(PCM) - Technical Specification - Actuated Isolation and Blowdown Valves

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The document outlines technical specifications for actuated isolation and blowdown valves including scope, definitions, requirements, materials, design criteria, and documentation requirements.

The document references statutory requirements, Australian/New Zealand standards, international standards, and company specifications. It also defines the order of precedence for these references.

The document specifies material requirements for the general assembly, actuator, valve, and accessories. It also covers material traceability, certification, valve stem design, and actuator design including torque/thrust characteristics and sizing basis.

Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves

Technical Specification


Rev Date Details By Check Eng QA App

0 15/09/10 Issued for Use TS BHD SH SH

A 16/08/10 Issued for Review BHD SH
Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

1.  Introduction ..................................................................................... 4 

1.1  Scope of Specification...............................................................4 
1.2  Definitions............................................................................. 4 
1.2.1  Specific Definitions........................................................ 4 
1.3  Abbreviations ......................................................................... 5 
1.4  Units ................................................................................... 6 
1.5  Supplier Exceptions ..................................................................6 
2.  Codes, Standards & Project Specifications .................................................6 
2.1  Statutory Requirements .............................................................6 
2.2  Standards .............................................................................. 6 
2.2.1  Australian / New Zealand Standards ................................... 7 
2.2.2  International Standards .................................................. 7 
2.2.3  Company Specifications ..................................................9 
2.3  Order of Precedence ................................................................9 
3.  Approved Supplier List ....................................................................... 10 
4.  General Requirements ....................................................................... 10 
4.1  Scope of Work ...................................................................... 10 
4.2  Operation & Design Life........................................................... 11 
4.3  Interfaces ........................................................................... 11 
4.4  Utilities Requirement ............................................................. 11 
4.4.1  Instrument Air ........................................................... 11 
4.4.2  Instrument Gas........................................................... 11 
4.4.3  Electrical ................................................................. 12 
4.5  Hazardous Area Requirements ................................................... 12 
4.7  EMC Compliance.................................................................... 13 
4.8  Passive Fire Protection ............................................................ 13 
5.  Technical Requirements ..................................................................... 14 
5.1  Materials............................................................................. 14 
5.1.1  General ................................................................... 14 
5.1.2  Actuator................................................................... 14 
5.1.3  Valve ...................................................................... 15 
5.1.4  Accessories ............................................................... 15 
5.2  Material Traceability & Certification ........................................... 15 
5.3  Valve Stem Design ................................................................. 16 
5.4  Actuator Design .................................................................... 16 
5.4.1  Torque/Thrust Characteristics ........................................ 16 
5.4.2  Actuator Sizing Basis .................................................... 17 
5.4.3  Calculation Data ......................................................... 18 

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

5.4.4  Actuator Mechanism .................................................... 19 

5.4.5  Actuator Mechanical Design ........................................... 19 
5.5  Actuator Valve Interface.......................................................... 21 
5.6  Anti-corrosion Measures .......................................................... 21 
5.7  Accessories .......................................................................... 22 
5.7.1  Valve Panels .............................................................. 22 
5.7.2  Electrical Connections .................................................. 22 
5.7.3  Mechanical Limit Stops ................................................. 22 
5.7.4  Local Position Indicator ................................................ 22 
5.7.5  Filters/Regulators (Airsets) ............................................ 22 
5.7.6  Speed Control Facilities ................................................ 23 
5.7.7  Solenoid Valves .......................................................... 23 
5.7.8  Pneumatic Pilot Valves ................................................. 24 
5.7.9  Quick Exhaust Valve .................................................... 24 
5.7.10  Remote Valve Position Indicator ...................................... 24 
5.7.11  Electrical Cabling ........................................................ 24 
5.7.12  Lifting Eyes ............................................................... 25 
6.  Quality Assurance & Inspection ............................................................ 25 
6.1  General .............................................................................. 25 
6.2  Inspection & Testing ............................................................... 25 
6.2.1  Inspection of Actuator Welds, Castings & Steel Parts ............. 25 
6.3  Testing ............................................................................... 26 
6.3.1  General ................................................................... 26 
6.3.2  Actuator Testing ......................................................... 27 
6.3.3  Valve Testing ............................................................. 28 
6.3.4  Valve / Actuator Testing (Factory Acceptance Test) .............. 28 
6.3.5  Commissioning & Startup............................................... 30 
6.3.6  Site Support .............................................................. 30 
6.4  Quality Records .................................................................... 30 
6.5  Traceability Requirements ....................................................... 31 
6.6  Marking for Identification and Traceability .................................... 31 
7.  Nameplate ..................................................................................... 32 
8.  Painting & Coatings .......................................................................... 32 
9.  Spare Parts, Special Tools and Special Software ........................................ 33 
9.1  Spares ................................................................................ 33 
9.2  Special Tools ........................................................................ 33 
9.3  Special Software ................................................................... 33 
10.  Documentation ................................................................................ 33 
10.1  As-built Drawings .................................................................. 33 
10.2  Test Documentation ............................................................... 34 
10.3  Manuals .............................................................................. 34 
11.  Training ........................................................................................ 34 
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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

1. Introduction
1.1 Scope of Specification
This Technical Specification details the minimum requirements for the design, supply,
configuration, factory acceptance testing, documentation and delivery of actuated
isolation and blowdown valves for the Company’s Coal Seam Gas (CSG), water handling and
treatment and associated infrastructure projects.
This specification shall be read in conjunction with the Requisition which details the
Supplier’s scope of supply, any project specific requirements and applicable documents
and drawings.

1.2 Definitions
Approved Means accepted by the Company or agreed representative. Such
acceptance shall not relieve the Supplier of its obligations under
the contract.
Company Origin Energy Resources Limited or Australia Pacific LNG Pty
Supplier Supplier of works, services or goods under the Agreement
(Contract), including Subcontractors (if any).
Shall / Must / Will Mandatory requirement.
Should Recommended course of action.
May / Can One acceptable course of action.

1.2.1 Specific Definitions

Fail-Safe Actuator An actuator which returns to the safe mode of the application
(open or closed) if the operating medium fails.
Torque, Break-Open The torque required to move the valve off its seat to the point
where it has just started to open.
Torque, Break-Close The torque required to move the valve off its seat to the point
where it has just started to close.
Torque, Resistance The torque required to overcome the resistance of the
valve/actuator assembly, including forces applied by the process
fluid or test load, during travel.
Torque, Static The torque delivered by the actuator, at any point in its 0° to 90°
range when the actuator mechanism in not moving. This torque is

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

also referred to as "stall" torque.

Torque, Shearing The torque delivered by the actuator which would shear part of the
coupling to the valve.

1.3 Abbreviations

ANSI American National Standards Institute

API American Petroleum Institute
APLNG Australia Pacific Liquefied Natural Gas
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EOFL End of Field Life
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FC Fail Close failure mode upon loss of air or signal
FISCO Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept
FF Foundation Fieldbus
FL Fail Locked (last position) failure mode upon loss of air or signal
FO Fail Open failure mode upon loss of air or signal
Hz Hertz
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP Ingress Protection
IS Intrinsically Safe
ISA Instrument Society of America
ISO International Standards Organisation
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
kPag Kilo Pascals (gauge)
MDR Manufacturer’s Data Report
MML/D Megalitres per Day
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
NDE Non Destructive Examination
NPS Nominal Pipe Size

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

NPT National Pipe Thread

PC Personal Computer
PCB Polychlorobiphenyls
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)
QA Quality Assurance
SAA Standards Association of Australia
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SI International System of Units
TJ/D Terajoules per Day
VDRL Vendor Data Requirements List

1.4 Units
The International System of units (SI) shall be used in all documentation. Equivalent
imperial dimensions may be shown on manufacturing drawings in parenthesis following the
SI units.

