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Advanced Dietary System Without Antibiotics in Korea'S Swine Industry

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Session 2: Swine Feed and Nutrition



Subramaniam Mohana Devi and In Ho Kim*

Department of Animal Resource & Science,
Dankook University, No.29 Anseodong, Cheonan,
Choongnam 330-714 South Korea
*Corresponding Author: In Ho Kim
e-mail: [email protected]


Antibiotic growth promoters have been widely used in the livestock industry due to their excellent health and
growth promotion properties. Recently, the application of dietary supplementation similar to antibiotic had
received considerable attention in the pig industry. Dietary supplementation with probiotics like Bacillus subtilis
and Enterococcus faecium, prebiotics like Levan-type fructan and essential oils of herbal extract, organic acids
and Medium Chain Triglycerides has been used as an alternative source for antibiotics in recent swine industry.
An increased interactive effect between energy and nutrient density diet and probiotic was observed on the ADG
and G:F ratio, faecal lactobacillus, apparent total tract digestibility and faecal noxious gas content. The
beneficial effect of dietary supplementation in pigs could be enhanced with the high energy and nutrient density
diets and improves the productivity of animals by producing various useful metabolites under optimal culture
conditions. Dietary supplementation with levan-type fructan can improve growth performance, digestibility and
fecal Lactobacillus counts, and has a beneficial effect on immune response during an inflammatory challenge in
growing pigs and our recent study suggests that levan may have some growth promoting effects similar to
antibiotics. Feeding is often the only diversion for pigs. In Korea’s Swine industry, both in small and large
farms, we use auto feeding and shoulder feeding system for the welfare of sows. Stocking density has a
significant impact on growth performance of pigs. Body weight gain and feed intake were decreased when pigs
were raised in pens with high stocking density compared with those bred in low stocking density pens. Creep
feeding increased growth and feed intake of pigs after weaning. Thus several studies indicate that, dietary
supplementation with alternative feed additives (i.e., probiotics, prebiotics, essential oils, organic acids and
Medium Chain Triglycerides) similar to antibiotic, can increase growth performance in pigs which in turn
improves anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory effects in pigs.

Keywords: Feed Additives, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Essential Oil, Feeding System, Korea Swine Industry


Recent concerns regarding antibiotic resistance and the use of probiotic agents in livestock have resulted in a
demand for alternative strategies to improve animal production and health without the need for antibiotics.
During the last decade, antibiotic growth promoters have been widely used in the livestock industry due to their
excellent health and growth promotion properties. However, owing to the decrease of therapeutic effectiveness
of antibiotics for treatment of bacterial infection in humans, the use of antibiotics as feed additives for livestock
was completely banned in the European Union in 2006. Therefore, considerable efforts have been devoted
towards developing alternatives to stabilize the health and growth performance in livestock. Because of the ban
on the sub therapeutic use of antibiotics in some countries, various natural materials such as probiotics,
prebiotics, organic acids, zinc, and plant extracts, have been tested as alternatives to antibiotics.

Advanced Dietary System without Antibiotics in Korea’s Swine Industry


Recently, the application of probiotics had received considerable attention in the discussion about developing
suitable alternative for antibiotic growth promoters in the pig industry (Chen et al. 2006; Meng et al. 2010; Yan
and Kim 2011). However, the effect of probiotics supplementation in practice is highly inconsistent because of
the different diet composition, strain differences, dose level, age of the animal, as well as its interactions with
environmental factors (Khan et al. 2011). Dietary supplementation with B. subtilis was found to reduce NH3
emissions in poultry houses by improving the utilization of nitrogen (N). In addition, supplementation of the
diets of pigs with Bacillus spp. was found to have the potential to reduce malodor in pig feces (Chen et al. 2006).
Our previous studies indicate that administration of a probiotic in a high-nutrient-density diet could be more
effective than a low-nutrient-density diet on the gastrointestinal environment and subsequent nutrient utilization
in pigs (Yan and Kim 2013).

