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English Oromo
a lot hedduu, baayee
about, in regard to waa'ee, waayee
above irra, ol
absolutely guutuumaatti, tasa, gonkumaa
accident balaa
accidentally tasuma, utuu hin yaadamiin, dimmaa
accomplice tumsaa, tumsituu, baabsii
accomplishment raawwii
account, mathematics herrega
accountant herregaa, herregduu
accurate, correct sirrii
accusation himannaa
accustomed, familiar beekamaa
ache waraansa
action gochaa, hojimaata
active si'aawaa, si'ooftuu, hisataa, hisattuu
activity sochii, hojii
actor ta'aa
actress taatuu
actually dhugaadhumatti
addiction araada, haraaraa
addictive arachiisaa
additional, extra dabalata, edaasa
address teesso
adequate, satisfactory ga'aa, quubsaa
adjacent wal bira, cinaa
adjective addeessa
administration bulchiinsa
administrator, governor bulchaa, geggeessaa, hoogganaa
admirer leellisaa, leellistuu
adolescent dardara, shamara
adorable jaallatamaa, jaallatamtuu
adult ga'eessa, geessuu
advantage faayidaa, bu'aa
adverb dabalgochima
adversity rakkina, yeroo gadhee
advertisement beeksisa, dhaadheessa
advice gorsa
affection jaalala, kabajaa
afforestation manca'a bosoonaa
after… …booda
afternoon waaree booda
afterwards eger, booddee
again ammas, lamuum, irra deebii
age umurii, ganna, waggaa
agenda ajandaa
agent abbaanaa
aggression miira diinummaa, jibba
ago, before dura
agony dhiphina, gidiraa, gadadoo, hiraara
agreement waliigaltee, dilaala, walta'iinsa
agricultural office waajjira qonnaa
agriculture qonnaa, qotiisa
ahead gara fulduraatti
aid gargaarsa
aim, goal kaayyoo, galii, akeeka
air qilleensa
air pollution faalama qileensa
airplane xiyyaara
airport dirree xiyyaaraa
alarming rifachiisaa, rifachiistuu
alcohol alkoolii
all cufa, cufti, hunda, mara, jiblaa
allergy adanyoo
allowance durgoo, olmaayaa
alone, by oneself qobaa
alphabet arfii, qubee
already dursee, ammaan dura
also itti dabalee, akkasumas
alteration jijjiirama
although, but ta'ullee, ta'us, haa ta'u malee
altitude ol fageenya
always yeroo hunda, hooggayyuu
amazing, awesome, surprising dinqisiisaa
amiable gammachiisaa, gammachiistuu
among baay'ee keessaa, keessaa
amount baay'ina, hammamtaa
amusing kofalchiisaa, kofalchiistuu
ancestor abuduroo, abuturoo
ancient kan bara durii
and fi
angry aare
animal neefkaa, bineelda, horii
animal (wild) bineensa
ankle kuburuu, kibirii
anklet albo, bitoo
annoyance, anger aarii, dallansuu
annual kan waggaa
another, other biraa, dhibii, abbii
answer, change ($) deebii
ant jaamaa, mixii, gonjaree
antelope arroolee
anti- farra-
anus futee
anxiety yaaddoo, cinqii, badada
anxious dhiphataa, dhiphattuu, cinqamaa, cinqamtuu
any kamiyyuu, eenyuyyuu, tokkollee
anybody, anyone eenyuyyuu, nami kamiyyuu
anymore si'achi
anything halle, cufa, tokkollee
anyway haala kaminiyyuu, karuma ta'en
anywhere, everywhere bakkayyuu, eessattuu
apology, excuse me dhiifama
appearance bifa
apple poomii
appointment beellama
April (9th-May 8) Ebila
apt mijaa'aa, tolaa, sirrii
area bakka
argument falmii, falammii
arm, forearm irree
armpit ukoo, bobaa
army raayyaa, ijaaba
around, environment naannoo
arrogant farangagsaa, oftuulaa, oftuultuu
arrow xiyyaa, xiyyee
as much as, until haga
as, like, similar to akka
ash daaraa
ashamed qaana'aa
ass, donkey harree
attorney, lawyer abukaattoo
attractive hawwataa, hawwattuu
August (7th-Sept. 5) Hagayya
aunt adaadaa
author barreessaa, barreessituu
authority aangoo
average giddu galeesaa
avocado abukaadoo
awful sodaachiisaa, jibbisiisaa
awkward heefa
axe qottoo, dhakaraa
English Oromo
baby, infant daa'ima, finna, saldheessa
back dugda
backbone dugugguruu, lafee dugdaa
backyard oddoo, boroo
bad gadhee
badly akka hamaa, haala gadheedhaan
bag boorsaa, daduu, marraa, subba
ball kuphaa, kubba
bamboo leemmana, leemoo
banana muuzii
bank baankii
barber rifeessoo, rifeessituu
barely maqaadhaaf
barley garbuu
basic ambiiroo, yayyaba
basketball kuphaa kaachoo
bat (animal) lillixa, simbira halkanii, duduba
bathroom kutaa dhiqannaa, manfincaanii
battery baatirii, tiriika
bean baaqelaa
beard, mustache areeda
beautiful xuurumbullee, bareedduu, miidhagduu
because sababinsa, sababiin isaa
bed siree
bedbug bacoo
bedroom kutaa rafiitii, kutaa siree, kutaa ciisichaa
bee kanniisa
beer biiraa
beet huunde diima, dindaa
before… …dura
beforehand dursee, duraan
beggar kadhataa, kadhattuu
beginning yayyaba, jalqaba, jalqabii
behavior, trait amala
behind booda, duuba
belief amantaa, amantii
belongings, wealth qabeenyaa
below jalatti, gad
belt qabatto, saqqii
berry goraa
beside maddii
better, best, most daran
