Vehicle Dynamics

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Modeling of road vehicle lateral dynamics

Joseph Kiefer

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Kiefer, Joseph, "Modeling of road vehicle lateral dynamics" (1996). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from

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Joseph R. Kiefer

A Thesis Submitted
Partial Fulfillment
of the
Requirements for the
Mechanical Engineering

Approved by:
Professor - - - - - - - - -
Dr. Kevin Kochersberger
Thesis Advisor

Professor - - - - - - - - -
Dr. Alan Nye
Professor _
Dr. Michael Hennessey
Professor _
Dr. Charles Haines
Thesis Advisor


Disclosure Statement

Pennission Granted

I, Joseph R. Kiefer, hereby grant pennission to the Wallace Memorial Library of the

Rochester Institute of Technology to reproduce my thesis entitled Modeling of Road

Vehicle Lateral Dynamics in whole or in part. Any reproduction will not be for commercial

use or profit.

August 16, 1996

Joseph R. Kiefer


The lateral dynamics of a road vehicle is studied through the development of a

mathematical model. The vehicle is represented with two degrees of freedom, lateral and

yaw. Equations of motion are derived for this vehicle model from basic principles of

Newtonian mechanics. Both linear and non-linear models are developed.

In the linear model tire lateral forces are represented by an approximate linear
relationship. Transfer functions are written for the vehicle system for various control and

disturbance inputs. Steady-state and transient response characteristics and frequency

response are studied, and numerical simulation of the model is performed.

In the non-linear model a detailed representation of tire lateral forces known as tire

data nondimensionalization is utilized. Simulation is performed and compared with the

linear model simulation to determine the range of applicability of the linear modeling


Table of Contents

Disclosure Statement ii

Abstract iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

List of Symbols x

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Literature Review 5

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior 10

3.1 Introduction 10

3.2 Lateral Force Mechanics 11

3.3 Linear Tire Model 14

3.4 Non-Linear Tire Model 14

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model 24

4. 1 Introduction 24

4.2 Description of Model 25

4.2. 1 Assumptions 26
4.2.2 Vehicle Parameters 27
4.2.3 Free-Body Diagram 28

4.3 Derivation of Equations of Motion 29

4.4 Derivation of Tire Slip Angles 31

4.5 Linear Model 33

4.5. 1 Additional Assumptions 34
4.5.2 Vehicle Sideslip Angle 35
4.5.3 Tire Slip Angles 35
4.5.4 External Forces and Moments 36
4.5.5 Equations of Motion 37
4.5.6 Transfer Functions 39
4.5.7 Vehicle Sideslip Angle Gain 41
4.5.8 Yaw Velocity Gain 42
4.5.9 Front Tire Slip Angle Gain 42
4.5.10 Rear Tire Slip Angle Gain 43
4.5.11 Path Curvature Gain 43

Table of Contents

4.5. 12 Lateral Acceleration Steady-State Step Response Gain 44

4.5.13 Steady-State Steer Angle 45
4.5.14 Understeer Gradient 46
4.5.15 Stability Factor 48
4.5. 16 Neutral Steer Point 48
4.5.17 Static Margin 49
4.5.18 Tangent Speed 50
4.5.19 Critical Speed 51
4.5.20 Characteristic Speed 51
4.5.21 Characteristic Equation 52
4.5.22 Undamped Natural Frequency 53
4.5.23 Damping Ratio 53
4.5.24 System Poles 55
4.5.25 System Zeros 55
4.5.26 Frequency Response 58
4.5.27 Simulation 65
4.6 Non-Linear Model 89
4.6. 1 Model Equations 89
4.6.2 Simulation 90

Chapter 5 Conclusion 100

References 102

Appendix A Tire Model MATLAB Programs 105

A. 1 MagicFit.m 105
A.2 MagicError.m 106
A.3 NLTire.m 107

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session 108

Appendix C Two DOF Model MATLAB Programs 123

C.l DOF2Control.m 123
C.2 DOF2Param.m 124
C.3 DOF2DependParam.m 126
C.4 SteerAngle.m 127
C5 DOF2LFreq.m 129
C.6 DOF2LSim.m 130
C7DOF2LDE.m 132
C.8 DOF2NLSim.m 133
C.9 DOF2NLDE.m 135

Appendix D Relevant Literature 136

List of Tables

Table 3.1: Non-Linear Tire Model Parameters 17

Table 3.2: Experimental Tire Data 21

Table 4.1: Vehicle Parameters 28

Table 4.2: Linear Tire Model Parameters 36

Table 4.3: Steady-State Response Gains 45

Table 4.4: System Zeros 56

List of Figures

Figure 3. 1 : Tire Slip Angle 11

Figure 3.2: Tire Lateral Force Versus Slip Angle 12

Figure 3.3: Experimental Tire Data 21

Figure 3.4: Tire Cornering Coefficient 22

Figure 3.5: Tire Lateral Friction Coefficient 22

Figure 3.6: Tire Normalized Lateral Force 23

Figure 3. 7: Reconstructed Tire Lateral Force 23

Figure 4.1: Vehicle Model 26

Figure 4.2: Free-Body Diagram 29

Figure 4.3: Kinematic Diagram 32

Figure 4.4: Gravitational Side Force 37

Figure 4.5: Natural Frequency vs. Vehicle Velocity 54

Figure 4.6: Poles and Zeros 57

Figure 4. 7: Sideslip Angle / Steer Angle Frequency Response, V = 100 km/hr 61

Figure 4.8: Sideslip Angle /Aero Side Force Frequency Response, V = 100 km/hr 61

Figure 4.9: Sideslip Angle /Road Side Slope Frequency Response, V = 100 km/hr 62

Figure 4.10: Yaw Velocity / Steer Angle Frequency Response, V'= lOOkm/hr 62

Figure 4.11: Yaw Velocity /Aero Side Force Frequency Response, V=100 km/hr 63

Figure 4. 12: Yaw Velocity /Road Side Slope Frequency Response, V =

100 km/hr 63

Figure 4. 13: Sideslip Angle / Steer Angle Frequency Response, V = 30 km/hr 64

Figure 4. 14: Sideslip Angle / Steer Angle Frequency Response, V = 49.84 km/hr 64

Figure 4.15: Simulation Steer Angle Inputs 67

Figure 4.16: Linear Step Steer Lateral Velocity Response 71

List of Figures

Figure 4.17: Linear Step Steer Yaw Velocity Response 71

Figure 4.18: Linear Step Steer Sideslip Angle Response 72

Figure 4. 19: Linear Step Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response 72

Figure 4.20: Linear Step Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 73

Figure 4.21 : Linear Step Steer Lateral Acceleration Response 73

Figure 4.22: Linear Ramp Step Steer Lateral Velocity Response 74

Figure 4.23: Linear Ramp Step Steer Yaw Velocity Response 74

Figure 4.24: Linear Ramp Step Steer Sideslip Angle Response 75

Figure 4.25: Linear Ramp Step Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response 75

Figure 4.26: Linear Ramp Step Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 76

Figure 4.27: Linear Ramp Step Steer Lateral Acceleration Response 76

Figure 4.28: Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Velocity Response 77

Figure 4.29: Linear Ramp Square Steer Yaw Velocity Response 77

Figure 4.30: Linear Ramp Square Steer Sideslip Angle Response 78

Figure 4.31: Linear Ramp Square Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response 78

Figure 4.32: Linear Ramp Square Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 79

Figure 4.33: Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Acceleration Response 79

Figure 4.34: Linear I Hz Sine Steer Lateral Velocity Response 80

Figure 4.35: Linear 1 Hz Sine Steer Yaw Velocity Response 80

Figure 4. 36: Linear I Hz Sine Steer Sideslip Angle Response 81

Figure 4.37: Linear I Hz Sine Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response 81

Figure 4.38: Linear I Hz Sine Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 82

Figure 4.39: Linear 1 Hz Sine Steer Lateral Acceleration Response 82

Figure 4.40: Linear Step Aero Side Force Lateral Velocity Response 83

Figure 4.41: Linear Step Aero Side Force Yaw Velocity Response 83

List of Figures

Figure 4.42: Linear Step Aero Side Force Sideslip Angle Response 84

Figure 4.43: Linear Step Aero Side Force Front Tire Slip Angle Response 84

Figure 4.44: Linear Step Aero Side Force Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 85

Figure 4.45: Linear Step Aero Side Force Lateral Acceleration Response 85

Figure 4.46: Linear Step Road Side Slope Lateral Velocity Response 86

Figure 4.47: Linear Step Road Side Slope Yaw Velocity Response 86

Figure 4.48: Linear Step Road Side Slope Sideslip Angle Response 87

Figure 4.49: Linear Step Road Side Slope Front Tire Slip Angle Response 87

Figure 4.50: Linear Step Road Side Slope Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 88

Figure 4.51: Linear Step Road Side Slope Lateral Acceleration Response 88

Figure 4.52: Non-Linear Step Steer Lateral Velocity Response 94

Figure 4.53: Non-Linear Step Steer Yaw Velocity Response 94

Figure 4.54: Non-Linear Step Steer Sideslip Angle Response 95

Figure 4.55: Non-Linear Step Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response 95

Figure 4.56: Non-Linear Step Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 96

Figure 4.57: Non-Linear Step Steer Lateral Acceleration Response 96

Figure 4.58: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Velocity Response 97

Figure 4.59: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Yaw Velocity Response 97

Figure 4.60: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Sideslip Angle Response 98

Figure 4.61: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response 98

Figure 4.62: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response 99

Figure 4.63: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Acceleration Response 99

List of

l/R Path curvature (1/m)

a Distance from mass center to front axle (m)

a0 Acceleration of the origin of the vehicle-fixed coordinate system (m/s2)

ay Acceleration of vehicle mass center in y-direction (m/s )


Ay Acceleration of vehicle mass center in y-direction in units of (g)

b Distance from mass center to rear axle (m)

Bj Magic Formula curve fit parameter

B3 Tire cornering coefficient intercept (N/deg/N)

B5 Tire lateral friction coefficient intercept

c Distance from front axle to aerodynamic side force (m)

C} Magic Formula curve fit parameter

C3 Tire cornering coefficient slope (N/deg/N2)

C5 Tire lateral friction coefficient slope

Ca Tire cornering stiffness (N/rad)

Front tire cornering

Cf stiffness two tires (N/rad)

Cr Rear tire cornering stiffness -

two tires (N/rad)

Cc Tire cornering coefficient (N/deg)

d Distance from front axle to neutral steer point (m)

D} Magic Formula curve fit parameter

Ej Magic Formula curve fit parameter

/ Front axle weight fraction

F External force (N)

f italicized
By convention, scalar variables are and vectors are boldfaced.
List of Symbols

F^ Fictitious lateral force for finding neutral steer point (N)

Fy Tire lateral force (N)

Fy Normalized tire lateral force

Fya Aerodynamic side force disturbance (N)

F^ Front tire lateral force -

two tires (N)

Fyg Gravitational side force disturbance (N)

F Rear tire lateral force -

two tires (N)

Fz Tire vertical load (N)

g Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)

G Linear momentum (kg-m/s)

H Angular momentum (about mass center) (kg-m2/s)

i Unit vector in x-direction of vehicle-fixed coordinate system

Izz Total vehicle yaw mass moment of inertia (kg-m2)

j Unit vector in y-direction of vehicle-fixed coordinate system

k Unit vector in z-direction of vehicle-fixed coordinate system

K Stability factor (s2/m2)

Kus Understeer gradient (rad)

L Wheelbase (m)

m Total vehicle mass (kg)

M External moment (about mass center) (N-m)

Nr Yaw damping derivative (N-m-s/rad)

/Vp Directional stability derivative (N-m/rad)

Ns Control moment derivative (N-m/rad)

r Yaw velocity (rad/s)

R Path radius (m)

List of Symbols

Rf Position vector from vehicle mass center to front tire (m)

Rr Position vector from vehicle mass center to rear tire (m)

s Laplace-domain variable

SM Static margin

u Forward velocity (m/s)

v Lateral velocity (m/s)

V Magnitude of vehicle velocity (m/s)

Vchar Characteristic speed (m/s)

VcHt Critical speed (m/s)

Vf Velocity of front tire (m/s)

V0 Velocity of vehicle-fixed coordinate system (m/s)

Vr Velocity of rear tire (m/s)

V[an Tangent speed (m/s)

Vx Component of
velocity in x-direction (m/s)

Vy Component of velocity in y-direction (m/s)

Yr Lateral force/yaw coupling derivative (N-s/rad)

Tp Damping-in-sideslip derivative (N/rad)

Y6 Control force derivative (N/rad)
a Tire slip angle (rad)

a Tire normalized slip angle

af Front tire slip angle (rad)

ar Rear tire slip angle (rad)

(3 Vehicle sideslip angle (rad)

5 Front steer angle input (rad)

^Acker Ackerman steer angle (rad)

List of Symbols

8/ Front steer angle (rad)

8r Rear steer angle (rad)

8M Steady-state steer angle for given path radius (rad)

yr Magic Formula intermediate variable

0 Road side slope (rad)

9 Magic Formula intermediate variable

Damping ratio

liy Tire lateral friction coefficient

oo Undamped natural frequency (rad/s)

Q. Angular velocity of vehicle-fixed coordinate system (rad/s)

Qz Angular velocity of vehicle-fixed coordinate system about z-axis (rad/s)

1 Introduction

The first practical automobiles were built in 1886 by Karl Benz and Gottlieb

The top speeds of these vehicles were only about fifteen miles per hour. With

much of the automotive industry's early engineering effort devoted to developing faster

vehicles, production car top speeds reached forty-five miles per hour by 1900 and eighty

miles per hour by 1915. This year, Craig Breedlove will attempt to be the first man to travel
faster than the speed of sound in a ground vehicle.

Since the top speeds of the first automobiles were relatively low, there was initially
little concern with the dynamic behavior of the vehicles. However, as cars quickly became

capable of achieving higher speeds, vehicle dynamics became an important concern for

automotive engineers. Of primary importance from a safety standpoint was the behavior of

vehicles in maneuvers such as turning and braking as top speeds increased. Also, since

early roads were of very poor quality by today's standards, isolation of the driver and

passengers from road disturbances became increasingly important.

The field of vehicle dynamics encompasses three basic modes of vehicle

performance. Vertical dynamics, or ride dynamics, basically refers to the vertical response

of the vehicle to road disturbances. Longitudinal dynamics involves the straight-line

acceleration and braking of the vehicle. Lateral dynamics is concerned with the vehicle's

turning behavior. Achieving acceptable performance in each of these modes is necessary in

order for a vehicle to meet the requirements of the consumer, and the government, with

regards to comfort, controllability, and safety. Vehicle dynamics needs to be considered

throughout the entire design and development process from initial conceptualization

through production if performance goals are to be met. Mathematical modeling is an

excellent tool for engineers to use to design and develop vehicles that meet performance

Chapter 1 Introduction

Traditionally there has been a relatively long cycle in the design and development
process from the initial concept for a vehicle to its production. With such a long time from

initial concept to production, vehicle designs can be out of style and obsolete by the time

they reach production. Increasing competition from a globally expanding industry has

driven automobile manufacturers to reduce the length of the design cycle. This allows

manufacturers to respond more quickly to changes in market demand. In addition, reducing

the length of the design cycle reduces the cost of developing a new vehicle.

One way that manufacturers can reduce design cycle length is by achieving the best
possible design before any prototypes are built. The development of the digital computer

and the techniques of computer-aided engineering such as solids modeling, finite element

analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and multibody dynamics simulation have greatly

facilitated this effort. As computer speeds continually increase and engineering software

becomes more powerful, better vehicle designs can be obtained before prototypes are built,

resulting in fewer prototypes and reduced development time and cost.

Mathematical modeling of vehicle dynamics helps engineers reduce the time it takes

to achieve a design which will meet performance requirements for the consumer and for

government regulations. A proposed design can be studied to determine if it can meet goals

before any prototypes are built. The effects of design changes can be evaluated without

building costly prototypes. Development engineers can use mathematical models to assist

with the tuning of prototypes by identifying the changes which should be made to produce
desired ride and handling characteristics.
Computer simulation offers a controlled, repeatable environment where the effects

of individual parameters can be isolated without the influence of the variations in the

environment. Simulation can remove the performance of the test driver from the picture to

isolate the performance of the vehicle. In addition, simulation can be used to study

maneuvers that could result in costly damage to the vehicle or danger to the test driver. An
Chapter 1 Introduction

example would be a maneuver resulting in roll over. Real time driving simulators can be
used to train drivers and to evaluate driver performance in crash avoidance maneuvers or

when drowsy or under the influence of alcohol. Many of the new safety and comfort
related technologies such anti-lock brakes, traction control, stability control, and variable

damping would be very difficult, if not impossible, to develop without the use of
simulation. Computer simulation has many useful applications in the field of vehicle


Vehicle dynamics models can have a wide range of complexity. Models can

consider just a single mode of performance (vertical, longitudinal, lateral) or a combination

of modes. Depending upon its purpose, a model must include representations of

appropriate systems of the vehicle. Effects of the suspension system, steering system,

powertrain system, braking system, or tires may need to be modeled. Representations of

these systems can be linear or non-linear, quasi-static or dynamic depending upon the

accuracy required. Control of the vehicle can be open-loop or it can be closed-loop if an

appropriate representation of the driver is available. The vehicle model used must be

suitable for the maneuvers it will simulate.

The subject of this thesis is the modeling of road vehicle lateral dynamics. As such,

it is concerned with the turning behavior of the vehicle in response to control and

disturbance inputs. A simple two degree-of-freedom vehicle model popularly known in the

literature as the bicycle model is used in this study. Despite its simplicity, the two degree-

of-freedom model can be very useful in demonstrating the interaction of major parameters
such as tire properties, inertia properties, mass center location, wheelbase, and forward


Chapter 2 is a review of vehicle dynamics literature relating to lateral dynamics.

Since the majority of the forces acting on a vehicle are developed by the tires, an overview

of tire lateral force mechanics is provided in Chapter 3 along with a description of the two
Chapter 1 Introduction

tire models used in this thesis. Both a linear tire model and a non-linear tire model are used

in this study. The non-linear model is based on a method called tire data


Chapter 4 presents the main focus of this research, the development and application

of the two degree-of-freedom vehicle model. Equations of motion are derived from basic

principles of Newtonian mechanics. The model is then developed in two forms, linear and

non-linear. In the linear model transfer functions are written and used to derive various

measures of steady-state and transient response and to examine the frequency response of
the vehicle to control and disturbance inputs. In addition, the response of the linear model

to various inputs is simulated by integrating the differential equations of motion. Also,

simulation of the non-linear model is performed and the results are compared with those of

the linear model. Conclusions are drawn regarding the range of applicability of the linear

2 Literature Review

As mentioned in Chapter 1 as the top speeds of automobiles increased rapidly in the

early part of this century vehicle dynamics became an important consideration to engineers.

A large body of vehicle dynamics literature cunently exists covering all aspects of vertical,

longitudinal, and lateral performance. Fundamental to understanding lateral vehicle

dynamics is knowledge of the mechanism of tire lateral force generation, and much has

been written on this topic.

