Mrityunjoy Das and Ors Vs Sayed Hasibur Rahaman ans000053COM122220
Mrityunjoy Das and Ors Vs Sayed Hasibur Rahaman ans000053COM122220
Mrityunjoy Das and Ors Vs Sayed Hasibur Rahaman ans000053COM122220
Equivalent Citation: 2001(2)AC R1045(SC ), AIR2001SC 1293, 2001(4)ALLMR(SC )255, 2001 (2) AWC 1239 (SC ), JT2001(3)SC 592,
2001(2)RC R(C riminal)260, 2001(2)SC ALE499, (2001)3SC C 739, [2001]2SC R471, 2001(1)UC 526, 2001(2)UJ1106
U.C. Banerjee, J.
1 . The introduction of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 in the statute book has been
for purposes of securing a feeling of confidence of the people in general for due and
proper administration of justice in the country. It is a powerful weapon in the hands of
the law courts by reason where for it must thus be exercised with due care and caution
and for larger interest.
2 . Incidentally, a special leave petition (1416/1997) was filed before this Court by
Paschim Banga Rajya Bhumijibi Sangh against the judgment of the Calcutta High Court
pertaining to the question of constitutionality of certain provisions of West Bengal Land