Meng et al. (2010) also suggested that nutrient density could influence the effect of probiotics in growing pigs
(Table 1). It has been suggested that probiotics require some nutrient and energy cost because of their effect on
immune cell development and function. It has been recently suggested that dietary Enterococcus faecium
DSM7134 increased ADG and feed conversion ratio in weaned pigs and finishing pigs. Dietary E. faecium DSM
713 increased ADG and feed conversion ratio in weaned pigs and finishing pigs, and it was also suggested that
E. faecium, normal components of the swine intestinal microbiota, could produce lactic acid to reduce the pH
value of the intestinal content and inhibit the development of invasive pathogens. According to Zhang and Kim
(2014), the ADG and G:F increased (p > 0.05) more dramatically in pigs fed with HD diet with probiotic and an
increased - fecal Lactobacillus population was observed in pigs fed with probiotic supplemented diets at both
week 2 (p<0.01) and week 4 (p = 0.01) and fecal E.Coli decreases (p = 0.01) at week 4. In addition, fecal NH3
content also decreases with probiotic treatments (Table 2).

Choi et al. (2009), who reported that the inclusion of wood vinegar would increase the amino acid and energy
digestibility of weaning pigs by modulating the intestinal microflora. Simitzis et al. (2008) documented that
phenolic compounds were absorbed and entered the systemic circulatory system after ingestion and had
significant antioxidant activity in lamb meat. Previous study also reported that the inclusion of phenolic
compound in animal diets led to a greater oxidative stability. Β-glucans are structural components of the cell
wall of many bacteria, fungi and yeasts, as well as cereal grains such as barley and oats. β-glucans have been
well studied in human and animal subjects and their immunity enhancing effects have been noted (Volman et al.
2008). Zhang et al. (2008), who reported that β-glucan derived from the yeast S. cerevisiae supplemented in
diets at 50 mg/kg and 75 mg/kg significantly, improved BW and BWG. Kefir is a popular traditional Middle
Eastern beverage. It is the product of fermentation of milk with kefir grains and other cultures prepared from
grains. Kefir grains contain a complex mixture of lactobacilli, bacteria and yeasts, such that it contains
beneficial yeast as well as probiotic bacteria found in yogurt (Otles and Cagindi 2003). Thus, kefir can be
defined as a probiotic food ingredient and feed additive. Many studies on the influence of feed supplements
mainly focus on their effects on human health and growth rate in pigs.

Due to the recent ban on the use of dietary antibiotics worldwide, prebiotics had been used as antibiotic growth
promoter alternatives to improve the health and growth performance of animals. Zhao et al. (2012) reported that
dietary supplementation with 1 g levan/kg increased the ATTD of DM compared with non- supplementation
treatment in weanling pigs. Several researchers have reported that prebiotics have a positive effect on growth
performance without adverse effects on mortality in chickens and pigs (Hooge et al. 2004). Several researchers
also reported the positive effects of lactulose on colonic metabolism in human, rat, mouse and pig. Lee et al.
(2009) also demonstrated that supplemental 0.2% synbiotics increased DM and CP digestibility in early-
weaning pigs.

Levan-type fructan is considered to be a prebiotic and has a variety of nutritional and pharmaceutical functions
(Zhao et al. 2012) and having health-promoting effects. Inulin is increasing mineral absorption and improving
immune response (Morris and Morris 2012). Use of prebiotics or fermentable sugars may improve the
population of useful microbes in the gastrointestinal tract. Fructan supplementation improved growth
performance and ATTD of DM and GE, and the fecal microbial balance, and inhibited the fecal E. coli and
furthermore, fructan may decrease fecal noxious gas emissions in finishing pigs (Zhao et al. 2013).The dietary
supplementation with 0.10% levan type fructan improved growth performance, digestibility of N and GE, and
fecal Lactobacillus counts, and had a beneficial effect on the immune response (Table 3) during an

Session 2: Swine Feed and Nutrition

inflammatory challenge (Li and Kim 2013). Fructan supplementation improves growth performance and nutrient
digestibility, increases fecal Lactobacillus concentration, and decreases E. coli concentration and noxious gas
emission in finishing pigs (Zhao et al. 2013). Our recent study suggests that, levan may have some growth
promoting effects (Table 4) similar to antibiotics in weanling pigs (Zhang and Kim 2014).

