Phytobiotics Habbatus Sauda and Garlic Meal: Are Still Efficacious During The Spread of Marek's Disease Outbreak
Phytobiotics Habbatus Sauda and Garlic Meal: Are Still Efficacious During The Spread of Marek's Disease Outbreak
Phytobiotics Habbatus Sauda and Garlic Meal: Are Still Efficacious During The Spread of Marek's Disease Outbreak
Phytobiotics Habbatus Sauda and Garlic Meal: Are Still Efficacious during the
Spread of Marek’s Disease Outbreak
Nanung Danar Dono, Edwin Indarto, Kustantinah, Zuprizal1
ABSTRACT: When kept intensively in a closed-house poultry shed, additions of habbatus sauda
(Nigella sativa; HSM) or garlic bulb meal (Allium sativum; GBM) in the diets were claimed to
be efficacious used as growth promoter for broiler chickens. This study critically evaluated the
effectiveness of both phytobiotics during the spread of Marek’s disease outbreak. A hundred male
New Lohmann day old broiler chicks were divided into 5 dietary treatments. One-way ANOVA
treatment structure in a Complete Randomized Design was used in this experiment. The treatment
diets were: basal diets that meet dietary requirements of the breeder, without phytobiotics
supplementation (control; P1); basal diets + 1.0% HSM (P2); basal diets + 1.0% GBM (P3); basal
diets + 1.0% HSM + 1.0% GBM (P4); and basal diets + 0.5% HSM + 0.5% GBM (P5). Each
treatment was replicated 5 times, with 4 birds in each replicate pen. Response parameters that
evaluated in this study were growth performance (average daily gain, final weight, feed intake,
and feed conversion ratio) and protein-energy efficiency (protein and energy intake, protein and
energy efficiency ratio), based on 5 weeks rearing period. Results showed that, when the birds
were raised in tropical opened-system poultry shed during the spread of Marek’s disease, dietary
addition of 1.0% habbatus sauda and garlic bulb meal did not give any significant positive effects
on all response variables that observed on growth performance and protein-energy efficiency
parameters. It might be concluded that phytobiotics supplementation is only efficacious for
improving productivity of broiler chickens when the birds are reared in closed-house poultry shed
that free from disease outbreak.
Available studies suggest that traditional poultry farmers face serious problems in disease
attacks, such as: infectious bursal disease (Berg, 2010), Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis,
avian influenza, and Marek’s (Tabbu, 2000). Studies reported that development of the body self-
defence might be depressed by low biosecurity level, poor sanitary condition, and low quality of feed
stuffs (Gibbens et al., 2001). Uncontrolled farm condition and non-intensive poultry managements
seem to be responsible for this problem. Traditional farmers might use antibiotics to solve this
problem. Antibiotics have been administered mostly during the grow-out period to control growth
and proliferation of exogenous pathogens, promote growth, maintain health, facilitate better feed
efficiency, and improve meat quality. In order to limit the spread and development of antibiotic
resistant microflora, the authorization of several antibiotics as feed additives has been withdrawn
in European Union since 1997 (Dibner and Richards, 2005). However, the removal of antibiotics
authorization resulted in substantial increase in infection in poultry (Knarreborg et al., 2002;
Casewell et al., 2003).
Some studies showed that garlic bulb meal (GBM) and habbatus sauda meal (HSM) have
been known to be efficacious as sources of phytobiotics for poultry. Numerous studies reported
that GBM improved the growth performance of poultry with non-antibiotics diets (Mahmood et
The 6th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production
Integrated Approach in Developing Sustainable Tropical Animal Production
October 20-22, 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
al., 2009). On the other hand, habbatus sauda was also reported to be good as growth promoter
for broiler chickens (Abu-Dieyeh and Abu-Darwish, 2008; Al-Beitawi and El-Ghousein, 2008;
Shewita and Taha, 2011).
However, these studies were done in intensive poultry management, using good quality feed
stuffs and closed-housed poultry system. Therefore, the results did not draw the ‘real’ condition.
Since there is no study to report the effects of dietary supplementations of garlic bulb and habbatus
sauda on New Lohman broiler chickens during the outbreak of poultry diseases, this study is
important to evaluate the factual effects of phytobiotics supplementations on real condition in
traditional farmers.
Growth performance data, as well as nutrient and energy utilization data, were analyzed
statistically by Analyses of Variance employing Complete Randomized Design (Steel and Torrie,
1993). Significance was declared for the probability of less than 5%. All statistical analyses were
performed using Statistical Procedures for Social Science (SPSS) for Windows versi 16.0 (SPSS
Inc., Chicago, IL) software.
The 6th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production
Integrated Approach in Developing Sustainable Tropical Animal Production
October 20-22, 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Table 2. Growth performance response and nutrient – energy efficiency ratio of broiler chickens
fed diets with phytobiotics supplementation1
Level of
Treatment diets2
Variables significance
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 SEM p-value
Growth Performance
Feed intake. g/bird 748.77 752.00 778.59 726.44 746.67 10.83 0.713
Average daily gain. g/bird 296.90 334.49 318.94 314.99 330.08 11.76 0.896
Final weight. g/bird 333.90 371.49 355.94 351.99 367.08 11.76 0.896
Feed conversion 2.50 2.28 2.48 2.38 2.38 0.092 0.956
The 6th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production
Integrated Approach in Developing Sustainable Tropical Animal Production
October 20-22, 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
It can be concluded from current study that when broiler chicken birds were kept in opened
poultry-house research and raised during the spread of Marek’s disease, dietary supplementation
of phytobiotics garlic meal and habbatus sauda meal did not have any significant benefits on the
growth performance or nutrient-energy utilization of broiler chickens.
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The 6th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production
Integrated Approach in Developing Sustainable Tropical Animal Production
October 20-22, 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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