1st. DISS
1st. DISS
1st. DISS
Sudlon, Lahug, Cabu City
Sangi, Madridejos, Alegria, Cebu
Name: _____________________ Date: _________ Grade & Section: 11 -St. Joseph Score: __________
Test I. Matching Type. Match the Disciplines found in column A with the corresponding works of the different Pioneers of the
different Disciplines of Social Science in column B. Write only the letter or the roman numeral of the correct answer on the
table found below. (NR=16)
Column A Column B
Discipline Works
a. History i. Researches into the Early History of mankind
b. Psychology ii. Wealth of the Nations
c. Sociology iii. Earliest maps
d. Political Science iv. Histories
e. Linguistics v. Memoire sur le systemeprimitif des voyallesdans les langues indo-europeenes
f. Economics vi. The Politics
g. Anthropology vii. Principles of Physiological Psychology
h. Geography viii. Cours de Philosophie
Test II. Provide the meaning of the following etymologies of the different Social Science Discipline. Write your answers on the
space provided after each number. (NR=10)
1. socius - __________________ 6. Oikanomia - __________________
2. polis - ___________________ 7. Istoria - _____________________
3. linguistique - ______________ 8. Geo - _______________________
4. anthropos - _______________ 9. Psyche - ____________________
5. scire - ___________________ 10. Graphein - _________________
Test III. Arrange the Scrambled letters enclosed inside the parenthesis to identify a specific discipline of social science or its
branches. (NR=10)
____________________ (LIAPEDP CIOSLOGOY) 1. It involves the utilization of sociological research in solving social problems and
improving social conditions.
____________________ (SYPCGOLOH) 2. It is the science that deals with the study of human behaviour and the mind.
____________________ (LIOPCLAIT INCESCE) 3. It is the systematic study of state and government.
____________________ (GUSILNIICTS) 4. It is the science of language.
____________________ (ARGPHYOEG) 5. It is the description and explanation of the world’s landscapes and a scientific description
of inhabited landscapes and their description over the globe.
____________________ (OGYPLEAONOLT) 6. It is the science that deals with the study of fossils.
____________________ (HYOAGOTNRPOL) 7. It is the exploration and the study of human diversity around the world.
____________________ (HYSPCAIL ARGPHYOEG)8. It describes and studies the surface features of the Earth.
____________________ (LIOPCLAIT MSCAYDIN)9. It refers to courses which focuses on forces at work in government & politics
rather than on structures & institutions.
____________________ (CIOSLOGOY)10. It is the scientific study of society.
Test IV A. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (NR=5)
1. Structural functionalism is explained and viewed through the following EXCEPT.
a. Function b. Macro-social perspective c. Evolutionary change d. Intradependence
2. Parson’s way of establishing priorities among system goals and mobilizing system resources for their attainment is evident in?
a. Adaptation b. Integration c. Goal attainment d. Latent Pattern Maintenance
3. Parson’s suggestions on securing sufficient resources from the physical and social environment and then distributing these
throughout the system is evident in_______________?
a. Adaptation b. Integration c. Goal attainment d. Latent Pattern Maintenance
4. It is about coordinating and maintaining viable interrelationships among system units through communication and common
value systems.
a. Adaptation b. Integration c. Goal attainment d. Latent Pattern Maintenance
5. Ensures the agents of the social system display appropriate characteristics and deals with internal tensions.
a. Adaptation b. Integration c. Goal attainment d. Latent Pattern Maintenance
B. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
___________________1. Every social structure is interdependent with one another.
__________________ 2. The system is always static and does not involved in an ordered process of change.
__________________ 3. Conflicts and other external forces could prime social change.
__________________ 4. Allocation and integration are two fundamental processes necessary for a given state of equilibrium of a
__________________ 5. Marxism is an intellectual process which tries to unify scientific analysis and emancipator social movements
for the purpose of revolutionizing human society.
__________________ 6. Dialectics is an emphasis upon relationships rather than individuals.
__________________ 7. In socialism the means of production are socially owned and democratically controlled.
__________________ 8. There is social equilibrium, consensus and not conflict among the social structures.
__________________ 9. Systems tend toward self-maintenance involving the maintenance of boundaries and the relationships of
parts to the whole.
__________________ 10. Social dysfunctions or negative consequences are also present it eh system or society.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Parent’s Signature over Printed Name
Noted by:
Head Teacher I