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TPI Corrigendum‐2 

Name of Work: ‐ Empanelment of Consultant(S) For Third Party Inspection (TPI) Services For Housing Project at Various  
Location in Gujarat State. 


1  5  Schedule of 

Bidding Process  Sr.N Schedule Date Sr.N Schedule Date

1 Last date of online 22/09/2014 1 Last date of online 29/09/2014
Submission of Tender Submission of Tender
2 Last date of Physical 25/09/2014 2 Last date of Physical 07/10/2014
submission of tender submission of tender
fee, and Technical bid fee, and Technical bid
3 Date of online opening 26/09/2014 3 Date of online opening 08/10/2014
of technical bid of technical bid
4 Presentation of the 30/09/2014 4 Presentation of the 14/10/2014
Bidder Bidder
2  5  Schedule of  Note:  d. Hard copy of Technical Bid, TENDER fees shall  d. Hard copy of Technical Bid, TENDER fees shall be 
Bidding Process  be  submitted  to  Project  Specialist,  Affordable  submitted to Project Specialist, Affordable Housing 
Housing Mission (AHM), Gujarat Housing Board  Mission (AHM), Gujarat Housing Board office, 
office,  Pragatinagar,  Naranpura,  Ahmedabad:‐ Pragatinagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad:‐380013. By 
380013.  By  Registered  post/Speed  post/  Registered post/Speed post/ physical on or before Date: 
physical  on  or  before  Date:  25/09/2014  up  to  07/10/2014 up to 16:00 hrs. AHM reserves the right to 
16:00  hrs.  AHM  reserves  the  right  to  accept  or  accept or reject any or all TENDER without assigning any 
reject  any  or  all  TENDER  without  assigning  any  reason thereof. This TENDER notice shall form a part of 
reason thereof. This TENDER notice shall form a  contract document.  
part of contract document.  
  3  6  Detail Tender  Point  2.5  %  of  the  Allotted  Project  Cost  and  5.0 % of the Consulting Fee (2.5 % of the Consulting Fee 
Notice  no. 5  Remaining  2.5  %  will  be  deducted  in  the  of  the  allotted  Project  Cost  at  signing  the  contract  and 
submitted Running bills.  Remaining  2.5  %  will  be  deducted  from  Running  bills  of 
S.D.  consulting fees.) 

  4  15  Post Construction  Cl.7  Field  level  Engineer  should  weekly  visit  the  Field level Engineer will visit the completed project site at 
Stage  Point‐d  allotted  site  and  review  the  site  work,  later  quarterly  interval  to  review  the  project  site  and  later 
submit  the  field  visit  report  in  the  prescribed  submit  field  visit  report  in  prescribed  format  and  also 
formats  and  also  present  at  the  site  where  submit their comments and remedial measures, if any.in 
important  work  ,  like  Foundation,  RCC  casting  case of any adverse structural defect is found. 
work etc….  
Field level Engineer will visit the site at quarterly interval 
up to defect liability period of the allotted project. 
5  19  TIME PERIOD AND  12.1.1  The  fees  payable  shall  remain  unchanged  for  The fees payable shall remain unchanged for time period 
FEES PAYABLE:  time period of project duration. i.e. If the work  of  project  duration.  i.e.  If  the  work  extends  beyond 
Point  extends  beyond  project  duration  but  not  project duration but not exceeding more than 6 months 
no. 2  exceeding  more  than  6  months  then  the  fees  then the fees payable shall remain unchanged. AHM shall 
payable shall remain unchanged. AHM shall not  not pay any extra fees for these 6 months duration. If the 
pay any extra fees for these 6 months duration.  work  gets  completed  before  stipulated  time  but  not 
If  the  work  gets  completed  before  stipulated  more  than  before  2  months,  the  stipulated  fees  shall 
time  but  not  more  than  before  6  months,  the  remain  unchanged  and  the  consultants  will  be  paid  full 
stipulated fees shall remain unchanged and the  fees.  
consultants will be paid full fees.   If  project  is  extended  beyond  6  months  for  any  reason 
consulting fees for that extended period shall be paid on 
pro‐rata basis. In this regard final rights will be reserved 
with Authority without any dispute. 
6  20‐ Stages of Payment  12.1.3  5.0  %  Security  Deposit  deducted  from  R.A.  Bill  2.5  %  Security  Deposit  will  be  deducted  from  R.A.  Bills 
21  point  shall be released after payment of final bill.  and  same  will  be  released  after  payment  of  final  bill  of 
no.2  the Project. 
7  22  Eligibility criteria of  General  (a)The  Firm  must  registered  under  Indian  Deleted. 
applicant/Bidder  Require companies Act. 1956. (A copy of the certificates 
ment:  must be furnished) 
      (d)  The  firm  shall/must  establish  an  office  in  The firm should have an office in Gujarat State. 
Gujarat State after selected in tender process. 
8  23  Technical criteria:  13.1.1  *similar  works  means  Bidder(s)  shall  have  *similar works means Bidder(s) shall have experience as 
  experience  as  TPI  for  Successfully  completed  TPI for Successfully completed G+3 Building Projects. 
G+3 Housing Projects. 

9  23  Technical criteria:  Point  i.  Consultant  empaneled  in  Affordable  Housing  Successful consultants can be empaneled for TPI as well 
Mission  (AHM)  for  the  work  of  preparation  of  as  PMC  services  separately.  If  a  single  consultant 
(e.)Note DPR under RAY for various locations in Gujarat,  empaneled  for  both  services  and  he  is  also  empaneled 
.  shall  not  be  considered  in  this  tender  process‐  for  DPR  preparation  services,  same  consultant  will  be 
as provider of TPI Services.   considered  and  allotted  any  one  type  of  consulting 
ii.  A  bidder  will  be  empaneled  either  as  a  services for one ULB/GHB. E.g. if selected consultant has 
consultant  for  TPI  services  or  PMC  services,  if  worked as a DPR consultant, he will not be considered for 
the  bidder  qualify  in  technical  and  financial  TPI or PMC services for that ULB. 
criteria  mentioned  in  respective  tender 
document of AHM.  
iii.  A  bidder  will  be  empaneled  either  as  a 
consultant  for  TPI  services  or  Architectural 
services,  if  the  bidder  qualify  in  technical  and 
financial criteria mentioned in respective tender 
document of AHM.  
10  24  Scoring criteria  ‐‐‐  See Table of Scoring Criteria on Pg. no.  05   Of  See Table of revised Scoring Criteria on Pg. no. 06 of 
corrigendum‐2.  corrigendum‐2. 
11  43  Financial Bid  ‐‐‐‐  Quoted Rate ( In Percentage)
Quoted Rate ( In Percentage) Up to 25.00 cr  Of the awarded 
_____% of the Estimated project cost+  Above 25.00 cr to  project cost+ 
50.00 cr  _____%  Service Tax as 
Service Tax as per government rule as 
Above 50.00 cr to  per government 
applicable.  100.00 cr  _____%  rule as 
Above 100.00 cr  _____%  applicable. 
12  14‐ Proof checking   ‐‐‐‐  Consultant have to give the proof checking and  Proof  checking  of  structure  design of  the  project  will  be 
15  given  its  proof  checking  certificate  of  the  done by hiring experienced Structural designer whose CV 
allotted projects hole Structural Design.   shall  be  got  approved  from  the  AHM  prior  to 
appointment. Proof checking of structure design is a part 
of scope of the work. 
Nothing extra shall be paid for the same. 