between jidduu
beverage, drink dhugaatii
Bible Macaafa Qulqulluu
bicycle biskileeta
big, large guddaa
binoculars naaduraa
bird simbira
birthday guyyaa dhalootaa, gubbee buufata
biscuit biskutii
bishops weed sunqoo adii
bitter hadhaa
black gurraacha, gurraattii
black cumin sunqoo gurracha
black pepper qundo barbbaarree
blackboard gabatee gurraacha
blacksmith tumtuu
bladder buufanyii, afuuffee
blank duwwaa, qullaa
blanket banjaa, baanaa, awusaa, birdlibsii
blessing eebba,nagaroo
blood dhiiga
blue dooqee
boar gol'aa
boat jabala
body qaama, nafa, dhagna
bone lafee
book kitaaba
bookcase dulaaba kitaabaa
boot bottii
boring nuffisiisaa, nuffisiistuu
both lachuu, lamaanuu
bottle dulloo, xarmuushii, qaruuraa
bottle opener baantu xarmuushii
bottom (adj) gad, gajjallaa
boundary daangaa, timjii
bowl caabii, shanni golboo
box saanduqa, baakkoo
boy ilma
boyfriend jaalalle dhiiraa
bracelet saldaaqa, anbar, laakkaa
brain surrii
brave goota
bread daabboo
break (recess) boqonnaa
breakfast ciree
breath hafuura, afuura
breeze qilleensa laafaa
bribe (n) gunaa, matta'aa
brick xuubii, mansadiimaa
bridge riqicha
broken cabaa, cabduu
broom harataa, hartuu
brothel mana sagaaggaltuu
brother obboleessa
brown daammii
bruise dirmammuu, godaannisa
bucket baaldii, shenkelloo
budget bajata
bug geergoo, tukaanii
building gamoo, jaarmaa
bulb, light bulb balbii
bull, ox sangaa
burial awwaala
bus otobisii
bush saaxoo, huuxii, tusii
business daldala
but, however garuu
butter dhadhaa
butterfly billaacha
buttocks fagaara
button biinkoo, kolbaa
English Oromo
cabbage xiqil goomanni, shaanaa, yumoo, kaaboolii
cake, pastry keekii
calendar kaaleendara
calf (young cow) jabbii
calm Cal-jedheessa, qabbanaa'aa
camel gaala
campaign duula
campus adaalloo
can xaasaa, kimboo
candidate ruuga, kaadhimamaa
candle shaamaa
candy karameela
canned hawwagamaa
canoe bidiruu
capable dandeettii
captain abbaa bibraa, aankumaala
car accident balaa makiina
cardamon ogiyo
carefree bashaadaa, bashaadduu
careful eeggatu
careless abiidhoo, dabashaa
carpenter anaaxii
carpentry anaaxummaa
carpet, rug afaa, afata lafaa, jibbaa
carrot kaarooti
cash qarshii, maallaqa
cassette hajalaa
cat adurree, bashoo
category ramaddii, gita
cattle horii, loon
cautious of eeggataa
cave boongoo, holqa, qaalaa
ceiling demdemoo, tishoo
celebration ayyaaneeffannaa, jila
center, middle wiirtuu, walakkaa, gidduu, muummee
cereal callaa, midhaan
certainly dhugaattiyyuu, sirriitti, shakkii malee
certificate waraqaa ragaa
chair barcuma, teessoo, kursi
chalk boronqii, cooki
chapter boqonnaa
charcoal kasala, cilee
charity arjummaa, raamata
cheap rakasa
cheek boqoo, mallaa, maddii, illacha
cheese aybii, saqana, qimixuu
chest laphee, qoma
chickpea shunburaa
child daa'ima
children ijoolee, daa'immaan
chin maloolee, shangoobata
choice filmaata, filannoo
christening cuuphaa
Christmas Ayyaana qillee
church bataskaana
cinnamon qarafaa
circle geengoo, agaggee
citizen biyyoomaa, lammii
citizenship biyyooma, lammummaa
city, town magaalaa, diira
civilization qarooma, qaroomina
civilized qaroomaa, qaroomtuu
classroom kuuta barnoota, kuuta daree
clay faara, suphee
clean, holy qulqulluu
clear ifa
clever abiddee, kormee, qumburree, hilluu, goolee, qaroo
climate change jijiirama qilleensa
clock sa'aatii gidgidaa
closed cufaa
closing time sa'atii cufiinsaa
clothes wayyaa, huccuu, uffata, daara
cloud duumessa
cloudy duumessaa'aa
clove qurunfudii
clover siddisa, hamaaqixa
coach leenjisaa, leenjistuu
coat kootii
coffee buna
coffee cup shiini
cold (adj) diilallaa'aa, qorraa
collar kullittaa, mormee
collection kuufama, funaannii
color halluu, dibeeta
comb faaqqee, filaa
combined makamaa, makamtuu
comfort qananii, jija
comfortable mijaa'aa, mijooftuu, sheeqataa, tolaa
command ajaja, abboommii
common yagutoo, gamtaa
communication quunnamtii, marii, waliin dubbachuu
community bahaddaa, caayata, caayii, hawaasa
compassion gara-laafina, gara-laafummaa
compensation beenyaa
competent dandayeessa
competition dorgommii, morkii
complaint iyyata, himannaa
complicated wal xaxaa, rakkisaa, ulfaataa
compost kosii, dikee
compound (to live in) abaada, lamaanaa
concealed, hidden dhokataa, dhokattuu, dhoksamaa
concern dhiphina, yaaddoo
conclusion raaw'ata, xumura, goolabbii, gudunfaa
conference yaa'ii
confused joonja'aa, joonjoftuu, tibii
congratulations baga ittin isin gahe, baga gammadde
connection quunnamtii
conservation eegumsa, kunuunsa
consonant dubbifamaa
construction ijaarsa
conversation haasaa
coriander dimbilaala
corn, maize boqqolloo, bondogee
