Answer BSB
Answer BSB
Answer BSB
Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas
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Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for BSBCRT401 Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas.
This Workbook is where you will write all your responses for the knowledge questions and simulation tasks. Please
refer to the Student Assessment Guide for more information.
This assessment has the following two events:
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
There are five questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of key principles and
techniques associated with planning and articulating ideas.
This assessment is completed in your own time and by a submission date provided by your Assessor. You may use
support material in the development of your responses, but you must indicate the source. In addition, you must
not ‘cut and paste’ content from your source, rather, use your words, unless it is a direct quote.
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Go Green
You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with planning then debating
ideas to influence commitment to the Go Green initiative. These tasks will be based on your role of Project Officer
in a simulation with your RTO.
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See
below an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following:
needs of the audience
Full sentence format When you are preparing for a presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be
carried out. These are listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the
identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks
you then check on the room that you will be conducting the presentation in.
To Achieve Competence
To be deemed competent for this unit, you will need to meet the following requirements:
complete all of the questions and tasks listed in this Student Assessment Workbook
ensure that your responses meet the performance requirements
ensure that these responses are relevant, accurate and specific
submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor electronically (note, your Assessor may
allow you to submit Assessment Event 1 and receive feedback before starting Assessment Event 2)
submit your Student Assessment Workbook within the timeframes given by your Assessor
ensure your work is your own and in your words
where you use an external source for information, you must provide citation.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your
Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the information with you prior to undertaking this assessment.
I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will
Y N assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted.
The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if
Y N so what arrangements have been made.
Question 1
In the table below, explain different ways in which individual receive and respond to ideas and information and the
factors that influence their response.
Write your response into the table:
METHODS Explanation Factors influencing their response
FOCUS ON INTERESTS, NOT Trying to find a People way of thinking are different depends on the
POSITIONS compromise point in background,
between the two people perspective are influenced by the education and
firm positions they have the upbringing, therefore it is ipossible for everybody to
staked. share the same idea.
ENTITY THEORY Individuals tend to focus People tend to believe that people’s traits are
on the traits of other fundamentally stable and incapable of change.
people and tend to make
a lot of personal
NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTIONAL The tendency to explain People who tend to make negative or pessimistic
STYLE negative events by attributions to negative events that they experience.
referring to their own
internal, stable, and global
POSITIVE ATTRIBUTIONAL Ways of explaining events People who make more positive attributions toward the
STYLE that are related to high negative events that they experience will persist longer
self-esteem and a at tasks and that this persistence can help them.
tendency to explain the
negative events they
experience by referring to
external, unstable, and
specific qualities.
INCREMENTAL THEORY Focused on the dynamic Those who believe that personalities change a lot over
psychological processes time and who therefore are more likely to make
that arise from individuals’ situational attributions for events.
changing mental states in
different situations.
The participation of these individuals should be actively encouraged during a debate. we should
in order to promote an interactive environment help others to feel more inclined to voice their
thoughts and opinions and can help them to know what level of involvement is required.
The skills needed in order to successfully discuss ideas depend on how much individuals are
inclined to actively participate in debates, offering their opinions and thoughts.
These people
- communicate clearly and effectively, using simple words, avoiding a technical language
where not necessary
- use the right body language when speak, to help convey the message
- listen carefully to the audience, show interest in what they are saying, asking questions to
confirm that the message received is correct
- consider the eventual cultural barrier that may exist
- show respect in other people point of view, being respectful and open-minded
- make eye contact and engage with the audience
- avoid mumbling and unnecessary repetition of words and information
In order to effectively discuss ideas, communication techniques are essential and they should
always be applied. Speakers have to be confident and concise in their approach, when deliver a
message; if appropriate tell a joke or a story to find a way to connect with the audience, to
engage on a level that they can relate to.
Communication is a two-way process in which both sides have the opportunity to exchange
points of view, information and ideas, to listen, and to have their issues addressed.
Question 3
Describe the nature and role of risk taking in the presentation and debate of ideas.