13  20  FEES PAYABLE TO  12.1.2  Its  pro‐rata  since  the  commencement  of  Breakup 
THE CONSULTANT  services  by  TPI  to  the  schedule  date  of  Sr.  Description  in % of 
completion  as  deploying  the  staff  as  per  No.  Remarks 
of services  offered 
Requirement whichever is less.  rate 
This shall be payable in pro‐
rata  base  in  accordance 
with  the  actual  physical 
1  TPI Services  90%  progress  of  work  done  as 
per  milestone  payment  to 
the contractor of the work. 

This  shall  be  payable  on 

issue  of  completion 
2  TPI Services  5% 
certificate of the consulting 
On  completion  of  the 
3  TPI Services  5%  defect liability period i.e. as 
per TOR 
14    General Query 
1. How  much  is  the  ‐‐‐‐  Government  of  Gujarat  intends  to  promote  housing 
estimated tender cost of  projects  on  a  large  scale  all  over  Gujarat  under  various 
the work? Kindly clarify?  housing  schemes  &  components  such  as  RAY,  MMGY, 
and  projects  to  be  executed  through  PPP  mode.  All 
ULB/Corporation/Authorities  are  actively  planning 
housing projects and for these projects services of TPI as 
well  as  PMC  whichever  is  suitable  to  the  local  body  will 
be  considered.  Cost  of  project,  quantum  and  size  of 
projects  will  depend  upon  availability  of  Government 
land with local bodies and other relevant aspects. 
2. How Much No. of CVs to  ‐‐‐  CV of the key Personnel and staff shall have to submit in 
be  submitted  for  three copy. 
3. In  case  empanelment  ‐‐‐‐  In  case  of  extension  of  time  period  beyond  3  years  for 
period  may be  extended  ongoing projects consulting fee shall remain unchanged. 
in that case please clarify 
payment terms. 

Scoring Criteria
Grou Parameter Maxi Criteria
p mum
No Scor
1 Experience in A Consultant as TPI in Govt. 10
Consultancy services 10 Projects
as TPI in any type of B Consultant as TPI in 7
Projects of at least 50 Private Projects
cr. worth of project in
any year from last five
year (Completed

2 Similar work* 25 Experience

Experience of the A Project cost Rs.70 cr to 25
Applicant(s)/Bidder(s) Rs.100 cr & above
in B Project cost Rs.50 cr to 20
last five years Rs.70 cr
C Project cost Rs.25 cr to 18
Rs.50 cr

3 Experience in 07 A Consultant as TPI in Govt. 07

Housing Projects and
Consultancy services as Private Housing Projects
TPI for G+5 and above
building projects.

4 Proposed 05 A Understanding TOR 01

B Quality of methodology 02
methodology and C Approach and 02
work plan methodology for
executing the project

5 Experience of the key 50 Personal No. Min. total

mark marks
personal Project Manager (Team 1 35 35
Site Engineer 1 15 15
6 Privilege given for 03 In Gujarat 02
similar work* 01
Out of Gujarat
Total 100
Note: -To become eligible for short listing the bidder must secure at least 70 % (Seventy
percent) marks in each and 80% (Eighty percent) marks in aggregate.
*similar works means Bidder(s) shall have experience as TPI for successfully Completed
G+3 Housing Projects.  

Revised Scoring Criteria
Grou Parameter Maxi Criteria
p mum
No Score
1 Experience in 10 A Consultant as TPI in Govt. 10
Consultancy services as Projects
TPI in any type of B Consultant as TPI in Private 7
Projects of at least 50 cr Projects
worth of project in any
year from last five year
(Completed projects)
Similar work* Experience 25 Experience
of the A Project cost more than Rs.70 25
Applicant(s)/Bidder(s) in cr & above
last five years
B Two projects with project 20
cost more than Rs.50 cr to
Rs.70 cr (10 marks per

2 C Three projects with Project 18

cost Rs.25 cr to Rs.50 cr
(6 marks per project)

Experience in 07 Consultant as TPI in Govt. 07

Consultancy services as A Housing Projects and Private
TPI for G+5 and above Housing Projects
building projects.
Privilege given for similar 03 In Gujarat 02
work* Experience 01
Out of Gujarat
3 Proposed methodology 05 A Understanding TOR 01
B Quality of methodology 02
and work plan C Approach and methodology 02
for executing the project
4 Experience of the key 50 Personal No. Min. total
mark marks
personal Project Manager 1 35 35
(Team Leader)
Site Engineer 1 15 15
Total 100
Note: -To become eligible for short listing the bidder must secure at least 70 % (Seventy
percent) marks in each and 80% (Eighty percent) marks in aggregate.
*similar works means Bidder(s) shall have experience as TPI for successfully completed G+3
Building Projects.

Date: 03/09/2014

1. Date for Pre Bid Meeting:

Affordable Housing Mission invited the Tender for Empanelment of TPI work
for various project in the Gujarat State and its tender is uploaded on the website:
www.nprocure.com on 27/08/2014
Hear we inform you that the Date for Pre-Bid meeting of above tender is post
ponded and will be held on dated 05/09/2014 at 04.30 PM.

