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Probiotics and Medicinal Plants in Poultry Nutrition: A Review

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UIJRT | United International Journal for Research & Technology | Volume 02, Issue 01, 2020

Probiotics and Medicinal Plants in Poultry Nutrition:

A Review
Akintayo Balogun Omolere. M1 and Alagbe, J.O2
University of Abuja, Nigeria
Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat, India
[email protected]

Abstract — The use of medicinal plants and probiotics metabolism and fermentation. McDevitt et al. (2006);
has recently gained interest since the ban on the use of Neeraj (2016) opined that exposure of GIT to harmful
antibiotics as growth promoters by the European Union infectious agents or pathogens (Escherichia coli,
in 2006. They are new alternatives to bridge the gap Clostridium, Pseudomonas, Blastomyces and
between food safety and production. Medicinal plants Salmonella) could cause an imbalance in intestinal flora,
are cheaper and loaded with several minerals, vitamins productivity loss and immune suppression.
and phytochemicals such as: alkaloids, saponin,
Probiotics are live cultures of organisms supplemented
flavonoids, phenols, tannins etc. which allows them to
in poultry diets that can beneficially affect the host
perform multiple biological activities. Probiotics on the
animal by improving the microbial balance in the gut
other hand, repopulates the gastro intestinal tracts (GIT)
(Kroimayr and Zhang, 2006). They have shown positive
with beneficial bacteria which controls the action of
results towards improving performance in birds
pathogens and control their population, thereby reducing
(Vicentet al., 2007), feed efficiency (Hassan et al., 2014;
mortality and improving general performance of an
Samliet al., 2007), change in gastrointestinal microflora
(Mountzouriset al., 2007; Kudohet al., 1998), nutrient
absorption (Amatet al., 1996; Alagbe, 2019), reduction
Keywords— Probiotics, medicinal plants, pathogens,
in pathogenic microorganisms (Leandro et al., 2010; Liu
et al., 2008), immune booster (Kim et al., 2009; Knap et
al., 2011). Organisms used as probiotics must fulfill the
above criteria before been considered and must be
Poultry production has experienced a remarkable generally regarded as safe [GRAS] as presented in Fig
growth within the past four decades in its bid to attain 1. The most commonly used include Lactobacillus
viable level of production but there are still a lot of acidophilus, Enterococci faecium andBacillus spp.
problems confronting the industry such as disease, high (Schone, 2006).
cost of feed cost and most recently the indiscriminate
According to Filipe (2014), probiotics administration
use of antibiotics. The sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics
repopulates the GIT with beneficial with beneficial
in poultry production is a public health concern because
bacteria which curbs the action of pathogens and
of antimicrobial resistance and the presence of their
controls their population. This is especially after
residues in final products leading to several health
stressful events such as drastic changes in the diet,
challenges in humans. These situations prompted the
fasting, erratic temperatures or after exposure to
European Union in 2006 to place a ban on the use of the
aggressors such as enteritis of bacteria or viral origin in
use antibiotic feed additives to promote food safety.
the microbiota and mycotoxin contamination in feed.
Among the potential alternative to antibiotics is the use
of medicinal plants (phytobiotics/phytogenics) and 1.1 MECHANISM OF ACTION OF PROBIOTICS
probiotics which contains one or more useful bacteria or
yeast (Waldroupet al., 2003; Navaet al., 2005) which The mode of action of probiotics is not always well
promotes healthy gut and prevents disbiosis which could understood due to different strains that may have various
occur during stress, prolong water deprivation, feed functions and survivability throughout the gut affecting
fasting and infections (caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi the host in different ways. The effects of probiotics can
and protozoa), causing an imbalance of flora with a be classified in:
proliferation of undesirable microorganisms (Filipe
1) Interaction between probiotic-microbe-gut
epithelium: Adhesion to mucosal epithelial cells,
According to Sommer and Backhed (2013), the gastro stimulation of mucus secretion, prevention of
intestinal tract (GIT) is an important site of digestion, adhesion of pathogens as probiotics blocking
nutrient absorption, intestinal integrity, nutrient intestinal receptors, thereby excluding pathogens,

