California State Bar Files Petition Against Avenatti
California State Bar Files Petition Against Avenatti
California State Bar Files Petition Against Avenatti
27 ///
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Office of Chief Trial Counsel 0f the State Bar of
California (“State Bar”), by and through Senior Trial Counsel Eli D. Morgenstem, hereby
petitions the Court for an Order enrolling respondent Michael John Avenatti (“respondent”) as an
involuntary inactive member of the State Bar of California pursuant to Business and Professions
Business and Professions Code section 6007(c)(2) provides that the State Bar Court may
order the involuntary inactive enrollment of an attorney if it finds that:
(1) the attorney has caused or is causing substantial harm to the attomey’s
(2) there is reasonable probability that the State Bar will prevail on the merits
The State Bar attaches to this Application clear and convincing evidence that respondent
committed the following acts of misconduct which caused, and is causing, substantial harm to
respondent’s client, Mr. Gregory Barela, for which there is a reasonable probability that the State
(1) on December 28, 201 7, respondent provided Mr. Barela with a fabricated
settlement agreement;
(2) between January 5, 201 8, and March 14, 201 8, respondent concealed the
(3) between March 10, 201 8, and November 201 8, respondent repeatedly
responded to Mr. Barela’s inquiries concerning the status of his settlement fimds
with lies and evasions;
(4) respondent never provided Mr. Barela with an accounting of Mr. Barela’s
Further, despite the State Bar’s request, respondent has not provided the State Bar with a
substantive response—let alone a defense—to these charges nor any evidence to refute the
allegations. Accordingly, as explained in detail in sections IV and V herein, the Standards for
Attorney Sanctions for Professional Misconduct and the relevant case law provide that
Moreover, there are criminal matters pending against respondent in the United States
District Court for the Southern District of New York and the United States District Court for the
Accordingly, the State Bar respectfully submits that each factor required by Business and
Professions Code section 6007(c)(2) is established by clear and convincing evidence. Namely,
that: (1) respondent has caused substantial harm to Mr. Barela and respondent’s other clients;
(2) there is a reasonable probability that the State Bar will prevail on the merits in a disciplinary
proceeding; and (3) there is a reasonable probability that respondent will be disbarred.
For example, on March 24, 201 9, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of
New York, in a matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United States
District Court, Southern District of New York, case number 1:19-mj-02927-UA-1 filed charges
against respondent alleging that respondent tried to extort millions of dollars from Nike, Inc., the
apparel company.
On April 10, 2019, the United States Attorney for the Central District of California filed a
36-count Indictment against respondent charging him with, among other things, the
embezzlement 0f client funds from four different clients, including the embezzlement of Mr.
Barela’s funds, in a matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United
States District Court, Central District of California (Southern Division), case number SA CR 19-
00061 (JVS).
On May 22, 2019, the United States Attorney for the Southern District ofNew York filed
an indictment against respondent charging him with, among other things, embezzlement of client
funds involving a fifih different client, in a matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael
John Avenattz', United States District Court, Southern District of New York, case number 19 Cr.
Therefore, the State Bar respectfully submits that an Order enrolling respondent
The State Bar hereby waives hearing on this application and requests that this matter be
submitted upon the pleadings filed herein. However, should respondent file a response
contesting the within application pursuant to rule 5.227 of the Rules of Procedure of the State
The State Bar has not yet filed a notice of disciplinary charges, and there are no pending
This application is based on the attached Memorandum of Points and Authorities, the
attached Declarations of Gregory Barela, Steven E. Bledsoe, Esq., David J. Sheikh, Esq., and Joy
Nunley, the exhibits attached to these declarations, and the records referenced herein of which
the State Bar has requested this Court to take Judicial Notice.
Respectfully submitted,
N I. Business And Professions Code Section 6007(c112) Identifies The Factors To Be
Considered By The Court In Determining Whether To Issue An Order
Authoriz'gg The Transfer Of An Attornev To Involuntarv Inactive Status; An_d
Rule 5.231 of the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California Establishes
The State Bar’s Burden Of Proof
The State Bar Court may order the involuntary inactive enrollment of an
attorney if it finds, based on all the available evidence, including
15 Pursuant to Rule 5.23 1 (B) ofthe Rules of Procedure ofthe State Bar of California, the
16 State Bar must prove each factor required by Business and Professions Code section
17 by clear and convincing evidence.
18 II. Rule 5.226 Of The Rules Of Procedure Of The State Bar Of California Outline
19 The Reguirements 0f An AQQIication For Involuntafl Inactive Enrollment
22 relevant part that, in order to begin a proceeding under Business and Professions Code section
23 6007(c)(2) in State Bar Court, the State Bar must file with the Clerk of the State Bar Court a
25 Rule 5.226(C) provides that the “application must state with particularity facts showing
26 that the member’s conduct poses a substantial threat of harm to the member’s clients or the
27 public as required under” Business and Professions Code section 6007(c)(2). The application
must be supported by declarations, transcripts, or requests for judicial notice.
Rule 5.226(D) provides that when there is no pending disciplinary proceeding, as is the
(1) cite the statutes, rules, or court orders allegedly violated, or that
(2) state the particular acts or omissions that constitute the alleged violation
or violations, or that form the basis for warranting involuntary inactive
12 Barela, and the exhibits attached thereto; (2) Declaration of Steven E. Bledsoe, and the exhibits
13 attached thereto; (3) Declaration David J. Sheikh, and the exhibits attached thereto; and (4)
15 A. Background Facts
16 On July 8, 2014, Mr. Gregory Barela entered into a fee agreement to employ respondent
17 and his law firm, Eagan Avenatti, LLP, to represent him in an intellectual property dispute with
18 the Settling Party? (Declaration of Gregory Barela, hereinafter, “Barela Declaration,” 112, and
19 Exhibit 1 attached thereto.) Pursuant to the fee agreement, respondent was entitled t0 receive a
20 contingency fee of 40 percent of any settlement recovery obtained on Mr. Barela’s behalf to be
21 paid from the initial disbursement of settlement funds by the Settling Party. (Barela Declaration,
23 Respondent filed a lawsuit in federal court on Mr. Barela’s behalf against the Settling
24 Party alleging multiple causes of action. Thereafter, the Settling Party and Mr. Barela entered
27 2
The corporation is not identified by name due to the confidentiality of the settlement
On December 20, 2017, respondent, on behalf of Mr. Barela, and Mr. David J. Sheikh,
the Settling Party’s attorney, agreed to a final compromise and settlement of the arbitration, with
AWN the Settling Party agreeing to pay a total of $1 .9 million to Mr. Barela, in four annual
installments. According to the terms of the agreement in principle, the first payment to be paid
to Mr. Barela was in the amount of $ 1 .6 million, with three subsequent annual payments of
Between December 22, 201 7, and December 28, 201 7, respondent and Mr. Sheikh
negotiated a written settlement agreement on behalf of their respective clients. The final written
settlement agreement required the Settling Party to make an initial payment of $1 .6 million by
10 January 10, 201 8, and three additional payments 0f $ 1 00,000 by January 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021,
B. Respondent’s December 28, 201 7 Presentation 0f Fabricated Settlement
13 Agreement to Gregorv Barela
l4 On December 28, 2017, at respondent’s request, Mr. Barela met with respondent at his
15 law firm’s offices in Newport Beach, California, in order to sign a purported settlement
16 agreement that respondent had negotiated with the Settling Party on Mr. Barela’s behalf. (Barela
17 Declaration, 114.)
18 The settlement agreement that respondent presented to Mr. Barela on December 28, 201 7
19 to sign required the Settling Party to make an initial payment of $1 .6 million by March 201 8,
20 and three additional payments of $100,000 by March 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021, respectively, for a
21 total of $1 .9 million. Respondent also told Mr. Barela that the settlement payments were payable
22 in March of each year. (Barela Declaration, 115, and Exhibit 2 attached thereto.)
23 Unbeknownst to Mr. Barela on December 28, 201 7, the actual settlement agreement
24 negotiated by respondent on Mr. Barela’s behalf required the Settling Party to make the initial
25 payment of $1.6 million by January 10, 201 8, and the three additional payments of $100,000 by
26 January 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021, respectively. (Barela Declaration, 116.) Mr. Barela was unaware
27 of the January payment dates because the version of the settlement agreement that respondent
provided to him on December 28, 201 7 to sign included the falsified March payment dates.
On December 28, 2017, respondent emailed only the signature page for the settlement
Afier Mr. Barela signed the settlement agreement, he asked respondent how much money
he would receive in total after paying respondent’s contingency fee and costs. Respondent
represented to Mr. Barela that respondent believed that the costs were between $100,000 and
10 $125,000, but that his office manager/paralegal was conducting a final accounting of costs.
11 Based on these representations, respondent told Mr. Barela that he would receive over $1 million
13 On December 29, 201 7, Mr. Sheikh emailed respondent a fully executed settlement
14 agreement with Mr. Barela’s and the Settling Party’s signatures, which included the actual
15 payment schedule that respondent and Mr. Sheikh had negotiated on behalf of their respective
16 clients with the January payment dates. (Sheikh Declaration, and Exhibit 1 attached thereto.)
17 On January 2, 201 8, respondent sent an email to Mr. Sheikh specifying the client trust
18 account and providing wiring instructions for the Settling Party to make the settlement payments
21 Respondent received the request. However, respondent never provided Mr. Barela with the
23 On January 5, 201 8, the Settling Party made the initial $1.6 million settlement payment
24 by wire transfer to the client trust account specified by respondent on January 2, 201 8. (Sheikh
25 Declaration, 119; Declaration of Joy Nunley, hereinafter, “Nunley Declaration,” 1N7, 8, and 10,
27 The initial $1.6 million settlement payment was wired into an account at City National
Bank, account no. xxxxx5566.3 The account is titled, “Michael J. Avenatti Attorney Client Trust
Account (BAR Settlement)” (“Barela CTA”). (Nunley Declaration, 117, and Exhibit 1, at p. 7,
time thereafter did respondent ever notify Mr. Barela that respondent received the initial $ 1 .6
million settlement payment on his behalf from the Settling Party or provide Mr. Barela with an
Pursuant to the fee agreement, respondent was entitled to receive $760,000 (40% of the
total $1 .9 million) as his fees from the initial $1 .6 settlement installment. (Barela Declaration,
1|2, and Exhibit 1 attached thereto.) Mr. Barela’s portion of the initial $1.6 million settlement
installment was $840.000 less respondent’s costs. Respondent was required to maintain
$840,000 in the Barela CTA until respondent produced an accounting of costs and Mr. Barela
authorized respondent to withdraw the costs.
Mr. Barela never authorized respondent t0 disburse any portion of Mr. Barela’s portion of
the initial $1.6 million payment to any person or entity other than himself. (Barela Declaration,
1150.) At all relevant times, Mr. Barela planned to use a portion of his settlement proceeds to
finance business ventures that he had started. (Barela Declaration, 111 1.)
Mr. Barela never authorized respondent to use any portion of Mr. Barela’s portion of the
initial $ 1 .6 million payment for respondent’s own personal use. (Barela Declaration, 1151 .)
Respondent never issued a check from the Barela CTA made payable to himself or his
law firm in the amount of his contingency fee of $760,000, or otherwise disbursed that amount in
one lump sum to himself or his law firm. (Nunley Declaration, 1N7, 8, 9, 10, and Exhibit 1, at
Instead, respondent made numerous withdrawals from the Barela CTA for his own
personal use. (Nunley Declaration, 1[10, and Exhibit 1, at pp. 7-21, 25-35, and Exhibits 2-3
attached thereto.) Prior to making any disbursement 0f settlement funds to, or for the benefit of,
The full account number is omitted for privacy reasons.
Mr. Barela, and without his knowledge or consent, respondent intentionally and dishonestly
misappropriated $839,390.27 entitled to Mr. Barela by disbursing to himself and other third
parties nearly the entirety of Mr. Barela’s settlement proceeds for his own personal use:
a. The balance in the Barela CTA prior to the January 5, 201 8 wire transfer was $0.
By January 8, CTA decreased to $924,089.25, due
cashier’s check in the sum of $61 7,840.44 to pay Edward Ricci, a Florida
By January 10, 2018, the balance in the Barela CTA decreased to $760,036.25
(i.e., within five days afler receipt of Mr. Barela’s funds, respondent failed to
maintain the balance in the Barela CTA required to be preserved for Mr. Barela).
By March 9, 201 8, the balance in the Barela CTA decreased to $4,621 .73.
By March 10, 201 8—the date that Mr. Barela anticipated respondent would
By March 14, 201 8, the balance in the Barela CTA decreased to $609.73.
Accordingly, respondent intentionally and dishonestly misappropriated
$839,390.27 ($840,000 -
$609.73) of Mr. Barela’s settlement funds for his own
personal use. (Nunley Declaration, 1W7, 8, 9, and 10, and Exhibit 1, at pp. 7-21 ,
Pursuant t0 the fabricated settlement agreement that respondent provided to Mr. Barela
on December 28, 2017, Mr. Barela anticipated that the first settlement payment would occur on
At no time between January 5, 201 8, and March 10, 2018, or at any time thereafler, did
respondent notify Mr. Barela 0f respondent’s receipt of the initial $1 .6 million settlement
payment or the terms of the actual settlement agreement. Between March 10, 201 8 and
December 3, 201 8, respondent actively misrepresented to Mr. Barela the status of his settlement
funds by repeatedly causing Mr. Barela to believe that respondent had not
yet received Barela’s
funds due to the Settling Party’s refusal to remit funds to respondent or Mr. Barela
as required
On the morning 0f March 10, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent
stating that he “was just thinking is this a big day from our friends at [Settling
On March 12, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent containing his
On March 13, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent another text message to respondent asking if
there was “any word on that wire from [Settling Party]?” Mr. Barela asked
respondent to let him know and sought an update regarding his settlement
On March 14, 2018, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent stating, “Hi
Michael[,] just checking in on the [Settling Party] issue. I’ve been going pretty
deep and credit cards and a little loan to keep both businesses going. Any
updates?” (Barela Declaration, 111 1, and Exhibit 6 attached thereto.) Respondent
On March 19, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent telling
respondent that Mr. Barela wanted to be “aggressive with [Settling Party] this
week” and asked respondent to let him know if respondent heard anything from
the Settling Party. (Barela Declaration, 111 2, and Exhibit 7 attached thereto.)
o On March 21, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent, “Any word
from [Settling Party]?” (Barela Declaration, 1113, and Exhibit 8 attached thereto.)
Respondent received the text message but did not respond in writing. (Barela
Declaration, 1H 3.)
o On March 22, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message t0 respondent asking, “Did
they step up with the transfer? If not what are we doing next?” (Barela
Declaration, 1114, and Exhibit 9 attached thereto.) Respondent did not respond in
o On March 23, 201 8, facing financial burdens, Mr. Barela sent respondent a text
Mr. Barela’s text message, stating, “Greg-don’t worry. Let’s chat tmrw. We will
figure this out. Michael.” (Barela Declaration, 111 5, and Exhibit 10 attached
During this time period in March 201 8, while respondent did not respond in writing to the
texts described above, respondent did orally assure Mr. Barela that he was working to obtain the
proceeds of the settlement agreement. Respondent stated that he had no idea what was going on
with the settlement payment. Respondent stated that he had spoken with counsel for the Settling
Party, and that counsel for the Settling Party was in disbelief that the Settling Party had not made
that counsel for the Settling Party did not know or understand why the Settling Party had not
made the payment. At some point during this time period, respondent informed Mr. Barela that
another lawsuit would need to be filed in order to force the Settling Party to make the settlement
In one of their March 2018 phone conversations, respondent falsely informed Mr. Barela
that i) respondent had spoken with Mr. Sheikh, counsel for the Settling Party, ii) Mr. Sheikh told
respondent that Mr. Sheikh was in disbelief that the Settling Party had not made the initial $1.6
million settlement payment, iii) respondent genuinely believed that Mr. Sheikh did not know 0r
understand why the Settling Party had not made the payment, and iv) another lawsuit would need
to be filed in order to force the Settling Party to make the settlement payments. (Barela
Declaration, 1]
1 6.)
In fact, at no time in March 2018, or at any time, did Mr. Sheikh say to respondent that he
was in disbelief that the Settling Party had not made the initial $1 .6 million settlement payment,
Given that Mr. Barela had relied on receiving his portion of the initial $1.6 million
payment by March 201 8, Mr. Barela was facing a dire financial situation. (Barela Declaration,
1[1 7.)
10 In April 201 8, Mr. Barela sent respondent multiple text messages and emails, expressing
11 concern due to his financial vulnerability and urgent need for the settlement funds. Respondent
12 received the text messages and emails but continued to conceal from Mr. Barela the true status
13 his settlement fimds. Instead, respondent continued to orally assure Mr. Barela over the
14 telephone and in-person that respondent was working to obtain the proceeds of the settlement
15 agreement, including statements to Mr. Barela that respondent would file a separate lawsuit in
16 federal court on Mr. Barela’s behalf to enforce payment pursuant to the settlement. (Barela
17 Declaration, 1122.) Furthermore, respondent agreed to provide and did provide a $60,000
18 “advance” loan to Mr. Barela to be repaid by Mr. Barela from the $1.6 million
20 0 On April 2, 201 8, Mr. Barela emailed respondent asking for a loan. Mr. Barela
21 was in the early stages of setting up two businesses and he told respondent that he
22 was “out of pocket about 250k for both businesses.” (Barela Declaration, 7 and
24 o During the evening of April 2, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent
25 asking whether there was any word from the Settling Party regarding the
26 settlement payment. Later that same evening, Mr. Barela spoke with respondent
27 on the telephone and respondent assured Mr. Barela on the call that he was
working to make sure the Settling Party would make the settlement payment as
Barela while he was purpofiedly seeking payments from the Settling Party.
(Barela Declaration, 111 7.) During the evening of April 2, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a
text message to respondent stating, “Thanks again for the call. Whatever you can
o On April 3, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent respondent a text message asking him whether
he was able to advance him “any amount if at all?” Respondent responded that
10 that he could “probably send a wire tmrw.” (Barela Declaration, and Exhibit
111 8,
11 13 attached thereto.)
12 o On April 5, 2018, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent with his bank
14 money respondent had agreed to advance to Mr. Barela. In the email, Mr. Barela
15 also stated that he wanted to discuss his options for collections on the Settling
18 (Barela Declaration, 1[1 9.) The wire transfer did not emanate from the Barela
19 CTA, as the balance in the Barela CTA was $609.87 by March 14, 2018, and
20 there were no deposits made into the Barela CTA after the transfer of the initial
21 $1.6 million settlement payment. Wunley Declaration, 1110.)
22 I On April 15, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent another email to respondent asking respondent
23 about the status of the settlement money from the Settling Party. Mr. Barela also
24 asked about steps to take against the Settling Party if the money was not collected.
25 Mr. Barela told respondent that he needed a plan as soon as possible as he was
27 thereto.) Respondent did not respond in writing to the email. Instead, during a
telephone call, respondent assured Mr. Barela that respondent was filing another
claim against the Settling Party in federal court in Los Angeles, California, and
A o On April 22, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent asking if the Settling
Again, on April 25, 2018, and April 26, 2018, Mr. Barela sent text messages to
respondent asking whether there was any word from the Settling Party. (Barela
Declaration, 1|21, and Exhibit 17 attached thereto.) Respondent did not respond in
10 In May 201 8, Mr. Barela continued to send respondent emails expressing concern due to
11 his financial vulnerability and urgent need for the settlement fimds. Respondent received the
12 emails but continued to conceal from Mr. Barela the true status of his settlement funds. Instead,
13 respondent continued to orally assure Mr. Barela over the telephone and in-person that
14 respondent was working to obtain the proceeds 0f the settlement agreement, and provided an
15 additional $3 0,000 “advance” to Mr. Barela to be repaid by Mr. Barela from his portion of the
16 $1.6 million settlement installment that respondent received but continued to conceal, as follows:
17 0 On May 7, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent another email to respondent asking him what the
18 next actions were against the Settling Party. Mr. Barela also told respondent, “If
19 [Settling Party] does not pay soon I may need a little help in the next two weeks.”
21 the email.
22 o On May 15, 2018, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent explaining that since
23 Mr. Barela planned on collecting the settlement in March and had not seen any of
24 it, he was losing credibility with his other business ventures and his wife, and was
25 now facing a difficult financial position. Mr. Barela asked respondent, “Did
26 [Settling Party] respond or pay? Ifno[,] what are we filing this week?” (Barela
27 Declaration, 1124, and Exhibit 19 attached thereto.) Respondent received the email
but did not respond in writing. Instead, respondent and Mr. Barela had a
On May 22, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent containing wiring
respondent responded, “Got it. Thanks.” (Barela Declaration, fl25, and Exhibit 20
attached thereto.)
Barela to be repaid by Mr. Barela from his portion of the $1 .6 million settlement
11 Declaration, 1126.)
12 In June 201 8, respondent continued to conceal fi'om Mr. Barela the true status of
13 settlement funds and reassure Mr. Barela that respondent was working to obtain the proceeds of
14 the settlement agreement. During this time frame, respondent stated to Mr. Barela
that whenever
15 he needed an advance of money, to let him know, and he would wire money to Mr. Barela,
16 because the Settling Party matter was not resolved and he did not know when it would be (Barela
18 o On June 25, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent containing a list of
19 reminders for the week, including a reminder about filing a lawsuit against the
20 Settling Party for failing to pay the $ l .6 million due to him. (Barela Declaration,
24 0n June 29, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent an email to the office manager/paralegal at
25 respondent’s law finn, Eagan Avenatti, LLP, and asked for a copy of the sigIed
26 settlement agreement, which included the sigmtures from the Settling Party’s
27 representatives.
I When Mr. Barela went to their office a day or two later to get a fully executed
copy of the settlement agreement, the office manager/paralegal came into the
agreement (i.e., bearing the March payment dates) with a copy of the fiJlly
On August 15, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent asking about initiating a
lawsuit against the Settling Party for failing to abide by the terms of the settlement agreement
On September 10, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent respondent an email with wire instructions for
On September 11, 201 8, respondent provided an additional $6,000 “advance” loan to Mr.
Barela to be repaid by Mr. Barela from the $ 1 .6 million settlement installment that respondent
Between October 10, 201 8 and November 5, 201 8, respondent continued to conceal from
Mr. Barela the true status of his settlement funds and re-assure Mr. Barela that respondent was
working to obtain the proceeds of the settlement agreement. During this time frame, Mr. Barela
sent approximately seven combined text messages and emails to respondent expressing concern
due to his financial vulnerability and urgent need for the settlement funds. In at least two of the
correspondences, Mr. Barela requested copies of pleadings filed in the lawsuit respondent had
purported to have filed to enforce the settlement agreement on Mr. Barela’s behalf. Respondent
received the emails but continued to conceal from Mr. Barela the true status of his settlement
funds, as follows:
On October 10, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent respondent an email asking for an update
on the status of collecting the settlement proceeds from the Settling Party. Mr.
Barela also asked for more financial help, requesting an additional advance t0
On October l4, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent asking if the
Settling Party had responded and what the next steps were being taken to ensure
payment. Mr. Barela stated, “It will be one year in December and they will owe
the second payment in March . . . Can we discuss a go forward strategy till this is
handled?” Mr. Barela also asked respondent for “a copy 0f the last thing that we
filed.” (Barela Declaration, ‘fi35, and Exhibit 25 attached thereto. Respondent did
not respond in writing to Mr. Barela’s October 14, 2018 email. (Barela
Declaration, 1139.)
On October 17, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent expressing to
him that Mr. Barela was in financial hardship and asking for another advance.
On October 19, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent asking
respondent if Mr. Barela could borrow money. (Barela Declaration, 113 7, and
Barela’s October 17, 2018 0r October l9, 2018 text messages. (Barela
Declaration, 1137.)
On October 22, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent an email to respondent again stressing the
financial troubles Mr. Barela was facing. Mr. Barela told respondent that he was
working on trying to get a loan from a third-party creditor and was trying to use
the settlement agreement to secure it. Mr. Barela again asked for an update on the
payment and what the next action steps would be. Mr. Barela also asked for
copies 0f all the paperwork related to the alleged filing against the Settling Party
so that Mr. Barela could use it to secure a personal loan. (Barela Declaration,
1138, and Exhibit 28 attached thereto.) Respondent did not respond to Mr.
On October 28, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent respondent a text message again
highlighting Mr. Barela’s dire financial situation. (Barela Declaration, 1139, and
On October 28, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent respondent another text message again
asking respondent t0 forward the documents that had been filed against the
Settling Party so that Mr. Barela could use them to secure a personal loan.
On October 29, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent another text message to respondent. On the
same day, respondent replied that he would call Mr. Barela shortly. Later that
same day, because Mr. Barela had not heard back from respondent, Mr. Barela
sent respondent another text message. Respondent replied, “Let’s chat in the am.
On October 30, 201 8, Mr. Barela followed-up with respondent by sending him a
text message that stated “any word.” Respondent replied that he was “making
On October 3 1, 201 8, Mr. Barela sent a text message to respondent with wire
attached thereto.)
“advance” loan to Mr. Barela to be repaid by Mr. Barela from the $1.6 million
Declaration, 1142.)
Between April 5, 201 8, and November 5, 201 8, respondent provided a total of five
million settlement installment that respondent received but continued to conceal. (Barela
Declaration, 1143.) None of the wire transfers emanated from the Barela CTA. To date,
respondent has not made any further payments or restitution to Mr. Barela.
In the latter part of 2018, Mr. Barela began searching for a creditor to loan him
approximately $100,000 in order to operate his business, using the settlement agreement and
promise by the Settling Party to pay as collateral. (Barela Declaration, 1144.) Afier respondent
heard of Mr. Barela’s search for a loan, respondent dissuaded Mr. Barela from seeking a loan
from a third party, and instead promised Mr. Barela that he would be able to provide a loan of
$100,000 by January 15, 201 9, at an interest rate between 8-10%. (Barela Declaration, 1144.)
10 Respondent told Mr. Barela to “hang tight” until January 15, 2019, and “don’t ask again.”
12 At the time that respondent told Mr. Barela to “hang tight” until January 15, 2019,
13 Mr. Barela did not know that respondent was expecting another payment from the Settling Party
17 In November 201 8, Mr. Barela employed Larson O’Brien, LLC to represent him with his
18 efforts to collect the proceeds due to him pursuant to the terms of the settlement agreement
19 executed by Mr. Barela and the Settling Party on December 28, 2017. (Declaration of Steven E.
21 At the time that he employed Larson O’Brien, LLC (the “firm”), Mr. Barela presented
22 Mr. Steven E. Bledsoe, a partner at Larson O’Brien, with a copy of the fully executed settlement
23 agreement that respondent had provided to him (i.e., the fabricated settlement agreement),
24 requiring the Settling Party to make an initial payment 0f $ 1 .6 million by March 10, 201 8, and
25 three additional payments of $100,000 by March 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021, respectively, for a total
On November 15, 201 8, Mr. Bledsoe sent an email to Mr. Sheikh. (Bledsoe Declaration,
115, and Exhibit 1 attached thereto; Sheikh Declaration, 1112, and Exhibit 2 attached thereto.) In
the email, Mr. Bledsoe explained that Mr. Barela had employed the firm in connection with his
efforts to collect on the proceeds from the December 28, 201 7 settlement agreement with the
Settling Party, and Mr. Bledsoe asked Mr. Sheikh to: (i) confirm that the Settling Party made the
$1 .6 million payment that was due on March 10, 201 8; and (ii) provide Mr. Bledsoe with a copy
of the wire transfer confirmation. In the email, Mr. Bledsoe provided his cell phone number and
On November 16, 201 8, Mr. Bledsoe and Mr. Sheikh had a telephone conversation.
10 (Bledsoe Declaration, 116; Sheikh Declaration, 111 3.) During the telephone conversation,
11 Mr. Bledsoe explained to Mr. Sheikh that respondent had advised Mr. Barela that the Settling
12 Party did not make the initial $ 1 .6 million payment due under the terms of the settlement
13 agreement. (Bledsoe Declaration, 116; Sheikh Declaration, 1113.) Mr. Bledsoe also stated that the
14 copy of the settlement agreement provided to Mr. Barela by respondent provided for the initial
15 payment to be made by the Settling Party on March 10, 201 8. (Bledsoe Declaration, Sheikh
16 Declaration, 111 3.) Mr. Sheikh explained to Mr. Bledsoe that the settlement agreement actually
17 provided for the initial $1 .6 million payment to be made in January 201 8, and that the Settling
18 Party made the payment at that time. (Bledsoe Declaration, 116; Sheikh Declaration, 1113.) Given
19 these discrepancies, Mr. Bledsoe emailed Mr. Sheikh a copy of the settlement agreement that
20 respondent had presented to Mr. Barela (i.e., the fabricated settlement agreement). (Bledsoe
22 On November 17, 2018, Mr. Bledsoe sent Mr. Sheikh a letter via email as a follow-up to
23 his email message to Mr. Sheikh on November 15, 201 8, and their telephone conversation on
24 November 16, 201 8. (Bledsoe Declaration, 117, and Exhibit 2 attached thereto; Sheikh
25 Declaration, 1114, and Exhibit 3 attached thereto.) In his November 17, 2018 letter, Mr. Bledsoe
26 partially memorialized the November 16, 201 8 telephone conversation, and requested that
Mr. Sheikh provide him with: (i) a true and correct copy of the settlement agreement executed by
N the Settling Party and Mr. Barela; (ii) a copy of the wire transfer confirmation for the $1 .6
million settlement payment made by the Settling Party in January 201 8; and (iii) any written
confirmation with respondent’s law firm concerning 0r confirming the settlement payment.
(Bledsoe Declaration, 117, and Exhibit 2 attached thereto; Sheikh Declaration, 1114, and Exhibit 3
attached thereto.) Finally, Mr. Bledsoe requested that the Settling Party make all future
payments due to Mr. Barela under the settlement agreement by wire transfer to the firm’s client
trust account. (Bledsoe Declaration, 117, and Exhibit 2 attached thereto; Sheikh Declaration, 1H4,
and Exhibit 3 attached thereto.) On November 17, 2018, Mr. Bledsoe and
10 Mr. Barela signed the letter. (Bledsoe Declaration, 1W, and Exhibit 2 attached thereto.)
11 On November 17, 201 8, Mr. Bledsoe also sent respondent a letter via email. (Bledsoe
12 Declaration, 118, and Exhibit 3 attached thereto; and Barela Declaration, and Exhibit 32
13 attached thereto.) In the letter, Mr. Bledsoe explained that Mr. Barela had employed the firm in
14 connection with his efforts to collect 0n the proceeds from the December 28, 201 7 settlement
15 agreement with the Settling Party, and Mr. Bledsoe asked respondent to: (i) confirm any
16 representations that respondent made to Mr. Barela that the Settling Party had failed to make the
17 initial $1 .6 million payment due under the settlement agreement; (ii) promptly provide a true and
18 correct copy of the settlement agreement and any fee agreement between respondent and
19 Mr. Barela; and (iii) provide an immediate accounting in the event that the Settling Party made
20 the initial $ 1 .6 million payment provided in the settlement agreement. On November 17, 201 8,
21 Mr. Bledsoe and Mr. Barela signed the letter. (Bledsoe Declaration, 1|8, and Exhibit 3 attached
22 thereto; and Barela Declaration, 1145, and Exhibit 32 attached thereto.) Respondent did not
23 respond to the letter and did not provide the requested accounting. (Bledsoe Declaration, 118.)
24 After the letter was sent, respondent made multiple telephone calls to Mr. Barela. (Barela
25 Declaration, 1145.) Respondent also sent an email to Mr. Barela asking Mr. Barela to call
26 respondent as soon as Mr. Barela received the email. (Barela Declaration, 1|45, and Exhibit 33
27 attached thereto.) Additionally, respondent sent a text message to Mr. Barela asking, “What is
this all about? Pls call me ASAP.” (Barela Declaration, 1|45, and Exhibit 34 attached thereto.)
On November 19, 201 8, Mr. Bledsoe sent an email to respondent attaching a letter from
Mr. Barela requesting that respondent transfer: (i) all paper and electronic files to the firm; and
(ii) the balance of any funds paid by the Settling Party to the firm’s client trust account. (Barela
Declaration, 1146, and Exhibit 35 attached thereto; Bledsoe Declaration, In a separate email,
Mr. Bledsoe provided respondent with the firm’s wire transfer information. (Bledsoe
Declaration, 119; Barela Declaration 1146.) Respondent did not respond to Mr. Bledsoe’s
November l9, 2018 email attaching Mr. Barela’s letter 0r Mr. Bledsoe’s separate email. (Barela
10 On November 20, 201 8, Mr. Sheikh sent Mr. Bledsoe a letter via email. (Sheikh
11 Declaration, 1|1 5, and Exhibit 4 attached thereto; Bledsoe Declaration, and Exhibit 3
111 0,
12 attached thereto.) In the letter, Mr. Sheikh repeated what he told Mr. Bledsoe when they spoke
13 by telephone on November l6, 201 8; namely that: (i) the settlement agreement executed by
14 Mr. Barela and the Settling Party required the Settling Party to make the initial payment by
15 January 10, 201 8, and the Settling Party did so by wire transfer on January 2018; the
5, (ii)
16 purported settlement agreement that Mr. Bledsoe emailed to him during their November 16,
17 201 8 telephone conversation was not a true and correct copy of the settlement agreement; and
18 (iii) he had never seen the document before he received it from Mr. Bledsoe on November 16,
19 201 8. (Sheikh Declaration, 111 5, and Exhibit 4 attached thereto; Bledsoe Declaration, and
1]] 0,
20 Exhibit 3 attached thereto.) In the letter, Mr. Sheikh also requested that Mr. Bledsoe prepare a
21 proposed amendment to the settlement agreement that reflected his request for the filture
22 payments owed pursuant to the settlement agreement be made to Mr. Bledsoe’s firm’s client trust
23 account instead of the trust account desiglated by respondent. (Sheikh Declaration, and
24 Exhibit 4 attached thereto; Bledsoe Declaration, 1110, and Exhibit 3 attached thereto.)
25 On November 21, 201 8, Mr. Sheikh sent Mr. Bledsoe a letter with a true and correct copy
26 of the settlement agreement attached to it via email. (Sheikh Declaration, 1|] 6, and Exhibit 5
27 attached thereto; Bledsoe Declaration, fll 1, and Exhibit 4 attached thereto.) Later that same day,
Mr. Bledsoe showed Mr. Barela the true and correct copy of the fully executed settlement
agreement that Mr. Bledsoe had received from Mr. Sheikh (i.e., the actual settlement agreement).