VENUE for Pre-bid meeting:

First Floor, Conference Room,
Gujarat Housing Board,
Pragatinagar, Naranpura
Phone No: 079-27473025/45

2. Amendment of Clause 13 shall be noted by Applicants/ Bidders :

Clause Number: 13: Eligibility Criteria of Applicants/ Bidders: General
Criteria: (a) & (d) is as followed -
 Clause 13: (a): will not be considered / not needed as Eligibility
Criteria of Applicants/ Bidders of the tender.
 Clause 13: (d): “The firm should have an office in Gujarat state”.
Affordable Housing Mission

Tender for Empanelment of Third Party Inspection (TPI) agencies for

Mukhya Mantri GRUH Yojana (MMGY)

Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY)

Affordable Housing Mission (AHM)

Urban Development & Urban Housing Development
Government of Gujarat
Sign of Bidder 1
Affordable Housing Mission

1.Request for Proposal (TENDER) Notice .................................................................... 5
2.Detail TENDER Notice ............................................................................................... 6
3.Preface of Work ........................................................................................................ 7
4.Instruction to Applicant Firms .................................................................................. 7
4.1 GENERAL:.............................................................................................................. 7
5.Right Reserved:....................................................................................................... 11
6.Need for Third Party Inspection (TPI) ..................................................................... 12
7.Scope of Services and Deliverables ........................................................................ 12
8.Time Frame ............................................................................................................. 16
9.Deliverables ............................................................................................................ 16
10Conflict of Interest ................................................................................................. 18
11.Mechanism ........................................................................................................... 19
12.Bid – Submission and Evaluation.......................................................................... 19
12.1Schedule of Payment.......................................................................................... 19
TIME PERIOD AND FEES PAYABLE: .......................................................... 19
FEES PAYABLE TO THE CONSULTANT: ..................................................... 20
STAGES OF PAYMENTS: .......................................................................... 20
12.2Scoring Criteria ................................................................................................... 22
13.Eligibility criteria of applicant/Bidder(s): ............................................................. 22
13.1General Requirement: ........................................................................................ 22
13.2Specific Requirement: ........................................................................................ 23
Technical criteria: ................................................................................... 23
Financial Criteria: .................................................................................... 23
13.5Confidentiality: ................................................................................................... 26
14.Proposals – Content and Evaluation .................................................................... 26
15.Negotiation:- ........................................................................................................ 27
16.ANNEXURE ............................................................................................................ 29
17.Financial Bid: Schedule for Quoting the Rates ..................................................... 43
17.1(FINANCIAL / PRICE BID) ..................................................................................... 44

Sign of Bidder 2
Affordable Housing Mission

Words and expressions not elsewhere defined in this contract or its
Schedules/Sections shall bear the following meanings, the singular including the
plural and vice versa.
1 Consultant The firm Selected for the Third Party Inspection (TPI)
services including supervision consultancy.
2 Sub-consultant Any person or entity/ Experts with whom the
Consultant subcontracts any part of the Services.
3 Client/Employer Affordable Housing Mission
4 Government Gujarat Government
5 Service Means the work to be performed by the firm
selected for Consultant, pursuant to the contract for
the purpose of this project
6 Services Means the work to be performed by the firm
selected for Consultant, pursuant to the contract for
the purpose of this project
7 Currency Means the Indian Rupees
8 AHM Affordable Housing Mission
9 TENDER Request for Proposal prepared by the Employer for
the selection of Consultants.
10 GDCR General Development Control Regulations.
11 Contractor To whom the Contract for Construction Works to be
12 BIS Building Indian Standards
13 NBC National Building Code.
14 Date sheet Such part of the Instructions to Consultants used to
reflect specific assignment conditions.
15 Day Means calendar day.

Sign of Bidder 3
Affordable Housing Mission

16 Personnel Professionals and support staff provided by the

Consultant or by any Sub-Consultant and assigned to
perform the Services or any part thereof; “Foreign
Personnel” means such professionals and support
staff who at the time of being so provided had their
domicile outside the Government’s country; “Local
Personnel” means such professionals and support
staff who at the time of being so provided had their
domicile inside the Government’s country.
17 Terms of Reference” The document included in the TENDER, which
(TOR) explains the objectives, of work, activities, tasks to
be performed, respective responsibilities of the
Employer and the Consultant, and expected results
and deliverables of the assignment.
18 Proposal The Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal.

Sign of Bidder 4
Affordable Housing Mission

1. Tender Notice

Affordable Housing Mission (AHM), Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Empanelment of Third Party Inspection
(TPI) for Housing Project at various locations in Gujarat state.
Government of Gujarat has been undertaking Housing Projects under various scheme like as Mukhya
Mantri GRUH Yojana (MMGY), Affordable Housing Projects (AHP), Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY), Slum
rehabilitation Project etc.

Affordable Housing Mission (AHM), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, (hereinafter referred to as AHM) therefore
invites Tender from reputed and experienced firm who confirm to the eligibility and qualification
criteria for Third Party Inspection (TPI) services.


Sr.No Schedule Date

1 Last date of online Submission of TENDER 22/09/2014

2 Date of Pre-Bid meeting 04/09/2014

3 Last date of Physical submission of TENDER 25/09/2014

fee, and Technical bid

4 Date of online opening of technical bid 26/09/2014

5 Presentation of the Bidder 30/09/2014

a. The TENDER document for these works can be downloaded from website www.ghb.nprocure.com.
b. Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 04/09/2014 at12:00 hours in Conference Room, Gujarat Housing
Board Office, Naranpura, and Ahmedabad - 380013.
c. Conditional TENDER shall not be accepted.
d. Hard copy of Technical Bid, TENDER fees shall be submitted to Project Specialist, Affordable
Housing Mission (AHM), Gujarat Housing Board office, Pragatinagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad:-380013.
By Registered post/Speed post/ physical on or before Date: 25/09/2014 up to 16:00 hrs. AHM reserves
the right to accept or reject any or all TENDER without assigning any reason thereof. This TENDER
notice shall form a part of contract document.