Write your response here:
We should be prepared to take risks in the way our ideas are presented because we have our own ways of
conveying our ideas; therefore, the audience may or may not like our presentation. That is why we should be
prepared to take risks in the way ideas are presented and be ready for questions from the audience at all
One technique could be to make it visual; for example, when explaining a new idea to employees, managers can use
a PowerPoint to support their words.
Another technique would be to make it personal by getting the employee to explain a real-life situation that s/he has
been involved in and giving examples and how they could have improved it.
Question 5
Describe common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences.
Write your response here:
When preparing any presentation, the key is to answer any questions that might arise before they do. This is the
same with an investor pitch, presenting to a customer or to a crowd. You want to anticipate any question that they
might have and address it up front. The most effective way to do this is to understand what motivates them. Ask
yourself, what is relevant to them in this presentation?
This is an interesting tactic I learned from Neil Patel at a digital marketing conference and it was really impressive.
Tell the audience you have three topics you can speak about. List the topics, then ask them which one they want to
hear about. This gets everyone in the crowd thinking and involved. Chances are the crowd will overwhelmingly pick
one of the topics.
If you want to have a successful presentation or pitch, you need to know who you are talking to. This is always going
to be one of the most important factors to a successful session. Take the time to study prior event attendance,
feedback, demographics and why they enjoyed some speakers over others. Then take the time to create a
presentation that is both visual, fun and appealing.
1.1 List and describe the key facts about the Go Green initiative
Write your response here:
The Go Green Initiative is helping to educate students, teachers and parents to be more environmentally conscious.
As more schools go green, more students are being given the opportunity to learn firsthand about their impact on the
In 2002, Jill Buck, the PTA Council President for Pleasanton, California became aware of the amount of waste that
most schools generate each year. Paper, water, trash and utilities are used in enormous amounts by schools each
day. After witnessing grassroots efforts that helped rid playgrounds of toxins, Buck began her own campaign to
educate students, their teachers and caregivers about the effect they have on the environment, right in school.
The Go Green Initiative is a school program that teaches kids how their actions effect the environment on every level,
and what they can do to reduce this impact. Through composting, recycling, educating and evaluating each activity
that they do for the effect it has on their surroundings, students are learning to care for their environment in ways
that will help shape their future.
With teachers overburdened and not enough resources to accomplish the types of tasks and curriculum most parents
would like to see, it may seem that going green is just one more thing to take away traditional learning. In fact, by
incorporating a number of these activities into their day, students are able to learn in a more hands on method.
Composting allows students to experience ecology and biology along with waste reduction first hand. This type of
learning experience can help drive sciences home in a more interesting and effective manner, by making them more
relevant to the students' daily lives.
BSBCRT401 Student Assessment Workbook | Student ID: Page 7
Through recycling, reducing waste and evaluating each activity students and teachers learn to make better use of the
resources they have at hand. Additionally, by purchasing more reusable resources for classrooms, school districts may
find this initiative can save money for other activities and learning methods.
Students are not the only ones who learn better ways to live in their environment; parents and teachers benefit as
well. As students begin to learn the importance of recycling, as well as about steps that they can take throughout
their day to reduce their environmental impact, they bring these lessons home with them. What begins in the school
can soon be spread through the community, as parents learn from their children how to reduce their impact at home
as well.
What may seem as some very simple steps can begin to add up when more people begin to participate. Since the
program began in 2002, more school districts, cities and individual schools have begun to adopt the initiative. So
what began as a single school taking steps to reduce its environmental impact, can become a way influence
generations of people.
If you have school age children, or you are just interested in bringing the Go Green Initiative to your school district,
you can begin by registering with the association. From there, you'll receive information on funding, resources and
training that will allow you to begin to bring the initiative to your school.
Bring the program up at the next school board meeting, get students, teachers and other parents involved as well;
the more voices that are heard, the more likely the program will be brought to your district. It's never too early or too
late to begin to educate students, teachers and caregivers about the impact they are having on their surroundings.
Bring green living into your lives through schools, and watch the results take hold.