One of first papers concerning road vehicle lateral dynamics was written in 1908 by
William In this work Lanchester discussed the steering behavior of

automobiles. However, complete understanding of turning behavior was hampered in the

early years by a lack of understanding of tire mechanics. In 1925 George Broulhiet

published a paper titled "The Suspension and the Automobile Steering which

described tire lateral force generation in terms of the slip angle concept which is still used

today and forms the basis for nearly all lateral vehicle dynamics models. Following this
development tire dynamometers were built which could measure the forces generated by a
tire under various conditions. These advancements paved the way for others to develop
detailed explanations and models of turning behavior.

One of the early pioneers in vehicle dynamics research was Maurice Olley. He was

responsible for the introduction of the independent front suspension in the United States for

Cadillac and described the operation of the system in the 1934 SAE paper "Independent

Wheel Suspension: Its Whys and A report written in 1937 titled

"Suspension and reviewed the research in lateral dynamics during the preceding

years and covered much of what is understood Olley was active in vehicle
dynamics from the early 1930's through his retirement in 1955. During the period of the
Chapter 2 Literature Review

"Olley' Notes"4'5

early 1960's he published a series of documents know today as s which

summarized his extensive knowledge of suspension systems and handling.

One of the most significant works concerning lateral vehicle dynamics was written

in 1956 by Leonard Segal, who worked at Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory,

applied to the road vehicle many of the analytical techniques which had been developed for

aircraft dynamics. In this work, entitled 'Theoretical Prediction and Experimental


Substantiation of the Response of the Automobile to Steering Segal developed

equations of motion for a linear three degree-of-freedom (yaw, lateral, and roll) model of

vehicle turning behavior. Since digital computers were not available for his research, it was

necessary to have a linear model for which transfer functions could be written and closed-

form solutions found. Segal used the stability derivative technique in the derivation of the

equations of motion and described the concepts of stability factor, neutral steer point, and

static margin. Segal backed his modeling efforts with experimental testing of a vehicle and

concluded that a linear model was sufficiently accurate for lateral motions of a reasonable


A second paper "Design Implications of a General Theory of Automobile Stability

and written by David Whitcomb and William Milliken, also of Cornell
Aeronautical Laboratory, was presented at the same time as Segal's paper as part of a five

paper series "Research in Automobile Stability and Control and in Tyre

This paper studied the vehicle as a linear two degree-of-freedom system. This enabled the

authors to utilize a large body of established techniques for the analysis of second order

dynamic systems.

These papers preceded a great deal of research in lateral vehicle dynamics which has

provided engineers today with a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Several

textbooks have been written covering the subject of vehicle dynamics. Among these are Car
Suspension and Handling (Bastow and Howard, Elementary Vehicle Dynamics
Chapter 2 Literature Review

1972),9 1),10
(Cole, Tyres, Suspension and Handling (Dixon, 199 Vehicle Dynamics (Ellis,

1969),11 1989),12
Road Vehicle Dynamics (Ellis, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics

1992),1 1995),13
(Gillespie, Race Car Vehicle Dynamics (Milliken and Milliken,
Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics (Mola, The Automotive Chassis: Engineering
1996),15 1957),16
Principles (Reimpell and Stall, Mechanics of Vehicles (Taborek, and

Theory of Ground Vehicles (Wong, 1993). Most of these books utilize a two degree-of-

freedom vehicle model when explaining turning behavior.

Another significant contribution to the literature was made in 1976 by Bundorf and
In this work the cornering compliance concept is described. With this technique

the contributions of various vehicle systems and characteristics to understeer are determined

and added to estimate the total understeer of the vehicle. This allows engineers to see the

effects of steering and suspension compliances, roll steer, tire cornering stiffnesses, tire

camber stiffnesses, tire aligning torque, and lateral load transfer on understeer without

developing the detailed vehicle models that would be necessary to simulate these effects
directly. Since the computing hardware and software needed to analyze sufficiently detailed

models was not readily available at the time, this concept was a significant advancement.

Since the work of Segal in 1956 many vehicle models have been developed which

expand on his model. The dynamics of other systems such as the steering system have

been integrated into the vehicle models. Lateral dynamics models have been expanded to

include longitudinal and vertical degrees of freedom. Non-linearities, particularly in tire

force generation, have been included in the models. Some examples in the literature can be

Allen,19 Heydinger,20 Xunmao.21

found in works by and

With the 1970's came the development of multibody dynamics codes. These

software programs allow the parts of mechanisms, or in this case vehicles, to be modeled

individually and connected using joints. By modeling each suspension component

individually a very accurate kinematic representation of a complete vehicle can be obtained.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Examples of the application of multibody codes to vehicle dynamics can be found in the

As computer processing speeds increase, the use of multibody codes for

vehicle dynamics simulations becomes more practical. The biggest disadvantage with the

use of these codes is the large amount of information that is required to construct the

models. The dimensions, mass properties, and in some cases stiffnesses of each relevant

component must be known to build an accurate model. Commercial multibody codes used

for vehicle dynamics simulation include ADAMS, DADS, and Mechanica Motion.

Paramount to the development of successful vehicle dynamics models has been the

development of accurate representations of tire behavior. Much effort has been devoted to

this task and the results can be found in the literature. One the first attempts at a theoretical

model of tire behavior was done by von Schlippe and Dietrich in 1941. They represented
the tire by a massless taut string on an elastic foundation and predicted forces based on the

geometry and material properties of the tire. Most of the major advancements in tire models

have occurred within the last fifteen years as digital computers have become readily

available. A comprehensive analysis of tire mechanics was performed under a government

contract by Clarke in In 1990 a detailed theoretical tire model was developed by
Gim and However, most of the popular tire models in existence
today are

based primarily upon empirical data. These models involve curve fitting of experimentally
measured tire data. One of the most popular empirical tire models known as the "Magic

Formula" 1987.26
was published by Bakker, Nyborg, and Pacejka in Other useful tire
Radt27 Allen.28
models include those by and The development of accurate tire models has

been critical to the success of vehicle dynamics modeling.

There exists a large body a literature regarding vehicle dynamics. The last forty

years in particular have seen many significant developments on the topic. Models of

vehicles and tires have been developed to the point where very accurate simulations of

lateral dynamic response can be performed. The advent of the digital computer has greatly
Chapter 2 Literature Review

enhanced the ability of engineers to develop and utilize these models for practical gains. A
list of relevant sources from the vehicle dynamics literature reviewed during this research is

provided in Appendix D.
3 Tire Behavior

3.1 Introduction

With the exception of gravitational and aerodynamic forces, all of the forces acting

on a road vehicle are applied to the vehicle through its tires. In supporting the vehicle the

ground applies vertical forces to the tires. When the vehicle changes speed or direction as a

result of control inputs, the forces and moments which produce these accelerations are, in

general, applied to the vehicle by the ground through the tires. Thus, to model the
dynamics of road vehicles it is necessary to have a suitable representation of tire behavior.

Two tire models are used in this thesis: a simple linear model and a more accurate, more

widely applicable non-linear model.

The requirements of a tire model vary depending upon the aspects of vehicle
performance which are being modeled and the accuracy required. In general, there are three

force components and three moment components acting on a tire due to its interaction with

the ground. In a complete model of vehicle dynamics where the longitudinal, lateral, and

vertical motions of the vehicle are being studied, all six of these components must be

included to accurately model the effect of the tires on the dynamics of the vehicle.

However, this thesis is concerned only with the lateral dynamics of the vehicle. The simple

vehicle model which is studied has only lateral and rotational degrees of freedom in the

horizontal plane. Thus only forces in the lateral direction and moments about the vertical

axis of the vehicle need to be considered. The moment acting on the tire itself about its

vertical axis is called the tire aligning moment. The effect of the
aligning moments of the

tires on the overall dynamics of the vehicle is generally small compared to the effect of the

lateral forces of the tires. In the vehicle model which is presented here the aligning

moments of the tires are neglected. Thus the only aspect of tire behavior which is modeled

is lateral force generation.

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

3.2 Lateral Force Mechanics

The mechanics of the lateral force generation of a tire is a complex process. A

complete discussion of this process is beyond the scope of this thesis. Many thorough
discussions of the mechanics of force generation exist in the The lateral

Fy generated by a pneumatic tire depends upon many variables including road surface
conditions, tire carcass construction, tread design, rubber compound, size, pressure,

temperature, speed, vertical load, longitudinal slip, inclination angle, and slip angle. For a

given tire on load

unchanging, dry road surface conditions, vertical and slip angle are the

variables having the largest effect and are the variables considered for the tire models used
in this thesis.

The tire slip angle is represented by the symbol a and is defined by S AE as "the

angle between the axis and the direction of travel of the center of tire



Figure 3. 1: Tire Slip Angle

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

definition The this system is at the center of


references the S AE tire axis origin of

the tire contact patch. The axis is the intersection of the plane of the wheel and the plane

of the ground and is positive in the forward direction. The axis is perpendicular to the

plane of the road and is positive in the downward direction. The axis is in the plane of

the road and oriented to form a right-hand Cartesian coordinate system. The tire slip angle,

lateral force, and tire axis system are shown in Figure 3.1. A positive slip angle and lateral

force are shown. Simply stated, the slip angle is the angle between the direction the wheel
is pointing and the direction it is traveling at a given instant in time.

The lateral force produced by a tire is a non-linear function of, among other

variables, vertical load and slip angle. A typical lateral force versus slip angle curve for a

single vertical load is shown in Figure 3.2. At low slip angles the curve is approximately

linear. Here the lateral force generated depends primarily on the tire construction, tread

design, and tire pressure. There is little sliding occurring between the tire and ground

within the contact patch. Lateral force is developed as a result of deformation of the tire.




/ i i

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Slip Anlge (deg)
Figure 3.2: Tire Lateral Force Versus Slip Angle

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

The initial slope of lateral force versus slip angle curve is the cornering stiffness Ca of the
tire. The cornering stiffness is often used as a linear approximation to the relationship

between lateral force and slip angle (see Section 3.3). The cornering stiffness can be

normalized by dividing by the vertical load. This quantity is the cornering coefficient Cc of
the tire. The cornering stiffness and the cornering coefficient both vary with the vertical

load on the tire. In general, the cornering stiffness increases with vertical load, while the

cornering coefficient decreases. Both of these quantities are used in the tire models used in

this thesis.

As the slip angle increases the slope of the lateral force curve decreases until the

lateral force reaches a maximum. At this maximum the lateral force divided by the vertical

force is the tire lateral friction coefficient \iy. The lateral friction coefficient usually decreases

as the vertical load on the tire increases. Beyond the

slip angle at which the peak lateral

force occurs, the lateral force begins to decrease. At high slip angles a larger portion of the

contact patch is sliding than at low slip angles. Here the lateral force produced depends

largely upon the tire rubber compound, the road surface, and the interface between them.

The curve shown in Figure 3.2 represents steady-state tire lateral force

characteristics. Because of the elasticity and damping inherent in a pneumatic tire it is

actually a dynamic system within itself. When a change in slip angle occurs, the change in

lateral force lags behind. Although the effects of tire dynamics be

can modeled by including
an additional differential equation in the vehicle model for each tire, the effects are generally
small below input frequencies of 3 Tire dynamics are
typically modeled when

simulating emergency crash avoidance maneuvers such as a sudden lane change. Tire

dynamics are neglected in the models of this thesis.

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

3.3 Linear Tire Model

As mentioned above the initial slope of the lateral force versus slip angle curve for a

single vertical load is the cornering stiffness Ca of the tire at that load. Under certain

conditions this characteristic can be used as a reasonable representation of tire behavior.

Inspection of Figure 3.2 reveals that at small slip angles, the lateral force curve is nearly

linear. Thus at sufficiently small slip angles, the lateral force produced by a tire can be
approximated by the expression

Fy = Caa (3.1)


a (3.1)
da a=0

When combined with other assumptions regarding the vehicle, linearization of the

lateral force versus slip angle relationship permits modeling of the vehicle as a linear

system. Since there is a wide variety of powerful, well-developed analysis techniques for

linear systems, much can be learned about vehicle lateral dynamics from the study of a

linear model. The range of applicability of the linear tire model is examined by comparison
of simulations of linear and non-linear models in Section 4.6.2.

3.4 Non-Linear Tire Model

When tire slip angles become high the linear tire model does not accurately predict

tire lateral force. At a high slip angle the linear model predicts a force which is higher than

the actual tire force. A non-linear tire model is necessary to accurately determine tire lateral

force at high slip angles.

As discussed in Chapter 2, several approaches to modeling tire behavior can be

found in the literature. Some models are purely empirical, based upon curve fitting of

experimentally measured tire data. Other models are primarily theoretical, with some

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

parameters determined experimentally, such as the stiffness of the tire. Each type of model

has advantages and disadvantages. The type of tire model used in this thesis is the former,

based entirely on empirical data. This type of tire model is used because of its limited

complexity and its suitability to the tire data which is available to the researcher.

The tire model chosen for this study is called tire data nondimensionalization and

was originated by Hugo While this technique is able to predict tire aligning

moment, longitudinal force, and lateral force for combined lateral slip, camber, and

longitudinal slip, only the lateral force due to lateral slip is of interest in this thesis. The

effects of camber on lateral force are being ignored, and the vehicle model assumes a

constant forward velocity, so it is not necessary to consider longitudinal tire force. In this

study tire aligning moments are considered to have a negligible effect on the overall

dynamics of the vehicle.

There are two main steps in using the tire data nondimensionalization technique.

The first step is preprocessing experimental tire data to determine the parameters for the tire

model. The second step is using the model to calculate the tire lateral force for a given

vertical load and slip angle. In a vehicle dynamics simulation, the first step would typically

be done before ranning the simulation. The second step would be done at each time step

during the simulation based on instantaneous values of tire vertical load and slip angle.

The tire data used for this study is based on experimental data provided by the

manufacturer for a production passenger vehicle tire. The tire data is shown in tabular form

at the end of this section in Table 3.2 and is plotted in Figure 3.3. Lateral force versus slip

angle curves are available for vertical loads of 2793 N, 4190 N, 5587 N, 6984 N, and

8380 N. The slip angle varies from 0 to 15. At each of the vertical loads the lateral force

slip angle is not zero as might be expected. This is due to conicity and/or ply steer in

the tire. Conicity arises from asymmetries in tire construction, while ply steer results from

errors in the angles of the belt cords in the tire. Both conicity and ply steer depend upon

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

quality control in the manufacturing process and can be random in nature, varying from tire

to tire. Since these effects are not important for the vehicle models under consideration

here, these effects have been eliminated from the experimental data by shifting each of the

lateral force curves to the left until they intersect the origin of the plot. This zeroed data is

used in all subsequent analysis.

Preprocessing the experimental data is done by normalizing the data and then curve
fitting the normalized data. The first step in normalizing the data is to determine the tire

cornering coefficient Cc at each load. Since the cornering stiffness is the initial slope of the

lateral force versus slip angle curve, and since the cornering coefficient is the cornering

stiffness divided by the vertical load, the cornering coefficient can be approximated at each
load by dividing the lateral force at 1
slip angle by the vertical load. Thus, from the
experimental data the cornering coefficient at a single load is


The cornering coefficients at each load are plotted in Figure 3.4. As can be seen

from the figure, the relationship between cornering coefficient and vertical load is

approximately linear. For this tire the cornering coefficient as a function of vertical load can

be represented as

CC=B, +
C3FZ (3.3)
Values of the constants B3 and C3 are listed below in Table 3.1. This expression can be

used to predict the cornering coefficient for an

arbitrary load during a simulation.
Next the lateral friction coefficient
\yy at each load must be found. This is done by

dividing the maximum lateral force for a given vertical load by the vertical load itself. Thus

for a single vertical load, the lateral friction coefficient is

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

Table 3.1: Non-Linear Tire Model Parameters

Parameter Symbol Value

Tire cornering coefficient intercept B3 0.333
Tire cornering coefficient slope C3
Tire lateral friction coefficient intercept B5 1.173
Tire lateral friction coefficient slope c5
Magic Formula curve fit parameter B, 0.5835
Magic Formula curve fit parameter c, 1.7166
Magic Formula curve fit parameter D, 1.0005
Magic Formula curve fit parameter E, 0.2517

' imax

The lateral friction coefficients at each load are plotted in Figure 3.5. As with the

cornering coefficients, the relationship between lateral friction coefficient and vertical load

is approximately linear for this tire. The lateral friction coefficient can be expressed as

fly=B5 + C5Fz (3.5)

Values of the constants B5 and C5 are provided in Table 3.1. This expression is used

during simulation to predict the lateral friction coefficient for an arbitrary vertical load.
With the cornering coefficient and lateral friction coefficient known at each load for

the experimental data, the normalized slip angle a can be calculated at each data point from

the expression



Similarly, the normalized lateral force F at each data point is


Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

When the normalized lateral force is plotted against the normalized slip angle at each

data point, the results lie on a single curve as shown in Figure 3.6. The normalized data are

then curve fit. While various functions could be used to fit this data, a popular function for

formula" here.26
fitting tire data known as the "magic is used The magic formula is a

combination of trigonometric functions and has the ability to accurately fit tire data curves

of various shapes such as lateral force, longitudinal force, and aligning moment. The

normalized lateral force is fit to the function

Fy =
Dx sin(0) (3.8)


6 =
Cx atan(fl^) (3.9)


,_ E,' atan(B,a)
v ' ;
y/ =
(l-El)a+ (3.10)

The parameters B}, C,, Dn and Ej must be determined to provide the best fit to the

normalized experimental data. The curve fitting is implemented in the MATLAB script

MagicFit.m. This script reads the normalized lateral force versus slip angle data from a file

and uses the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox function leastsq to do a non-linear least
squares fit. The leastsq function calls the function MagicError.m which computes the enors
between each data point and the curve fit function. The parameters Bp C7, D,, and
Et are

found to minimize the sum of the squares of these enors. MagicFit.m and MagicError.m

are listed in Appendix A. 1 and Appendix A.2 respectively. Values for the curve fit

parameters are given in Table 3. 1, and the function is plotted in Figure 3.6 along with the

normalized data. It can be seen from the plot that a good fit to the data has been obtained.

With a function for the normalized lateral force in terms of normalized slip angle

now available, the tire lateral force can be calculated for any combination of vertical load

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

and slip angle. First, the cornering coefficient and lateral friction coefficient are calculated
from the vertical load using Eq. (3.3) and Eq. (3.5). Second, the normalized slip angle is

calculated from the slip angle, the cornering coefficient, and the lateral friction coefficient

using Eq. (3.6). Next, the normalized lateral force is calculated from the normalized slip

angle using Eq. (3.10), Eq. (3.9), and Eq. (3.8). The tire lateral force can then be found

from the normalized lateral force, the lateral friction coefficient, and the vertical load as

Fy=FyHyFz (3.11)

This procedure is implemented in the MATLAB function NLTire.m which is listed

in Appendix A. 3. The function takes the tire vertical load and slip angle as inputs and

outputs the lateral force. Plots of lateral force versus slip angle from this function for

vertical loads of 2793 N, 4190 N, 5587 N, 6984 N, and 8380 N are shown in Figure 3.7

as solid lines along with the experimental data points.