Affordable Housing Mission

Sign of Bidder 5
Affordable Housing Mission

2. Detail Tender Notice

AHM invites online Tender from the reputed, experienced firms for the work
mentioned below
Sr. Name of work : Empanelment Of Consultant(S) For Third Party
No. Inspection (TPI) Services For Housing Project At
Various Location In Gujarat State
1. The Employer/ Client : Affordable Housing Mission (AHM), Ahmedabad.
2. Representative/Contact : Project Specialist.
Person and Address of the
Employer/ Communication
3. Tender fee : Rs.18000.00 Demand Draft in favour of “GUJARAT
HOUSING MISSION” payable at Ahmedabad
(Nationalise Bank only )
4. Earnest Money Deposit : Rs.50000.00 Demand Draft in favour of “GUJARAT
Ahmedabad(Nationalise Bank only )
5. Security Deposit 2.5 % of the Allotted Project Cost and Remaining 2.5
% will be deducted in the submitted Running bills.
6. Consultancy period : 3 Years from date of contract signature
7. Tender Validity : 120 Days
8. Pre-bid meeting Date: : 04/09/2014
9 Last Date of Physical :
Submission of document.
10. Opening of the Technical :
Bids (Date & time)
Opening of the Financial To Successful bidder will be Intimated after
11. :
Bids (Date & time) evolution of Technical Bids.

Place of Opening of Bids Affordable Housing Mission, Committee Room , GHB

12. : (Gujarat Housing Board ), Ahmedabad, Pragatinagar,
(Technical & Financial) Naranpura, Ahmedabad:- 13, Gujarat
13 Contact office : Project Specialist,
Affordable Housing Mission,
3rd floor Gujarat Housing Board , Pragatinagar,
Naranpura, Ahmedabad - 13, Gujarat
Phone No:-079-27473025, 079-27473045
Fax No:- 079-27473035
Sign of Bidder 6
Affordable Housing Mission

3. Preface of Work
Government of Gujarat has been undertaking Housing Projects under
various scheme like as Mukhya Mantri GRUH Yojana (MMGY), Rajiv
Awas Yojana (RAY).
In view of the above background, Affordable Housing Mission intends
to appoint the consultant for Third Party Inspection including Complete
Project Supervision, quality assurance for construction of the above
mentioned projects types, including all civil and infrastructure works
like internal roads, water supply, drainage and electrical works like
street light, landscaping, gardening lifts, electric sub-stations, water
pumps etc. and all other connected infrastructural development works

4. Instruction to Applicant Firms

Letter of submission and information for selection shall be submitted
as per formats attached.

Sign of Bidder 7
Affordable Housing Mission

All information called for shall be furnished against the respective

columns in the enclosed form. If information is furnished in a
separate document, reference to the same should be given against
the respective column(s). If information is ‘NIL’ it should also be
mentioned as ‘NIL’ or ‘No such case’. If any particular query is not
applicable to the applicant firm it should be stated as ‘Not
applicable’. However, the applicant firms are cautioned that not
giving complete information called for in the application in the form
required or not giving it in clear terms or making any change in the
prescribed forms may result in summary disqualification of the
applicant firm. Application made by telegram, fax, e-mail or telex and
those received late may not be considered.
All information shall be furnished in English.
The BID shall be filled up legibly. The BIDDER firm’s name shall appear
on each page of the application with authorized signature.
Reference information and Certificates from the respective clients
certifying suitability, technical know-how or capability of the BIDDER
firm shall be signed by the authorized signatory of client.
The eligible BIDDER firm is advised to furnish any additional
information, which they thinpk is necessary in regard to its
capabilities. No further information will be entered after submission
of documents unless it is called for by the Client.
Bidder/s shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of their Proposals. Costs might include site visit,
collection of information, and if selected, attendance at contract

Sign of Bidder 8
Affordable Housing Mission

The Employer is not bound to accept any Proposal and reserves the
right to annul the selection process at any time prior to contract
award, without thereby incurring any liability to the bidder(s).
In preparing their Proposals, Bidder(s) is/are expected to examine in
detail the documents comprising the TENDER. Material deficiencies
in providing the information requested may result in rejection of a
The assignment mentioned herein is intended to be job and time
oriented. The consultant shall not be entitled to claim any
compensation in the event of the time estimated for the completion
of the work being extended for any reason what so ever.
The Employer requires that Consultants provide professional,
objective and impartial advice and at all times hold the Employer’s
interest paramount, without any consideration for future work, and
strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own corporate

Sign of Bidder 9
Affordable Housing Mission

A Consultant (including its Personnel and Sub-Consultants) or any of

its affiliates shall not be hired for any assignment that, by its nature,
may be in conflict with another assignment of the Consultant to be
executed for the same or for another Employer. The EMD is liable to
be forfeited if successful Bidder fails to execute the agreement within
10 Days from the date of Letter of Acceptance. TPI cannot include
current employees of Central & State Government as their resource
personnel/experts that has a business or family relationship with a
member of the Employer’s staff who is directly or indirectly involved
in any part of (i) the preparation of the Terms of Reference of the
assignment, (ii) the selection process for such assignment, or (iii)
supervision of the Contract, may not be awarded a Contract, unless
the conflict stemming from this relationship has been resolved in a
manner acceptable to the Employer throughout the selection
process and the execution of the Contract. The Data Sheet indicates
how long Consultants’ Proposals must remain valid after the
submission date. During this period, Consultants shall maintain the
availability of Professional staff nominated in the Proposal. The
Employer will make its best effort to complete negotiations within
this period. Should the need arise, however, the Employer may
request Consultants to extend the validity period of their proposals.

Sign of Bidder 10
Affordable Housing Mission

Consultants who agree to such extension shall confirm that they maintain
the availability of the Professional staff nominated in the Proposal, or in
their confirmation of extension of validity of the Proposal, Consultants could
submit new staff in replacement, who would be considered in the final
evaluation for contract award. Consultants who do not agree have the right
to refuse to extend the validity of their Proposals, with valid reasons for
which employer’s decision shall be final & binding to the contractor.

5. Right Reserved:
Without assigning any reason, AHM reserves the right to reject the lowest or
any other or all tenders or part of its and to waive any informality or
irregularity in any tender, which in the opinion of the AHM does not appear
to be in its best interest and the tenderer shall have no cause of action or
claim against AHM or its officers, employee, successors or assignees for
rejection of this tender .AHM further reserves the right to withhold issuance
of the notice to proceed, after execution of the contract agreement by the
successful Tenderer. AHM is not obliged to give reasons for any such action.

During Tender validity period, if any Tenderer withdraws or makes any

modifications or additions in the terms and conditions on his own in this
tender, then AHM shall without prejudice to any right or remedy be at liberty
to reject the tender and forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit in full.

AHM reserves the right to increase or decrease the scope of work and split
the tender in two or more parts without assigning any reason even after the
award of contract.

