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PHILIPPINES TO THE WORLD 1. FICTION is a literary work which is a result of the

(REVIEWER) author’s imagination.
A. Short Story is a narrative involving one or
THE STUDY OF LITERATURE AS AN ART more characters, one plot, and one single impression.
B. Novel is a true-to-life story divided into
Definitions of Literature chapters where many characters are involved and
spans long period of time.
 Literature is the total of preserved writings C. Play is a scripted story executed on stage.
belongings to a given language or people D. Legend is a narrative about the origin of
(Webster). man, place, event and happenings
 Literature is a written record of man’s best E. Fable is a narrative where the characters are
thoughts and feelings. animals and inanimate objects
 Literature is the written or printed productions
of the human mind collectively, which deals 2. NON-FICTION
with themes of permanent and universal A. Essay is an attempt to express the viewpoint
interest, characterized by creativeness and and opinion of the writer on a particular problem or
grace of expression, as poetry, fictions, essays, event.
etc., distinguished from works of scientific, B. Oration is a formal treatment of the subject
technical or journalistic nature (Webster and intended to be spoken before a crowd.
Comprehensive Dictionary, International C. Biography is a literary work that gives the life
Edition). account of a person written by another person.
 Literature is the writings having excellence of D. Autobiography is a literary work where the
form and expressing ideas of permanent or author writes his own life account.
universal interest or the body of written works E. News is a report of expected and unexpected
produced in particular language, country or age events in society and government and incidents in the
(Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary). field of science, business, etc.
 Literature gives us a picture of life. F. Letters
G. Diaries and Journals
Types of Literature:
Oral Literature - is preserved and handed down from II. Poetry - is a type of literature that combines the
one generation to another by word of mouth. sound and meaning of language to create and express
Written Literature is one that gets its form from the use ideas and feelings. The language of poetry which uses
of the pen by literary genius. imagery and figurative language closely related terms is
very rich, suggestive and powerful.
Reasons Why People Write:
 For self-expression. Three Types of Poetry:
 To spread knowledge and information. 1. Narrative Poetry tells stories and has two forms:
 To pass on ideas and values. A. Epics are long poems that exemplify the
 To impart truth, accuracy, and evaluation. adventures of epic heroes and divine forces. They are
the oldest surviving form of poetry.
B. Ballads are narrative poems intended to be
LITERARY STANDARDS sung. They are shorter than the epics and they usually
Great Literature is characterized by the following tell stories about a particular person.
1. Permanence - Great literature stands through the 2. Dramatic Poetry tells stories but one or more
ages and still opens new world of meaning and characters act out the poem. There are plays that are
experience. It can be read repeatedly. written as dramatic poetry.
2. Universality - Great literature appeals to anyone,
anywhere, anytime forever relevant. 3. Lyric Poetry, the most common of the three, is a
3. Artistry – Great literature appeals to our aesthetic short poem that expresses the poet’s thoughts and
sense or sense of beauty. feeling.
4. Intellectual Value – Great literature stimulates our A. Haiku, one of the shortest lyric poems, is a
thought. It makes us realize fundamental truths about Japanese verse of 17 syllables arranged in three lines,
life and human nature; thus, enriching our mental life. the first line has 5, the second 7 and the third 5.
5. Spiritual Value – Great literature inspires and brings B. Ode is a serious elaborate lyric poem full of
out moral values making us better persons high praises and noble feelings
6. Style – Great literature is marked with the peculiar C. Elegy is a poem of meditation on life and
way in which the writer sees life, forms his/her ideas, death. Many elegies mourn the death of a famous
and expresses them distinctly. person or a close friend
7. Suggestiveness – Great literature appeals to our D. Sonnet is a 14-line lyric poem with a certain
emotions, stirs our imagination, feeling, moves us pattern of rhyme and rhythm
deeply and evokes visions over and beyond the level of E. Song is a lyric poem intended to be sung
ordinary life and experience. Imagery refers to the sensation that language creates in
the mind. Images are words and phrases that appeal to
I. Prose is discourse that follows the usual flow of the senses.
conversation which uses sentences forming paragraphs
to express ideas, feelings and actions. Figurative language makes language more colorful,
suggestive, powerful and therefore exciting.