Table 1. Effects of supplementation of high- and low-nutrient-density on total tract digestibility and
meat quality in growing-finishing pigs. (Source: Meng et al. 2010)

Essential Oil
Recently, phytogenic feed additives have been widely used as an antibiotics alternative due to their plant derived
property and growth-promoting effects (Wang et al. 2007). Accordingly, many studies have been conducted to
identify alternatives to antibiotics as growth promoters in the animal industry (Hong et al. 2004). One such
alternative, essential oils (EO), which are also referred as volatile or ethereal oils, are aromatic oily liquids
acquired from plant materials (flowers, buds, seed, leaves, twigs, bark, herbs, woods, fruits, and roots) that are
generally recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).The effects of dietary EO have been
shown to be affected by intrinsic and extrinsic factors including environment, diet and nutritional status (Jang et
al. 2004). Windisch et al. (2008) suggested that phytogenic compounds mainly essential oils may specifically
enhance activities of digestive enzymes and nutrient absorption, which may improve the biological values of
inferior feed (low density diet), or even equal to the high quality ones.

Among these, essential oils (EO) are generally referred as volatile or aromatic oily liquids acquired from plant
materials, which have been well documented because of its stimulative effect on appetite and secretion of
digestive enzymes (Yan et al. 2012). Lee et al. (2008) also suggested that H. cordata could suppress the Th2
immune response in vitro, and concluded the beneficial effect could be attributed to the main bio-active
compound such as total phenolic compound, polysaccharide, and flavonoid. Yan et al. (2010) suggested that pig
fed essential oil supplemented diet in finishing pigs led to a higher feed intake than those without
supplementation. Czech et al. (2009) have confirmed that herbal extracts could be used in pig production
industry to stimulate growth performance, and suggested the beneficial effect could be attributed to the positive
active substances in herbs on the digestive processes and nutrient metabolism.

Date pits, Japanese-honeysuckle (Lonicera Japanica), Houttuynia cordate thunb (H. cordate), Laquer tree (Rhus
verniciflua Stokes), Yellow ginger (Dioscorea zingiberensis), Hoantchy root (Leguminosae) and Acanthopanax
senticosus extract are used for anti-diarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory, increasing appetite, antibacterial on human
and livestock. Houttuynia cordata is a traditional medicinal plant that is used in herbal preparations in Asian
countries to relieve inflammatory conditions (Jee et al. 2010). The other herbs included Japanese-honeysuckle,
houttuynia cordata Thumb, laquer tree extract, yellow ginger and hoantchy root which were documented owning
the antioxidant, antimicrobial or anti-diarrhoeal property (Kim et al. 2010).

Kong et al. (2007) reported that dietary supplementation with Chinese herbal ultra‐fine powder enhanced serum
concentrations of IL‐2, IL‐6, TNF‐α, IgG, IgM and lymphocytes in early‐weaned piglets. Anna et al. (2009)
reported herbs can increase the amounts of RBC and lymphocyte, and decrease WBC’s amounts. Eugenol is an
important chemical constituent in essential oils of many aromatic plants, such as Corton zehntneri and Occimum
gratissimum, which have been used in folk medicine for a long time (Craveiro et al. 1977). Cinnamaldehyde is
the major component comprising 85% in the essential oils of Cinnamomum verum and Cinnamomum Cassia,
which is well known as a traditional medicine herb worldwide (Ooi et al. 2006).

Advanced Dietary System without Antibiotics in Korea’s Swine Industry

Table 2. Effects of Bio Plus 2B supplementation on growth performance and coefficients of total tract
apparent digestibility (CTTAD) on dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) in growing pigs.
a a a a b c
Item CON B0.05 B0.1 B0.2 SE P-values
ADG, kg 0.769 0.785 0.782 0.798 0.0221 0.08 0.53
ADFI, kg 1.491 1.499 1.536 1.560 0.0232 0.03 0.72
G:F 0.516 0.524 0.509 0.516 0.0167 0.12 0.57
DM 0.821 0.817 0.813 0.811 0.0062 0.23 0.94
N 0.829 0.822 0.833 0.844 0.0091 0.19 0.35
(Source: Wang et al. 2009)