(Barela Declaration, 1147, and Exhibit 36 attached thereto.) This was the first time that Mr.
Barela had ever seen the true and correct copy of the fully executed settlement agreement (i.e.,
the actual settlement agreement). (Barela Declaration, 1147.) The true and correct
copy of the
fully executed settlement agreement provides that the initial settlement payment of $1 .6 million
was due by January 10, 201 8, with the subsequent payments due by January 10 of the following
On November 27, 201 8, Mr. Sheikh provided Mr. Bledsoe with a copy of the
confirmation of the January 5, 201 8 wire transfer of the $1 .6 million settlement agreement.
(Sheikh Declaration, 111 7; Bledsoe Declaration, 1112, and Exhibit 5 attached thereto; Barela
Declaration, 1148.)
On December 3, 201 8, Mr. Bledsoe sent respondent a letter via email reminding him that
on November 17, 201 8, he had sent respondent a letter asking him to: (i) confirm any
representations that respondent made to Mr. Barela that the Settling Party had failed to make the
initial $1 .6 million payment due under the settlement agreement; (ii) promptly provide a true and
correct copy of the settlement agreement and any fee agreement between respondent and
Mr. Barela; and (iii) provide an immediate accounting in the event that the Settling Party made
the initial $1 .6 million payment provided in the settlement agreement. (Bledsoe Declaration,
W3, and Exhibit 6 attached thereto.) Mr. Bledsoe further stated that respondent had neither
responded to Mr. Bledsoe’s November 17, 201 8 letter nor Mr. Barela’s November 19, 201 8 letter
requesting that respondent transfer Mr. Barela’s files and client funds to the firm. (Bledsoe
Declaration, 1113, and Exhibit 7 attached thereto.) Finally, Mr. Bledsoe invited respondent to
resolve the matter without court intervention. (Bledsoe Declaration, and Exhibit 6 attached
111 3,
thereto.) Respondent did not respond to the letter. (Bledsoe Declaration, 111 3.)
Pursuant to Mr. Sheikh’s request, Mr. Bledsoe prepared an addendum to the settlement
agreement. (Bledsoe Declaration, 1114.) On January 3, 2019, Mr. Barela and the Settling Party
sig1ed the addendum which provided that the Settling Party would pay all future payments due
under the settlement agreement to new counsel’s client trust account. (Barela Declaration, 1152,
and Exhibit 37 attached thereto; Sheikh Declaration, 1[1 8, and Exhibit 6 attached thereto; Bledsoe
On January 15, 2019, the balance in the Barela CTA was $0.00. (Nunley Declaration,
In January 201 9, Mr. Bledsoe submitted a State Bar complaint on behalf of Mr. Barela
against respondent. (Bledsoe Declaration, Respondent never notified Mr. Barela that on
111 5.)
January 5, 201 8, respondent received the initial $1 .6 million settlement payment on his behalf
from the Settling Party. (Barela Declaration, 1149.) In fact, respondent concealed and failed to
disclose to Mr. Barela that he had received the initial $ 1 .6 million settlement
payment from the
Settling Party. (Barela Declaration, 1149.)
On March 24, 2019, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York
and for the Central District of California coordinated to arrest respondent at the same time for
the matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United States District Court,
Southern Distn'ct ofNew York, Case Number 1:19-mj-02927-UA-1. The complaint filed in case
number 1:19-mj-02927-UA-1 charges that respondent tried to extort millions of dollars from
Nike, Inc., the apparel company. (Nunley Declaration, 1114, and Exhibit 4 attached thereto.)4
The United States Attorney for the Central District of California arrested respondent in
Pursuant to rule 5.104(H)(2)(e) of the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar and Evidence
Code section 452(d), the State Bar requests this Coun to take judicial notice of Exhibit 4
attached to Ms. Nunley’s Declaration, a true and correct copy of the complaint filed in United
States ofAmerica Michael John Avenatti, United States District Court, Southern District of
New York, case number 1:19—mj-02927-UA-1. (Rules Proc. 0f the State Bar, Rule
5.104(H)(2)(e) [the State Bar Court may judicial notice of non-certified records that have been
copied from the federal court website, Public Access to Court Electronic Records
PACER)]; Evid. Code, § 452(d) [Judicial notice may be taken 0f “Records 0f (l) any court 0f
this state or (2) any court of record of the United States or of
any state of the United States.”)
connection with charges filed in the matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael John
Ana), case number 8:19-mj-00241. (Nunley Declaration, 1H]14,15, and Exhibit 6 attached
thereto.) The complaint filed in case number 8: 19-mj ~00241 charges respondent with embezzling
from a client, specifically Mr. Barela, and deffauding a bank by using false tax returns t0 obtain a
On April 10, 201 9, the United States Attorney for the Central District of California filed
an indictment against respondent in a criminal matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael
John Avenatti, United States District Court (Southern Division-Santa Ana), case number CR
10 8: 19-cr—00061 (JVS). (Nunley Declaration, 6.) The indictment charges that respondent,
11 among other charges, embezzled funds belonging t0 four of his former clients, including
13 On April 10, 201 9, case number 8:19-mj-00241 was merged into case number 8:19-cr-
14 00061 and terminated. (Nunley Declaration, fill 7, and Exhibit 8 attached thereto.)7
15 On May 22, 201 9 the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York filed
16 an indictment against respondent in a criminal matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael
17 John Avenattz', United States District Court, Southern District of New York, case number CR 19-
22 6
Pursuant to rule 5.104(H)(2)(e) of the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar and Evidence
Code section 452(d), the State Bar requests this Court to take judicial notice of Exhibit
attached t0 Ms. Nunley’s Declaration, a true and correct copy of the indictment filed in United
StatesofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United States District Coun (Southern Division-
Santa Ana), case number CR 8: 19-cr-00061 (JVS).
25 7
Pursuant to rule 5. 104(H)(2)(e) of the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar and Evidence
Code section 452(d), the State Bar requests this Court to take judicial notice of Exhibit
attached t0 Ms. Nunley’s Declaration, a true and correct copy of the docket for United
States of
America v. Michael John Avenatti, United States District Court (Southern Division-Santa
27 Ana),
case number CR 8:19-cr—00061 (JVS).
charges, embezzled funds belonging to a fifih client. (Nunley Declaration, and Exhibit 9
attached thereto.)8
On February 27, 201 9, State Bar Investigator Joy Nunley sent Ms. Ellen Pansky,
respondent’s attorney, a letter via U.S. Mail and email asking Ms. Pansky t0 respond to the
allegations of misconduct being investigated by the State Bar in connection with Case Number
19-0-10483 by no later than March 15, 201 9. (Nunley Declaration, 1]] ] .)
On March 14, 2019, Ms. Pansky sent Ms. Nunley a letter via U.S. Mail and email
requesting an extension of time to respond to Ms. Nunley’s February 27, 2019 letter to March
22, 2019. Ms. Nunley agreed to the extension. (Nunley Declaration, 1112.)
On March 21, 201 9, Ms. Pansky sent Ms. Nunley a letter via U.S. Mail and email
requesting an additional extension of time to respond to Ms. Nunley’s February 27, 2019 letter to
April 1, 2019. Ms. Nunley agreed to the extension. (Nunley Declaration, 1113.)
On March 29, 2019, Ms. Pansky sent Ms. Nunley a letter via U.S. Mail and email.
(Nunley Declaration, 111 5, and Exhibit 6 attached thereto.) In the letter, Ms. Pansky stated,
“As am sure you are also well aware, Mr. Avenatti was arrested
Pursuant t0 rule 5. 1 04(H)(2)(e) of the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar and Evidence
Code section 452(d), the State Bar requests this Court to take judicial notice of Exhibit 9
attached to Ms. Nunley’s Declaration, a true and correct copy of the indictment filed in United
States ofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United States District Court, Southern District of
New York, case number CR 19-Cr. 374.
At no time has respondent provided a substantive response—or defense—or any
connection with case number 19-0-1 0483. (Nunley Declaration, 1]] 6.)
As stated above, when there is no pending disciplinary proceeding, as is the case here, an
application for an order of inactive enrollment pursuant to Business and Professions Code
section 6007(c)(2) must: (1) cite to the statutes and rules violated; and
(2) state the particular acts
The State Bar respectfully submits that the facts set forth above demonstrate that
respondent committed the following acts 0f moral turpitude and violated the Business and
Professions Code and the former and current Rules of Professional Conduct as follows:
1. Business and Professions Code section 6106: By presenting Mr. Barela with a
fabricated settlement agreement on December 28, 201 7 (Barela Declaration, and Exhibit 2
attached thereto) which contained erroneous payment dates for the settlement payment schedule,
and which respondent knew and caused to be fabricated, respondent committed an act of moral
turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption in violation of Business and Professions Code section 6106;
Party, respondent failed to notify his client promptly, or at any time, of the receipt of client funds
and 2 attached thereto), respondent failed to maintain client fimds in trust in Violation of rule
4. Business and Professions Code, section 6106: By intentionally and dishonestly
misappropriating approximately $839,390. 1 3 ($840,000 -
$609.87) of Mr. Barela’s settlement
funds by March 14, 201 8 (Nunley Declaration, 1]] 0, and Exhibits 1 and 2 attached thereto),
5. Business and Professions Code section 6106: By orally stating to Mr. Barela in
0r about March 2018 that: (i) respondent had no idea what was going on With the initial
settlement payment of $ 1 .6 million; (ii) the Settling Party’s counsel was in disbelief that that the
Settling Party had not made the initial settlement payment; and (iii) respondent genuinely
believed that Settling Party’s counsel did not know or understand why the Settling Party had not
made the payment (Barela Declaration, 1]] 6), when respondent knew that the statements were
6. Business and Professions Code section 6106: By orally stating to Mr. Barela in
0r about March and April 201 8 that a lawsuit would need to be filed in order to force the Settling
Party to make the initial settlement payment (Barela Declaration, 11111 6, 22), when respondent
knew that the statements were false, respondent committed an act involving moral turpitude,
7. Business and Professions Code section 6106: By stating to Mr. Barela dun'ng a
(Barela Declaration, 111 7), when respondent knew that the statement was false because he knew
that on January 5, 201 8, the Settling Party wired the $ 1 .6 million initial payment into the Barela
8. Business and Professions Code section 6106: By orally stating to Mr. Barela in
or about June 201 8 that when Mr. Barela needed an “advance” of money to let respondent know,
because the Settling Party matter was not resolved and respondent did not know when it would
be (Barela Declaration, 1128), when respondent knew that the statement was false, respondent
Mr. Barela despite Mr. Barela’s requests that he do so on or about January 201 8 (Barela
Declaration. {[8), November 19, 201 8 (Barela Declaration, 1145, and Exhibit 32 attached thereto)
10 respondent failed to render an appropriate accounting to his client, in violation of Former Rules
11 of Professional Conduct, rule 4-1 00(B)(3 ), and failed to promptly, or at any time, account to a
12 client for whom the attorney he holds funds, in violation of Rules of Professional Conduct, rule
13 1.15(d)(4);
22 201 8 (Barela Declaration, 1146, and Exhibit 35 attached thereto) and on or about December 3,
23 201 8 (Bledsoe Declaration, 1]] 3, and Exhibit 6 attached thereto), respondent failed to promptly,
24 or at any time, release the client file to the client, in violation of Rules of Professional
25 rule 1.16(e)(1).
V. The Factors Reguired Bv mmess A&l Professions Coc_le Section 6007“)!” Are
Established By Clear And Convincing Evidence
As discussed above, the State Bar Court has the authority to issue an order enrolling an
attorney as an involuntary inactive member of the State Bar if the State Bar establishes that all
the factors required by Business and Professions Code, section 6007(c)(2) are established by
Thus, in order to successfully move the Court for an Order enrolling respondent as an
involuntary inactive member of the State Bar, the State Bar must demonstrate with clear and
(2) there is a reasonable probability that the State Bar will prevail on the merits at
201 8, respondent intentionally and dishonestly misappropriated all but $609.87 ($ 840,000-
$839,390.27) of Mr. Barela’s portion of the initial settlement payment by March 14, 201 8.
Respondent’s misappropriation essentially deprived Mr. Barela of the use of his entire portion
the $1 .6 million initial settlement payment for three months. That is, respondent did not disburse
any funds to Mr. Barela, fi'om any source, until April 5, 201 8, at which time respondent did so
only under the guise of an “advance.” (Barela Declaration, 1119.) Assuming arguendo that
respondent receives credit for making restitution of $130,000 to Mr. Barela, in the form of the
five “advances” he provided to Mr. Barela, respondent deprived and continues to deprive
significant client harm. (In the Matter ofBlum (Review Dept. 2002) 4 Cal. State Bar Ct. Rptr.
403, 409, 413 [significant client harm for six-month delay in distributing $5,61 8 in medical
Moreover, at the time that Mr. Barela was anticipating receiving his portion of the initial
$1 .6 million payment, Mr. Barela was facing “a dire financial situation” in order t0 finance his
two business ventures (Barela Declaration, W1 1 , 15, 17, 20, 23, 24, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 44),
which respondent knew and took advantage of by overreaching, including seeking to charge Mr.
Barela 8-10% interest for an “advance” against the very settlement funds that were due to be paid
t0 Mr. Barela by the Settling Party by January 10, 201 9. (See In the Matter ofJohnson (Review
Dept. 1995) 3 Cal. State Bar Ct. Rptr. 233, 243-244 [“The essence of a fiduciary or confidential
relationship is that the parties do not deal on equal tenns, because the person in whom trust and
confidence is reposed and who accepts that trust and confidence is in a superior position to exert
unique influence over the dependent party.”], citations and quotation marks omitted.) The
Supreme Court has long recogfized that the right to practice law “is not a license to mulct the
unfortunate.” (Recht v. State Bar (1 933) 21 8 Cal. 352, 355; see also McKnight v. State Bar
There is also circumstantial evidence that respondent’s conduct caused and continues to
cause significant harm to the public. The United States Attorney for the Southern District of
New York has charged respondent with attempting to extort millions of dollars from Nike. The
charges are pending. (Nunley Declaration, 1114, and Exhibit 4 attached thereto.) The United
States Attorney for the Southern District of New York has also charged respondent with
embezzlement from a client. (Nunley Declaration, 1]] 9, and Exhibit 9 attached thereto.) And,
the United States Attorney for the Central District of California has charged respondent
among other things, embezzlement of client funds from several other clients, including
Mr. Barela. (Nunley Declaration, 1114, and Exhibit 5 attached thereto.) Those charges are also
pending. Accordingly, while the criminal charges are pending, the fact that felony charges have
been initiated in four cases against respondent corroborates the State Bar’s contention that
respondent has caused substantial harm to other clients and the public as well.
B. The State Bar Has Provided Evidence that Clearly and Convincinglx Proves that
m There is a Reasonable Probabilitv that the State Bar Will Prevail on the Merits
Neither the Business and Professions Code nor the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of
California define “reasonable probability.” However, the Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of
California defines “reasonable cause” to mean “a situation that would lead a person of ordinary
care and prudence to believe, or entertain a strong suspicion, that something is true.” (Rules
Proc. of the State Bar, Rule 5.4(45).) Additionally, pursuant to In the Matter ofMesce (Review
Dept. 1994) 2 Cal. State Bar Ct. Rptr. 658, 662 [declarations and transcript deemed sufficient
10 evidence to establish “reasonable probability” that the State Bar would prevail at trial on the
11 merits for purposes of enrolling attorney involuntarily inactive under Business and Professions
l3 To the extent that reasonable cause and reasonable probability are similar concepts, the
14 State Bar respectfillly submits that the evidence attached to this application would lead a person
15 of ordinary care and prudence to believe, or at least entertain a strong suspicion, that respondent
16 has committed serious misconduct, including, but not limited to: (1) knowingly providing
17 Mr. Barela with an altered and fabricated settlement agreementg; (2) misappropriating nearly
18 $840,000”); and (3) repeatedly lying to Mr. Barela and blaming others to conceal his
19 Notwithstanding all of respondent’s other serious misconduct, the State Bar’s clear and
21 -
($840,000 $609.87) of Mr. Barela’s settlement funds is a sufficient basis alone for this Court to
22 determine that there is a reasonable probability that the State Bar will prevail on the merits at
25 9
Barela Declaration, 11115-7,47; Bledsoe Declaration, 1W4, 8, 10, 11; and Sheikh
Declaration, 115, 7, 12-16.
Barela Declaration, 111150-5 1; Nunley Declaration, 1110, and Exhibits 1-3 attached
With respect to misappropriation, it is important to note that the Supreme Court has held
that the mere fact that the balance in an attomey’s trust account has fallen below the total of
(Paloma v. State Bar (1984) 36 Cal.3d 785, 795-796 [fact that balance of CTA fell below
Significantly, respondent has not denied any wrongdoing or presented any contradictory
evidence to the State Bar. The combination of the State Bar’s evidence and respondent’s lack of
13 determining the appropriate disciplinary sanction in a particular case and to ensure consistency
14 across cases dealing with similar misconduct and surrounding circumstances.” (Rules Proc. of
15 State Bar, tit. IV, Stds. for Atty. Sanctions for Prof. Misconduct, std. 1.1. A11 further references
16 to Standards are to this source.) The Standards help fulfill the primary purposes of discipline,
17 which include: protection of the public, the courts and the legal profession; maintenance of the
18 highest professional standards; and preservation of public confidence in the legal profession.
20 Although not binding, the standards are entitled to “great weight” and should be followed
21 “whenever possible” in determining level of discipline. (In re Silverton (2005) 36 Cal.4th 81,
22 92, quoting In re Brown (1995) 12 Cal.4th 205, 220 and In re Young (1989) 49 Cal.3d 257, 267,
23 fil. 1 1.) Adherence to the standards in the great majority of cases serves the valuable purpose of
24 eliminating disparity and assuring consistency, that is, the imposition of similar attorney
25 discipline for instances of similar attorney misconduct. (In re Naney (1990) 51 Cal.3d 186, 190.)
26 If a recommendation is at the high end or low end of a Standard, an explanation must be given as
27 to how the recommendation was reached. (Std. 1.1.) “Any disciplinary recommendation that
deviates from the Standards must include clear reasons for the departure.” (Std.
1.1; Blair v.
In determining whether to impose a sanction greater or less than that specified in a given
standard, in addition to the factors set forth in the specific standard, consideration is to be given
to the primary purposes of discipline; the balancing of all aggravating and mitigating
circumstances; the type of misconduct at issue; whether the client, public, legal system or
profession was harmed; and the member’s willingness and ability to conform to ethical
The State Bar respectfillly submits the evidence attached to this application shows that
respondent committed multiple acts of moral turpitude and Violations of the former and current
Rules of Professional Conduct. Standard 1.7(a) requires that where a respondent “commits two
or more acts of misconduct and the Standards specify different sanctions for each act, the most
severe sanction must be imposed.” The most severe sanction applicable to respondent’s alleged
misconduct is found in Standard 2.1(a), which applies to respondent’s intentional and dishonest
Standard 2.1(a) provides that disbarment is the presumed sanction for intentional or
The amount at issue quite clearly is not insignificantly small: the contrary is true. (See Chang v.
State Bar (1989) 49 Cal.3d 114, 128 [Supreme Court finding misappropriation of over $7,000 to
be significant].)
The Supreme Court has consistently stated that misappropriation generally warrants
disbarment in the absence of clearly mitigating circumstances. (Kelly v. State Bar, supra, 45
Cal.3d at p. 656; Waysman v. State Bar (1986) 41 Cal.3d 452, 457; Cain v. State Bar (1979) 25
Cal.3d 956, 961 .) Moreover, “[a]n attorney who deliberately takes a client’s funds, intending to
keep them permanently, and answers the client‘s inquiries with lies and evasions, is deserving of
more severe discipline than an attorney who has acted negligently, without intent to deprive and
without acts of deception.” (Edwards v. State Bar (1991) 52 Cal.3d 21, 38.)
belonging t0 Mr. Barela. Given that respondent: (i) fabricated a settlement agreement to enable
him to access Mr. Barela’s funds for approximately two months unbeknownst to Mr. Barela,
(ii) has not refunded approximately $710,000 entitled to Mr. Barela and repeatedly lied to
Mr. Barela to conceal his misappropriation of the funds, the evidence clearly and convincingly at
trial would show that respondent deliberately took Mr. Barela’s funds, while intending to keep
them permanently at a time when respondent knew Mr. Barela was experiencing financial
difficulties and while deceiving Mr. Barela regarding the status of his funds for approximately
nine months. (See In the Matter ofSpaith (Review Dept. 1996) 3 Cal. State Bar Ct. Rptr. 511
client and intentionally misleading the client over a period of approximately a year as to the
At the time that respondent misappropriated Mr. Barela’s funds as alleged in this
application, respondent had been an attorney for nearly 17 years. (Nunley Declaration, 114.) The
Supreme Court has imposed disbarment on attorneys with no prior record of discipline in cases
involving a single misappropriation. The Supreme Court has also imposed disbarment on
e.g., Kaplan v. State Bar (1991) 52 Cal.3d 1067 [attorney with over 11 years of practice and no
prior record of discipline was disbarred for misappropriating approximately $29,000 in law firm
funds over an 8-month period]; Chang v. State Bar (1989) 49 Cal.3d 114 [attorney
misappropriated almost $7,900 from his law firm, coincident with his termination
by that firm,
and was disbarred]; see also Std. 1.8(c) [“Sanctions may be imposed, including disbarment,
In closing, “[t]he wilful misappropriation of client funds is theft. [Citation.].” (Howard v.
State Bar (1990) 51 Cal.3d 2 1 5, 221 .) “In a society where the use of a lawyer is often essential to
vindicate rights and redress injury, clients are compelled to entrust their claims,
money, and
property to the custody and control of lawyers. In exchange for their privileged positions,
lawyers are rightly expected to exercise extraordinary care and fidelity in dealing with money
and property belonging to their clients. [Citation] Thus, taking a client's money is not only a
violation of the moral and legal standards applicable to all individuals in society, it is one of the
most serious breaches of professional trust that a lawyer can commit.” (Ibid.)
In light of the applicable Standard and the case law, there is a reasonable probability, if
10 not certainty, that respondent will be disbarred if there is a trial based on the facts stated herein.
11 VI. Conclusion
12 The evidence attached to this application clearly and convincingly establishes that:
13 (1) Respondent has caused, and is causing, substantial harm to Mr. Barela;
l4 (2) There is a reasonable probability that the State Bar will prevail on the merits
18 Barela.
19 Thus, the State Bar has proven each factor required by Business and Professions Code
20 section 6007(c)(2).
21 The State Bar respectfully submits that an Order enrolling respondent as an involuntary
23 / / /
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27 / / /
The State Bar respectfully requests that the State Bar Court issue an Order enrolling
N respondent as an involuntary inactive member 0f the State Bar pursuant to Business and
Respectfully submitted,
I, the undersigned, certify that I have read the foregoing Application for Involuntary
Inactive Enrollment and know its content. I am informed and believe and on that basis allege
I am a Senior Trial Counsel for the Office of Chief Trial Counsel of the State Bar of
California, a party to this action and am authorized to make this verification for and on its behalf.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
Executed on this day of June, 2019, at Los Angel
Eli D. Morgenflem
15 A Member of the State Bar. )
1. A11 statements made herein are true and correct, and are based 0n my personal
knowledge unless indicated as based on information or belief, and as to those statements, I am
informed and believe them to be true. If necessary, I could and would competently testify t0 the
2. On July 8, 2014, I employed Michael John Avenatti (“respondent”) and his law
22 firm, Eagan Avenatti, LLP, to represent me in an intellectual property dispute with the Settling
Party.‘ A true and correct copy of the fee agreement that I signed on July 8, 2014 is attached t0
this Declaration as Exhibit 1
27 The corporation is not identified by name due to the confidentiality of the settlement
agreement, discussed below.
3. Respondent filed a lawsuit in federal court on my behalf against the Settling Party
alleging multiple causes of action. Thereafier, the Settling Pafiy and I entered into arbitration.
4. On December 28, 2017, at his request, I met with respondent at his law firm’s
offices in Newport Beach, California, in order to sign a purponed settlement agreement that
to sign required the Settling Party to make an initial payment of $1,600,000 by March 10, 2018,
and three additional payments of $100,000 by March 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021 respectively, ,
for a
total of $1,900,000. Respondent also told me that the settlement payments were payable in
March of each year. A true and correct, though redacted, copy 0f the partial settlement
agreement that respondent provided to me on December 28, 201 7 is attached t0 this Declaration
as 25mg.
6. Unbeknownst to me 0n December 28, 201 7, and at any time before on or about
November 21 201 8,
the actual settlement agreement negotiated by respondent 0n my behalf
required the Settling Party to make the initial payment of $1 ,600,000 by January 10, 201 8, and
the three additional payments of $100,000 by January 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021, respectively.
7. I was unaware of the January payment dates because the version 0f the settlement
agreement that respondent provided to me on December 28, 2017 to sign included the falsified
8. After I signed the settlement agreement, I asked respondent how much money I
would receive in total afier paying respondent’s contingency fee and costs. Respondent
represented to me that he believed that the costs were between $1 00,000 and $125,000, but that
his office manager and paralegal was conducting a final accounting of costs. Based on these
representations, respondent told me that I would receive over $1 ,000,000 0f the settlement
proceeds. On January 3, 2018, I requested an accounting of costs. Respondent never provided
me with the requested accounting. Pursuant t0 the settlement agreement that respondent
2 -
9. On the morning 0f March 10, 201 8, l sent a text message t0 respondent stating
that I “was just thinking is this a big day from our friends at [Settling Party]?” A true and correct
copy 0f my March 10, 2018 text message is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 3.
10. On March 12, 201 8, I sent a text message to respondent containing my account
information in order to enable respondent to send me a wire transfer 0f my portion 0f the
$1,600,000 payment. A true and correct copy 0f my March 12, 201 8 text message is attached t0
10 11. On March 13, 201 8, I sent another text message t0 respondent asking if there was
11 “any word 0n that wire from [Settling Party]?” I asked respondent to let me know and sought an
12 update regarding my settiement payment. A true and correct copy 0f my March 13, 201 8 text
13 message is attached t0 this Declaration as Exhibit 5. I planned to use a part of my portion 0f the
14 $1 ,600,000 for business ventures that I had started. 0n March 14, 201 8, I sent a text message t0
15 respondent stating, “Hi Michael“ just checking in 0n the [Settling Party] issue. I’ve been going
16 pretty deep and credit cards and a little loan t0 keep both businesses going. Any updates?” A
17 true and correct copy 0f my March 14, 2018 text message is attached t0 this Declaration as
18 Exhibit 6. Respondent did not respond in writing t0 my March 14, 201 8 text message.
19 12. On March 19, 201 8, I sent a text message t0 respondent telling him that I wanted
20 t0 be “aggressive With [Settling Party] this week” and asked respondent t0 let me know if he
21 heard anything from the Settling Party. A true and correct copy 0f my March 19, 201 8 text
message is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 7. Respondent did not respond in writing t0
24 13. On March 21, 201 8, I sent a text message to respondent, “Any word from
25 [Settling Party]?” A true and correct copy 0f my March 21, 2018 text message is attached t0 this
26 Declaration as Exhibit 8. Respondent did not respond in writing t0 my March 2 1 ,
201 8 text
27 message.
3 h .
Settling Party. I sent a text message to respondent asking, “Did they step up with the transfer? If
not what are we doing next?” A true and correct copy of my March 22, 201 8 text message is
15. On March 23, 2018, facing financial burdens, I sent Respondent a text message
that I needed help and was worried. Respondent replied to my text message, stating, “Greg-don’t
worry. Let’s chat tmrw. We wiil figure this out. Michael.” A true and correct copy 0f my
March 23, 201 8 text message exchange with respondent is attached to this Declaration as gm
16. During this time period in March 201 8, while Respondent did not respond in
writing t0 the texts described above, Respondent did orally assure me that he was working to
obtain the proceeds 0f the settlement agreement. Respondent stated that he had no idea what was
going 0n with the settlement payment. Respondent stated that he had spoken with counsel for
the Settling Party, and that counsel for the Settling Company was in disbelief that the Settling
Party had not made the initiai $1 ,600,000 settlement payment. Respondent further stated that he
genuinely believed that counsel for the Settling Party did not know or understand why the
Settling Pafly had not made the payment. At some point during this time period, Respondent
informed me that another lawsuit would need to be filed in order t0 force the Settling Pafiy to
17. Given that I had relied 0n receiving my portion 0f the initial $1,600,000 payment
by March 2018, I was facing a dire financial situation. 0n April 2, 2018, I emailed respondent
asking for a loan. I was in the early stages 0f setting up two businesses and I told respondent that
I was “out 0f pocket about 250k for both businesses.” A true and correct copy of my April 2,
2018 email is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 11. During the evening of April 2, 2018, I
sent a text message t0 respondent asking whether there was any word from the Settling Party
regarding the settlement payment. Later that same evening, I spoke with respondent on the
telephone and respondent assured me on the call that he was working t0 make sure the Settling
Party would make the settlement payment as soon as possible. Respondent also agreed to
provide an advance 0f money to me while he was purportedly seeking payments from the
Settling Party. During the evening of April 2, 2018, I sent a text message to respondent stating,
“Thanks again for the call. Whatever you can do is appreciated.” Respondent replied to the text,
“All good. N0 worries.” A true and correct copy of my April 2, 2018 text message exchange
with respondent is attached t0 this Declaration as Exhibit 12.
18. On April 3, 2018, I sent respondent a text message asking him whether he was
able t0 advance me “any amount if at all?” Respondent responded that that he couid “probably
send a wire tmrw.” A true and correct copy of my April 3, 201 8 text message exchange with
respondent is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 13.
19. On April 5, 201 8, I sent an email t0 respondent with my bank information in order
t0 allow respondent t0 make a wire transfer 0f $60,000, the money respondent had agreed t0
advance to me. In the email, I also stated that I wanted to discuss my options for collections 0n
the Settling Party. A true and correct copy of my April 5, 2018 email is attached to this
Declaration as Exhibit 14. Shortly thereafter, I received a wire transfer 0f $60,000 from
20. On April 15, 201 8, I sent another email t0 respondent asking him about the status
0f the settlement money from the Settiing Party. I also asked about steps t0 take against the
Settling Party if the money was not coliected. I told respondent I needed a plan as soon as
possible as I was facing financial difficulties. A true and correct copy of my April 15, 2018
email is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 15. Respondent did not respond in writing t0 my
April 15, 2018 text message.
21. On April 22, 2018, I sent an email t0 respondent asking if the Settling Party
responded. A true and correct copy 0f my April 22, 2018 email is attached t0 this Declaration as
Exhibit 16. Again, 0n April 25, 201 8, and April 26, 2018, I sent text messages to respondent
asking whether there was any word from the Settling Pany. A true and correct copy of my April
25, 2018, and April 26, 2018 text messages are cumulatively attached t0 this Declaration as
22. During the April 201 8 time period, while Respondent did not respond to any of
my text messages in writing, he assured me over the phone and in-person that he was working t0
force the Settling Party to make the settlement payment. This included his statements to me that
Respondent would be filing a separate lawsuit in federal court t0 force payment of the settlement.
23. On May 7, 201 8, I sent another email to respondent asking him what the next
actions were against the Settling Party. I also told respondent, “If [Settling Party] does not pay
soon I may need a little help in the next two weeks.” A true and correct copy of my May 7, 20] 8
email is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 18.
24. On May 15, 201 8, I sent an email to respondent explaining that since I planned on
collecting the settlement in March and had not seen any of it, I was losing credibility with my
other business ventures and my wife, and was now facing a difficult financial position. I asked
respondent, “Did [Settling Party] respond or pay? If no[,] what are we filing this week?” A true
and correct copy of my May 15, 201 8 email is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 19.
Respondent did not respond in writing to my May 15, 201 8 email. Instead, respondent and I had
25. On May 22, 201 8, I sent an email to respondent containing wire instructions for
an additional advance from respondent. On May 22, 201 8, he responded, “Got it. Thanks.” A
true and correct copy 0f my May 22, 201 8 email exchange with respondent is attached to this
$30,000 to me.
27. On June 25, 201 8, I sent an email to respondent containing a list of reminders for
the week, including a reminder about filing a lawsuit against the Settling Party for failing to pay
the $1,600,000 due to me. A true and correct copy 0f my June 25, 2018 email is attached to this
Declaration as Exhibit 21.
28. During this timeframe, respondent stated to me that whenever I needed an
advance 0f money, t0 let him know, and he would wire money to me, because the Settling Party
matter was not resolved and he did not know when it would be.
30. On June 29, 2018, I sent an email to the office manager/paralegal at respondent’s
law firm, Eagan Avenatti, LLP, and asked for a copy of the signed settlement agreement, which
10 included the signatures from the Settling Party’s representatives. WhenI went to their office a
11 day 0r two later to get a fully executed copy of the settlement agreement, the office
12 manager/paralega} came into the room with a document, which respondent reviewed before the
13 office manager/paralegal handed it to me. The document respondent and the office
14 manager/paralegal gave me was a falsified copy 0f the fully executed settlement agreement,
16 31. On August 15, 201 8, I sent an email to respondent asking about initiating a
17 lawsuit against the Settling Party for faiiing to abide by the terms 0f the settlement agreement
18 and failing to make the $1,600,000 payment. A true and correct copy of my August 15, 201 8
20 32. On September 10, 201 8, I sent respondent an email with wire instructions for an
21 additional advance. A true and correct copy of my September 10, 201 8 email is attached t0 this
22 Declaration as Exhibit 23.
25 34. On October 10, 201 8, I sent respondent an email asking for an update on the
26 status of collecting the settlement proceeds from the Settling Party. I also asked for more
w t .
financial help, requesting an additional advance to “keep moving.” A true and correct copy of
my October 10, 2018 email is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 24.
35. On October I4, 201 8, I sent an email t0 respondent asking if the Sertiing Party
had responded and what the next steps were to ensure payment. I stated, “It will be one year in
December and they will owe the second payment in March . . . Can we discuss a go forward
strategy till this is handled?” I also asked respondent for “a copy of the last thing that we filed.”
A true and correct copy of my October 14, 2018 email is attached to this Declaration as
Exhibit 25. Respondent did not respond in writing to my October 14, 201 8 email.