The Figures of Speech “
1. Simile is an explicit or direct comparison between Sandayo, of the Subanon tells the story of the hero with
two things of different classes. the same name, who is born through extraordinary
2. Metaphor is bolder than simile and the comparison is circumstances, as he fell out of the hair of his mother
implied or indirect between two objects of different while she was combing it on the ninth stroke. Then, he
classes leads his people in the fight against invaders of their
3. Personification gives human qualities or attributes to land and waterways.
non-human or inanimate object. “
4. Synecdoche names a part of an object to stand for “
the whole, or the whole for a part. Aliguyon or the Hudhud of the Ifugaos tells the
5. Metonymy involves the use of a term connected with adventures of Aliguyon as he battles his arch enemy,
an object to represent that object. Pambukhayon among rice fields and terraces, and
6. Hyperbole involves a deliberate exaggeration used instructs his people to be steadfast and learn the
for effect. wisdom of warfare and of peacemaking during harvest
7. Oxymoron is putting side by side of two normally seasons.
contradictory words. “
8. Parodox is saying something which seems untrue, but “
on close examination, proves to be true or partly true. Labaw Donggon is about the passionate exploits of the
9. Allusion is a casual reference either by directly or by son of a goddess Alunsina, by a mortal, Datu Paubari.
borrowing familiar phrases from the bible, history or The polygamous hero battles the huge monster
literature. Manaluntad for the hand of Abyang Ginbitinan; then he
10. Irony involves a contrast, a discrepancy between the fights Sikay Padalogdog, the giant with a hundred arms
expected and what actually happens. to win Doronoon and confronts the lord of darkness,
11. Onomatopoeia is the formation or use of words Saragnayan, to win Nagmalitong Yawa Sinagmaling
having a sound that imitates what they denote. Diwata
12. Litotes is a deliberate understatement used to “
affirm by negating its opposite.
13. Apostrophe is a direct address to someone absent, D. MYTHS are narratives that describe and portray in
long dead, or even to an inanimate objects or ideas. symbolic language the origin of the basic elements and
14. Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant assumptions of a culture.
sound in the sentence. It is also known as” tongue
twister”. E. FOLK SONGS are one of the oldest forms of Philippine
15. Assonance is the repetition of the middle vowel literature that emerged in the Pre-Spanish period. Folk
sound. songs mirror the culture of the early Filipinos.
16. Consonance is sometimes called “slant” rhyme.
Both consonants occur at the end of the word as in a. Kundiman (courtship/serenade)
odds and ends. b. Ang Oyayi o Hele (Lullaby)
c. Kumintang (War song)
d. Soliranin (song for laborers)
THE PHIPPINE LITERATURE f. Talindaw (songs for farming/fishing)


Pre-Spanish Literature is characterized by:
A. LEGENDS are a form of prose and the common A. Epigrams (Salawikain) – They served as laws or rules
theme of which is about the origin of a thing, location or on good behavior by our ancestors. These are like
name. allegories or parables that teach lessons for the young.
B. Riddles (Bugtong) or Palaisipan – These are made up
Examples of legends: of one or more measured lines with rhyme which
The Legend of Mount Makiling/ Ang Alamat ng Pinya/ consists 4 to 12 syllables. It is an example of oral
Why Women Wash the Dishes/ The Legend of Olongapo literature.
C. Chant (Bulong) - This is used in witchcraft or
B. FOLK TALES are made up of stories about life, enchantment.
adventure, love, horror and humor where one can D. Maxims – These are verses with rhyming couplets of
derive lessons about life. 5, 6 or 8 syllables, each line has the same number of
syllables. It is also an example of oral literature.
C. EPICS are long narrative poems where a series of E. Sayings (Kasabihan)- These are used in teasing or
heroic achievements or events, usually by a hero, are giving remarks or comments on a person’s actuations.
dealt with. F. Sawikain (Sayings) –These sayings do not have
“ hidden meaning.
The Agyu or Olahing of the Manobos is a three- part
epic that starts with the pahmara (invocation) then the
Kepu’unpuun (a narration of the past) and the Spanish Period (1565-1898)
sengedurog (an episode complete in itself). All three A. SPANISH INFLUENCES ON PHILIPPINE LITERATURE:
parts narrate the exploits of the hero as he leads his
people who have been driven out of their land to  ALIBATA was the first Filipino alphabet which
Nalandangan, a land of Utopia where there are no land was replaced by the Roman alphabet.
grabbers and oppressors.  Lessons on Christian Doctrine became the basis
“ of religious practices.