1.5 Supplier Exceptions

The Supplier shall submit a list of deviations or exceptions to this Specification as part of
their tender offer. In the absence of any exceptions, it will be construed that the Supplier
fully complies with this Specification. Similarly, any exception from the Supplier’s Sub-
Supplier must be stated at this time otherwise it will be construed that they fully comply
with this specification.

2. Codes, Standards & Project Specifications

2.1 Statutory Requirements
The following Acts of Parliament and their associated Regulations are particularly relevant
to the supplied equipment.
 Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995
 Queensland Electrical Safety Act 2002
 Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004

2.2 Standards
Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication at the issue of
this specification shall be used, together with any amendments/supplements/revisions
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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

2.2.1 Australian / New Zealand Standards

AS 1210 Unfired Pressure Vessels
AS 1271 Safety Valves, Other Valves, Liquid Level Gauges and Other
Fittings for Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels
AS 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Codes)
AS/NZS 60079.0 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Gas Atmospheres:–
General requirements
AS/NZS 60079.1 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Gas Atmospheres:–
Equipment protection by flameproof enclosure ‘d’
AS/NZS 60079.7 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Gas Atmospheres:–
Equipment protection by increased Safety ‘e’
AS/NZS 60079.10 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Classification of hazardous areas
AS/NZS 60079.11 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Gas Atmospheres:–
Equipment protection by Intrinsic Safety ‘i’
AS/NZS 2381 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres –
Selection, Installation and Maintenance
AS/NZS 61000 6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - General standards -
Immunity for industrial environments
AS/NZS 61000 6-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Generic standards -
Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-
industrial environments
AS/NZS 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements

2.2.2 International Standards

IEC 60079 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres
IEC 60331 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions
IEC 60332 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions
IEC 60364 Electrical Installations
IEC 60529 Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by
Enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60947-5-6 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Part 5-6: Control
Devices and Switching Elements – DC Interface for
Proximity Sensors and Switching Amplifiers (NAMUR) First
API 6D Specification of Pipeline Valves (Steel Gate, Plug, Ball,

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

Check Valves)
API 6FA Specifications for Fire Test for Valves
API 607 Fire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter-turn Valves
API 598 Leak Testing of Valves
ANSI/ISA 93.00.01 Standard Method for the Evaluation of External Leakage of
Manual and Automatic On-Off Valves
ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purposes
ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Pipe Fittings
ASME B16.10 Face to Face and End to End Dimensions of Valves
ASME B16.34 Steel Valves, Flanges and Butt Welding Ends
ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges
ASME B31.3 Process Piping

ASME VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII – Pressure
Vessel Design
ASME IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX – Welding and
Brazing Qualifications
ASTM A269 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic
Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service
ASTM A193 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel
Bolting Materials for High Temperature or High Pressure
Service and Other Special Purpose Applications
ASTM A194 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for
Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or
ASTM E94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASTM E446 Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2
in. (50.8 mm) in Thickness
ASTM A609 Standard Practice for Castings, Carbon, Low-Alloy, and
Martensitic Stainless Steel, Ultrasonic Examination Thereof
ASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing
ASTM E165 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for
General Industry
BS EN 10204 Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Documents
BS EN ISO 10497 Testing of valves. Fire type-testing requirements
BS 1726 Cylindrical helical springs made from round wire and bar

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

ISO 5211-1 Industrial valves - Part-turn actuator attachments

ISO 10474 Steel and steel products - Inspection documents

2.2.3 Company Specifications

A-1000-30-TS-1001 Protective Coating
A-1000-50-TS-1006 Piping Material Specification
A-1000-70-TS-1001 Approved Equipment List - Instrumentation
A-1000-70-TS-1007 General Instrument Installation Requirements

2.3 Order of Precedence

Where the project specifications do not comply with the minimum requirements of the
Statutory Authorities and Standards, the latter shall prevail. Where the project
specifications exceed the minimum requirements of the Statutory Authorities and
Standards, the former shall prevail.
The Company’s approval of Supplier drawings/documents does not in any way remove the
Supplier’s responsibility to comply with Statutory Requirements, Standards and Company
Specifications. The requirements of this specification shall not relieve the Supplier of any
responsibility to provide equipment and services that are compliant and suitable for the
intended duty.
In the case of conflict between this specification and other referenced documents, data
sheets, codes and standards, the Supplier shall bring the matter to the Company’s
attention for clarification in writing. The order of precedence shall be as follows (highest
1. Applicable Legislation and Statutory Requirements
2. Equipment Purchase Order
3. Project Data Sheets
4. This Specification
5. Project Specifications and Drawings
6. Referenced Company Standards
7. Australian Standards
8. International Codes and Standards

All deviations from the requirements of this specification, its attachments and the
referenced codes and standards shall be stated in the tender. In the absence of such a
statement, Supplier’s full compliance shall be assumed.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

3. Approved Supplier List

The Supplier shall use equipment marked as preferred wherever practicable, for the
purposes of equipment standardisation. Where the Supplier wishes to supply equipment
not marked as preferred, the Supplier shall submit their proposed equipment supplier for
Company approval. For the approved supplier list refer to Approved Equipment List –
Instrumentation (A-1000-70-TS-1001).

4. General Requirements
4.1 Scope of Work
The Supplier’s scope includes design calculations, drawings and documentation, provision
of all materials, manufacture, inspection, non-destructive examination, trial assembly,
testing and delivery of factory-fabricated complete actuated valves, containing all valve
bodies, actuators and all accessories as stated on the data sheets, fully assembled, fully
tested and ready for installation.
The Supplier should draw upon their existing pre-engineered or standard designs as far as
is practicable in order to satisfy the functional and technical requirements described
within this specification and referenced documentation.
The Supplier must liaise and work closely with actuator Sub-Suppliers to ensure a fully
integrated design that satisfies the applicable parts of the specification is achieved.
Actuated valves shall be provided as integral units, each comprising:
 valve body assembly
 actuator assembly
 controls and accessories

Units are to be assembled and tested in the Suppliers works.

The valves shall be capable of full operation with the Company connections.
Actuators shall generally be pneumatically operated. Electric or hydraulic power actuators
shall require approval from the Company.
The Valves shall move to the specified failure position (FO/FC/FL) on loss of electrical
signal or air/gas/hydraulic supply. Valves shall be provided with failure modes as defined
on the data sheets.
In order to facilitate maintenance, each assembly of valve, actuator, and controls shall be
such that any one item, other than the valve or actuator, may be easily removed from the
assembly for repair or replacement without having to remove other items.
Actuators and accessories shall be suitable for operation based on full air/gas to avoid the
use of regulators. Where this is impractical the Supplier shall provide filters and regulators
as required for correct operation of the actuators, the use of such is to be approved in

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

writing by the Company. All outdoor filters and regulators shall be of full metal
The Supplier shall submit installation details for all controls and other items to be fitted to
the valve actuator, to the Company for approval prior to assembly.
The Supplier shall submit proposed control schematics and installation details as part of
the tender.