The non-linear tire model implemented in this section accurately reproduces the

experimentally determined lateral force versus slip angle relationship of the tire used in this

study. This model is capable of predicting the lateral force produced by the tire at high slip
angles. Thus the tire model is suitable for inclusion in a model of vehicle lateral dynamics

where high tire slip angles are obtained. While this tire model only determines lateral force

due to slip angle, it can be extended to predict aligning moment due to

slip angle, lateral

force and aligning moment due to camber, and longitudinal force due to longitudinal slip.

It should be noted that due to sign conventions in the SAE tire axis system and in

the SAE vehicle coordinate system, a positive tire lateral force is produced by a negative

slip angle. The description of the models in this chapter assumed that a positive
slip angle

produced a positive lateral force for convenience. However, when the tire models are

integrated into the vehicle model appropriate care must be taken to ensure compatibility with

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

the sign convention required

by the vehicle model. In the linear tire model the cornering
stiffness must be negative to meet sign convention requirements.

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior

Table 3.2: Experimental Tire Data

SUp Angle Lateral Force @ Vertical Load (N)

(deg) 2793 4190 5587 6984 8380
0 -89 -156 -245 -334 -378

1 737 1001 1223 1357 1458

2 1388 2024 2558 2869 3025
3 1935 2847 3603 4115 4404
4 2358 3403 4359 5026 5449
5 2647 3803 4849 5649 6183
6 2802 4026 5182 6005 6672
7 2910 4175 5350 6230 6950
8 2965 4241 5470 6330 7110
9 2969 4258 5490 6370 7166
10 2950 4246 5450 6352 7180
11 2930 4222 5400 6322 7153
12 2890 4168 5350 6291 7111
13 2840 4099 5282 6235 7050
14 2780 4037 5200 6160 6978
15 2750 3977 5121 6090 6900

6 8 10

Slip Angle (deg)

Figure 3.3: Experimental Tire Data

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior



0) 0.25




2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

Vertical Load (N)
Figure 3.4: Tire Cornering Coefficient



c 0.8
O 0.6


2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Vertical Load (N)
Figure 3.5: Tire Lateral Friction Coefficient

Chapter 3 Tire Behavior




| 0-8


5 0.6

? 2793 N
o 4190N

A 5587 N

0.2 6984 N
X 8380 N
i II
ill ....

0.0 II

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Normalized Slip Angle

Figure 3.6: Tire Normalized Lateral Force

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Slip Angle (N)
Figure 3. 7: Reconstructed Tire Lateral Force

4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.1 Introduction

Under normal
driving conditions the driver and vehicle form a closed-loop system.
The driver observes the motion of the vehicle and provides control inputs to produce the

desired motion. However, this work is concerned primarily with predicting the open-loop

lateral response of a road vehicle to control and disturbance inputs.

The simplest model which can realistically be used to examine the lateral response

of a road vehicle is the two degree-of-freedom (DOF) model. As noted in

Chapter 2, this model has been used extensively in the literature to study road vehicle lateral

response. Although this model greatly simplifies the vehicle system, much can be learned

about vehicle lateral response through its use. The model demonstrates the effects of major

design and operational parameters such as tire properties, inertia properties, mass center

location, wheelbase, and forward speed. Conclusions of practical significance regarding

lateral directional be drawn using this


road vehicle control and stability can simple

In this chapter the two degree-of-freedom vehicle model is described in detail. The

equations of motion are derived from basic principles of dynamics. Next, relationships for

the tire slip angles are derived from the vehicle kinematics. From here the model is

developed in two forms, linear and non-linear.

In the linear form of the model, additional assumptions are made which
simplify the

kinematic relationships and tire mechanics. This simplification allows powerful linear

systems analysis techniques to be used to gain significant insight into the lateral dynamics

of road vehicles. Transfer functions for the response of the vehicle to steering control,

aerodynamic side force, and road side slope are developed. Several measures of steady-

state and transient response are derived. Next, the frequency response of the vehicle is
examined using bode plots. Finally, vehicle response is simulated for a variety of steering

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

inputs and for the disturbance inputs by integrating the differential equations of motion with
respect to time.

In the non-linear form of the model, full non-linear kinematics and a non-linear tire

model are used. The tire model, as described in Section 3.4, accounts for the non-linear,

vertical load-dependent lateral force versus slip angle relationship. Simulation of the model

response to steering inputs is performed and the results are compared to the linear model


4.2 Description of Model

The two degree-of-freedom model used in this chapter is shown in Figure 4.1. The

vehicle is modeled as a single lumped mass rigid body and has lateral velocity v and yaw

velocity r degrees of freedom. The forward velocity u is assumed to be constant. The pair

of tires at each end of the vehicle is represented by a single tire at the centerline of the car.
The vehicle has a wheel base L, a mass m, and a yaw mass moment of inertia Ia, with its

mass center located a distance a front the front axle and a distance b from the rear axle.

Rotation of the front tire about the vertical axis relative to the body is permitted and
is measured by the front steer angle 8, with clockwise rotation considered positive. The

front steer angle is the only control input considered. In this work position control is

assumed. Position control is defined by SAE as "that mode of vehicle control wherein

inputs or restraints are placed upon the steering system in the form of displacements at

some control point in the steering system (front wheels, Pitman arm, steering wheel),

the force This is in to force control where inputs are in


independent of contrast

the form of forces or moments and are independent of displacement.

The standard SAE vehicle-fixed coordinate system x-y-z is used to describe the

motion of the vehicle. The x-axis is positive in the forward direction, the y-axis is positive

to the right, and the z-axis is positive down. The origin for the coordinate system is at the

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Figure 4. 1 : Vehicle Model

vehicle mass center, and the coordinate system translates and rotates with the vehicle.

Motion is only permitted in the x-y plane.

4.2. 1 Assumptions

Several simplifying assumptions are made to facilitate the development of the


Constant vehicle parameters

Constant vehicle forward velocity

Motion in x-y plane only (ignore vertical, rolling, and

pitching motions of sprung

Vehicle is rigid

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Vehicle is symmetrical about z-x plane

Road surface is smooth

Ignore effects of drive line

Ignore longitudinal gravity effects (ignore road slope in longitudinal direction)

Ignore all longitudinal forces (tire driving/braking forces, tire roiling resistance,
aerodynamic drag)

Ignore suspension system kinematics and dynamics

Ignore steering system kinematics and dynamics

Position control for steering input

Ignore tire steer due to roll of sprung mass

Ignore tire steer due to chassis compliance

Ignore tire slip angles resulting from lateral tire scrub

Ignore lateral and longitudinal load transfer (vertical tire forces remain constant)

Tire properties are independent of time and forward velocity

Ignore tire lateral forces due to camber, conicity, and ply steer.

Ignore tire aligning moments

Ignore effect of longitudinal tire slip on tire lateral force

Ignore tire dynamics (no delay in lateral force generation)

Ignore tire deflections

4.2.2 Vehicle Parameters

The nominal values of the vehicle parameters used for the two degree-of-freedom

model in this study are given in Table 4.1. The International System of metric units (SI) is

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

used for all calculations. The base units are meter (m), kilogram (kg), and second (s).

Force is measured in the derived unit newton (N). For convenience, the fraction of weight

on the front axle/is used to define the position of the mass center along the wheelbase.

The mass center location parameters a and b are then calculated from/ and L. These

parameters are representative of a production automobile.

Table 4.1: Vehicle Parameters

Parameter Symbol Value

Vehicle mass m 1775 kg
Yaw moment of inertia ' 1960 kg-m2

Front axle weight fraction f 0.52

Wheelbase L 2.372 m

Distance from mass center to front axle a 1.139 m

Distance from mass center to rear axle b 1.233 m

Distance from front axle to aerodynamic side force c 1.25 m

4.2.3 Free-Body Diagram

There are three types of external forces acting on a vehicle which are considered in

this model: tire lateral forces, aerodynamic side force, and gravitational side force. The tire

lateral forces i^and Fyr occur due to tire slip angles. The aerodynamic side force F a is a

disturbance input acting at a distance c behind the front axle. This type of force acts on a

vehicle when it encounters a crosswind. The gravitational side force F is a disturbance

input acting at the vehicle mass center and resulting from a side slope in the road. All forces

are considered to be positive when acting in the positive y-direction. These forces are

shown acting on the vehicle in Figure 4.2.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Figure 4.2: Free-Body Diagram

4.3 Derivation of Equations of Motion

The equations of motion for the two degree-of-freedom vehicle are derived using

basic principles of Newtonian mechanics for rigid body motion relative to translating and

The basic relating the forces


rotating coordinate equations and moments


on a rigid body to the acceleration of the body are

If =g

where F and
Mg are external forces and moments about the mass center (in vector form)
acting on the body, and G and
HG are the linear and angular momenta of the body (also in
vector form) measured relative to an inertia! reference frame. Since in this model only

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

motion in the x-y plane is considered and all longitudinal (x-direction) forces are being
ignored, Eq. (4.1) become



Since the x-y-z coordinate system is fixed to the vehicle with its origin at the vehicle

mass center, the translational velocity of the vehicle mass center and rotational velocity of

the vehicle are identical to those of the x-y-z system. From Figure 4. 1, the velocity V0 of
the origin of the x-y-z system is

V0=wi + vj (4.3)

and the angular velocity Q. is

Q = rk (4.4)

Since the x-y-z system is rotating, the unit vectors are changing with time. Thus the

a0 of the origin expressed in an inertial reference frame coincident with the

x-y-z system is

a = + ilxV
dt (4.5)
= (u- vr)i + (v + ur)j

Similarly, the angular acceleration of the x-y-z system relative to the inertial frame is

+ Q.XQ.
dt (4.6)

Thus the acceleration values of interest are

a =v + ur


These values apply both to the vehicle-fixed x-y-z coordinate system and to the vehicle

mass center.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

The external forces acting on the vehicle are shown in their positive sense in

Figure 4.2. A positive steer angle results in positive tire lateral forces. From the free-body

diagram, it is seen that

Fv =Fyf cost
+ Fyr + Fya+Fyyg
cos 8 (c
X Mz bFyr - -
= -

aF^ a)Fyya

Substitution of Eq. (4.7) and Eq. (4.8) in Eq. (4.2) yields the equations of motion

for the two degree-of-freedom vehicle:

F^ cos 8 + Fyr + Fya +Fyg=m(v + ur)

aF^ cos 8 bFyr (c Ia r
- - -

Here u is the vehicle forward velocity and is a constant. The state variables are the

lateral velocity v and the yaw velocity r.

F^ and Fyr are the front and rear tire lateral forces.
Fya and F are the aerodynamic side force and gravitational side force disturbance inputs,

while the control input is the front steer angle 8.

4.4 Derivation of Tire Slip Angles

As discussed in Chapter 3, the lateral force produced by a tire depends upon,

among other things, the vertical load on the tire and the slip angle of the tire. In this model

the vertical load remains constant, but the front and rear tire slip angles vary as functions of

the lateral velocity v and the yaw velocity r, which are the system state variables. Thus it is

for the front tire slip angles,

necessary to develop expressions and rear
af and ar, in terms

of v and r.

Figure 4.3 is a kinematic diagram of the vehicle showing the tire velocity vectors

and tire slip angles. Each slip angle is shown in its positive sense as the angle between the

tire and the tire velocity vector. A positive slip angle implies a clockwise rotation from the

tire to its velocity vector. However, for a positive steer input as shown in the figure, the tire

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Figure 4.3: Kinematic Diagram

velocity vector is actually a counter-clockwise rotation from the tire, so slip angles are

negative. In summary, a positive steer input results in negative tire slip angles.

The first step in determining the tire slip angles is finding the tire velocities. Since

the translational and rotational velocities of the vehicle-fixed x-y-z coordinate system are

already known from Eq. (4.3) and Eq. (4.4), it is convenient to use the principle of relative

The Vf and Vr of the front and rear tires


motion to derive the tire velocities

respectively are


where R, and Rr are position vectors from the vehicle mass center to the front and rear tires:

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Rf =a\

R, =-b\

Thus the tire velocities are

V.f =
u\ + (v
V +
Vr =
u\ + (v -

In general, if the velocity and steer angle of the ith tire are known, the slip angle is

a, =
atan -8,.

Vx and Vy are the x-
and y-components of the velocity of the tire. Since steer of the

rear tire is not permitted in this model, the tire slip angles are, in their general non-linear


(v + ar\

ar -
V u J

4.5 Linear Model

Thus far the general non-linear equations of motion and tire slip angle relationships

have been derived for the two degree-of-freedom vehicle. If additional assumptions are

made to linearize the model, analysis techniques for linear systems may be used to gain

more insight into road vehicle lateral dynamics. In this section, tire slip angles and lateral

forces are assumed to be linear functions. Other research has shown that these assumptions

are valid for vehicle lateral accelerations up to about 0.35 g, which corresponds to the linear

tire lateral force versus slip angle


range of the Most automobile driving is

done within this range, so results from the linear model are applicable over a wide range of

driving situations.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

It is common in modeling of vehicle lateral dynamics, particularly with linear

models, to use the vehicle sideslip angle p instead of the lateral velocity v to describe the
lateral motion of the vehicle. The vehicle sideslip angle is the angle between the vehicle-

fixed x-axis and the vehicle velocity vector Vn as shown in Figure 4.3. Similar to

Eq. (4.14) for tire slip angles, the vehicle sideslip angle is

= atari-

A positive vehicle
sideslip angle implies clockwise rotation from the x-axis to the velocity

vector. For a given steer angle, the sideslip angle may be positive or negative, depending
upon the forward speed.+
In this thesis the vehicle sideslip angle is used in place of lateral

velocity when finding transfer functions, steady-state response measures, transient

response measures, and frequency response. However, since simulation of the non-linear

model is more straightforward with lateral velocity as a state variable, simulation of the

linear model is also performed with lateral velocity as a state variable to facilitate parallel

development of the two simulation models.

Once the linearized equations of motion are written, transfer functions for the state

variables in terms of the control and disturbance inputs are developed. From these transfer

functions, measures of steady-state and transient response are derived and the
response is examined. Simulation of the model is performed for various
steering and

disturbance inputs.

4.5.1 Additional Assumptions

The following assumptions are made for the linear two degree-of-freedom model in
addition to those listed in Section 4.2.1:

See Section 4.5.18 for more information.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Linear tire lateral force versus slip angle relationship

Small steer angle, tire slip angles, vehicle sideslip angle, and road side slope angle.

4.5.2 Vehicle Sideslip Angle

With the small angle assumption, Eq. (4.15) for the vehicle sideslip angle becomes


However, if the vehicle sideslip angle is small then

or (4.17)

where Vis the magnitude of the vehicle velocity V0. Now Eq. (4.16) becomes

4.5.3 Tire Slip Angles

With the small angle assumption, the tire slip angles become

v + ar
af u

v br (4.19)
a =

Furthermore, if vehicle sideslip angle is used in place of lateral velocity, then the tire slip

angles can be expressed as

aff =P
K r-8
b (4.20)

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.5.4 External Forces and Moments

From the free-body diagram of the two degree-of-freedom model in Figure 4.2 it is
seen that the four external forces acting the front tire lateral force
on the vehicle are
F^ the
rear tire lateral force Fyr, the aerodynamic side force Fya, and the gravitational side force Fyg.

With the assumption that tire lateral forces are linear functions of tire slip angle, the

linear tire model of Section 3.3 can be employed. From Eq. (3.1) the tire lateral forces are

' '


where C/and Crare the front and rear tire cornering stiffnesses and are the effective

cornering stiffnesses of both tires on an axle. Thus, for example, Cfis twice the cornering

stiffness of a single front tire. As a result, F^ and Fyr are the sums of the tire lateral forces
of both tires on an axle. Since the tire slip angles are negative for a positive steer angle, the

cornering stiffnesses must also be negative in order to produce the positive lateral forces

required by the sign convention. For further explanation of this tire model see Section 3.3.

Values for tire cornering stiffnesses for the vehicle studied are obtained though the

application of Eq. (3.3) and are given in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2: Linear Tire Model Parameters

Parameter Symbol Value

Front tire cornering (two tires)
C~f -2461
Rear tire cornering stiffness (two tires) Cr -23 11 N/deg

The aerodynamic side force Fya is in general a function of the relative air speed

squared, the side force coefficient, and a reference However, for simplicity the side

force itself is used as the disturbance input to the system. The aerodynamic side force is

positive when acting on the vehicle in the positive y-direction.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Figure 4.4: Gravitational Side Force

The force
gravitational side
Fyg is a function of the side slope in the road and is
shown in Figure 4.4. The gravitational side force is positive when acting on the vehicle in

the positive y-direction. Thus the gravitational side force can be expressed as

Fyg =mg sinQ (4.22)

where g is the acceleration due to gravity and 9 is the road side slope, which is positive for

a road which is sloping down on the right side of the vehicle as shown in the figure. If the

assumption of a small road side slope angle is used, then Eq. (4.22) simplifies to

F =

With the gravitational side force expressed in terms of the road side slope, the side slope 8

can now be considered to be the disturbance input instead of the force itself.

4.5.5 Equations of Motion

With substitution of the tire slip angles from Eq. (4.20), the tire lateral forces from

Eq. (4.21), and the gravitational side force from Eq. (4.23) into Eq. (4.9), the linearized

equations of motion become

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

(Cr+Cr)p + ^ r-r-Cf5 + Fya+mgQ =

mV$ + mVr

rt -U hi
(aCf bCr )p + (c -

r -

a)Fya =1J

The assumption that the steer angle is small has also been applied to reduce the

equations to the above form. This assumption is generally valid for maneuvers at moderate

to high speeds. For very low speed maneuvers, such as parking, large steer angles are

often required.

To simplify manipulation of the equations of motion, the external force and moment

terms of the left sides of Eq. (4.24) can be rewritten in terms of stability derivatives. This

technique has been used extensively by early researchers in automobile lateral dynamics
such as Leonard Segal, David Whitcomb, and William In addition to

simplifying the equations of motion, the derivatives themselves have physical meaning

which can give further insight into road vehicle lateral dynamics.

The stability derivatives are the rates of change of the external forces or external

moments acting on the vehicle with respect to p, r, or 8. There are three stability derivatives

associated with lateral force and three associated with yaw moment. The equations of

motion in stability derivative form are

Fpp + Yrr + Ys8 + Fya + mgQ =

mV$ + mVr
+ Nrr + N6S-(c-a)Fja=I,tr
where the stability derivatives are defined as follows:

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Damping in Sideslip
V cf+cr
- -


bCr Lateral Force/Yaw

Yr Coupling

Y5 = Control Force
Directional Stability
NP =

Yaw Damping
Ns-= Control Moment

In the two degree-of-freedom model under consideration the stability derivatives are

all constants. As such, the equations of motion can be manipulated in stability derivative

from without loss of generality.

