Rubric-Reflective-Journal - UTS
Rubric-Reflective-Journal - UTS
Rubric-Reflective-Journal - UTS
Personal Growth Conveys strong evidence Conveys evidence of Conveys limited Conveys inadequate
of reflection on own reflection on own work evidence of reflection evidence of reflection on
work with a personal with a personal response on own work in own work in response to
response to the self- to the self-assessment response to the self- the self-assessment
assessment questions questions posed. assessment questions questions posed.
posed. Demonstrates Demonstrates posed. Demonstrates Personal growth and
significant personal satisfactory personal less than adequate awareness are not x3
growth and awareness of growth and awareness personal growth and evident and/or
deeper meaning through through some inferences awareness through demonstrates a neutral
inferences made, made, examples, few or simplistic experience with
examples, well insights, and challenges. inferences made, negligible personal
developed insights, and Some thought of the examples, insights, impact. Lacks enough
substantial depth in future implications of and/or challenges that inferences, examples,
perceptions and current experience. are not well personal insights and
challenges. Synthesizes developed. Minimal challenges, and/or future
current experience into thought of the future implications are
future implications. implications of overlooked.
current experience.