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3-13 DVEO Cloud Licenses On Demand and Live Datasheet

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Affordable, secure, next generation                                                                              

content delivery service model that  

relies on DVEO licenses for  
affordable encoding, transcoding, GUI Picture here
playout, ad insertion, video player,  
etc. on hardware that utilizes any  
of the popular cloud platform providers like Amazon Elastic  
Cloud™ (EC2) or Azure, or Microsoft, or Google Cloud.
This model ends up saving you both on CAPEX and OPEX.  
The cost of this architecture will continuously drop as  
bandwidth prices continue to decline due to competitive  
forces. Hardware virtualization creates superlative value for
anyone wishing to manage content delivery to an in-house  
subscriber base. DVEO can assume some or all of the service
function via SAS model.
Features   Overview
 Easily Manage Content: Simply deposit your content into a watch
folder and take advantage of intelligent publishing workflows to  
make it available to any user, on any device. The ultimate power of
In 2007 DVEO became a pioneering encoder vendor
the DVEO Cloud Licenses: On Demand & Live rests in integrating when VLC and FFMPEG were just coming on the
and publishing live and on demand streams from high quality   scene. We became early adopters and over the last 10+
encoding sources such as DVEO’s MultiStreamer™, media systems  
such as DVEO’s Video Platform II™, and virtually any third party
years evolved to a solid position in the Telco sector.
encoder or media system.  
 Custom Feeds: Increase your video views with dynamic or curated   Similarily in 2018 we saw the future and it was
feeds delivered to HTML5 & Flash video players. Create, manage,
"CLOUD". We have accomplished the goal to migrate
and organize your content efficiently. Managing and acting upon all our software products to the cloud. Today we have
the collection of metadata related to published media is an important   all the pieces for complete cloud based content delivery
aspect of online video. To target your audience as accurately as
possible, the DVEO Cloud Licenses: On Demand & Live provides   that is significantly less expensive than other offerings.
the flexibility to define a combination of dynamic and fixed play   Moreover we offer personalized support that is a DVEO
sequences for on demand and live video.
  hallmark. Today we offer licenses for all functions
 Automated Content Publishing Workflows: We automate the
ingest and publishing workflow – from file selecting, to   needed to create your content delivery on Amazon or
transcoding, to the application of asset types. Ingest source content Azure clouds.
with metadata applying watch folders, feed readers and ingest
adaptors. Smart publish profiles automate the delivery of content to   We provide licenses for every process required to
websites, mobile devices, tablets and set top boxes as well as
leverage social media integration with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube   provide a comprehensive delivery service for any
and other outlets. The DVEO Cloud Licenses: On Demand & Live   number of channels to any number of subscribers.
is simple to use and easy to implement, allowing you to get started
quickly and scales with your needs as your video publishing  
requirements expand.   We can best demonstrate our cloud licenses by
 Analytics and Reporting: To evaluate messaging impact, audience providing you access to one of our customers’ lineup.
engagement and more accurately judge the performance of your live
and on demand video assets, the DVEO Cloud Licenses: On  
Demand & Live features integrated analytics. Quality of service Applications
and content analytics as well as audience demographics give you
 OTT video delivery for corporate communications
unparalleled visibility into the performance of your content and the  
characteristics of your online audience. Users can run reports on and training
individual media assets or on specific groups of media (through  
search and tags) and have access to granular to-the-second media    OTT video delivery for international government
engagement analytics which are essential for understanding the agencies, and non-government agencies
behaviour of sort-form content. The DVEO Cloud Licenses: On  
Demand & Live also provides plug-ins to connect with additional    Point to Multipoint Content or Data Delivery
third party reporting tools.
 Exceptional Support and Professional Services: The DVEO
Cloud Licenses: On Demand & Live includes 24x7 support, training  
and account management to ensure everything is in place to design,
implement and support your needs. If you have specific
configuration and development needs, our team can help you  
integrate a complete end to end media workflow solution, from
content ingest to metadata management and file transcoding, to   Computer Modules, Inc.
storage and delivery in partnership with Akamai® CDN Services.   11409 West Bernardo Court
From standard services to a completely customized development
effort, the DVEO team can help you build the right solution to fit   San Diego, CA 92127
your organization’s needs. Tel: 858-613-1818 Fax: 858-613-1815
The Many Economic Benefits
of the Cloud What is Bring Your Own License?