 The Spanish language which became the 9. Moro-Moro is performed during town fiestas to
medium of instruction and literary language entertain the people and to remind them of their
during this time lent many of its words to our Christian religion.
language. 10. Karagatan is a poetic contest where a ritual is
 Legends and traditions from Europe were performed based on a legend about a princess who
assimilated in our songs, corridos, and moro- dropped her ring into the middle of the sea and who
moros. offered her hand in marriage to anyone who can find it.
 Ancient literature was collected and translated 11. Balagtasan is a poetic joust or a contest of skills in
to Tagalog and other dialects. debate on a topic or issue. This is held in honor of
 Grammar books were printed in Filipino, like Francisco “Balagtas” Baltazar.
Tagalog, Ilocano and Visayan. 12. Dung-aw is a chant in free verse by a bereaved
 Our magazines and periodicals gained a person beside the corpse of the dead.
religious tone.

B. THE FIRST BOOKS American Colonial Period 1910 – 1945

1. The Christian Doctrine (Doctrina Cristiana) This was
the first book printed in the Philippines in 1593 in SHORT STORIES
Xylography. 1. Dead Stars was the first short story written in
2. Nuestra Senora del Rosario This was the second book English by Paz Marquez Benitez.
printed in the Philippines written by Fr. Blancas de San 2. The Small Key was written by Paz Latorena.
Jose in 1602 3. Footnote to Youth was written by Jose Garcia
3. Libro de los Cuatro Post Primeras de Hombre (in Villa.
Spanish and Tagalog) - This is the first book printed in
typography. NOVELS
4. Ang Barlaan at Josephat - This is the first Biblical 1. Child of Sorrow was the first novel in English by
story printed in the Philippines Zoilo Galang.
5. The Passion - This book is about the life and
sufferings of Jesus Christ NEWSPAPERS
6. Urbana at Felisa - This book was written by Modesto 1. EL NUEVO DIA (The New Day)
de Castro, known to as the Father of Classic Prose in 2. EL GRITO DEL PUEBLO (The Call of the Nation)
Tagalog. 3. EL RENACIMIENTO (The Rebirth)
7. Ang Mga Dalit Kay Maria (Psalms for Mary) - This is a
collection of songs praising Virgin Mary. It was written PLAYS
in 1865 by a Filipino priest, Fr. Mariano Sevilla 1. Kahapon, Ngayon, at Bukas (Yesterday, Today
and Tomorrow) written by Aurelio Tolentino.
C. FOLK SONGS 2. Tanikalang Ginto of Juan Abad
a. Leron-Leron Sinta 3. Malaya by Tomas Remigio
b. Pamulinawen 4. Walang Sugat by Severino Reyes
c. Dandansoy
d. Sarong Banggi
 Philippine Normal College in 1901 (now
D. RECREATIONAL PLAYS Philippine Normal University)
1. Tibag means to excavate. This is a ritual to remind  Silliman University in Dumaguete City as the
the people about the search of Saint Helena for the first American private school
Holy Cross where Jesus Christ was nailed and died.  Central Philippine University as the second
2. Lagaylay is a special occasion to get together during American private school
the month of May for the Pilarenos of Sorsogon. As  Negros Oriental High School in 1902
early as April, ladies are chosen or mothers volunteer  St. Paul University Dumaguete City in 1904
their girls to fulfill a vow or panata during illness or even  Cebu Normal School in 1915
for a favor received.  Filamer Christian University 1904
3. Cenaculo is a dramatic performance to re-enact the  Iloilo Normal School in 1902
passion and death of Jesus Christ.  Zamboanga Normal School in 1904
4. Panunuluyan is a reenactment of Virgin Mary and  National University in 1901
Saint Joseph in search of an inn to deliver the baby  University of Manila in 1914
Jesus.  Philippine Women’s University in 1919
5. Salubong is an Easter play that dramatizes the  Far Eastern University in 1933
meeting of the Risen Jesus Christ and His Mother.  University of the Philippines in 1908
6. Carillo or Shadow Play is a dramatic entertainment
performed on dark nights projecting cardboard figures TAGALOG LITERATURE
before a lamp against a white sheet
7. Zarzuela is considered the Father of Drama. It is a Tagalog Short Stories
musical comedy or melodrama in three acts which dealt  Mga kwentong Ginto (Golden Stories) was
with man’s passions and emotions like love, hate, published in 1936.
revenge, cruelty, avarice or some social and political  Kwentong Ginto ng 50 Batikang Kwentista was
problems. published in 1939.