4.2 Operation & Design Life

All equipment shall have a minimum design life of 30 years.

4.3 Interfaces
The equipment shall be required to fall within the parameters defined in the project data
sheets supplied by the Company. These parameters may include but are not limited to the
 Maximum overall equipment dimensions and weight, including accessories
 Pneumatic / Hydraulic tie-in locations
 Electrical and Instrument signals / tie-in locations

4.4 Utilities Requirement

4.4.1 Instrument Air
Motive power shall be supplied from an instrument air distribution system, which under
normal conditions shall be reticulated at 700 kPag. Under regulator failure or other
unusual conditions that may increase. The actuator assembly must be designed for a
maximum 850 kPag air supply pressure @ 45°C. Where actuators cannot meet this
requirement, the actuator supplier shall clearly and specifically state this and suitable
safety air reduction and venting designs for the actuators shall be provided, subject to the
purchases approval.

4.4.2 Instrument Gas

Remote applications may use instrument gas as the motive force when an instrument air is
not practical. Instrument gas will be nominally 200 kPag, although all actuator sizing shall
use 140 kPag as the minimum supply pressure. Instrument gas will be coal seam methane
gas saturated at 140 kPag.
Where a positioner is used with instrument gas a “low bleed” positioner shall be used to
reduce the fugitive emissions from the positioner. Positioners used on with instrument gas
service shall be specifically rated for that service.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

4.4.3 Electrical
Digital valve positioners shall be fitted to all of the control valves. Details of the basic
specification are shown on the actuator data sheets. The full specification shall be
confirmed by the Supplier based on the type of valve / actuator used and the valve
positioner manufacturer’s recommendations. The control signal will generally be either 4-
20mA with HART or Foundation Fieldbus.
Foundation Fieldbus is an industry standard communications protocol that replaces the
more traditional 4–20 mA type electrical signal. The Foundation Fieldbus interface allows a
large number of engineering values, diagnostics and alarms to be communicated to and
from the valve positioner.
The Supplier will require a Foundation Fieldbus compatible communicator device and a
Fieldbus compatible power supply unit in order to communicate with the Fieldbus
positioner. This communication will be necessary for carrying out testing of the complete
valve actuator assembly and for FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing). The Supplier will also
require knowledge of this interface unit, the operating system and the positioner, or utilise
the services of a third party.
Each valve/actuator assembly shall be supplied with the positioner configured with the
valve Tag number, the service description as detailed on the actuator data sheet.
Additionally the positioner shall be configured with a custom configuration that will be
supplied by the Company.
The Supplier shall provide all of these Fieldbus related services and equipment as part of
the scope of supply.
All Foundation Fieldbus devices shall be powered from its respective FISCO segment.
All other Instruments (Solenoid valves, limit switches etc) shall be suitable for 24V dc

4.5 Hazardous Area Requirements

Instruments for use in hazardous areas shall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS
2381.1 or AS/NZS 60079.14. All hazardous area equipment shall be certified for the
required area classification under IEC Ex, ANZ Ex or AUS Ex. If suitable equipment cannot
be obtained with acceptable certification then equipment certified under alternative
standards may be acceptable. The justification for use of such equipment will be in the
form of a Conformity Assessment Document (CAD) (refer to Annex ZD of AS/NZS 60079.14)
and the supply of the CAD shall be by the Supplier.
Foundation Fieldbus transmitters shall be certified to meet FISCO. Analogue (4-
20mA)/HART transmitters shall be certified as Intrinsically Safe (IS).
The following table shows the preferred method of protection for electrical equipment and
devices and instrumentation installed in hazardous and non-hazardous areas:


0 / Ga Ex ‘i(a)’

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Technical Specification

1 / Gb 1 Ex ‘i(a)’ or Ex ‘i(b)’
2 Ex ‘d’, Ex ‘e’ or Ex ‘me’
2 / Gc 1 Ex ‘i(a)’ or Ex ‘i(b)’
2 Ex ‘d’, Ex ‘e’ or Ex ‘me’
3 Ex ‘n’
Non hazardous N/A

Note that there may be exceptions to the preferences described above. For example, at
well heads Ex d or Ex n may be used in preference to Ex i(a).

4.6 Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Requirements

Valve assemblies that are part of a safety instrumented function shall be certified to
AS/IEC 61508 part 2 and meet the specified SIL. Were applicable, the SIL will be specified
on the valve data sheet. Certification shall be by a 3rd party and shall include the following
information on the certificate:
 Whether equipment is Type A or B
 Failure rate λSD (safe detected)
 Failure rate λSU (safe undetected)
 Failure rate λDD (dangerous detected)
 Failure rate λDU (dangerous undetected)

High inherent start-up and operational reliability is required, the valve assembly shall be
able to perform its duty for 48,000hrs without overhaul.

4.7 EMC Compliance

All electrical / electronic equipment shall be compliant with the following standards.
 Emissions shall comply with the Residential Commercial and Light Industry
Standard, AS/NZS 61000-6-3.
 Immunity shall comply with the Industrial Standard, AS/NZS 61000 6-2.

4.8 Passive Fire Protection

Where identified on the project data sheets, a dedicated fire blanket shall be provided
with the valve assembly.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

5. Technical Requirements
5.1 Materials
5.1.1 General
All materials, material grades and manufacturers shall be as detailed on the project data
sheets and referenced specifications. When materials are not specified the Supplier may
offer their standard material suitable for the environment and operating/design
conditions. The type and grade of all materials of construction shall be stated and shall be
subject to approval by the Company. All materials shall be new, unused and free of
Special attention shall be paid to all o-rings and seals to ensure that the materials selected
are compatible with the process conditions and the materials will not be subjected to
explosive decompression.
All materials (including gaskets and sealants) shall be free from the following hazardous
 Asbestos
 Ceramic Fibre
 Chlorofluorocarbons
 Polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) and their isomers
 Radioactive Materials
 Mercury
Dangerous goods shall be labelled and identified in accordance with the Australian
Dangerous Goods Code 7th Edition (ADG7). All fluid materials shall be supplied with a
material safety data sheet (MSDS).
The minimum valve body material shall be carbon steel with 316 SS trim. The use of brass
or copper bearing alloys shall not be permitted. Aluminium shall not be used for any part
of the equipment that may come into contact with the process fluid. Aluminium for
housings/casings shall only be permitted if coating is applied.
All bolting materials shall be compatible with the intended design/service requirements
and valve materials of construction.
As a minimum, tubing shall be 316L SS. Other grades of non-molybdenum austenitic
stainless steel e.g. 302, 303, 304, 305 are forbidden.