Table 3. Effects of levan-type fructan and Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge on
rectum temperature, serum cortisol, TNF-α, IL-6, and IGF-I concentrations in growing pigs

LPS Levan-type P-value

Items With Without With Without SE LPS Fruton Interaction
Temperature, °C
Initial 40.4 40.2 40.3 40.3 0.16 0.37 0.59 0.55
2h 41.4 40.3 41.0 40.7 0.50 0.02 0.28 0.02
2h 41.4 40.3 41.0 40.7 0.50 0.02 0.28 0.62
4h 41.5 40.1 40.8 40.8 0.57 0.02 0.64 0.01
6h 41.1 40.3 40.6 40.9 0.41 0.11 0.75 0.62
8h 40.9 40.4 40.7 40.6 0.34 0.28 0.79 0.40
Cortisol, μg/Dl
Initial 3.4 4.8 3.9 4.3 1.24 0.08 0.56 0.15
2h 13.7 5.1 7.6 11.1 1.24 <0.01 0.83 <0.01
4h 15.2 6.3 9.8 11.7 1.39 <0.01 0.72 <0.01
6h 17.2 6.8 11.1 12.9 3.14 <0.01 0.46 0.03
8h 13.9 7.1 8.6 12.4 1.65 <0.01 0.03 0.02
TNF-α, PG/mL
Initial 174 168 175 167 16 0.13 0.53 0.09
2h 1,605 176 963 819 122 <0.01 0.07 <0.01
4h 1,890 178 869 1199 132 <0.01 0.02 <0.01
6h 1,995 179 947 1227 102 <0.01 0.03 <0.01
8h 1,884 136 845 1176 262 <0.01 0.02 <0.01
IL-6, PG/mL
Initial 16 16 14 18 1.5 0.83 0.69 0.06
2h 5,472 17 2,585 2,904 221 <0.01 0.73 <0.01
4h 5,929 16 2,695 3,250 291 <0.01 0.21 <0.01
6h 5,412 15 2,040 3,387 364 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
8h 3,967 17 1,675 2,309 257 <0.01 0.02 <0.01
IGF-I, ng/mL
Initial 200.3 155.8 169.3 186.8 26.2 0.34 0.48 0.02
2h 181.2 151.9 175.4 157.6 18.9 0.29 0.72 0.15
4h 181.6 145.9 161.9 165.6 16.2 0.10 0.25 0.33
6h 172.2 128.3 148.7 151.8 24.0 0.63 0.43 0.87
8h 147.5 121.7 135.5 133.7 21.5 0.41 0.59 0.92
(Source: Li et al. 2013)

Session 2: Swine Feed and Nutrition

Table 4. Effects of levan on growth performance in weanling pigs

Item -Levan + Levan SEM P-Value

D 0-14
ADG, g 238 271 269 300 13.2 <0.05 <0.05
ADG, g 308 334 325 351 22.4 0.73 0.62
G:F 0.773 0.811 0.828 0.855 0.026 0.86 0.91
D 15-28
ADG, g 436 516 489 512 21.4 0.47 <0.05
ADG, g 740 737 776 783 38.5 0.68 0.93
G:F 0.589 0.700 0.630 0.654 0.018 0.27 <0.05
D 0-28
ADG, g 337 393 379 406 18.2 <0.05 <0.05
ADG, g 524 535 551 567 33.3 0.78 0.61
G:F 0.643 0.735 0.688 0.716 0.020 0.54 <0.05
(Source: Zhang and Kim 2014).

EO led to a significant increase in the digestibility of DM, N and energy at the end of the 6th week, which was in
agreement with Cho et al. (2006), who reported that the digestibility was increased by the essential oil
supplementation. Kwon et al. (2005) suggested that a plant mixture had positive effects on meat quality in a
growing–finishing pig. Jang et al. (2007) also suggested that EO can stimulate activities and secretion of
digestive enzymes including amylase and pancreas, respectively. Dietary supplementation with CHE could
increase blood erythrocytes counts and improve meat quality in growing-finishing pigs (Zhou, et al. 2013). The
Coptis Chinesis has good antioxidant properties (Wang et al. 2008), which can reduce the oxidative stress on