8. Sainete is a short exaggerated musical comedy
performed by characters from the lower class. The Tagalog Poetry
themes were taken from everyday life situations.  Poet of the Heart (Makata ng Puso)
 Inigo Ed. Regalado  Julian Cruz Balmaceda- wrote SINO BA
 Carlos Gatmaitan KAYO? DAHIL SA ANAK, and
 Pedro Deogracias del Rosario HIGANTE NG PATAY.
 Ildefonso S
HAIKU. It is made up of 17 syllables divided into three
Poet of the Laborers (Makata ng Manggagawa) lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second, 7
 Amado V. Hernandez - He pictures in his poems syllables and third, five syllable
the intense love of the poor workers or
laborers. Tanaga is similar to Haiku. It is also short with
measurement and rhyme with 17 syllables and
ILOCANO LITERATURE allegorical in meaning.
 Pedro Bukaneg- Father of Ilocano literature.
His name was derived from the word The following short stories got the first three prizes:
Bukanegan which means Balagtasan. (Poetic  First Prize: Narciso Reyes with his LUPANG
contest in Ilocano) TINUBUAN;
 Claro Caluya- Prince of Ilocano poets; Known as  Second Prize: Liwayway Arceo’s UHAW ANG
poet and novelist. TIGANG NA LUPA
 Leon Pichay- Known as the best Bukanegero. He  Third Prize: NVM Gonzales’ LUNSOD, NAYON
is also known as poet, novelist, short story AT DAGAT-DAGATAN.
writer, dramatist and essayist.
 Carlos P. Romulo was an outstanding writer of
KAPAMPANGAN LITERATURE the period. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his
 Juan Crisostomo Soto- Father of Kapampangan bestsellers I SAW THE FALL OF THE
literature. The word Crisotas (meaning PHILIPPINES, I SEE THE PHILIPPINES RISE,
Balagtasan) in Tagalog is taken from his name. MOTHER AMERICA and MY BROTHER
 Aurelio Tolentino- Translated Kahapon, Ngayon AMERICANS.
at Bukas into Kapampangan Napon, Ngeni at  Journalists include Salvador P. Lopez, Leon Ma
Bukas. Guerrero, Raul Manglapuz and Carlos Bulosan.
Nick Joaquin produced the THE WOMAN WHO
 Eriberto Gumban- Father of Visayan Literaure.  Salvador P. Lopez wrote an essay entitled
He wrote a Zarzuela, Moro-Moro and a play in LITERATURE AND SOCIETY
Visayan language.  The first was the Japanese Musical Mission to
 Magdalen Jalandoni- wrote the novel Tunuksan the Philippines held on May 7, 1943, headed by
Isa Ca Bulaklak Kosak Yamada with the support of the New
Philippine Musical Federation.
 The first all-Filipino orchestra, the New
Japanese Period of the Philippine Literature Philippine Symphony, was organized. With
(1941 – 1945) Francisco Santiago as conductor, it performed
an all-Philippine symphonic program in July
 Philippine Literature was interrupted in its 1942.
development when we were conquered by
Japan between 1941-1945. During this period, Palanca Awardees for Literature:
the Japanese stopped the use of the English  Jose Garcia Villa
Language in almost all newspapers except for  Bienvenido Santos
the Tribune and the Philippine Review, Pillars,  Nick Joaquin
Free Philippines and Filipina.  Gregorio Brillantes
 There was no freedom of speech and of the  NVM Gonzales
press. Victoria Abelardo described Filipino  Gilda Cordero Fernando
writings during the Japanese occupation as
pessimistic and bitter. National Artist Awards:
 The weekly magazine Liwayway was placed  Jose Garcia Villa
under strict surveillance until it was managed  Nick Joaquin
by a Japanese named Ishiwara.
 The common theme of most poems during the
Japanese occupation was nationalism, love and Philippine Literature in the Post War-
life in the barrios, faith, religion and the arts. Contemporary Period (1945 – Present)
 The only contact with the outside world was
done with utmost secrecy through the  The post liberation period was marked by a
underground radio program called “Voice of “struggle of mind and spirit” posed by the
Freedom”. sudden emancipation from the Japanese rule
 They also founded the organization of Filipino and the strong desire to experience the
Playwrights: freedom of writing.
 Jose Ma Hernandez – wrote PANDAY PIRA
 Francisco Soc Rodrigo - wrote sa PULA sa  Free Press, Morning Sun of Sergio Osmena Sr.
PUTI  Daily Mirror of Joaquin Roces
 Clodualdo del Mundo – wrote BULAGA  Evening News of Ramon Lopez
(Hide and Seek Game)  Bulletin of Menzi

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