corn, maize (fresh) asheeta, shawwee
corruption malaammaltummaa, xiinxanii
cost, price gatii
cough, coughing qufaa
country biyya
countryside baadiyyaa
cousin durbii
cow sawwa, sa'a
cracked boroqqoqamaa
crazy, insane maraataa, maraatuu
crime wanjala, yakka
criminal yakkamaa, yakkamtuu
cripple naafa
crocodile naacha
cruelty hammeenya, hammina
culture, tradition aadaa, difuu, duudhaa, jifuu
cup kubbaayyaa
customer maamila, beedee
cutting board maktafa
English Oromo
darkness dukkana
daughter intala
dawn barii
day, date guyyaa
dead du'aa, duutuu
deaf duudaa
death du'a
December(10th-Jan. 8) Muddee
decision, judgement murtii, murtoo
deep xiilla, callabboo
definition hiika
deforestation cirama bosoonaa
delicious, sweet mi'aawaa
dentist hakiimii ilkaanii
description ibsa, hubachiisa
gammoojji o'aa, huffee, langaannoo, adaala, balballaa,
desertification gammoojjummaa, adaalessii
development misooma
development worker hojjataa misooma
dew fixeensa
dialect looga, cabaqa
diamond moogaa, durrii
diarrhea garaa kaasa
dictator abbaa irree
dictionary galmee jechootaa
difference garaagarummaa, adda addummaa
different adda, adda-adda, garaagara
difficult rakkisaa, ulfaataa, dadhabsiisaa
diluted soola'aa
dinner, supper irbaata, dhiyaana
dirty balfaa, kosii, xuraawaa
disagreement walbadiinsa, waldiddaa
disappointment mufannaa
discussion marii
disease, illness dhukkuba, dhibee
disgraceful, dishonorable salphoo, yeellaasisaa
disgusting jibbisiisaa
dish shaanii
dishonor, humiliation salphina
disobedient micicaa, miciccuu
distant, far away fagoo, hiixuu
district aanaa
ditch bo'oo
docile kurunduufa, kasoo
doctor hakiimii, doktarii
document sanadii, harshima
dog saree
doll horgoggee, ashaangulliitii
domestic animals bineensoota mana
domestic, local kan biyya keesa
door, gate balbala, hulaa, karra, cufaa, cufantaa
dot, point tuqaa
doubt, suspicion shakkii, ciicannoo
doubtful shakkisiisaa, shakkisiistuu
down gad, daka, goda
down payment kaffaltii duraa
downward gaditti
dozen darzana
dream (during sleep) abjuu
dress wandaboo, qaamisii
drought caamsaa, ongee, hongee
drunk, intoxicated machaa'aa, machooftuu
dry gogaa, gogduu
duck daakkiyye
dusk dimimmisa
dust awwaara, dhukkee
English Oromo
each tokkoon tokkoon
each other wal, wali
ear gurra
earring gutichaa, lootii
earth lafa, dachee
earthquake kirkira lafaa
east baha
Easter Faasiikaa
easy, simple salphaa
economy dinagdee
ecosystem sirnakkoo
education, lesson barumsa
effect taafee
effort carraaqa, carraaqqii, yaalii
egg hanqaaquu, buphaa, killee, okokkaa
eight saddeet
eighty sadeettama
elbow ciqilee
elder angafa
election filannoo, filmaata
elephant arba
embarrassment qaanii, yeelloo, saalfii
emotion, feelings miira
employer mindeessaa, mindeessituu
empty duwwaa, adiyyoo
end dhuma
enemy diina, nyaaphaa, siddii, gaaddilee, amajaajii
energy humna
engineer maandisa
engineering maandisummaa
English Ingilizii
enough, sufficient ga'aa, gahaa
enrollment galmeessuu
entire guutuumaatti
entrance balbala, seensaa
envelope poostaa
environment naannoo
environmental protection kunuunnsa naannoo
Epiphany Ayyaana cuuphaa
equal wal qixxee
era bara
erosion dhiqama biyyee, galoo, lolaa
error, fault balleessaa, dogoggora
especially keessattuu, keessattiyyuu, addatti, keessumattuu
eucalyptus baargamoo
evening galgala
ever yoomiyyuu, yoomillee, hooggayyuu
every hunda, mara, cufa
everybody namuu
everyday guyyuu, fardii
everything waan hundumaa
evidence, proof ragaa, qabannaa, laallee
exam qormaata, mallaggaa
example fakkeenya
except, without malee
excrement udaan, bobbaatii, huusoo
exercise (classroom) gilgaala
exercise book dabtara, dabtarii
exhausted muyoo
exit hulaa bahiisaa
expensive mi'aa, qaalii, wuddii
expert, intellectual haqila, hayyuu
explanation ibsa
explosion dhohiinsa
exterior, external alee, aloo
eye ija
eyeball boolla ijaa
eyebrow nyaara
eyeglasses kalaa, fulee ijaa, maaxaxarii, marayaa
English Oromo
face fuula
fact, reality dhugaa, haqa
factory warshaa
failure kufaatii, kiisaaraa
faith, religion amantii
fall (season), autumn arfaasaa
false banana (tree) warqee, weesee, subboo
family maatii, warra, haskaa
famine beela, xannee, abaari
famous, popular beekamaa, beekamtuu
far fagoo, hiixuu
farewell nagaatti
farm bakka qonnaa
farmer qonnann bulaa, qonnann bultuu, qoteebulaa, qoteebultuu
farmland lafa qonna
fart dhuufuu, shikee
fast (adj) si'aawaa, si'ooftuu
fasting soomana, laamii
fat (adj) riidama, furdaa
fat (n.) cooma
fate, fortune, luck hiree, carraa
father abbaa
fatigued (adj) bututaa, bututuu
favor (n) galata
fear sodaa