By noting that the tire cornering stiffnesses Cf and Cr are always negative by
definition, the signs of the stability derivatives can be obtained. The
derivative Yj, and yaw damping derivative Nr are always negative. The control force
derivative Ys and control moment derivative Ns are always positive. The lateral force/yaw

coupling derivative Yr and directional stability derivative A/j, are both either positive or
negative depending on the relative magnitudes of aCf and bCr. If
aCf is greater than the bCr,
then the derivatives the vehicle understeers. If
aCf is less than bCr,
are positive and then the

derivatives are negative and the vehicle is oversteer. If the terms are equal, the derivatives

are zero and the vehicle is neutral steer. Understeer, oversteer, and neutral steer are

discussed in more detail in Section 4.5.14.

4.5.6 Transfer Functions

Now that the equations of motion are available in a simple, compact form, transfer

functions can easily be found relating the outputs p and r to the inputs 5, 6, and F . From

these inputs and outputs six transfer functions can be formed. The transfer functions can be

used to examine many aspects of system response such as steady-state

response, frequency

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

response, and poles and zeros. The derivation of the transfer functions and all analytical

expressions for measures of system response is done using Mathematica. The Mathematica

session for the two degree-of-freedom vehicle is included in Appendix B.

To find the transfer functions the equations of motion are first written in the Laplace

domain assuming that the initial conditions are zero:

( Y \ 1 >
1 (g\
mV mV mV mV
m+ Fjs) + W (4.27)
Na N. a c
As); yOj

From these Laplace-domain equations of motion, the transfer functions for vehicle

sideslip angle are found to be

75 j
!- mV
Y\ + !W+N9(mV-Yr) LmV

s+ -
^ T-i- -

P mV I^mV
(') =
mV I,mV

Ya \

mV ) IzjnV

Similarly, the transfer functions for yaw velocity are

N Va-^P
I I,mV


+ -

N^ + N^mV-Y,)
mV IumV

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

a-c yp(c-fl)

J-(S) = I* , r (4.32)

ntV zz

r IV
= is-l (4 33)

2 -
Y,]5-1 NrY,+N,{mV-Yr)
U mVj IjnV

The above transfer functions for the lateral dynamics of the two degree-of-freedom

vehicle can be used to examine steady-state behavior. For each of the three types of inputs,

the steady-state step input response gains in vehicle sideslip angle, yaw velocity, tire slip

angles, path curvature, and lateral acceleration are found. The steer angle required to

produce a given turn radius is calculated. In addition, measures of steady-state vehicle

behavior such as understeer gradient, stability factor, neutral steer point, static margin,

tangent speed, critical speed, and characteristic speed are defined and expressed in terms of

the stability derivatives.

The steady-state step response of vehicle sideslip angle and yaw velocity can be

found for each of the three inputs by applying the Final Value Theorem to the transfer
Before the Final Value Theorem can be applied, however, the stability of the

system must be verified. The system is stable if none of the poles have positive real parts.

Expressions for the system poles are derived in Section 4.5.24.

4.5.7 Vehicle Sideslip Angle Gain

Application of the Final Value Theorem to the vehicle sideslip angle transfer

functions for steer angle, aerodynamic side force, and road side slope (Eq. (4.28),

Eq. (4.29), and Eq. (4.30) respectively) gives the following steady-state response gains:

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

P NrY&+N&(mV-Yr)
8 NrYA+N9(mV-Yr)

P (c-a)(mV-Yr)-Nr
ya NrY+NJmV-Yr)

NrYf N9{mV-Yr)
Results for the sideslip angle response gains and for the response gains that follow

are given in Table 4.3. The vehicle and tire parameters used for the calculations are given in

Table 4. 1 and Table 4.2, and the vehicle forward speed is 100 km/hr.

4.5.8 Yaw Velocity Gain

Similarly, the yaw velocity steady-state response gains are


rp(c-a) + JVp
ya NrYf+N,{mV-Yr)

r mgN?
e NrYf+N9{mV-Yr)

4.5.9 Front Tire Slip Angle Gain

Once steady-state values of vehicle sideslip angle and yaw

velocity are known the

steady-state tire slip angles can be found using Eq. (4.20). The front tire slip angle gains


oc< a(N9Ys-NJA)-V(mV-Yrpt+Nh)-VNr(YR + Yh)


Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

a, V(c -

+ a(c-

a)7p +


a, mg{aN[,-VNr)

4.5.10 Rear Tire Slip Angle Gain

Similarly, the steady-state rear tire slip angle gains are

V(c a)(mV
- -Yr)-b(c- - -

_ a)Y&

Fya v(ivrrp+;vp(mv-yr))

O^ -mg^+VN^
~v(NrYB +

4.5.11 Path Curvature Gain

Another response measure of interest is the curvature of the path that the vehicle

follows when subject to one of the inputs. The path curvature 1/R is the reciprocal of the

path radius and can be found by dividing the yaw velocity by the vehicle velocity.
1/R =

The path curvature gains for each of the inputs are

1/R N Y -N Y
1/R yp(c-a) + iVp

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


4.5.12 Lateral Acceleration Steady-State Step Response Gain

Lateral acceleration is an important measure of vehicle cornering performance.

Lateral acceleration is typically expressed in units of "g". The linear vehicle model being

considered here is valid for lateral accelerations up to approximately 0.35 g. Beyond that

level, non-linearities, particularly in tire lateral force mechanics, become significant. Most

passenger car driving is done below this limit, although a typical passenger car may be able

to attain maximum lateral accelerations of approximately 0.7-0.8 g with standard street

tires. Race cars without the aid of aerodynamic downforce reach over 1.2 g with special

tires designed specifically for racing, while race cars with aerodynamic downforce have

been known to 4 g lateral The lateral

exceed acceleration. steady-state acceleration
expressed in units of is


Ay =

The lateral acceleration gains for each of the inputs are


A, v(Y[i(c-a) + Nfi)


Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Table 4.3: Steady-State Response Gains

V= 100 km/hr

Response Steer Angle Aerodynamic Road Side

(6) Side Force (FJ Slope (9)
Vehicle sideslip angle (P) / 0.0615/
Yaw velocity (r) 0.197 rad/s
rad/s /N
Front tire slip angle (af) 1
0.0620 1
Rear tire slip angle (ar) 1
0.0609 1
Path curvature (1/R) 7.10xl0-3l/m/ 7.76xl0-6l/m/

Lateral acceleration (Ay) 0.559 g/


4.5.13 Steady-State Steer Angle

The steady-state steer angle required for the vehicle to turn at a constant path radius

R can be found by solving the yaw velocity gain for steer angle input expression of
Eq. (4.37) for the steer angle 8. After some manipulation, the steer angle is

=- +
Substitution of the stability derivative definitions into this expression yields

f ,
a b

Examination of the kinematics of a turning vehicle indicates that the steer angle can also be

in terms the tire slip angles


expressed of

8 =
ar +ar (4.56)

From Eq. (4.55) it can be seen that as the vehicle velocity approaches zero the steer

angle becomes

Ac ker

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

This steer angle is known as the Ackerman steer angle and is the steer angle required to

negotiate a turn of path radius R at low vehicle velocity. At low speeds the lateral

acceleration, tire slip angles, and tire lateral forces are negligible and turning behavior is

governed solely by geometry considerations.

For the vehicle used in this study the Ackerman steer angle for a 50 m radius turn is

2.72 . The steer angle required to negotiate the turn at 100 km/hr is 2.82 .

4.5.14 Understeer Gradient

A common measure of vehicle turning behavior is the understeer gradient, or

understeer coefficient, K^. The understeer gradient, assuming a constant radius turn, is

basically the rate of change of steer angle with lateral The definition

of the

understeer gradient can be seen in the steady-state steer angle expression for a constant

radius turn from Eq. (4.54):

Sss=- + Kus
R gR

Thus the understeer gradient, expressed in units of radians, is

K "*


or substituting the stability derivative definitions

a b mg
K =

The understeer gradient is a measure of the amount of understeer or oversteer a

vehicle has. If to maintain a constant path radius the steer angle must increase as vehicle

forward velocity, and hence lateral acceleration, increases, the understeer gradient is

positive and the vehicle is said to be understeer. If the steer angle must decrease, the

understeer gradient is negative and the vehicle is oversteer. If the steer angle does not

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

change the understeer gradient is zero and the vehicle is neutral steer. The understeer of a

vehicle can also be obtained from relationship between the front and rear tire slip angles. If

the magnitude of the front tire slip angle is greater than the rear, the vehicle is understeer. If

the rear tire slip angle is greater, the vehicle is oversteer. If the slip angles are equal, the

vehicle is neutral steer.

For this simple model the understeer gradient is a function of tire cornering

stiffnesses and the weight distribution. Other vehicle characteristics which influence the

understeer gradient include lateral load transfer distribution, roll camber, roll steer, lateral

force compliance steer, tire aligning moments, tire longitudinal forces, steering system

compliance, and differential type.

The understeer gradient of a vehicle can be measured experimentally. The two most

common methods of testing are the constant radius test and the constant speed In the

constant radius test the forward velocity of the vehicle is varied as the car is driven on a

constant path radius. The steer angle is varied to maintain the constant radius. The

understeer gradient is then calculated as the rate of change of steer angle with lateral



In the constant speed test the vehicle forward velocity is held constant while the

path radius is varied and the steer angle required to attain the radius is measured. The

understeer gradient from the constant speed test is

d8 gL
K~ =

Most passenger cars have understeer gradients between 1 and 10 deg. Understeer is

designed into passenger cars to assure directional stability over a wide range of operating

conditions. The vehicle used for this example has an understeer gradient of 0.0626 deg,

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

indicating that the vehicle has a very small amount of understeer in the linear response

4.5.15 Stability Factor

A second measure of vehicle
cornering behavior is the stability The

definition of the stability factor comes from the yaw velocity gain for steer angle input

expression of Eq. (4.37). This expression can be rewritten as


where the K is the stability factor. Solving Eq. (4.63) for K and substituting Eq. (4.37),

K= .
5 (4.64)
or substituting the stability derivative definitions,


If K is positive the vehicle is understeer, while if K is negative it is oversteer. The

sample vehicle has a stability factor of s2/m2. Since the stability factor is positive,

the vehicle is understeer.

4.5.16 Neutral Steer Point

The neutral steer point is "the point along the chassis at which an external lateral


force can be applied which produces no steady-state yaw On a real vehicle there

is actually a neutral steer line, but for this simple model which does not account for body

roll and roll steer effects there is only a neutral steer point. To find the neutral steer point a

transfer function can be written relating the yaw velocity to a fictitious lateral force Fm

applied to the vehicle at a distance d behind the front axle. As in Section 4.5.8 the Final

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Value Theorem can be used to find the steady-state yaw velocity gain for the fictitious

lateral force.

r Y^d-a) + N^

Setting this yaw velocity gain equal to zero and solving for d,

d = a-^
Substituting the stability derivative definitions, the neutral steer point is located at a distance
behind the front axle of

d = -^-

Cf + Cr
If the neutral steer point is behind the mass center, the vehicle is understeer, while if

it is in front of the mass center the vehicle is oversteer. The sample vehicle has a neutral

steer point located at a distance of 1.149 m behind the front axle. Since the mass center is

located 1.139 m behind the front axle, the neutral steer point is behind the mass center and

the vehicle is understeer.

4.5.17 Static Margin

Another way of describing understeer is with the static margin. The static margin

SM is the distance between the mass center and the neutral steer point, normalized by the

SM =


or, substituting the stability derivative definitions,


SM = 7-i
r-r (4.70)

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

If the static margin is positive, the vehicle is understeer. If it is negative the vehicle

is oversteer. The sample vehicle has a static margin of 0.00428, indicating that the vehicle

is understeer.

4.5.18 Tangent Speed

At low speed in a steady-state turn the rear axle travels on a smaller circle than the

front axle. As speed is increased the radius of travel of the rear axle increases and surpasses

that of the front. Thus at high speed the rear axle travels on a larger circle than the front in a

steady-state turn. The speed at which the front and rear axles travel on circles of the same

radius is called the tangent speed Vmn. At the tangent speed the vehicle angle is

zero. For a right turn, below the tangent speed the vehicle sideslip angle is positive, while

above the tangent speed it is negative. The tangent speed can be found
by multiplying the
steady-state sideslip angle gain for steer angle of Eq. (4.34) by the steady-state steer angle

for a constant radius rum of Eq. (4.54), setting that product equal to zero, and
solving for

the vehicle velocity V.

&r rS
M (4.71)

However, since the yaw velocity stability derivatives Yr and Nr are both functions
of velocity, it is necessary to substitute the stability derivative definitions and solve for V.

When this is done the tangent speed is

v bLCr
vm=4V am

The sample vehicle used in this study has a tangent speed of 49.8 km/hr. Below

this speed the vehicle sideslip angle is positive for a right turn. Above this speed it is


Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.5.19 Critical Speed

Consideration of Eq. (4.37) for steady-state yaw velocity gain for steer angle input
reveals that the yaw gain could become infinite if the denominator were zero. The

speed at which this happens is called the critical speed. The critical speed can be found by

setting the denominator of Eq. (4.37) equal to zero and solving for V. In terms of the

stability derivatives, the critical speed is

" "
Vcril =

However, the stability derivatives Yr and Nr are functions of velocity. Therefore, it is

necessary to substitute the stability derivative definitions and solve for V. The critical speed

is then


At this speed the vehicle is unstable. A small steering input produces a theoretically
infinite yaw velocity response. Given that the tire cornering stiffnesses are negative
definition, it can be seen from Eq. (4.74) that a critical speed
only exists if bCr is greater

aCf In Section 4.5.5 it is noted that when this condition exists the vehicle is oversteer.

Thus a vehicle has a critical speed only if it is oversteer. When an oversteer vehicle reaches

its critical speed it becomes directionally unstable. The more oversteer a vehicle has, the
lower its critical speed. The critical speed for a neutral speed vehicle is infinite, and the

critical speed does not exist for an understeer vehicle.

Since the sample vehicle is understeer, it does not have a critical speed.

4.5.20 Characteristic Speed

While an understeer vehicle has no critical speed, the characteristic speed is defined

in a similar manner to indicate the level of understeer present in the vehicle. The

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

characteristic speed is the speed at which the steer angle required to produce any

state rum radius is twice the Ackerman steer angle. The characteristic speed can be found

by setting the steady-state steer angle of Eq. (4.54) equal to twice the Ackerman steer angle
of Eq. (4.57) and solving for the velocity V. Since the solution to this equation is a

function of
stability derivatives which depend on velocity, the stability derivative

definitions must be substituted and the resulting equation solved for V. The characteristic

speed is then

f r

The characteristic speed is seen to have the same form as the critical speed, but with

the sign of the denominator reversed. A characteristic speed only exists if aC/is greater than

bCr. Since, from Section 4.5.5, this is the condition for an understeer vehicle, only

understeer vehicles have a characteristic speed. Neutral steer vehicles have an infinite

characteristic speed and oversteer vehicles have no characteristic speed. The more

understeer a vehicle has, the lower its characteristic speed.

The sample vehicle has a characteristic speed of 525 km/hr. Since the characteristic

speed is very high, the vehicle has a small amount of understeer.

4.5.21 Characteristic Equation

The measures of system response derived in Section 4.5.7 through Section 4.5.20

are all measures of steady-state system response. The lateral transient response of the two

degree-of-freedom road vehicle is now examined.

From the Laplace-domain equations of motion of Eq. (4.27), the characteristic

equation for the system is

(N Y)s+ NrYf+Nf(mV-Yr)
+ 0 (4.76)
-*- - -

V7* mVJ L,rnV

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

From this characteristic equation, the undamped natural frequency, damping ratio,

and poles of the system can be found.

4.5.22 Undamped Natural Frequency

From the characteristic equation of Eq. (4.76) the natural frequency of the system is

* = "

AV r v

Substituting the stability derivative definitions yields

\L2CfCr aCf-bC
>,.=, I^f +

With the expression in this form the effects of various parameters on undamped

natural frequency, and consequently, system response time can be seen. From the first term

the natural frequency decreases with the yaw moment of inertia, the mass, and the square

of the forward velocity of the vehicle. In addition, it increases with the product of tire

cornering stiffnesses and with the square of the wheelbase. The numerator of the second

term is the directional stability iVp. This term is positive if the vehicle is understeer, negative

if it is oversteer, and zero if it is neutral steer. Thus from this model, all else being equal,
an understeer vehicle has a higher natural frequency and lower response time than an
oversteer vehicle.

The sample vehicle has an undamped natural frequency of 1.01 Hz at a forward

speed of 100 km/hr. The natural frequency decreases as vehicle velocity increases as

shown in Figure 4.5.

4.5.23 Damping Ratio

The damping ratio of the system can also be obtained from the characteristic
equation. In terms of the stability derivatives the damping ratio is

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

50 100 150 200

V (km/hr)

Figure 4.5: Natural Frequency vs. Vehicle Velocity

If the stability derivatives are substituted the damping ratio becomes

Izz(Cf+Cr) + m(a2Cf+b2Cr)
(aCf bCr ))

2^Iam{l}CfCr + -

Depending on the values of the parameters, the vehicle may be underdamped,

critically damped, or overdamped. Neutral steer vehicles tend to be close to critically

damped, with understeer vehicles tending toward underdamped and oversteer vehicles

As dynamic systems, the


tending toward with other

damping ratio affects
the response time and overshoot of the road vehicle to lateral control and disturbance


At a forward speed of 100 km/hr the sample vehicle has a damping ratio of 0.990,

indicating that the vehicle is very slightly underdamped. Damping ratio decreases as vehicle

velocity increases. This vehicle is overdamped below a speed of

approximately 63.7 km/hr.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.5.24 System Poles

The poles of the system can be found by solving the characteristic equation of

Eq. (4.76) for s. Doing this yields the poles

mVNr +/ay J(mVNr +

Ijrf -Alumv\NTY^


The location of the poles in the s-plane provides an indication of system response.

During the design stage the vehicle parameters may be manipulated to place the poles such

that the desired system response is obtained. The pole locations also provide an indication

of system stability. If there are any poles in the right half of the 5-plane (i.e., they have

positive real components), the system is unstable.

At a forward speed of 100 km/hr the sample vehicle has poles of -6.301 0.918/.

Since the poles are complex conjugates, the vehicle is underdamped. Furthermore, since

the real part of the poles is negative, the system is stable. As speed decreases the poles

move together until they meet on the real axis at -9.897 at a vehicle speed of 63.7 km/hr. At

this speed the vehicle is critically damped. As speed increases from 100 km/hr the poles

move farther apart and approach the imaginary axis. However, even at a forward speed of
300 km/hr the poles remain in the left half of the 5-plane, indicating that the vehicle remains
stable for reasonable speeds.

4.5.25 System Zeros

Further insight into the nature of system response can be obtained by examining the
system zeros. The system zeros can be found for each input and state variable combination

by setting the numerator of the corresponding transfer function equal to zero and solving
for s. The transfer functions are given in Eq. (4.28) through Eq. (4.33).