36. On October 17, 201 8, I sent a text message to respondent expressing to him that I
10 was in financial hardship and asked for another advance. A true and correct copy of my October
11 17, 2018 text message is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 26.
12 37. On October 19, 201 8, I sent a text message to respondent asking him if I could
13 borrow money. A true and correct copy of my October 19, 201 8 text message is attached to this
14 Declaration as Exhibit 27. Respondent did not respond in writing t0 either my October 17, 201 8
16 38. On October 22, 201 8, I sent an email to respondent again stressing the financial
17 troubles I was facing. I told respondent that I was working on trying t0 get a loan from a third-
18 party and was trying to use the settlement agreement to secure it. I again asked for an update on
19 the payment and what the next action steps would be. Ialso asked for copies of all the
20 paperwork related to the alleged filing against the Settling Pany so that l could use it to secure a
21 personal loan. A true and correct copy of my October 22, 2018 email is attached to this
22 Declaration as Exhibit 28. Respondent did not respond to my October 22, 2018 email.
23 39. On October 28, 201 8, I sent respondent a text message again highiighting my dire
24 financial situation. 0n October 28, 201 8, I sent respondent another text message again asking
25 respondent to forward the documents that had been filed against the Settling Party so that I could
26 use them to secure a personal loan. On October 29, 201 8, I sent another text message to
27 respondent. On the same day, respondent replied that he would call me shortly. Later that same
8 R -
day, because I had not heard back from respondent, I sent respondent another text message.
Respondent replied, “Let’s chat in the am. Working on a solution." I responded by again
stressing my financial difficulties. A true and correct copy 0f my October 28, 201 8 text
messages, and a true and correct copy 0f my October 29, 2018 text message exchange with
40. On October 30, 2018, I followed—up with respondent by sending him a text
message that stated “any word.” Respondent replied that he was “making progress.” A true and
correct 0f my October 30, 2018 text message exchange with respondent is attached t0 this
Declaration as Exhibit 30.
O 41. On October 3 1, 2018, l sent a text message t0 respondent with wire information
- for an additional advance. A true and correct copy of my October 3] , 201 8 text message is
N attached t0 this Declaration as Exhibit 3 l.
W 42. On November 5, 2018, respondent made, or caused to be made, an additional and
nb final $4,000 advance to me.
r—v- Ui
43. Between April 5, 201 8, and November 5, 201 8, respondent “advanced” me a total
of $1 30,000.
fl 44. In the latter part of 2018, I began searching for a creditor to loan me
H 00 approximately $100,000 in order to operate my business, using the settlement agreement and
fl \O promise by the Settling Party to pay as collateral. After respondent heard 0f my search for a
O loan, he dissuaded me from seeking a loan from a third party, and instead promised me he wouid
21 be able t0 provide a loan 0f $100,000 by January 15, 2019, at an interest rate between 8-10%.
Respondent told me t0 “hang tight” until January 15, 2019, and “don’t ask again.”
45. On November 17, 2018, my new attorney Steven E. Biedsoe and I sent
Respondent a letter via email asking him to: (1) confirm any representations that respondent
made t0 me that the Settling Party had failed t0 make the initial $1,600,000 payment due under
the settlement agreement; (2) promptly provide a true and correct copy of the settlement
agreement and any fee agreement between respondent and me; and (3) provide an immediate
9 o .
the settlement agreement. A true and correct copy of our November 17, 2018 letter is attached to
this Deciaration as Exhibit 32. After that letter was sent, Respondent made multiple telephone
calls t0 me. Respondent also sent an email asking me to call him as soon as I received the email.
A true and correct copy 0f respondent’s November 17, 2018 email is attached to this Declaration
as Exhibit 33. Additionally, respondent sent a text message to me asking, “What is this all
about? Pls call me ASAP.” A true and correct copy of respondent’s November 17, 201 8 text
46. On November 19, 201 8, my new counsel sent an email t0 respondent attaching a
10 letter from me requesting that he transfer all paper and electronic files to my new counsel. In my
11 letter, I also requested that respondent transfer the balance of any funds paid by the Settling Party
t0 my new counsel. A true and correct copy 0f my November 19, 201 8 letter to respondent is
13 attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 35. In the cover email, my new counsel provided
14 respondent with the wire transfer information. Respondent did not respond to my November 19,
15 201 8 letter.
16 47. On November 21, 201 8, at the request of my new counsel, counsel for the Settling
17 Party provided my new counsel with a true and correct copy of the fully executed settlement
18 agreement. Later that same day, my new counsel showed me the true and correct copy of the
19 fully executed settlement agreement that he had received from the Settling Party’s counsel. This
20 was the first time that I had ever seen the true and correct copy 0f the fully executed settlement
21 agreement. The true and correct copy of the fully executed settlement agreement provides that
22 the initial payment 0f $1 ,600,000 was due by January 10, 201 8, with the subsequent payments
23 due by January 10 Ofthe following three years. The true and correct, though redacted, copy 0f
24 the fully executed settlement agreement is attached t0 this Declaration as Exhibit 36.
25 48. I am informed and believe that, subsequently, counsel for the Settling Party
26 provided my new counsel proof 0f the $1 ,600,000 payment that the Settling Party made on
27 January 5, 201 8 to the client trust account specified by respondent. I am also informed and
10 k
/ 61>
believe that counsel for the Settling Pany confirmed with my new counsel that there were no
versions 0f the settlement agreement exchanged between respondent and the Settling Party that
49. Respondent never notified me that on January 5, 201 8, he received the initial
$1 ,600,000 settlement payment on my behalf fiom the Settling Party. In fact, respondent
concealed and failed to disclose to me that he had received the initial $1 ,600,000 settlement
me with an accounting
50. I never authorized respondent to disburse any portion of my portion 0f the initial
11 51. I never authorized respondent to use any portion 0f my portion of the initial
13 52. On January 3, 2019, the Settling Party and] signed an addendum to the settlement
l4 agreement which provided that the Settling Party wouid pay all future payments due under the
15 settlement agreement to my new counsel’s client trust account. A true and correct copy of the
16 addendum to the settlement agreement is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 37.
17 53. During respondent’s representation of me, on August 16, 201 8, I pleaded guilty to
19 operating without a contractor’s license. On September 18, 201 8, I was sentenced to four years
20 of probation, which if successfully compieted, would result in the felony criminal charge being
21 reduced to a misdemeanor. Respondent was fully aware of my pending criminal case, and, in
23 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
24 foregoing is true and correct and that this Declaration is executed this 2L“ day of May, 2019, at
25 Irvine,Califomia. A
26 y? é f:
450 Newport Center Drive, 2nd Floor
Newport Beach, CA 92660
July2, 2014
2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Client is hiring Attorney to represent Client in the matter of Client's
affrrmative claims relating to Client's intellectual property rights in hardscape underlayment
processes/technology. Attorney will provide those legal services reasonably required to represent Client and
take reasonable steps to inform Client of progress and to respond to Client's inquiries. In addition, Attorney
may at any time and at its discretion retain outside counsel, whose legal fees will be deducted from the fees
received by Attorney.
Attorney will represent Client in any court action until a settlement or judgment, by motion, arbitration or trial,
is reached, and in connection with any appropriate post-trial motions. Client and Attorney agree that any legal
services provided on behalf of Client in connection with any appeal relating to Client's claims shall be covered
by a separate agreement, the terms of which are subject to future negotiation.
3. CLIENT'S DUTIES. Client agrees to be truthful with Attorney, to cooperate, to keep Attorney
infanned of developments, to abide by this Agreement. a.nd to pay hjllg fw costs on tjme -t:> ~
4. LEGAL FEES, COSTS AND BILLING PRACTICES. Attorney will receive a contingency fee of
forty percent (40%) of the Recovery (defined below).
"Recovery" will include any cash; the fair market value of any property, stock, note, partnership interest,
carried interest, stock option, bUEiness accommodation or agreement, loan, and funding; and other
consideration received in connection with the settlement, judgment, or other resolution of any of Client's
claims as referenced above, including but not limited to any jury award, arbitration award, award of attorneys'
fees, discovery sanctions, other monetary sanctions, and/or similar awards which an opposing party is required
to pay to Client
If payment of all or any part of the amount to be received will be deferred (such as in the case of an annuity, a
structured settlement, or periodic payments), the "Recovery" for purposes of calculating the Attorney's fees,
will be the initial lump-sum payment plus the present value, as of the time of the binding resolution, of the
payments to be received thereafter. The attorney's fees will be paid out of the initial lump-sum payment If
the payment is insufficient to pay the attorney's fees in full, the balance will be paid from subsequent payments
of the Recovery before any distribution to Client.
In the event of discharge or withdrawal of Attorney as provided in Paragraph 10, Client agrees that Attorney
shall be entitled to be paid by Client, upon binding resolution of Client's claims, whether by settlement,
judgment or arbitration award in favor of Client, a reasonable fee for the legal services provided by Attorney to
5. NEGOTIABILITY OF FEES. The rates set forth above are not set by law, but were negotiated
between Attorney and Client
6. COSTS, DISBURSEMENTS AND EXPENSES. Attorney will advance all out-of-pocket litigation
and trial costs and expenses. "Costs and expenses" include filing and court fees, investigation expenses,
process fees, investigation fees, graphic art and filming fees, PowerPoint fees, computer animation fees, expert
fees, deposition costs, photocopying charges, mock trials or focus groups, jury fees, computerized research, jury
trial consultant fees, telephone toll charges, travel costs, mail messenger and other delivery charges, postage
and any other necessary expenses in this matter. Client authorizes Attorney to incur all reasonable costs and to
hire any investigators, consultants or expert witnesses reasonably necessary in Attorney's judgment. Upon
resolution or settlement of Client's claims, Client agrees to fully reimburse Attorney from Client's portion of
the Recovery that portion of the costs and expenses previously advanced by Attorney.
7. INSURANCE COVERAGE. Attorney maintains errors and omissions insurance coverage applicable
to the services to be rendered to client
8. ARBITRATION. Any dispute arising under this Contract or in connection with Attorney's
services hereunder, including any claim by Client against Attorney for malpractice or other tort claim or
any dispute regarding attorneys' fees, shall be resolved by binding arbitration before JAMS located in
Orange County, California. Such arbitration shall he conducted in accordance with the arbitration rules
and procedures of JAMS then in effect. Client acknowledges that he has been fully advised of all of the
possible consequences of arbitration including but not limited to:
a. If a malpractice action arises from this Agreement, neither Client nor Attorney will have the right
to a .lury trial.
b. Both parties retain the right to retain counsel to prepare their respective claims and/or defenses
for the arbitration hearing.
c. Client can choose or hire an attorney who may not request or whose retainer agreement does not
contain an arbitration provision.
9. RELATED UNKNOWN MATTERS. Client represents that Client does not know of any related legal
matters that would require legal services to be provided under this Agreement If such a matter arises later,
Client agrees that this Agreement does not apply to any such related legal matters, and a separate Agreement
for provision of services and payment for those services will be required if Client desires Attorney to perform
that additional legal work.
10. DISCHARGE AND WITHDRAWAL. Client may discharge Attorney at any time, upon written
notice to Attorney, and Attorney will immediately after receiving such notice cease to render additional
services in a manner that avoids foreseeable prejudice to Client. Such a discharge does not, however, relieve
Client of the obligation to pay any costs incurred prior to such termination, and Attorney has the right to
recover from Client the reasonable value of Attorney's legal services rendered from the effective date of the
Agreement (Paragraph 14) to the date of discharge.
Attorney may withdraw from representation of Client (a) with Client's consent, or (b) upon court approval, or
(c) if no court action has been filed, upon reasonable notice to Client
11. LIEN. Client hereby grants Attorney a lien on any and all claims or causes of action that are the subject
of Attorney's representation under this Agreement. Attorney's lien will be for any sums owing to Attorney for
any unpaid costs or attorneys fees under this Agreement. The lien will attach to any recovery Client may
obtain, whether by arbitration award, judgment, settlement or otherwise. The lien created herein is considered
an adverse interest within the meaning of Rule of Professional Conduct 3-300 and requires Client's informed
written consent. In accordance with that Rule, Attorney advises Client that it may seek the advice of an
independent lawyer of Client's choice, and that Client need not sign this Agreement until it has had a reasonable
opportunity to seek that advice. By signing this Agreement, Client consents to the Attorney's Lien described
12. CONCLUSION OF SERVICES. When Attorney's services conclude, other than by discharge or
withdrawal, all unpaid charges will immediately become due and payable. After Attorney's services conclude,
Attorney will, upon Client's request, deliver Client's file to Client, along with any Client funds or property in
Attorney's possession.
13. DISCLAIMER OF GUARANTEE. Notbin2 In this Aweement and nothin2 in Attorney's
statements to Client before or after the signing of this Agreement will be construed as a promise or
20arantee about the outcome of Client's matter. Attorney makes uo such promises or guarantees.
There can be no assurance that Client will recover any sum or sums in this matter. Attorney comments
about the outcome of Client's matter are expressions of opinion only.
14. EFFECTIVE DATE AND AMENDMENT. This Agreement will take effect when Client has
performed the conditions stated in Paragraph 1. The date at the beginning of this Agreement is for reference
only. Further, this Agreement may only be amended by way of a writing signed by the Attorney and the Client.
Michael J. A venatti
Thave read and understood the foregoing terms and agree to them. By signing this Agreement, I acknowledge
receipt of a fully executed duplicate of this Agreement.
Date: _l_-_S_·_I'-_
1 __
Eco Alliance, LLC
I. g-l~
By: Date:
This Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of
December 20, 2017, bY and between Greg Barela, an individual who resides at 2801
Alton Parkway. Apt. 402, Irvine, California 92606 ("Barela"), and
dlb/a a Colorado limited liability company with its principal
p~ce of business at Barela
and are collectively referred to as the "Parties."
This Agreement formally sets forth the terms and conditions of the Parties'
agreed·to final compromise and· settlement of the Arbitration and all disputes
between them.
For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following
2. "Asserted Trade Secret" means: All trade secrets that were or could have
been asserted by Barela in the Arbitration, including but not limited to the Paver
11. on behalf of itself and its predecessors and Affiliates, warrants
.and represents that it has the authority to enter into and be bound by this Agreement.
Pavments to Barela
12. will pay the total sum of One Million Nine Hundred Thousand
U.S. Dollars (USD 1,900,000) to Barela as follows:
now has or claims to have, regarding the Patent Rights and/or the Released
Products, including any such claims that were or could have been asserted in a court;
in the Arbitration, or in any other proceeding.
18. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement and its terms and
conditions are and will remain confidential. The Parties further agree that they will
not disclose, provide, or produce this Agreement or its terms and conditions publicly
or to any Third Party. If a Party is asked about the outcome of the Arbitration, such
Party cannot disclose the existence of this Agreement or the Agreement's terms and
conditions. The Parties shall only disclose that the dispute between Barela and
has been resolved. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
b. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions as may be required by law, regulation. subpoena, or
order of an arbitrator, a court, or other adjudicator of competent
jurisdiction. If this disclosure is made during the course of
litigation, the disclosure must be limited to the litigating parties'
outside counsel and the arbitrator, court, or other adjudicator of
competent jurisdiction.
c. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions to the extent necessary to enforce this Agreement
before a court or other adjudicator of competent jurisdiction.
d. may privately state and conflrm the fact that all disputes
between and Barela have been resolved in the context of
confidential discussions with its business partners and suppliers.
e. may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions
to its contract manufacturer/supplier, JSP, its professional
advisors, its board of directors, released Third Parties, and
existing and potential investors, acquirers and purchasers,
provided that such entities or individuals are bound by
confidentiality obligations commensurate with this provision.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this confidentiality provision is a material
term of this Agreement and that a failure to comply with it constitutes a material
breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree ~hat it would be impossible, impractical
or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages suffered by reason of a breach of this
provision, and accordingly hereby agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD 100·,000) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages sustained by reason
of each such breach, without prejudice to the right of the non-breaching Party to also
seek injunctive or other equitable relief, if appropriate.
non-disparagement provision is a material term of this Agreement and that a failure
to comply with it constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree
that it would be impossible, impractical or extremely difficult to fix the actual
damages suft'ered by reason of a breach of this provision, and accordingly hereby
agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD 100,000) shall be presumed to
. be the amount of damages sustained by reason of each such breach, without prejudice
to the right of the non-breaching Party to also seek injunctive or other equitable relief,
if appropriate.
20. Upon execution of this Agreement by both Parties, the Parties will
voluntarily dismiss, with prejudice, all claims and defenses made against each other
in the Arbitration. Each Party will pay its own fees, costs, and expenses, including
attorneys' fees. Each Party will have the right to apply to the Judicial Arbiter Group,
Inc. for a refund of its share of the arbitration fees that were deposited to reserve the
Arbitration hearing dates.
Greg Barela
clo Michael Avenatti, Esq.
520 Newport Center Drive
Suite 1400
Newport Beach, CA 92660
rna vena ttj(i'li.eaganavena tt1.col!l
David J. Sheikh
Lee Sheikh Megley & Haan
111 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
Chicago, illinois 60604
Email: dsheikh(t'
22. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a
partnership, agency, employer-employee or joint venture relationship between Barela
23. The Parties acknowledge that they were represented by their respective
counsel in connection with their settlement and this Agreement. This Agreement
shall be interpreted according to its fair construction and shall not be construed
against either Party.
24. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Barela and
with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior
agreements, proposals, or understandings, whether written or oral, between Barela
and This Agreement may not be modified, changed, amended, supplemented
or rescinded except pursuant to a written instrument duly executed by Barela and
25. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations
hereunder shall be assigned or transferred by any Party without the prior written
consent of the other Party.
26. This Agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of the State of Colorado.
By: __ ____
Pressd' ent
Its: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
28 Dec2017
Dec 2017
Date: - - - - - - - - - Date:-
Date: ---------
I m-
_ % |8T'Z
---------~-----· ---~-------'
Good morning. I was just thinking
is this a big day from our friends
+ a
+ a
+ a
+ a
i Thanks
+ yI
Batch I Text Messages
I know you're busy but checking
in on Did they step up
with the transfer? If not what are
we doing next? Hope all is well.
Thanks Michael.
Batch 2 Text Messages
We need to talk. Let me know
what works.
i Okay
Hi Michael,
Thanks again for taking the time to meet! l talked with Tallie my wife and if we can get 112k that
would be best if possible for the next 60 days. But what ever you can do is great. l am putting another
8k today and need 1Ok right after for the new biz. I am out of pocket about 250k right now for both
businesses. l have about 40k due to Waypoint and I am working on collections. Most of it is on credit
cards and minimum payments are huge. I am working on the rest of the information for the formation
of the company and the equity for the team. Things are really moving fast and we need to get set up
as soon as possible. I will have projections and the plan by the end of the week.
'ior wire:
Bank of America
Waypoint PPG, LLC
Routing: 026009593
Account#: 6040
Best regards,
Greg Barela
"Proudly Representing"
Good evening. Sent you an email.
Things are progressing quickly. Are
word from
Batch 2 Text Messages
Last note for the day. Are you able
to wire me any amount if at all? I am
trying to keep things moving best
as as possible. I will have a update
email to you in Two days and will
try only to hit you up every 3 days
as needed in email. I feel bad to
bother you with as busy as you are.
Thanks Michael.
Wire and
1 message
I made commitments after our meeting on Saturday and committing SDk that Monday or Tuesday. I am going to be in trouble by
Friday. Please make this happen today. I also would like to discuss my options fOr collections on
For wire:
Bank of America
Waypoint PPG, LLC
Routing: 026009593
Account 040
Greg Barela
[email protected]
·\From: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2018 7:50AM
To: 'Michael J. Avenatti'
Subject: Sunday call
Michael Avenatti:
Old business:
1. Status of
2. Next actions if not collected. (Need a plan as fast as possible. 250k out of pocket based on
settlement.) I arn good for 60 days form time of advance on cash flow now.
1. Corporation status?
2. Equity plan and vesting strategy with %?
a. Michael Avenatti
b. Steve Ross
c. Jason Schneider
d. John Balsz
e. Rick Armstrong
f. Brian Newberry
g. Allen Wong
3. Investment strategy? I have several options, but I think you have an idea of what we should
do? Finical plan will be complete shortly and it appears to be 2 mil. We need to engage
Spark6 asap.
4. Meeting with IP lawyer? This is supper important.
My Updates;
Business plan almost complete
Financial almost complete
Test App complete
Important meetings and relationships underway:
SoftBank- Steve Spohn
Thompsons - Kenney Thompson
Plastic Cash International- Brian Newberry
CW Driver- Karl Kreutziger
Spark6- Team
The Blue Book- Richard Johnson
Jeff Wallace- Bay area seed investor
Brian Etter- President of HD Supply
[email protected]
From: [email protected]
Sent Sunday, April22, 2018 2:15PM
To: 'Michael J. Avenatti'
Subject: RE: Sunday call
Hi Michael,
I know how busy you were last week and figured I would wait till the weekend to check in.
1. Did respond?
2. Next action if not?
3. Status of QuiX Corp. Set up yet?
4. IP lawyer available for a discussion?
The preceding email message (including any attachments) contains information that may be confidential, protected by
the attorney-client or other applicable privileges, or constitutes non-public information. It is intended to be conveyed
only to the designated recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender by
replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Use, dissemination, or reproduction of this message by
unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful.
Any word from today?
Batch 2 Text Messages
Greg Barela
Hi Michael.
next action.
Status of QuiX Corp
Equity plan and vesting strategy with %?
o Michael Avenatti
o Steve Ross
o Jason Schneider
o John Balsz
o Rick Armstrong
o Brian Newberry
o Allen Wong
o Jon Freeman
Cash partner for investment.
IP lawyer. ASAP
Meeting with Citi Bank and Master Card.
Business plan almost complete
Financial almost complete
Test App complete
I am scheduling a meeting with the team on Thursday. I would like 10 minutes of your time then.
Working on scheduling the credit card meeting and will keep you posted. If does not pay soon
i moy need a little help in the next two weeks.
Best regards,
Greg Barela
·~roudly Representing"
Greg Barela
I will be quick with my message because I know you are on a crazy schedule. I do need to figure out
how to proceed on many fronts and I am losing credibility with my team and wife. As discussed I
thought and planned on us having collected the settlement in May. So 1am in a bad position
now. I do appreciate the advance but I am going to be in trouble on the l st of June. I made
commitments based on the settlement date. I am funding both business and holding on by a shoe
string. Please let me know where we are with the following:
I. IP need this meeting this week or first of next week. Please find the attached.
2. Corporation set up and appointment of corporate officers? Need paperwork for Rick.
3. Equity plan and agreements?
4. Capital investment on the raise.
5. Your date for the Citi Bank meeting middle of June?
6. Conference call with the team and or meeting?
The business plan is being put in a magazine format with the financials. You are going to be very
surprised on the progress and I believe very impressed.
I wish you the best and look forward to getting this done!
Best regards,
Greg Barela
'roudly Representing"
Greg Barela
The preceding email message (including any attachments) contains information that may be confidential, protected by
the attorney-client or other applicable privileges, or constitutes non-public information. It is intended to be conveyed
only to the designated recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender by
replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Use, dissemination, or reproduction of this message by
unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawfuL
Hi MichaeL
I will be putting an email together on our meeting to follow up on. But I wanted to give
you new wire instructions for the 60k.
Talitha A Barela
B of A
Routing #: 026009593
Account#:0 132
Best regards,
Greg Barela
"Proudly Representing"
<image007 .png>
[email protected]
from: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 4:49 PM
To: 'Michael J. Avenatti'
Cc: 'Judy K. Regnier'
Subject: Greg Barela list
Per our discussion and your request here is the Jist of reminders for the week:
l. Advance on Tuesday for 30k. Judy same account as last time. Thanks!
2. Review list for equity and plan. Sent over the weekend.
3. filling for Tuesday. l .6 million due.
4. IP meeting asap.
5. Meeting with you and Brian Newberry as soon as you can. QuiX new President.
I hope to chat the next few days to review the short Jist.
Best regards.
Greg Barela
[email protected]
[email protected]
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 6:02 PM
'Michael J. Avenatti'
Subject Greg Barela list. Tomorrow is my big scary day!
Hi MichaeL
Tomorrow is my day in court and I will keep you posted. I am nerves but will have my wife call you if it
goes bad.
Old business:
Staff agreements.
The money raise with Any updates?
Beta test contractor agreement.
I have a very powerful CEO/President meeting with me next week. She wants to discuss
running the business as our President. Meet Nina: b:t!.R.lLDillo'iirnosk'2_com[QiogLabouJ!
Her Husband name is Jeff Wallace. He will be on the BOA and is setting up a meeting next
week with the CTO of Intuit (QBO) for me. One of his best friends. His other BFF is Steve
Woznicki. I want you at the dinner if possible.
Please schedule meeting with Deirdre Lves schedule with you in NY. Waiting on MOU.
My Team is leaving for Brazii on Sunday. We should have the meeting set with Carlos Slim in NY
in 5 weeks.
I meet with Vicenta Fox's team Thursday afternoon. They want a face to face with us the next
rnonth. I will make sure you are there if it is passable.
Privacy statement
Terms and conditions
mBest regards.
( J Barela
[email protected]
From: [email protected]
. <;ent Monday, September 10,2018 12:08 PM
o: 'Michael J. Avenatti'
Cc: 'Judy K. Regnier'
Subject: Wire
Hi Michael,
I really need the help on this wire as discussed. Please let me know when it happens today.
Talitha A Barela
B of A
Routing #026009593
Account 3137
Best regards.
Greg Barela
[email protected]
Wednesday, October 10, 2018 2:13PM
'Michael J. Avenatti'
Subject Need some help
I was hoping to have an update on and get our money. Do you have an update? But l know
things take longer then we want sometimes. i need around 8k to get current and keep moving. Can
you help with this till we have an update?
[email protected]
bm: [email protected]
.It Sunday, October 14, 2018 7:39PM
To: 'Michael J. Avenatti'
Subject Action list
Hi Michael,
1. I am in need of 8k asap. If this could happen Monday it would give me a little more time. 1
need a total of 27k beiween now and Jan 1 to keep things moving, less the 8k. I am working
on a few other things but the 8k is needed now.l am funding this thing on my own because I
thought we would have in hand by now. Once again a lesson for me. Don't count your
2. did they respond? If not what is our next action? It will be one year in December and
they will owe the second payment in March. Are we still dealing with Judge Boyd Boland and
David Sheikh? Can we discuss a go forward strategy till this is handled?
3. Can you send me a copy of the last thing that we filed?
1. Paperwork on Ricks email? Where are we with this and can we help?
a. We would like to discuss separating the iwo companies. One for the app and the
second for the credit card. I will explain when we talk.
2. Raise package for Eric Schmidt. You should have iwo emails to choose from.
3. Steve Ross and my involvement together with the order from the court. Please review emaiL
Best regards.
Greg Barela
949-7 69-1679
Hi Michael,
Just finished a call with wirecard.
They want to start press releases
but I said we are not ready. We had
our team fly in and they had a big
group there. It was a big deal. It
could not have gone better.
Talitha Barela
B of a
I was waiting for your call and I know you get busy. I send updates like this so you don't have to dig
up old emails. I know your under pressure so let's discuss what you can or can't do? I told the team
we would have paperwork for them by Wednesday as you said. Can you give me an update to your
situation so I can help if possible. QuiX really is going to go one way or another and could help us
both financially. I have a few ideas for you and I to discuss privately.
I just so you know I am in real financial trouble and am working on trying to get another loan. I am
trying to use the agreement to secure it. I need to know that we really have the ability to
coilect and timing to the best of you opinion.
1. 1am in need of 8k as discussed asap. I need a total of 27k.
2. did they respond? If not what is our next action? Are we still dealing with Judge Boyd
Boland and David Sheikh?
3. I need copies of the all the paperwork of whatever we have done on on any fillings.
Can you have Judy email me or I can come by and pick them up this week. I need them if I
am going to get a loan.
1. Paperwork on Ricks email? I attached the email.
a. We would like to discuss separating the two companies. One for the app and the
second for the credit card. I will explain when we talk.
2. Raise package for Eric Schmidt. You should have two emails to choose from. Let's discuss Lee
Stein endorsement for Xprize.
3. Steve Ross and my involvement together with the order from the court. Please review email.
4. Approval of Wirecard press release.
5. Friends and family round.
6. Carlos Slim's teams NDA.
7. merchant agreement. We need our own like this.
8. Call with John at IP capital.
9. Meeting with Nina Simasko and Jeff Wallace.
Last question I'm in deep s*** as far
as the cash is concerned. I need 8K
by Tuesday or I'm in deeps***. Any
luck on helping get that loan for the
bigger money and or helping with a
smaller money?
Checking back.
Batch 6 Text Messages
I need it by Wednesday at the latest.
Or my life goes upside down. I
need this thing done. Please
please please help me button
this thing up. G
i Yes. Update at 3
i Making progress
Great. Thanks.
i I think so.
Hi Mike,
Talitha Barela
B of a
November 17,2018
Our firm has been engaged by Gregory Barela in connection with his efforts to collect the
proceeds due him pursuant to the terms of the Confidential Settlement Agreement
executed by Mr. Barela and LLC on December 28, 20 !7 (''Settlement
We understand that Mr. Barela has been advised by you that did not make the
initial $1.6 million payment due under the terms of the Settlement Agreement. We request
that that you provide written confirmation of s failure to make such payment.
We further ask that you promptly provide us with a true and correct copy of the Settlement
Agreement and any fee agreement that you have with Mr. Barela.
Finally. in the event made the initial '51.6 million payment provided for by the
Settlement .'\greement, we ask that you provide an immediate accounting concerning such
Steven E. Bledsoe
App ed:
Dare: ]'.iovember 17. 0!8
[email protected]
Michael J. Avenatti <[email protected]>
Saturday, November 17, 2018 10:26 PM
.~: [email protected]
Subject Contact
Greg: I just tried you on your cell. Please call me when you receive this. Thanks, Michael
The preceding email message (including any attachments) contains information that may be
confidential. protected by the attorney-client or other applicable privileges, or constitutes non-public
information. It is intended to be conveyed only to the designated recipient(s). If you are not an
intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender by replying to this message and then
delete it from your system. Use, dissemination, or reproduction of this message by unintended
recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful.
see1ng you soon.
get it done one way or another.
And our new business will make us
completely rich if you dive in. G
i Pis call me
I am directing you to transfer all paper and electronic files on all maners to Steven E. Bledsoe
and Stephen G. Larson at Larson O'Brien LLP, 555 South Flower Street, Suite 4400, Los
Angeles, CA 90071. Accordingly, I request that you transfer all existing client files which you
have maintained with respect to your representation of me.
In addition, I request that you immediately transfer the balance of any funds paid by
LLC pursuant to the Confidential Settlement Agreement executed on December 28.2017 which
are in the client trust accounts (or held elsewhere) of any of the above-referenced firms to Larson
0' 'enLLP.
November 19.2018
This Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of
December 20, 2017, bY and between Greg Barela, an individual who resides at 2801
Alton Parkway. Apt. 402, Irvine, California 92606 ("Barela"), and
dlb/a a Colorado limited liability company with its principal
p~ce of business at Barela
and are collectively referred to as the "Parties."
This Agreement formally sets forth the terms and conditions of the Parties'
agreed·to final compromise and· settlement of the Arbitration and all disputes
between them.
For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following
2. "Asserted Trade Secret" means: All trade secrets that were or could have
been asserted by Barela in the Arbitration, including but not limited to the Paver
11. on behalf of itself and its predecessors and Affiliates, warrants
and represents that it has the authority to enter into and be bound by this Agreement.
Payments to Barela
12. will pay the total sum of One Million Nine Hundred Thousand
U.S. Dollars (USD 1,900,000) to Barela as f()llows:
now has or claims to have, regarding the Patent Rights and/or the Released
Products, including any such claims that were or could have been asserted in a court;
in the Arbitration, or in any other proceeding.
18. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement and its terms and
conditions are and will remain confidential. The Parties further agree that they will
not disclose, provide, or produce this Agreement or its terms and conditions publicly
or to any Third Party. If a Party is asked about the outcome of the Arbitration, such
Party cannot disclose the existence of this Agreement or the Agreement's terms and
conditions. The Parties shall only disclose that the dispute between Barela and
has been resolved. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
b. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions as may be required by law, regulation. subpoena, or
order of an arbitrator, a court, or other adjudicator of competent
jurisdiction. If this disclosure is made during the course of
litigation, the disclosure must be limited to the litigating parties'
outside counsel and the arbitrator, court, or other adjudicator of
competent jurisdiction.
c. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions to the extent necessary to enforce this Agreement
before a court or other adjudicator of competent jurisdiction.
d. may privately state and conflrm the fact that all disputes
between and Barela have been resolved in the context of
confidential discussions with its business partners and suppliers.
e. may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions
to its contract manufacturer/supplier, JSP, its professional
advisors, its board of directors, released Third Parties, and
existing and potential investors, acquirers and purchasers,
provided that such entities or individuals are bound by
confidentiality obligations commensurate with this provision.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this confidentiality provision is a material
term of this Agreement and that a failure to comply with it constitutes a material
breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree ~hat it would be impossible, impractical
or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages suffered by reason of a breach of this
provision, and accordingly hereby agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD 100·,000) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages sustained by reason
of each such breach, without prejudice to the right of the non-breaching Party to also
seek injunctive or other equitable relief, if appropriate.
non-disparagement provision is a material term of this Agreement and that a failure
to comply with it constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree
that it would be impossible, impractical or extremely difficult to fix the actual
damages suft'ered by reason of a breach of this provision, and accordingly hereby
agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD 100,000) shall be presumed to
. be the amount of damages sustained by reason of each such breach, without prejudice
to the right of the non-breaching Party to also seek injunctive or other equitable relief,
if appropriate.
20. Upon execution of this Agreement by both Parties, the Parties will
voluntarily dismiss, with prejudice, all claims and defenses made against each other
in the Arbitration. Each Party will pay its own fees, costs, and expenses, including
attorneys' fees. Each Party will have the right to apply to the Judicial Arbiter Group,
Inc. for a refund of its share of the arbitration fees that were deposited to reserve the
Arbitration hearing dates.
Greg Barela
clo Michael Avenatti, Esq.