February (8th-Mar. 9) Guraandhala
female dubartii, dhaltuu, naayaa, dhalaa
fence dallaa, kellaa, dhayii
fertilizer xaa'oo
festival jila
fever gubaa, layidaa, qandhoo
few xinnoo, xiqqoo, bicuu, maddee, merqa
fiancé kaadhimaa, gooshoo
field dirree
fifty shantama
fight citii, lola, waraana
finally xumuratti, dhumarratti
finger quba
fingernail qeensa
fire ibidda, abidda
fire accident balaa abidda
firewood qoraan, hurraa
firm, forceful jabaa, cimaa
first jalqaba
fish qurxummii, kalluuna
five shan
flag alaabaa
flashlight baatirii harkaa, tirigii
flat (adj) diriiraa, battee
flavor dhandhama, urgaa
flea tafkii
flood galoo, lolaa
floor afaala
floor, storey fooqii, darbii
flour, powder daakuu
flower abaaboo, daraaraa, ilillii
fly (insect) tisiisa
foam oomacha
focus, point of view ilaalcha
fog hurrii, qayyoota
fold (e.g., "3 fold") dachaa
folder ukaankaa
folklore afoola
food nyaata
food poisoning summaa'u nyaata
foolish gowwaa, jiitoo, sephaa, daalee, dedhee, roodaa
foot, leg miilla
football (soccer) kubbaa miillaa
footnote miiljalee
footprint faana, kottee
for rent (adj) kireeffamu
forbidden dhorkaa, ittisamaa
force humna, anniisaa, giidoo
forehead adda
foreign kan biyya alaa, kan bakkee/alaa
forest bosona, raasaa, riibaa, hurrumuu, huruma, caakkaa
forever barabaraan
forgiveness faanchoo, araara, aagii
fork shukkaa
form (paper) uunkaa
formerly yeroo darbe
fort daannoo
forty afurtama
four afur
fourth (1/4) kurmaana, ruubi, tokko afraffa
fox jeedala, sardiida, wangoo
fragile cabaala, cabeessa
free (no cost) tola
free, independent bilisa
freedom, liberty bilisummaa, walabummaa
frequent yerroo hedduu
fresh (food) o'aa
Friday jimaata
friend hiriyaa, iriyaa, saahiba, fira, michuu
frog fattee
from irra, biraa
front fuullee, fuuldura
fruit fuduraa, ija mukaa
frustration dhiphina, yaaddoo, abdii kutuu
frying pan maxabashaa, kalaankaltu
fuel boba'aa
full guutuu, mijuu
fun gammachuu, qoosaa, tapha
funeral sirna awwaalaa
funny kofalchiisaa, kofalchiiftuu
future fuulduratti, durana, yeroo dhufu
English Oromo
game tapha, morkii
garbage, waste balfaa, kosii, hubba
garden manduubee
garlic qullubbii
gas stove butta gaasi
gazelle re'ee diidaa
gender kornaayaa, saalaa
generation dhaloota, labata
generator maddisaa
gentle damboobaa, damboobduu
gently suuta, qalbiidhaan
germ imii
ghost ekeraa
giant (adj) jaafoo, hammooyii, dhoolbee
gift, present argaa, kennaa, tarfaasaa, gumaata
ginger jijimbla
giraffe sattawwaa
girl durba
girlfriend jaalalle durbaa
glass (cup) birciqqoo
glass (material) fullee
glove gaantii, shurraaba harkaa
glue haphee
gnat bookee
goat reetii, re'ee, laallee
God Waaqayyo, Waaqa
gold warqee, sokoo
good gaarii, bayyeessa, misha, dansaa, baroo, gameessa
Good Friday Ayyaana fanno
good tidings, good news aaga, misiraachoo
goodness gaarummaa
goods qodaa, meeshaa, mi'a
government mootummaa
governor bulchaa, hoogganaa
grade (on a test) maarkii, qabxii
grade, level sadarkaa
gradually suuta, dhawaataan
graduation eebba
grain midhaan
grammar caasluga, seerluga
grandfather akaakayyuu, akaakaa
grandmother akkoo, akkawoo
grapes wayinii, ija eenabaa
grass marga, buuyoo, gaalala, citaa
grasshopper quruphisa
grassland lafa margaa
grave (n) awwaala
gravel korata, cirracha
greedy doqna, sassataa, sassattuu, waakkataa, waakkattuu
green magariisa
green pepper qaaraa
greenhouse manfullee
greeting nagaa gaafachuu
grey daalacha, daara'aa, daaroftuu
groove baqaqaa
grouchy jinaa'aa, jinooftuu, nyakkisaa, nyakkistuu
ground lafa
group gartuu, garee, tuuta
guarantee, assurance waabdii
guard waardiyyaa, eegduu
guess (n) tilmaama
guest keessummaa
gum (chewing) maastiikaa
gun qawwee
English Oromo
habit bartee, barmaata
habitat bidoollee
hail cabbii
hair rifeensa, dabbasaa
hairbrush faaqqee, filaa
half walakkaa, tokko lamaffaa
hall galma
hand harka
handsome shaggaa, bareedaa, miidhagaa
happiness gammachu, qannoo, jija
happy gammadaa
harassment cinqursaa, roorroo
hard, firm dhagoomaa, jabaa, cimaa
harvest (n) makara
hat, cap kooffiyyaa, qoobii
hatred jibba
hay hookaa
he inni
head (body part) mataa
headache mataa bowwuu
health fayyaa
health center bufata fayya
healthy fayyaaleessa, fayyaaleettii, korkoree
heap (n) tuullaa
heart onnee
heartbeat rukuttaa onnee
heartburn singiggoo
heat o'a, bulluqa
heaven jannata
heavy ulfaataa
heel koomee, shonoo, hirba
height hojjaa, dheerina
hell sii'oli, jaannama
help (n) gargaarsa, deggersa, hirpha
helpful gargaaraa
hen lukkuu, handaaqqoo
henceforth amma irraa qabee, gara fulduraatti
her (obj.) ishee, isee, ishii, isii
her, hers (possesive) ishee, isee, ishii, isii