Indeed, even engineered items originate from characteristic assets. For instance, plastic is produced using 4% of
worldwide generation of oil based goods and prepared by utilizing another 4% of it to make vitality, as per World
watch Institute.
This dependence on regular assets for material and vitality prerequisite is turning into a noteworthy natural and
monetary issue says EcoWatch, exhausting assets expected to "control economies and lift individuals out of
neediness." Since huge numbers of the assets are non-inexhaustible, at current rates of utilization, the world will
There is much that individuals can do, since 50-80% of the land, materials, and water is utilized for family unit
utilization a 2015 logical investigation found. Individuals can purchase carefully, cut down on commercialization, and
waste generation. This would guarantee assets last more.
Effect of Recycling
Notwithstanding, some utilization is vital, and life measures can be kept up by reusing. calls attention
to those profitable assets can be spared by reusing. Creating new merchandise dependably requires substantially
more vitality while reusing needs just a small amount of it includes the American Goescience Institute.
Utilization of non-renewable energy sources like oil, petroleum gas, and coal, and consuming wood produce ozone
harming substance discharges (GHG), and numerous hurtful synthetic concoctions that dirty the air and have genuine
outcomes on condition and individuals' wellbeing.
There are numerous approaches to lessen emanations and counteract air contamination. Utilization of elective
vitality sources that are inexhaustible and economical produce practically no discharges and thusly improve wellbeing
and have less ecological effect. Besides, they are a solid source giving more work than petroleum product based
vitality, as indicated by Union of Concerned Scientists. So also, vehicles running on elective discharge practically zero
outflows reports Issues in Science and Technology.
Such measures can spare lives, since air contamination has turned into "a noteworthy ecological wellbeing hazard,"
as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), that has prompted the sudden passing of 3 million individuals.
Diminishing air toxins would lessen water contamination by diminishing corrosive downpour and eutrophication that
can damage to untamed life particularly in oceanic situations, and yields and trees report Massachusetts'
Department of Environmental Protection.
Water contamination is brought about by point sources where squanders are released into waterways and seas, as
per National Ocean Atmospheric Administration. Non-point contamination incorporate soil disintegration, agrarian
spill over stacked with manures and pesticides, urban overflow containing oil, pet and greenhouse squanders clarifies
the Environmental Protection Agency's Non-Point Sources page (EPA Non-Point Sources).Economic Benefits
Reducing nitrogen pollution caused by effluents by treating waste-water can be beneficial economically. The
environmental benefits, too, are many. It reduces eutrophication, greenhouse gas production, and energy use notes a
study reported by Science Daily. Clean water is good also for farmers, fisheries, tourism, homeowners, and others
reports Environment Working Group (EWG). At least $22 billion a year can be gained through an increase in
commercial and farming activities. Cutting agricultural pollution is a necessary element in creating these positive
The amount of waste that enters the water can be reduced or even prevented and water pollution can be stopped.
Many persistent organic pollutants (POPS) that come from agricultural and industrial wastes have decreased in
oceans due to bans but there are new pollutants like flame retardants along with old DDT, still found, reports Scripps
Institution of Oceanography. Reducing plastic waste and dumping of industrial waste can help hundreds of species
that are dying in oceans elaborates California Coastal Commission. This would also decrease the health risk to people
from eating fish that is contaminated by toxic waste that has entered the food-chain points out the Environmental
Defense Fund.
Land can be polluted when industrial wastes, in many cases hazardous is dumped creating brownfields. Landfills also
contain toxic chemicals that leach into soil, and then groundwater. Other reasons are energy production processes,
mining for fossils fuels and metals, and agricultural use of fertilizers and pesticides. Heavy metal and persistent
organic pollutants that cause land pollution can be reduced by reducing household and industrial waste, and through
By taking these measures the health impact like damage to nervous, immune and reproductive systems and
abnormalities in infant and child development can be prevented, which the International Institute Sustainable
Development Bulletin (IISD) explains are caused by POPS. The effect on mammals, reptiles, fish and birds due to
immune, enzyme and reproductive systems problems that the WHO (pg. 8 & 9) notes that are caused by POPS can be
Since POPS do not degrade soon and persist for centuries, it is necessary to be vigilant in their use. A Caribbean
Environment Programme report states that POPs level in the first decade of the 21st century had decreased globally
compared to 1980s and 1990s, as knowledge of their dangers became widespread, but new products which are not
controlled still contribute to POPs level.