520 Newport Center Drive
Suite 1400
Newport Beach, CA 92660
rna vena ttj(i'li.eaganavena tt1.col!l
David J. Sheikh
Lee Sheikh Megley & Haan
111 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
Chicago, illinois 60604
Email: dsheikh(t'
22. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a
partnership, agency, employer-employee or joint venture relationship between Barela
23. The Parties acknowledge that they were represented by their respective
counsel in connection with their settlement and this Agreement. This Agreement
shall be interpreted according to its fair construction and shall not be construed
against either Party.
24. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Barela and
with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior
agreements, proposals, or understandings, whether written or oral, between Barela
and This Agreement may not be modified, changed, amended, supplemented
or rescinded except pursuant to a written instrument duly executed by Barela and
25. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations
hereunder shall be assigned or transferred by any Party without the prior written
consent of the other Party.
26. This Agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of the State of Colorado.
By: __ ____
Its: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
28 Dec2017
Date: - - - - - - - - - Date:-
Date: ---------
Duh» 2—“
i W
---------~-----· ---~-------'
This Addendum to Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Addendum") is ente.t-ed into as
of January 3, 2019, by and between Gregory Barela ("'Barela,), and dlb/a
. Barela and are collectively referred to as the "Parties.••
Barela and entered into a Confidential Settlement Agreement \•Agreement'') as of
December 20, 2017 that was signed by the Parties on December 28, 2017.
Paragraph 12 ofthe Agreement provided that ould make the following f01lf
settlement payments to Barela: (1) $1.6 million by January 10, 2018; (2) $100,000 by January
10, 2019; (3) $100,000 by January 10, 2020; and (4) $100,000 by January 10, 2021.
On January 2, 2018, Avenatti sent an email to Sheikh that specified an account and
providt?d wire-transfer instructions.
Barela has represented to that paragraph 12 of the partial copy ofthe Agreement
that Avenatti provided to Barela on December 28, 2017, and the complete copy of the
Agreement that Avenatti's office provided to Barela on or about June 29,2018, contain
payments dates ofMarcb 10,2018, March 10,2019, March 10,2020, March 10,2021,
respectively, for settlement payments to Barela. Avenatti told Barela that the settlement
payments were payable in March of each year (not January).
At the request of Barela, on November 21, 2018, provided Barela with a true and
correct copy of the fully executed Agreement which states that the initial payment of$1.6
miUion was due by January 10, 2018; a payment of$100,000 is due by January 10, 2019; a l
payment of $100,000 is due by January 10, 2020; and a payment of $100,000 is due by January i
Barela has represented to that Avenatti has repeatedly represented to him that
did not make the initial $1.6 million payment due under the Agreement and that Avenatti
has been making efforts to collect the $1.6 million that had allegedly failed to pay on the
purported March 10, 2018 due date specified in the copies ofthe Agreement Avenatti provided
to Barela. I
Barela has retained new counsel, Steven E. Bledsoe and Stephen G. Larson ofLarson
O'Brien LLP, to represent him with respect to his efforts to collect the amounts due to him under
the Agreement.
Barela has represented to that Avenatti has not responded to Larson O'Brien's
November 17 and December 5, 2018 letters toAvenatti requesting that he: (1) confinn, in
writing, his representations to Barela that had failed to make the initial $1.6 million
payment due undeJ" the terms of the Agreement; (2) promptly provide a true and correct copy of
the Agreement; and (3) provide an immediate accounting in the event had made the initial
$1.6 million payment provided for in the Agreement
Barela has requested that make all further payments due to him under the
Agreement via wire transfer to the trust account of Larson O"Brien LLP and, based on Barela•s
above-referenced representations, has agreed to do so.
1. will pay all future amounts due under the Agreement to the trust account of
Larson O'Brien LLP, as follows:
2. Any future notices to Barela required by the Agreement shall be made by email
and express mail delivery or courier, signature required, postage pre-paid to: Gregory Barela,
c/o Steven E . Bledsoe, Esq., Larson O'Brien LLP, 555 S. Flower Street, Suite 4400, Los
Angeles, CA 90071.
B~elaand hereby acknowledge their agreement and consent to the terms and
conditions set forth above through their respective signatures:
f' ~
I /7 ( I
-2 -
A Member of the State Bar )
1. All statements made herein are true and correct and are based on my personal
knowledge unless indicated as based on information or belief, and as t0 those statements I am
informed and believe them to be true. If necessary, I could and would competently testify to the
2. I have been a member of the State Bar 0f California since March 3 1, 1992. I am a
partner at the law firm of Larson O’Brien LLP (the “firm”). My practice focuses on complex
civil litigation.
3. In November 201 8, Mr. Gregory Barela employed our firm to represent him in his
efforts to collect the proceeds due to him pursuant to the terms of a settlement agreement
Michael Avenatti, the respondent in these proceedings, negotiated the terms of the settlement
4. At the time that he employed the firm, Mr. Barela presented me with a copy of the
fully executed settlement agreement that respondent had provided to him. The settlement
agreement required the Settling Party to make an initial payment of $1,600,000 by March 10,
201 8, and three additional payments of $100,000 by March 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021, respectively,
5. On November 15, 201 8, I sent an email to David Sheikh, the Settling Party’s
counsel. In the email, I explained that Mr. Barela had employed the firm in connection with his
efforts to collect on the proceeds from the December 28, 2017 settlement agreement with the
Settling Party, and I asked Mr. Sheikh to: (i) confirm that the Settling Party made the $1,600,000
payment that was due on March 10, 201 8; and (ii) provide me with a copy of the wire transfer
confirmation. In the email, I provided my cell phone number and invited Mr. Sheikh to call me.
A true and correct copy of my November 15, 201 8 email is attached to this Declaration as
Exhibit 1.
6. On November 16, 201 8, Mr. Sheikh and I had a telephone conversation. During
the telephone conversation, I explained to Mr. Sheikh that respondent had advised Mr. Barela
that the Settling Party did not make the initial $1,600,000 payment due under the terms of the
settlement agreement. I also stated that the copy of the settlement agreement provided to Mr.
Barela by respondent provided for the initial payment to be made by the Settling Party on March
10, 2018. Mr. Sheikh told me that the settlement agreement actually provided for the initial
$1,600,000 payment to be made by January 2018, and that the Settling Party had made the
payment on time. Given these discrepancies, I emailed Mr. Sheikh a copy of the settlement
The corporation is not identified by name due to the confidentiality of the settlement
agreement, discussed below.
7. On November 17, 201 8, I sent Mr. Sheikh a letter via email as a follow-up to my
email message to him on November 15, 2018, and our telephone conversation 0n November 16,
AWN 201 8. In my November 17, 201 8 letter, I partially memorialized the November 16, 2018
telephone conversation, and requested that Mr. Sheikh provide me with: (i) a true and correct
copy 0f the settlement agreement executed by the Settling Party and Mr. Barela; (ii) a copy of the
wire transfer confirmation for the $1,600,000 settlement payment made by the Settling Party in
January 201 8; and (iii) any written confirmation with respondent’s law firm concerning or
confirming the settlement payment. Finally, I requested that the Settling Party make all future
payments due to Mr. Barela under the settlement agreement by wire transfer to our firm’s client
10 trust account. On November 17, 201 8, Mr. Barela and I signed the letter. A true and correct
11 copy of my November 17, 2018 letter to Mr. Sheikh is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 2.
12 8. On November 17, 201 8, I also sent respondent a letter via email. In the letter, I
13 explained that Mr. Barela had employed the firm in connection with his efforts to collect on the
14 proceeds from the December 28, 2017 settlement agreement with the Settling Party, and I asked
15 respondent to: (i) confirm representations that respondent made to Mr. Barela that the Settling
16 Party had failed to make the initial $1 ,600,000 payment due under the settlement agreement; (ii)
17 promptly provide a true and correct copy of the settlement agreement and any fee agreement
18 between respondent and Mr. Barela; and (iii) provide an immediate accounting in the event that
19 the Settling Party had made the initial $1,600,000 payment provided in the settlement agreement.
20 On November 17, 201 8, Mr. Barela and I signed the letter. Respondent did not respond to the
21 letter and has not provided the requested accounting. A true and correct copy 0f the November
22 17, 201 8 letter t0 respondent is attached t0 this Declaration as Exhibit 3.
23 9. On November 19, 201 8, I sent an email to respondent attaching a letter from Mr.
24 Barela requesting that respondent transfer: (i) all paper and electronic client files with respect to
25 his representation of Mr. Barela to our firm; and (ii) the balance of any funds paid by the Settling
26 Party to our firm’s client trust account. In a separate email, I provided respondent with the
28 3
firm’s wire transfer information. Respondent did not respond to my email attaching Mr. Barela’s
10. On November 20, 201 8, Mr. Sheikh sent me a letter Via email. In the letter, Mr.
Sheikh reiterated what he told me when we spoke by telephone on November 16, 201 8 and
included additional details concerning specific dates; namely that: (i) the settlement agreement
executed by Mr. Barela and the Settling Party required the Settling Party to make the initial
payment by January 10, 201 8, and the Settling Party did so by wire transfer on January 5, 201 8;
(ii) the purported settlement agreement that I emailed to him during our November 16, 201 8
telephone conversation is not a true and correct copy of the settlement agreement; and (iii) he
had never seen the document before he received it from me on November 16, 2018. In the letter,
Mr. Sheikh also requested that I prepare a proposed amendment to the settlement agreement that
reflected my request for the future payments owed pursuant to the settlement agreement be made
to our firm’s client trust account instead of the trust account designated by respondent. A true
and correct copy of Mr. Sheikh’s November 20, 201 8 letter is attached to this Declaration as
Exhibit 3.
11. On November 21, 201 8, Mr. Sheikh sent me via email a letter with an attached
copy of the settlement agreement. A true and correct copy of Mr. Sheikh’s November 21, 201 8
letter, as well as a true and correct, though redacted, copy of the settlement agreement that was
12. On November 27, 201 8, Mr. Sheikh provided me with a copy of the confirmation
of the January 5, 201 8 wire transfer of the $1 ,600,000 settlement payment. A true and correct
copy of my November 27, 201 8 email exchange with Mr. Sheikh, as well as a true and correct,
though redacted, copy of the confirmation 0f the January 5, 201 8 wire transfer are cumulatively
13. On December 3, 201 8, I sent respondent a letter via email reminding him that on
November 17, 201 8, I had sent him a letter asking him to: (i) confirm his representations to Mr.
Barela that the Settling Party had failed to make the initial $1 ,600,000 payment due under the
settlement agreement; (ii) promptly provide a true and correct copy of the settlement agreement
and any fee agreement between respondent and Mr. Barela; and (iii) provide an immediate
accounting in the event that the Settling Party made the initial $1,600,000 payment provided in
the settlement agreement. I further stated that he had neither responded to my November 17,
201 8 letter nor Mr. Barela’s letter requesting that respondent transfer Mr. Barela’s files and
client funds to the firm. Finally, I invited respondent to resolve the matter without court
intervention. Respondent did not respond to the letter. A true and correct copy of my December
3, 201 8 letter is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 6.
agreement. On January 3, 2019, Mr. Barela and the Settling Party signed the addendum which
provided that the Settling Party would pay all future payments due under the settlement
agreement to our firm’s client trust account. A true and correct, though redacted, copy of the
addendum to the settlement agreement is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 7.
15. In January 2019, I submitted a State Bar complaint on behalf of Mr. Barela
against respondent.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and correct and that this Declaration is executed this 24‘“ day 0f May, 2019, at
Sfeven E. Bledsoe
From: Steven E. Biedsoe
To: [email protected]
Cc: Stephen G. t arson
Subject: Payment of Settlement Proceeds: Barela v.
Date: Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:00:55 PM
Mr. Sheikh,
Our firm has been engaged to represent Greg Barela in connection with his efforts to collect
the proceeds from his December 28, 2017 Confidential Settlement Agreement with
As you know, pursuant to the terms of the settlement agreement, agreed to pay
Mr. Barela the initial $1.6 million settlement payment on March 10,2018. Such payment was
to be made via wire transfer to the client trust account of Mr. Barela's then counsel, Michael
Avenatti. We ask that you confirm that the $1.6 million payment was made by USA.
We also ask that you provide us with a copy of the wire transfer confirmation.
We would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. I coincidentally happen to
be in Chicago through noon tomorrow. If you would like to discuss this matter in person,
please let me know and I will come by your office before I head to the airport. I can also be
reached on my cell phone at 818-921-0306. Thank you.
Best regards,
Steven E. Bledsoe
i:AiisoN·:o;iiiiiEN. i:i:i>
555 South Flower Street, Suite 4400
Los Angeles, CA 90071
213..136.4866 Direct
213.436.4888 Office
213.623.2000 Fax
sbledsoe@larsonobrienlaw com
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments are for the exclusive and
confidential use of the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please do not read,
distribute, or take action in reliance upon this message. Instead, please notify us immediately
by return e-mail and promptly delete this message and its attachments from your computer
system. We do not waive attorney-client or work product privilege by the transmission of this
Steven E. Bledsoe
Dim:t: 213.436.4166
Email: [email protected]
Dear David:
This letter follows up on my email message to you on November 15, 2018 and our
telephone conversation on November 16, 2018 concerning the above-referenced matter.
Our firm bas been engaged by Gregory Barela in connection with his efforts to collect the
proceeds due him pursuant to the terms of the Confidential Settlement Agreement
executed by Mr. Barela and on December 28,2017 ("Settlement Agreement").
Mr. Barela has been advised by Michael Avenatti that did not make the initial
$1 .6 million payment due under the terms of the Settlement Agreement. I note that
paragraph 12.a. on page 3 ofthe copy of the Settlement Agreement provided to Mr. Barela
by Mr. Avenatti provides for the initial settlement payment to be made by on
March 10, 2018. I Wlderstand from our telephone conversation that the Settlement
Agreement actually provides for the initial $1.6 million payment to be made in January
2018, which is why made the payment at that time.
Given these discrepancies. we ask that you promptly provide us with a true and correct
copy of the Settlement Agreement executed by and Mr. Barela on December
28, 2018. We further request that you provide us with a copy of the wire transfer
confinnation for the $1 .6 miJJion settlement payment made by in January
2018. as well as any written correspondence with Mr. Avenani's firm concerning or
confirming the settlement payment.
Finally, Mr. Barela requests that make all future payments.due him under the
Settlement Agreement by wire transfer to our finn 's client trust We will provide
wire transfer information for our client trust account under separate cover.
~..; o F'lRST <: TREET '\'·'· ~l !TE .t'i -' · \\'A'5H!'\GTO'\ , OC : ·:> oo : • TEL ~o~ . ;-q; . ~~o o FA X. : o~. ~-l') . -t5SS
Steven E. Bledsoe
4-40 F! R. ':T :;T RE£T ',\\ . · ':i l I T£ -'~u \ \.-\:, H I :'I.GTO:'\ DC ~uuo : · TEL. :o;.~,h~.-o o · FA:\. ; v ! .74;.-4 SS3
L:~R ) I..1 -.. L1B R IE'L -~ \\ ( 0\1
Steven E. Bledsoe
Direct: 213.436.4866
Email: [email protected]
November 17,2018
Our firm has been engaged by Gregory Barela in connection with his efforts to collect the
proceeds due him pursuant to the terms of the Confidential Settlement Agreement
executed by Mr. Barela and LLC on December 28, 20 !7 (''Settlement
We understand that Mr. Barela has been advised by you that did not make the
initial $1.6 million payment due under the terms of the Settlement Agreement. We request
that that you provide written confirmation of · s failure to make such payment.
We further ask that you promptly provide us with a true and correct copy of the Settlement
Agreement and any fee agreement that you have with Mr. Barela.
Finally. in the event made the initial '51.6 million payment provided for by the
Settlement .'\greement, we ask that you provide an immediate accounting concerning such
Steven E. Bledsoe
App ed:
Dare: ]'.iovember 17. 0!8
Ill West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
· Chicago, IDinois 60604
David J. Sheikh
Direct Dial: (312) 982-0062 [email protected]
Steven E. Bledsoe
· Larson O'Brien LLP
555 South Flower Street
Suite 450
Los Angeles, California 90071
Dear Steven:
This responds to your letter ofNovember 17,2018. I also received your follow-up voicemail
message. I needed to discuss your letter with my client, which I have now done.
At the outset, I want to reemphasize and expand on what I told you when we spoke by
telephone on November 16, 2018. finally and completely resolved its dispute with Greg Barela
under ~ terms of the December 20, 2017 Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Settlement
·Agreement''). The Barela v. arbitration was dismissed, with prejudice, on December 29, 2017.
Furthermore, has fully complied with its obligations under the Settlement Agreement,
including making the $1 .6 million payment to the account designated by Michael Avenatti on behalf
of Mr. Barela. The Settlement Agreement required to make the payment by January 10, 2018,
and did so by wire transfer on January 5, 2018. Any assertion that did not make the $1 .6
million payment is demonstrably false. The document that you emailed to me during our November
16, 2018 call is not a true and correct copy of the Settlement Agreement We had not seen that
document before receiving it from you. is not involved in Mr. Barela's dispute with Mr.
Avenatti, and is displeased that it has had to invest resources to address this matter in response to
your inquiries. Aside from its remaining obligations under the Settlement Agreement, wants
no further dealings with Mr. Barela, Mr. Avenatti, or anyone associated with them.
You have requested that provide a true and correct copy of the Settlement Agreement
and documentation confirming payment to Mr. Barela. As a precondition of providing
this infonnation, I need written confirmation that all communications and information exchanged
between us regarding this matter will be treated in conform~ce with the confidentiality provision in
the Settlement Agreement, which states as follows:
November 20, 2018
18. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement and its terms and conditions are and
will remain confidential. The Parties further agree that they will not disclose, provide,
or produce this Agreemerit or its terms and conditions publicly or to any Third Party.
If a Party is asked about the outcome of the Arbitration, such Party cannot disclose
the existence of this Agreement or the Agreement's terms and conditions. The Parties
shall only disclose that the dispute between Barela and
has been resolved. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
a. Either Party may disclose this Agreement to its attorneys and accountants
provided that such attorneys and accountants are bound by confidentiality
obligations commensurate with this
b. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions as
may be required by law, regulation, subpoena, or order of an arbitrator, a court,
or other adjudicator of competent jurisdiction. Ifthis disclosure is made during
the course of litigation, the disclosure must be limited to the litigating parties'
outside counsel and the arbitrator, court, or other adjudicator of
competent junsdiction.
c. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions to
the extent necessary to enforce this Agreement before a court or other
adjudicator of competent jurisdiction.
d. may privately state and confirm the fact that all disputes between
and Barela have been resolved in the context ofconfidential discussions
with its business partners and suppliers.
e. may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions to its
contract manufacturer/supplier, JSP, its professional advisors, its board of
directors, released Third Parties, and existing and potential investors, aequirers
and purchasers, provided that such entities or individuals are .bound by
confidentiality obligations commensurate with this provision.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this confidentiality provision is a material
term of this Agreement and that a failure to comply with it constitutes a material
breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree that it would be impossible, impractical
or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages suffered by reason of a breach of this
provision, and accordingly hereby agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD 100,()()0) shall be presmned to be the amount of damages sustained by reason
of each such breach, without prejudice to the right of the non-breaching Party to also
seek injunctive or other equitable relief, if appropriate.
The Settlement Agreement requires three future payments by to Mr. Barela. You have
requested that make these payments to yow firm' s client trust.account. However, this will
require a formal amendment to the Settlement Agreement. Paragraph 14 ofthe Settlement Agreement
states that "[e]ach of the payments specified in paragraph 12 shall be made by wire--transfer to a trust
account specified in an email from Barela's counsel (Michael Avenatti) to counsel (David
Sheikh) on or before January 3, 2018." On January 2, 2018, Mr. Avenatti provided the wire-transfer
instructions, which are a material part of the agreement. made the $1.6 million payment into
Novembei20, 2018
the account designated by Mr. Avenatti. Please prepare a proposed amendment to the Settlement
Agreement that reflects your request for the future payments to be made to yom firm's client trust
account instead of the trust account designated by Mr. Avenatti. Notice of the amendment will need
to be provided to Mr. Aveoatti.
Best regards,
David J. Sheikh
Ill West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
Chicago, Illinois 60604
(312) 982-0070
David J. Sheikh
Dirfct Dial: (312) 982-0062 dsbeikh@leesheikh,com
November 21, 2018
Steven E. Bledsoe
Larson O'Brien LLP
555 South Flower Street
Suite 450
Los Angeles, California 90071
Dear Steven:
This responds to your letter of November 20, 2018. Thanks for con:finning that Mr. Barela
and your finn will comply with the confidentiality provisions of the Confidential Settlement
Agreement executed by Mr. Barela and on December 28, 2017 (''Settlement Agreement") in
connection with this matter. I have enclosed a true and correct copy of the fully executed Settlement
Agreement. We are still in the process of gathering the complete wire-transfer infonnation. I will let
you know when I have that information. To reiterate, the wire-trarisfer information must be treated
in confonnance with the confidentiality provision in the Settlement Agreement
We agree that paragraphs 18.b.-c. address the situations described in the third paragraph of
your letter. To the extent the confidentiality provision in the Settlement Agreement is inconsistent
with applicable legal or ethical requirements, will not assert that compliance with those
requirements constitutes a breach of the confidentiality provision.
Thanks for agreeing to prepare a proposed amendment to the Settlement Agreement and to
notify Mr. Avenatti of the amendment. We will review the proposed amendment once we receive it.
This Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of
December 20, 2017, by and between Greg Barela, an individual who resides at 2801
Alton Parkway, Apt. 402, Irvine, California 92606 ("Barela"); and
dlb/a a Colorado limited liability company with its principal
p~ce of business at Barela
and are collectively referred to as the "Parties."
Barela and are parties in an arbitration pending before Magistrate
Judge Boyd N. Boland (Ret.) styled Greg Barela v. d/b/a
JAG Arbitration No. 2015·1031A (the "Arbitration").
This Agreement formally sets forth the terms and conditions of the Parties'
agreed ·to final compromise and settlement of the Arbitration and all disputes
between them.
For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following
2. "Asserted Trade Secret" means: All trade secrets that were or could have
been asserted by Barela in the Arbitration, including but not limited to the Paver
3. '' Patent Rights" means: (a) U.S. Patents Nos. 8,662, 787;
8,827,590; 8,967,905;.D645,169; 8,236,392; 8,353,640; D637,318; and 7,244,477; and
(b) all provisional applications, parent applications, continuations, continuations-in-
part, divisionals, e~tensions, renewals, substitutions, reisaues, reexaminations, inter
partes reviews and foreign counterparts of any of the patents identified in (a).
11. on behalf of itself and its predecessors and Affiliates, warrants
and represents that it has the authority to enter into and be bound by this Agreement.
Payments to Barela
12. will pay the total sum of One Million Nine Hundred Thousand
U.S. Dollars (USD 1,900,000) to Barela as follows:
now has or claims to have, regarding the Patent Rights and/or the Released
Products, including any such claims that were or could have been asserted in a court,.
in the Arbitration, or in any other proceeding.
18. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement and its terms and
conditions are and will remain confidential. The Parties further ·a gree that they will
not disclose, provide, or produce this Agreement or its terms and conditions publicly
or to any Third Party. If a Party is asked about the outcome of the Arbitration. such
Party cannot disclose the existence of this Agreement or the Agreement's terms and
conditions. The Parties shall only disclose that the dispute between Barela and
has been resolved. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
b. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions as may be required by law, regulation. subpoena, or
order of an arbitrator, a court, or other adjudicator of competent
jurisdiction. If this disclosure is made during the course of
litigation, the disclosure must be limited to the litigating parties'
outside counsel and the arbitrator, court, or other adjudicator of
competent jurisdiction.
c. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions to the extent necessary to enforce this Agreement
before a court or other adjudicator of competent jurisdiction.
d. may privately state and confirm the fact that all disputes
between and Barela have been resolved in the context of
confidential discussions with its business partners and suppliers.
e. may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions
to its contract manufacturer/supplier, JSP, its professional
advisors, its board of directors, released Third Parties, and
existing and potential investors, acquirers and purchasers,
provided that such entities or individuals are bound by
confidentiality obligations commensurate with this provision.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this confidentiality provi.s ion is a material
term of this Agreement and that a failure to comply with it constitutes a material
breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree that it would be impossible, impractical
or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages suffered by reason of a breach of this
provision. and accordingly hereby agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD 100,000) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages sustained by reason
of each such breach, without prejudice to the right of the non-breaching Party to also
seek injunctive or other equitable relief, if appropriate.
non-disparagement provision is a material term of this Agreement and that a failure
to comply with it constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree
that it would be impossible, impractical or extr emely difficult to fix the actual
damages suffered by reason of a breach of this provision, and accordingly hereby
agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD 100,000) shall be presumed to
.be the amount of damages sustained by reason of each such breach. without prejudice
to the right of the non-breaching Party to also seek injunctive or other equitable relief,
if appropriate.
20. Upon execution of this Agreement by both Parties, the Parties will
voluntarily dismiss, with prejudice, all claims and defenses made against each other
in the Arbitration. Each Party will pay its own fees, costs, and expenses, including
attorneys' fees. Each Party will have the right to apply to the Judicial Arbiter Group,
Inc. for a refund of its share of the arbitration fees that were deposited to reserve the
Arbitration hearing dates.
Greg Barela
clo Michael Avenatti, Esq.
520 Newport Center Drive
Suite 1400
Newport Beach, CA 92660
mavenatti\i:"i:eaganavena tti .t'Ol!l
David J . Sheikh
Lee Sh eikh Megley & Haan
111 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
Chicago, Illinois 60604 1
I Email: [email protected] !
23. The Parties acknowledge that they were represented by their respective
counsel in connection with their settlement and this Agreement. This Agreement
shall be interpreted according to its fair construction and shall not be construed
against either Party.
24. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Barela and
with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior
agreements, proposals, or understandings, whether written or oral, between Barela
and This Agreement may not be modified, changed, amended, supplemented
or rescinded except pursuant to a written instrument duly executed by Barela and
25. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations
hereunder shall be assigned or transferred by any Party without the prior written
consent of the other Party.
26. This Agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of the State of Colorado.
Ba.r ela and hereby acknowledge their agreement and consent to the
terms and condition~ set forth above through their respective signatures by a duly
authorized representative of each party:
By: ___
28 Dec 2017
Date: - - - - - - - - - D ate:----------
I fr-ODG--~~----------i-BilO -·----~
t l
....- - - - - - -
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. . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... - - - --- .. -- ------~ ............:
From: Dayfd Sheikh
To: Steven E. Bledsoe
Cc: Steohen G. Larson
Subject: RE: Barela/
Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1:44:06 PM
Attachments: Barela $1.6M wire confirmation- 1.5.18 <CONFIDENTIAU.pdf
Hi Steven:
Please see the attached. Note that the attached is stamped "Confidential" under the Barela
Best regards,
Following up on our earlier correspondence, please let us know if has been able to locate
a copy of the wire transfer confirmation from January 5, 2018. Also, please let us know if you have
any other documents confirming Mr. Avenatti' s receipt of the settlement payment. Thanks.
Best regards,
Steven E. Bledsoe
555 South Flower Street Suite 4400
Los Angeles CA 9007l
213.436.4866 Direct
213.436.4888 Office
213.623.2000 Fax
sbledsoe@ Ia rsonob rien law .rom
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments are for the exclusive and confidential
use of the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please do not read, distribute, or take
action in reliance upon this message. Instead, please notify us immediately by return e-mail and
promptly delete this message and its attachments from your computer system. We do not waive
attorney-client or work product privilege by the transmission of this message.
SINGLE WIRE- Confirrnatior. Page 1 of2
You have successfully Initiated a wire that Is ready to be sent to SVB for processing,
Silicon Valley Bank Transaction ID: 2018010511406556 (This Is an Internal SVB tracking number)
Transaction Details
Beneficiary Details
2018 Settlement payment
Bank~to~Bank Instructions
Bank~to~Bank Instructions:
save As Template
If you wish to save these lnstructiOilS as a template, please enter a unique template code and clk:k "Save As Template".
Template Code: !save As Templalij
Steven E. Bledsoe
Direct: 213.436.4866
[email protected]
December 3, 2018
On November 17, 2018, we sent you a letter advising you of our firm's engagement by your
former client Gregory Barela in connection with his efforts to collect the proceeds due him
under the Confidential Settlement Agreement executed by Mr. Barela and LLC
on December 28, 2017 ("Settlement Agreement"). In our letter, we asked you to:
(2) promptly provide a true and correct copy of the Settlement Agreement and
any fee agreement you have with Mr. Barela; and
You have not responded to our letter. You have likewise not responded to Mr. Barela's
November 17, 2018 Request for Transfer of Files and Client Funds to our firm.
You have created a very unfortunate situation for all involved. In any event, Mr. Barela
remains willing to resolve this matter without pursuing litigation against you, Mr. Ibrahim,
and Mr. Arden. Your time to avoid litigation, however, is quickly running out.
If you would like to resolve this matter without court intervention, please let us know. Keep
in mind that, at this point, any resolution will need to account for a judgment that would
555 SOtiTH FLOWER STREET ~ SLITE 4400 • LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 • TEL:21J-4}0 ...J888 • FAX::zq.6:q.2000
440 FIRST STREET NW • SUITE .-so • WASHINGTON, DC 10001 • TEL:.202.795··NOO • FAX: 101:.79S4883
Michael Avenatti, Esq.
Page 2
December 3, 2018
likely include punitive damages. Of course, if you and your colleagues have done nothing
wrong, you can also simply provide the information requested above.
Steven E. Bledsoe
'iSS SOUTH FLOWER STREET • SUITE uoo • LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 • TEL:21J ..4J6.4888 • FAX:21J.62}.2ooo
440 FIRST STREET NW • SUITE 45<> • WASHINGTON. DC 20001 • TE~ >02.]95-4900 • FAX, 202-7954888
This Addendum to Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Addendum") is ente.t-ed into as
of January 3, 2019, by and between Gregory Barela ("'Barela,), and dlb/a
. Barela and are collectively referred to as the "Parties.••
Barela and entered into a Confidential Settlement Agreement \•Agreement'') as of
December 20, 2017 that was signed by the Parties on December 28, 2017.
Paragraph 12 ofthe Agreement provided that ould make the following f01lf
settlement payments to Barela: (1) $1.6 million by January 10, 2018; (2) $100,000 by January
10, 2019; (3) $100,000 by January 10, 2020; and (4) $100,000 by January 10, 2021.
On January 2, 2018, Avenatti sent an email to Sheikh that specified an account and
providt?d wire-transfer instructions.
Barela has represented to that paragraph 12 of the partial copy ofthe Agreement
that Avenatti provided to Barela on December 28, 2017, and the complete copy of the
Agreement that Avenatti's office provided to Barela on or about June 29,2018, contain
payments dates ofMarcb 10,2018, March 10,2019, March 10,2020, March 10,2021,
respectively, for settlement payments to Barela. Avenatti told Barela that the settlement
payments were payable in March of each year (not January).
At the request of Barela, on November 21, 2018, provided Barela with a true and
correct copy of the fully executed Agreement which states that the initial payment of$1.6
miUion was due by January 10, 2018; a payment of$100,000 is due by January 10, 2019; a l
payment of $100,000 is due by January 10, 2020; and a payment of $100,000 is due by January i
Barela has represented to that Avenatti has repeatedly represented to him that
did not make the initial $1.6 million payment due under the Agreement and that Avenatti
has been making efforts to collect the $1.6 million that had allegedly failed to pay on the
purported March 10, 2018 due date specified in the copies ofthe Agreement Avenatti provided
to Barela. I
Barela has retained new counsel, Steven E. Bledsoe and Stephen G. Larson ofLarson
O'Brien LLP, to represent him with respect to his efforts to collect the amounts due to him under
the Agreement.
Barela has represented to that Avenatti has not responded to Larson O'Brien's
November 17 and December 5, 2018 letters toAvenatti requesting that he: (1) confinn, in
writing, his representations to Barela that had failed to make the initial $1.6 million
payment due undeJ" the terms of the Agreement; (2) promptly provide a true and correct copy of
the Agreement; and (3) provide an immediate accounting in the event had made the initial
$1.6 million payment provided for in the Agreement
Barela has requested that make all further payments due to him under the
Agreement via wire transfer to the trust account of Larson O"Brien LLP and, based on Barela•s
above-referenced representations, has agreed to do so.
1. will pay all future amounts due under the Agreement to the trust account of
Larson O'Brien LLP, as follows:
2. Any future notices to Barela required by the Agreement shall be made by email
and express mail delivery or courier, signature required, postage pre-paid to: Gregory Barela,
c/o Steven E . Bledsoe, Esq., Larson O'Brien LLP, 555 S. Flower Street, Suite 4400, Los
Angeles, CA 90071.
B~elaand hereby acknowledge their agreement and consent to the terms and
conditions set forth above through their respective signatures:
f' ~
I /7 ( I
-2 -
ANAND KUMAR, No. 261592
845 South Figueroa Street '
No. 206929, )
15 A Member of the State Bar )
17 1. All statements made herein are true and correct and are based on my personal
21 2. Ihave been a member of the Illinois State Bar since November 5, 1992. I am a
22 founding paflner at the law film of Lee Sheikh Megley & Haan LLC. Our offices are located in
25 / / /
26 / / /
27 / / /
28 1
Party] in an intellectual property dispute brought against it by Mr. Gregory Barela. Mr. Michael
lawsuit in federal court on behalf of Mr. Barela and against the Settling Party alleging multiple
causes of action. Thereafter, Mr. Barela and the Settling Party entered into arbiu'ation.
4. On December 20, 2017, Mr. Barela and the Settling Party agreed to a final
compromise and settlement of the arbitration, With the Settling Party ageeing to pay a total of
$ 1 ,900,000 t0 Mr. Barela, over four yearly installments. The first payment was in the amount of
5. Between December 22, 201 7, and December 28, 2017, respondent and I negotiated a
written settlement agreement 0n behalf of our respective clients. The final written settlement
ageement required the Settling Party to make an initial payment of $1,600,000 by January 10,
201 8, and three additional payments of $ 1 00,000 by January 10 of 2019, 2020, 2021,
6. On December 28, 2017, respondent emailed me the signature page for the settlement
with Mr. Barela’s and the Settling Party’s signatures, which included the payment schedule that
respondent and I had negotiated on behalf of our respective clients. A true and correct, though
redacted, fully executed copy of the settlement agreement is attached to this Declaration as
Exhibit 1.