1. The biggest benefit is reduced capital expenses through At its core, Bring Your Own License is a licensing model that lets
cost savings in terms of hardware, since resource sharing companies use their licenses flexibly, whether on-premise, or in the
with other functions is possible. These functions can be cloud. A platform for BYOL license management may also have the
related to content delivery (e.g., load balancing between capacity for detailed usage reporting on things like license validity
different servers handling different formats, or between and user base efficiency.
packagers and streamers). In terms of space and staff, it The Key Features of BYOL
is much more efficient to manage a virtualized IT Greater flexibility: With true license mobility, businesses are able to
infrastructure. migrate to and from services with ease – without having to worry
about managing multiple licenses for the same product across
2. Migration is also easier. These processes are automated multiple platforms and services.
in virtualized infrastructure, so there is no need to
redeploy new instances of the software manually. Reduction/Removal of Upfront Cost: When upscaling use of
software, being able to share and migrate your license means saving
3. System robustness is another benefit. The popular huge costs upfront. Concurrent licenses across multiple services can
clouds have built-in capabilities for duplicating content, increase expenses by a large margin; BYOL lets companies avoid that
which is beneficial for disaster recovery. If one virtual issue.
server fails, another server located hundreds of
Increased Freedom of Use: Within the license terms, businesses
kilometers away can automatically take over.
have much more flexibility over how they want to use a service.
4. Another advantage is scalability, or seamless growth In-Depth Tracking and Reporting: Because everything is managed
management. Adding more storage or additional in the cloud, and copies of licenses are no longer needed, it’s much
processing power can be achieved in just a few clicks. simpler to keep track of license validity and usage.
In comparison, sourcing dedicated hardware can take
weeks. For example, when migrating to Azure, Microsoft has enabled users
to bring their current Windows Server licenses into cloud servers
5. Utilizing a private cloud-based CDN solution, operators managed in Azure. This feature follows additional capabilities
can adopt a hybrid approach to OTT video delivery in already in place, like migration from a SQL Server or SharePoint.
which some components, like the management system
Another major cloud provider, Amazon, doesn’t issue its own BYOL
and the analytics, as well as the On-Net streaming licenses, but is dealing with BYOL compatibility by providing a new
servers are kept in-house to maximize security and way to use Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud instances, dedicating
control while the streaming servers for off-net delivery them to specific workloads. That means licensees can bring their
are deployed outside the organization in the public software over to AWS without voiding their licenses.
cloud, closer to end-users for optimal performance. 
Benefits of BYOL
6. In addition, virtualization platforms provide advanced The issue with many traditional software licenses is their restrictive
monitoring tools that enable operators to natively policies. A license, often, is tied to a specific server or to a specific
supervise all the modules of the system. type of server (e.g. on-premise), so it can’t be re-used when
7. The greatest challenge with virtualization is that the deployments happen in the cloud without violating the licensing
operator must be able to appropriately allocate agreement.
applications to the resources. BYOL licenses let users allocate their licenses more flexibly; e.g. on
an actual physical server (the dedicated host) with containers or
8. For example, it is not efficient to run virtual machines
multiple virtual machines. The user can then target and reuse specific
hosting applications that will face peak consumption at physical servers while staying within the confines of their existing
the same time on the same hardware. The performances software licenses.
will be degraded in this case, and the virtualization will
have brought no benefit to the operator. Planning, based Why Bring Your Own License is Important
on the similarities between applications, must be done BYOL lowers the cost and minimizes the risk often associated with
carefully to fully benefit from virtualization. Once this transferring to a cloud service by utilizing existing licenses. The lack
of one to one connections between licenses and hardware devices
is done, operators can truly capitalize on the flexibility
means a strong increase in dedicated resource availability, which
of this approach.
helps businesses meet compliance requirements, and reduces cost.

Ordering Information
DVEO Cloud Licenses: On Demand & Live™ for  
Amazon and Azure  
  Computer Modules, Inc.
11409 West Bernardo Court
  San Diego, CA 92127
© 2019 Computer Modules, Inc. DVEO, MultiStreamer, DVEO Cloud Licenses: On Demand & Live, and Video
Platform II are trademarks of Computer Modules, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the
  Tel: 858-613-1818 Fax: 858-613-1815
properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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