Greenhouse gas emissions that cause air pollution also lead to climate change. Burning fossil fuels, deforestation,
land-use change, production of nitrogen fertilizers, and ruminants (e.g., cows) digestion through human activities, are
the reasons behind the abrupt global warming reports NASA.
Steps are needed to address the effects of climate change. The results are rising temperature, melting polar ice-caps
and glaciers, rise in sea-level and submergence of coastal land, changes in precipitation patters, increase in extreme
weather events like hurricanes and droughts, and ocean acidification. All of which then impact crops, wildlife, and
biodiversity notes NASA. The impact can, however, be worse with every degree rise in temperature.
There is a big difference in effects if the temperature rise would be 2 degrees Celsius. Fifty percent longer heat waves,
a 10 centimeter higher rise in sea levels, destruction of all coral reefs instead of 70% loss, and increased risks to crop
security can be prevented by limiting rise to only 1.5 degrees Celsius reports a 2016 scientific study.
Enormous scale cultivating with monocultures propped by water system and utilization of concoction composts and
pesticides represent 70% of the water use on the planet. In addition, it is in charge of 75% of the water contamination
and 33% of the GHG radiated, and decrease in biodiversity of honey bees, bats, creatures of land and water, and
other valuable species states Pesticide Action Network.
Elective green arrangements like nearby moderate sized homesteads can improve the earth, neighborhood networks
and laborer wellbeing, as per the Union of Concerned Scientists. Prior synthetic compounds and choosing natural
horticulture and planting takes "a proactive methodology" to anticipate issues before they emerge. So soil quality is
worked through numerous development rehearses, biodiversity spared and utilized, with no contamination of air,
water or land, prescribes the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Purchasers who purchase natural can spare themselves stresses over medical issues that happen because of
devouring vegetables, foods grown from the ground debased by pesticides or anti-infection agents recommends
WebMD. It additionally spares biodiversity and decidedly impacts the air, water, and land when contrasted with
ordinary rural practices.
Deforestation and loss of just tropical biological systems represent 10% of GHG as indicated by Mongabay. In spite of
worldwide endeavors to secure timberlands and different territories, a logical 2016 investigation found that half of
825 common environments were still at a high danger of being decimated, so more activity is as yet vital. Urge green
practices to affect the earth in various ways.Fight Climate Change Through Protecting Forests
Protecting forests standing can significantly reduce global warming explains the Union of Corned Scientists (Forests
and Land). Forest protection is in fact a better solution than restoring forests in fighting climate change according
to Guardian.
As Greenpeace points out, it is necessary to stop deforestation for many other reasons. This is to protect forests that
are home to 80% of biodiversity and provide many ecosystem benefits. Moreover, this would ensure survival of 1.4
billion people dependent on forests for living and livelihoods.
Habitat destruction is rampant in aquatic systems too. Coral reef destruction in oceans is also serious.
The International Coral Reef Initiative reports that reefs support one million marine species, protect coastal areas,
and are worth billions of dollars for the fishing and tourism industry. Limiting habitat loss and degradation is
important also in rivers and streams where it has led to losses of 81% of vertebrate species already.
Land and soil degradation occurs due to intensive farming, over-grazing and deforestation. This has led to
desertification and arable land is being lost at "30 to 35 times the historical rates" according to the United Nations.
These problems are best tackled by both small and large scale soil conservation efforts. These efforts can prevent
consequences like:
Nutrient pollution
Planting trees or maintaining perennial crops also provide habitats for wildlife; it also improves land stability and
prevents landslides. In urban areas soil conservation by tree planting improves the area's aesthetic value
says Forestry Research, UK.
