to
be taken. Randomly ripping open boxes and packaging without carefully identifying each
component can potentially cause many problems later on.
Prepare a suitable work area before you begin unpacking. This should include a large
sturdy flat area with no carpet so that small components will not be lost.
Before commencing to open any packaging, find the manual for the device. Check
instructions for any precautions or specific unpacking procedures. Most manuals will also
contain a section that tells you a list of included components. It is useful to create a checklist
based on the component list. You will then be able to use the checklist to mark off the
components when they have been identified.
Below is a sample checklist for a typical inkjet printer.
power cable
USB cable
sample paper
feeding device
CD driver
Be attentive when unpacking a peripheral device — handle the packaging and contents
with care, as you do not want to damage your new device. Remove any packing material
surrounding and also within the device. Some printers, for example, have soft foam and plastic
pieces inside the device to ensure that parts are locked into the correct position. Make sure that
you remove these pieces and foam before installation.
Inspect the equipment for damage that may have occurred during transport. If the
equipment has been damaged, report the damage to the supplier immediately.
If possible, try to keep all the original packing material that came with your computer and
its peripherals. Often this packaging gets thrown out because it is so bulky. It can be very
useful, however, if you need to return the item within the warranty period as some
manufacturers will request original packaging. It can also be good protection when transporting
sensitive peripheral devices. For example, equipment such as digital cameras, video cameras
and data projectors have delicate lenses which can break very easily.
Storing peripherals
Each manufacturer will have their own recommendations on how to store their peripheral
equipment. In order to guarantee that a peripheral will function correctly throughout its life it is
important to follow guidelines that have been recommended by the manufacturer. Some
common recommendations may include:
Keep equipment in the correct position — After unpacking, most devices will usually
have a proper resting position. If a device is not kept in its natural position, there could be
problems when trying to operate the device later on. For example, when a printer is stored
in a vertical position, components such as the ink cartridges could leak or be dislodged.
Keep equipment away from weather, dust and other harmful material — When
finding a storage location, consider what kind of elements the device may be subjected to.
If, for example, you store a USB drive in a cabinet next to chalk, dust from the chalk could
potentially damage the storage device’s USB connection.
It is essential to position a monitor correctly to ensure it will suit the needs of the user.
Tips include:
Try to make sure that monitor is in a position away from the glare of sunlight.
Check that the brightness and contrast controls of the screen have been adjusted to suit
lighting conditions in the room.
The top of the screen should be the same level as the user’s eye level.
Positioning of the keyboard
A keyboard also needs to be positioned carefully to be of adequate comfort and safety for
the user. Some tips include:
Position the keyboard directly in front of the monitor and at the same height as the mouse.
The keyboard should allow the user’s forearms to be parallel to the floor.
Allow space for the computer user to rest their wrists.
Positioning of other equipment
Some general Occupational Health and safety guidelines to consider when positioning other
peripheral equipment are:
Make sure that you can reach the peripheral device and its components without having to
strain your back.
Storing consumables
The term ‘consumables’ refers to a product that is used once and then replaced. Examples
of consumables include printer cartridges, CDs and paper. As well as for computer
equipment, consideration also needs to be given to the way consumables for peripheral devices
are stored.
Paper needs to be stored in an area which is cool and dry, to prevent moisture from fusing
pages together.
Make sure to store cartridges/toner in a cool dry place, away from sparks and open
flames, with adequate ventilation and do not expose the device to high temperatures. Also
ensure that the cartridges are not taken out of their packaging until they will be used within the
printer, as the ink will dry out before use.
When possible, make sure that CDs are kept in their protective case, to minimise the
chances of being scratched. Also keep them out of direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
There are several steps that you must go through when you obtain a peripheral device.
The first step involves working out where to obtain the device, whether it is from a supplier
who regularly provides equipment to the organization, or a supplier found from searching the
Internet, magazines or telephone directory.
Depending on the organization, placing an order for a device may be done in different
ways. Some smaller organizations may not have strict guidelines, while larger organizations may
have strict procedures that need to be followed.
Once the device has arrived it is always a good idea to keep a record of the device in a
hardware inventory. Recording details such as manufacturer, supplier, model, date of
purchase and purchase price, can be very useful — especially if you need to send a device back
within the warranty period.
It is also a good idea to unpack the contents in an organized manner. Find a clear
space to unpack contents and create a checklist of equipment that should be supplied.
Once the device has been unpacked, storage is another consideration. Make sure to look
at the manufacturer’s guidelines, consider the security of the device and any occupational health
and safety issues.
Name:____________________ Date:_________________
Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to ask your
1. What do you need to have to have a detailed information about all the
hardware equipment within an organization? (1 point)
2. What are the two(2) common tools to create a hardware inventories? (2 points)
3. Give at least six(6) details that should be included in hardware inventory. (6 points)
4. Give at least 2 considerations when unpacking delivered items. (2 points)
5. What are the four(4) important considerations when storing the
hardware? (4 points)
6. What are the five(5) steps in obtaining a peripheral devices? (5 points)
Note: Satisfactory rating – 17 points above / Unsatisfactory - below 17 points. You can ask you
teacher for the copy of the correct answers
Instructions: You are required to perform the following individually with the presence of your
Scenario: You have already selected a supplier of computer peripherals. You are going to
place an order of the peripherals per piece. It will be assembled later by the
company technician. You can decide on the specs of it.
Fill up an order form below
Date: ____________________________