Carrollton Test Facilities
Carrollton Test Facilities
Carrollton Test Facilities
Carrollton, Texas
© 2016 Halliburton. All Rights Reserved.
Engineering Test Facilities – Carrollton, Texas 3
3 1/2-in. Tubing
10 3/4-in.
2 1/16-in. 5K
Outlet x 4
As the demand for energy increases, the drilling and completing of wells
continue to forge new boundaries. Higher pressures, hotter wells, and tool
complexities require state-of-the-art test facilities. Named in memory of one
of our most respected test department leaders, the “Mike Adams” Test Well
is designed to be safe, operationally efficient, and best in class for downhole
testing of tools for both vertical and horizontal applications.
The Mike Adams facility is a modern drilling rig running on clean, quiet
electric power. This big-bore well has a cased hole configured with 20-inch 20-in. 166-lb
2,250 ft X-56 Viper
x 13 3/8-in. x 9 5/8-in. casing. The 9 5/8-inch casing starts at 5,200 feet (1,585
meters) and kicks off the vertical bore through a 16-degree-per-100-foot
(30.5-meter) radius into a horizontal section. The rig is outfitted with power
tongs capable of making premium thread connections up to a 14-inch outside
diameter (OD) and 80,000 ft-lb torque. The facility features an air-conditioned
observation room with a safe viewing room for customers, a modern data 13 3/8-in. 61-lb
K-55 BTC
acquisition (DAQ) system, dressing facilities, and an office area.
The Mike Adams Test Well allows customers to evaluate new tool designs
and running procedures in an actual downhole environment. In some cases, a
System Integration Test (SIT) may be run to proof-test an entire completion
system and operating procedures before installing the system in acustomer’s
well, providing great value and peace of mind for Halliburton customers.
Mike Adams Test Well Specifications
Vertical Depth 5,646 ft (1,721 m) at 2.89˚
647 ft (197 m); total measured depth (TMD) of 7,494 ft (2,284 m); true vertical depth
Horizontal Length
(TVD) of 6,407 ft (1,952.8 m)
5,270 ft
13 3/8 in. (609.6 m of 340 mm), 72-lb/ft casing
10 3/4 in. (304.8 m of 273 mm), 51-lb/ft casing
Working Liner
9 5/8 in. (609.6 m of 244.5 mm), 43.5-lb/ft casing
7-in. (736 m of 177.8 mm), 26-lb/ft casing
Mast L.C. Moore, 136 ft x 21 ft (41.4 m x 6.4 m), cantilever style
9 5/8-in. 47-lb N-80
Static Hook Load 335,000 lb (152,000 kg) with 10 lines
Hydrill 513
Standard Equipment Elevators, slips, bushings, steel hoses
Drawworks Texas Flange Electric T-1200 drawworks rated at 1,200 hp
Rotary Table National Oil Well: B-27 1/2 in. (698.5 mm)
Pump Halliburton HT-400™ pump, 5,000 psi (34.4 MPa)
Control Room Air-conditioned observation room
FMC Technologies wellhead, 20 in. (508 mm) x 13 3/8 in. (339.7 mm x 10 3/4 in. (273 mm) 6,847-ft MD, 6,407-ft TVD – Landed 90°
Wellhead Specifications
Wellhead with 3-1/2-in. (88.9-mm) tubing hanger, 5,000 psi (34.4 MPa)
7,494-ft MD
Tubing Tongs 2 1/16 in. (52.4 mm) to 5 1/2 in. (139.7 mm); 12,000 ft/lb (16,270 Nm)
Casing/Drillpipe Tongs 4 1/2 in. (114.3 mm) to 14 in. (355.6 mm); 80,000 ft/lb (108.5 Nm)
6 Engineering Test Facilities – Carrollton, Texas 7
The High-Temperature Gas Test Facility (HTGTF) is used to test experimental The High-Temperature Test Facility (HTTF) is used to test experimental
designs for use in HPHT wells. The HTGTF has three below-ground heated designs for use in HPHT wells. The HTTF has five below-ground heated test
and cooled test cells that are segregated to allow testing in one cell while cells and one rapid-cool-down cell. The HTTF is ideally suited for performing
installing/removing a test from the adjacent cell. The HTGTF was liquid tests at 30,000 psi and 700˚F (371˚C). Each test cell is designed to
specifically built for testing with liquids or nitrogen gas with a working accommodate assemblies up to 30 feet (9.14 meters) and 30 in. (762 mm)
pressure of 40,000 psi and a maximum of 4 cubic feet (0.113 cubic meters) in diameter, and has a temperature range up to 700˚F (371˚C). The device
of nitrogen gas. Each test cell is designed to accommodate assemblies up to undergoing testing receives uniformly heated air to simulate severe
45 feet (13.72 meters) and 28 inches (711 millimeters) in diameter and have a temperatures down hole. The rapid-cool-down test cell employs a self-
temperature range of 700˚F (371˚C) to 20˚F (-6.7˚C). The device undergoing contained chiller unit capable of cooling to 32˚F (0˚C).
