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Plumbing PIpe Sizing

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Cold water Storgae L/c/d

a)with canten 45
b)without canteen 40
Factories without bathroom
a) with canten 25
b)without canteen 20
Dwellings with house connection 60 65 70
Dwellings with yard connection 30 35
Public fountains (Standard pipes) 15 20
Hospitals per bed 150 155 160
Hostels( dormitaries) 60
Hotels per bed 100 105 110
Offices 25
Restaurants per seat 60
Bars (per seat) 50

Determine the amount of cold water storage required to cover 24
hours interruprtion of supply in a restaurant. The number of seats
in the restaurant is 100.

Number of consumers 6.6 6.6

Consumption 80 litres 80

528 litres

0.528 m3
75 80 85 90 95 100

165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200

115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150

Appliance Loading unit
a WC cistern / bidet/wash basin 0.25
b Flush Valve/ Urinal 0.25
c Sink 1
d Shower 1
e Bath 1.96
f Flush valve (WC) 4.32
g Laundary Tub 1
h Washing machines ( dish washer) 1
i Hose tap ( 20 nom size) 1.44
j Hose tap ( 15 nom size) 0.64
k Cistern for urinal *
l Spray tap ( drinking fountain) *
flow rate
0.125 3.25
0.125 1

Equivalent pipe length
Bore of pipe
Elbow Tee Stop Valve Check Valve
12 0.5 0.6 4 2.5
20 0.8 1 7 4.3
25 1 1.5 10 5.6
32 1.4 2 13 6
40 1.7 2.5 16 7.9
50 2.3 3.5 22 11.5
65 3 4.5 * *
73 3.4 5.8 34 *
Actual bore of Area (m2) Flow Velocity d^0.6935
pipe (mm)

32 0.00080 0.854526825 1.1

20 0.00031 0.35 1.1 7.984804769
25 0.00049 3.25 6.6 9.321190761
20 0.00031 0.25 0.8 7.984804769
25 0.00049 0.65 1.3 9.321190761
20 0.00031 0.35 1.1 7.984804769
20 0.00031 0.3 1.0 7.984804769

i( head loss

0.252891957 0.09
1.287428779 1.56
0.180637112 0.05
0.257485756 0.09
0.252891957 0.09
0.216764534 0.07
Procedures to be followed inorder to size a water supply pipe
1 Make a diagrama of the pipeline system to be considered
2 number the pipes begning at the point of least head numbering the main pipe run first then the branch pipes
3 Make a table to show the loading uits and flow rates for each stages of the main run.
calculate and enter loading units and flow rates.
4 Calculate design flow rate at each flow level by using sheet 2
5 Make an assumption of the pipe sizes.
6 work out frictional resistance per meter
7 Determine the velocity of the flow
8 measure length of the pipe under consideration
9 Consider frictional resistance in fittings( equivalent pipe length)
10 Add column g and column h to find effective pipe length
11 Inorder to find the total head consumed the head loss per meter run should be multiplied by the effective pipe
12 The progressive head is the cumulative of column J.
13 Record avilable head at point of delivery. Available head is the elevation difference between the two considered
14 Compare progressive head with avilable head to confirm pipe diameter or not. If for any pipe it is found that the
size gives a progressive head that is in excess of the avilable head or is noticeably low, it will be necessary to rep
sizing operation using a revised assumed pipe diameter. ( if the residual head is less than 2 the assumption sho

Determine Determine
give a pipe Determine by Q= 0.25* sqrt using sheet 3 or using sheet 3 Measure
reference using sheet no of loading Assume or read from the pipe
read from
number 1 units length
nomograph nomograph

a b c d e f g

loss of head Flow velocity mesured

pipe refernce loading unit Fow rate Pipe size (m/run) pipe run

1 4.92 0.85 25 0.01 1.2 3.5

5 1.96 0.35 22 0.08 1.25 5.5
2 2.96 0.73 25 0.12 1.5 2.4
6 1 0.25 20 0.05 0.77 3.5
3 1.96 0.65 25 0.1 1.4 2.4
7 1.96 0.35 20 0.095 1.25 5.5
4 - 0.3 20 0.07 1 2.9
run first then the branch pipes
n run.

multiplied by the effective pipe length

nce between the two considered points.

If for any pipe it is found that the assumed pipe
bly low, it will be necessary to repeat the
s less than 2 the assumption should be revised.

Cummlative Elevation
G+H E*i L-K
Determine using of j difference
sheet 3 after b/n
counting the number considered
of fittings points
h i j k l m n

equivalent pipe head progressive available residual

Effective pipe length
length consumed head head head

13 16.5 0.17 0.17 3.5 3.34

15.6 21.1 1.69 1.85 4 2.15
0 2.4 0.29 2.14 5.9 3.76
10 13.5 0.68 2.82 6.4 3.58
0 2.4 0.24 3.06 8.3 5.24
15.6 21.1 2.00 5.06 8.8 3.74
1.6 4.5 0.32 5.38 10.7 5.32

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