Organic acid
The use of acidifiers as potential alternatives to antibiotics in the diets of swine has been evaluated, and many
studies have confirmed their positive effects on growth performance in post weaning pigs (Partanen and Mroz
1999). Acidifiers may function by exerting antimicrobial activity that can reduce the pathogenic flora of the gut,
which would have beneficial effects on the utilization of nutrients (Walsh et al. 2007). Phenyl lactic acid (PLA)
is an organic acid that is produced as a result of phenylalanine metabolism, and recently, it has been found in the
culture of a strain of Lactobacillus plantarum. In addition to its antimicrobial effects, l-PLA is also utilized as a
source of phenylalanine for pigs and has shown to be capable of replacing 70.1% of the phenylalanine while
promoting the growth performance of chicks and mice (Wang et al. 2009).

The addition of organic acids to pig diets has been examined for decades, and it has been clearly demonstrated
that the addition of organic acids can improve the growth performance of early weaned pigs. For example,
Walsh et al. (2007) demonstrated that addition of 0.4% organic acid blend (fumaric, lactic, propionic, citric, and
benzoic acids) to the diets of nursery pigs resulted in better growth rate, feed intake, and feed efficiency.
Overland et al. (2007) reported that pigs fed different organic acids (1.0% formic acid, 0.85% benzoic acid, or
0.85% sorbic acid) had fewer lactic acid bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Several feed additives including
acidifiers, enzymes, probiotics, plant extracts have been introduced in the pig industry as nutritional tools to
improve the growth performance of growing-finishing pigs. BA is an acidifier which has also been reported to
have positive effects on reducing ammonia emission and increasing weight gain in pigs (Cheong 2006).

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT)

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are high-chain (6 to 12 carbons) fatty acid esters of glycerol. The fatty
acids found in MCTs are called medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), such as caproic acid (C6), caprylic acid
(C8), capric acid (C10) and lauric acid (C12). They are digested, absorbed and metabolized differently from
long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), which include fatty acids of 12 to 22 carbons, because MCFAs are absorbed
directly into portal circulation and transported to the liver for rapid oxidation (Odle 1998). MCFAs can rapidly
supply energy for the newborn piglets (Lee and Chiang 1994). Also, MCFAs were reported to have antibacterial
function as the similar way showing by the short-chain fatty acids (Skrivanova et al. 2006).

Advanced Dietary System without Antibiotics in Korea’s Swine Industry



Feeding is often the only diversion for pigs in an industrial farm environment. The EU directive 2001/88/EG
regulates that, from January 2013, every pregnant sow must be group housed. Electronic feeding is a common
feeding technique for group housing. The animal recognition and management is performed using radio-
frequency identification (RFID) earmarks. Use of electronic feeding stations (ESF), allows accurate individual
sow feeding to occur, while easy identification of sick or off-feed sows can occur quickly. Generally, sows
housed in a group will be tagged individually with ear tag transponders and have access to an electronic feeder
station. Only one sow is allowed to consume feed at a time, and when the sow’s daily allotment of feed has been
consumed, no more feed is dispensed. Sows are not fed at once; therefore, aggression and fighting occur while
sows are waiting their turn to enter the feeder. This system does require a much greater level of management,
especially when initially training gilts and sows to utilize the ESF, and a backup plan is needed in case the
feeding system should fail. In Korean Swine industry, both in small and large farms, we use auto feeding and
shoulder feeding system for the welfare of sows.

Sow Group system

Growing pigs are often kept in barren, crowded conditions on slatted concrete floors without straw for bedding
or rooting. These pigs have no access to outdoors and will never experience fresh air or daylight. They are
unable to behave naturally and are likely to be bored and frustrated. They tend to fight and to bite each other,
sometimes causing severe injury. About 70% of the breeding sows are kept in stalls during gestation. The
ongoing welfare debate about stall housing has led to the examination of alternative housing systems for
breeding sows.