here asi, addana
hero goota, bajalbajaa
hiccup hirqinfuu, hirqinsuu
hidden dhokataa, dhokattuu, dhoksamaa
high ol'aanaa
highland baddaa
hill tulluu, gaara, daabbaa
hilly tabbaawaa, tullubbee
him isa
hindrance gufuu
hinge aguraa
hip tafa, luqqeettuu
his saa, isaa
history, story seenaa
hive gaagura
hockey xaba qillee
hoe doomaa, cakii, qottoo
hole uraa, qaawwaa
holiday ayyaana
hollow dhooqa
holy qulqulluu
home land biyya dhalootaa
homeless manmaleessa
homework hojii mana
homosexual middisa, luuxii
honest amanamaa, kan dhugaa dubbatu
honestly dhugaatiin, amanamummaadhaan
honey damma
honor, respect kabajaa, ulfina, tabaroo
hope abdii
horn gaafa, gaanfa
horrible qaxaxii, rifachiisaa, balaa'amaa
horror sodaa, naasuu
horse farda
horse cart gaarii
hospital hospitaala
hot o'aa, bulluqaa
hotel hoteela
hour sa'aatii
hourly sa'atii sa'atiidhaan
house mana, waxee
housewife haadha manaa
how akkam
how (rel. pron.) akkamitti
humane namummaa
humid, moist, wet jiidhaa
humor qoosaa, baacoo
hundred dhibba
hunger beela, doromii, duuloo, jeejee, xannee
hungry beela'aa
hunter adamsaa, adamsituu
husband abbaa manaa, dhirsa, jaarsa
hut godoo, hoxxee
waraabessa, gulloo, jangula, harrittaa, uttee, hobolaa,
farangagaa, oftuulaa, oftuultuu, boogganaa, booggantuu,
ofjajaa, ofjajjuu
hypothesis aadbuura
English Oromo
I ani, ana
ice, snow cabbii
icecream jalaatii
icing, frosting (for cakes) kireemii keekii
ID, ID card eenyummeessaa, waraqaa eenyummaa
idea, thought yaada
idiom jechama, ciigoo
idiot nama jufunfula, gowwaa, raatuu, gadareessa
if yoo, osoo, otuu
ignorance wallaalummaa, doofummaa
ignorant wallaalaa, wallaaltuu, doofaa, dakoo, sigidduu
illegal seeraala, seera maleessa
image fakkii
imagination nuura
immediately daddafiidhaan, battaluma, ariitiidhaan
immigrant godaanaa, godaantuu
immunity eegumsa, nageenya
impact, collision tima, giphee
important baay'ee barbaachisaa
impoverished deegaa, deegduu
impressive dinqisiisaa, maalalchiissa, maalalchiiftuu, hawwataa
imprisoned hidhamaa, hidhamtuu
imprisonment hidhaa
improvement fooyya'insa, fooyyii
impure booruu, boora'aa
in front of fuuldura
in, inside keessa
incense qayii, libaana, sorsa, ixaana
incense stick naddii, sandalii
incidentally utuu dubbannuu, akka tasaa
income galii
incomplete hanqina qabu, hir'uu, hin guutne
inconvenient rakkisaa, kan hin mijoofne
incorrect, wrong dogoggora
indecent, vulgar addaggee, guddisbaddee, algala
indeed dhugaa, dhugaatuu
independent bilisa, walaba
individual (n) matayyaa
indoors mana keessaatti
induction sinina
infantry lafoo
inferior kan gadii, gad aanaa
influence, impact dhiibbaa
information odeeffannoo
initial (adj) kan jalqabaa, kan duraa
injection maarfee
injera buddeena, biddeena
injured madaa'aa
ink halluu
in-law soddaa
innocent tabuu, qulqullu, kasoo, jargee
innovation, invention argannoo
input soyiraa, ciicata
inspection qormaata, to'annoo, sakattaa
instant (adj) battala, yeroo gabaabaatti
instead iddoo isaa
institution dhaabbata, jaarmayaa, inistiitiiyuutii
instructions ajaja, qajeelfama
instrument meeshaa
insult arrabsoo
insurance baraarsa
intelligent beekaa, beektuu, qaroo
intense jabaa, ulfaata, miira o'aa
intention yaada, karoora
interest fedhii, hawwii
interest (monetary) dhala
interesting hawwatu
intern hidhuu
international dunyaaleessa, guutuu addunyaa
internet intarneetii
interview gaafannoo
intestine, gut mar'ummaan
introduction seensa
intuition dandeettii
invasion weerara
iron (for clothes) kaawuyyaa
iron (material) sibiilaa
irrigation jallisii, maksaa, bonee
island baqqanaa, oddoola, cittuu
itch cittoo, hoqxoo
English Oromo
jackal wangoo, sardiida, jeedala
jacket jaakeettii
janitor qulqulleessituu
January (9th-Feb. 7) Amajjii
jar huuroo
jaw a'ama, mangaagaa
jealous inaaffaa, inaaftuu, goomataa, goomattuu
jealousy inaaffaa, inaaffii, goommii
jerrycan saafiiyaa
jewellery faayaa meetii
job (n) jiruu, hojii, dalagaa
job title maqaa ramaddii hojii
joke qoosaa, baacoo, falqa seekoo
journalist gaazexessaa, galaalchaa
journery, trip deemsa, imala
judge (n) baahira, daanyaa, doorii
jug ninniga
juice cuunfaa, cimmiiga
July (8th-Aug. 6) Adoolessa
June (8th-July 7) Waxabajjii
jungle bosona, caakkaa, huuruma
juniper mi'eessaa
junk shokorkota, hanshaafa, haafa
jury salganee
justice, judgment haqa
English Oromo
kale, spinach qoosxaa
kerosene kerosiinii, laambaa, gaasii adii
kettle jabanaa
key bantuu, hiiktuu, qulfii, furtuu, danqaroo
kidney kalee
kind, generous arjaa, arjoomaa, arjoomtuu, balchaa
king mootii
kiss (n) dhungoo
kitchen kuushiina, alwaadaa
kite khurruu