The zero for sideslip angle response to steer angle input is

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model



The zero for sideslip angle response to aerodynamic side force input is



The zero for sideslip angle response to road side slope angle input is

p/e (4.84)

The zero for yaw velocity response to steer angle input is


The zero for yaw velocity response to aerodynamic side force is

+ yp(c-a)
zr IF (4.86)
mV(c -


There is no zero for yaw velocity response to road side slope since s does not

appear in numerator of this transfer function. This is due to the fact that the gravitational

side force acts at the mass center and therefore results in no external yaw moment on the


The system zeros for the sample vehicle with a forward speed of 100 km/hr are

given in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4: System Zeros


Response Steer Angle Aerodynamic Road

Side Force Side Slope
Vehicle sideslip angle 21.53 -9.86 -7.06

Yaw velocity -5.59 -5.04

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

The effect that zeros have on response depends upon their location relative to the

that is in the right half of


The closer a zero is to a pole, the larger the effect. A zero

the 5-plane (i.e., is positive in sign) is called a nonminimum-phase zero. The nonminimum-

phase zero can cause the response to

initially start in the opposite direction. This response

can be seen in the lateral velocity and sideslip angle response to steer angle input which is

simulated in Section 4.5.27. Plots of the poles and zeros for each input and output

combination are provided in Figure 4.6 for the sample vehicle with a forward speed of 100


The values of all of the zeros increase with vehicle speed. The sideslip angle / steer

angle zero is negative at low speeds and positive at high speed. This zero changes sign

when the vehicle speed reaches its tangent speed. All other zeros remain negative for

reasonable values of vehicle speed.


m /\ a*


-10 5 10 15 20 25
?Pole Sideslip Angle / Steer Angle Zero
ASideslip Angle /Aero Side Force Zero xSideslip Angle / Road Side Slope Zero
XYaw Velocity /Steer Angle Zero Yaw Velocity /Aero Side Force Zero

Figure 4.6: Poles and Zeros

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.5.26 Frequency Response

It is also
interesting to examine the frequency response of the vehicle. A driving
event where
frequency response may be of particular interest is a slalom test where the
vehicle is driven through regularly spaced cones by means of a sinusoidal steering input.
The frequency of the input required to negotiate the slalom depends upon the vehicle speed
and the cone spacing. The performance of the vehicle in the slalom may be influenced by
the magnitude of the input
frequency relative to the natural frequency of the vehicle.
Sinusoidal steering inputs may also be used in emergency maneuvers such as a double lane

Examining the frequency response of the vehicle may provide an indication of its
performance in such a maneuver. Since it is generally desirable to minimize the response of

a vehicle to disturbances such as side winds and road side slope, frequency response
techniques can be used to examine the response of the vehicle to periodic disturbance


Phase lags in response to steering input require the driver to adjust his input to

obtain the desired response, making the vehicle more difficult to drive. Smaller phase lags


tend to vehicle The frequency response of the sample vehicle with

a forward velocity of 100 km/hr is examined using the bode plotting capability of the

MATLAB Controls Toolbox. The gain and phase responses of vehicle angle and

yaw velocity to steer angle, aerodynamic side force, and road side slope are plotted in

Figure 4.7 through Figure 4. 12. The MATLAB script DOF2LFreq.m, which is listed in

Appendix C.5, is used to facilitate plotting of the frequency response. The script generates

gain and phase versus input frequency for the two degree-of-freedom model.
DOF2LFreq.m calls the scripts DOF2Control.m, which sets program execution

DOF2Param.m, which sets vehicle and input magnitude parameters; and

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

DOF2DependParam.m, which calculates vehicle parameters which depend on other

parameters. These scripts are listed in Appendix C.l through Appendix C.3.

The frequency response of a road vehicle changes as forward velocity changes. For
most of the responses the magnitude of the gain changes while the general shape of the

curves remain
approximately constant. There is little change in the phase plot for most of

the responses. The sideslip angle / steer angle response is the only response which

experiences significant change in the shape of the gain and phase plots as forward velocity

changes. The sideslip angle / steer angle frequency response is influenced strongly by the
magnitude of the forward speed relative to the tangent speed of the vehicle. This is a result

of the sideslip angle / steer angle zero changing sign at the tangent speed. The sideslip angle

/ steer angle frequency response is plotted in Figure 4. 13 and Figure 4. 14 for forward

speeds of 30 km/hr and 49.84 km/hr respectively.

At 30 km/hr the gain is flat up to approximately 1 Hz at 0.33 deg/deg and the phase
goes from at 0. 1 Hz to at 100 Hz. The phase response is typical of a second order

system with a negative zero. At 49.84 km/hr, the tangent speed, the gain approaches zero

as the frequency approaches zero as expected from the definition of tangent speed.

However, there is a significant peak in the gain at approximately 2 Hz, which is the

undamped natural frequency at 49.84 km/hr. The phase goes from at 0. 1 Hz to at

100 Hz, crossing zero at the undamped natural frequency. The frequency response at 100

km/hr is shown in Figure 4.7. The phase goes from at 0.1 Hz to at 100 Hz.

There is a phase lead at low frequency because above the tangent speed a positive
steady-state steer angle produces a negative sideslip angle as shown in Section 4.5.18.

Also of interest is the yaw velocity / road side slope phase response. The phase

goes from at 0.1 Hz to at 100 Hz. The phase response of this transfer function

differs from the others due to the lack of a zero.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

At low frequencies the gains for each input and output combination approach the

values of the steady-state

step input response gains shown in Table 4.3 for a forward

velocity V = 100 km/hr.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


1.2 v i
T ,
-i^^^ t 1 i t
- - _ _ _
- -
- -i--i-
- _ _ ~
- - ~i~ "
- \-
i ~i
- i~ i-


O 0.4

0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)


- ----!---
+ _
_-|_ |- --
i * i t
i t l + l t i I
l l
+^^J l --


' ' ' '
: ! : i i : : : j IT

0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.7: Sideslip Angle / Steer Angle Frequency Response, V= 100 km/hr


"& 2.0E-04

"I 1.0E-04

0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)

CD -45


0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.8: Sideslip Angle /Aero Side Force Frequency Response, V = 100 km/hr

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model



0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)


CD -45


0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.9: Sideslip Angle /Road Side Slope Frequency Response, V = 100 km/hr



co 0.10

CO 0.05

0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)

CD __ _ _ _ _,_ _ _
-, -r -i -i "I -i -^c
- - -
p r i -i i i-i-|------|---|---i-T-i-r-TT


0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.10: Yaw Velocity / Steer Angle Frequency Response, V = 100 km/hr

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


| 6.0E-06
- - ---,---
-,- -
i t i ----n---i~~T-T-i-rTTr~___in i i t

2. 4.0E-06

O 2.0E-06

0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)


O) 135
CD 90


0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.11: Yaw Velocity /Aero Side Force Frequency Response, V-100 km/hr




1.0E-04 r

O 5.0E-05

0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)


CD -90



0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.12: Yaw Velocity /Road Side Slope Frequency Response, V = 100 km/hr

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

- - - - - - - - - - - \~ - - _ _ -i_ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - i~
1 r -\ -\ r t tt ~^^t ~i-n-i-rTTr 1 r -i -i r t t
2, 0.2 ._____,__
_r __! i | -r ~r i -----|---r
- i^W"
~ ~ ~ - -,-- -
- |-
r t t

O 0.1

0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)


CD -

-45 i t--i--|-|-t-]-it-----|----|--i ^ci r n -i -i -}



0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.13: Sideslip Angle /Steer Angle Frequency Response, V = 30 km/hr

,, .


-- ----I---
+ __l__l_l_
+ _l_l + _ _ _ ,_ _ _ I-
-f^l^- -
1 -
+ -I -I -I -I _ - _


"co 0.1

0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)


CD 0



0.1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.14: Sideslip Angle / Steer Angle Frequency Response, V = 49.84 km/hr

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.5.27 Simulation

Another tool that is very useful in analyzing vehicle lateral dynamics is numerical

simulation. Simulation is done by integrating the differential equations of motion with

respect to time and can be used to predict the response of the vehicle to arbitrary control and

disturbance inputs. Non-linearities are generally much easier to handle with numerical

simulation than with the analytical techniques used up to this point in this chapter.

To maintain consistency with the non-linear model simulation which follows in

Section 4.6, the lateral velocity v is used as a state variable for the linear model simulation

instead of the sideslip angle (3. Since the equations of motion were originally derived in

terms of yaw velocity and lateral velocity and then simplified to be in terms of yaw velocity

and sideslip angle, the model has been returned to its original, more general, form.

The equations of motion in their general, non-linear form are given by Eq. (4.9).

With the small steer angle assumption used for the linear model the equations become

Fyf+Fyr+Fya+Fyg=m(v + ur)

bFyr ~

(c ~


Expressions for the tire slip angles, tire lateral forces, and gravitational side force

are derived in Section 4.5.3 and Section 4.5.4 using the small angle assumption and are

repeated here for convenience.

v + ar
, (4.19)


Fy=mgQ (4.23)

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Outputs from the simulation are time histories of lateral velocity, yaw velocity,

vehicle sideslip angle, tire slip angles, and lateral acceleration. Inputs can be a step steer,

ramp step steer, ramp square steer, sine steer, step aerodynamic side force, or step road

side slope.

The simulation is implemented in the MATLAB script DOF2LSim.m, which is

listed in Appendix C.6. Integration of the differential equations of motion is done using the

built-in MATLAB function ode23, which uses second and third order Runge-Kutta

The function ode23 returns the state variables v and r over the time interval

specified for the simulation.

At each time step the ode23 function calls the function DOF2LDE.m which

calculates the state derivatives v and r based upon the instantaneous values of the state

variables v and r. First, the instantaneous steer angle is calculated by the function
SteerAngle.m, which is listed in Appendix C.4, based upon the current time, the type of

input selected, the magnitude of the input, and the values of the input duration parameters.

Any arbitrary steer input, including steer inputs measured experimentally during vehicle

testing, could easily be implemented in this function. Use of measured steer input data

facilitates experimental validation of the model.

After the steer angle is calculated, the tire slip angles are calculated from the current

values of the state variables v and r which are passed as parameters into DOF2LDE.m. The

tire lateral forces are then calculated from the slip angles using Eq. (4.21). Finally, the state

derivatives are calculated as

v =
Fyf+Fyr+Fya+Fyg -


r =

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Eq. (4.88) are obtained by solving Eq. (4.87) for v and r. A listing of DOF2LDE.m is
provided in Appendix C.7.

To illustrate the effect of forward velocity on response, simulations are performed

at low speed (30 km/hr), at the tangent speed (49.84 km/hr), at normal highway speed (100

km/hr), and at high speed (150 km/hr). The simulations are run until steady-state is

reached. Initial conditions for the simulations are zero. Lateral velocity, yaw velocity,

sideslip angle, front tire slip angle, rear tire slip angle, and lateral acceleration are plotted

for each input studied.

1 1
The inputs used for the simulation are a step steer, a ramp step steer with a

ramp time of 0.2 sec, a ramp square steer with a ramp time of 0.2 sec and a dwell time

of 1.0 sec, a sine steer with a period of 1 sec, a 10000 N step aerodynamic side force,
and a step road side slope. The ramp step steer, ramp square steer, and sine steer inputs

are shown in Figure 4.15. The steer input is a positive steer angle, indicating a right rum.

Ramp Step Steer Input Ramp Square Steer Input

1.0 S 1.0





55 0.0
El 1 2
(s) Time (s)
Sine Steer Input

O) 1.0
c 0.0
OT -1-0

0 1 2 3
Time (s)
Figure 4.15: Simulation Steer Angle Inputs

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

The aerodynamic side force input is applied in the positive y-direction, and the road side

slope is positive, which means that the road slopes down to the right.

Simulation results for the step steer input are plotted in Figure 4. 16 through

Figure 4.21. The response times increase with forward speed. The steady-state lateral

velocity and sideslip angle are positive below the tangent speed, zero at the tangent speed,

and negative above the tangent speed. This agrees with the definition of the tangent speed

presented in Section 4.5.18. Above the tangent speed the lateral velocity and sideslip angle

also initially begin to increase from zero becoming positive and then decrease to negative
values. This is a result of the system zero being positive when the forward speed is greater
than the tangent speed. As explained in Section 4.5.25 a system with a positive zero is a

nonminimum-phase system and typically exhibits the type of response shown here,

initially in the opposite direction to the steady-state value. The front tire slip angles show
response similar to the sideslip angle, but with initial values of due to the steer.

The lateral acceleration has a non-zero initial value due to the rate of change of lateral

velocity when the step steer occurs. The steady-state values of yaw velocity,
sideslip angle,

front tire slip angle, rear tire slip angle, and lateral acceleration agree with the steady-state

response gains presented in Table 4.3. In addition, the steady-state sideslip angles and yaw

velocities agree with the values approached at low frequency in the frequency response
plots of Figure 4.7, Figure 4.10, Figure 4.13, and Figure 4.14.

Ramp step steer simulation results are plotted in Figure 4.22 through Figure 4.27.

The ramp step steer response is similar to the step steer response and lags it slightly as

expected. The steady-state values are identical to those of the step response. The lateral

velocity and sideslip angle still exhibit the non-minimum phase system response above the

tangent speed, but the magnitude of the initial response is less than it is for the step steer.

Unlike the step input, the front tire slip angle and lateral
with acceleration are initially zero

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

for the ramp step input. At 30 km/hr and 49.84 km/hr there are peaks in the front tire slip

angle response at 0.2 sec which is when the ramping of the steer input is completed.

The responses to the ramp square steer input are plotted in Figure 4.28 through

Figure 4.33. The ramp square steer response is identical to the ramp step response up until

the time that the steer input is ramped back down to zero. At the lower speeds the responses

reach steady-state before the ramp down. However, at 150 km/hr the ramp down occurs

before steady-state has been reached. As with the ramp step response the front tire slip

angles experience overshoot at 30 km/hr and 49.84 km/hr as the ramp up is completed.

The sine steer results are shown in Figure 4.34 through Figure 4.39. The sine steer

input had a frequency of 1 Hz. From visual inspection of the plots it is seen that the steady-

state yaw velocity and sideslip angle gains and phases agree with those obtained for 1 Hz

from the frequency response in Figure 4.7, Figure 4.10, Figure 4.13, and Figure 4.14.

The response amplitude increases with forward velocity in all cases except the lateral

velocity and sideslip angle. As expected from the definition of tangent speed, at 49.84

km/hr the lateral velocity and sideslip angle amplitudes are less than those at 30 km/hr.

Results from the aerodynamic side force step input simulation are provided in

Figure 4.40 through Figure 4.45. The magnitude of the responses increases with forward

velocity. Since the center of aerodynamic pressure is located behind the neutral steer point,

a positive aerodynamic side force produces a negative yaw velocity. The steady-state yaw

velocity, sideslip angle, front tire slip angle, rear tire slip angle, and lateral acceleration

responses at 100 km/hr agree with the steady-state gains in Table 4.3. In addition, the

steady-state yaw velocity and sideslip angle at 100 km/hr agree with the frequency response
gains of Figure 4.8 and Figure 4. 1 1 as the input frequency approaches zero. The sideslip

angles, front tire slip angles, rear tire slip angles, and lateral acceleration curves have higher

slopes at lower speeds indicating that the response is faster at lower speeds.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

Road side slope step input results are plotted in Figure 4.46 through Figure 4.51.

The lateral velocity, yaw velocity, and lateral acceleration responses increase with forward

tire slip decrease.

velocity, while the
sideslip angle, front tire slip angle, and rear angle

Again, the steady-state yaw velocity, sideslip angle, front tire slip angle, rear tire slip angle,

and lateral acceleration at 100 km/hr obtained with the simulation agree with the steady-state

gains of Table 4.3, and the steady-state yaw velocity and sideslip angle agree with

frequency response gains of Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.12 as the input frequency approaches

The linear two degree-of-freedom model is useful for characterizing and predicting

the response of the automobile to control and disturbance inputs. Although this model

greatly simplifies the vehicle system, much can be learned about road vehicle lateral

dynamics through its study. The effects of changing vehicle and tire parameters on system

response can quickly be studied. Powerful linear analysis techniques based on system

transfer functions can be readily applied to the vehicle model to gain significant insight into

system behavior. The results from the linear model are generally valid for lateral

accelerations up to 0.35 g, which constitutes most of normal passenger car driving.

Beyond this level a non-linear tire model is required to accurately simulate tire behavior at

high slip angles.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 30 km/hr
V = 49.84 km/hr


I V= 100 km/hr



V= 150 km/hr


0.5 1 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.16: Linear Step Steer Lateral Velocity Response


V 150 km/hr
> =



8 -15
/^ V =
100 km/hr

> '//^ V = 49.84 km/hr


0.05 V = 30 km/hr

0.5 1 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.17: Linear Step Steer Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

0.5 ,

V = 30 km/hr
V = 49.84 km/hr


C7> -1.0

CD -1.5
C V = 100 km/hr
Q. -2.0



V =
150 km/hr

0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.18: Linear Step Steer Sideslip Angle Response


V = 30 km/hr

V = 49.84 km/hr


2. -1.S

Q. V= 100 km/hr


r -3.0


V= 150 km/hr


0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.19: Linear Step Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 30 km/hr

V = 49.84 km/hr



2, -l.b

Q. V = 100 km/hr



V = 150 km/hr


0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.20: Linear Step Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response


V = 150 km/hr



ffl 0.
< 0. V= 100 km/hr
0.4 -

0.2 V = 49.84
km/hr" "

V = 30 km/hr
0.5 1 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.21: Linear Step Steer Lateral Acceleration Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 30 km/hr
V = 49.84 km/hr

"-5 \ ""V

E, V= 100 km/hr
& -1.0

i "1-5




V = 150 km/hr



0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.22: Linear Ramp Step Steer Lateral Velocity Response


V= 150 km/hr


V= 100 km/hr



V =
49.84 km/hr

0.05 V = 30 km/hr

/ !
0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.23: Linear Ramp Step Steer Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model





0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.24: Linear Ramp Step Steer Sideslip Angle Response


V = 30 km/hr

V = 49.84 km/hr


2, -1.S

X ^
C ^^^^
a. V= 100 km/hr


C -3.0



V = 150 km/hr
1 1

0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.25: Linear Ramp Step Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 30 km/hr

V = 49.84 km/hr


2, -l.b

a. V = 100 km/hr
CO -2.5




V= 150 km/hr


0.5 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.26: Linear Ramp Step Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response


V= 150 km/hr
1.2 -


]3 0. 8 -

< 0. V= 100 km/hr


0.2 V = 49.84 km/hr


V =
30 km/hr

1 1 1
0.5 1 1.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.27: Linear Ramp Step Steer Lateral Acceleration Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 30 km/hr
"^V V = 49.84 km/hr

\ ^Ss*^^ ]/
i \ V= 100 km/hr
o \

J : \V = 150 km/hr



0.5 1.5 2.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.28: Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Velocity Response

0.30 .