Stock density
Stocking density (i.e., the number of animals per pen) is an important determinant of barn design. Growth
performance of pigs housed individually in ideal experimental environments is generally higher than that of
their commercial group-housed counterparts (Kerr et al. 2005). Stocking density has a significant impact on
growth performance of pigs. Body weight gain and feed intake were decreased when pigs were raised in pens
with high stocking density compared with those bred in low stocking density pens (Cho et al. 2010). Under
commercial conditions, because marginal profit increases with the size of pig operations (Martin and Kruja
2000), the pork industry is shifting toward larger production units. Housing pigs in large numbers and groups is
a means of reducing housing costs and simplifying some aspects of management challenges. The provision of an
adequate space allowance gives pig a sufficient space for drinking, lying and feeding. High stocking density
may cause a behavioral problem for pigs. At higher stocking densities, the likelihood of heightened aggression,
competition and disease outbreak rapidly rises, and when this happens, the negative relationship between space
and growth becomes even worse (Lebret et al. 2006). Curtis (1996) reported that the reduction in feed intake
found in large groups of pigsmay be caused by an increase in social pressure in larger as compared to smaller

Stressors existing in swine production systems would include cold/hot environmental temperatures. These
stressors cause growth retardation, changes in hormone release, increases in disease susceptibility, and/or
behavioral changes. Also, physiological response to stressors (such as heat and spacial restriction) results in
activation of the sympathetic nervous system and release of catecholamines and then glucocorticoids reduce
body weight (Breinekova et al. 2006). Pig performance being subjected to stressors is common in commercial
swine production. Stress may cause oxidative changes due to an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) or a
decrease in the antioxidant status (Lykkesfeldt and Svendsen 2007).

Effect of stocking density on reproductive performance

Rutledge (1980) reported that there was gilts allowance in small groups (six pigs) with an average of 11 piglets
given birth to whereas gilts reared in a larger group (ten pigs) had an average of ten pigs given birth to. Kuhlers
et al. (1985) selected gilts at about 30 kg and reared them in pens of eight or 16 pigs. Gilts reared in the smaller
groups were more than the total pigs given birth to with 1.0. When comparing gilts raised in litters of either five
or ten pigs, Kirkpatrick and Rutledge (1988) found that gilts in small litters had 1.1 more embryos at day 30

Session 2: Swine Feed and Nutrition

Effect of stocking density on growth performance

Stocking density has a significant impact on growth performance. Stocking rate can have a major effect on feed
intake as shown by Brumm and Gonyou (2001) who found that a major response to space restrictions was a
decrease in feed intake. Stocking density allowances were seen excessively in pigs which have been shown to be
necessary for maximum performance (Edwards et al. 1988).When growing-finishing pigs are given less than
optimal space per pig, feed intake always decreases (Brumm et al. 2001), often resulting in a reduction in
average daily gain (ADG), with variable effects on the gain: feed ratio (G: F). Social interaction with another
pig reduces growth performance and feed intake regardless of stocking density. Swine producers try to
maximize profits by minimizing both performance retardation and underutilized space. Crowding stress
deleteriously affects the growth performance of pigs.

Creep feeding
Generally, creep feeding begins largely as an exploratory or social activity, and is then increasingly driven by
nutrient demand as the piglet’s mature (Pajor et al. 1991). English (1981) have suggested that sufficient intake
of creep feed during lactation created a gradual transition at weaning and reduced the occurrence of post-
weaning disorders. Pajor et al. (1991) reported that difference in the absolute amount of creep feed consumption
before weaning resulted in differences on the performance. Therefore, indentifying factors that can increase
creep feed consumption may elicit positive effect of creep feed on nursery performance.

Piglets are given creep feed to fill the gap between their increasing nutrients requirement and nutrients supplied
by the lactating sow because of the declining milk production, which may be insufficient to meet the steadily
increasing demands from growing piglet. Generally, commercial recommendations on when to initiate creep
feeding as early as 2 to 3 day of age to induce piglets to consume solid feed and achieve greater total creep feed
consumption throughout lactation. Various studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect of creep feed on post-
weaning performance, which is highly dependent on the absolute amount of creep feed consumption (Carstensen
et al. 2005). Recently, Sulabo et al. (2010) suggested creep feeding duration for 13 day (lactation period = 21 d)
produced 10% unit more eaters than litters fed creep feed for 6 and 2 day. Therefore, the duration of creep
feeding could be an important factor in stimulating more pigs to consume more creep feed and subsequently
greater daily gains. Therefore, creep diet composition could be a factor affecting piglet during lactation. It is
well suggested that organoleptic properties of the feed may be a dietary factor that can reduce feed neophobia
and influence the creep feed consumption. Feed flavors are commonly used in nursery diets to improve diet
acceptance and stimulate feed intake (Sulabo et al. 2010). Langendijk et al. (2007) also found administration of
flavor to the creep feed may enhance post weaning responses when the same flavor is added to the nursery diets.
Therefore, providing flavors to the creep feed may be a new method to improve pre- and post-weaning feed
intake and performance.