knee jilba
knife billaa, ablee, albee, daaduu, sulluuda
knowledge beekumsa
knuckle buusaa
English Oromo
ladder xafxafoo, yaabbannoo, riqaa
ladle cilfaa
lake haroo
lamb xabboota, sookkee
lame naafa, laasha'aa, laashoftuu
lamp laambaa, ampuulii
land dachee, lafa
land degradation daruu lafaa
landlord abbaa lafaa
landslide jogoo
language afaan, qooqa
larynx qokkee
last night eda
last week torban darbe
last year baredheengaddaa
late evening waarii
laughter kolfa
law seera
lazy dhibaa'aa, dhibooftuu, daagii, abiidhoo, dankaayii, jaatanoo
leaf baala, shafo, obeensa
leather gogaa
left (direction) bitaa
leftover, remains hambaa
legitimate seeromaa
lemon, lime loomii
length dheerina
lentil misira
leopard qeerransa
lesson plan karoora barnoota
letter (of the alphabet) qubee, arfii
letter (that you send) xalayaa
lettuce, salad salaaxaa
library mankitaabaa, manmacaafaa
lice injiraan
lid qadaada
lie, fib, falsehood soba, kijiba, dhara
life jiruu, jireenya
light (artificial), lightning ibsaa
light (in weight) salphaa
light (natural) ifa
lightning balaqqeessa, calanqeettii
like that akkasi
like this akkana
limit daangaa
line xurree, toora, sarara
lion leenca
lip hidhii
liquid dhangala'aa, yaatoo
list tarreeffama, tarreessa
literature ogbarruu
liver tiruu
living room gorduba, haga
loan (n) liqii, ergisa, ergifannaa
lock qulfii, cuftuu
logical amansiisaa
logo asxaa, faajjii
long hair daabee
long, tall dheera
lord gooftaa, rabbi
loud sagalee guddaa
love (n) jaalala
lover jaalallee
lowlands gammoojjii
loyal amanamaa, amanamtuu
loyalty amanamummaa
luggage shaanxtaa, subbaa uffataa
lumber laaxaa
lump guroo
lunatic maraataa, maraatuu
lunch laaqana
lungs somba
English Oromo
machete meencaa, gajaraa
machine maashinii
magic tolcha, calfala
maid wandaqa, xomboree
main muummee, ijoo
mainly caalaatii
majority Irra-jireessa, harka caalu
malaria busaa malaria
male dhiiraa
male (married) suubboo
male (unmarried) qeeroo
man, person nama
management bulchiinsa, taliigaa
moora, geggeessaa, geggeessituu, hoogganaa,
hooggantuu, duree
mandatory, obligation dirqama
mane gamma
mango maangoo
many baayee, danuu, hedduu, gorba, mooga
map kaartaa
March (10th-Apr. 8) Bitootessa
market gabaa, dikkoo, machaara
marriage heeruma, fuudha, gaa'ila
married fuudhe, heerumte
match toomaashoo, kibiriitii
mattress firaashii, kefaa, darsaa
May (9th-June 7) Caamsaa
maybe, likely tarii
mayor kantiibaa
me na, ana
meadow araddee
mean, vicious hamaa, hamtuu, haxaarii
meaning, translation hiika, hiikkaa
meanwhile, meantime gidduutti, achumann, hangasitii
measurement bikkooma
meat foon
mechanic makaanikii
medicine dawaa, qoricha, qorsa
medium (adj) walakkeessa
medium sized jidduu galeessa
meesenger ergamaa
meeting walga'ii, kora
member miseensa
membership miseensummaa
memory birminyii, qaabata
mental (adj) sammuu
merchant daladalaa, daldaltuu
mercy, forgiveness aagii
message ergaa, dhaamsa, beenoo
meter (for utilities) lakkooftuu
meter (length) meetirii
method tooftaa, mala
microphone noolaa
midget tashaa, dinkii
midnight waarii, halkan walakkaa, halkan qixxee
migration godaansa
military loltuu
milk annan
mill baabura midhaanii
million kitila, miiliiyoonii
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Ministeera qonna fi misomaa baadiyyaa
minute (n) daqiiqaa
miracle raajii
mirror fuullee, daawitii, oflaallee
mischief shira
misdeed yakka
misery mankaraara, gidiraa, gadadoo, sili'a, dararama, hiraara
Miss durbee
mistake dogoggora, balleessaa, badii
mixed, mixture makaa
modern ammayyaa
moment yeroo gabaabduu
Monday wiixata, aagoo
money qarshii, horii, maallaqa
monk moloksee
monkey qalamee
monster bulguu
month ji'a
monument, statue siidaa
moon addeessa, ji'a, baatii
mop foksoo, haxooftu, haxoolaa
moral, morals safuu
morning ganama
morning (early) barraaqa, obboroo
mosque masgiida
mosquito bookee, biimmee
mosquito net matayoo bookee busaa
most harki caalaan
mostly caalaatti
moth fuutuu
mother haadha, harmee, ayyoo, da'ee, coree
motion sochii
motivation kaka'umsa
motorcycle dokdoqqee, bududdee
mountain tulluu, gaara, tabba
mouse, rat hantuuta
mouth, language afaan
Mr. obbo
Mrs., Ms. adde
mud dhoqqee, laaqii, orofa, dhoobboo
muddy bootoo, booruu, dhoqqaa'aa
mugger saamtuu, hattuu
mule gaangee
muscle maashaalee
mushroom shashara, uukkoo, waakkoo, horroqoo, amboshilla
music muuziiqaa
mustard shunfaa, sanaabii, sanaafica
mute (adj) duudaa
my, mine koo, kiyya
myth himtee
English Oromo
nail, screw mismaara
naïve gowwaa, jufunfula, sephaa
naked qullaa
name maqaa, cibra
narrow, tight dhiphoo
national biyyaaleessa