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enterotoxins and hampering proliferation of In a comprehensive research in turkeys and chickens,

pathogens, competition with pathogens for commercial researches have established that proper
important nutrients, secretion of antimicrobial and administration of probiotics mixture increased
antitioxin substances that affects establishment and performance, reduced costs of production as well as was
or replication of pathogens in the gastrointestinal effective in reducing abdominal fat deposition (Vincente
tract (Collado, 2009) et al, 2007). Timmerman et al. (2006) reported that the
main factors affecting the efficacy of the probiotic
2) Interaction between probiotic-immune system: preparations depend on way and timing of the
Immunemodulation by innate as well as systemic administration. Application through the feed than
ways, enhancing and reinforcing gut integrity and application in the drinking water resulted in a higher
gut barrier function, eventually decreasing increase of average daily gain.
secretory and inflammatory molecules against
microbial infection (Servin, 2004). The general Eggs production has been also investigated in relation to
mechanisms by which probiotics may have an probiotic application. A combined mix culture of
effect can be divided into various categories: Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei,
adhesion activity to gut mucosal epithelium, Bifidobacteriumthermophilus and Enterococcus
antitoxic effect, modulation of immune system, faecium enhanced egg size and lowered feed cost in
production of antimicrobial substances and laying hens (Davis and Anderson, 2002). Moreover,
competitive exclusion between probiotics and Bifidobacteriumthermophilus and Enterococcus
pathogenic bacteria. faecium improved egg production and quality (Kutoglu
et al, 2004).
The use of Enterococci as probiotics in chickens
According to Klasing (1987), there is a correlation prolonged feeding with E. faecium based probiotics
between gut microbiota imbalance and poor growth increased egg laying intensity and feed conversion
performance. In other words, pathogenic organisms efficiency (Koudela et al, 1996). In poultry, benefits of
compete with animals for nutrients which could lead to yeast probiotic supplementation are established in
poor performance and eventually death depending on its broilers’ production performance and increased
severity. Kristy (2015) opined that the acquisition of a resistance of chickens to enteric pathogens infections
positive microbiota in the first few days after hatching (Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, E. coli or C.
has a profound effect on the overall health of the bird. perfringens) (Banjeree and Pradhan, 2006).
Similar observation was made by Filipe (2014) who Furthermore, supplementation with yeast treatment
reported that newly hatched industrial chicks do not significantly decreased the frequency of Salmonella
come into contact with mother hens and are placed in a colonization to lower than the pre-stress (before
clean, sanitized environment with little opportunity for transport) levels, whereas non-supplemented birds had
rapid development of a protective intestinal microflora higher levels of Salmonella colonization (Line et al.,
that can successfully compete with pathogens. The first 1997).
days of life are a critical period of time with high risk of
infection by pathogens such as E.coli, Salmonella etc. 1.4 MEDICINAL PLANTS
that may be present in the litter. Thus, probiotic
supplementation is beneficial measure as expressed in The use of plants in traditional medicine has been in
Fig 2. existence for thousands of years because plants have
proven to be a natural renewable resource with valuable
1.3 PROBIOTICS FOR POULTRY bioactive compounds (Cherkupallyet al., 2017; Lina,
2017; Oluwafemi et al., 2020) and also provided a clue
In modern broiler production many factors can enhance on the discovery of new products of medicinal value for
stressors, they include feed changes or imbalances, drug development (Senthilkumaret al., 2018).
transportation, processing at the hatchery and high
stocking densities. During post hatching period, which According to Rates (2001) out of the about 250,000 –
ultimately affects the colonization of the gastrointestinal 500,000 plant species estimated by the WHO (1992),
tract by bacterial pathogens due to weakened immune only a small percentage has been investigated
system, posing a threat to bird and food safety. phytochemically and even a smaller percentage has been
properly studied in terms of their pharmacological