>^V = 150 km/hr \


7 \ \
l/? V = 100 km/hr A \


0.10 1
\/ V = 49.84 km/hr \

"^Nk \ \
0.05 /]:*"'

>^ .>


0.5 1.5 2.5

Time (s)

Figure 4.29: Linear Ramp Square Steer Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

' '

^Z-~~^__ V = 30 km/hr
"^l ' V = 49.84 km/hr


W. !
TO -1.0
\ ^v^V =
100 km/hr J
CD -1.5
Q. -2.0


rn -2.5


\. V = 150 km/hr


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s)
Figure 4.30: Linear Ramp Square Steer Sideslip Angle Response


0.0 c v oU Km/nr
' '
V ; V = 49.84 km/hr


"to -1-5

\ ^SV = 100 km/hr /
9. -2.0

S -2.5

P -3.0

; \ V = 150 km/hr /

: \, I


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (s)

Figure 4.31: Linear Ramp Square Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


Ys^: ^S


V V = 49.84 km/hr j /

TO -1.5
< \ :^vV= 100 km/hr / \
a. -2.0

2 -2.5


-3.5 \ v- ibUKm/nr


l .... i i

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.32: Linear Ramp Square Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response


/ V = 150 km/hr V
~ 0.8

/ \ \
j 0.6

o Sv = 100 km/hr \ i \
< 0.4
J/ V = 49.84 km/nr ; x


i i 1

0.5 1.5 2.5

Time (s)

Figure 4.33: Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Acceleration Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model



V = 30 km/hn
r~\ \
0.0 >^-

\\ )V = 49.84 km/hr V

2 -0.5
\ ;V= 100 km/hr \


>^V = 150 km/hr


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.34: Linear 1 Hz Sine Steer Lateral Velocity Response


0.20 v^\/ = 150 km/hr \ \

0.15 -
1/^sN = 100 km/hr: /nA fss\
W 0.10 '

//SV ==
49.84 km/hr n \\
Is-^ T n
T^x \\

30 km/hr -
r\\\ u
0.05 ^dr^^sAW i^r\\\\





i i 1 i i

0.5 1.5 2.5

Time (s)

Figure 4.35: Linear 1 Hz Sine Steer Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


i f\. y \
1 \ '

V = 30 km/hr
fl VV /
\\ : V = 49.84 km/hr \ |

W/ \ V= 100 km/hr
: W \ /


V= 150 km/hr
i i i i

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.36: Linear I Hz Sine Steer Sideslip Angle Response


0.5 V = 49.84 km/hr^y/ \V !


v = 30
km/h|>7/v\ \\ yy/h\

-Vs ^ " "

'/ / ~^\\ '/ /

< -1.0

Yv = 100 km/hr :


V = 150 km/hr

j 1 1 i

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.37: Linear 1 Hz Sine Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model



0.5 -


V = 30 km/hr^^-f \ \\
\ V == 49.84 km/nr \\

F -1.0
// !

DC \ V = 100 km/hr \

\ M

V= 150 km/hr


0.5 1.5 2.5

Time (s)

Figure 4.38: Linear 1 Hz Sine Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response

J \v = 150 km/hr


// \V= 100 km/hr L

0.2 '


1 o.i "^^\v = 49,84 km/hr


'/its.' ~/Tr<~


3 o.o
V = 30 km/hr^^VVy; //
"0.1 h
\ 1 / /


VI y

.1 1 1

0.5 1.5 2.5

Time (s)

Figure 4.39: Linear 1 Hz Sine Steer Lateral Acceleration Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 150 km/hr


-52 2.0



1 5
V = 100 km/hr
> i

2 i

* 1.0

V = 49.84 km/hr

V = 30 km/hr
1 1 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.40: Linear Step Aero Side Force Lateral Velocity Response



JO -0.04


'o -0.06


> -0.08



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 _

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Figure 4.41: Linear Step Aero Side Force Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

V = 150 km/hr


3.0 V = 100 km/hr

Jr V =
49.84, km/hr
2.0 V = 30 km/hr

Jo i
1.5 -


1.0 i


0.0 t i 1 i

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Time (s)

Figure 4.42: Linear Step Aero Side Force Sideslip Angle Response

V= 150 km/hr

V = 100 km/hr


V =
49.84 km/hr

1? 2.0
< V =
30 km/hr

f 1.5

p 1.0 -


V i i 1 1 J I i
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.43: Linear Step Aero Side Force Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.0 i

= 150 km/hr
i i

!V = 100 km/hr
^ 3.0

!V = 49.84 km/hr
< iV = 30 km/hr
J2- 2.0
-- - -/-/-

F 1.5

1.0 -


i i i \ 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.44: Linear Step Aero Side Force Rear Tire Slip Angle Response




V = 30 krrl/hr
< V = 49.84 km/hr
V= 100 km/hr


V= 150 km/hr

1 1 1 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Time (s)

Figure 4.45: Linear Step Aero Side Force Lateral Acceleration Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 150 km/hr
0.04 -


V= 100 km/hr

2 0.02

V = 49.84 km/hr

0.01 l~r
V = 30 km/hr

i i i 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.46: Linear Step Road Side Slope Lateral Velocity Response


V= 150 km/hr

2.5E-04 -

V= 100 km/hr


S 1.5E-04 -

V = 49.84\ km/hr

1 .0E-04

V = 30 km/hr


i i_. i i
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.47: Linear Step Road Side Slope Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V =
30 km/hr ; ; ;
j/0^ t . ii . i I
V = 100
V = 150 km/hr
/ Ai = 49.84

0.05 -


0.04 -




0.00 L i i i i

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Time (s)

Figure 4.48: Linear Step Road Side Slope Sideslip Angle Response


V= 150 km/hr

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.49: Linear Step Road Side Slope Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


0.06 -

V =
100 km/hr V = 150 km/hr

TO 0.05

C 0.04

(1> 0.03
CD 0.02


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.50: Linear Step Road Side Slope Rear Tire Slip Angle Response




S 0.012

2 0.010

| 0.008


W = 30 km/hr
" ~ "

\ v :
\\v == 49.84 km/hr


vVcV = 100lcm/hr !
0.002 h ~V ^W '"^*H^^ V = 150 km/hr
V^ '
^^^. -i

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Figure 4.51: Linear Step Road Side Slope Lateral Acceleration Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

4.6 Non-Linear Model

As previously noted the linear vehicle model is valid for lateral accelerations up to

approximately 0.35 g. This is primarily a result of tire lateral force being linear with respect

to slip angle at small slip angles, and hence small lateral accelerations. Beyond 0.35 g when

higher slip angles are being attained a non-linear tire model is usually necessary to

accurately predict tire lateral forces.

As discussed in Chapter 3 many models of tire behavior exist. The tire model

chosen for this work is called tire data nondimensionalization and was originated by Hugo
Radt. This tire model is discussed in detail in Section 3.4.

In this section the equations describing the non-linear two degree-of-freedom

vehicle model are presented. Simulation of the model is performed for selected steering

inputs and the results are compared with the simulation of the linear model.

4.6.1 Model Equations

The equations of motion for the non-linear two degree-of-freedom vehicle are

derived in Section 4.3 and are repeated here.

F^ cos 8 + F + F + F =
m(v + ur)
aF^ cos 5 bFyr (c I^r
- - -

Expressions for the tire slip angles are derived in Section 4.4.

, atan-
8 | -

a, =atan
u j

The tire lateral force is given by the following expressions as described in

Section 3.4 and repeated here for convenience. From these equations the tire lateral force F

can be calculated based upon the tire vertical load Fz and the tire slip angle a.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

CC=B3 +
C3FZ (3.3)

Hy=B5 +
C5Fz (3.5)

(3 6)

_ /
x_ FatanfB.a)
^-^- , ^x

y/ =

0 =
C, atan(fl^) (3.9)

Fy=DlSin(tJ) (3.8)

Fy=FuFz (3.11)

4.6.2 Simulation

Simulation of the non-linear two degree-of-freedom vehicle model is implemented

in the MATLAB script DOF2NLSim.m. This script is listed in Appendix C.8 and is very

similar to DOF2LSim.m which performs simulation of the linear model. As with the linear

simulation, the scripts DOF2Control.m, DOF2Param.m, and DOF2DependParam.m are

called at the beginning of DOF2NLSim.m to set simulation, vehicle, and tire parameters.

The built-in MATLAB function ode23 is used again to integrate the differential equations of

motion which are contained in the function DOF2NLDE.m. This function calculates the

state derivatives v and r based upon the instantaneous values of the state variables v and r

and the current steer angle. DOFTNLDE.m is listed in Appendix C.9. The state derivatives

are calculated as

laF^ cos(5) 2bFyr
- - -


Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

These expressions are obtained by solving Eq. (4.9) for v and r .

The most significant difference between the non-linear and linear model simulations

is in the calculation of tire lateral forces. The tire lateral forces are calculated by the
MATLAB function NLTire.m which is listed in Appendix A.3. This script takes the tire

vertical load and slip angle as arguments and returns the tire lateral force. Note that with the

non-linear tire model the lateral forces

F^ and F,r are for only one tire, while for
simplification in the linear model they are for two tires. Thus here they are multiplied by the
factor of two in Eq. (4.89) to get the lateral forces for two tires. NLTire.m is called at each

time step by DOF2NLDE.m, which also calls the function SteerAngle.m to calculate the
instantaneous steer angle.

For comparison with the linear model, simulation of the non-linear model is

performed for the step steer input and the ramp square steer input. As with the linear

model, simulations are performed for forward velocities of 30 km/hr, 48.94 km/hr, 100

km/hr, and 150 km/hr. The step steer and ramp square steer inputs are identical to those

used for the linear model, having a magnitude of 1. Tire parameters for the non-linear tire

model are given in Table 3.1. These parameters are a result of the curve fitting of empirical
tire data done in Section 3.4. The values of the linear tire cornering stiffnesses used in

throughout Section 4.5 are derived from these parameters, so the linear tire model and non

linear tire model agree at small slip angles. Vehicle parameters are identical to those used in

the linear simulation. Results from the simulations are provided in Figure 4.52 through

Figure 4.63. Included on these plots as dashed lines are the linear simulation results for


Lateral velocity, yaw velocity, sideslip angle, front tire slip angle, rear tire slip

angle, and lateral acceleration results for both the non-linear and linear simulations are

presented in Figure 4.52 through Figure 4.57 for the step steer input. The linear and non-

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

linear lateral acceleration results agree within 1% over the complete duration of the

simulation for forward velocities of 30 km/hr and 49.84 km/hr. These speeds correspond

to steady-state lateral accelerations of 0.05 g and 0.14 g respectively. At 100 km/hr, which

produces a 0.55 g steady-state lateral acceleration, the linear model lateral acceleration

results exceed those of the non-linear by 4.3% during the transient and 1.0% once steady-

state is reached. At this speed the tire slip angles reach slightly more than 2. At these slip

angles the tire lateral force versus slip angle curve is still very nearly a straight line. Thus

for this tire and vehicle the linear tire model is reasonably accurate and useful for lateral

accelerations in excess of 0.5 g. However, at 150 km/hr the linear model lateral

accelerations exceed those of the non-linear model by over 27%. At this speed the non

linear model predicts a steady-state lateral acceleration of 0.95 g while the linear model

predicts 1.20 g. The tire slip angles have exceeded where the lateral force versus slip

angle curve is approaching its peak. The linear tire approximation is not sufficiently

accurate at slip angles of this magnitude.

At high speeds the linear model predicts that the magnitudes of lateral velocities,

sideslip angles, and tire slip angles are below those that the non-linear model predicts and

that the yaw velocities and lateral accelerations are above those of the non-linear model. The

linear model also predicts faster response than the non-linear model. At 150 km/hr the non

linear model predicts overshoot in all of the quantities examined, while the linear model

predicts no overshoot.

Non-linear and linear simulation results for the ramp square steer input are plotted

in Figure 4.58 through Figure 4.63. The differences between the non-linear and linear

models for this input are similar to those of the step steer input. The two models agree very

well for forward velocities of 30 km/hr and 49.84 km/hr. As with the step steer input, at

the higher speeds the linear model predicts peak lateral velocity, sideslip angle, and tire slip

angle magnitudes below those of the non-linear model and predicts peak yaw velocities and

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

lateral accelerations above those of the non-linear model. Differences in peak lateral

acceleration reach 25%. Again, the linear model predicts faster response than the non-linear

model. In particular, at 150 km/hr the response of the non-linear model lags the linear

model by approximately 0.5 seconds after the steer input is ramped back down to zero.

Here differences between the linear and non-linear lateral accelerations reach nearly 100%.

Comparison of the linear and non-linear model simulations shows that at low slip

angles and lateral accelerations the linear vehicle and tire models can produce results

comparable to the non-linear model. Even for the 100 km/hr case where slip angles exceed

and the lateral acceleration reaches 0.55 g the linear model produces results that are

acceptable for most engineering purposes. When tire slip angles and lateral accelerations

become high it is necessary to have a non-linear tire model to obtain accurate results.

However, since most driving is done at low slip angles and lateral accelerations, the linear

model and the linear analysis techniques presented in Section 4.5.6 through Section 4.5.26

can be used both to study vehicle behavior and to design vehicles to have desirable

performance characteristics over a wide variety of operating conditions.

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

V = 30 km/hr
V = 49.84 km/hr



[ V = 100 km/hr

E Linear

2 -2.5
\ *s

V= 150 km/hr

-3.5 .



12 3 4
Time (s)
Figure 4.52: Non-Linear Step Steer Lateral Velocity Response


/ \ Linear

\/ 1 <^n km/hr
If ! Non-Linear

V= 100 km/hr
co ;

o 0.15

V =
49.84 km/hr
> -10 h


i i i

Time (s)
Figure 4.53: Non-Linear Step Steer Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

V = 30 km/hr
1 *

V = 49.84 km/hr


TO \ ^^^ ^ _
' V = 100 km/hr

, ,

i Linear

V= 150 km/hr
t i


; Non-Linear


0 12 3 4
Time (s)
Figure 4.54: Non-Linear Step Steer Sideslip Angle Response


V = 30 km/hr
0.0 -
1 '

, p

V = 49.84 km/hr
1 '

C V =
100 km/hr
Q. -3.0


r- -4.0
\ *"*
- -

u- V

-5.0 -, = 150 km/hr

^ , Non-Linear

1 1 1

0 12 3 4
Time (s)
Figure 4.55: Non-Linear Step Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


0.0 V = 30 km/hr

! 1

'. V = 49.84 km/hr

-1-0 i i


-2.0 **"'
CD \ '
"~" " ~~ r

V = 100 km/hr
j?- -3.0

p -4.0
V^*-^ . Linear

c x.
-5.0 -

v. , -v = i50km/nr



0 12 3 4
Time (s)
Figure 4.56: Non-Linear Step Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response



/ V= 150 km/hr
/ ,

1.0 -


/ ^
o ; Non-Linear
J-j/- L
. . .


< 0.6 -If ' --i-


2 V= 100 km/hr
3 0.4

0.2 V = 49.84 km/hr

" '

i^ V = 30 km/hr
12 3 4
Time (s)
Figure 4.57: Non-Linear Step Steer Lateral Acceleration Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

;V = 30 km/hr
"^vV = 49.84 km/hr

-0.5 ^^ . 4

/ /
V 100 km/hr
/ :

f :
/ /
o 7 / ;
> -2.0

\n ; Linear ,

co -2.5
\_V,H /


V = 150 km/hr
; \^ /

i i i. 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.58: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Velocity Response






g 0.10





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.59: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Yaw Velocity Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model

V = 30 km/hr

0.0 <S
^VvV 49.84 km/hr

^'"*^ '-




L - - -

< V /
\\ Linear / /

Nv /
v= 150 km/hr

-5.0 '

1 Non-Linear


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Time (s)
Figure 4.60: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Sideslip Angle Response


\/ = 3D jh<V-. :_^_
'/ ^r^~\ ^
V V = 49.84 km/hr .^

to -i.o

\Xv = 100 km/hr /^ / /

c -2.0


:\ j / / :
: \ / /
Y_ Linear 1 ; / ;
2 -4.0
\ /
s^/ :
/ : ;

Nw r^\j= 150 km/hr


i i i i i 1l

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Time (s)
Figure 4.61: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Front Tire Slip Angle Response

Chapter 4 Two Degree-of-Freedom Vehicle Model


V = 30 km/hr ; ;
- -

\ V 49.84 km/hr /--

TO -
1.0 -

\\v = 100 km/hr /

/ /
? -2.0
\^<^\ */
X ^ : / : 7
CO .,
\\ _, /
/ :/


\\ \N'
Linear /

V = 150 km/hr

; Non-Lin ear
1 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Time (s)
Figure 4.62: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Rear Tire Slip Angle Response


1.0 h

S 0.6

< 0.4 -




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Time (s)
Figure 4.63: Non-Linear Ramp Square Steer Lateral Acceleration Response

5 Conclusion

In the early part of this century as the top speeds of automobiles increased vehicle

dynamics became an important consideration for engineers. Manufacturers had to meet

higher and higher standards of performance, particularly in the areas of safety and comfort.

Mathematical modeling of vehicle dynamics has become an excellent way for engineers to

study vehicle behavior and to reduce the time and cost to develop vehicles which meet
performance goals. There is a great deal of literature on the topic of vehicle dynamics.

Lateral vehicle dynamics in particular has been a topic of great interest due to its

relationship with safety. Two areas of focus in the literature concerning the modeling of

lateral dynamics have been the two degree-of-freedom vehicle model and models of tire

behavior. Since tires play an extremely important role in the lateral dynamics of road

vehicles, sufficiently accurate representation of tire mechanics is essential for vehicle


In Chapter 3 an overview of tire lateral force mechanics was given. Two

representations of tire lateral forces were used. In the linear tire model the lateral force was

considered to be a linear function of the tire slip angle. The non-linear tire model utilized a

method called tire data nondimensionalization to predict lateral force. In this method

experimentally measured tire lateral force versus slip angle curves for several vertical loads

are normalized and curve fit. Tire lateral force can then be predicted as a non-linear function

of both vertical load and slip angle.

In Chapter 4 the equations of motion for a two degree-of-freedom vehicle model

were derived from basic principles of Newtonian mechanics. The model was then

developed in two forms, linear and non-linear. The linear vehicle model utilized the linear

tire model. Transfer functions were written relating both yaw velocity and sideslip angle to

the inputs of steering, aerodynamic side force, and road side slope angle. Expressions for

Chapter 5 Conclusion

steady-state step input response gains were derived from the transfer functions. Several

other measures of steady-state stability were derived including the understeer gradient and

tangent speed. Expressions for transient response characteristics such as natural frequency,

damping ratio, and poles and zeros were developed. Numerical simulation of the response
of the model to step steer, ramp-step steer, ramp-square steer, sine steer, step aerodynamic

side force, and step road side slope inputs was performed. It was seen that the steady-state

and transient response characteristics of the vehicle were very dependent upon its forward

speed. In particular, when the forward speed was above the tangent speed of the vehicle,

the zero associated with sideslip angle response to steer input became positive. The effect

of this on the vehicle was seen clearly in the frequency response and in the simulation. For

some combinations of speed and input magnitude the linear model predicted lateral

accelerations higher than were actually possible due to the assumption of linear tire

behavior. In all cases tested the steady-state response gains, frequency response, and

simulation results were in agreement.