8. On January 2, 2018, respondent sent an email to me specifying the client trust account
and providing wiring instructions for the Settling Party to make the settlement payments
9. 0n January 5, 201 8, the Settling Party made the initial $1,600,000 settlement
payment by wire transfer to the client trust account specified by respondent on January 2, 2018.
The corporation is not identified by name due to the confidentiality of the settlement
agreement, discussed below.
10. At no time in March 201 8, or at any time, did I say to respondent that I was in
disbelief that the Settling Party had not made the initial $1,600,000 settlement payment, 01' words
to that effect. Any assertion that the Settling Party did not make initial $1,600,000 payment is
11. At no time did I say to respondent that I did not understand why the Settling Party
had not responded to my requests that the Settling Party make the initial $ 1 ,600,000, 0r words to
that effect. Again, any assertion that the Settling Party did not make initial $1,600,000 payment
is incorrect because the Settling Party made the payment on January 5, 201 8.
12. On November 15, 201 8, I received an email fiom Mr. Steven E. Bledsoe, an attorney
10 at the law firm of Larson Obrien, LLP. In the email, Mr. Bledsoe explained that Mr. Barela had
11 employed Mr. Bledsoe’s firm in connection with Mr. Barela’s efforts to collect on the proceeds
12 from the December 28, 2017 settlement agreement with the Settling Party. Mr. Bledsoe asked
13 me to: (i) confirm that the Settling Party made the $1,600,000 payment that Mr. Bledsoe
14 indicated he believed was due on March 10, 201 8; and (ii) provide him with a copy ofthe wire
15 transfer confirmation. In the email, Mr. Bledsoe provided me with his cell phone number and
16 invited me to call him. A true and correct copy of Mr. Bledsoe’s November 15, 201 8 email is
18 13. On November 16, 2018, Mr. Bledsoe and I had a telephone conversation. During the
19 telephone conversation, Mr. Bledsoe explained to me that respondent had advised Mr. Barela
20 that the Settling Party did not make the initial $ 1 ,600,000 payment due under the terms of the
21 settlement agreement. Mr. Bledsoe also noted that the copy 0f the settlement agreement
22 provided to Mr. Barela by respondent provided for the initial payment to be made by the Settling
23 Party on March 10, 201 8. I explained to Mr. Bledsoe that the actual settlement agreement
24 provided for the initial $1,600,000 payment to be made in January 2018, and that the Settling
25 Party made the payment at that time. Given these discrepancies, Mr. Bledsoe emailed me a copy
26 of the settlement agreement that respondent had presented to Mr. Barela.
28 3
14. On November 17, 2018, I received a letter Via email from MI. Bledsoe. In his
November 17, 201 8 letter, Mr. Bledsoe partially memorialized our November 16, 201 8 telephone
conversation, and requested that I provide him with: (i) a true and conect copy of the settlement
agreement executed by the Settling Party and Mr. Barela; (ii) a copy of the wire transfer
confirmation for the $ 1 ,600,000 settlement payment made by the Settling Party in January 2018;
and (iii) any written confirmation with respondent’s law firm concerning or confirming the
settlement payment. Finally, Mr. Bledsoe requested that the Settling Party make all future
payments due to Mr. Barela under the settlement agreement by wire transfer to Mr. Bledsoe’s
flrm’s client trust account. A true and correct copy of Mr. Bledsoe’s November 17, 2018 letter
15. On November 20, 201 8, I sent a letter to Mr. Bledsoe via email. In the letter, I
repeated what I told him when we spoke by telephone on November 16, 201 8; namely that: (i)
the settlement agreement executed by Mr. Barela and the Settling Party required the Settling
Party to make the initial payment by January 10, 2018, and the Settling Party did so by wire
transfer 0n January 5, 201 8; (ii) the copy of the purported settlement agreement that Mr. Bledsoe
emailed to me during our November 16, 201 8 telephone conversation is not a true and correct
copy of the settlement agreement; and (iii) I had never seen the document with the initial
payment date of March 201 8 before I received it from him on November 16, 201 8. In the letter,
I also requested that Mr. Bledsoe prepare a proposed amendment to the settlement agreement
that reflected his request for the future payments owed pursuant to the settlement agreement be
made to Mr. Bledsoe’s firm’s client trust account instead 0f the trust account designated by
respondent. A true and correct copy of my November 20, 201 8 letter is attached to this
Declaration as Exhibit 4.
16. On November 21, 2018, I sent Mr. Bledsoe a letter with a true and correct copy 0fthe
settlement ageement attached to it via email. A true and correct copy of my November 21, 201 8
letter, as well as a true and correct, though redacted, copy of the settlement agreement that was
17. On November 27, 2018, Iprovided Mr. Bledsoe with a copy of the confirmation of
the Janualy 5, 201 8 Wire transfer of the initial $1,600,000 payment required in the settlement
fiwN agreement.
18. Consistent with my request, Mr. Bledsoe prepared an addendum to the settlement
ageement. On January 3, 2019, Mr. Barela and the Settling Party signed the addendum which
provided that the Settling Parry would pay all future payments due under the settlement to Mr.
Bledsoe’s firm’s client trust account. A true and correct copy of the addendum t0 the settlement
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
I” j.
This Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of
December 20, 2017, bY and between Greg Barela, an individual who resides at 2801
Alton Parkway. Apt. 402, Irvine, California 92606 ("Barela"), and
dlb/a a Colorado limited liability company with its principal
p~ce of business at Barela
and are collectively referred to as the "Parties."
This Agreement formally sets forth the terms and conditions of the Parties'
agreed·to final compromise and· settlement of the Arbitration and all disputes
between them.
For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following
2. "Asserted Trade Secret" means: All trade secrets that were or could have
been asserted by Barela in the Arbitration, including but not limited to the Paver
11. on behalf of itself and its predecessors and Affiliates, warrants
and represents that it has the authority to enter into and be bound by this Agreement.
Payments to Barela
12. will pay the total sum of One Million Nine Hundred Thousand
U.S. Dollars (USD 1,900,000) to Barela as f()llows:
now has or claims to have, regarding the Patent Rights and/or the Released
Products, including any such claims that were or could have been asserted in a court;
in the Arbitration, or in any other proceeding.
18. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement and its terms and
conditions are and will remain confidential. The Parties further agree that they will
not disclose, provide, or produce this Agreement or its terms and conditions publicly
or to any Third Party. If a Party is asked about the outcome of the Arbitration, such
Party cannot disclose the existence of this Agreement or the Agreement's terms and
conditions. The Parties shall only disclose that the dispute between Barela and
has been resolved. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
b. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions as may be required by law, regulation. subpoena, or
order of an arbitrator, a court, or other adjudicator of competent
jurisdiction. If this disclosure is made during the course of
litigation, the disclosure must be limited to the litigating parties'
outside counsel and the arbitrator, court, or other adjudicator of
competent jurisdiction.
c. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions to the extent necessary to enforce this Agreement
before a court or other adjudicator of competent jurisdiction.
d. may privately state and conflrm the fact that all disputes
between and Barela have been resolved in the context of
confidential discussions with its business partners and suppliers.
e. may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions
to its contract manufacturer/supplier, JSP, its professional
advisors, its board of directors, released Third Parties, and
existing and potential investors, acquirers and purchasers,
provided that such entities or individuals are bound by
confidentiality obligations commensurate with this provision.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this confidentiality provision is a material
term of this Agreement and that a failure to comply with it constitutes a material
breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree ~hat it would be impossible, impractical
or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages suffered by reason of a breach of this
provision, and accordingly hereby agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD 100·,000) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages sustained by reason
of each such breach, without prejudice to the right of the non-breaching Party to also
seek injunctive or other equitable relief, if appropriate.
non-disparagement provision is a material term of this Agreement and that a failure
to comply with it constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree
that it would be impossible, impractical or extremely difficult to fix the actual
damages suft'ered by reason of a breach of this provision, and accordingly hereby
agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD 100,000) shall be presumed to
. be the amount of damages sustained by reason of each such breach, without prejudice
to the right of the non-breaching Party to also seek injunctive or other equitable relief,
if appropriate.
20. Upon execution of this Agreement by both Parties, the Parties will
voluntarily dismiss, with prejudice, all claims and defenses made against each other
in the Arbitration. Each Party will pay its own fees, costs, and expenses, including
attorneys' fees. Each Party will have the right to apply to the Judicial Arbiter Group,
Inc. for a refund of its share of the arbitration fees that were deposited to reserve the
Arbitration hearing dates.
Greg Barela
clo Michael Avenatti, Esq.
520 Newport Center Drive
Suite 1400
Newport Beach, CA 92660
rna vena ttj(i'li.eaganavena tt1.col!l
David J. Sheikh
Lee Sheikh Megley & Haan
111 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
Chicago, illinois 60604
Email: dsheikh(t'
22. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a
partnership, agency, employer-employee or joint venture relationship between Barela
23. The Parties acknowledge that they were represented by their respective
counsel in connection with their settlement and this Agreement. This Agreement
shall be interpreted according to its fair construction and shall not be construed
against either Party.
24. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Barela and
with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior
agreements, proposals, or understandings, whether written or oral, between Barela
and This Agreement may not be modified, changed, amended, supplemented
or rescinded except pursuant to a written instrument duly executed by Barela and
25. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations
hereunder shall be assigned or transferred by any Party without the prior written
consent of the other Party.
26. This Agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of the State of Colorado.
By: __ ____
Pressd' ent
Its: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
28 Dec2017
Dec 2017
Date: - - - - - - - - - Date:-
Date: ---------
I m-
_ % |8T'Z
---------~-----· ---~-------'
From: Steven E. Biedsoe
To: [email protected]
Cc: Stephen G. t arson
Subject: Payment of Settlement Proceeds: Barela v.
Date: Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:00:55 PM
Mr. Sheikh,
Our firm has been engaged to represent Greg Barela in connection with his efforts to collect
the proceeds from his December 28, 2017 Confidential Settlement Agreement with
As you know, pursuant to the terms of the settlement agreement, agreed to pay
Mr. Barela the initial $1.6 million settlement payment on March 10,2018. Such payment was
to be made via wire transfer to the client trust account of Mr. Barela's then counsel, Michael
Avenatti. We ask that you confirm that the $1.6 million payment was made by USA.
We also ask that you provide us with a copy of the wire transfer confirmation.
We would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. I coincidentally happen to
be in Chicago through noon tomorrow. If you would like to discuss this matter in person,
please let me know and I will come by your office before I head to the airport. I can also be
reached on my cell phone at 818-921-0306. Thank you.
Best regards,
Steven E. Bledsoe
i:AiisoN·:o;iiiiiEN. i:i:i>
555 South Flower Street, Suite 4400
Los Angeles, CA 90071
213..136.4866 Direct
213.436.4888 Office
213.623.2000 Fax
sbledsoe@larsonobrienlaw com
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments are for the exclusive and
confidential use of the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please do not read,
distribute, or take action in reliance upon this message. Instead, please notify us immediately
by return e-mail and promptly delete this message and its attachments from your computer
system. We do not waive attorney-client or work product privilege by the transmission of this
Steven E. Bledsoe
Dim:t: 213.436.4166
Email: [email protected]
Dear David:
This letter follows up on my email message to you on November 15, 2018 and our
telephone conversation on November 16, 2018 concerning the above-referenced matter.
Our firm bas been engaged by Gregory Barela in connection with his efforts to collect the
proceeds due him pursuant to the terms of the Confidential Settlement Agreement
executed by Mr. Barela and on December 28,2017 ("Settlement Agreement").
Mr. Barela has been advised by Michael Avenatti that did not make the initial
$1 .6 million payment due under the terms of the Settlement Agreement. I note that
paragraph 12.a. on page 3 ofthe copy of the Settlement Agreement provided to Mr. Barela
by Mr. Avenatti provides for the initial settlement payment to be made by on
March 10, 2018. I Wlderstand from our telephone conversation that the Settlement
Agreement actually provides for the initial $1.6 million payment to be made in January
2018, which is why made the payment at that time.
Given these discrepancies. we ask that you promptly provide us with a true and correct
copy of the Settlement Agreement executed by and Mr. Barela on December
28, 2018. We further request that you provide us with a copy of the wire transfer
confinnation for the $1 .6 miJJion settlement payment made by in January
2018. as well as any written correspondence with Mr. Avenani's firm concerning or
confirming the settlement payment.
Finally, Mr. Barela requests that make all future payments.due him under the
Settlement Agreement by wire transfer to our finn 's client trust We will provide
wire transfer information for our client trust account under separate cover.
~..; o F'lRST <: TREET '\'·'· ~l !TE .t'i -' · \\'A'5H!'\GTO'\ , OC : ·:> oo : • TEL ~o~ . ;-q; . ~~o o FA X. : o~. ~-l') . -t5SS
Steven E. Bledsoe
4-40 F! R. ':T :;T RE£T ',\\ . · ':i l I T£ -'~u \ \.-\:, H I :'I.GTO:'\ DC ~uuo : · TEL. :o;.~,h~.-o o · FA:\. ; v ! .74;.-4 SS3
L:~R ) I..1 -.. L1B R IE'L -~ \\ ( 0\1
Ill West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
· Chicago, IDinois 60604
David J. Sheikh
Direct Dial: (312) 982-0062 [email protected]
Steven E. Bledsoe
· Larson O'Brien LLP
555 South Flower Street
Suite 450
Los Angeles, California 90071
Dear Steven:
This responds to your letter ofNovember 17,2018. I also received your follow-up voicemail
message. I needed to discuss your letter with my client, which I have now done.
At the outset, I want to reemphasize and expand on what I told you when we spoke by
telephone on November 16, 2018. finally and completely resolved its dispute with Greg Barela
under ~ terms of the December 20, 2017 Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Settlement
·Agreement''). The Barela v. arbitration was dismissed, with prejudice, on December 29, 2017.
Furthermore, has fully complied with its obligations under the Settlement Agreement,
including making the $1 .6 million payment to the account designated by Michael Avenatti on behalf
of Mr. Barela. The Settlement Agreement required to make the payment by January 10, 2018,
and did so by wire transfer on January 5, 2018. Any assertion that did not make the $1 .6
million payment is demonstrably false. The document that you emailed to me during our November
16, 2018 call is not a true and correct copy of the Settlement Agreement We had not seen that
document before receiving it from you. is not involved in Mr. Barela's dispute with Mr.
Avenatti, and is displeased that it has had to invest resources to address this matter in response to
your inquiries. Aside from its remaining obligations under the Settlement Agreement, wants
no further dealings with Mr. Barela, Mr. Avenatti, or anyone associated with them.
You have requested that provide a true and correct copy of the Settlement Agreement
and documentation confirming payment to Mr. Barela. As a precondition of providing
this infonnation, I need written confirmation that all communications and information exchanged
between us regarding this matter will be treated in conform~ce with the confidentiality provision in
the Settlement Agreement, which states as follows:
November 20, 2018
18. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement and its terms and conditions are and
will remain confidential. The Parties further agree that they will not disclose, provide,
or produce this Agreemerit or its terms and conditions publicly or to any Third Party.
If a Party is asked about the outcome of the Arbitration, such Party cannot disclose
the existence of this Agreement or the Agreement's terms and conditions. The Parties
shall only disclose that the dispute between Barela and
has been resolved. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
a. Either Party may disclose this Agreement to its attorneys and accountants
provided that such attorneys and accountants are bound by confidentiality
obligations commensurate with this
b. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions as
may be required by law, regulation, subpoena, or order of an arbitrator, a court,
or other adjudicator of competent jurisdiction. Ifthis disclosure is made during
the course of litigation, the disclosure must be limited to the litigating parties'
outside counsel and the arbitrator, court, or other adjudicator of
competent junsdiction.
c. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions to
the extent necessary to enforce this Agreement before a court or other
adjudicator of competent jurisdiction.
d. may privately state and confirm the fact that all disputes between
and Barela have been resolved in the context ofconfidential discussions
with its business partners and suppliers.
e. may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions to its
contract manufacturer/supplier, JSP, its professional advisors, its board of
directors, released Third Parties, and existing and potential investors, aequirers
and purchasers, provided that such entities or individuals are .bound by
confidentiality obligations commensurate with this provision.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this confidentiality provision is a material
term of this Agreement and that a failure to comply with it constitutes a material
breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree that it would be impossible, impractical
or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages suffered by reason of a breach of this
provision, and accordingly hereby agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD 100,()()0) shall be presmned to be the amount of damages sustained by reason
of each such breach, without prejudice to the right of the non-breaching Party to also
seek injunctive or other equitable relief, if appropriate.
The Settlement Agreement requires three future payments by to Mr. Barela. You have
requested that make these payments to yow firm' s client trust.account. However, this will
require a formal amendment to the Settlement Agreement. Paragraph 14 ofthe Settlement Agreement
states that "[e]ach of the payments specified in paragraph 12 shall be made by wire--transfer to a trust
account specified in an email from Barela's counsel (Michael Avenatti) to counsel (David
Sheikh) on or before January 3, 2018." On January 2, 2018, Mr. Avenatti provided the wire-transfer
instructions, which are a material part of the agreement. made the $1.6 million payment into
Novembei20, 2018
the account designated by Mr. Avenatti. Please prepare a proposed amendment to the Settlement
Agreement that reflects your request for the future payments to be made to yom firm's client trust
account instead of the trust account designated by Mr. Avenatti. Notice of the amendment will need
to be provided to Mr. Aveoatti.
Best regards,
David J. Sheikh
Ill West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
Chicago, Illinois 60604
(312) 982-0070
David J. Sheikh
Dirfct Dial: (312) 982-0062 dsbeikh@leesheikh,com
November 21, 2018
Steven E. Bledsoe
Larson O'Brien LLP
555 South Flower Street
Suite 450
Los Angeles, California 90071
Dear Steven:
This responds to your letter of November 20, 2018. Thanks for con:finning that Mr. Barela
and your finn will comply with the confidentiality provisions of the Confidential Settlement
Agreement executed by Mr. Barela and on December 28, 2017 (''Settlement Agreement") in
connection with this matter. I have enclosed a true and correct copy of the fully executed Settlement
Agreement. We are still in the process of gathering the complete wire-transfer infonnation. I will let
you know when I have that information. To reiterate, the wire-trarisfer information must be treated
in confonnance with the confidentiality provision in the Settlement Agreement
We agree that paragraphs 18.b.-c. address the situations described in the third paragraph of
your letter. To the extent the confidentiality provision in the Settlement Agreement is inconsistent
with applicable legal or ethical requirements, will not assert that compliance with those
requirements constitutes a breach of the confidentiality provision.
Thanks for agreeing to prepare a proposed amendment to the Settlement Agreement and to
notify Mr. Avenatti of the amendment. We will review the proposed amendment once we receive it.
This Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of
December 20, 2017, by and between Greg Barela, an individual who resides at 2801
Alton Parkway, Apt. 402, Irvine, California 92606 ("Barela"); and
dlb/a a Colorado limited liability company with its principal
p~ce of business at Barela
and are collectively referred to as the "Parties."
Barela and are parties in an arbitration pending before Magistrate
Judge Boyd N. Boland (Ret.) styled Greg Barela v. d/b/a
JAG Arbitration No. 2015·1031A (the "Arbitration").
This Agreement formally sets forth the terms and conditions of the Parties'
agreed ·to final compromise and settlement of the Arbitration and all disputes
between them.
For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following
2. "Asserted Trade Secret" means: All trade secrets that were or could have
been asserted by Barela in the Arbitration, including but not limited to the Paver
3. '' Patent Rights" means: (a) U.S. Patents Nos. 8,662, 787;
8,827,590; 8,967,905;.D645,169; 8,236,392; 8,353,640; D637,318; and 7,244,477; and
(b) all provisional applications, parent applications, continuations, continuations-in-
part, divisionals, e~tensions, renewals, substitutions, reisaues, reexaminations, inter
partes reviews and foreign counterparts of any of the patents identified in (a).
11. on behalf of itself and its predecessors and Affiliates, warrants
and represents that it has the authority to enter into and be bound by this Agreement.
Payments to Barela
12. will pay the total sum of One Million Nine Hundred Thousand
U.S. Dollars (USD 1,900,000) to Barela as follows:
now has or claims to have, regarding the Patent Rights and/or the Released
Products, including any such claims that were or could have been asserted in a court,.
in the Arbitration, or in any other proceeding.
18. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement and its terms and
conditions are and will remain confidential. The Parties further ·a gree that they will
not disclose, provide, or produce this Agreement or its terms and conditions publicly
or to any Third Party. If a Party is asked about the outcome of the Arbitration. such
Party cannot disclose the existence of this Agreement or the Agreement's terms and
conditions. The Parties shall only disclose that the dispute between Barela and
has been resolved. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
b. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions as may be required by law, regulation. subpoena, or
order of an arbitrator, a court, or other adjudicator of competent
jurisdiction. If this disclosure is made during the course of
litigation, the disclosure must be limited to the litigating parties'
outside counsel and the arbitrator, court, or other adjudicator of
competent jurisdiction.
c. Either Party may disclose this Agreement and its terms and
conditions to the extent necessary to enforce this Agreement
before a court or other adjudicator of competent jurisdiction.
d. may privately state and confirm the fact that all disputes
between and Barela have been resolved in the context of
confidential discussions with its business partners and suppliers.
e. may disclose this Agreement and its terms and conditions
to its contract manufacturer/supplier, JSP, its professional
advisors, its board of directors, released Third Parties, and
existing and potential investors, acquirers and purchasers,
provided that such entities or individuals are bound by
confidentiality obligations commensurate with this provision.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this confidentiality provi.s ion is a material
term of this Agreement and that a failure to comply with it constitutes a material
breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree that it would be impossible, impractical
or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages suffered by reason of a breach of this
provision. and accordingly hereby agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD 100,000) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages sustained by reason
of each such breach, without prejudice to the right of the non-breaching Party to also
seek injunctive or other equitable relief, if appropriate.
non-disparagement provision is a material term of this Agreement and that a failure
to comply with it constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. The Parties agree
that it would be impossible, impractical or extr emely difficult to fix the actual
damages suffered by reason of a breach of this provision, and accordingly hereby
agree that One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD 100,000) shall be presumed to
.be the amount of damages sustained by reason of each such breach. without prejudice
to the right of the non-breaching Party to also seek injunctive or other equitable relief,
if appropriate.
20. Upon execution of this Agreement by both Parties, the Parties will
voluntarily dismiss, with prejudice, all claims and defenses made against each other
in the Arbitration. Each Party will pay its own fees, costs, and expenses, including
attorneys' fees. Each Party will have the right to apply to the Judicial Arbiter Group,
Inc. for a refund of its share of the arbitration fees that were deposited to reserve the
Arbitration hearing dates.
Greg Barela
clo Michael Avenatti, Esq.
520 Newport Center Drive
Suite 1400
Newport Beach, CA 92660
mavenatti\i:"i:eaganavena tti .t'Ol!l
David J . Sheikh
Lee Sh eikh Megley & Haan
111 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 2230
Chicago, Illinois 60604 1
I Email: [email protected] !
23. The Parties acknowledge that they were represented by their respective
counsel in connection with their settlement and this Agreement. This Agreement
shall be interpreted according to its fair construction and shall not be construed
against either Party.
24. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Barela and
with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior
agreements, proposals, or understandings, whether written or oral, between Barela
and This Agreement may not be modified, changed, amended, supplemented
or rescinded except pursuant to a written instrument duly executed by Barela and
25. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations
hereunder shall be assigned or transferred by any Party without the prior written
consent of the other Party.
26. This Agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of the State of Colorado.
Ba.r ela and hereby acknowledge their agreement and consent to the
terms and condition~ set forth above through their respective signatures by a duly
authorized representative of each party:
By: ___
28 Dec 2017
Date: - - - - - - - - - D ate:----------
I fr-ODG--~~----------i-BilO -·----~
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This Addendum to Confidential Settlement Agreement ("Addendum") is ente.t-ed into as
of January 3, 2019, by and between Gregory Barela ("'Barela,), and dlb/a
. Barela and are collectively referred to as the "Parties.••
Barela and entered into a Confidential Settlement Agreement \•Agreement'') as of
December 20, 2017 that was signed by the Parties on December 28, 2017.
Paragraph 12 ofthe Agreement provided that ould make the following f01lf
settlement payments to Barela: (1) $1.6 million by January 10, 2018; (2) $100,000 by January
10, 2019; (3) $100,000 by January 10, 2020; and (4) $100,000 by January 10, 2021.
On January 2, 2018, Avenatti sent an email to Sheikh that specified an account and
providt?d wire-transfer instructions.
Barela has represented to that paragraph 12 of the partial copy ofthe Agreement
that Avenatti provided to Barela on December 28, 2017, and the complete copy of the
Agreement that Avenatti's office provided to Barela on or about June 29,2018, contain
payments dates ofMarcb 10,2018, March 10,2019, March 10,2020, March 10,2021,
respectively, for settlement payments to Barela. Avenatti told Barela that the settlement
payments were payable in March of each year (not January).
At the request of Barela, on November 21, 2018, provided Barela with a true and
correct copy of the fully executed Agreement which states that the initial payment of$1.6
miUion was due by January 10, 2018; a payment of$100,000 is due by January 10, 2019; a l
payment of $100,000 is due by January 10, 2020; and a payment of $100,000 is due by January i
Barela has represented to that Avenatti has repeatedly represented to him that
did not make the initial $1.6 million payment due under the Agreement and that Avenatti
has been making efforts to collect the $1.6 million that had allegedly failed to pay on the
purported March 10, 2018 due date specified in the copies ofthe Agreement Avenatti provided
to Barela. I
Barela has retained new counsel, Steven E. Bledsoe and Stephen G. Larson ofLarson
O'Brien LLP, to represent him with respect to his efforts to collect the amounts due to him under
the Agreement.
Barela has represented to that Avenatti has not responded to Larson O'Brien's
November 17 and December 5, 2018 letters toAvenatti requesting that he: (1) confinn, in
writing, his representations to Barela that had failed to make the initial $1.6 million
payment due undeJ" the terms of the Agreement; (2) promptly provide a true and correct copy of
the Agreement; and (3) provide an immediate accounting in the event had made the initial
$1.6 million payment provided for in the Agreement
Barela has requested that make all further payments due to him under the
Agreement via wire transfer to the trust account of Larson O"Brien LLP and, based on Barela•s
above-referenced representations, has agreed to do so.
1. will pay all future amounts due under the Agreement to the trust account of
Larson O'Brien LLP, as follows:
2. Any future notices to Barela required by the Agreement shall be made by email
and express mail delivery or courier, signature required, postage pre-paid to: Gregory Barela,
c/o Steven E . Bledsoe, Esq., Larson O'Brien LLP, 555 S. Flower Street, Suite 4400, Los
Angeles, CA 90071.
B~elaand hereby acknowledge their agreement and consent to the terms and
conditions set forth above through their respective signatures:
f' ~
I /7 ( I
-2 -
ANAND KUMAR, No. 261 592
No. 206929, )
) (OCTC Case No. 19--TE-16715)
A Member of the State Bar )
1. A11 statements made herein are true and correct and are based on my personal
knowledge unless indicated as based on information or belief, and as to those statements I am
informed and believe them to be true. If necessary, I could and would competently testify to the
2. I am an investigator employed by the Office of Chief Trial Counsel 0f the State Bar
(“State Bar”). I have been employed as a State Bar Investigator for over 28 years.
Bledsoe, an attorney, on behalf of Mr. Gregory Barela, against Mr. Michael John Avenatti, the
respondent in these disciplinary proceedings. I have checked the records maintained by the State
Bar and confirmed that respondent was admitted to the State Bar on June 1, 2000, and does not
(i) between on 0r about December 22, 201 7, and on or about December 27,
(ii) the settlement agreement required the Settling Party to make an initial
12 Mr. Barela with an altered copy of the settlement agreement which falsely
17 (V) on December 29, 201 7, respondent received a complete copy of the fully
18 executed settlement agreement with Mr. Barela’s and the Settling Party’s
19 signature, which included the payment schedule that had actually been
27 1
The corporation is not identified by name due to the confidentiality 0f the settlement
(viii) afier subtracting respondent’s contingency fee, respondent was required to
Mr. Barela;
Mr. Barela’s inquiries concerning the status of his settlement funds with
(xi) to date, respondent has not paid Mr. Barela the remaining $710,000 that he
6. The January 2, 201 8 email from respondent to the Settling Party’s attorney
was one of the numerous documents that Mr. Bledsoe attached to his State Bar complaint. In the
email, respondent instructed the Settling Patty t0 wire the initial $1 ,600,000
payment to City
7. On April 24, 2019, pursuant to the State Bar’s subpoena, the State Bar received
records related to City National Bank, account no. xxxxx5566. The account is titled, “Michael J.
Avenatti Attorney Client Trust Account (BAR Settlement)” (“Barela CTA”). A true and correct
copy of the bank records related to the Barela CTA are attached to thjs Declaration as Exhibit 1.
8. Afier I received the bank records for the Barela CTA, I reviewed and prepared an
Excel spreadsheet based on them. A true and con'ect copy of the Excel spreadsheet that I
9. In addition to creating the Excel spreadsheet, I also created a chart wherein I sorted
The fiJll account number is omitted for privacy reasons.
the outgoing debits fiom the Barela CTA by payee. A true and correct copy of the chart I created
sorting the outgoing debits from the Barela CTA by payee is attached to this Declaration as
Exhibit 3.
(ii) prior to January 5, 201 8, the balance in the Barela CTA was $0.00;
(iii) the January 5, 201 8, wire transfer was the fi_rs§ and la_st deposit of
any kind made into the Barela CTA, not including interest;
24 (vii) by January 10, 201 8, the balance in the Barela CTA decreased to
25 $760,036.25;
(ix) by March 10, 201 8—the date that Mr. Barela anticipated
(x) by March 14, 201 8, about two months afler the Settling Party
wired the initial settlement payment 0f $1,600,000 into the Barela
CTA, and before respondent had made any disbursements to, or for
the benefit of, Mr. Barela from the Barela CTA, the balance in the
14 benefit of, Mr. Barela from the Barela CTA, the balance in the
17 11. On February 27, 2019, I sent Ms. Ellen Pansky, respondent’s counsel, a letter via
18 U.S. Mail and email asking her to respond to the allegations of misconduct being
investigated by
19 the State Bar in connection with OCTC case number 19-0-10483 by no later than March 15,
20 2019.
21 12. On March l4, 2019, Ms. Pansky sent me a letter via U.S. Mail and email requesting
22 an extension of time to respond to my February 27, 201 9 letter to March 22, 2019. I agreed to
23 the extension.
24 13. On March 21 , 201 9, Ms. Pansky sent me a letter via U.S. Mail and email requesting
25 an additional extension of time to respond to my February 27, 2019 letter to April 1, 2019. I
27 14. I am informed and believe that on Monday, March 24, 2019, the United States
Attorney for the Southern Distn'ct of New York and for the Central District of California
believe that the United States Attorney for the Southern District arrested
respondent in
connection with charges filed in the matter titled United States ofAmerica v. Michael John
Avenatti, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, Case
Number 1:19-mj-
02927-UA-1. I am informed and believe that the complaint filed in case number 1:19-mj-02927-
UA-l charges that respondent tried to extort millions of dollars from Nike, Inc., the apparel
company. A true and correct copy of the complaint in Case Number 1:19-mj-02927-UA—1 that I
downloaded from PACER on April 29, 2019 is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 4.
10 15. I am informed and believe that the United States Attorney for the Central District of
11 California arrested respondent in connection with charges filed in the matter titled
United States
12 ofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United States District Court, Central District of California
14 the complaint filed in case number 8: 1 9-mj-00241 charges respondent with embezzling from a
15 client, specifically Mr. Barela, and defrauding a bank by using false tax returns to obtain a loan.
16 A true and correct copy of the complaint in Case Number 8:19-mj -00241 filed as to respondent
17 and approved by Magistrate Judge Douglas F. McCormick as t0 respondent that I downloaded
18 from PACER on Apn'l 29, 2019 is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 5.
19 16. On March 29, 2019, Ms. Pansky sent me letter via U.S. Mail and email. In the
“As am sure you are also well aware, Mr. Avenatti was arrested
inNew York last Monday, and he is being charged in criminal
23 proceedings in both New York and California. As he was compiling
information for me to use t0 provide the response due to your office,
24 his computersand files were seized by the authorities, and he also is now
precluded from communicating with his assistant. Consequently, it is
25 not possible for him to provide me with the information and materials
needed to complete my letters of explanation.”
A true and correct copy of Ms. Pansky’s March 29, 2019 letter is attached to this Declaration as
Exhibit 6. At no time has Ms. Pansky provided a substantive response to the allegations of
misconduct being investigated by the State Bar in connection with Case Number 19-0-10483.
17. I am informed and believe that on April 10, 201 9, the United States Attorney for
United States ofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United States District Court (Southern
Division—Santa Ana), Case Number CR 8:]9-cr-00061 (JVS). The indictment charges that
respondent, among other charges, embezzled funds belonging to four of his former clients,
including Mr. Barela. A true and correct copy of the Indictment in Case Number CR 8: 1 9-cr-
00061 (JVS) that I downloaded from PACER on April 29, 2019 is attached to this Declaration as
Exhibit 7.
18. I am informed and believe that on the same day, i.e, April 10, 2019, Case Number
8: 1 9-mj-00241 was merged into Case Number 8:19-cr—00061 and terminated. A true and correct
copy of the docket for Case Number 8:19-mj—00241 that I downloaded from PACER 0n April
19. I am informed and believe that on May 22, 2019, the United States Attorney for the
Southern District 0f New York filed an indictment against respondent in a criminal matter titled
United States ofAmerica v. Michael John Avenatti, United States District Court, Southern
District of New York, Case Number CR 19-Cr. 374. The indictment charges that respondent,
among other charges, embezzled funds belonging to a fifih client. A true and correct copy 0f the
Indictment in Case Number 19 Cr. 374 that I downloaded from PACER on May 28, 2019 is
attached to this Declaration as Exhibit 9.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and correct and that this Declaration is executed this 3rd
day of June, 2019, at
q “/LQV
Frc..rn: 03/261 19 12:28 #053 P . 002/009
In the Matter of
Case No. 19-0-1 04&3
MAR 2ti 2019
I. YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS in this investigation a1 the following time and place:
Date: Aprit 25,2019 Time: 3:00PM Place: THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA
845 South Figueroa Str'Qet
Los Anaeles, California 900 17·25 15
Telephone: (213) 765·1000
3. This sub~• is directiXI to a fmancial institution. The production of financial n:cords described in this subpoena is consistent with the scope and n:quin:ments
of the above entitled State Bar proc«ding.