In conclusion, prebiotic, probiotic, essential oil, organic acid and MCT supplementation improved growth
performance and nutrient digestibility, increased the fecal Lactobacillus concentration, and decreased the E. coli
concentration and noxious gas emission in finishing pigs. Stocking density has a significant impact on growth
performance of pigs. Body weight gain and feed intake were decreased when pigs were raised in pens with high
stocking density compared with those bred in low stocking density pens. Creep feeding increased growth and
feed intake of pigs after weaning. Dietary supplementation with alternative feed additives would increase
growth promoting effects similar to antibiotics in pig industry. Future researches are needed to evaluative this
performance by conducting experiments using alternative supplementation.


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Session 2: Swine Feed and Nutrition

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Walsh, M. C., D. M. Sholly, R. B. Hinson, K. L. Saddoris, A. L. Sutton, J. S. Tadcliffe, R. Odgaard, J. Murphy,
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Wang, Q., H. J. Kim, J. H. Cho, Y. J. Chen, J. S. Yoo, B. J. Min, Y. Wang and I. H. Kim. 2008. Effects of
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Advanced Dietary System without Antibiotics in Korea’s Swine Industry

Yan, L and I. H. Kim. 2013. Effect of probiotics supplementation in diets with different nutrient densities on
growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, faecal microbial population and faecal noxious
gas content in growing pigs. Journal of Applied Animal Research 41:23–28.
Yan, L., J. P. Wang, H. J. Kim, Q. W. Meng, X. Ao, S. M. Hong and I. H. Kim. 2010. Influence of essential oil
supplementation and diets with different nutrient densities on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood
characteristics, meat quality and fecal noxious gas content in grower–finisher pigs. Livestock Science 128:115-
Yan, L., Q. W. Meng and I. H. Kim. 2011. The effect of an herb extract mixture on growth performance, nutrient
digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal noxious gas content in growing pigs. Livestock Science 141:143-
Yan, L., Q. W. Meng and I. H. Kim. 2012. Effect of an herb extract mixture on growth performance, nutrient
digestibility, blood characteristic, and fecal microbial shedding in weaning pigs. Livestock Science 145:189-195.
Zhang, B.Y.,Y. Guo and Z. Wang. 2008. The modulating effect of β-1,3/1,6-glucan supplementation in the diet
on performance and immunological responses of broiler chickens. Asian-Austrasian Journal of Animal Science
21: 237-244.
Zhang Z.F. I.H. Kim. 2014. Effects of levan supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and
fecal dry matter content in comparison to apramycin (antibacterial growth promoter) in weanling pigs. Livestock
Science 159: 71–74.
Zhao, P. Y., J. H. Jung, and Kim, I. H. 2012. Effect of mannan oligosaccharides and fructan on growth
performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and diarrhea score in weanling pigs. J Anim Sci 90:833-839.
Zhao, P. Y., J. P. Wang and I. H. Kim. 2013. Evaluation of dietary fructan supplementation on growth
performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, fecal microbial flora, and fecal noxious gas emission in
finishing pigs. Journal of Animal Science 91:5280–5286.
Zhao, P.Y., J.H. Jung and I.H. Kim. 2012. Effect of mannan oligosaccharides and fructan on growth
performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and diarrhea score in weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science
90: 833–839.
Zhang Z.F. and I.H. Kim. 2014. Effects of Enterococcus faecium DSM 7134 supplementation in different
energy and nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbiota
and fecal noxious gas contents in weanling pigs. Livestock science In press.


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