There are an estimated 8.7 to 10 million species on earth, according to a study published in Human
activities are causing extinction at 8 to 100 times the natural level since 1900, in what is called the sixth extinction
event notes the Guardian.
Since habitat loss and fragmentation are the number one reason for species loss, reducing paper use and recycling
paper saves forests, and species; 40% of woods are cut to make pulp for paper and paperboards
reports WWF. Reducing consumption in general can also help save species, as a 2017 study found many biodiversity
hotspots are being threatened due to consumer demand.
Poaching of species for their body parts like rhino horns, elephants' tusk, and tiger skins is the second important
cause of biodiversity loss. It is being tackled by reducing demand for these items and strict rules to prevent their
illegal trade.
Biodiversity is essential as it provides clean water, food, medicines, clothing, timber, biofuels, and fossil fuels,
through ecosystem services of biodiversity, and ensures soil fertility, air quality, carbon sequestration, and
moderation of climate. In short, without biodiversity life would be difficult for people. So loss of species is something
everybody should be concerned about as it goes beyond loss of some plants and animals.
Recent technologies are showing adverse effects, and there is need for caution before their use is expanded.
Genetically engineered organisms (GMOs) that require heavy herbicide use have caused the development of 14
super-weeds notes a 2014 USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) report (pg. iv). Milk from cows injected with GMO
rBGH can cause cancer, notes American Nutrition Association. To limit these impacts, 38 countries have banned use
of GMOs. Ensuring label information about GMOs in food products is the best way to provide people a choice to
curtail its use and ill effects since countries like the U.S. have GMOs in 75% of food products.
By making the effort to read labels and fighting for labelling laws, people can make an informed choice on consuming
GMO foods. Humans could potentially have healthier lives.
Many positive changes have been instituted and others are constantly being researched and implemented to remedy
the world's environmental crisis. It isn't just the current generation that must deal with any crisis that is created; it
will be a challenge for future generations if greater action is not taken over the next few decades.
1.3 Identify ways of communicating Go Green ideas for different purposes and people
Write your response into the table:
COMMUNICATION OPTIONS Purpose (outcomes) People (suited to which position)
SOCIAL MEDIA easy access for students students
POSTER reminder RTO staff
EMAIL FOOTNOTE to remind stakeholders that we are stakeholders
committed to a go green initiative
Communication options Purpose (outcomes) People (suited to which position)
1.4 List and describe techniques to engage and fascinate others with Go Green ideas
Write your response here:
2. Give a bit of benefits to philanthropy: Give clients a chance to feel additional great about their buys by giving a
part of your benefits to a natural reason lined up with your manageability objectives. This is additionally a decent
method to create mindfulness about the ecological issue you're attempting to explain. Ensure it's a respectable
association. and are extraordinary sites for exploring a philanthropic's financials
and ensuring the majority of the gifts really go toward the reason, not the philanthropy's workers.
3. Give clients a simple method to help: Discover approaches to give your clients a chance to play at any rate a little
job in your supportability mission. An ongoing report by the National Restaurant Association found that 85 percent of
Americans grown-ups sort their rubbish at speedy administration eateries when reusing repositories are accessible.
The takeaway: Customers are anxious to enable you to meet your objectives and become increasingly manageable —
so given them a chance to help.
4. Inspire them to go beyond: Green communications has become more than just communicating your own
sustainability progress. It’s about empowering your customers to take it a step further. You might suggest ways for
them to be more eco-friendly at home or enlist them to help with a cause. One companythat makes footwear out of
recycled yoga mats, for instance, encourages its customers to support Surfers for Cetaceans, a nonprofit that
promotes marine life conservation.