testing receives uniformly heated/cooled air to simulate severe temperatures
Using the same control room equipment as the HTGTF, the HTTF contains
in a downhole environment. The facility also has a horizontal bunker 18 ft
PC-based virtual system controls with an integrated DAQ system. At the
(5.49 meters) wide x 50 ft (15.24 meters) in length, and rated to the same
conclusion of a test, the data can be analyzed or charted using Microsoft
pressure/volume as the test cells.
Excel software. The information can also be printed directly from the DAQ
The HTGTF control room contains PC-based virtual system controls with an system in a line chart format for immediate review. Cameras safely monitor
integrated DAQ system. At the conclusion of a test, the data can be the test cell area for potential problems, without exposing technicians to
analyzed or chartered using Microsoft Excel® software. The information can high pressures or temperatures.
be printed directly from the DAQ system in a line chart for immediate review.
A nitrogen gas system makes the cell’s sealed/contained atmosphere
Cameras safely monitor the test cell/bunker areas for potential problems
nonflammable. An oxygen analyzer and alarm system monitors the cell’s
without exposing technicians to high pressures and temperatures.
atmosphere, and controls are provided to maintain inert mixtures for
A nitrogen gas system makes the cell’s sealed/contained atmosphere lower explosion limit control.
nonflammable. An oxygen analyzer and alarm system monitors the cell’s
atmosphere, and controls are provided to maintain inert mixtures for lower
HTTF Technical Specifications
explosion limit control.
Maximum Tool Length
HTGTF Technical Specifications 30 ft (9.14 m)
(Bottom of Load Flange to Oven Floor)
8 Engineering Test Facilities – Carrollton, Texas 9
wells to be simulated. A twin cylinder hydraulic snubbing jack is used for Air Handler
the dynamic manipulation of downhole completion equipment. A gantry and Controls
crane located above the simulator facilitates the safe handling of long,
heavy tubular assemblies.
printed directly from the DAQ system into a line chart for immediate review.
Test Fixture
Deep Well Simulator Technical Specifications
Cameras safely monitor the test area for potential problems, without exposing technicians to high pressures or temperatures.
600,000 lb at 3.75 ft/min to 1.0 ft/hr travel speed
Snubbing Jack Tension
(272,155 kg at 1.14 m/min to 0.3 m/hr)
400,000 lb at 1.93 ft/min to 1.0 ft/hr travel speed
Snubbing Jack Compression
(181,437 kg at 0.59 m/min to 0.3 m/hr)
Snubbing Jack Stroke 10 ft (3.05 m)
10,000 psi, 36-in. stroke, 2,500,000 lb tension or compression
Load Cylinder for Greater Loads [68.94 MPa, 0.914-m stroke, 2,500,000 lb (1,133,000 kg) tension
or compression]
10 Engineering Test Facilities – Carrollton, Texas 11
The Subsurface Safety Valve (SSSV) Test Facility allows us to test our safety Our Swell Technology Test Facility brings together key personnel – including
products to the most rigorous standards possible. This facility is used to product management, operational experts, engineers, scientists, and
verify that our safety valve designs will meet our goal of providing research and development teams – to enhance the collaborative effort
unsurpassed reliability in the downhole environment. during the design, testing, and qualification of our Swellpacker® isolation
systems and openhole packer technology. We work closely with our
To achieve the stated goal of unsurpassed reliability, we subject our SSSV
customers to ensure that each solution meets the challenges of the
designs to a demanding test program with conditions that far exceed API
ever-changing wellbore requirements and that this is reflected in our
industry standards. We also employ endurance requirements that go far
full-scale development projects and testing. In addition, the collaborative
»» Three test stands These facilities provide the latest technologies, many of which were
»» Below-ground pit for high-pressure nitrogen testing invented by Halliburton engineering teams, to give unsurpassed depth
»» 30,000-psi-rated (206.8-MPa-rated) test section control equipment of knowledge and development capabilities for swell technology and
»» Pneumatic-actuated control valves openhole isolation systems under actual simulated wellbore environments.