Sign of Bidder 11
Affordable Housing Mission

6. Need for Third Party Inspection (TPI)

 Better Project Quality

 Cost Control
 Time Control
 Improved Planning & Budgeting
 Control over Fund Flow & Utilization
 Measuring Project Outputs
 Measuring Impact of MMGY & RAY
 RAY projects are approved by Central sanctioning & Monitoring Committee
at the Centre after Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) prepared by ULBs are
approved by State Level Steering Committee (SLSC) and appraised by
specialist agencies of the Central Government. At each stage, there may be
Suggestions and recommendations and TPI would ensure that these points
are incorporated in the implementation of the projects. TPI would ensure
periodic feedback to all key stake holders.
 It is, therefore, imperative that each project is covered by TPI and periodic
feedback is given to all stakeholders at ULB/Town/City, State & Central

7. Scope of Services and Deliverables

a. Pre-construction stage

 Examination of project documentation with respect to sanctioned covenants

 Report on targeted beneficiaries of the scheme (whether socio economic

surveys and biometric identification done, stake holders consultation,
process etc.)

Sign of Bidder 12
Affordable Housing Mission

 Review of Land requirement/ availability & other clearances to begin


 Examination of bid documentation & bid process

 Review of Project Implementation Plan and procurement process

 Review of Site preparation

 Review of Project Management Mechanisms/ Structures (eg. PERT/ CPM


 Review of probability of Cost & Time overruns during pre-construction stage

 Report on targeted beneficiaries of the scheme (whether socio-economic

surveys and biometric identification done, stake holder consultation/process

 Field level Engineer should weekly visit the allotted site and review the site
work, later submit the field visit report in the prescribed formats and also
present at the site where important work , like Foundation, RCC casting work

 Head-quarter level staff should visit the site once monthly.

b. Construction stage

 Report on compliance to statutory requirements

 Report on convergence of scheme with education, health and social security

 Report on Beneficiary participation in the project

Sign of Bidder 13
Affordable Housing Mission

 Report on Physical Progress of the project

 Report on Financial progress & fund utilization

 Report on Quality Assurance systems and Project quality- as per Checklist for
Quality Control

 Report on Social Infrastructure and aesthetics

 Report on variations with respect to sanctioned covenants

 Report on cost variations and time overruns

 Report on remedial measures to improve physical & financial progress and

quality of the project

 Report on progress of resettlement and rehabilitation, if any

 Report on court cases/ Litigation

 Field level Engineer should weekly visit the allotted site and review the site
work, later submit the field visit report in the prescribed formats and also
present at the site where important work , like Foundation, RCC casting work

 Head-quarter level staff should visit the site once monthly.

C. Commissioning, trial run and testing stage

 Report on Assets created

 Reports on completion of projects

 Requirement of Operation & maintenance (O&M)

Sign of Bidder 14
Affordable Housing Mission

 System & Structure of O&M

 Capacity of staff of ULB

 Training requirements of staff

 Consultant have to give the proof checking and given its proof checking
certificate of the allotted projects hole Structural Design.

d. Post construction Stage

 Report on functionality & usage

 Report on O&M of assets created including common amenities

 Report on social and environment impact analysis

 Report on user/Beneficiary satisfaction

 Report on capacity created

 Report on overall performance and sustainability of the assets created

 Field level Engineer should weekly visit the allotted site and review the site
work, later submit the field visit report in the prescribed formats and also
present at the site where important work , like Foundation, RCC casting work

 Head-quarter level staff should visit the site once monthly.

Sign of Bidder 15
Affordable Housing Mission

8. Time Frame

Services for TPI would be for entire life cycle of the projects and ideally TPI should
be in place in the pre-construction stage and would function till one year from
the filing of project completion report and give a final report on the overall
performance of the project.

Sr.No Nature of Review Frequency of Reports

1 Pre-Construction Once
2 Construction Monthly
3 Commissioning & Trial runs Once
4 Post Construction Quarterly

9. Deliverables
TPI Agency will undertake:

Ensuring all project documents, including outcomes, outputs,

specifications, estimates of quantities, work packages, project
implementation plan - including milestones, periodic progress
indicators, structural proof checking of the projects and given the
certificates of this Design, oversights etc., on-site management
systems, such as rerouting of transient services, temporary
connections, worker accommodation, labour insurance, procurement
& storage of materials, inventory management; delivery, hand-over,
exit and financial closure plans are in place
Site visits will be organized at different stages as indicated by the
implementing agencies as ‘milestones’ in their work plan, which may

Sign of Bidder 16
Affordable Housing Mission

consist of intermediate stages of development of work or contracting

packages. Indicative milestones, such as foundations, superstructure,
fenestration, services, finishes and commissioning may be taken as
comparatives from the assessment side to help translate progress
reports to non-technical personnel at reporting sites.
Filing and uploading of all inspection reports in the prescribed online
monitoring system of the Mission Directorate as well as by sending
reports to AHM. The reports would be sent at a periodic interval.

Capture, wherever possible, moderated, and structured perceptions

of the beneficiaries on various aspects of project implementation
including communicating project rationale, strategy, outcomes,
results, rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders;
Estimate the degree of beneficiary buy-in as regards the project(s);
To capture qualitative feedback in narrative and in separate
To report the progress with respect to implementation as per the
appropriate stage of the project under development;
An appointed TPI agency would essentially report in the following
Baselines of the project, including entire process trail – which would
ensure that all necessary processes of clearance, approvals -
administrative, technical and financial sanctions are in place. At the
desk review report generated at the initiation milestone, this section
of the report would document the process flows and benchmarks that
are adopted by the concerned level of implementation.

Sign of Bidder 17
Affordable Housing Mission

Outcomes of the project (at initiation milestone)/ the specific

milestones – expected State of physical and financial progress.
Observed physical and financial progress including execution process
this will require to be done from two ends (i) supply end, i.e. AHM and
(ii) level of implementing agency
Compliance and exception reports in process trail, technical and
qualitative standards, financial propriety and integrity. In case of any
processes being certified, the monitoring report must clearly
mention this in case of the concerned implementing agency to the
party to be reported to, i.e. Project Implementation Agency, AHM
and Mission Directorate.
Recommendations as to how to reduce exceptions, including if
milestones need to be re-phased, or any process that may need to
be streamlined.
Follow-up action of the report, which would be ascertained in the
next report.

10. Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest for a TPI is defined as:

- Any agency involved as a consultant in project preparation, supervision

or implementation work in any of the MMGY & RAY projects applying for
TPI is a conflict of interest in the particular project/City/State (as the case
may be)

- Any agency black listed or debarred would not be eligible for

appointment of TPI.