1.5 List and describe the skills and attributes required to communicate ideas
Write your response here:
Clarity and Concision
Great verbal correspondence means saying simply enough – don't blabber or excessively little. Attempt to pass on
your message in as few words as could reasonably be expected. State what you need plainly and legitimately,
regardless of whether you're addressing somebody face to face, on the telephone, or by means of email. In the
event that you meander on, your audience will either block you out or will be uncertain of precisely what you
Through a friendly tone, a personal question, or simply a smile, you will encourage your coworkers to engage in
open and honest communication with you. It's important to be nice and polite in all your workplace
It is essential to be positive about your communications with others. Certainty demonstrates your collaborators
that you have confidence in what you're stating and will finish. Radiating certainty can be as basic as looking or
utilizing a firm yet benevolent tone. Abstain from making articulations sound like inquiries. Obviously, be mindful
so as not to sound presumptuous or forceful. Make sure you are continually tuning in to and identifying with the
other individual.
Using phrases as simple as "I understand where you are coming from" demonstrate that you have been listening
to the other person and respect their opinions.
People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas. Simple
actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the
person feel appreciated. On the phone, avoid distractions and stay focused on the conversation.
1.6 Plan the use of digital tools to store and present information
Write your response here:
The Organization:
The Technology:
- Disagreement is a typical explanation behind clash. Individuals differ on numerous things, for
example, differentiating suppositions on a specific topic since we as a whole have our own convictions and
standards. Indeed, even passionate contrasts cause struggle. With regards to choices, even administration
pushes on individual proposition
Go green ideas are positive. It can save carbon by start implementing it on education and
other stakeholders.
It very well may be exorbitant for a partnership to become environmentally friendly at first. For instance,
the change to sunlight based power will make the need to introduce sun oriented boards at business
offices. The cost decreases in vitality reserve funds picked up by making strides toward environmental
friendliness are not in every case enough to counterbalance the underlying forthright change costs. In
certain areas, in any case, tax breaks are given that can help organizations balance the expenses of doing
the switch.
Notwithstanding exchanging vitality providers – acquiring wind-control power, say, instead of traditional
power from a petrochemical-filled power plant – can mean paying a top notch cost for the environmentally
friendly power vitality source. Pushes Up the Price of Products
In some cases, the switch to using green materials can lead to higher costs in your production process or
elsewhere in your facility. A furniture manufacturer who switches suppliers to buy only sustainably
harvested wood will likely have to pay a premium price for his lumber. The larger costs either have to be
passed along to customers in terms of higher prices or have to come at the company's expense in terms of
a smaller profit margin on its products.
Going Paperless Means Data Risks
For some companies, a common method of going green is to minimize or even eliminate the use of paper.
This can pose some disadvantages. For example, if employees lose or experience the theft of laptop
computers, sensitive information that would normally be kept in a locked paper file could fall into the
wrong hands. If companies don’t properly back up their computer files, a system crash could prove
Paper records, however "nineteenth century" they may seem, still serve as a valuable backup to the
electronic documents that dominate record-keeping in the modern era.
Customer Backlash
Companies may intentionally or unintentionally make false claims regarding the environmental friendliness
of their products, a process known as “green washing.” A product that insists it has "no added chemicals"
for example could be criticized for its choice of wording, since even naturally-derived ingredients consist of
chemical substances. If consumers become aware that a company is engaging in greenwashing, the
company may suffer harm to its credibility.
Although such decisive action would weaken demand for its coal, the country would enjoy increased demand for its
gas, uranium and agricultural produce – all things Australia can export in spades.
Trees are key
Even in scenarios where Australia achieved negative emissions as early as 2040, GDP still grows strongly in the
Planting forests turns out to be crucial for Australia to reduce its emissions, accounting for up to 40 per cent of
reductions. This could be encouraged simply by introducing a market mechanism, such as carbon pricing that would
pay farmers about $50 for each tonne of CO2 sequestered by planting new trees. Because much of that can be done
using native plants, such a measure would also improve biodiversity.
“Overall it is a very positive message that we can have growth and a sustainable environment at the same time,”
says Alex Wonhas from CSIRO, who led the report. “But it’s not necessarily given. There will be choices,” he says.
Investment will have to be made in water resources and agricultural efficiency, and incentives would have to be
created for emissions reductions and energy efficiency.
Best case scenario
“Australia has seen rapid expansion in mining and agriculture, with tremendous pressure on its ecological systems
and sky-high greenhouse gas emissions,” says Frank Jotzo at the Australian National University in Canberra. If
Australia sees rapid economic growth in coming decades while also easing this environmental pressure, the same
could be true for many other countries, he says.