4. Then: is reasonable cause to tlellcve lh11t the financial records described in attachment I I pertain to trust acco~tnts which the member of the StAte Bar of
California who iJ the subject of these prc:iCeedinp milst maintain in accordance with the California Rules of Professional Conduet. All members or the StAte
Bar have i~o~ably authorized disclosun: of trust account reoords t.o the State Bar of California by operation of law. (Sec California Business and Professions
Code, section 6069(a).)
S. You are not requested to appear Ia person; however, you are ordered to produce tru~ lqlble, and durable cople~ o.r til~ docum.cnJa ~acril!ed In
attacbment 11111, ti!Jnt: wltll an affidavit of the Custodiaa or RtcordJ, In Ittil or peraonal appear:anct If compliance II pars. .ot to CaUfornla Evidence
Codt secd!Jn 1.560 et seq. Said records must be mailed andtr ~e~l to lilt andtrslzned at The State Bar of California, 114.5 South Flgtlti'OI Strut, Los
Angdea, California 90017-2515.
6. The records are to be produced by the dille and time shown above In p~~n~grapb I, but not sooner than IS days after service of the subpoenL
7. You may be entitled to certain witness fees as provided by Evidence Code section I 563 for production of business records.
8. The State Bar is not required to issue notices to consumers (California Code of Civil Procedure se
Records relating to Account No. 5566, Account ofMicbael Avenatti, BAR Settlement, including:
1. Monthly statements issued for the period from January 1, 2018, to the present;
3. Front and back sides of checks issued from said account from January I, 2018, to the present;
4. Deposit slips for the period from January 1, 2018, to the present;
5. Front and back sides of checks, offsetting debits, and other items deposited into said account for the
period from January l, 2018, to the present;
6. Any and all documents evidencing electronic debits and credits from January 1, 20 18, to the present;
7. All documents pertaining to all Cashier's Checks, Bank Checks, and Money Orders purchased or
negotiated, from said account from January 1, 2018, to the present, including but not limited to :
• Documents (checks, debit memos, cash-in tickets, wires in, etc.) reflecting the means by which
the checks or money orders were purchased; and
• Documents (bank checks, credit memos, cash-out tickets, wires out, etc.) reflecting
disbursements of the proceeds of any negotiated checks or money orders;
8. All documents pcrrtaining to wire transfers sent or received from said account for the period from
January I, 2018, to the present, including but not limited to:
• Fed Wire, CHIPS, SWIFT, or other money transfer of message documents;
• Documents (checks, debit memos, cash-in tickets, wires in, etc.) reflecting the source of the
funds wired out;
• Documents (bank checks, credit memos, cash-out tickets, wires out, etc.) reflecting the
disposition within the bank of the funds wired in; and
• Correspondence files; and
9. All Currency Transactions Reports (Fonns 4789) and Currency and Monetary Instrument Reports
from January 1, 2018, to the present. It is requested that the data relating to monthly statements and
individual transactions be produced in an electronic format in Microsoft Excel format, or in .csv file
format, with information including field descriptions (e.g., account number, date/time, description,
payee/payor, check number, item identifier, and amount), and in .pdf image file fonnat.
l 0. It is requested that image data regarding canceled checks and deposited items be produced in graphic
data files in a non-proprietary or commonly readable format with the highest image quality
maintained (e.g., in a .jpg format or a .pdffonnat). Image data of items associated with specific
transactions (e.g., checks, deposits) shall be produced in individual graphic data files with any
associated endorsements, and linked to corresponding text data by a unique identifier.
(Page 1 of 4)
M . A . .A
·--- ~~
- ~~~::::::;:::::::::::::;::;
The way up.·
T ___,
Account Holder(s) ("Ciient")/dba: MICHAEL J AVENATil ESQ. ATIORNEY CLIENT TRUST ACCOUNT - ,::T:i!ShA
- - --- ---
Taxp;~yer Information
REQUEST); and,
EXCEPT (Ched\ applicable box)
D The Account Holder is currently subject to bad\up withholding and has not been notified by the lntemat Revenue SeJVice
that backup withholding has been terminated.
0 The Account Holder is a Non-Resident Alien, Foreign Citizen or Foreign Entity and is exempt from backup withholding
and information re~!]!l and an !J)Jl~Q!iate IRS Form W-8, Foreign Status Certificate has been com11leted. ----
Exemption from backup \Mthholdfng payee code (if eny) _ _ _ Exemption from FATCA reporting code for acoounts outside US only _ _ _
Govemmenl Regulation may require that CNB report Interest lnc:oma Information
By signing the "Agreement by Client" below. each signer declares under penally of perjury under the laws of the state where Signed that the following is
true and correcl: (1) The signer holds the title, office. or position Indicated and Is authorized by the Client to make this declaration and sign the
Agreement on behall of the Client; (2) If the Client is (a) a sole proprietorship, the signer is the sole proprietor: (b) a partnership, the signer is a· general
partner, or a manag~Mtr~C}"Tlimitea-lial)ilil~hli""""Slgnerlntllf"Marra·g-eror-Memoor ces1gnateato aclont5ellallortffir"Ciienronfl"' e _ _ _ _ __
signers are all of the Managel"5-or Member so designated; (3) Tl)e signer is authorized to enter into deposit, fund transfer, brokerage, Investment and
trea$Ury managsment agreement and deposit sel\llce agreement(&) on behalf of Client and to designate person(s) authorized to (a) act on behalf of
Client and (b) designated per.ions as "Authorized Signors· on any accounts of Client established hereunder; and (4) When $1gned below no other
person·s signature or authorization is required :to make the Agreement by Client binding and enforceable on the Client. (5) Thi:. euthoriZaUon Is In
a~ditiotl to all otller authorizations now In existence.
IMAGED BY:,-=-=--""="""__.,,_,
Page 1 of 4
JAI~ 0 J Llf:~ Citv National Bank
Revised 4/1/20t 7
On behalf of the named Client, by signing below 1/We acknowledge receipt of the Account Agreement and Disclosures and applicable disclosures and
fee schedule(s) containing the tenns, conditiOns and fees governing the account(s), products and services designated above and any accounts
designated under "Additional Accounts" below and any products and services taler contracted for, as amenclecl by disclosures and fee &chedule(s)
provideel at the time of contracting. 1/We agree that these tenns, conclitions end fees go~~em each account eslilblished with City National Bank ("CNB"J
or City National Securities. Inc. ("CNSj and eaCh service now or later contracted for, a& amended by later disclosures. IMie agree that CNB or CNS
may provide additional tenns, COnditions and fees from time to time, depending upon the products and services selected by melur. and that CNB or CNS
may amend or Change these tenns, conditions and fees from lime to time on any required notice. II any terms. condiUons, fees and any changes thereto
are not acceptable to meJ\.ta, l/We w~l dose the account(s) or discontinue the service. 'Mlere applicable, my/our continued use ot the products ·and/or
services after receipt of the tenns, condWons. fees and amendments consUMe my/our acceptance of such terms, conditions. fees and amendments
thereto. IM'B agree \hat the Authorized Signer(s) may withdraw funds and initiate and conflnn payment orders pursuant to the security procedure
selected respecting the account(s) and each Authorized Signer may establi&h additional accounts with CNB or CNS .in the same name(s) and subject to
the same signing aUthority atatec! ab011e, contract for additional services for the account(s), and otherwise give inslrudion to CNB or CNS. If 1/\Ne
indicated we would like Information aboul the products and services of CNS, you are authorized to share information about melus between CNB and
CNS. ·
CapltaUzed Ierma usecrtn this Authorization and Agreement, not otherwise defined, ha~~e the meanings given to them In the City National Bank Treasury
Management Services Oisclo&Ure and Agreement (the "Agneement").
Sy signing below, the undersigned, on behalf of the Businell$ Organization named below (the "Ciientj, acknowledges receipt of the Agreement and
agrees to adh&re to the terms and conditions contained In the Agreement, any applicable User Documentation. setup ronns. related documents, and any
other disclosures prolllded to the Client with regard to the provision of one or more City National Bank Treasury Management Services.
The Agreement supersedes other treasury management service agreements between the Client and CNB. For certain Treasury Management
Services, the Agreement authorizes on page 5 the Clltnfl Syetem Administrator to assign passwords, user names, and Personal
ldentlficallon Numbe1'11 to persons that will enable the persona to conduct tranucUons on deposit accounta set up on the Treasury
Management Service, notwithstanding !h• slgnlilg authorltv Identified In tne C!epostt •areemeqt. The System Administrator may also
designate one or more other pei'1Jons to perform these same functions the System Ad~lnlstrator 11 authorbed to perform (eac:h suc:h penon
The Client may from time to lime request CNB to provide one or more of the Services described in the Agreement. Subj&ct to CNB's approval, tt!e Client
may begin to use any Service requested once CNB has received all required fonns properly completed and the Client has successluUy fulfilled any
applicable user requirements, induding but not limited to testing and training.
Further, the undersigned represents and warranta that the Client has taken all actions required to aulhorize the undersigned on behalf of the Client to
execute and deliver this Authorization.end Agreement and any other documents CNB may require with respect to a Service and that, when signed by the
undersigned, this Authorizallon and Agreement Is the vaHd and binding act olthe.CIIenl
1/We certify lo CNB and CNS lhat all the information on this Agreement Is lrue and correct. 1/Wa authorize CNS to obtain a ChexSystem or other similar
report on Client and to reportlnfonnalion. 1/We aulhori1e CNB to obtain a ChexSystem or other similar consumer report on each of us signing below and
to report Information. If I ask, CNB will leU me whether a consumer report was ordered and, If one was ordered, the name and address of the consumer
reporting agency that furnished II.
The Internal Revenue Service s not require your consent to any provisiOn of this document other than the certifications required to avoid
back up withholding.
(City and Slale)
Authorized Signer
_x s;gQ
L---~~~-----------------...1 Restriction/Alias Name/Facsimile: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. _., ..
Client .... I the following ielditional accounts:
. . . . . . . .v
Page 1 (3)
Account #: 5566
Date Descript ion Credits Control Number
1-5 Incoming Wire-Dom 1, 600, 000 . 00 180105000006073
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
1-31 Interest Credit 13.18 000000000000000
Date Description Debits Control Number
1-8 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 16, 146 . 64 180108000004 107
1-8 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 41 , 884 . 67 18010800000 3985
1-9 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 30 , 000 . 00 180109000001852
1-9 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 30 , 000 . 00 180109000005252
1-10 Tnet Wire Out - Dom 17, 000 . 00 180110000005042
1-10 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 60 , 000 . 00 180110000002195
1-10 Wire Tsfr Debit 27 1000 , 00 180110000005871
1- 12 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 13, 121 . 00 180112000008794
1- 16 Tnet Wire Out - Dom 10, 588. 74 180116000007078
1- 17 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 10, 000 . 00 180117000002065
1- 18 Tnet Wire Out - Dom 24 , 959 . 00 180118000002106
1- 24 Tnet Wire Out -Dom 44 , 791. 45 180124 00000 4142
1- 24 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 50 , 000 . 00 18 0124000002099
1- 25 Tnet Wire Out -Dom 8,652. 00 180125000005134
1- 25 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 19, 956 . 00 180125000004728
1- 29 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 21 , 321.07 180129000004095
1-30 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 11, 267 79
0 1801300000028 11
1-30 Tnet Wire Out -Dom 11 ,343.81 1801300000027 95
1-31 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 3, 867 . 43 180131000010086
1-31 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 37 , 000 . 00 1801310 000100 88
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
1-5 Service Charge INCOMING WIRE- DOM 15 . 00 000000000000000
1-8 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-8 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-8 Debit Memo 617, 840 . 44 000008050028400
1-9 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-9 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT-DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-10 Servi ce Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-10 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-10 Service Cha rge WIRE TS FR DEBIT 5. 00 000000000000000
1-11 Debit Memo 5566 2, 209 . 77 00000813003 6400
1-11 Debit Memo 5566 111 , 113 . 22 00000808004 5600
1-12 Accou nt Transfer Dr. TO ACC 100, 000 . 00 238000112115349
1-12 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT - DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-16 Accou nt Transfer Dr. TO ACC 00270143504 1, 900 . 00 23 80 00115122 65 6
1-16 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-17 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
1-18 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT-DOM 12 .00 000000000000000
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
12- 29 . 00 01-12 508 , 080 .26 01 -25 303 , 149 . 07
01 -05 1, 599 , 985 . 00 01 - 16 495 , 579 .52 01 -29 281,816 . 00
01 -08 924 , 08 9.25 01 - 17 485 , 567 . 52 01 -30 259 , 180 . 40
01-09 864 , 065.25 01 - 18 460 , 596 .52 01 -31 216 , 288 . 97
01 -10 760 , 036.25 01- 23 426 , 596 .52
01 -11 646 , 713 .26 01- 24 331 , 781.07
5566 PAGE
Page 1 (1)
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
2-28 Interest Credit 2.17 000000000000000
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Date Description Debits Control Number
2-5 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 10,8 41. 99 18020500000477 1
2- 5 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 14,757.74 180205000004 773
2-7 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 40,000.00 180207000002669
2-12 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 10 , 806 . 89 180212000006019
2- 12 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 27 , 241.81 18021200 0006020
2- 16 Tnet Wire Out- Dom 46,146.81 180216000006890
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
2-5 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
2-5 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT-DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
2-7 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT-DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
2-12 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT-DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
2-12 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 0000000 00000000
2- 14 Account Transfer Dr . TO AC 3504 2,000.00 294000214164706
2-16 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT- DOM 12 . 00 000000000000000
2- 27 Account Transfer Dr . TO ACC 350 4 1,800. 00 294000227132045
2- 28 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 2.17 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
01-31 216 , 288 .9 7 02 -12 112 , 580 .54 02- 27 19,621. 73
02-05 190, 665.24 02 -1 4 67 , 580 .54 02- 28 19, 62 1. 73
02-07 150, 653.24 02 -16 21 , 421.73
5566 PAGE
Page 1 ( 2)
Account # 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
3-30 Interest Credit .14 000000000000000
Date Descripti on Debits Control Number
3- 14 Tnet Wire Out-Dom 4, 000 . 00 180314000003842
5566 PAGE
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
3-14 Service Charge TNET WIRE OUT-DOM 12.00 000000000000000
3-30 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 .14 000000000000000
Date Amo un t Date Amount Date Amount
02 -28 19, 621.73 03- 09 4, 621.73 03 -30 609 .73
03 -07 9, 621.73 03 -14 609 . 73
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Page 1 (0)
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
4- 30 Interest Credit . 01 000000000000000
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
4-19 Account Transfer Dr . TO ACC 3504 100 . 00 238000419083037
4-30 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 97 . 01 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
03- 30 609 . 73 04-19 509 . 73 04 -3 0 509 . 73
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Page 1 (0)
Account D: 5566
Date Description Reference Credi ts Control Number
5-31 Interest Credit . 02 000000000000000
Date Description Reference Debi ts Control Numbe r
5-31 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 .02 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
04 -30 509 .73 05-31 509 . 73
5566 PAGE
Page 1 (0)
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
6- 29 Interest Credit . 01 00000000 0000000
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
6- 29 Interest Transfe r TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 . 01 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
05 - 31 509 . 73 06- 29 509 . 73
0270145566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Page 1 (0)
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
7- 31 Interest Credit . 01 000000000000000
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
7-31 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 . 01 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
06-29 509 . 73 07 -31 509 . 73
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 083
Page 1 (0)
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
8-31 Interest Credit . 01 000000000000000
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
8- 31 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 .01 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
07- 31 509.73 08 -31 509.73
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Page 1 (0)
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
9-28 Interest Credit . 07 000000000000000
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
9- 28 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 . 07 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
08-31 509 . 73 09-28 509 . 73
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Page 1 (0)
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
10-31 Interest Credit .09 000000000000000
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
10-26 Account Transfer Dr. TO ACC 3504 500 . 00 294001026120801
10-31 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8 897 . 09 000000000000000
5566 PAGE
#ffXXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
09- 28 509 . 73 10-26 9. 73 10-31 9. 73
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Page 1 (0)
Account #: 5566
Page 1 (0}
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Credits Control Number
12-31 Interest Credit . 01 000000000000000
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
12- 31 Interest Transfer TO ACCOUNT NO 8897 . 01 000000000000000
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
11- 30 9.73 12 -31 9. 73
5566 PAGE
##XXH1309DPCSTM 5566
Page 1 (0)
Account #: 5566
Date Description Reference Debits Control Number
1- 15 Legal Process Debit 9. 73 638000115145621
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
12-31 9. 73 01- 15 .00
- -·------ -- -
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1904050105 Pa ge 3 of 3
Run Date: 5-Apr-19 Transaction Detail Report Page: I
Run Time: 1:13PM User Name: LTAYLORM
BNK: CNB SND DATE: 180105 VAL: 180105 TRN: 180 I 05-00006073
AMT: $1 ,600,000.00 CUR: USD FORAMT: 1,600,000.00
Outgoing Wires
Ba nk iD Debit Account Debit Party Name Credit Account Credit Party Name Originator Beneficiary Tran Date Tran Num Amount
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTI 8287 KITSAP BANK Dillanos Coffee Roasters 20180108 3985 41884.67
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 US BANK, NA Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP 20180108 4 107 16146.64
CNB D/ 5566 MI CHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 SUNTRUST BANK Jam es R. Gailey & Associates P.A. 20180109 5252 30000
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 BANK OF AM ERICA, N.A., NY Burke Contracting LLC 20180109 1852 30000
CNB D/ 5566 MICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 ZB NA DBA CALI FORNIA BANK & TRUST Eagan Avenatti Trust Account 20180110 2195 60000
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 ZB NA DBA CALI FORNIA BANK & TRUST Richard Beada 20180110 5042 17000
CNB D/ 5566 MICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 UMPQUA BANK G & M Hollywood LLC 20180112 8794 13121
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Alki Bakery 20180116 7078 10588.74
CNB D/ 5566 MI CHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 ZB NA DBA CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST Globa l Baristas LLC 20180117 2065 10000
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 KITSAP BANK Dillano s Coffee Roasters 20180118 2106 24959
CNB D/ 5566 MICHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 ZB NA DBA CALI FO RNIA BANK & TRUST Eagan Avenatti LLP Trust 20180124 2099 50000
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTI 8287 WELLS FARGO BANK TO Amerit rade Clearing, Inc. Accou n 20180124 4142 44791.45
CNB D/ 5566 MICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 PACIFIC CONTIN ENTAL BANK AssuredPartners of Washington LLC 20180125 4728 19956
CNB D/ 5566 MICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 PACIFIC CONTINENTAL BANK Assured Partners of Washington LLC 20180125 5134 8652
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 KITSAP BANK Dillanos Coffee Roasters 20180130 2795 11343.81
CNB D/ 5566 MI CHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 KEY BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Alki Bakery 20180130 2811 11267.79
CNB D/ 5 566 MI CHAELJ AVENATTI 8287 WELLS FARGO BANK Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP 20180131 10088 37000
CNB D/ 5566 MICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 BANK OF AMERI CA, N.A., NY Jud y Kay Regnier 20180131 10086 3867.43
CNB D/ 5566 MICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 KITSAP BANK Dillanos Coffee Roasters 20180205 4773 14757.74
CNB D/ 5 566 MICHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Alki Bakery 20180205 4771 10841.99
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTl 8287 ZB NA DBA CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST Eagan Avenatti LLP Trust 20180207 2669 40000
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVE NATTl 8287 KITSAP BANK Di lla nos Coffee Roasters 20180212 6020 27241.81
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAELJ AVENATTI 8287 KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Alki Ba kery 20180212 6019 10806.89
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAEL J AVENATTl 8287 JPM ORGAN CHASE BANK, NA The X-Law Grou p PC 20180216 6890 46146.81
CNB D/ 5566 M ICHAEL J AVENATTl 828 7 ZB NA DBA CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST Globa l Baristas, LLC 20180314 3842 4000
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Warning: Use only the printed original label for shipping. Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes is fraudulent and could
result in additional billing charges, along with the cancellation of your Fed Ex account number.
Use of this system constitutes your agreement to the service conditions in the current Fed Ex Service Guide, available on
will not be responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery,misdelivery,or
misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge , document your actual loss and file a timely claim.limitations
found in the current Fed Ex Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from Fed Ex for any loss, including intrinsic value of the package, loss
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limited to the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss.Maximum for items of
extraordinary value is $1,000, e.g. jewelry, precious metals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our ServiceGuide. Written
claims must be filed within strict time limits, see current Fed Ex Service Guide. 4/22/2019
Case No.: 19-0-10483 Bank: City National Bank Period: 12/29/2017-01/31/2019
R: Michael Avenatti Account: xxxxxx5566
Post Date i CHK# i Stmt Period !Payee Memo 0eJ,50Urte ---- Debit! Credit: Srv Chg:
-------- 1-- ! . ,
- _ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' - - - - - - - - - -------~
27,241.811 !
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-VL.f.J.. ...,.J..o i
!6092 r-·---- iEaganAvenatti LLP
--------------- ----·------------------------ ,
-- ___________ T________ - ----·----------- --- i _________ .. _____ 43,000.00i
-- ·· · ··- -----l
1transfer to acct ______
#3504 !
_,_., _________ -----------:--------------
-------------------j------- ---
2,000.001' ---+----
I, outgoing wire
;:The X-Law Group PC
wire se~i~e-d~-~rg-;;·-----------"1-----------------·-------
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---·--"-------- ---------
____ __)_ ______ --·---T
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___ .L _ _ _ _ _J _____________ r---
-~i!n~f~!_tf?_~_~ct#3504 ---~---- ___________ ---~-- j 1,800.001 l_
! interest in · · i ! 2.17!
cc-~-c-c- ~E~t~!~st out.._ __ _ ______ ___ ------L~-~----~~=---- 1__ __ _______ -~--- -------2~171 ------~ __
; 03/01/18-03/30/18 i
_ _ _ ,___ __ --------- --" . ,_ - - - - - - - - 1 - - -
-- - - + - - - - - - - - - - -
~ - - - -
16101 i _____________________ _j_E~g~_~_Av_~~-~-1!~~!:_- · _________________ j__ 1__ 10,000.001 l
03/09/18 ! 6109 i
Eagan Avenatti LLP i
-------------------j-------------- ---t·! --- --fi 5,000.00! !
-------~--------___1_ _ _ _ _
03/~~!_?_ -~~ ~-~-=~--=-==~=
_- -_
outgoing wire
;interest in -------------
-- ~,
__ :
j __---=~-------4--------~--?·!!Q; ____ .,-vv.-.' .-I
0.141 i
"~~~ ~~
03/30/18 i ! i interest out 0.141 ' ,
04/19/1:--:-- ~--03130118 -04/:lO/i:?_~;transfer to acct #3S~~------- -:--=~---:__ ·--~-=n- l 10;J:___::_:_~ ~-;-----:--
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----- ________ ___,______ _____ __J__
f05/31/18 t--- :interest in
- ---- ____________ __j____ _ _ _~·- - -
0.02' .
"Michael J Avenatti
Attorney Client Trust Account
Page 2 of 3 CONFIDENTIAL (BAR Settlement)"
Case No.: 19-0-10483 Bank: City National Bank Period: 12/29/2017-01/31/2019
R: Michael Avenatti Account: xxxxxx5566
Post Date !CHK# :
o-5/31/18 ~,----------;-----
interest in
interesi om
+--- o,or 0~~--
_--_- --; . _J 09/0l}j8:09l28[18 -;-- ~------
09(?~/_!_?_ ___ ~ _ _ _! _________ ___ _______ _j_!nterestJ!!__ __ _
09/28/18 ! i :interest out -----i -- r-· ~:~:-o.o-7'1_
----------: 09/29/1B~i0/31/18 : - - - - - -
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10/26/18 : 1 - - - - - - ---------------ltranSte-~-t~-~-~ct #-i504- --sao oa! - -- -----4: _
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12/31/ii----'--- - - ----:- -______ .. -- ----------~interest in
--~~ =- __-~0~
12/31/18 : --- --- -----------ilnterest ~~t
- ---~
--wm./19=-oi/31/19 - - - - - - - -
-- ·:----------- ----
- ---=~~_J_ ___ ~j- --
01/15/19 1 i Legal Process Debit I 9.73! 1
"Michael J Avenatti
Attorney Client Trust Account
Page 3 of 3 CONFIDENTIAL (BAR Settlement)"
Case No.: 19-O-10493
Resp.: Avenatti
CW: Bledsoe
January 25, 2018 Assured Partners of Washington LLC outgoing wire $ 8,652.00
January 25, 2018 Assured Partners of Washington LLC outgoing wire 19,956.00
January 31, 2018 Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP outgoing wire $37,000.00
January 10, 2018 Dennis N. Brager A Prof Corp wire transfer debit $27,000.00
January 10, 2018 Eagan Avenatti Trust Account outgoing wire $ 60,000.00
January 23, 2018 Eagan Avenatti LLP – check # 6078 30,000.00
January 24, 2018 Eagan Avenatti LLP Trust outgoing wire 50,000.00
February 7, 2018 Eagan Avenatti LLP Trust outgoing wire 40,000.00
February 14, 2018 Eagan Avenatti LLP – check # 6092 43,000.00
March 7, 2018 Eagan Avenatti LLP – check # 6101 10,000.00
March 9, 2018 Eagan Avenatti LLP – check # 6109 5,000.00
January 9, 2018 James R. Gailey & Associates P.A. outgoing wire $30,000.00
January 8, 2018 Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP outgoing wire $16,146.64
Deposit: $1,600.000.00
Outgoing: 1,599,950.00
Remainder: $ 29.73
- v. - Violations of 18 U.S.C.
§§ 371, 875{d), 1951, and 2
Defendan.t. NEW YORK
(Conspiracy to Transmit Interstate
Communications with Intent to Extort)
(Conspiracy to Commit Extortion)
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 3 of 11
(Transmission of Interstate
Communications with Intent to Extort)
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 4 of 11
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 5 of 11
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 6 of 11
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 7 of 11
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 8 of 11
The quotations set forth in this Complaint are based on
draft transcriptions of the recorded conversations, and are in
preliminary form only and subject to change upon further review.
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 9 of 11
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 10 of 11
over their head." AVENATTI noted that he did not think it made
sense for Nike to pay Client-1 an "exorbitant sum of money .
in light of his role in this." AVENATTI and CC-1 then left the
room to confer privately.
Case 1:19-mj-02927-UA Document 1 Filed 03/24/19 Page 11 of 11
Q 18 n 38 \'.) 129
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 1 of 198 Page ID #:1
~. MAR 2 2 ~~19
MaGisT~.TE°s casErro. ~CNTRA D ' t;l OF CALIFORNIA
Complaint for violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 and 1344(1)
Beginning in.or around Orange County and 10000 Santa Monica Boulevard, Unit 2205,
January 2014 and continuing Los Angeles County Los Angeles, California 90067
through in or around March
(See attached Co laint's Statement of Facts Constituting the Offense or Violation which is incorporated as part
of this Comg~int~',i
~? J
F....... ~
• r
~ ~~
: :i
o , ~w~ }
N ~:J m
Bank & Trust bank account in the name of Eagan Avenatti LLP in
Irvine, California.
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 3 of 198 Page ID #:3
Angeles, California.
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 4 of 198 Page ID #:4
violations of Title 18, Title 21, Title 26, and Title 31 of the
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 5 of 198 Page ID #:5
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 6 of 198 Page ID #:6
Peoples Bank with false federal personal income tax returns for
the 2011, 2012, and 2013 tax years. In these purported tax
for the 2011, 2012, and 2013 tax years, and did not make any
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 7 of 198 Page ID #:7
estimated tax payments to the IRS during the 2012 and 2013 tax
interest and penalties, from the 2009 and 2010 tax years.
with a 2012 federal tax return for EA LLP which claimed total
actually filed with the IRS in October 2014 claimed total income
AVENATTI used the entire $1.6 million for his own purposes,
to his client and claimed that the settlement payment was not
due until March 2018. When the fake March 2018 deadline passed,
AVENATTI led his client to believe that the $1.6 million payment
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 8 of 198 Page ID #:8
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 9 of 198 Page ID #:9
G.B.'s counsel, I know that on or about June 29, 2018, G.B. sent
During his interview, G.B. said that sometime after he sent this
counsel also confirmed that AVENATTI still has not turned over
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 10 of 198 Page ID #:10
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 11 of 198 Page ID #:11
obstructive conduct.
government's investigation.
GBUS was evicted from its corporate offices and AVENATTI refused
has been able to obtain some GBUS records, including the data
of 18 U.S.C. ~ 1343.
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 14 of 198 Page ID #:14
ao ~ . ~a~~p~~~~~►T~~~EALED* Document 4-1 *SEALED* Filed 02/22/19 Page 1of
See Attachment A
located in the Central District of California, there is now concealed (idennfy the person or describe the property to be seized):
See Attachment B
The basis for the search under Fed. R. Crim. P. 41(c) is (check one or mope):
~ evidence of a crime;
~ contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed;
~ property designed for use, intended for use, or used in committing a crime;
❑ a person to be arrested or a person who is unlawfully restrained.
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184 Page ID #:236
Applicant's signature
Date: February 22,2019
Judge's signature
City and state: Santa Ana, CA United States Magistrate Jud ~e Douglas F. McCormick
Printed name and title
"Subject Entities").
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184 Page ID #:239
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184 Page ID #:240
or GB LLC.
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184 Page ID #:241
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184 Page ID #:242
and/or AVENATTI.
merchant accounts.
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184 Page ID #:243
items to be seized:
the device at the time the things described in this warrant were
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184 Page ID #:244
search terms that the user entered into any Internet search
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184 Page ID #:245
herein. The Search Team will review only data from the SUBJECT
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184 Page ID #:246
but not more than 180 days from the date of execution of the
PPLC; and (e) Brager Tax Law Group. Such "privilege key words"
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184 Page I D #:247
may be given to the Search Team. If, after further review, the
use "scope key words" to search any documents or data that were
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184 Page ID #:249
request, the Search Team may provide the Privilege Review Team
detailed quality check on any data that did not contain the
"scope key words" to ensure that the scope key word search is
"privilege key words" and any of "scope key words" shall be then
Documents and data that are identified by the "scope key word"
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184 Page ID #:250
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184 Page ID #:251
13. The Search Team will search only the documents and
data that the Privilege Review Team provides to the Search Team
that are within the scope of the search warrant. The Search
Team does not have to wait until the entire privilege review is
concluded to begin its review for documents and data within the
scope of the search warrant. The Privilege Review Team may also
conduct the search for documents and data within the scope of
may, in its discretion, use key word searches and other searches
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184 Page ID #:252
law firms and lawyers not previously identified, the Search Team
Privilege Review Team. The Search Team shall not further review
searched; and
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184 Page ID #:253
Relativity, and Eclipse, which tools may use hashing and other
sophisticated techniques.
the Court and shall make and retain notes detailing how the
of a crime.
government may make and retain copies of such data, and may
obtained by the Search Team, but may not access data falling
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184 Page ID #:254
of the Court.
court order.
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184 Page ID #:255
I. INTRODUCTION..........................................1
B. Background Information..........................15
VIII. CONCLUSION.....................................158
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violations of Title 18, Title 21, Title 26, and Title 31 of the
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184 Page ID #:260
percent of EA LLP.
trust fund taxes, which had been withheld from GBUS employees'
payroll and trust fund taxes that GBUS owed to the IRS. Indeed,
the IRS.
taxes between the fourth quarter of 2015 and the fourth quarter
and GB LLC's bank account records shows that between 2015 and
and should have been used to pay GBUS payroll tax obligations.
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184 Page ID #:262
responsible for filing GBUS's payroll tax returns and making the
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184 Page ID #:263
bank account under the name of GB LLC, which AVENATTI had opened
IRS levies.
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184 Page ID #:264
sale for the kiosks and equipment, and instructed Boeing to wire
with EA LLP rather than any of the bank accounts associated with
GBUS. Had the Boeing contract and subsequent bills of sale been
under the name GBUS, Boeing would not have made the $155,010
payment due to the existing GBUS tax lien. After receiving the
bank accounts.
trust fund taxes that had been withheld from EA LLP employees'
the required tax payments even though the payroll company had
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184 Page ID #:265
filed partnership tax returns (IRS Form 1065) for the 2013,
2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 tax years, even though EA LLP appears
Similarly, A&A has not filed corporate tax returns (IRS Form
11205) for the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, or 2017 tax
returns for the 2009 and 2010 tax years indicating that he owed
penalties. AVENATTI, however, did not pay the IRS the amounts
personal tax returns for the 2011 through 2017 tax years.
and lived lavishly, yet largely failed to pay any federal income
that he earned $3.7 million dollars in 2016. His wife also said
provided The Peoples Bank with false federal personal income tax
returns for the 2011, 2012, and 2013 tax years. In these
personal income tax returns for the 2011, 2012, and 2013 tax
years, and did not make any estimated tax payments during the
2012 and 2013 tax years. In fact, as noted above, at the time,
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184 Page ID #:267
provided The Peoples Bank with a 2012 federal tax return for EA
loss of $2,128,849.
the entire $1.6 million for his own purposes, including to pay
claimed that the settlement payment was not due until March
2018. When the fake March 2018 deadline passed, AVENATTI led
his client to believe that the $1.6 million payment had never
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184 Page ID #:268
discussions with other IRS-CI SAs and IRS revenue agents, I have
(2) Social Security tax; (3) Medicare tax; and (4) federal
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184 Page I D #:269
solely on employers.
taxes and income taxes from the wages paid to their employees,
and to pay over the withheld amounts to the United States. The
exists even if the taxes are not actually withheld from the
employees' wages. The employee FICA taxes and income taxes that
United States."
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184 Page ID #:270
discussions with other IRS-CI SAs and IRS revenue agents, I have
as corporations.
discussions with other IRS-CI SAs and IRS revenue agents, I have
for individuals:
for the taxable year gross income which equals or exceeds the
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184 Page ID #:271
separately for the 2011 to 2017 tax years ranged from $3,700 to
B. Background Information
District of California.
O'Malley left the partnership and the firm changed its name to
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184 Page ID #:272
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184 Page ID #:273
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184 Page ID #:274
with IRS revenue officers and IRS revenue agents, I have learned
period, GBUS also filed its IRS Forms 941 each quarter.
filing its IRS Forms 941 and paying its federal tax deposits to
the IRS.
tax returns for the fourth quarter of 2015 through the third
quarter of 2016.
collection case, GBUS filed IRS Forms 941 for the fourth quarter
of 2015 through the second quarter of 2017, and an IRS Form 940
for 2016.