The non-linear vehicle model used a the non-linear tire model for predicting tire

lateral forces during simulation. This model was seen to predict reasonable responses at

high slip angles and lateral accelerations. Comparison with the linear model showed that for

the vehicle studied the linear model was reasonably accurate for most engineering purposes

lateral accelerations of 0.5g. It was seen that for accurate
up to slip angles of and

modeling of vehicle response at high slip angles and lateral accelerations a non-linear

representation of the tires was necessary.


1 .
Gillespie, Thomas D. Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics. Warrendale, PA: SAE,


2 .
Lanchester, F. William. "Some Reflections Peculiar to the Design of an
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 2, 1908, p. 187-257.

3 .
Olley, Maurice. "Suspension and Detroit, MI: Chevrolet Engineering
Center, 1937.
4. Olley, Maurice. "Notes on Detroit, MI: Chevrolet Engineering Center,

5 .
Olley, Maurice. "Suspensions Notes Detroit, MI: Chevrolet Engineering Center,

6 .
Segal, Leonard. "Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Substantiation of the
Response of the Automobile to Steering Proceedings of the Automobile
Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956-1957.

7 .
Whitcomb, David W. andWilliam F. Milliken. "Design Implications of a General

Theory of Automobile Stability and Proceedings of the Automobile Division

of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956-1957.

8 .
Bastow, D. and G Howard. Car Suspension and Handling. Warrendale, PA: SAE,

9. Cole, D.E. Elementary Vehicle Dynamics. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan,

10. Dixon, John C. Tyres, Suspension and Handling, Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press, 1991.

11. Ellis, John R. Vehicle Dynamics. London: Business Books, 1969.

12. Ellis, John R. Road Vehicle Dynamics, Akron, OH: J.R. Ellis, 1989.

13. Milliken, William F. and Doug L. Milliken. Race Car Vehicle Dynamics. Warrendale,
PA: SAE, 1995.

14. Mola, Simone. Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Detroit, MI: General Motors
Institute, 1969.

15. Reimpell, Jornsen and Helmut Stall. The Automotive Chassis: Engineering Principles.
Warrendale, PA: SAE, 1996.

16. Taborek, Jaroslav J. Mechanics of Vehicles. Cleveland, OH: Penton, 1957.


17. Wong, Jo Yung. Theory of Ground Vehicles . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,

18. Bundorf, R.T. and R.L. Leffert. 'The Cornering Compliance Concept for Description
of Vehicle Directional Control SAE Paper No. 760713, Oct. 1976.

19. Allen, R. Wade, Theodore J. Rosenthal, and Henry T. Szostak. "Steady State and
Transient Analysis of Ground Vehicle SAE Paper No. 870495, 1987.

20. Heydinger, Gary J. "Improved Simulation and Validation of Road Vehicle Handling
Ph.D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1990.

21 .
Xia, Xunmao. "A Nonlinear Analysis of Closed Loop Driver/Vehicle Performance
with Four Wheel Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, Dec. 1990.

22. Trom, J.D., J.L. Lopex, and M.J. Vanderploeg. "Modeling of a Mid-Size Passenger
Car Using a Multibody Dynamics Transactions of the ASME, Journal of
Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, Vol. 109, Dec. 1987.

23. Kortum, W. and W. Schiehlen. "General Purpose Vehicle System Dynamics Software
Based on Multibody Vehicle System Dynamics, No. 14, 1985, p. 229-

24. Clarke, S.K. (Ed.). Mechanics of Pneumatic Tires, DOT HS-805952, US

Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1981.

25. Gim, Gwanghun and Parviz E. Nikravesh. "An Analytical Model of Pneumatic Tyres
for Vehicle Dynamic Simulations. Part 1: Pure International Journal of Vehicle
Design, Vol. 11, No. 6, 1990.

26. Bakker, Egbert, Lars Nyborg, and Hans B. Pacejka. "Tyre Modelling for Use in
Vehicle Dynamics SAE Paper No. 870421, 1987.

27. Radt, Hugo S. and D.A. Glemming. "Normalization of Tire Force and Moment
Tire Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 2, Apr.-June 1993.

28. Allen, R. Wade, Raymond E. Magdaleno, Theodore J. Rosenthal, David H. Klyde,

and Jeffrey R. Hogue. 'Tire Modeling Requirements for Vehicle Dynamics
SAE Paper No. 950312, Feb. 1995.

29. Society of Automotive Engineers. "Vehicle Dynamics SAE J670e,

30. Radt, Hugo S. "An Efficient Method for Treating Race Tire Force-Moment
SAE Paper No. 942536, Dec. 1994.

31 .
Meriam, James L. andL. Glenn Kraige. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1992.


32. Katz, Joseph. Race Car Aerodynamics: Designing for Speed. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Robert Bentley, Inc., 1995.

33. Franklin, Gene F., J. David Powell, and Abbas Emami-Naeini. Feedback Control of
Dynamic Systems. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1994.

34. MATLAB Reference Guide. The MathWorks, Inc., 1994.

Appendix A Tire Model MATLAB Programs

A.l MagicFit.m

%MagicFit Curve Fitting of Tire Data to Magic Formula

% Finds parameters for Magic Formula curve fit of tire lateral force or

% aligning moment vs. slip angle data read from file TireSlip.dat
% Created 4/21/96
% J. Kiefer

% Initialization
clear all


% Load Data from File

load TireSlip.dat
t =
TireSlip(:,l) ;

y =
TireSlip(:,2) ;

% Find Curve Fit Parameters

xO =
[.7407 1.35 1.00 -0.5];
x =
leastsq ( , xO, [] , [], t, y)

% Construct Fit Function

tl =
linspace(0/max(t) ,10) ;
psi = (l-x(4))*tl + x(4)/x(l)*atan(x(l)*tl);

theta =

F =
x(3)*sin(theta) ;

% Plot Data and Fit Function

plot(tl, F, t, y, 'o')
(B=' C='
Tire Data Magic Formula Fit num2str(x(l) ) ', num2str(x(2) ) . .


num2str(x(3)) ', num2str (x(4) ) ')'])
' '
xlabel ( t )

Appendix ATire Model MATLAB Programs

A. 2 MagicError.m

function e =
MagicError(x, t, y)
%MagicError Error in Magic Formula Curve Fit
%e =
MagicError(x, t, y)

Calculates vector of errors of Magic Formula curve fit given parameters

x and data (t, y)
% Inputs:

Vector of curve fit parameters

% x(l) B
% x(2) c
% x(3) D
% x(4) E
% t Vector of independent data
% y Vector of dependent data
% Outputs:
% e Vector of errors between data and fit function
% Created 4/21/96
% J. Kiefer

psi =
(l-x(4))*t +
theta =
F =

e =


Appendix ATire Model MATLAB Programs

A. 3 NLTire.m

function Fy =
NLTire(Fz, alpha)
%NLTire Nbn Linear Tire Model Lateral Force
%Fy =
NLTire(Fz, alpha)
% Calculates tire lateral force from inputs of tire vertical load and slip
% angle. Based on Radt's tire data nondimensionalization model and the
% Magic Formula model. Force is for one tire. Called by the function
% D0F2NLDE.m.
% Inputs:
% alpha Tire slip angle (rad)
% Fz Tire vertical load (N)
% Outputs:
% Fy Tire lateral force (N)
% Created 2/18/96
% J. Kiefer

global Bl CI Dl El B3 C3 B5 C5;

% Normalization Parameters
Cc =
B3 + C3*Fz; % N/deg/N Cornering coefficient

mu =
B5 + C5*Fz; % N/N Friction coefficient

% Normalized Slip Angle

alphaN = Cc.*tan (alpha) ./mu*180/pi;

% Normalized Lateral Force

psiFN = (l-El)*alphaN + El/Bl*atan(Bl*alphaN) ;
thetaFN =
Cl*atan(Bl*psiFN) ;
FyN =
Dl*sin( thetaFN) ;

% Lateral Force
Fy =

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Stability Derivatives
SDRules = {Yb -> Cf + Cr, Yr -> (a Cf -
b Cr)/V#
Yd -> -Cf, Nb -> a Cf -
b Cr, Nr -> (aA2 Cf +

bA2 Cr)/V, Nd -> -a Cf}

a Cf -

b Cr
{Yb -> Cf + Cr, Yr ->
, Yd ->
-Cf, Nb -> a Cf -

b Cr,

2 2
a Cf + b Cr
Nr ->
, Nd -> -(a Cf)}

Transformed Equations of Motion

A = {{s-Yb/(m V), l-Yr/(m V)},

{-Nb/Izz, s-Nr/Izz}};
MatrixForm [A]

Yb Yr


m V m V

Nb Nr

) -( ) + s

Izz Izz

Bl = {Yd/(m V), Nd/Izz};

MatrixForm [Bl]


m V



B2 = {l/(m V), (a-c)/Izz};

MatrixForm [B2]

m V

a -


Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

B3 {g/V,

B4 = {l/(m V), (a-d)/Izz>;

MatrixForm [B4]

m V

a -


Transfer Function Denominator

Ds = Collect [Det [A] ,s]

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ + (-(
s + s ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Transfer Function Numerators

Nbd =

Collect [Det [Transpose [Rep lace Part [Transpose [A],Bl,l]]],s]

Nd Nr Yd s Yd Nd Yr

Izz Izz m V m V Izz m V

Nba = Collect [Det [Transpose [ReplacePart [

Transpose [A],B2,l]]],s]

a c Nr s a Yr c Yr

Izz Izz Izz m V m V Izz m V Izz m V

Nbt = Collect [Det [Transpose [ReplacePart [

Transpose [A],B3,l]]],s]

g Nr g s

-( ) +

Izz V V

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Nrd = Collect [Det [Transpose [ReplacePart [

Transpose [A] , Bl, 2 ] ] ] , s]

Nd s Nd Yb Nb Yd

Izz Izz m V Izz m V

Nra =
Collect [Det [Transpose [ReplacePart [
Transpose [A],B2,2]]],s]
a c Nb a Yb c Yb

Izz Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Nrt =
Collect [Det [Transpose [ReplacePart [
Transpose [A] , B3 , 2] ] ] , s]

g Nb

Izz V

Nrn = Collect [Det [Transpose [ReplacePart [

Transpose [A] ,B4,2] ] ] , s]

ad Nb a Yb d Yb

Izz Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Transfer Functions

Sideslip Angle
Gbd = Nbd/Ds

Nd Nr Yd s Yd Nd Yr

Izz Izz m V m V Izz m V

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ s + + s (-( ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Gba = Nba/Ds

a c Nr s a Yr c Yr

Izz Izz Izz m V m V Izz m V Izz m V

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ s + + s (-( ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Gbt = Nbt/Ds

g Nr g s

( ) +

Izz V V

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ + (-(
s + s ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Yaw Velocity
Grd = Nrd/Ds

Nd s Nd Yb Nb Yd

Izz Izz m V Izz m V

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ s + + s (-( ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Gra = Nra/Ds

a c Nb a Yb c Yb

Izz Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ s + + s (-( ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Grt = Nrt/Ds

g Nb

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
Izz V ( + s + + s (-( ) ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Grn = Nrn/Ds

ad Nb a Yb d Yb

Izz Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr

+ s + + s (-( ) )
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Steady State Step-Input Response Gains

Sideslip Angle
Sbd =
Simplify [Limit [Gbd, s->0] ]

-(m Nd V) -

Nr Yd + Nd Yr

m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

Sba =
Simplify [Limit [Gba, s->0] ]

-Nr -amV+cmV+aYr-cYr

m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

Sbt =
Simplify [Limit [Gbt, s->0]]

g m Nr

_( )
m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

Yaw Velocity
Srd =
Simplify [Limit [Grd, s->0]]

-(Nd Yb) + Nb Yd

m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

Sra =
Simplify [Limit [Gra, s->0] ]

Nb -

a Yb + c Yb

m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

Srt =
Simplify [Limit [Grt, s->0] ]

g m Nb

m Nb V + Nr Yb -
Nb Yr

Srn =
Simplify [Limit [Grn, s->0] ]

Nb -

a Yb + d Yb

m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

Front Tire Slip Angle

Safd =
Simplify [Sbd + a/V Srd -

2 2
(m Nb V + m Nd V + a Nd Yb + Nr V Yb -
a Nb Yd + Nr V Yd

Nb V Yr -

Nd V Yr) / (V (-(m Nb V) -

Nr Yb + Nb Yr) )

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Safa =
Simplify [Sba + a/V Sra]

2 2 2
(- Yb-acYb-aVYr+
(a Nb) +NrV+amV -cmV +a

c V Yr) / (V (-(m Nb V) -

Nr Yb + Nb Yr) )

Saft =
Simplify [Sbt + a/V Srt]

g m (a Nb -
Nr V)

V (m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr)

Rear Tire Slip Angle

Sard =
Simplify [Sbd -
b/V Srd]

m Nd V -

b Nd Yb + b Nb Yd + Nr V Yd -

Nd V Yr

V (-(m Nb V) -

Nr Yb + Nb Yr)

Sara =
Simplify [Sba -
b/V Sra]

2 2
(bNb + NrV + amV -cmV -abYb + bcYb-aVYr +

c V Yr) / (V (-(m Nb V) -

Nr Yb + Nb Yr) )

Sart =
Simplify [Sbt -
b/V Srt]

g m (b Nb + Nr V)

V (-(m Nb V) -

Nr Yb + Nb Yr)

Path Curvature

Scd = Simplify[l/V Srd]

(Nd Yb) + Nb Yd

V (m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr)

Sea =
Simplify [1/V Sra]

Nb -

a Yb + c Yb

V (m Nb V + Nr Yb -
Nb Yr)

Set = Simplify[l/V Srt]

g m Nb

V (m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr)

Appendix BTwo DOF Model Mathematica Session

Lateral Acceleration

SAd =
Simplify [V/g Srd]

V (-(Nd Yb) + Nb Yd)

g (m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr)

SAa =
Simplify [V/g Sra]

V (Nb -

a Yb + c Yb)

g (m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr)

SAt =
Simplify [V/g Srt]

m Nb V

m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

Steer Angle Response to Path Radius

deltaR = delta /. Solve[Scd == 1/R / delta, delta] [ [1, 1] ]


(m Nb V ) -
Nr V Yb + Nb V Yr

_( )
-(Nd R Yb) + Nb R Yd

Terml = Coefficient [Expand [deltaR] ,V, 2] VA2

m Nb V

-(Nd R Yb) + Nb R Yd

TermlS =
Simplify [Terml /. SDRules]

(a Cf -

b Cr) m V

a Cf Cr R + b Cf Cr R

TermlSa = Numerator [TermlS] / Simplify [Denominator [

TermlS] /. a->L-b]

(a Cf -
b Cr) m V

Cf Cr L R

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Terms 2 3 = ExpandNumerator [Simplify [Coefficient [Expand [

deltaR], V] V]]

-(Nr V Yb) + Nb V Yr

Nd R Yb -

Nb R Yd

Terms23S =
Simplify [Terms23 /. SDRules /. a->L-b]

deltaRl = Terml + Terms23S

L m Nb V

R -

(Nd R Yb) + Nb R Yd

deltaR2 = TermlSa + Terms23S

L (a Cf -

b Cr) m V

R Cf Cr L R

Understeer Gradient

Kus = Coefficient [Simplify [deltaRl R g] ,VA2]

g m Nb

-(Nd Yb) + Nb Yd

Kusl =
Simplify [Kus /. SDRules]

(a Cf -

b Cr) g m

(a + b) Cf Cr

Stability Factor

Kl =
Simplify [K /. Solve [Srd == V/(L (1+K VA2)), K][[l]]]

m Nb V + L Nd Yb + Nr V Yb -

L Nb Yd -

Nb V Yr

L V (-(Nd Yb) + Nb Yd)

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

K2 =
Simplify [Numerator [Kl] -
Coefficient [Numerator [Kl] ,

VA2] VA2 /. SDRules /. a->L-b] + Coef f icient [

Numerator [Kl] , VA2] VA2 / Denominator [Kl]

m Nb

L (-(Nd Yb) + Nb Yd)

K3 =
Simplify [K2 /. SDRules]

(a Cf -

b Cr) m

a Cf Cr L + b Cf Cr L

K4 = Numerator [K3] /Simplify[ (Denominator [K3] /,

a -> L -


(a Cf -

b Cr) m

Cf Cr L

Neutral Steer Point

dl =
Simplify [d /. Solve [Numerator [Srn] ==
0, d] [ [1] ] ]

a - --


d2 =
Simplify [dl /, SDRules]

(a + b) Cr

Cf + Cr

d3 =
Simplify [d2 /. a > L b]

Cr L

Cf + Cr

Static Margin

SM = (dl a)/L


-( )
L Yb

Simplify [SM /. SDRules]

-(a Cf) + b Cr

Cf L + Cr L

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Tangent Speed

Vtan = v /. Solve[Sbd deltaR ==


Nr Yd -

Nd Yr

-( )
m Nd

Vtanl = Sqrt [Simplify [Expand[ (V /. Solve [V ==

Simplify [
Vtan /. SDRules] ,V] [ [2,1] ]) A2] ] ]

b (a + b) Cr

Sqrt[-( )]
a m

Vtan2 = Sqrt [Simplify [Numerator [VtanlA2] /. a -> L-b] /

Denominator [Vtanl 2 ] ]

b Cr L

Sqrt[-( )]
a m

Critical Speed

Vcrit = v /. Solve [Denominator [Srd] ==


Nr Yb -

Nb Yr

-( )
m Nb

Vcritl = Sqrt [Simplify [ (V /. Solve [V == Vcrit /

SDRules,V] [[2,1]])A2]]

(a + b) Cf Cr
Sqrt [ ]

(a Cf m) + b Cr m

Vcrit2 = Sqrt [Simplify [Numerator [VcritlA2] /. a -> L-b]/

Denominator [Vcritl A2] ]

Cf Cr L
Sqrt [ ]
(a Cf m) + b Cr m

Characteristic Speed

Vchar = v /. Solve[deltaR == 2 L/R, V] [ [2, 1] ]

(-(Nr Yb) + Nb Yr + Sqrt [-4 LmNb (2 Nd Yb -

2 Nb Yd) +

(Nr Yb -

Nb Yr) ]) / (2 m Nb)

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Vcharl = Sqrt [Simplify [ (V /. Solve [V ==

Vchar /-

SDRules, V] [[2,1]])A2]]

(a + b) Cf Cr (a + b -
2 L)
Sqrt[ ]
-(a Cf m) + b Cr m

Vchar2 = Sqrt [Simplify [Numerator [Vcharl A2] /. a -> L-b]/

Denominator [Vcharl A2] ]