5.1.2 Actuator
Materials of construction of the actuator shall be selected to prevent galvanic corrosion
with the valve and accessories.
Carbon steel as a minimum shall be used for all pressure retaining parts of the actuator.
Other Supplier recommended materials are acceptable with Company approval.
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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

Nickel Plating shall be used for the inside of cylinders to provide resistance to wear and
corrosion. This shall be applied using an electroless coating technique. The coating
thickness shall be at least 75µm. The underlying surface materials shall be treated to
provide corrosion resistance.
No cast iron, malleable iron, aluminium, plastic or copper bearing alloys shall be used for
any components without prior approval by the Company.
The Supplier shall identify all material used in the construction of the actuator.
All welding (including casting repair) shall be performed in accordance with written
procedures and by welders qualified in accordance with ASME IX.

5.1.3 Valve
Materials of construction of the valve shall be in accordance with the applicable
instrument data sheets. Any proposed changes will require written approval from the
Company prior to purchase.
Valves in hydrocarbon service shall be of fire safe and anti-static design.

5.1.4 Accessories
Except where specified on the data sheets, Stainless Steel 316L shall be used as the
material of construction for control accessories (wetted and non wetted parts) including all
brackets, mounting plates and nuts and bolts.
For wetted parts, aluminium shall not be used as a construction material unless authorised
in writing by the Company.
In general, all instrument tubing shall be stainless steel to ASTM A269 TP316L as a
minimum. The tube shall be cold drawn, seamless, fully annealed and pickled. Tube
surface hardness should be between 70 and 74 but shall be no more than 80 on the
Rockwell B scale (Rb80). The use of polished tubing should be avoided as this technique is
used to cover up surface imperfections and can also work harden the tube surface, leading
to poor fitting make-up.
Compression fittings shall be Swagelok double compression type with front and back
ferrules in imperial sizes only and shall be made from stainless steel as per ASTM A132
F316/F316L. All threads shall be NPT type. All thread connections shall use Stainless Steel
PTFE/Teflon thread sealant tape approved to UL340-M1979 (AGA) 3226.

5.2 Material Traceability & Certification

Pressure retaining and wetted parts shall have full chemical analysis and mechanical test
certification and shall be identifiable by means of certified markings relating to the
available authentic material certificates. Material certification requirements shall be in
accordance with BS EN 10204/ISO 10474 type 3.1 certificates. All chemical analyses shall
be certified by product check analysis with the exception of Carbon Steel (Non-NACE) and
Bronze for which ladle analysis will be acceptable. Certification for bolting shall be to
Standard Designation 3.1 unless stated otherwise. Where supplementary requirements or

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

impact testing in excess of the product specification are specified, the Supplier shall
provide certification proving that bolting meets the specified requirements.
The Supplier shall keep available suppliers reports etc., for examination by the Company
or their representative, for a minimum period of five (5) years. Minor components for
which the materials are not specifically designated shall have physical and chemical
properties consistent with that of the major components.
Materials for use in cold service (0°C and below), alloy steel materials, and materials 6 mm
thick or less shall not be hard stamped or pop marked. All markings shall be by vibro-
etching or by Company approved paint.

5.3 Valve Stem Design

The Supplier shall assess the valves suitability for the application and ensure that the valve
stem is capable of withstanding the maximum torque from the actuator.
Where the stem cannot be increased in size or its material changed to meet the torque
requirement without significant project impact, a regulator and / or relief valve shall be
fitted to limit the utility pressure to the actuator and limit the maximum torque to an
acceptable level. Use of a regulator and/or relief valve for this purpose shall be considered
only as a last resort and is subject to approval by the Company on a valve by valve basis.

5.4 Actuator Design

5.4.1 Torque/Thrust Characteristics
The torque/thrust characteristics of the actuator in its line application including static and
dynamic pressure effects shall be determined to be compatible with the valve suppliers
quoted torque/thrust curves, taking into account the following:
 Size of valve
 Valve stem (Size, type, rating and construction)
The Supplier shall also ensure the following, for the figures obtained from the valve
 The valve torque/thrust characteristic are traceable to actual tests and exclude the
suppliers own safety factors
 Each valves torque/thrust characteristic shall be established for a valve in new
condition for the maximum differential pressure to which it will be subjected under
operational conditions. The maximum differential pressure to calculate the torque
is the maximum shutoff differential listed on the actuator data sheet. The torque
available from the actuator shall be derived based on the minimum specified air or
gas supply pressure.

The design pressure range, design temperature range, ambient temperature and type of
fluid shall also be taken into account when determining the torque/thrust characteristics.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

All items in the load path between valve seat and actuator shall be capable of
withstanding the maximum torque/thrust produced by the actuator at maximum air or gas
pressure without exceeding allowable stresses or suffering excessive deflections.
Allowance shall be made for spring relaxation when calculating "end" torque.

5.4.2 Actuator Sizing Basis

The Supplier shall use the following information as a “guide only” to sizing each actuator.
Refer to each individual project data sheets for details of each valve assembly.
 The actuator shall be sized to operate the valve in either direction. The valve
torque used must be the in service torque, and not the differential pressure torque.
 The actuators shall be sized to operate the valve with all specified torque margins,
with the minimum supply pressure specified on the project data sheet.
 The actuator and accessories shall be rated for a maximum air supply pressure of
850 kPag.
 The actuators shall be capable of driving to the fail or spring deluged position in the
time stated in Section 5.7.6. This shall be confirmed during factory acceptance

Each valve actuator shall be sized using the following information:-

 The valve manufacturers stated maximum torque values for break, running and end
torque in both directions. These torque values shall be based on the specific valve
characteristics and the process information as detailed on the applicable actuator
data sheet.
 The torque safety margins required by the specific valve application as detailed in
the above specifications.

The valve manufacturer and the actuator supplier working together shall:
 Create a Performance Torque Table detailing, in a clearly laid out form by valve tag
number, the maximum torque requirements for each actuated valve for each
operating case (break, running and end torque in both directions) as specified by
the valve manufacturer.
 Against each tagged valve, state the valve class, the body/trim size and the
selected actuator complete model number.
 State the minimum guaranteed torque value available from the selected actuator
when operating at the minimum supply pressure stated on the valve data sheet
(typically 500kPag for instrument air and 140kPag for instrument gas).
 From these values, calculate and state within the table, the safety factor for each
operating case where the safety factor is equal to the minimum guaranteed torque
value of the actuator divided by the maximum torque requirement of the valve.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

 Against each valve maximum torque value, state the minimum guaranteed torque
value available from the selected actuator, when operating at the pneumatic
supply pressure of 700 kPag.
 The Supplier shall provide details of the maximum allowable valve stem torque and
stem shear torque for all valves.
 The Supplier shall ensure that the maximum allowable valve stem torque value will
not be exceeded by the actuator maximum torque, based on the actuator operating
at an air supply pressure of 700 kPag.

The valve manufacturer shall:

 Check the performance torque table and ensure that the valve information and the
torque values for the valves and for the actuators is correct.
 Confirm that the safety factors are calculated correctly and ensure that they equal
or exceed the values required within the Company’s specifications.
 Approve the Performance Torque Table and take ownership of it as a project
 Maintain the Performance Torque Table as a live document for the duration of the
contract, periodically reviewing it with the actuator supplier so ensuring that the
information remains accurate and any changes are incorporated.
 Advise the Company of any changes to the Performance Torque Table including any
changes to torque values or to the selected actuator model.