»» Centrifugal pumps with a flow capability of 23,000 barrels per day Testing can be performed in both static and dynamic temperature
(3,656.7 cubic meters/day) environments to accurately replicate downhole conditions:
»» One dedicated pump for API sand slurry testing (5,250 bbl/day
maximum as dictated by API 14A test requirements) »» Real-time pressure and temperature monitoring
»» Gas-fired boiler for testing at 180˚F (82˚C) »» Elastomer evaluation
»» Two 30,000-psi-rated (206.8-MPa-rated) gas-charged accumulators • Fully automated swell rate and swell force testing
• Aging test
• 2-gallon (7.5-liter) capacity
»» Flow rate testing
»» Four dedicated holding tanks
»» Temperature fluctuation effects on sealing
• Ambient fresh water
• Heated fresh water There are many more testing capabilities for both full-scale and small-scale
• Water with sand tools offered at these cutting-edge laboratories. As a result, we can work
with our customers to design customized solutions and test protocols that
• Sand slurry gel (API 14A)
meet their most stringent requirements.
»» Two compressed air-holding tanks
• 141-cubic-foot (4-cubic-meter) capacity
• 85-cubic-foot (2.4-cubic-meter) capacity
»» 3,000-psi (20.6-MPa) nitrogen supply system
»» 25,000-psi (68.9-MPa) nitrogen intensifier pump
»» System controls
• National Instruments LabVIEW® graphical user interface (GUI) for data
acquisition of pressure, temperature, flow recordings
• National Instruments LabVIEW computer interface to control all
pumps and valves during testing
12 Engineering Test Facilities – Carrollton, Texas 13
The Multilateral Test Facility comprises a shop area for preparing long The Carrollton technology center also includes a second test well used
assemblies for testing and a control room for running tests on the 144-foot- primarily as backup during peak periods of use for the Mike Adams Well.
long (44-meter-long) Test Beam. The Test Beam can push up to 200,000 lb, This backup test well can be used for full-scale testing of packers, safety
pull 150,000 lb, and stroke in 10-foot (3-meter) increments. The shop also valves, Sliding Side-Door® devices, wireline tools, coiled tubing units,
houses our TorqueMaster™ Model 8026 unit for assembly makeup and snubbing units, and pumpdown installations. The facility is equipped with
break-out operations. This top-of-the-line facility is equipped with all of the a variety of popular casing and tubing sizes to allow installation and
necessary tools so that full assemblies can be tested. testing of well completion tools and service equipment.
Should a customer want to attend a test, the control room is outfitted with In addition to equipment developmental testing, the North Test Well is
monitors and multiple cameras that monitor the testing area. Additionally, often utilized as a resource for our field personnel development efforts as
there is a GoPro® camera that can be deployed for close-ups of critical test well. The Rig Training Program (in the photo immediately below) is 11–12
areas. This testing facility helps ensure that our customers are receiving the weeks in duration (four sessions per year) and is centered on the operation
high-quality equipment that they have come to expect. of completion tools and service equipment.
14 Engineering Test Facilities – Carrollton, Texas 15
Safe operating behaviors and practices are the highest priority for all
activities on the Carrollton campus. In addition to being the first Region 6
organization to obtain OSHA VPP Star site status, this Halliburton facility in
Carrollton is also the sixth-longest-tenured organization in the U.S.
is approved to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and TS 29001.
The Halliburton commitment to reliability is
demonstrated by our investment in
world-class test facilities in Carrollton, Texas.
The benefit of these facilities can be
reduced to a simple statement: Improving
Completion Reliability Through Testing.
Our Service Quality goal is to exceed our
customers’ expectations by delivering
reliable products and industry-leading
Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the
terms and conditions contained in the contract between Halliburton and
the customer that is applicable to the sale.
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