Sign of Bidder 18
Affordable Housing Mission

11. Mechanism

AHM shall communicate clear directions and guidance to ULBs and

Implementing Agencies for extension of cooperation, sharing of information
and all necessary assistance to TPI Agencies. Mission Directorate will have
close coordination with AHM on this aspect

12. Bid – Submission and Evaluation

Separate Technical and Financial bids should be submitted to AHM. A pre-

bid conference should be held by AHM to provide clarifications. AHM
reserves the right to accept or reject any bid. Only eligible technical Bidder
will be consider for opening of financial bids . Technical Bid format and
financial bids will be opened only for those Agencies which qualify the
benchmark set for technical bids.
Schedule of Payment
1. Basic time of the service will be till schedule completion date from the
date of commencement of services.
2. The fees payable shall remain unchanged for time period of project
duration.i.e. If the work extends beyond project duration but not
exceeding more than 6 months then the fees payable shall remain
unchanged. AHM shall not pay any extra fees for these 6 months
duration. If the work gets completed before stipulated time but not more
than before 6 months, the stipulated fees shall remain unchanged and
the consultants will be paid full fees.

Sign of Bidder 19
Affordable Housing Mission


1. The consultant will be paid fees as quoted and accepted after negotiation
by competent authority.
2. Its pro-rata since the commencement of services by TPI to the schedule
date of completion as deploying the staff as per Requirement whichever
is less.
3. In addition to the above, statutory Service Tax currently at prevailing
rates shall be paid separately.
Stage of payment of the agreed fees for TPI shall be as detailed below:

1. During execution of the work on a monthly basis spread over the

stipulated period of construction, from the date of commencement of
services the payment shall be released 95% on monthly raised bill as per
deploying the staff as per Schedule - B with a condition that total payment
shall not exceed as mentioned under para (B) (1). If the payment which
has been made exceeds such amount the excess amount shall be
deducted from the next monthly payment to be made.
Remaining 5% shall be paid after completion of final bill of Contractor of

2. Security Deposit at the rate of 2.5% of the amount of total consultancy

fees in form of National Bank in Bank Guaranties/ Demand Draft /Fixed
Deposit Receipt in the name of “GUJARAT URBAN DEVELOPMENT
located/en cashable at Gujarat only shall be submitted by the Consultant
with the agreement. The duration of FDR shall be up to defect liability

Sign of Bidder 20
Affordable Housing Mission

The Security Deposit so submitted shall be returned to the consultant on

expiry of the defect liability of the work.

5.0 % Security Deposit deducted from R.A. Bill shall be released after
payment of final bill.

3. Final Bill: The final bill of TPI shall be presented only after completion of
following liabilities.
(a) Submission of completion certificate of all projects.
(b) Submission of final bill of all projects.
(c) Submission of following documents for all projects.
 Testing reports of all materials (Cement, Steel, ACC blocks,
Wood, tiles, mix design of concrete, fine aggregate, coarse
aggregate etc.).
 Files of testing reports of cubes & cube register.
 Testing reports of water.
 Testing reports of other item (if any).
 Site visit registers.
 Attendance register.
 Steel income & consumption register
 Cement income & consumption register.
 As built drawings.
4. All T.D.S. Income tax on the amount paid against consultancy to the TPI
by AHM shall be deducted from the consultants R.A. Bill and deposited to
Govt. as per prevailing norms.
The certificate of such deductions shall be issued by AHM to the TPI .

Sign of Bidder 21
Affordable Housing Mission

Scoring Criteria
The relevant experience of the firm shall be evaluated based on the marking
system as under. The consultant shall have to satisfy the following criteria
and as per the performance, marking shall be given and accordingly
evaluation shall be made.

13. Eligibility criteria of applicant/Bidder(s):

The applicant who fulfills the criteria listed below be considered qualifying for
this tender work. The applicant who is not capable of meeting requirement
listed below shall not be qualified for the works. Post qualification will be
based on Applicants meeting all the following minimum criteria regarding their
particular experience, personnel and equipment capabilities and other
relevant information as demonstrated by the Applicant's responses in the
forms attached to the Letter of Application. The applicant to note specifically
that, all information given including those in the form of various formats, must
be supported by certificates from respective authorities (not less than
Executive Engineer or equivalent).

General Requirement:
(a) The Firm must registered under Indian companies Act. 1956. (A copy of the
certificates must be furnished)
(b) Firms are not allowed to form Joint venture or Consortium with other Firms
for executing work.
(c) Experience of personal working presently in consultancy organizations shall
only be considered.
(d)The firm shall/must establish an office in Gujarat State after selected in
tender process.

Sign of Bidder 22
Affordable Housing Mission

Specific Requirement:
Technical criteria:
a. The bidder shall have experience of similar work* during last 5 years.
b. Joint Venture (JV) and Consortium is not allowed.
c. Preference shall be given to all the bidders having experience of
providing consultancy services as TPI in Government Housing
d. For scoring purpose, Preference shall be given to all the bidders
having experience as TPI for G+5 and above building projects.
e. Note:
i. Consultant empaneled in Affordable Housing Mission (AHM)
for the work of preparation of DPR under RAY for various
locations in Gujarat, shall not be considered in this tender
process- as provider of TPI Services.
ii. A bidder will be empaneled either as a consultant for TPI
services or PMC services, if the bidder qualify in technical and
financial criteria mentioned in respective tender document of
iii. A bidder will be empaneled either as a consultant for TPI
services or Architectural services, if the bidder qualify in
technical and financial criteria mentioned in respective tender
document of AHM.
Financial Criteria:
a. The Bidder(s)/Applicant(s) shall have a minimum average Annual
Turnover of Rs. 1,00,00,000 for last 3 (three) financial years.
*similar works means Bidder(s) shall have experience as TPI for G+3
Housing Projects.

Sign of Bidder 23
Affordable Housing Mission

Scoring Criteria
Group Parameter Maxi Criteria
No mum
1 Experience in 1 A Consultant as TPI in Govt. 10
Consultancy services as 10 Projects
TPI in any type of B Consultant as TPI in Private 7
Projects of at least 50 cr Projects
worth of project in any
year from last five year
(Completed projects)

2 Similar work* Experience 25 Experience

of the A Project cost Rs.70 cr to 25
Applicant(s/Bidder(s) in Rs.100 cr & above
last five years B Project cost Rs.50 cr to Rs.70 20
C Project cost Rs.25 cr to Rs.50 18

3 Experience in Consultancy 07 A Consultant as TPI in Govt. 07

Housing Projects and Private
services as TPI for G+5 and Housing Projects
above building projects.