The actuator Supplier shall:

 Assist the valve manufacturer in maintaining the Performance Torque Table
throughout the project by identifying any changes to torque values, or to the
selected actuator model as soon as they occur and by periodically reviewing it with
the valve manufacturer and confirming that the information remains accurate and

5.4.3 Calculation Data

The following calculation data shall be available and supplied by the Supplier where
requested (Items marked with a * shall always be supplied at bid stage for all valves):
 *- Maximum & minimum stroking times at specified operating pressures. (supplied
post FAT)
 *-Valve Break out torque against full differential pressure
 *-Valve Running torque
 *-Valve re-seat torque
 *-Valve stem maximum allowable torque

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

All the above shall be stated in both directions. The torque values shall be based on the
specific valve characteristics, safety margins and the process information as detailed on
the relevant actuator data sheet.
 *-Spring Break out torque
 *-Spring Running torque
 *-Spring end torque
 Sizing of all torque transmitting parts - Maximum allowable stress vs. actual applied
 Calculations which demonstrate the torsional strength of the output shaft and
 Calculated values of fatigue life of all components
 Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for complete actuator assembly based on the
MTBF of individual components that make up the actuator and their past service
 *- Maximum torque/thrust produced by the actuator
 Stroke/torque characteristic
 Calculations which demonstrate adequacy of pressure retaining parts

5.4.4 Actuator Mechanism

Scotch-Yoke type mechanisms shall be used. Any other mechanism will require the
approval of the Company.
The operating medium shall be instrument air unless otherwise advised on the project data
Fail safe valves shall employ spring return actuators. Double acting using stored pressure in
local accumulators may be considered on large actuators subject to the approval of the
Double acting actuators when specified shall be fitted with switching valves and
accessories necessary to maintain a secured instrument supply from the accumulator for a
period of up to 24 hours on failure of normal main actuator supply.

5.4.5 Actuator Mechanical Design General
The actuator and pressure containing components shall be capable of withstanding without
damaging the maximum design pressure. Where this is not achievable local pressure
regulation and pressure relief must be fitted. Use of a regulator and/or relief valve for this
purpose shall be considered only as a last resort and is subject to specific approval by the
Company on a valve by valve basis.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

The actuator operation shall not be affected by the orientation or position of the valve and
All actuator components shall be shown to be strong enough to withstand the maximum
calculated loads.
The actuator cylinder and other pressure retaining parts shall be designed and
manufactured in accordance with AS 1210 and shall conform to AS 60529 IP66 & IP67. Springs
Coiled springs shall be manufactured and fitted in accordance with BS 1726. Spring
Suppliers shall be registered to ISO 9001 or equivalent standard acceptable to the
No rubbing or buckling of the springs shall occur. Compression of the return springs shall be
limited so that scragging or blocking of the spring coils does not occur. If disc/washer
springs are used, the Supplier shall ensure that the mechanism used to keep the springs
aligned will not cause hardening of the materials at the contact points.
If multiple springs are used they shall be mounted so that a single spring failure will not
result in a complete actuator failure.
Spring cans shall have safety features to prevent inadvertent spring release. Tie Bolts/Bars

Tie bolts/bars may be used on pneumatic actuators if measures are taken to prevent
galvanic or environmental corrosion.
Failure of one tie bolt/bar shall not cause the actuator to endanger personnel. In-situ
replacement of the failed bolt/bar should be possible. Pressure-retaining & Torque-transmitting Parts

Power storage accumulators and pneumatic cylinders shall be designed and fabricated in
accordance with the requirements of the system design pressure and AS 1210.
Bolting shall be of a quality and strength equivalent to ASTM A193, grade B7. Nuts shall be
of a quality and strength corresponding to ASTM A194, Grade 2H.
All actuators shall be fitted with 17-4PH stainless steel torque shaft. Lubricants, Packing & Access

The actuator internals shall be packed for life with suitable lubricants. Actuator Dimensions

Space available for the valve and actuator assembly is usually limited. The Supplier is
required to give clear indication of the following:
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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

 The outline dimensions of the actuator

 The weight of the assemblies and suitable method for lifting into position
 Details of how the actuator can be fitted to the valve, on-site, including methods of
achieving satisfactory alignment with the valve stem, mounting flanges, etc.

5.5 Actuator Valve Interface

The Supplier shall be responsible for the mechanical compatibility and provision of
mechanical coupling between the valve and actuator.
The actuator shall be fully compatible with the valve with regard to torque/thrust figures,
inertial stresses on the valve stem and mechanical stresses on the valve top works. Where
a rectangular alloy steel key is provided to fit between the actuator drive coupling and the
valve stem for each unit, it should be capable of transmitting the stall force/torque of the
actuator. Shear keys shall not be supplied.
The design of additional support brackets necessary to support the weight of the actuators
on the valve body shall be subject to the valve supplier’s approval.
The assembly mounting used to hold the valve and actuator together should be capable of
withstanding any stresses placed upon it by any movement of the valve and actuator. Valve
bonnet bolts shall not be used to secure the actuator.
Shear loads acting on the valve stem from the actuator shall not be reacted by bolting. The
bolts shall not hold or transmit this torque or thrust. Locating pins or other such methods
shall be utilised for this duty.
Consideration should be given to the mechanical locking of bolts and screwed parts to
prevent movement in areas of high vibration.

5.6 Anti-corrosion Measures

The Supplier shall state in the bid that the actuator meets the requirements for
anticorrosion measures stated below:
 Protective compounds and durable coatings shall be used to prevent corrosion in
the event of water condensing inside the various housings, in addition to protection
of external parts.
 Painting and coating of all external surfaces shall as a minimum meet the
requirements of the Protective Coating Technical Specification A-1000-30-TS-1001.
Where the manufacturer’s standard painting and coating specification exceeds A-
1000-30-TS-1001 then the manufacturer’s standard may be used.
 Nickel plating shall be used for the inside surface of cylinders to provide resistance
to wear and corrosion. The underlying surface material shall be electroless coated
with a minimum thickness of 75μm.
 Carbonising/nitrating surface treatment processes may be used on internal parts
such as piston rods, tie bars etc. but not on the inside surfaces of cylinders.
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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

 Actuator bearing surfaces and cylinder bores shall be coated with dry-film lubricant
and corrosion inhibitor. To further increase resistance to corrosion, a closed
exhaust system shall be used.

5.7 Accessories
5.7.1 Valve Panels
With the exception of accessories mounted directly on the actuator (e.g. position
indicators and transmitters/switches), local controls and accessories shall be mounted on a
dedicated valve panel affixed direct to the Actuator.
Each panel shall contain all control and shutdown solenoids, manual valves and other
controls as detailed on the project data sheets and installation details.
In certain cases actuator mounting of control equipment may not be applicable, where this
is the case the valve panel shall be provided loose, these valves shall be highlighted by the
The Company shall approve the position and orientation of the controls which will take due
consideration of the orientation of the valve and actuator in the process pipework.