Cf Cr L
Sqrt[-( )]
-(a Cf m) + b Cr m

Yaw Radius of Gyration

kz =


Sqrt[ ]

Geometry to Inertia Ratio


L m


Total Cornering Factor

TCF = Cf Cr/mA2

Cf Cr


Characteristic Equation

Ds == 0

Nb 2 Nr Yb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ s + + s (-( ) ) == 0
Izz Izz m V Izz m V Izz m V

a2 = Coef f icient [Ds, sA2]

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

al = Coef f icient [Ds, s]

Nr Yb

-( )
Izz m V

aO = Ds -
a2 sA2 -
al s

Nb Nr Yb Nb Yr
+ _

Izz Izz m V Izz m V

Undamped Natural Frequency

wn =
Simplify [ Sqrt [aO ] ]

in Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr
Sqrt[ ]
Izz m V

wnl =
Simplify [wn /. SDRules]

2 2 2 2
a Cf Cr + 2 a b Cf Cr + b Cf Cr + a Cf m V -

b Cr m V
Sqrt[ ]
Izz m V

Damping Ratio

zeta =
Simplify [al Izz m V/(2 Sqrt[wnA2 (Izz m V)A2])]

(m Nr V + Izz Yb)

2 Sqrt [Izz mV (hi Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr) ]

zetal =
Simplify [zeta /. SDRules]

2 2
-(Cf Izz + Cr Izz + a Cf m + b Cr m) /

2 2 2
(2 Sqrt [Izz m (a Cf Cr + 2 a b Cf Cr + b Cf Cr + a Cf m V -

b Cr m V ) ] )

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session


poles = Solve [Ds==0, s] ;

si = s /- poles [[1,1]]

(m Nr V + Izz Yb -

Sqrt[(-(m Nr V) Izz Yb)


4 Izz m V (m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr) ] ) / (2 Izz m V)

sla =
Simplify [si /. SDRules]

2 2
( (Cf + Cr) Izz + (a Cf + b Cr) m -

2 2 2
Sqrt[(-(Cf Izz) -

Cr Izz -

a Cf m -

b Cr m) -

2 2 2
4 Izz m (a Cf Cr + 2 a b Cf Cr + b Cf Cr + a Cf m V -

b Cr m V ) ] ) / (2 Izz m V)

s2 = s /. poles [[2,1]]

(m Nr V + Izz Yb + Sqrt[(-(m Nr V) -

Izz Yb)

4 Izz m V (m Nb V + Nr Yb -

Nb Yr) ] ) / (2 Izz m V)

s2a =
Simplify [s2 /. SDRules]

2 2
( (Cf + Cr) Izz + (a Cf + b Cr) m +

2 2 2
Sqrt[(-(Cf Izz) -
Cr Izz -

a Cf m -

b Cr m)

2 2 2
4 Izz m (a Cf Cr + 2 a b Cf Cr + b Cf Cr + a Cf m V -

b Cr m V ) ] ) / (2 Izz m V)


Zbd = s /. Solve [Nbd ==

0, s][[l,l]]

(m Nd V) -
Nr Yd + Nd Yr

_( }
Izz Yd

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Zbdl =
Simplify [Zbd /. SDRules]

2 2
abCr+b Cr+amV

Izz V

Zba = s /. Solve [Nba ==

0, s][[l,l]]

-Nr -amV+cmV+aYr-cYr

_( )

Zbal =
Simplify [Zba /. SDRules]

2 2 2
acCf+abCr+b Cr-bcCr+amV -cmV

Izz V

Zbt = s /. Solve [Nbt ==

0, s][[l,l]]



Zbtl =
Simplify [Zbt /. SDRules]

2 2
a Cf + b Cr

Izz V

Zrd = s /. Solve [Nrd ==

0, s][[l,l]]

(Nd Yb) + Nb Yd

_( )
m Nd V

Zrdl =
Simplify [Zrd /- SDRules]

(a + b) Cr

a m V

Zra = s /. Solve [Nra ==

0, s][[l,l]]

Nb -

a Yb + c Yb

-( )
(a -

c) m V

Zral =
Simplify [Zra /. SDRules]

-(c Cf) + a Cr + b Cr -

c Cr

a m V -

c m V

Appendix B Two DOF Model Mathematica Session

Zrt =
Solve [Nrt ==
0, s]


Appendix C Two DOF Model MATLAB Programs

C.l DOF2Control.m

%DOF2Control 2 DOF Model Execution Control

Controls execution of 2 DOF model. Sets control input type (step, step
% ramp, ramp step / ramp down, or sine steer) . Sets simulation parameters.

% Created 1/11/96
% J. Kiefer

% Control Input Type

1; % Step steer
ramp =
2; % Ramp step steer
rampsquare =
3; % Ramp square steer
sine =
4; % Sine steer

input =
1; % Select which control input to use

% Simulation Parameters
tO =
0.0; % s Initial time for steer input
tr =
0.2; % s Ramp time
td =
1.0; % s EWell time
ts =
1.0; % s Period for sine steer

tf =
4.0; % s Final time for simulation

tol =
le-5; % Simulation accuracy (default =

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs

C.2 DOF2Param.m

%DOF2Param 2 DOF Model Independent Parameters and Simulation Control

Sets independendent vehicle, tire, control, and disturbance parameters

% for 2 DOF model.

% Created 1/7/96
% J. Kiefer

% Initialization
clear all;
global m Izz L a b c u Cf Cr dO Fzf Fzr Fyg Fya tO tr td ts tf input;
global Bl CI Dl El B3 C3 B5 C5;

% Constants
g =
9.81; % m/s~2 Acceleration due to gravity

% Vehicle Independent Parameters

m =
1775; % kg Gross vehicle mass

Izz =
1960; % kg-m^2 Yaw inertia
f =
0.52; % Fraction of weight on front axle

L =
2.372; % m Wheelbase
u =
100; % km/hr Vehicle forward speed

% Control and Disturbance Inputs

dO ==
1; % deg Steer input magnitude

theta =
0; % deg Side slope

Fya =
0; % N Aerodynamic side force
c =
1.25; % m Distance from front axle to
% aerodynamic side force

% Linear Tire Model Parameters

Cf ==
-1230.5; % N/deg Front cornering stiffness (one tire)
Cr ==
-1155.5; % N/deg Rear cornering stiffness (one tire)

% Non Linear Tire Model Parameters

% Normalized Lateral Force Magic Formula Parameters
Bl =
CI =
Dl = 1.0005
El = 0.2517

% Cornering Coefficient Parameters

B3 =
C3 =

% Friction Coefficient Parameters

B5 =
C5 =

% Unit Conversions
u =
u*1000/3600; % m/s Vehicle forward speed

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs

dO =
d0*pi/180; % rad Step steer input
Cf =
Cf*180/pi*2; % N/rad Front tire cornering stiffness (two tires)
Cr =
Cr*180/pi*2; % N/rad Rear tire cornering stiffness (two tires)

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs

C.3 DOF2DependParam.m

%DOF2DependParam 2 DOF Model Dependent Parameter Calculation

% Calculates values of dependent parameters for 2 DOF model.

% Created 1/7/96
% J. Kiefer

% Dependent Parameters
a =
(l-f)*L; % m Distance from front tire to C.G.
b =
f*L; % m Distance from rear tire to C.G.
V =
u; % m/s Vehicle speed

Fyg =
m*g*sin(theta*pi/180) ; % N Side slope lateral force
Fzf =
m*g*f/2*cos(theta*pi/180); % N Front tire normal load (one tire)
Fzr =
m*g*(l-f)/2*cos(theta*pi/180); % N Rear tire normal load (one tire)

% Stability Derivatives
Yb = Cf + Cr; % N/rad Damping-
Yr =
(a*Cf-b*Cr) /V; % N-s/rad Lateral force / yaw coupling
Yd =
-Cf ; % N/rad Control force
Nb =
a*Cf-b*Cr; % N-m/rad Directional stability
Nr =
(a~2*Cf+b~2*Cr) /V; % N-m-s/rad Yaw damping
Nd =
-a*Cf ; % N-m/rad Control moment

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs

C.4 SteerAngle.m

function delta = SteerAngle (t, input, t0,tr,td,ts,tf ,d0)

%SteerAngle Calculate Steer Angle Based on Time and Control Input Selection
%delta = SteerAngle (t, input, tO, tr,td,ts,tf,dO)
% Determines steer angle based on current time, input selection, and

% simulation parameters. Input selection may be step, ramp, ramp square, or

% sine. Called by functions D0F2LDE.m, D0F2NLDE.m, D0F3LDE.m, D0F3NLDE.m.

% Inputs:
% t Time (s)
% input Flag for input selection

% 1 =
% 2 =
% 3 =

% 4 = sine

% to Initial time for simulation (s)

% tr Ramp time (s)
% td EWell time (s)
% ts Period for sine steer (s)
% tf Final time for simulation (s)
% dO Steer input magnitude (rad)
% Outputs:
% delta Steer angle (rad)
% Created 1/7/96
% J. Kiefer

% Crash Through Result

delta =

% Step Steer
if input == 1
delta =
if t < tO
delta 0;


% Ramp Step Steer

if input == 2
delta =
if t < tO + tr
delta =

if t < tO
delta =


% Ramp Square Steer

if input == 3

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs

delta =
if t < tO + 2*tr + td
delta =

if t < tO + tr + td
delta =

if t < tO + tr
delta =

if t < tO
delta =


% Sine Steer
if input == 4
delta =
d0*sin(2*pi*(t-t0)/ts) ;
if t < tO
delta =


Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs

C.5 DOF2LFreq.m

%DOF2LFreq Frequency Response of Linear 2 DOF Model

% For a Single Set of Parameters
% Generates bode plot data for linear 2 DOF model for outputs of

% sideslip angle and yaw speed, and for inputs of steer angle control,
% aerodynamic side force disturbance, and road side slope disturbance.
% Created 2/4/96
% J. Kiefer

D0F2Param; % Set independent parameters

D0F2Control ; % Set execution control parameters

D0F2DependParam; % Calculate dependent parameters

% Transfer Function Denominator

D = [1 -Nr/Izz-Yb/ (m*V) Nb/Izz+(Nr*Yb-Nb*Yr) / (Izz*m*V) ] ;

% Transfer Function Numerators

Nbd =
[Yd/(m*V) (Nd*Yr-Nr*Yd-Nd*m*V) / (Izz*m*V) ] ;
Nba =
[1/ (m*V) (c-a) /Izz+ ( (a-c) *Yr-Nr) / (Izz*m*V) ] ;
Nbt = [g/V -g*Nr/(Izz*V)] ;

Nrd = [Nd/Izz (Nb*Yd-Nd*Yb) / (Izz*m*V) ] ;

Nra =
[(a-c) /Izz ( (c-a)*Yb+Nb) / (Izz*m*V) ] ;

Nrt =
[g*Nb/ (Izz*V) ] ;

% Bode Plot Data

w lcgspace(-l,2) *2*pi;

[Mbd,Pbd,w] bode (Nbd, D,w) ;


[Mba,Pba,w] bode (Nba, D,w) ;


[Mbt,Pbt,w] bode (Nbt, D,w) ;


[Mrd,Prd,w] bode (Nrd, D,w) ;


[Mra,Pra,w] bode (Nra, D,w) ;


[Mrt,Prt,w] bode (Nrt, D,w);


Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs

C.6 DOF2LSim.m

%D0F2LSim Simulation of Linear 2 DOF Model Response to Control and Disturbance

% Inputs
% Performs simulation of linear 2 DOF model response to control and

% disturbance inputs. Determines yaw speed, lateral speed, sideslip angle,

% front and rear tire slip angles, front and rear tire lateral forces, and

% lateral acceleration. Plots these responses versus time. Reads data from
% D0F2Param, D0F2DependParam.
% Created 1/7/96
% J. Kiefer

D0F2Param; % Set independent parameters

D0F2Control; % Set execution control parameters

D0F2DependParam; % Calculate dependent parameters

% Perform simulation

[t,x] =
ode23(,DOF2LDE',0,tf, [0 0]',tol);
v x(:,l) ;
r =

% Steer Angle
delta = zeros ( length ( t) , 1) ;

for i =
delta(i) = SteerAngle (t (i) input, t0,tr,td,ts,tf, dO)
, ; % rad Steer angle


% Vehicle and Tire Slip Angles

beta =
v/u; % rad Vehicle sideslip angle

alphaF =
(v+a*r) /u-delta; % rad Front tires slip angle

alphaR =
(v-b*r)/u; % rad Rear tires slip angle

% External Forces and Moments

Fyf =
Cf*alphaF; % N Front tires lateral force

Fyr =
Cr*alphaR; % N Rear tires lateral force

% State Derivatives
(Fyf Fyr + Fya + Fyg) /m u*r;

vdot = +

rdot = (a*Fyf -
b*Fyr -

(c-a) *Fya) /Izz;

% Lateral Acceleration
= + % m/s^ Lateral acceleration
ay vdot u*r;

% Do Plots
subplot (2, 2,1)
' '
title ( Lateral Speed )
xlabeK'Time (s) ')
ylabel Speed (m/s) ')

subplot (2, 2, 2)

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs


title ('Yaw Speed')

xlabelCTime (s) ')
ylabel( 'Speed (deg/s) )

subplot (2, 2, 3)
' ' '
plot(t,beta*180/pi,t,alphaF*180/pi, ,t,alphaR*180/pi, '-. ,t,delta*180/pi, : )

title ( 'VehicleSideslip Angle, Tire Slip Angles, Steer Angle')

xlabeK 'Time (s) )
' '
ylabel ( Slip Angle (deg) )

subplot (2, 2, 4)
' '
title ( Lateral Acceleration )
xlabel( 'Time (s) ')
ylabel ( 'Acceleration (g) )

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs


function xdot =
%DOF2NLDE Non Linear Differential Equations for 2 DOF Model
%xdot =
% Determines derivatives of lateral speed and yaw speed given time and
% state vector. Non linear tire and non linear slip angles. Used with ode23

% for simulation.

% Inputs:
% t Time (s)
% x(l) Lateral speed (m/s)
% x(2) Yaw speed (rad/s)
% Outputs:
% xdot(l) Derivative of lateral speed (m/s ^2)
% xdot (2) Derivative of yaw speed (rad/s''2)
% Created 2/18/96
% J. Kiefer

global m Izz L a b c u dO Fzf Fzr Fyg Fya tO tr td ts tf input;

delta =
SteerAngle(t, input, tO, tr,td,ts,tf,dO);
alphaF =
atan( (x(l)+a*x(2) ) /u) -delta;
alphaR =
atan( (x(l)-b*x(2) )/u) ;

[Fyf, Mzf] =
NLTire(Fzf, alphaF);

[Fyr, Mzr] =
NLTire(Fzr, alphaR);

xdot =
[-u*x(2) + (2*Fyf*cos (delta) +2*Fyr+Fya+Fyg)/m

(2*a*Fyf*cos (delta) -2*b*Fyr+

(a-c) *Fya) /Izz] ;

Appendix C Two DOF Model MATLAB Programs

C.8 DOF2NLSim.m

%DOF2NLSim Simulation of Non-Linear 2 DOF Model Response to Control and Disturbance

% Inputs
% Performs simulation of non linear 2 DOF model response to control and

% disturbance inputs. Determines yaw speed, lateral speed, sideslip angle,

% front and rear tire slip angles, front and rear tire lateral forces, and

% lateral acceleration. Plots these responses versus time. Reads data from
% D0F2Param, D0F2DependParam.
% Created 2/18/96
% J. Kiefer

D0F2Param; % Set independent parameters

D0F2Control; % Set execution control parameters

D0F2DependParam; % Calculate dependent parameters

% Perform simulation

[t,x] =
ode23(,DOF2NLDE',0,tf, [0 0]',tol);
v =
x(:,l) ;
r =
x(:,2) ;

% Steer Angle
delta = zeros (length(t) , 1) ;

for i =
delta(i) = SteerAngle (t(i) input, tO,tr,td,ts,tf
, ,d0) ; % rad Steer angle


% Vehicle and Tire Slip Angles

beta =
atan(v/u) ; % rad Vehicle sideslip angle

alphaF =
atan( (v+a*r) /u) -delta; % rad Front tires slip angle

alphaR =
atan( (v-b*r) /u) ; % rad Rear tires slip angle

% External Forces and Moments

Fyf =
NLTire(Fzf, alphaF); % N Front tire lateral force (one tire)

Fyr =
NLTire(Fzr, alphaR) ; % N Rear tire lateral force (one tire)

% State Derivatives
(delta) + 2*Fyr + Fya + Fyg) /m u*r;

vdot = (2*Fyf.*cos
rdot = (2*a*Fyf.*cos (delta) 2*b*Fyr (c-a)*Fya)/Izz;
- -

% Lateral Acceleration
+ % m/s^2 Lateral acceleration
ay =
vdot u*r;

% Do Plots


title Lateral
xlabeK'Time (s) ')
ylabel ('Speed (m/s) ')

subplot (2, 2, 2)

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs


title ('Yaw Speed')

xlabelCTime (s) ')
' '
ylabel ( Speed (deg/s) )

subplot (2, 2, 3)
' ' ' '
plot(t,beta*180/pi,t,alphaF*180/pi, ,t,alphaR*180/pi, '-. ,t,delta*180/pi, : ')

title ( 'Vehicle Sideslip Angle, Tire Slip Angles, Steer Angle')

xlabel( 'Time (s) ')
' '
ylabel ( Slip Angle (deg) )

subplot (2, 2, 4)
plot (t, ay/g)
' '
title ( Lateral Acceleration )
xlabel( 'Time (s) )
ylabel ( 'Acceleration (g) )

Appendix CTwo DOF Model MATLAB Programs


function xdot =
%D0F2NLDE Non Linear Differential Equations for 2 DOF Model
%xdot =
% Determines derivatives of lateral speed and yaw speed given time and
% state vector. Non linear tire and non linear slip angles. Used with ode23
% for simulation.
% Inputs:
% t Time (s)
% x(l) Lateral speed (m/s)
% x(2) Yaw speed (rad/s)
% Outputs:
% xdot(l) Derivative lateral
of speed (m/s^2)
% xdot (2) Derivative of yaw speed (rad/sA2)
% Created 2/18/96
% J. Kiefer

global m Izz L a b c u dO Fzf Fzr Fyg Fya tO tr td ts tf input;

delta =
SteerAngle(t, input, tO, tr,td,ts,tf,dO);
alphaF =
alphaR =
atan( (x(l)-b*x(2) )/u) ;
Fyf =
NLTire(Fzf, alphaF);
Fyr =
NLTire(Fzr, alphaR);

xdot =
[-u*x(2) + (2*Fyf*cos (delta) +2*Fyr+Fya+Fyg)/m
(2*a*Fyf*cos (delta) -2*b*Fyr+
(a-c) *Fya) /Izz] ;

Appendix D Relevant Literature


"Control of Vehicle Automotive Engineering, May 1995, p. 87-93.

"Road Vehicles -
Lateral Transient Response Test ISO 7401, May 1988.
"Road Vehicles -

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