4 Proposed methodology 05 A Understanding TOR 01

B Quality of methodology 02
and work plan C Approach and methodology 02
for executing the project

5 Experience of the key 50 Personal No. Min. total

mark marks
personal Project Manager (Team 1 35 35
Site Engineer 1 15 15
6 Privilege given for similar 03 In Gujarat 02
work* Experience
Out of Gujarat 01
Total 100
Note: -To become eligible for short listing the bidder must secure at least 70 % (Seventy
percent) marks in each and 80% (Eighty percent) marks in aggregate.
*similar works means Bidder(s) shall have experience as TPI for successfully
completed G+3 Housing Projects.
Sign of Bidder 24
Affordable Housing Mission

PART-I :- Head Quarter Staff

Project monitoring and Engineering review services cell with following key personals
to be established at Gujarat for overall monitoring and engineering review services
of the project

Sr. Position Nos. Minimum Mini. Experience

No. qualification Experience
1 Project 1 B.E. / B.Tech 10 yrs Experience in the
Manager Design work of the
(Team Leader) Building and also
have Experience in
the Residential and
Housing building Site-
Execution work.
1 Site Engineer 1 B.E. in civil 5 yrs. In construction of
Engineering housing projects and
residential building
Site execution work.

Team Composition – Key Personnel of Head Quarter staff proposed shall be

regular full time employees of the firm for not less than 12 months prior to date
of submission of the proposal. Copy of the TDS/PF statement proposed staff shall
be shall be attached as a proof is essential.

Sign of Bidder 25
Affordable Housing Mission

Criteria for financial evaluation:

The financial quote shall be provided in percentage of the total
construction cost of the project as per Financial Bid
The price bids of only technically qualified bidders would be
opened for further consideration. The consultant will be marked as L1
who has quoted the lowest price.
The L1 rate shall be applicable to all the consultants technically

The selected bidder will have to give consent to work on the

rates as per quoted by L1 bidder.
All the technically qualified bidder with consent to work at the
rates quoted by L1 shall be empanelled for the assignment.
Award of Empanelment:
Valid Period of contract shall be 3 years from the date of signing the contract
till final approval of project specialist, Affordable Housing mission.

Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendations
concerning awards shall not be disclosed to the consultants who submitted
the proposals or to other persons not officially concerned with the process,
until the winning Firm has been notified that it has been awarded the

14. Proposals – Content and Evaluation

The technical proposal will comprise profile, credentials and experience of

the firm, the proposed team and their detailed CVs, methodology and tasks
assigned. Expression of Interest floated by the Government of India in this

Sign of Bidder 26
Affordable Housing Mission

respect would be a guidance in this respect.

Evaluation of proposals shall be carried in two stages. Technical bid will be

evaluated first and financial bid will be opened only for Agencies qualifying
the technical benchmark.

15. Negotiation:-

Negotiations will be scheduled with the L1 bidder (lowest financial bid).

Negotiations will commence with a discussion on the proposal, proposed
methodology and any other suggestions on improving the ToR. Agreement
must then be reached on the final ToRs, which will indicate activities, staff,
and activity schedule. Then financial negotiations will be carried out.
After successful negotiations with the L1 bidder (lowest financial bid),
Authority shall issue Letter of Intent (LOI) to all the qualified and empanelled
for carrying out the assignment. If negotiations do not reach any conclusions
and the L1 bidder (lowest bid) withdraws his proposal, Authority may then
call the second ranked bidder (L2) for negotiations.
The qualified and shortlisted consultants shall only be empanelled once they
have submitted the letter of consent to work at rates quoted by L1 bidder
(lowest financial bid).
No information on the evaluation and ranking of consultants’ proposal will
be disclosed to any person other than those directly concerned with the

Sign of Bidder 27
Affordable Housing Mission

selection process. Any consultant who tries to influence the evaluation,

ranking or contract, will be liable to be rejected.
The AHM reserves the right to verify the contents /particulars furnished by
the bidder independently including out inspection of works completed by
CEA, Gujarat State Prescribed Authority, Gujarat also reserves the right to
reject any application/ TENDER without assigning any reasons.
CEA, Gujarat State Prescribed Authority, Gujarat also reserves the right to
decide Number of package(s) to be allot/or not to allot, to selected bidder.
CEA, Gujarat State Prescribed Authority, Gujarat also reserves the right to
decide Locations/Type of package(s) to be allot/or not to allot, to selected


Sign of Bidder 28
Affordable Housing Mission


Sign of Bidder 29
Affordable Housing Mission

(Location, Date)
From :( Name of Firm) To: (Name & Address of Client)




We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consultancy services for the
above in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated ------, we are
hereby submitting our Proposal which includes this Technical Proposal, and
Financial Proposal submitted online.

We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:


Sign of Bidder 30
Affordable Housing Mission



General Information
Sr. Firm Name:
1 Changed Firm Name [if any, supporting
documents like Registration of Companies
(RoC),to be submitted along with this
format accompanying a covering letter on
the letterpad of Changed Company]
2 Whether Supporting Document(s)
enclosed [Yes/ No]
FIRM Information
3 Legal status of the applicant (attach
attested copies of original document
defining the legal status(s).
(a) An individual.
(b) A proprietary firm
(c) A firm in partnership
(d) A limited company or corporation.

4 Particulars of Registration with various

Government bodies (attach attested
(a) Registration number.
(b) Organization/Place of Registration

5 Country of Incorporation
6 Year of Commencement of Business
7 Number of Offices (India & Abroad)
8 Presence in Number of States in India
9 Presence in Number of Countries
10 Number of Key Professionals
11 Number of Support Staff

Sign of Bidder 31
Affordable Housing Mission

12 Corporate/Registered Office Address

Title [Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms.]
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Pin Code
Phone No
Mobile No
Fax No [079-23232701]
13 Alternate Office Address
Title [Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms.]
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Pin Code
Phone No
Mobile No
Fax No
14 Email Address
15 Company / Firm Website

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:

Sign of Bidder 32
Affordable Housing Mission


Litigation Details
Name of applicant / or parties:

Applicant should provide information on any History of litigation or arbitration resulting from
contracts executed in last five years or currently under execution:

Sr. Year Award for/against Name of cline, cause of litigation Disputed Amount

No. applicant &matter of dispute in INR

 The above information shall be supported with necessary documents otherwise the same
shall be treated as null & void.
 If the information to be furnished in this schedule will not be given & come to the notice
subsequently will result in disqualification of bidder.