5.7.2 Electrical Connections

Electrical connections shall be made to the instruments via ISO M20 x1.5mm cable entries,
or as indicated on the project data sheet. Instruments shall include an integral terminal

5.7.3 Mechanical Limit Stops

Where specified on the project data sheets, adjustable mechanical stops shall be fitted to
the actuator to adjust individually the opening and closing stroke independent of any valve
travel stops. The purpose of actuator stops shall be to compensate for the manufacturing
tolerance of both the valve and actuator.
Each Limit stop shall be adjustable by at least +/- 2.5° at both the 0° and 90° positions.
Limit stops shall be easily field-adjustable without dismantling the actuator from the

5.7.4 Local Position Indicator

All actuators shall be supplied with a mechanical, easily visible, robust position indicator.
The Supplier shall provide details of proposed position indicator type for Company

5.7.5 Filters/Regulators (Airsets)

Valve panels (actuator supply lines) shall include metal air-sets with inline filters complete
with pressure regulator and pressure gauge. Local relief devices shall not be fitted.
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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

Airsets shall:
 Be selected from Company’s preferred supplier list and be suitable for the
operating criteria and requirements of the supplier’s specified actuator and the
conditions specified on the project data sheet
 Be suitable for the specified supply pressures
 Include a pressure regulator
 Have a 25 micron Filter Element
 Be fitted with a pressure gauge
 Be manufactured in 316 SS

5.7.6 Speed Control Facilities

Valve stroking timing to the fail position shall be designed to operate within 1 seconds plus
1 second per 25mm nominal bore of valve size. Return timing shall be as per the valve data
Where necessary to achieve any stroking speed maximum requirements, the actuator shall
be fitted with speed control facilities. These shall be arranged such that the risk of causing
blockage to control lines shall be minimised.
The preferred method of speed control is via a dedicated needle valve with a lockable
vernier scale.
It shall not be possible to fully close any speed controlling devices fitted to the actuator,
thereby preventing valve operation.
Tubing sizing shall be selected to suit stroking times and pressure ratings.
All speed controlling arrangements require the Company's approval.

5.7.7 Solenoid Valves

The actuator shall be operated via a dedicated solenoid valve located on the valve panel
as specified on the project data sheets.
Unless specified otherwise on the data sheets, solenoid valves shall be “auto-reset” type.
Solenoids shall be of the low powered type (typically less than 4W) and suitable for 24V dc
continuous operation in the energised condition. A conservatively rated anti-surge diode
shall be fitted to each solenoid.
Solenoids located in hazardous areas shall be certified to ANZ Ex or IEC Ex standards and
shall employ Ex ‘me’ or Ex ‘d’ hazardous area protection.
Solenoid valves shall be full ported, spring return type, air connection 1/4" NPT minimum.
Larger valves may be supplied as required to meet stroking times. Pilot operated valves
may be provided on larger actuators to reduce the closing time.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

Solenoid valves shall be tubed up so that on power failure the valve moves to the failure
position specified on the project data sheets, all exhaust ports shall be provided with port
Where stated on the project data sheets, dual Solenoid valves shall be used for critical

5.7.8 Pneumatic Pilot Valves

Where specified on the project data sheets, shutdown actions may be initiated from
Company pneumatic shutdown systems. In such circumstances, a pneumatic pilot valve
shall be installed in accordance with the relevant project control schematic.

5.7.9 Quick Exhaust Valve

Where required, quick exhaust valves may be installed on certain valves to aid the Supplier
to meet the actuator fail safe times (closing or opening). The quick exhaust vent line shall
tie into the closed loop vent

5.7.10 Remote Valve Position Indicator

In general, valve position indication shall be from the valve positioner. Where specified on
the project data sheet limit switches shall also be supplied. Position Transmitter

Where specified on the project data sheet, the actuator shall be fitted with a Foundation
Fieldbus or Hart 4-20 mA, position transmitter reading 0 to 100% of valve travel from
closed (0%) to open (100%) on a FC valve and inverse for a FO. The spare conduit entry
shall be fitted with a nickel plated brass plug, certified Ex de. Limit Switches

Where specified on the project data sheet, limit switches indicating open and/or closed
positions shall be fitted to the control valve. The switches shall be terminated within a
single interface junction box.
Limit switches shall be NAMUR (inductive) proximity type to IEC 60947-5-6 standards,
hermetically sealed.

5.7.11 Electrical Cabling

With the exception of any limit switches, all cabling shall be supplied by the Company.
Supplier shall provide suitable cable entries to electrical devices as detailed on the project
data sheets.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

5.7.12 Lifting Eyes

Where necessary, the actuator shall be fitted with suitably located lifting eyes. These shall
be in accordance with local statutory requirements if applicable and otherwise guaranteed
by the Supplier. The Supplier shall confirm that these are suitable for mounting and
demounting the actuator in-situ with the specified valve orientation. All lifting eyes should
be designed to be removable once actuator is installed. The supplier shall provide detailed
calculations to prove that the lifting eyes are adequate for the intended use in lifting the

6. Quality Assurance & Inspection

6.1 General
The Supplier shall demonstrate that they operate a Quality Assurance (QA) system in
accordance with AS/NZS 9001. The effectiveness of the quality system and the Supplier's
compliance with it shall be subject to monitoring by the Company and may be audited
following an agreed period of notice.
The Supplier shall submit a quality control program for Company review at the time of

6.2 Inspection & Testing

The Supplier shall perform inspection and testing activities in accordance with the
requirements of this specification and Company approved Inspection and Test Plan (ITP).
The ITP shall be submitted to the Company for approval as defined in the Vendor Data
Requirements List (VDRL) attached to the Material Requisition.
A Company provided set of check records shall be supplied to the Supplier. They shall be
completed in conjunction with the Supplier, Company representatives and Supplier ITP.
These records once completed shall feed back into the Company’s overall electronic
completion certification system, as part of the project wide quality and audit
Any equipment deficiencies or carry over shall be recorded in the documents. These items
will be recorded in the project completions punch list system, for actioning in the next
phase of the project”.
The Supplier shall provide Company access to the Suppliers/Sub-Suppliers premises at any

6.2.1 Inspection of Actuator Welds, Castings & Steel Parts

The Supplier shall perform all the necessary inspections to ensure correct and safe
operation inline with ISO 10474/EN 10204.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification Inspections
The actuator shall be assembled under clean conditions acceptable to the Company. No
loose materials, swarf or burrs shall be left in the actuator.
The Supplier shall provide copies of all inspection certificates to the Company.
Pressure-retaining castings, e.g. cylinders, shall be 100% radiographed in accordance with
ASTM E94 and the radiographs shall be judged against ASTM E446. Defects in categories A,
B or C shall not exceed a severity level of Class 2. There shall be no defects in categories
D, E, F or G.
Radiography is not required on the actuator gearbox housing.
Pressure-containing welds shall be radiographed in accordance with ASME B31.3.
Ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accordance with ASTM A609 on all pressure
retaining and torque-transmitting steel parts. The acceptance criterion shall be Quality
Level 1.
Magnetic particle examination (in accordance with ASTM E709) or liquid penetrant
examination (in accordance with ASTM E165) shall be performed on the following, and
there shall be no relevant indications:
 Sealing areas within the actuator body
 The mounting boss of the actuator gearbox housing
 Pressure-retaining and torque-transmitting steel parts and welds Optional Inspections

The Company reserves the right to visually inspect the actuator to ensure that the general
engineering and paint finish is satisfactory and that lubricants and corrosion protection
have been applied correctly.