nationality lammummaa
nature uumamaa
nausea locaa, lollojjii
near bira, cinaa, dhihoo, kaloo
necessarily dirqamaan
necessary barbaachisaa
neck morma, moqoo, lukuma, lumma
necklace amartii, dubul
need (n) fedhii
needle limmoo
neighbor ollaa
nervous qaanjibbaa'aa, sodaataa
nest mandhee, man'ee, godoo
net marayoo, dabboo, saaphana
network mantagoo
neutral imbaabsa
never abadan, tasa, gonkumaa, qarayyuu, abilla
new haaraa
New Year Wagga haaraa
news oduu
newspaper gaazexaa
next itti aanee, ergasii, itti fufee
next week torban dhufu
next year bara dhufu
night halkan
nine sagal
ninety sagaltama
no lakki, miti, hi'iyoo
nobody, no one homtuu, eenyullee
none tokkollee
nonsense shokorkota, hanshaafa, qaayyaatuu
noon saafaa
north kaaba
nose funyaan
not miti
not far away dhiyoo
not know wal'aala
note yaadachiisa
notebook yaadanno
nothing homaa, homtuu
noun maqaa
novel (book), fiction asoosama
November (10th-Dec. 9) Sadaasa
now amma
nowadays yeroo ammaatti
nowhere eessayyuu
numb adoodaa
number lakkoobsa
nun gaaltama
nurse narsii
nut boloonii
English Oromo
oats omborii, ayisaa, matajaboo
obedient abboomamaa, abboomamtuu
object, stuff meeshaa
observation qalbifannaa, hubannaa
obstacle, obstruction gufachiisa
October (11th-Nov. 9) Onkololeessa
of kan
off irraa, gara alaatti
office biiroo, waajjira
often yeroo baayee, irra deddeebiyee
oil zayitii, quyyisa
oily zayitaawaa
okay tolee
old (object) moofaa
old (person) jaarsaa, jaartii
old, decrepit dulloomaa, dulloomtuu
on irra, gubbaa
one after another wal faana
one, a tokko
one-eyed ballaa
oneself ofi
only, alone qofa, kophaa, duwwaa
onto gara
operation (medical) baqaqsanii hodhuu
opinion yaada, amantii, ilaalcha
opportunity hayya, carraa
opposite faallaa
or (in a question) moo
or (in a sentence) yookiin
orange birtukaanii
orchard oyiruu fuduraa
ordinal number suffix (e.g., -th) -affaa
ordinary dasiiba
orphan gasharee, yatima
oryx saalaa
otherwise silaa
our, ours keenya
out, outside ala
outside the house diida
oven furnoo, sumsuma
over gubbaa, irra
ownership abbummaa
English Oromo
package awwagii
pact, promise waadaa, ahadii, waliigaltee
page fuula
Pagume (Sept. 6-10) Qaammee
paid kaffalame
pain dhibee, dhukkuba
paint barashaa, halluu
pair mirree
pajamas biijaamaa
palm (of hand) harruu, ganaa
palm tree meexxii
pancake maxinoo
panic baaraga, shororkaa, sodaa
pants, trousers surree, fiddoo, kofoo
papaya paappaayee
paper waraqaa, waraqata
paragraph keeyyata
parasite akankarreettii
park paarkii, caayaa
party, invitation afeerraa
passenger, traveler imalaa, imaltuu, karadeemaa, karadeemtuu
password barreertuu
pasta paasta
pastoralist horsiisee bulaa
pasture dheedichaa
pasture, grazing land dheedicha
path daandii, mocii, karaa
patience, tolerance obsa
patient (adj) obsaa, obsituu
patient (n) dhukkubsataa, dhukkubsattuu
pattern akkina
payment kaffaltii
pea atara, daangulee, haatoo
peace nagaa, dada
Peace Corps jaallee nagaati
peach, apricot kookii
peanut ocholooni
peel (n) qola
pen biirii, qalama
penalty, punishment adaba, adabbii
pencil irsaasii
people uummata, saba, jamaa, liiban
percent dhibbeentaa
perfectly sirritti
permanent dhaabbataa, siranaa
permission, license hayyama, eeyyama
personal dhuunfaa
pesticide, insecticide farra ilbiisootaa
pests, insects ilbiisootaa
pharmacy mana dawaa, mana qorichaa, faarmaasii,
philosophy falaasama
phone bilbila
phone card kaardii moobayilii
photo, photograph suuraa
phrase gaalee, anqoo
physician hogeessafayya, haakimii
picture fakkeettii, fakkii, suuraa
pig, hog booyyee
pile tuullaa, kaabii
pill kinniinii
pillow boraatii
pineapple anaanaasii
pink diiminee
pipe, tube ujummoo
pit, well boolla
place bakka, iddoo
plan karoora, akeeka
plantation danfisuu, biqilchuu
plastic laastikii
plate shaani
pleasant gammachiisaa
please maaloo
pliers ciniintuu
plough maarashaa, sibattii
pocket kiisii
poem, poetry walaloo
point, sharp qara
poison summii, hadhaa, suunkii
police poolisii
policy imaammata
politics siyaasa
pollution faalama, waarrii
pond, pool eela, haroo
poor hiyyeessa, hiyyeettii
population uummata
post office mana poosta
postbox saanduqa poostaa
pot biir disti, okkotee, giicuu, washoo
potato dinnichaa, mosee,sayee, ifaatee, shonee, jurgufee
poverty hiyyummaa, dhaba, deegummaa
power, force humnaa
prayer kadhannaa, sagada, kadhata
precious qushuna
preface ariirrata
pregnant ulfa
pregnant (animal) rimaa
prescription ajaja
previous duraa
previously duratti
pride boona, bajiga, galdaasa
prison, jail mana hidhaa, wankii
privacy kophummaa ofii
private (property) gulummaa