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:

Sign of Bidder 33
Affordable Housing Mission



Sl. Proposed Name of Qualification No. of Number of years Permanent/

No. Position the Person years of of Service with Contract
experience The Applicant’s firm Employee


Note: - (1) Attach Copy of the TDS and PF statement for each of the proposed key staff as
Per the table above.

(1) Above information shall be given for project monitoring cell at Gujarat and for each site

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:

Sign of Bidder 34
Affordable Housing Mission



FY: 2013-14 FY: 2012-13 FY: 2011-12

Annual turnover of the
consultant‘s firm (IN Rs.)

Note: Attach Copy of the audited Balance Sheet certified by Chartered Accountant

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:

Sign of Bidder 35
Affordable Housing Mission

Project Date of Type of
Sr. Location Project cost No. of Actual date Commencement
No Name of Project Client in Rs. Cr. storey of complete As per Contract/ Consultancy
With address of the work Agreement Services


1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for Third party inspection construction supervision, are to be listed.
2. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be considered for evaluation.
3. Details of each project to be provided in form 8 attached.
*similar works means Bidder(s) shall have experience as TPI for Successfully completed G+3 Housing Projects.

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:
Sign of Bidder 36
Affordable Housing Mission


Project Date of Type of

Sr. Location Project cost No. of Actual date Commencement
No Name of Project Client in Rs. Cr. of complete As per Contract/ Consultancy
storey Services
With address of the work Agreement


1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for Third party inspection construction supervision , are to be
2. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be considered for evaluation.

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:

Sign of Bidder 37
Affordable Housing Mission


Project Date of Type of

Sr. Location Project cost Actual date Commencement
No Name of Project Client in Rs. Cr. of complete As per Contract/ Consultancy
With address of the work Agreement Services

1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for Third party inspection construction supervision, are to be
2. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be considered for evaluation.

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:
Sign of Bidder 38
Affordable Housing Mission



Consultant’s Technical approach, methodology and work plan for this assignment are to
be elaborated in this sections, broadly under following sections:

a) Understanding of the TOR

b) Technical Approach and Methodology,
c) Work Program
d) Organization and Staffing

• The write up should explain Consultant insight with respect to the objectives of the
assignment, approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the activities and
obtaining the expected output, and the degree of detail of such output. The Consultant
should also explain the methodologies propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility
of those methodologies for the project envisaged.

• Consultants should propose the main activities of the assignment, their content and
duration, phasing and interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals by the
Client), and deliverables. The proposed work plan should be consistent with the
technical approach and methodology, showing understanding of the TOR and ability to
translate them into a feasible working plan. The work plan should be consistent with
the suggested Work program of the consultant

• Consultants should also propose the structure and composition of the proposed team,
indicating main disciplines of the assignment, the key expert responsible, and proposed
technical and support staff

Sign of Bidder 39
Affordable Housing Mission

FORM -10

Format of Curriculum Vitae (CV) For Proposed Professional Staff

a. Name of Person :

b. Proposed position for this assignment:

c. Designation:

d. Date of Birth:

e. No of Years with present Employer:

f. Education:

Name of Degree College and Specialization Year of passing


Relevant Experience:
Please provide details of relevant assignments, with respect to task assigned for the
proposed study (as mentioned in (ii) above). Kindly provide following information for each
Name Of Name of Time Period Description Role Time Spent
Assignment Client about

Employment Record:
(Starting with present position, list in reverse chronological order, for every employment
Name of Employer Position Held Duration Job responsibility

Sign of Bidder 40
Affordable Housing Mission

Total No. of Years’ Experience:

Total No. of years in Consultancy service
Total No. of years in services other than
Consultancy service
Total experience


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and behalf, this Bio data
correctly describes myself, my Qualifications and my experience.
Note: The CV must be signed by the person whose CV is given. Only those CVs would be
considered, which are signed by the concerned persons (Sign of authorized signatory
other than the person whose CV is submitted, would not be considered.)

Signature of Named Person :

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:

Sign of Bidder 41
Affordable Housing Mission

Financial Bid Format

Sign of Bidder 42
Affordable Housing Mission


(Per project)

17. Financial Bid: Schedule for Quoting the Rates

Name of Work: - Empanelment of Third Party Inspection (TPI) for Housing
Project at various locations in Gujarat state.
Work Details. Quoted Rate ( In Percentage)
1.Ensuring all project documents, including
outcomes, outputs, specifications, estimates of
quantities, work packages, project implementation
plan - including milestones, periodic progress
indicators, structural Design proof checking of the
projects and given the certificates of this Design,
oversights etc., on-site management systems, such
as rerouting of transient services, temporary
connections, worker accommodation, labour
insurance, procurement & storage of materials,
inventory management; delivery, hand-over, exit
and financial closure plans are in place _____% of the Estimated project cost+
2.Site visits will be organized at different stages as Service Tax as per government rule as
indicated by the implementing agencies as applicable.
‘milestones’ in their work plan, which may consist of
intermediate stages of development of work or
contracting packages. Indicative milestones, such as
foundations, superstructure, fenestration, services,
finishes and commissioning may be taken as
comparatives from the assessment side to help
translate progress reports to non-technical
personnel at reporting sites.
3. As per entire scope of work specified in the Tender

Sign of Bidder 43
Affordable Housing Mission


Note: This Price bid shall be submitted online only.

1. Bid documents of FINANCIAL / PRICE BID and TECHNICAL BID shall be

submitted separately.
2. All the TENDER documents must be signed by the bidder (excluding DD)
and the scanned copies (including DD) of all the documents must be
uploaded on website.
3. After opening of technical bid, if certain clarity required, it will be
intimated to the bidder and it should be clarified by the bidder within 48
hours, if not department will take appropriate decision.
4. Financial Bid of only those bidders whose technical bids as in Volume I
are found acceptable by the department shall be opened online.
5. The time and date of opening of financial bid of bidder qualifying the
technical bid shall be communicated to them later on.

• Nothing extra shall be paid over and above the quoted rate.
• Service tax as applicable shall be paid in addition to the quoted rate

Sign of Bidder 44

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