6.3 Testing
6.3.1 General
The Supplier shall supply an Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) with the tender. All testing shall
be carried out in accordance with written procedures.
All testing shall be carried out at the supplier’s test facility. All stages of testing may be
subject to witness and approval by the Company and/or a third party verifier as identified
by the Company. The Supplier shall provide the Company with at least 14 days advance
notice to witness tests performed in either the Supplier’s works or any Sub-Suppliers
Test equipment shall be supplied by the Supplier. All test equipment used shall have a
current certification of accuracy from an approved test authority and shall be used in
accordance with the Suppliers QA system.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

The supplier shall maintain up-to-date documentation at all times reflecting the
inspection/testing status of the equipment. The Company may wish to inspect retained
documentation such as internal test results, equipment logs and fault/correction records.
Certificates shall be issued recording satisfactory completion of all tests and signed by the
Suppliers and/or Company’s quality representative. The Company and/or Verifier shall
review test records and certification prior to accepting the equipment.
The Supplier shall inspect all Materials at their premises prior to dispatch. All items shall
be identified with Line Item number and Tag number as per the Bill of Material (BOM)
attached to the Purchase Order. The Supplier shall compile a dossier of all material
certification. One copy of the dossier shall be delivered to site with the materials
consignment; a second copy shall be delivered to the Company. This level of inspection
shall not relieve the Supplier of their responsibility to comply with the codes, drawings,
calculations, standards and specifications.

6.3.2 Actuator Testing

The Supplier shall devise and execute a test programme during all stages of fabrication.
Results of such testing shall be fully documented.
Testing shall include the following as a minimum:
 A torque/thrust test at the stated utility pressures / voltage shall be carried out on
the actuator prior to leaving the actuator suppliers premises
 The cylinder shall be pressure tested according to the supplier's procedures to
verify the sealing of pistons and piston rods
 Hydrostatic testing shall be carried out on all pressure retaining components at 1.5
times maximum working pressure
 A 100-cycle test shall be conducted on each model of actuator. The load should
follow the actuator's torque/position characteristic to 80% of static torque at the
minimum specified air pressure. The pressure recorded during each opening stroke
(or closing stroke for fail open applications) of the actuator shall lie within 3% of
the mean value at that point.
The actuator shall be tested on a suitable calibrated rig equipped with facilities to
measure the torque delivered to the valve drive coupling. The torque measured will be the
dynamic (running) torque and shall be measured continuously on a chart recorder giving an
unbroken trace. The torque figures measured shall then be verified against the figures
quoted by the Supplier in the quotation. This measurement shall be made at minimum air
supply pressure for the valve opening stroke (or closing stroke for fail-open applications).
Each complete actuator shall be operated throughout its stroke to demonstrate correct
action of local and, where applicable, remote control. This test shall also be used to
confirm positioner operation and to ensure that the actuator operates smoothly without
sticking at any point during the opening and closing stroke.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

6.3.3 Valve Testing

Testing and certification for valves shall be in accordance with the specification, the
datasheet and the requestion.

6.3.4 Valve / Actuator Testing (Factory Acceptance Test)

The valve/actuator assembly shall be tested as one complete unit complete with all
controls and accessories.
The Company and/or verifier shall witness the factory acceptance test and review actuator
and valve test records and certification prior to releasing the equipment.
Valve stroking shall utilise the valves local controls (solenoid valves, positioner).
All accessories must be installed at the time of testing and shall be functionally tested.
The results of these tests shall be recorded on the test certificate.
Test shall include the following as a minimum:
 Inspect the assembly for damage
 Verify a minimum of 90 degree valve / actuator rotation
 Adjustment of mechanical limit stops (Valve and actuator). These shall be paint
marked after setting to ensure they cannot be adjusted further without damaging
the paint
 The actuator shall be checked for piston seal leakage at maximum operating
 The actuator shall be tested at the maximum available working pressure for leakage
at the following locations:
o Adapter flange to housing
o Stop screw seals
o Yoke o-ring seals
o Cylinder to flanges - both end and adapter gaskets
 Confirm the correct operation of all controls and accessories including partial
closure test facilities
 Paint repair (as necessary)

The complete valve assembly shall have the following function tests carried out, these
a) Speed of operation with maximum and minimum supply pressure
An actuating pressure-time curve shall be established i.e. at zero valve differential,
the actuator to be timed with varying actuator pressures from 20% to 100%
b) Speed of operation under spring load.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

NOTES: Tests a) and b) shall be carried out at the maximum process pressure and
maximum differential operating pressure specified for the valve. Operating pressures
on the actuator shall be recorded as a guide to the torque being applied to the valve
where applicable. A torque-time curve shall be established at the max specified
actuating pressure, the actuator to be timed with varying valve differential pressures
from maximum rating.
c) Leakage tests on controls and actuator.
d) Hardness test of shaft to confirm that the shaft will not be damaged when
subjected to the maximum actuator torque. A stall test shall be conducted to
demonstrate that if the valve is to jam that the maximum actuator output does not
damage the stem and drive train.
NOTES: For double-acting actuators, the test shall be conducted with the valve stem
held in a fixed position and maximum working pressure applied to the actuator in the
position at which it generates maximum torque. For spring-return actuators the same
test shall be conducted for the compression stroke. The spring-return stroke shall be
tested by holding the valve stem in a fixed position (after applying maximum pressure
to fully compress the spring) then evacuating the pressure cylinder to atmosphere.
This test does not have to be applied to every valve/actuator but only to each unique
valve/actuator combination. A test matrix shall be provided by the Supplier showing
all valves with actuator model, stem diameter, stem material etc.
Torque Test - break to fail-safe position:
For valves which fail to the open position, the Torque-break-open test shall be
conducted with the full differential pressure across the valve, while the supply
pressure to the actuator is slowly decreased until the valve starts moving. The Supplier
shall propose method in the test procedure.
For valves which fail to the closed position, the Torque-break-close test shall be
conducted with the maximum operational pressure in the valve, while the supply
pressure is decreased slowly until the valve starts moving. The Supplier shall propose
method in the test procedure.
As part of the function testing the complete assembly shall be stroked ten times under
simulated operating conditions. The Supplier shall provide their standard test
procedure for approval by the Company.
The assembly shall be inspected after testing to check that there has been no
movement or slippage between the actuator, spool piece, or valve.
Using simulated inputs, the actions of the solenoid valves and positioner shall be
checked in conjunction with the stroking valve tests above i.e. solenoids to trip valves,
positioner to monitor position and operate to normal position where applicable.
Confirmation of the operation of the manual reset function on solenoid valves (if
specified) shall be carried out
Hysteresis and dead band test for positioner as follows:
The actuating medium for the tests shall be clean, dry air or nitrogen. Testing shall be
performed under atmospheric conditions (at zero differential pressure and ambient
temperature) and with the minimum specified air supply pressure.