Period Payroll Tax Trust Fund Payments Payroll Tax Trust Etuzd
Assessed Tax Assessed Owed Tax Owed
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184 Page ID #:276
Period Payroll Tax Trust Etiind Payments Payroll Tax Trust Ftuui
Assessed Tax Assessed Owed Tax Owed
tax returns.
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184 Page ID #:277
Forms 941 and pay its payroll taxes. I have reviewed the
following information:
V.S. RO 1 told M.E. and V.S. that the purpose of his visit was
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184 Page ID #:278
payroll information from M.E. and V.S., but they did not want to
and payroll taxes. AVENATTI did not tell RO 1 the name of the
September 2015 GBUS had not filed any payroll tax returns or
very confused about this as well, and that he would talk to his
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184 Page ID #:279
told AVENATTI that GBUS owed a balance of $7,758 for the 2015
the time. M.H. said she had just been hired, and would need to
told M.H. that by November 14, 2016, GBUS needed to pay the
profit and loss statement, and a fully completed IRS Form 433B
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184 Page I D #:280
AVENATTI was not the responsible party for GBUS's payroll tax
out of the country for work and M.H. had not been able to have a
business or its taxes. M.H. said that AVENATTI was coming home
for the holidays and that she planned to meet with him
not heard back from GBUS, M.H., or AVENATTI. The IRS had not
and IRS Form 941 returns; and IRS Letter 1085, detailing the
proposed assessment and advising GBUS that the IRS had prepared
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184 Page ID #:281
on the IRS Form 6020B substitute returns, GBUS owed the IRS a
$7,758 balance due for the 2015 third quarter federal tax
6020B substitute returns with the IRS for the fourth quarter of
that liens would be filed for all balances due from the IRS Form
GBUS and M.H., which stated that GBUS had until April 10, 2017,
financial information and IRS Form 433B. GBUS did not comply
liens against GBUS for all amounts due to the IRS. On June 26,
2017, the IRS filed a federal tax lien against GBUS for
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184 Page ID #:282
(2) California Bank & Trust (~~CB&T"); (3) JP Morgan Chase Bank
Bank of Omaha (~~FNB Omaha"); and (8) Boeing. The levy notices
levies only apply to funds in the accounts at the time the levy
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184 Page ID #:283
information had been provided, and his calls had not been
who confirmed that AVENATTI was the sole person responsible for
GBUS's finances and served as both the CEO and Chief Financial
the IRS sent to GBUS had been received by GBUS, and that the
When asked for AVENATTI's email address, S.F. said she could not
give that out. S.F. did not appear surprised that RO 1 was
visiting GBUS. S.F. said she was aware of the IRS levies. RO 1
also provided S.F. with a copy of IRS Letter 903, which stated
its required trust fund payments to the IRS. RO 1 also read the
S.F. confirmed that she told AVENATTI about RO 1's visit and
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184 Page ID #:284
justification for the potential fraud referral was that GBUS had
the taxes owed for one year and had only received one payment of
Brager said we would serve as the new POA for GBUS. Brager told
error and that GBUS had gone through staffing changes in the
about the IRS issues until the delivery of the 903 Letter `last
that the case was a year old, he had been unable to get any
information from the prior POA, M.H., and that liens and levies
had already been issued. Brager told RO 1 that the left hand
did not know what the right hand was doing, that AVENATTI was
busy, and that employees were not doing their jobs. RO 1 told
to the IRS. RO 1 asked S.F. why she changed her mind and wanted
to talk to him. S.F. said that after hearing RO 1 read the 903
called Brager's office, but was unable to reach him. During the
The Form 9297 letter also advised GBUS that the IRS would seize
A.H. confirmed that she had been a payroll clerk and bookkeeper
conduct an IRS Form 4180 trust fund interview with T.M., GBUS's
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184 Page ID #:286
was the sole corporate officer for GBUS and was responsible for
also argued that T.M. was not personally liable for any of
deposits had been received from GBUS and that GBUS was an
Brager said that GBUS would not be able to make any federal tax
had not made any federal tax deposits since the fourth-quarter
of 2015, that the levies did not start until August 2017, and
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184 Page ID #:287
that had been withheld from the employees from October 2015 to
July 2017, Brager told RO 1 that he did not know and that he
told him that GBUS had made a federal tax deposit payment for
its payroll taxes. Brager also said that GBUS had filed its
tax returns from GBUS for processing and four payroll tax
however, the IRS still had not received any federal tax deposits
ICS History that the case was being considered for a fraud
referral to IRS-CI.
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184 Page ID #:288
financial arrangements.
GBUS. RO 1, however, told Brager that GBUS did not qualify for
have had the money at issue readily available since the federal
tax deposits were never made. Brager said he didn't know the
the latest levies issued to FNB Omaha. The FNB Omaha employee
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184 Page ID #:289
said that GBUS might still be using TSYS as its credit card
that: (1) the merchant account IDs had been changed in all of
account into which cash from the Tully's stores was deposited
under the name of GB Auto; (4) cash was being deposited into a
BofA account ending in 7412 (~~GB Auto BofA Account 7412"); and
(5) cash was retrieved from the coffee shops twice a week on
GBUS.12 M.G. said she was responsible for daily cash deposits
closed due to non-payment of the lease. M.G. said that she had
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184 Page I D #:290
occurring. M.G. said she had all the financial information and
accounts again.
M.G. and V.S. were served with IRS summonses requiring them to
During the interview, M.E. filled out a Form 4180. M.E. said
LLC, and GB Auto. M.G. confirmed that GBUS had changed both its
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184 Page ID #:291
into an account for GB Auto. M.G. said that the entity name for
M.G. said that REGNIER, from EA LLP, had set up the new bank
refers to himself as the owner, CEO, and sole member of GBUS and
that any and all decisions go through him. V.S. said that funds
team. V.S. said that T.M., GBUS's former C00/CFO, and B.H.,
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184 Page ID #:292
deposits until further notice. M.G. said AVENATTI was also very
documents submitted.
counsel .ls
email exchange with AVENATTI. A.G. stated that the contract was
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184 Page ID #:293
S.F. They told him AVENATTI had instructed the Tully's stores
credit card account with Chase Bank under the name of GB LLC.
because AVENATTI had not been properly served with the summons.
AVENATTI "did not act willfully since he was not involved in the
have knowledge of the fact that the taxes were unpaid until
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184 Page ID #:294
held personally liable for the trust fund taxes owed by Global
Baristas, US LLC."
then contacted a GBUS employee, who told him that the closures
and that the company would hold the privilege -- meaning that
any legal discussions they may have had with AVENATTI in his
position as GBUS's COO and CFO. T.M worked for GBUS until
January 2015 and September 2015, T.M. worked for GBUS only half-
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184 Page ID #:296
make decisions for GBUS. T.M. said that AVENATTI was the
all of the hiring decisions for GBUS, and interviewed and vetted
the candidates.
acted as a lawyer for GBUS, T.M. said he did not know and that
this was a gray area. T.M., however, said that he did not see
any invoices from EA LLP and was not aware of GBUS ever hiring
legal matters.
saw invoices from Foster Pepper to GBUS, which were then routed
company, but was not sure of the company's name. The prior
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184 Page I D #:297
was rolled back. T.M. discussed rolling back direct deposit and
the payroll company would pull the funds for payroll and payroll
that the payroll funds would still be in GBUS's bank account and
GBUS had more time to make funds available to pay the employees
about his personal liability. Payroll was very tight and GBUS
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184 Page ID #:298
that week. T.M. told AVENATTI that GBUS needed funds to pay its
payroll taxes the next day. AVENATTI told T.M. not to count on
for GBUS. GBUS's IRS Forms 940 and IRS Forms 941 were normally
money from GBUS. T.M. said that money was flowing out of GBUS
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184 Page ID #:299
and from EA LLP to GBUS. T.M. said that none of the transfers
gone. M.B., GBUS's controller at the time, would tell T.M. when
AVENATTI had taken money out of the GBUS bank accounts. When
foresee that happening. AVENATTI did not tell T.M. what the
funds AVENATTI was taking out of GBUS's bank accounts were being
Tully's stores went through GBUS. All cash receipts came from
GBUS and everything happened under GBUS. T.M. did not recall
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184 Page ID #:300
9[ 39.d).
did not recall seeing any loan documents, and there was no debit
financial statements.
Auto was AVENATTI's racing team in IMSA. Money that was sent
IMSA. AVENATTI used the Tully's logo on his race car and an
that the IMSA expenses did not help with GBUS's operations.
for GBUS had been completed or filed. T.M. had arranged for
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184 Page ID #:301
understood that REGNIER had been with AVENATTI for a very long
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184 Page ID #:302
with AVENATTI and does not know if AVENATTI ever sold GBUS.
would email T.M. and AVENATTI to ask what bills to pay. M.B.
and preparing and filing the payroll tax returns. M.B. believed
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184 Page I D #:303
and told Ceridian that GBUS would pay the payroll taxes itself.
This gave GBUS float time for the payroll payments. M.B.
account and that no one other than AVENATTI was empowered to pay
the payroll tax returns, and AVENATTI was responsible for paying
and then from T.M. to M.D. M.B. believes that AVENATTI would
net salary to GBUS employees, Ceridian prepared the IRS Form 941
payroll tax return, and GBUS was responsible for paying the
said that AVENATTI directed M.D. not to pay GBUS's payroll taxes
respond to her email. When M.B. asked AVENATTI over the phone
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 83 of 198 Page ID #:83
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184 Page ID #:304
~~mine to deal with." M.B. did not believe she saved a copy of
department knew that GBUS's payroll taxes were not being paid
human resources department also knew that the payroll taxes were
because the corporate office was small, and the employees were
few months later in December 2015, and actually took a pay cut
point north."
money at the time and M.B. did not think the IMSA sponsorship
was the best use of funds. Without the IMSA expenses GBUS would
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184 Page ID #:305
months. M.B. would login into GBUS's bank accounts and see
wires to and from EA LLP or A&A. M.B. would reconcile the bank
more than the amount he withdrew, but that if you included the
was operating with a cash loss and some of the money AVENATTI
his law firm. M.B. dealt with REGNIER a few times when M.B.
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184 Page ID #:306
entire time that M.D. worked for GBUS. Payroll was on Mondays,
W-2s, among other things. These were the services provided for
of 2015, when the wires to pay the payroll taxes were not
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184 Page ID #:307
of the payroll taxes by GBUS. M.D. did not know if the payroll
longer filing GBUS's payroll tax returns. M.D. told M.B. about
payments were not made because AVENATTI did not approve the
payments. M.B. told M.D. that AVENATTI did not approve the tax
"unethical" that payroll tax payments were not being made even
M.D. ultimately took a pay cut to leave GBUS for another job.
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184 Page ID #:308
M.D., however, said that the payroll tax payment requests would
have been sent to GBUS's accounting team. M.D. would send check
tax issues with M.B., because T.M. had already left GBUS at the
for him in the human resources and payroll department, were the
only employees that knew GBUS was not paying its payroll taxes.
General Counsel. M.D. was not aware of GBUS ever hiring EA LLP
during his time at GBUS. M.D. had seen AVENATTI only four or
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184 Page ID #:309
AVENATTI and became concerned that AVENATTI would sue him for
following information:
B.H. met with T.M. and AVENATTI before accepting the position.
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184 Page ID #:310
between GBUS and Green Mountain. B.H. said that if there was a
because cash was always tight. B.H. heard rumors around the
office that GBUS was not paying payroll taxes. B.H. thought he
heard these rumors from T.M., M.B., and M.D. when he discussed
but stated that not paying taxes went into the "barrel of bad,"
and believed that AVENATTI would have been aware of such issues.
this. B.H. dealt with the paperwork for the GBUS stores at
2016 (see 9[ 39.d). The only name B.H. was aware of was GBUS.
at IMSA when GBUS already had enough problems. B.H. felt that
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184 Page ID #:311
GBUS was losing money on the IMSA sponsorship, and said that
coffee supply.
follow through on the future plans for GBUS. AVENATTI did not
reinvest into the company and the stores were failing. B.H.
"band aids" on it. The big reason B.H. decided to work for GBUS
bought out TC Global. V.S. then became the Controller when M.B.
of GBUS. AVENATTI was the CEO, and T.M. was the CFO.
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184 Page ID #:312
and REGNIER handled the wire transfers. V.S. saw the wires on
the bank account records, but did not have wiring authority for
be paid weekly, but there was never enough money to pay all of
the bills.
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184 Page ID #:313
discussions with AVENATTI were about what bills to pay and what
was in the bank account. V.S. said he often could not tell how
much money was in the bank accounts because money moved in and
out frequently.
AVENATTI's response was that he was the CEO and owner, and that
V.S. said that the invoices were entered into the accounting
paid and which invoices were to have their payments held off.
AVENATTI would tell S.F. to cut a check for the invoice payments
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184 Page ID #:314
had Ceridian stop paying the payroll tax withholdings. V.S. did
n. V.S. said that GBUS did not pay the payroll tax
that he would take care of it. V.S. said that AVENATTI knew
that the payroll tax withholdings were not being paid to the IRS
October 2016. V.S. said AVENATTI made the decision not to pay
the payroll tax withholdings and no one else at GBUS could have
Initially, the IRS notices and levies GBUS received were sent to
AVENATTI only, but later the IRS notices and levies were sent to
because the bank made notations of what money was levied on the
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184 Page ID #:315
books and records for GB Hospitality, and V.S. did not think GB
late. M.G. told V.S. that AVENATTI justified the late payment
b y saying that the wire transfer had been lost, but V.S. did not
been lost.
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184 Page ID #:316
names for Global Baristas on contracts, but V.S. did not want to
its merchant IDs for its merchant accounts with TSYS. The
instructed V.S. to give him TSYS Rep. 1's contact number. V.S.
also said that AVENATTI knew the purpose of the change was to
avoid the IRS liens and levies. V.S. said that changing the
GB LLC. V.S. did not know the purpose of Doppio, did not
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184 Page ID #:317
believe Doppio owned GBUS, and said that GBUS had never done any
He only heard from reports in the media that AVENATTI was the
AVENATTI was paid this salary as the CEO of GBUS. AVENATTI was
AVENATTI or his law firm. Some money went to EA LLP, but GBUS
was more outflow than inflow of cash from EA LLP into GBUS's
bank account.
LLP in March 2017. V.S. said that REGNIER sent the wire from
March 2018. After that, there was no work to be done. V.S. was
waiting to find out what the next plan of action would be for
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184 Page ID #:318
GBUS, but never heard from GBUS. M.E. emailed AVENATTI to ask
him to lay off the remaining GBUS employees after the last
accounting data from the cloud because 2nd Watch (the company
April 2016 after M.D. left GBUS. M.E. resigned from GBUS in
one point, AVENATTI said he was the Chairman and CEO. AVENATTI
AVENATTI made $250,000 per year as the CEO and Chairman of GBUS.
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184 Page ID #:319
but not the owner. When M.E. read that statement, she laughed
been a lawyer she would have still brought the issue to him in
his capacity as CEO. M.E. also believed that AVENATTI may have
and the employee guidebook for GBUS. M.E. was not aware of
payroll taxes to the IRS. M.E. said that AVENATTI did not pay
payroll withholdings because GBUS did not have the funds to pay
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184 Page ID #:320
federal payroll tax returns, but not filing them. M.E. said
that M.D. believed that payroll tax returns could not be filed
quarters had not been filed with the IRS. AVENATTI asked M.E.
to sign and file the IRS Forms 940 and IRS Forms 941 for 2015
and 2016. M.E. did not feel comfortable doing so and thought
returns because she did not think she was responsible for them.
M.E. sent AVENATTI the returns at the same time as she filed
them with the IRS. There were no payments made with the
2017 when she filed GBUS's IRS Forms 940 and IRS Forms 941s with
the IRS. M.E. said that REGNIER knew how to file the forms
everything that she had told RO 1. When M.E. told AVENATTI that
she had told RO 1 that AVENATTI instructed her not to file the
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184 Page ID #:321
that he had sent her an email telling her not to file the tax
changed, but M.G. did not understand why the change had been
the Tully's stores. M.E. would help M.G. count the cash that
had been collected. Store managers were told to hold all the
cash from the stores, and then the GBUS's district managers were
early 2018 when the Tully's stores were being closed down. M.G.
told M.E. that the directive to hold the cash deposits came from
AVENATTI. M.E. also said that the IRS liens were common
knowledge throughout GBUS when the stores were holding the cash
the next step was. AVENATTI did not respond. M.E. did not
2018 or why GBUS was still operating after the stores closed.
M.E. wasn't doing much for GBUS during this time period other
This continued until September 2018, when her last paycheck from
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184 Page ID #:322
GBUS bounced. M.E. did not know how AVENATTI was paying for
hired to represent GBUS. M.G. said that she asked AVENATTI for
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184 Page ID #:323
until there was not enough money in GBUS's accounts to make the
payroll taxes. M.G. believes that B.H. told her that GBUS's
payroll taxes were not being paid. M.G. also saw an email from
taxes. M.G. believes that B.H. was copied on this email and
that she saw it because she had access to B.H.'s emails after he
forward. AVENATTI asked her how she learned about the lien,
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184 Page ID #:324
she needed them for proof down the road. As noted in paragraph
told M.G. that the Tully's stores could no longer make deposits
cash deposit.
a text message with a picture of the deposit slip for the first
deposit into the GB Auto account. M.G. would give the physical
copy of the deposit slip to V.S. M.G. said that the last
AVENATTI that she was not going to make any more cash deposits
into the GB Auto account. After this, the Tully's stores began
1. M.G. said that she was aware of the IRS liens and
made the first cash deposit into GB Auto BofA Account 7412.
accounts for the Tully's stores. M.G. said that GBUS's merchant
AVENATTI could make that type of decision. V.S. told M.G. that
the change in the merchant IDs for the TSYS account was done
profitable stores.
AVENATTI about this change, he told her not to worry about it.
The Boeing contract was only time M.G. ever saw the name GB
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184 Page ID #:326
the two bills of sale for these transactions, in which the name
GB Hospitality had been replaced with GB LLC. M.G. did not know
who made that change. M.G. had received copies of the two bills
records back.z2
AVENATTI called M.G. and asked her if she went to the hearing to
which she had been summonsed, what documents she brought to the
hearing, and what was said in the hearing. When M.G. told
bank accounts, AVENATTI was livid. AVENATTI told her that she
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184 Page ID #:327
him. M.G. asked AVENATTI if he was not the owner of GBUS, then
responded that everything still went through him and that M.G.
AVENATTI told M.G., ~~I will fucking destroy him." AVENATTI also
all text messages between her and AVENATTI. IRS SA John Medunic
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184 Page ID #:328
invoices for GBUS went through S.F. S.F. had little involvement
Counsel for GBUS. S.F. also did not prepare any payments to
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184 Page ID #:329
payroll taxes.
AVENATTI thanked her for letting him know about the visit, and
paralegal and assistant. S.F. said the best way to get a hold
the cash deposits from the Tully's stores and deposit the cash
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184 Page ID #:330
this was done to avoid liens. Later, GBUS switched its merchant
changed and GBUS did not have an opportunity to move out of the
("POS") system. After GBUS took over Tully's stores, T.M. asked
B.C. to come back and help with other projects. B.C. worked
for month end sales and book them into the correct accounting
and reports from the POS system, then inputted this data into
for GBUS.
while GBUS was banking with CB&T. B.C. did not have direct
access to bank reports from CB&T, and would instead receive the
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184 Page ID #:332
Ceridian used to handle the payroll taxes for GBUS, but later
taxes. B.C. knew there were levies on all of the GBUS bank
B.C. what the levies were for, but did x~ot go into great detail.
V.S. told B.C. that GBUS owed the IRS millions of dollars, that
AVENATTI was aware of this, and that AVENATTI had decided not to
approved all account payable checks, and all GBUS checks had
AVENATTI's signature.
at TSYS.
B.C. explained that if the merchant IDs were changed, then the
to make this change. TSYS Rep. 1 told B.C. that AVENATTI had
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184 Page ID #:333
name and EIN, rather than GBUS's name and EIN. AVENATTI had
believed this change was made to alter the banking deposits and
avoid the IRS levies, which were occurring at the same time.
B.C. was not comfortable filing out the paperwork because the
change was clearly being made to avoid the levies. She believed
that she expressed this concern to V.S. and TSYS Rep. 1 over the
told her that TSYS was dropping GBUS as a client. TSYS Rep. 1
M.G. that the Tully's stores had been instructed to hold cash
for deposit, and then email the cash deposit amounts. B.C. was
on the email chain because she had to enter the cash deposits in
the general ledger. The cash deposits were made into a BofA
CB&T account.
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184 Page ID #:334
transfer the funds, and when to sweep the account. B.C. said
daily basis. After M.B. left GBUS, A.H. reported to V.S. A.H.
overheard in the office that GBUS was not paying its payroll
taxes. M.B. told her she was leaving GBUS because AVENATTI was
to get on a payment plan with the IRS, but AVENATTI would say
no. AVENATTI would say that he was negotiating with the IRS and
said that AVENATTI was well aware of what was owed to vendors,
pay vendors because AVENATTI had pulled money out of the GBUS
AVENATTI always made it clear that he was the boss and it was
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184 Page ID #:336
avoid IRS levies. A.G. also heard that GBUS owed a lot of taxes
from the Tully's stores and counted the cash at the corporate
office. M.G. eventually told AVENATTI that she did not want to
do that anymore.
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184 Page ID #:337
called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) that stored its
that 2nd Watch had turned off GBUS's server access to AWS and
data and emails from the AWS cloud-based server before 2nd Watch
TSYS and the interview with TSYS Rep. 1, I have learned, among
merchant name on the agreement was GBUS, and the agreement was
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184 Page ID #:338
signed by M.B. The sponsoring bank under the TSYS agreement was
FNB Omaha.24
Agreement with TSYS and provided a blank check for GBUS's CB&T
GBUS CB&T Account 2240 began receiving deposits from TSYS via
levy for GBUS's merchant accounts with FNB Omaha. FNB Omaha
TSYS Rep. 1. This was the first time TSYS Rep. 1 had ever
day. During these calls, AVENATTI told TSYS Rep. 1 that TSYS
was holding GBUS's money, and that he did not know what was
going on. TSYS Rep. 1 told AVENATTI that there were no normal
with the company's name or EIN.25 AVENATTI told TSYS Rep. 1 that
TSYS had made a mistake and placed the accounts under the wrong
have been under GB LLC, not GBUS. AVENATTI told TSYS Rep. 1
to TSYS Rep. 1 that there was an IRS tax lien on GBUS, that the
IRS had issued levies on GBUS's bank accounts, or that GBUS had
to TSYS Rep. 1 that he had no idea why TSYS was holding its
confirm the `correct tax ID" and provide him with "the exact
TSYS Rep. 1 what he had been asked to do, TSYS Rep. 1 responded
as follows:
subsequent email that day, AVENATTI told TSYS Rep. 1 that ~~ [w]e
Rep. 1 explained to AVENATTI that TSYS does not ~~get any details
know what you find out and if there are any possible
Rep. 1, however, noted that he did not have any or all of the
information from FNB Omaha, and AVENATTI was telling TSYS that
and V.S. and asked them to send him the bank letters and the
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184 Page ID #:341
my end." This was the second time TSYS Rep. 1 had asked
LLC CB&T Account 3730 was a new bank account that AVENATTI and
day. AVENATTI and V.S. were copied on all of the emails REGNIER
accounts because GBUS had huge tax liens and levies with the
Rep. 1 said that when the GBUS merchant accounts were first
the IRS tax liens and levies would have been highly valuable
three Boeing employees, P.K., C.M, and A.R.G. P.K. and C.M.
Tully's Coffee)."
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184 Page ID #:343
payments for the first and second quarters of 2017. C.M. and
Boeing's emails and letters. C.M. said that she knew AVENATTI
was a lawyer, but was communicating with him because he was the
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184 Page I D #:344
Boeing returned the Notice of Levy to the IRS and indicated that
it did not owe GBUS any money. As a result, the levy was
closed. A.R.G. was aware of the levy at the time and may have
been responsible for filling out and returning the levy form to
the IRS.
via FedEx.
lawyer for GBUS. A.R.G. always believed that AVENATTI was the
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184 Page ID #:345
A.R.G. said that it made sense for Boeing to buy the equipment
the entity name on the contract with Boeing. Under the terms of
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184 Page ID #:346
and one for the purchase of the kiosks. Both Bills of Sale
revised drafts of the two Bills of Sale in which the name of the
LLC." A.R.G. said that AVENATTI asked her to change the seller
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A.R.G. and C.M. the executed copies of the two bills of sale.
letter, neither A.R.G. nor C.M. had ever seen any other
change of the entity name on the bill of sale may have violated
the tax lien or levies, but that Boeing checked and neither ~~GB
violation of the lien because the lien related to GBUS and the
entity. A.R.G. said that the only other entity name she had
seen on the contracts with Boeing prior to the two bills of sale
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GBUS's name had been on the two bills of sale or the 2016
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184 Page ID #:349
accounts to A&A and EA LLP during 2016 and 2017, while the IRS
30, 2016, a total of $200,000 was paid to the G.P. Family Trust
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184 Page ID #:351
from GBUS CB&T Account 2240. These payments were for two months
bankruptcy petition was filed against GBUS. GBUS did not appear
"GBUS Trustee").
the bankruptcy court. To date, GBUS has not filed any such
things, the GBUS Trustee noted that because the GBUS Trustee now
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184 Page ID #:352
the hearing the Bankruptcy Court held that the GBUS Trustee
GBUS and its lawyers, that the law firms were required to turn
over their files to the GBUS Trustee, and ordered the parties to
22, 2018.
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184 Page ID #:353
that AVENATTI has caused his other companies, EA LLP and A&A, to
filing tax returns, EA LLP has not filed federal tax returns for
the 2013 through 2017 tax years, and A&A has not filed federal
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184 Page ID #:354
LLP paid its federal tax deposits, including trust fund tax
period, EA LLP also filed its IRS Forms 941 each quarter and IRS
Forms 940 each year.29 On the various EA LLP IRS Forms 940 and
IRS Forms 941 filed with the IRS between 2011 and 2014 that I
Form 941 for the first quarter of 2015. The IRS Form 941
AVENATTI and told him that the field call was being made because
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184 Page ID #:355
AVENATTI if REGNIER could attend the meeting because she was the
POA on file with IRS for EA LLP and was in the office at that
time, but AVENATTI said no. RO 2 told AVENATTI that EA LLP last
filed a payroll tax return for the first quarter of 2015, but
that it had not paid to the IRS the $194,545 in payroll taxes
that were due. RO 2 also told AVENATTI that EA LLP had not
filed its payroll tax return or paid its federal tax deposits
for the second quarter of 2015, and that the payroll tax return
and federal tax deposits for the third quarter of 2015 were due
would likely owe the IRS over $200,000 in payroll taxes for each
he was not aware that the federal tax deposits were not being
paid. When asked who prepared the payroll tax returns and made
was not sure what was going on with the taxes. RO 2 set a
file its missing IRS Forms 940 and provide certain financial
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184 Page ID #:356
advised her that she was the POA for EA LLP. RO 2 advised M.H.
of the deadline she had set for EA LLP to make the outstanding
payroll tax payments, file its IRS Forms 941, and produce
financial documents.
941 for the second and third quarters of 2015. Both IRS Forms
IRS Forms 941 for the second and third quarters of 2015, EA LLP
did not make the required outstanding payroll tax payments nor
substitute returns for the fourth quarter of 2015 and the first,
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184 Page ID #:357
EA LLP's IRS Forms 941 for the fourth quarter of 2015 through
the fourth quarter of 2016. The IRS Forms 941 appear to have
following information:
for relief.
the filing of federal tax liens. The United States also filed a
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184 Page ID #:358
of the $1,288,277 in trust fund taxes due to the IRS, and 20% of
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184 Page ID #:359
and the United States. Among other things, the United States
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184 Page ID #:360
and that EA LLP and AVENATTI still owe the United States
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184 Page ID #:361
return stated that in the 2009 tax year Eagan O'Malley Avenatti
return (IRS Form 1065). The return stated that in the 2010 tax
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184 Page ID #:362
return stated that in the 2011 tax year EA LLP had gross
The return listed A&A as the designated TMP before the IRS, and
2012 partnership income federal tax return (IRS Form 1065). The
2014. The return listed M.H. as the paid preparer, and A&A as
tax return (IRS Form 1065) for the 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, or
business income of $1,578,558 for the 2009 tax year. The return
return preparer (the return does not state M.H.'s name, simply
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184 Page ID #:363
for the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, or 2017 tax years.
The last federal income tax return that A&A filed was the return
and would likely have been required to file federal income tax
returns for the 2013 to 2017 tax years; (b) A&A generated
significant income between 2011 and 2017 and would likely have
been required to file income tax returns during the 2011 to 2017
tax years; and (c) EA LLP and AVENATTI had sufficient funds to
make the required payroll tax payments due to the IRS in 2015
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184 Page ID #:364
personal federal income tax returns for the 2011 through 2017
~ •,
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184 Page ID #:365
GBUS, EA LLP, and A&A, to hide and conceal his personal income.
individual income tax return for the 2009 tax year. The 2009
income from A&A in 2009, but only had $1,186 withheld in federal
for the 2009 tax year. AVENATTI, however, did not pay the
remaining tax due for the 2009 tax year until November 2015,
individual income tax return for the 2010 tax year. The 2010
2010 tax year. AVENATTI, however, did not pay the remaining
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184 Page ID #:366
taxes due to the IRS for the 2010 tax year until November 2015,
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184 Page ID #:367
M.H., contacted the IRS and advised it that AVENATTI would file
his personal federal income tax returns for the 2012, 2013, and
$1,042,878 for the 2009 and 2010 tax years. A copy of the
for the unpaid 2009 and 2010 taxes from the escrow company after
the 2016 or 2017 tax years. To date, AVENATTI has not filed
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184 Page ID #:368
for AVENATTI, GBUS, EA LLP, and A&A, I have learned, among other
and A&A's bank accounts.35 This amount excludes any amounts that
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184 Page ID #:369
in cash was withdrawn from A&A CB&T Account 0661 via check or
ATM Withdrawal.
On Time.37
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184 Page ID #:370
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184 Page ID #:371
$5 million.
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184 Page ID #:372
demand letter the IRS sent to M.H. on October 30,. 2015. The
included on the notice of federal tax lien for the 2009 and 2010
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- 39 of
184 Page ID #:373
lien, but said that his standard practice in such situations was
to discuss the issue with his client or, if his client was not
KeyBank 6193.
sent AVENATTI and L.S. a letter via their real estate broker
the gross proceeds of the sale of the Laguna Beach property were
IRS Form 1099-5 to the IRS, J.M. said that Escrow Company 1's
standard practice was to file each IRS Form 1099-5 with the IRS
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184 Page ID #:374
however, J.M. confirmed that the IRS Form 1099-5 for the sale of
Account 6193.
set forth in paragraphs 63.b and 63.c below, it appears that the
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184 Page ID #:375
Account 2851.
Account 0661.
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184 Page ID #:376
Family Trust a total of $500,000 from A&A CB&T Account 0661 (see
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184 Page ID #:377
fact that AVENATTI failed to share with her his tax returns or
worth approximately $19 million and they were leasing the home
Beach residence."
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184 Page ID #:378
yearly cost for the investment in, and use of, Exclusive Resorts
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184 Page ID #:379
of $34,576,000.
2014 ranging from $34 million to $70 million, AVENATTI did not
file any personal income tax returns during these tax years.
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184 Page ID #:380
obtained three separate loans from The Peoples Bank during 2014:
14, 2014 to mature on June 15, 2014; and (3) a loan to EA LLP
2015.41 I have also reviewed IRS tax records and other bank
month loan from The Peoples Bank for GB LLC in the amount of
LLC. AVENATTI told C.S. -- the President and CEO of The Peoples
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184 Page ID #:381
they would need from AVENATTI before the bank could approve the
dated December 12, 2012, the stock certificates for GB LLC and
and copy of most recent filed tax return." The Peoples Bank had
Tax Return (Form 1040). The AVENATTI 2011 Form 1040 that was
$1,506,707 in taxes for the 2011 tax year. The 2011 Form 1040
however, I know that AVENATTI did not file any IRS Form 1040 for
the 2011 tax year nor did he pay any taxes to the IRS for the
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184 Page ID #:382
three-month loan from The Peoples Bank for EA LLP in the amount
the loan from The Peoples Bank first upon disbursement of the
Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements for EA LLP through March
10, 2014, which stated, among other information, that the firm
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184 Page ID #:383
1065 ("Peoples Bank 2012 Form 1065"). The Peoples Bank 2012
2012 Form 1065 also attached a Schedule K-1, which showed the
Form 1065, that EA LLP actually filed with the IRS ("IRS 2012
signed the IRS 2012 Form 1065 under penalty of perjury as the
member manager. The IRS 2012 Form 1065 was prepared by M.H.
(the CPA in Los Angeles, California, who served as the POA for
GBUS). The IRS 2012 Form 1065 listed gross receipts and total
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184 Page ID #:384
income on the Peoples Bank 2012 Form 1065 and the business loss
on the IRS 2012 Form 1065) than was reported on the actual Form
from the January 2014 $850,000 loan (plus interest), and to wire
AVENATTI sought a $2.5 million line of credit from the bank for
EA LLP to provide working capital for the needs of the law firm.
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184 Page ID #:385
contingency cases, and the net costs and attorneys' fees due to
balance sheet; personal income tax returns for 2012 and 2013;
its subsidiaries.
that he would get the bank the other requested documents later.
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184 Page ID #:386
listed over $75 million in total personal assets and a net worth
Profit and Loss Statement, and a Balance Sheet for January 2014
$18.2 million. The EA LLP Balance Sheet for the same time
period claimed total current assets of over $31 million and net
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184 Page ID #:387
The Peoples Bank with what were purported to be his 2012 and
adjusted gross income were $5,423,099; the total tax due was
AVENATTI did not file a 2012 Form 1040, and did not make any tax
42 The Peoples Bank deemed the 2013 IRS Form 1040 they
received from AVENATTI via email on December 1, 2014, as a draft
because they received a slightly different and updated 2013 IRS
Form 1040 soon thereafter. The Peoples Bank also received 2011
and 2012 IRS Forms 1040 for AVENATTI. However, neither the 2011
Form 1040, 2012 Form 1040, nor the updated 2013 Form 1040 were
attached to an email, so the bank is not certain if they
received the documents via United States Postal Service or
another method.