The most positive scenarios for Australia’s growth and climate are ones where carbon capture and storage (CSS)
becomes commercially viable. Australia is one of the world’s biggest producers of coal and CCS would allow coal use
to increase, while decreasing emissions. Should coal be phased out, CCS could be used in combination with biofuels,
to create negative emissions, reducing the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
“This is a landmark study,” says Jotzo. “Their findings should give Australia’s politicians resolve to face up to the big
questions of environmental sustainability,” he says.
Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer
to save on heating and cooling costs.
Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
Unplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a "smart" power strip that senses when
appliances are off and cuts "phantom" or "vampire" energy use.
Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to
machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.
Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.
Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too.
Install a low-flow showerhead. They don't cost much, and the water and energy savings can
quickly pay back your investment.
Make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat
and water, while keeping water pressure high.
Plant drought-tolerant native plants in your garden. Many plants need minimal watering. Find
out which occur naturally in your area.
Walk or bike to work. This saves on gas and parking costs while improving your cardiovascular
health and reducing your risk of obesity.
Consider telecommuting if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying
more rent, it could save you money in the long term.
Lobby your local government to increase spending on sidewalks and bike lanes. With little cost,
these improvements can pay huge dividends in bettering your health and reducing traffic.
4. Eat smart.
If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store-and it's even more
expensive when you consider the related environmental and health costs.
Buy locally raised, humane, and organic meat, eggs, and dairy whenever you can. Purchasing
from local farmers keeps money in the local economy.
Watch videos about why local food and sustainable seafood are so great.
Use a water filter to purify tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water
expensive, but it generates large amounts of container waste.
Bring a reusable water bottle, preferably aluminum rather than plastic, with you when traveling
or at work.
Check out this short article for the latest on bottled water trends.
Go online to find new or gently used secondhand products. Whether you've just moved or are
looking to redecorate, consider a service like craigslist or Free Sharing to track down furniture,
appliances, and other items cheaply or for free.
Check out garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops for clothing and other everyday
Watch a video about what happens when you buy things. Your purchases have a real impact, for
better or worse.
Borrow from libraries instead of buying personal books and movies. This saves money, not to
mention the ink and paper that goes into printing new books.
Share power tools and other appliances. Get to know your neighbours while cutting down on the
number of things cluttering your closet or garage.
8. Buy smart.
Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money and packaging.
Wear clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. This saves money and cuts down on toxic
chemical use.
Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. You might pay more now, but you'll be happy when
you don't have to replace items as frequently (and this means less waste!).
Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible.
Donate or recycle them responsibly when the time comes. E-waste contains mercury and other
toxics and is a growing environmental problem.
Recycle your cell phone.
The big secret: you can make very effective, non-toxic cleaning products whenever you need
them. All you need are a few simple ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and soap.
Making your own cleaning products saves money, time, and packaging-not to mention your
indoor air quality.
Assessment Event 1
Assessment Event 1
S NYS Comments
Knowledge Questions
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Sub Task
Sub Task
Sub Task
Sub Task
Task 2:
Sub Task
Provoke response
and reaction
Sub Task
Sub Task
Sub Task
Unit Code BSBCRT401 Unit Title Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas
Assessment Outcome
Assessor, please tick and date the student’s final outcome of this assessment:
Initial Submission Date Re-submission 1 Date Re-submission 2 Date
C NYC ___/___/____ C NYC ___/___/____ C NYC ___/___/____
Assessor’s Feedback
Assessor, please provide your comments on the student’s final outcome of this assessment:
Unit Code BSBCRT401 Unit Title Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas
Due Date __/__/___ Date Received __/__/___ Extension YN Date __/__/___
Initial Submission Re-submission 1 Re-submission 2 Signature
Yes No Questions
Y N Did the assessment cover the training you received for this unit?
Were the tasks in Assessment Event 2 based on realistic activities that you would expect to be
Y N doing in a workplace?