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Actuated Isolation & Blowdown Valves
Technical Specification

The hysteresis test shall consist of measuring the valve stem position in response to
the following sequence of input signals: 50%, 75%, 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%, 25% and
50%. For PTFE-based packing, the hysteresis shall not exceed 1.0% of maximum valve
The dead band is expressed as a percentage of the input span and shall be measured at
5%, 50% and 95% of the input span. For PTFE-based packing, the maximum dead band
found shall not exceed 2% of rated input signal.
For packing other than PTFE, the maximum hysteresis and dead band shall be quoted
by the Supplier for approval by the Company.
Were installed, Limit switches shall be tested and altered to match the valve position.
Check and adjust the valve stroking time against the specification once all integrity tests
have been carried out, Record the valve signature (baseline) – For valves with positioner
based partial closure test facilities.
Confirm the correct operation of all controls and accessories including partial closure test

6.3.5 Commissioning & Startup

The Supplier, in their tender, shall identify any special requirements or recommendations
for Supplier support during commissioning and start up of the equipment supplied. The
Company's final acceptance of the equipment will be subject to a performance test once
the equipment has been installed and commissioned.
The Supplier shall confirm that, if required, they are able to fully support the installation,
testing and servicing of the actuator, accessories and valve assemblies and to offer
specialist assistance from the actuator supplier where appropriate.

6.3.6 Site Support

The Supplier, in their enquiry documents, shall provide details of their after sales support
capability. Suppliers shall advise the location of their nearest service representative and
nearest service facility.

6.4 Quality Records

The supplier shall generate quality records from the inspection and test activities listed in
this specification and in accordance with the approved Inspection and Test Plan(s).
Documents and drawings shall be submitted as agreed in the VDRL.
The records shall be compiled and reviewed by the Supplier following the completion of
each inspection and test.
Quality records to be included in the Manufacturer’s Data Report (MDR) are nominated in
the VDRL contained within the Material Requisition Those records not nominated for
inclusion in the MDR shall be available for Company review throughout the contract period
and thereafter retained in accordance with industry standards. The MDR shall be compiled
as inspection and testing progresses. Quality records requiring Company review and or
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Technical Specification

endorsement shall be forwarded to the Company progressively throughout the contract

Quality records requiring traceability as detailed in the Material Requisition shall bear an
identical marking to the item inspected or tested.
In addition to the above:
A Company provided set of check records shall be supplied to the Supplier. They shall be
completed in conjunction with the Supplier, Company representatives and Supplier ITP.
These records once completed shall feed back into the Company’s overall electronic
completion certification system, as part of the project wide quality and audit
Any equipment deficiencies or carry over shall be recorded in the documents. These items
will be recorded in the project completions punch list system, for actioning in the next
phase of the project”.
The Supplier shall provide Company access to the Suppliers/Sub-Suppliers premises at any

6.5 Traceability Requirements

Supplier shall maintain a traceability system and establish documented means of:
 Locating and uniquely identifying the item at all stages of processing
 Locating the quality records generated from inspection and testing of the item
 Providing permanent marking (such as hard stamping) to maintain the traceability
throughout the life of the product
The Supplier is to submit details of the proposed traceability system, addressing specific
levels of traceability for each item to the Company for approval.
Specific traceability and marking requirements shall be identified within the Package
contents list documents.

6.6 Marking for Identification and Traceability

The Supplier shall mark items for identification and traceability in accordance with the
following requirements:
 Markings to facilitate identification and traceability during processing are generally
temporary in nature (such as paint marking) and shall be maintained throughout the
manufacture and fabrication stages. The Supplier shall propose the method for
identification marking during processing for Company approval.
 Markings covered in final assembly and/or coating shall be first transferred to as-
built traceability quality records. The transfer of markings to traceability quality
records may be subject to Company verification.

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Technical Specification

 Markings to facilitate permanent identification and traceability shall be in

accordance with the Material Requisition and shall remain visible for the life of the
The above items should be determined based on criticality evaluation of

7. Nameplate
In addition to any international code requirements, each Actuated Valve shall be equipped
with a permanently attached primary nameplate manufactured from 1.5mm thick 316SS.
Text and numbering shall be clearly engraved, paint filled and a minimum of 5 mm high.
The primary nameplate shall be mounted in a prominent location secured by stainless steel
screws or rivets. The nameplate shall contain the following information as a minimum:
1. Manufactures /Suppliers Name and or Trademark
2. Serial number
3. Valve/Actuator tag number
4. Valve Characteristic, e.g. 'equal percentage'
5. Action, e.g. 'fail open'
6. Maximum Working Pressure
7. Body Material
8. Actuator Size/ Model
9. Pressure Rating
10. Purchase Order Number
11. Trim Size (if applicable)
12. Date of Manufacture

All pressure regulators shall have a label identifying operating set pressure. This label shall
be a warning label with red text and stating that the operating pressure must not be

8. Painting & Coatings

Painting and coating of all external surfaces shall as a minimum meet the requirements of
the Protective Coating Technical Specification A-1000-30-TS-1001. Where the
manufacturer’s standard painting and coating specification exceeds A-1000-30-TS-1001
then the manufacturer’s standard may be used.

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Technical Specification

9. Spare Parts, Special Tools and Special Software

9.1 Spares
The Supplier shall identify the following spares:
 Pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up spares
 Recommended spares list for two years operation
Spares shall be itemised and priced with the Tender.

9.2 Special Tools

The Supplier shall identify at the Tender stage all tools, test software and calibration
equipment required to perform both routine maintenance and specialised procedures.
Special tools shall be itemised and priced with the Tender.
The Company shall agree the Special Tools to be included in Purchase Order.

9.3 Special Software

The Supplier shall identify at the tender stage any necessary special software that is
required to remotely calibrated and record performance valve performance.
Special Software shall be itemised and priced with the tender.
The Company shall agree the special software to be included in the Purchase Order.

10. Documentation
The Supplier shall be responsible for providing all documentation in accordance with the
VDRL included in the Requisition Package.

10.1 As-built Drawings

As-built revisions shall be prepared and submitted no later than two (2) weeks before the
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). Any information or data revised during the FAT tests shall
be updated prior to the Site Acceptance Test (SAT). Each drawing shall be clearly marked
As-Built and signed and dated. All documentation shall be revised with the As-Built
information incorporated. A final copy with the As-Built information shall be provided by
the Supplier.

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Technical Specification

10.2 Test Documentation

The Supplier shall provide comprehensive Inspection and Test plan (ITP) test plans and
check sheets for both the FAT and SAT. The Supplier’s shall provide one (1) test report at
the end of the FAT and another at the end of the SAT.

10.3 Manuals
The Supplier shall provide electronic and hard copies of their standard technical, operating
and maintenance manuals for all hardware and software within their scope of supply. This
requirement includes documentation from the Supplier’s Sub-Suppliers.
All manuals shall be complete and contain sufficient detail so as to convey to field
personnel, proper operation and maintenance information without the need for outside
reference. This shall apply to all equipment including ancillary items such as calibration
equipment, transmitters, positioners, limit switches, control panels, indicators, etc.
All manuals shall be provided along with the complete system upon delivery.

11. Training
The Supplier shall identify training for operators, technicians and engineering personnel for
all equipment supplied. The Supplier shall provide all equipment, instruction materials and
other documentation associated with the training. Training courses shall be conducted at
stages during the project execution phase to enable Company personnel to effectively
participate during the execution and testing activities. The following topics should be
provided within the training courses:
 Use of configuration software
 Calibration and operation.
 Performance monitoring and optimisation
 Periodic corrective and preventative maintenance tasks
 Fault diagnosis and correction

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