43 AVENATTI married L.S. in 2011, however, the 2012 Form
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184 Page ID #:388
M.H. The "draft" 2013 Form 1040 stated AVENATTI owed $1,305,482
in taxes for calendar year 2013, and based on his tax payments
tax. The subsequent 2013 Form 1040 provided to The Peoples Bank
2013, and that based on his tax payments during the year, he
AVENATTI did not file a 2013 Form 1040, did not make any
pocket costs for class counsel [EA] LLP." M.C., who was the
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184 Page ID #:389
$350,000 was wired to a bank account for a lawyer who worked for
Peoples Bank that the Meridian case settled and AVENATTI would
send AVENATTI's money. C.S. told M.C. that EA LLP was obligated
to pay off the loan, and said the bank could give AVENATTI the
neither EA LLP nor AVENATTI had paid off the $500,000 loan to
AVENATTI what his status or plan for the loan was. The bank's
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184 Page ID #:390
AVENATTI thanking him for the quick response to the prior email
AVENATTI that he would need to pay off his current loan before
12, 2015, and wanted to make sure the loan was paid off by the
to get an update on the past-due loan and find out when AVENATTI
AVENATTI said that a wire to pay off the loan would be coming by
a certain date, but the money was never transferred to the bank.
20, 2016, if the loan was not paid off by then, which would
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184 Page ID #:391
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184 Page ID #:392
arbitration in Colorado.
subsequent years.
Draft," which still had the same payment amounts and dates.
January 10, 2018 through 2021. The primary change AVENATTI made
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184 Page ID #:393
provided to G.B., however, listed the payment dates for the $1.9
Prior to the $1.6 million wire transfer, CNB Trust Account 5566
were deposited into CNB Trust Account 5566 were ever paid to
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184 Page ID #:394
Trust Account 5566 for his own personal purposes, including the
following payments:
first settlement payment was due on March 10, 2018; did not know
that Company 1 had made the $1.6 million settlement payment; and
did not know that AVENATTI had received the settlement payment
in January 2018.
the date that G.B. believed the settlement proceeds from Company
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184 Page ID #:395
money G.B. was owed. It appears that AVENATTI did not respond
the wire."
message saying, among other things, "any word on that wire from
[Company 1]?"
in. The next day, March 15, 2018, AVENATTI replied, ~~Let's chat
concerned G.B. was and expressing his need for the settlement
money. On March 23, 2018, AVENATTI texted G.B. back and told
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184 Page ID #:396
him ~~don't worry. Let's chat tmrw. We will figure this out.
heard from Company 1 about when the money was going to be sent,
and what actions G.B. and AVENATTI could take to cause Company 1
money had already come in. AVENATTI, however, agreed via text
actions they could take going forward to get G.B. his money.
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184 Page ID #:397
G.B. had been led to believe, and that Company 1 had in fact
letter to AVENATTI via email, which stated that G.B. had been
led to believe that Company 1 had not made the initial $1.6
true and correct copy of the Settlement Agreement and any fee
the funds.
AVENATTI sent two text messages to G.B. stating ~~Pls call me"
and ~~What is this all about? Pls call me ASAP."46 AVENATTI also
just tried you on your cell. Please call me when you receive
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184 Page ID #:398
disclosed the $1.6 million settlement payment from the G.B. case
from CNB Trust Account 5566, which came from the settlement
understand that any payment AVENATTI received from the G.B. case
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184 Page ID #:399
hard copy GBUS emails responsive to the subpoena. The hard copy
entities. On October 21, 2018, SA James Kim and I met with S.F.
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184 Page ID #:400
mail and invoices. S.F. also consented to have IRS agents copy
copies of her GBUS emails and other GBUS records. The hard copy
GB LLC, and other entities. On October 22, 2018, M.G. met with
to have IRS-CI copy and secure evidence from her external hard
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184 Page ID #:401
download and secure the evidence. The hard copy documents were
LLC, and other related entities. On November 13, 2018, A.G. met
hard drive and Veeam 2GB flash drive. A.G. consented to have
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184 Page ID #:402
IRS-CI copy and secure the evidence from these devices. An IRS
the hard drive (SUBJECT DEVICE 5) and the flash drive (SUBJECT
DEVICE 6), and then returned the devices to A.G. the next day.
downloaded from the AWS cloud server before AWS and 2nd Watch
downloaded from the AWS cloud server before GBUS's services were
A.G.; B.H.; M.D.; M.E.; M.G.; S.F.; T.M.; and V.S. Notably,
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184 Page 4D #:404
capacity, and did little to no legal work for GBUS. Indeed, all
Exhibit 1.
~ ~:
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184 Page ID #:405
between AVENATTI and lawyers from the five identified law firms
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184 Page ID #:406
or any other law firms, the search team will immediately cease
security devices.
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184 Page I D #:407
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184 Page ID #:408
with little or no cost. Even when such files have been deleted,
amount of hard drive space devoted to these files, and the files
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184 Page ID #:409
what it has been used for, who has used it, and who has been
digital data that is neatly segregable from the hard drive image
associated with any file can provide evidence of a file that was
once on the hard drive but has since been deleted or edited, or
paging systems can leave digital data on the hard drive that
the times the computer was in use. Computer file systems can
record data about the dates files were created and the sequence
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184 Page ID #:410
substantial time.
been used, what it has been used for, and who has used it, may
example, to rebut a claim that the owner of a digital device
For example, files with the extension ".jpg" often are image
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184 Page ID #:411
currently be decrypted.
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184 Page ID #:412
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184 Page ID #:413
government's investigation.
GBUS was evicted from its corporate offices and AVENATTI refused
has been able to obtain some GBUS records, including the data
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184 Page ID #:414
Remoun Karlous, Special Agent
Internal Revenue Service -
Criminal Investigation
Case 8:19-mj-00241-DUTY Document 1 Filed 03/22/19 Page 195 of 198 Page ID #:195
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184 Page ID #:415
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184 Page ID #:416
I,Nancy L. James, in my capacity as the Trustee far Global Baristas US LLC, hereby
agree and state as follows.
1. On or about 4o#ober 24, ~U18, s Chapter 7 ~tvoluntary bankruptcy petition was
filed against Global Baristas US, LLC ("G$US"), in the United States Bank~vptcy Court for the
Western District of Washiington, in In re: Global Baristas US LLC, No. 18-14095~TVfiD (the
"GBUS Bankruptcy"). fln Navem6er 30, 2018, an Qrder for Relief was issued in connection
with GBUS Bankruptcy, andIwas apgoint,~cl as ~Ct~e Tres#ee fer GBUS.
2. Iunderstand that the Internal Revenue Services — Crimina] tnvestigation~ {"IRS-
~P'~ is in g~ssessan o~ certain GBUS business recc3rds and communieatic~ns it obtained from
ft~rmer GBUS employees in both hard-copy and electronic form, as described xn paragraph 3,
3. In my capacity as Tru~ttee for GBUS,Iconsent to the seaz~~ of the ~a~lawing
items Curren#y in the possession of IRS-CI.
a, A, ~o~rensic image of a Dell XPS I28 GB Samsung SSD, bearing serial
number SiD2NSAG5(}00'7?7, provided to TRS-CI by ~ia~~an or about Oc#ober 22,
b. Hard-cagy GBUS records provided by Ni-E~on or about October
22, 2018.
c, A forensic image of a Dell Frecision,, Nfodel M4800, bearing service tag
number ~52~+1262, provided to SRC-CI by S~F~~n car about Qctaber 21, 2018.
d. Hard-copy GSUS records grov died by S~F~nn ar abau~
O~ctot~er 21, 2418.
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184 Page ID #:417
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184 Page I D #:418
filed in the GBUS Bai~icruptcy on October 24,?018. Nor does it apply #o any communications
between the Trustee of GBUS and any lawyers acting oii behalf pf tl~e Trustee, including, but not
limited to, Rory C. Livesey and the Livesey Law Firm. This waiver ofthe attorney-client
privilege is further limited to the United States government and its employees and agenfis,for any
purpose related to the official performance oftheir duties, and does not extend to any other
officer, directors, employees, or agents of GBUS to disclose to the United States governmeizt all
the limited attorney-client privilege waiver set forth in paragraphs S and 6 above.
7. I have read this Limited Waiver ofthe Attorney-Client Privilege and Consent to
agreed to this Linuted Waiver ofthe Attorney-Client Privilege and Consent to Search freely and.
2 - J ~/-~
L. J Date
Trustee for Global Baristas US LLC
1010 Sycamore Ave., Suite 308 I South Pasadena, CA 91030 I T 213.626.7300 I F 213.626.7330
Re: State Bar Matter Nos: 19-0-10483 (Bledsoe) and 18-0-17172 (Brown)
My client: Michael Avenatti, Esq.
As you know, I am representing Mr. Avenatti ibn cmmection with these pending State Bar
investigations. As I am sure you also are well aware, Mr. Avenatti was atTested in New York last
Monday, m1d he is being charged in criminal proceedings in both New York a11d California. As he was
compiling infmmation for me to use to provide the responses due to your office, his computers and files
were seized by the authorities, and he also is now precluded from conmmnicating with his assistant.
Consequently, it is not possible for him to provide me with the information and materials needed to
complete my letters of explanation. He has a court appearance in California on Monday, and expects to
request the judge to permit him access to his files and records so that we will be able to provide you with
the written explanations in the very near future.
Please feel free to call me to discuss. Otherwise, I will be in touch with you again next week with
a status update for you.
As always, thmlk you for your professional courtesies and cooperation, which I much appreciate.
· Ellen A. Pansky
Ellen Pansky, Esq. I [email protected] R. Gerald Markle (1950-2004) Art Barsegyan, Esq. I [email protected]
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 1 of 61 Page ID #:255
The Grand Jury charges:
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7 District of California.
12 Avenatti LLP (~~EA LLP") and Avenatti & Associates, APC (~~A&A") EA
13 LLP and A&A's principal offices were located in Newport Beach and Los
14 ( Angeles, California.
22 percent of EA LLP.
28 owned GBUS;
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 3 of 61 Page ID #:257
6 control over the following bank accounts, which were all maintained
8 California:
11 Eagan Avenatti LLP, Attorney Client Trust Fund" (~~EA Trust Account
12 8541").
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 4 of 61 Page ID #:258
11 2240").
17 in Seattle, Washington.
23 client or such payees as designated by the client any such funds that
24 defendant AVENATTI held in trust for the client upon the client's
25 request.
27 System (the "Fedwire system") was routed from its origin to its
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 5 of 61 Page ID #:259
14 Lawsuit").
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 6 of 61 Page ID #:260
3 5. "Client 4" and "Client 5" were both individuals who resided
23 to disclose.
26 following manner:
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3 client.
14 among other things, falsely denying the settlement proceeds had been
15 paid, sending funds to the client under the false pretense that such
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 8 of 61 Page ID #:262
5 Angeles could not pay the settlement to Client 1 in one lump-sum, and
6 the settlement proceeds could not be paid until the County of Los
13 for Client 1.
17 1. Knowing that the full settlement amount had been paid by the
21 and did not transfer Client 1's portion of the settlement payment to
22 Client 1.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 9 of 61 Page ID #:263
10 purposes.
25 Los Angeles, which defendant AVENATTI falsely represented had not yet
26 been received..
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6 1 that Client 1 could not purchase the house after all because the
7 County of Los Angeles still had not approved the Special Needs Trust
9 Client 1 was unable to close escrow and did not purchase the house.
16 agreement with the County of Los Angeles, the purported Special Needs
18 Mull well that the requested information could lead to inquiries that
19 could reveal that defendant AVENATTI had embezzled Client 1's portion
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 11 of 61 Page ID #:265
2 1 that the County of Los Angeles had finally approved the Special
3 Needs Trust for Client 1 and that Client 1 would begin receiving
13 payments due under the settlement, and a document stating that Client
26 and expenses.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 12 of 61 Page ID #:266
6 monthly payments over the course of the next eight years by which the
10 ' settlement payment, which far exceeded the money owed to EA LLP for
18 payment. Further, defendant AVENATTI and EA LLP retained and did not
20 Client 2.
24 Firm 1") That same day, defendant AVENATTI caused Law Firm 1 to
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 13 of 61 Page ID #:267
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13 expenses.
23 signature.
26 with Client 3's and Company 1's signatures from Company 1's attorney,
27 which included the payment schedule that had actually been negotiated
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 15 of 61 Page ID #:269
1 ~an initial $1,600,000 payment due by January 10, 2018, and additional
3 subsequent years.
15 payment to Client 3.
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7 AVENATTI would then wire the $8,146,288 payment from Avenatti Trust
14 do.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 18 of 61 Page ID #:272
4 which defendant AVENATTI then used for his own purposes, including
7 C~i.I1~
15 4's funds, which had been transferred from Avenatti Trust Account
21 about April 17, 2018, defendant AVENATTI used Client 4's funds, which
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 19 of 61 Page ID #:273
26 Client 4 and Client 5 that the entire $8,146,288 payment from Company
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 20 of 61 Page ID #:274
7 defendant AVENATTI had already used the remaining $4,000,000 for his
10 first $4,000,000 wire transfer from Avenatti Trust Account 4705 that
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4 Background
7 herein.
20 of Doppio.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 23 of 61 Page ID #:277
9 exercised control over GBUS's business affairs from Orange and Los
11 I elsewhere.
14 States and was responsible for enforcing and administering the tax
21 ("EA Employee 1") were the only signatories on GBUS Payroll Account
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 24 of 61 Page ID #:278
1 controlled, while, at the same time, failing to pay over to the IRS
8 GBUS to transfer $200,000 to the G.P. Family Trust as payment for two
10 ( California.
18 ' discovering that defendant AVENATTI had embezzled Client 2's portion
23 used GBUS funds, which had 'been transferred from GBUS Account 2240 to
25 2.
27 GBUS funds, which had been transferred from GBUS Account 2240 to A&A
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 25 of 61 Page ID #:279
5 (2) Social Security tax; (3) Medicare tax; and (4) federal
12 i on employers.
15 employers.
20 and FICA taxes from the wages paid to its employees, and to pay over
21 the withheld amounts to the IRS. The employee income taxes and FICA
22 '. taxes that GBUS was required to withhold and pay over to the IRS were
24 in the Internal Revenue Code requiring that such taxes "shall be held
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 26 of 61 Page ID #:280
2 ~~941), setting forth for the quarter the total amount of wages and
5 Medicare taxes (i.e., FICA taxes) due, and the total federal tax
6 ~~ deposits.
9 collect, truthfully account for, and pay over to the IRS GBUS's
10 payroll taxes.
12 least in or about October 2017, GBUS withheld tax payments from its
15 at least in or about October 2017, GBUS failed to pay over to the IRS
16 payroll taxes due and owing, including federal income taxes and FICA
21 trust fund taxes that GBUS withheld from its employees' paychecks.
24 quarterly employment tax returns (Forms 941) with the IRS for the
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 27 of 61 Page ID #:281
3 GBUS to fail to pay over to the United States, namely, the IRS, all
4 of the federal income taxes and FICA taxes (i.e., trust fund taxes)
5 that GBUS withheld from GBUS employees' total taxable wages, which
6 were due and owing to the United States by the dates set forth below
7 and in the amounts set forth below, for each of the following
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 28 of 61 Page ID #:282
9 tax returns (Forms 941) and pay over to the IRS payroll taxes that
10 were due and owing, including federal income taxes and FICA taxes
11 that GBUS had withheld (collectively, "trust fund taxes") from GBUS
12 employees' paychecks.
16 advised them that since approximately September 2015 GBUS had not
19 federal tax lien against GBUS in King County in the State of.
20 Washington. The federal tax lien indicated that GBUS owed the IRS
27 Each levy notice required the recipient of the levy notice to turn
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 29 of 61 Page ID #:283
3 Banks, savings and loans, and credit unions were obligated to hold
4 any funds subject to the levy notices for 21 days before sending
8 AVENATTI knew that the IRS had issued levies to certain financial
25 that since approximately September 2015 GBUS had failed to pay over
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 30 of 61 Page ID #:284
1 approve payments on behalf of GBUS and had control over GBUS's bank
3 approximately September 2015 GBUS had failed to pay over to the IRS
7 paying to the IRS its payroll taxes in a timely manner, and, between
9 AVENATTI had refused to authorize GBUS to pay over to the IRS the
10 federal payroll taxes that GBUS had withheld from its employees'
11 paychecks.
13 collection action and the IRS's efforts to collect the payroll taxes
14 that GBUS owed to the IRS, defendant AVENATTI directed GBUS employees
15 to stop depositing cash receipts from the Tully's stores into GBUS
18 deposit all cash receipts from Tully's stores into a little-used Bank
21 the following:
24 the Tully's stores that the stores could no longer make cash deposits
25 into GBUS KeyBank Account 6193 and should hold all of the stores'
26 cash deposits.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 31 of 61 Page ID #:285
2 "GB Auto Account"), in order to cause the cash deposits from the
5 text message from GBUS Employee 1 asking if the Tully's stores were
7 message "Not yet but hopefully in next two days. Can you collect
12 and, later that same day, another text message, stating, "It is
21 collection action and the IRS's efforts to collect the payroll taxes
22 that GBUS owed to the IRS, defendant AVENATTI caused GBUS's credit
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 32 of 61 Page ID #:286
6 which stated that "IRS took as [sic] additional $23,763.02 from tsys
7 yesterday."
11 Baristas US LLC" to "Global Baristas, LLC" and to change the EIN from
20 and EA Employee 1 opened a new bank account, GB LLC Account 3730, for
22 Employee 1 emailed TSYS Rep. 1 the bank account and routing number
23 for GB CB&T Account 3730, which was to be the new bank account into
25 I~ deposited.
27 collection action and the IRS's efforts to collect the payroll taxes
that GBUS owed to the IRS, in or about December 2017, after TSYS
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 33 of 61 Page ID #:287
2 GBUS to open new merchant accounts with Chase for the Tully's stores
3 under the name GB LLC and directed Chase to deposit all credit card
6 efforts to collect the payroll taxes that GBUS owed to the IRS,
11 following:
17 knew, GBUS operated the Tully's stores at the Boeing facilities and
18 "GB Hospitality LLC" had never been registered with any government
21 October 2017, after IRS RO-1 had issued levy notices to Boeing and
24 two Tully's coffee kiosks and - other Tully's equipment in exchange for
26 ' certain debts, directed a Boeing attorney to change the seller's name
27 from "GB Hospitality, LLC" to "Global Baristas, LLC" on the two bills
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 34 of 61 Page ID #:288
4 Trust Account 8671 to A&A Account 0661, from which defendant AVENATTI
12 defendant AVENATTI used GBUS funds that should and could have been
13 used to pay over to the IRS federal incomes taxes and FICA taxes that
14 had been withheld from GBUS employees' paychecks for his own personal
26 receipts from Tully's stores that Chase deposited into GB LLC Account
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 35 of 61 Page ID #:289
2 AVENATTI used GBUS funds, which had been transferred from GB LLC
6 AVENATTI used GBUS funds, which had been transferred from GB LLC
13 from Tully's stores that Chase deposited into GB LLC Account 3730, to
16 AVENATTI used GBUS funds, which had been transferred from GB LLC
20 AVENATTI used GBUS funds, which had been transferred from GB LLC
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 36 of 61 Page ID #:290
9 (Form 1040) for the 2009 calendar year, which claimed defendant
11 owed the IRS approximately $569,630 in taxes for the 2009 calendar
12 year. Defendant AVENATTI, however, did not pay the remaining tax due
13 for the 2009 calendar year until November 2015, when he sold his
15 tax lien.
17 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040) for the 2010 calendar
20 taxes for the 2010 calendar year. Defendant AVENATTI, however, did
21 not pay the remaining taxes due to the IRS for the 2010 calendar year
24 30. The 2010 Form 1040 was the last U.S. Individual Income Tax
28 AVENATTI, who resided in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, within the
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 37 of 61 Page ID #:291
5 set forth below and on or before the dates set forth below ("due
10 ( Revenue, stating specifically the items of his gross income and any
13 on or about the due dates set forth below, in the Central District of
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 38 of 61 Page ID #:292
7 33. On or about March 17, 2014, EA LLP filed its 2011 U.S.
10 about March 12, 2014, as the general partner or member manager. The
16 the general partner or member manager. The return listed A&A as the
18 35. The 2012 Form 1065 for EA LLP was the last U.S. Return of
26 set forth below and on or before the dates set forth below ("due
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 39 of 61 Page ID #:293
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7 T herein.
10 Corporation (Form 11205) for A&A, which claimed A&A had total income
13 of A&A.
15 2010 U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation (Form 11205) for
16 A&A, which claimed A&A had total income of $1,421,028 and ordinary
17 business income of $821,634 for the 2010 calendar year. The return
19 40. The 2010 Form 11205 for A&A was the last U.S. Income Tax
24 AVENATTI was the President and CEO of A&A, with its principal place
27 following the close of each of the calendar years set forth below and
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 41 of 61 Page ID #:295
1 income tax return, for and on behalf of the corporation, to the IRS
6 income and the deductions and credits allowed by law. Well knowing
8 failed, on or about the due dates set forth below, in the Central
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 42 of 61 Page ID #:296
10 California.
14 Insurance Corporation.
19 others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, knowingly and with intent
23 following manner:
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 43 of 61 Page ID #:297
3 LLC Loan");
10 LLP Loan").
12 December 2014 EA LLP Loan from The Peoples Bank, defendant AVENATTI
13 omitted and concealed material facts, and provided The Peoples Bank
IL•~ LLP Loan, defendant AVENATTI submitted to The Peoples Bank a 2011
f~.Z11 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040) (the `Peoples Bank 2011
23 had a tax due and owing to the IRS for the 2011 calendar year of
25 AVENATTI then well knew, defendant AVENATTI had not filed the Peoples
26 Bank 2011 Form 1040 with the IRS, had not filed any 2011 U.S.
27 Individual Income Tax Return with the IRS, and had not paid to the
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 44 of 61 Page ID #:298
1 IRS the $1,506,707 defendant AVENATTI purportedly owed for the 2011
2 calendar year.
8 unpaid personal income taxes, plus interest and penalties, for the
12 ~ The Peoples Bank a Balance Sheet for January 2014 through March 10,
13 ' 2014 for EA LLP, which stated, among other things, that EA LLP had
16 well knew, the balance in EA Account 8461 as of March 10, 2014, was
17 a pproximately $43,013.
20 The Peoples Bank a 2012 U.S. Partnership Return (Form 1065) for EA
21 LLP (the ~~Peoples Bank 2012 Form 1065"), which stated that in the
25 knew, the Peoples Bank 2012 Form 1065, had not been filed with the
r ~i
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 45 of 61 Page ID #:299
1 the IRS (the ~~IRS 2012 Form 1065"), which differed materially from
4 '~, the 2012 calendar year EA LLP had total income of approximately
5 $11,426,021, whereas the IRS 2012 Form 1065 stated that in the 2012
7 approximately $6,212,605.
10 approximately $5,819,458, whereas the IRS 2012 Form 1065 stated that
14 March 2014 EA LLP Loan, on or about March 14, 2014, The Peoples Bank
20 September 2014 for EA LLP, which stated, among other things, that EA
24 approximately $27,710.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 46 of 61 Page ID #:300
6 to The Peoples Bank a 2012 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form
7 1040) (the "Peoples Bank 2012 Form 1040"), stating that defendant
8 AVENATTI had total income for the 2012 calendar year of approximately
11 knew, defendant AVENATTI had not filed the Peoples Bank 2012 Form
12 1040 with the IRS, had not filed any 2012 U.S. Individual Income Tax
13 Return with the IRS, and had not made any payments to the IRS towards
17 to The Peoples Bank a 2013 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form
18 1040) (the "Peoples Bank 2013 Form 1040"), stating that defendant
19 AVENATTI had total income for the 2013 calendar year of approximately
23 AVENATTI had not filed the Peoples Bank 2013 Form 1040 with the IRS,
24 had not filed any 2013 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return with the
25 IRS, had not made any estimated tax payments to the IRS towards his
26 2013 individual tax liability, and did not have any tax withholdings
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 47 of 61 Page ID #:301
6 $10.8 million plus out of pocket costs for class counsel [EA LLP]."
9 AVENATTI concealed and did not disclose, and caused EA LLP to conceal
10 and not disclose, the receipt of the funds to The Peoples Bank, and
11 did not distribute and caused EA LLP not to distribute the first
16 March 2014 EA LLP Loan and the December 2014 EA LLP Loan, on or about
17 December 12, 2014, The Peoples Bank approved the December 2014 EA LLP
22 AVENATTI, together with others known and unknown to the Grand Jury,
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 48 of 61 Page ID #:302
~ ;,
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 49 of 61 Page ID #:303
11 knew belonged to another person, namely, the name and preparer tax
15 Indictment.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 50 of 61 Page ID #:304
6 herein.
18 motion filed by J.F. for relief from the automatic stay, the
21 Court would grant relief from the automatic stay and thereby allow
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 51 of 61 Page ID #:305
3 of EA LLP further certified that he had "read and underst ood] the
11 ("DIP") operating, payroll, and tax accounts; and (c) deposit all
17 debtor in possession, and all property and assets in which the debtor
20 debtor acquired after the commencement of the bankruptcy case was the
21 "bankruptcy estate," and was under the management and control of the
22 debtor in possession.
23 57. On or about May 12, 2017, the Office of the United States
27 I to close all existing bank accounts and open new DIP general,
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 52 of 61 Page ID #:306
9 that EA LLP had closed all pre-petition bank accounts, and provided
10 the account information for EA LLP's three new DIP bank accounts.
12 United States Trustee with evidence that EA LLP had closed EA LLP's
13 prior general account and opened three new DIP bank accounts.
15 last two years for which EA LLP filed federal and state tax returns,
17 Debtor nor its accountant has copies of its 2014 and 2015 federal or
18 state income tax returns. The Debtor will seek to obtain copies of
~ officers, directors, and shareholders of EA LLP and relatives of
26 LLP was required to provide notice to the creditors and the United
28 until 15 days after service of the notice and (i) no objection had
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 53 of 61 Page ID #:307
7 debtor's name and whether or not the account contained] only post-
12 filed MORs for EA LLP for eleven months, namely, March 2017 through
16 itemize: (i) the beginning balance of the general account for the
17 month at issue; (ii) all receipts EA LLP obtained during the month;
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 54 of 61 Page ID #:308
6 b other insiders.
13 ~ a case under Title 11 of the United States Code, namely, In re: Eagan
17 Operating Report for EA LLP for the period May 1, 2017, through
18 May 30, 2017 (the "May 2017 MOR"), in which defendant AVENATTI, as
22 AVENATTI then well knew, EA LLP's receipts during the May 2017 MOR
24 $409,953.70.
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 55 of 61 Page ID #:309
10 perjury within the meaning of Title 28, United States Code, Section
15 be true and complete the Monthly Operating Report for EA LLP for the
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 56 of 61 Page ID #:310
10 perjury within the meaning of Title 28, United States Code, Section
15 be true and complete the Monthly Operating Report for EA LLP for the
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 57 of 61 Page ID #:311
10 United States Code, namely, In re: Eagan Avenatti LLP, No. 8:17-bk-
14 whether the debtor, EA LLP, received any counsel fees from the Super
16 well knew at the time he made the false oath, defendant AVENATTI and
17 EA LLP had received fees from the Super Bowl NFL litigation, namely,
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 58 of 61 Page ID #:312
6 United States Code, Section 981(a)(1)(C) and Title 28, United States
8 the offenses set forth in any of Counts One through Ten, Thirty,
11 following:
25 the exercise of due diligence; (b) has been transferred, sold to, or
26 deposited with a third party; (c) has been placed beyond the
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 59 of 61 Page ID #:313
1 value; or (e) has been commingled with other property that cannot be
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 60 of 61 Page ID #:314
6 United States Code, Sections 982 and 1028, and Title 28, United
14 traceable thereto;
28 third party; (c) has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the
Case 8:19-cr-00061-JVS Document 16 Filed 04/10/19 Page 61 of 61 Page ID #:315
3 difficulty.
United States Attorney
Assistant United States Attorney
12 Chief, Criminal Division
Assistant United States Attorney
14 Chief, Major Frauds Section
Assistant United States Attorney
16 Major Frauds Section
Assistant United States Attorney
18 Santa Ana Branch Office
CM/ECF - California Cental District Page 1 of 3
r, . - ._
L I4\.;fJ-i.'..l.l
Defendant [1!
Complaints Disposition
Defendant in violation of I8:1343,1344(l)
03/22/2019 _1_ COMPLAINT filed as to Michael J. Avenatti Approved by Magistrate Judge Douglas F.
McCormick as to Michael J. Avenatti (1). (mhe) (Entered: 03/25/2019)
03/22/2019 3 ORDER FINDING RE PROBABLE CAUSE by Magistrate Judge Douglas F. McCormick as
to Defendant Michael J. Avenatti, (mhe) (Entered: 03/25/2019)
03/22/201 9 é NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR DETENTION filed by Plaintiff USA as to Defendant Michael J.
Avenatti (mhe) (Entered: 03/25/2019)
03/22/201 9 § SEALED EX PARTE APPLICATION to Seal Case Filed by Plaintiff USA as to Defendant
Michael J. Avenatti. (mhe) (Entered: 03/25/20 1 9)
03/24/2019 Z SEALED EX PARTE APPLICATION to Unseal Case Filed by Plaintiff USA as to Defendant
Michael J. Avenatti. (mhe) (Entered: 03/26/20 1 9)
03/27/2019 2
Imps:// 4/29/2019
CM/ECF - California Central District Page 3 of 3
NOTICE filed by Plaintiff USA as to Defendant Michael J. Avenatti 0F EXECUTION OF
03/27/20 1 9)
04/01/2019 ,_.
Indictment/Infonnation. Defendant Michael J. Avenatti directed to appear on 4/29/1 9 at 10:00
am before the Duty Magistrate Judge. (mhe) (Entered: 04/03/2019)
04/03/20 1 9 ICE Rule 5(c)(3) Documents Received as to Michael J. Avenatti (mhe) (Entered: 04/03/2019)
04/04/20 1 9 IE Out of District Bond received from Southern District ofNew York. (mhe) (Entered:
04/1 0/20 1 9 TERMINATED merged defendant case for Defendant Michael J. Avenatti. Merged into CR
case number: 8:19CR61. A11 future filings should be made in case 8:19CR61. Please be advised
that no further filings may be made under case number 8:19-mj-24I. Any such filings made
after the entry of this Notice may not be reviewed or considered by the Court. (mhe) (Entered:
04/1 1/20 1 9)
8: 1 9-mj-0024 1-
chription: Docket Report
DUTY End date:
2 Cost: 0.20
Pages: 4/29/2019
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 1 of 18
---------------- X ID
I x 1LLDMAY222019
________________ X
AVENATTI had already received-the fees and spent them on his own
February 2019.
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 3 of 18
of a book by Victim~l.
as follows:
that victim~l did not want any further payments under the
signed the False Wire Instructions and, in fact, was not even
other bank accounts that he controlled for his own personal and
business use. The funds were used, among other ways, for the
following purposes:
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 7 of 18
associated with the law firm Eagan Avenatti LLP (through which
believed was late. AVENATTI did not inform Victim—l that he had
the information for Account—Z was “My new account info for
Second Payment.
that Victim—l would not be aware that AVENATTI had converted and
used the proceeds from the Second Payment for his own personal
the Third Payment early, even though the Third Payment was not
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 9 of 18
that he controlled for his own personal and business use. The
funds were used, among other ways, for the following purposes:
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 10 of 18
tell Victim—l that he had already received the payment into the
Avenatti Client Account more than two weeks earlier, but instead
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 11 of 18
part, “I haven’t.”
AVENATTI did not state that he had previously received the Third
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 12 of 18
that Victim-l should not send a letter and should not fire
that Victim~l had received the Third Payment and was seeking
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 13 of 18
or signed the False Wire Instructions, despite the fact that the
payments under the Contract, and was not aware of the Avenatti
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 14 of 18
(Wire Fraud)
‘On or about February 14, 2019, prior to its due date under
the Contract, Publisher-l sent the Fourth Payment to Agent—l,
who, consistent with Victim—l’s instructions, sent by wire the
Fourth Payment less Agent—l's fee directly to Account—Z.
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 15 of 18
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 16 of 18
Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c), any and all
of said offense.
the Court;
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 17 of 18
United States Code, Section 853(p), and Title 28, United States
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 981; Title 21, United
States Code, Section 853(p); Title 28, United States Code,
Section 2461.)
United St es Attorney
Case 1:19-cr-00374-DAB Document 1 Filed 05/22/19 Page 18 of 18
19 Cr.
United States Attorney.
l, the undersigned, am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the within action. whose business address and place of employment is the State Bar of
California. 845 South Figueroa Street. Los Angeles. California 90017-2515. declare that:
- on the date shown below, l caused to be served a true copy of the within document described as follows:
D By
U.S. First-Class Mail:
(CCP §§ 1013 and 1013(a))
accordamlae with the practice of the State Bar of California ior collection and processing of mail,
g By
U.S. Certified Mail: (CCP §§ 1013 and
deposited or placed for collection and mailing
in the City and County
- of Los Ange es.
D (torusnrst-classmm in a sealed envelope placed for collection and maiIing at Los Angeles, addressed to: (see below)
X (romom-mmm in a sealed envelope placed for collection and mailing as cenified mail, return receipt requested,
2) 9414-7266-99044111-0280-77
D no, owmigmnanmy) together with a copy of this declaration, in an envelope. or package designated by UPS,
Tracking No.: addressed to: (see below)
I am readily familiarwith the State Bar of Calflomia‘s pracfice for collection and processin of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service. and
overnight delivery by the United Parcel Service ('UPS'). In the ordinary course of the State Bar of alifomia‘s practice, correspondence coilected and processed by the Slate Bar of
dCalifomia would be deposited with the United States Postal Service that same day. and for overnight delivery, deposited with delivery fees paid or provided for, with UPS that same
I am aware that on motion of the party sewed, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date on the envelope or package is more than one day
after date of deposit for mailing contained in the affidavit.
declare under penalty of perjury. under the laws of the State of California. that the foregoing
correct. Executed
at Los Angeles.