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The primary benefits of using plants or herbs (essential However, Lactobacilli count, weight gain were
oil, spices, extracts) is that they are relatively safer than significantly (P <0.05) highest for all treatment
synthetic alternatives offering profound therapeutic supplemented with turmeric powder.
benefits and more affordable (cheaper) in the treatment
of diseases (Manjuet al., 2011). Phyoet al. (2017) also observed the effect of dietary
garlic and thyme seed supplementation on the
The presence of phytochemicals or bioactive production performance and gut microbial population of
(flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, phenol, oxalate etc.) broiler chickens.
confers plant the ability to perform multiple biological
functions as anti-inflammatory (Sathyaet al., 2012; Treatments were control diet (T1), control diet with 1%
Omokore and Alagbe, 2019; Khan et al., 2009), thyme seed powder (T2), control diet with 1% garlic
antioxidants (Wang et al., 2008; Alagbe et al., 2019), powder (T3) and control diet with 0.5 % thyme seed and
antifungal (Parkash et al., 2002), expectorant (Partap et 0.5 % garlic powder (T4). E.coli count in the gut of the
al., 2012; Arczewska and Swiatkiewicz, 2012), birds did not show dietary treatments compared to
antimicrobial (Olafadehan et al., 2020; Wojdylo et al., control.
2007), anti-parasitic (Ighodaro et al., 2012; Zinoviadou
However, Lactobacilli in the gut of broilers significantly
et al., 2009), antiviral (Olafadehan et al., 2020;
(P<0.05) increased in T2, T3 and T4 compared to that
Srinivasan, 2005), antihyperglycemic (Tassou et al.,
of T1. It was concluded that thyme and garlic could
2000) and antidiabetics (Viegi et al., 2003).
provide positive advantages to the colonization and
Phytochemicals can be used in solid, dried and ground proliferation of Lactobacilli.
form or as extracts (crude or concentrated), and also can
Alagbeet al. (2019) conducted to evaluate the carcass,
be classified as essential oils (essential oils, volatile
caeca microbial parameters of broilers fed different
lipophilic substances obtained by cold extraction or
levels of mixed lemon grass and garlic extract (CLGE).
steam/alcohol distillation) and oleoresins (extracts
Five hundred broiler chickens (Ross 308) were allotted
derived by non‑aqueous solvents) depending on the
to five treatments with five replicate consisting of 20
process used to derive the active ingredients (Gadde et
birds each in a completely randomized design (CRD).
al., 2017).
The first group T1 was given 0.025g/litre Neomycin in
The secondary metabolites in plants varies in
water while T2, T3, T4 and T5 were given CLGE at
composition and concentration, method of extraction
levels 3.0ml/litre, 6.0ml/litre, 9.0ml/litre and 12.0 ml/
(aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic), stage of growth,
litre of water respectively.
storage conditions, geographical location (Alagbe,
2019; Hyun et al., 2018). The experiment lasted for four weeks each for the starter
and finisher respectively. Results on dressing
percentages revealed that birds given 12.0 ml/l CLGE
was highest (76.87%) followed by those in T4 (76.54
1.5.1 Maintaining the integrity of the gastro %), T3 (75.61 %), T2 (75.00%) and T1 (70.01%).
intestinal tract (GIT) Significant influences (P<0.05) were also observed in
the relative organ weight (liver, kidney, spleen, heart,
According to Bravo and Ionescu (2008) mixture of a pancreas, gizzard and proventriculus).
mixture of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and capsicum
oleoresin in broilers stabilizes the intestinal microbiota There were also significant differences (P<0.05) in the
and reduces microbial toxic metabolites in the gut, caeca microbial population of E.coli and lactobacillus
owing their direct antimicrobial properties on various count as well as the antibody titer against Newcastle and
pathogenic bacteria which result in relief from intestinal gumboro disease.
challenge and immune stress.
Birds in T5 had the lowest E.coli count (9.00 cfu/g)
Hanan (2015) evaluated the effect of supplementing when compared to T1 (22.19 cfu/g) with the highest
different levels of turmeric on the turmeric on the caecal proportion of the bacteria. It was concluded that CLGE
microbial population of broiler chicks he observed that could be given to broilers at 12.0ml/liter without any
birds fed diet supplemented at 0.4 % significantly (P negative effect on the health and can be used to
<0.05) reduced Escherichia coli count in the caecum. effectively replace antibiotics.

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*Figure 2. Schematic representation of the concept of


*Source: Fuller (2001); LutfulKabir (2009)

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