private school mana barumsa dhunfa
problem rakkoo, rakkina, ko'oo
process adeemsa
product oomisha, bahaatii, atoota
profession ogummaa, hojii, dalagaa
pronoun maqadhaal
pronunciation afaaneffannoo, sagaleessoo
property qabeenyaa, leecalloo
prostitute gumna, sagaaggaltuu, dhadhaabamtuu
proverb, saying mammaaksa
public school mana barumsa motuma
puppy cuquu, xuuxxillaa
purple dhiilgee
purse koro'oo, boorsaa maallaqaa
English Oromo
quarter kurmaana
quarter birr simunii
queen giiftii
quest barbaacha, soqaa
question gaffii, qora
quickly, soon battaluma, dafee
quiet callisaa, callistuu
English Oromo
rabbit illeettii, illeensa
rabies nyanyee
radio raadiyoonii, raadiyoo
rain rooba, bokkaa
rainbow sabbata Waaqaa
razor haaduu, shiggiree, qarabaa
ready qophaa'eraa
ready, prepared qophaa'aa, qixaa'aa
really dhugaal
reason sababa
rebellion fincila
receipt naga'ee
recently dhihootti
receptionist keessummeessituu
recognize qalbifachuu, hubachuu
record, roster galmee
red diimaa
reflection balaqqee, calanqeettii
refugee kooluu-galaa, kooluu-galtuu
relationship hariiroo
relatives obbolaa
reliable abdachiisaa, amanamaa
rent kiraayii
resident jiraataa
result, outcome bu'aa, bahii
retired soorama kan ba'e, soorama baye jira
reward badhaasuu
rib dirra, cinaacha
rice ruuzii
rich, affluent sooressa, badhaadhaa, dureessa
right (direction) mirga
ring qubeelaa, qubee, hogee
ripe bilchaataa, gormaa
river laga, malkaa
road, street karaa, daandii, boochoo
robber saamtuu, saamaa
rock kattaa, qarsaa, qassoo, qa'oo
roof gardaaffoo, diikkaa, soraa, awayaata
room, part, division kutaa
root hundee, hidda
rope funyoo, haada, madhaa
rotten, spoiled tortoraa, tortortuu, samaa, samtuu
round-about adabaabaayi, addababa'ii
row, line, queue toora
rude algala, addaggee, baalbaasee, saragee
rule danbii
ruler (measuring) sarartuu, bo'eessaa
rumor hasaasa, jette-jettee
rural baadiyyaa
English Oromo
sack keeshaa, jooniyyaa
sad gadda
salary miindaa
salt ashaboo, soogiida
sample eddattoo, fakkisa
sand cirracha, maansa
satisfaction boohartii, gammachuu, quufa
satisfied boohare
Saturday sanbata
saucepan distii, gochoo, moslolee
saw minshaara, ilkoo, misumeenoo
scar dirmammuu, godaannisa
scarf uffarmaa
scent, smell (n) foolii, urgaa, urgoo
school mana barnootaa, mana barumsa
science saayinsii
scissors maqxuu, maaqasii
sea galaana, maanya
season woqtii, tibba, mosina
seat iddon, teessuma, barcuma
second (n) sekoondii
secret iccitii
secretary barreessituu, bareessaa
seed sanyii
self of
September (11th-Oct. 10) Fulbaana
serious jabaa, ulfaataa
service tagaajila
seven torba
seventy torbaatama
sex, copulation salma, kaacha
shade gaaddisa, gaaddiddu
shame saalfii, qaanii, yeelloo
shape boca, naqa
she isee, ishee, ishii, isiin, isii
she isheen, iseen, ishiin, isiin
sheep hoolaa, bidoo
sheet (bed) ansoolaa, beleshee
shelf dulaaba, ansaada, girgijii, zalangaa
shelter da'oo
shiny calaqqisaa, cululuqaa
ship doonii
shirt shamizii, qomee, ubaara, biddiqqoo
shoes kophee
shop suuqii, dukkaana
short gabaabaa, gabaabdu, kuchubbii, murqicha
shorts surree gababa, kushee, bolee
shoulder gateettii, qoyiirara, gurmuu, qucee
shovel akaafaa
shy ija-laafeessa, ija-laafettii
sick, ill dhukkubsataa, dhibamaa
sickle haamtuu, halbee
side maddii, cinaa, bira, kallattii, gomolee
sifter gingilchaa
sight mul'ii
sign ballaccee, mallattoo
signal, signature mallattoo
significant barbaachisaa, hiika qabu
silence calleensa, callisa, tasgabbii
silk arrii
silly sephaa, gowwaa, daafura
similar wal fakkaataa
sin cubbuu, nagaroo, xurii
since, from, after eega, erga
sincerity dugaadhaan, amanamummaadhaan
singer weelistuu, weellisaa
single, singular leexaa, baaqqee
sister obboleettii
sister-in-law sayyuu
situation, condition akkaataa, haala
six jaha
sixty jahaatama
size hammamaa, qixxaayina
skin googa
skinny guuffee, godeessa, godeettii, huuqqataa, huuqqattuu
wandaboo qexxaa, gombisoo, hamfala, qaamisii mudhi
skull buqqee mataa
sky samii, waaqa
slave, ocean garba
sleep rafiitii, irriba
slender, slim jorroo, lulee, sorooroo, lawwee
slippery sigigaataa, sigiggee, mucuca, mucucaataa, mucucaattuu
slow juulii
slowly suuta, adada
small bowl killa
small, little, few xiqqoo, xinnoo, maddee, merqa, canuu, shiikkoo, bicuu
smile seeqa
smoke aara
snack ciree, sharfaa, qacanii, oolchaa
snake shaawwisa, bofa
sneezing haththissoo
so eega, kanaaf, akkas
soap saamunaa, andarqii
soccer kuphaa miillaa
society waldaa, hawaasa
socks kaalsii
sofa soofaa
soft laafaa
soil biyyoo, kooticha
solution furmaata, fala
some, a few muraasa
sometimes yeroo tokko tokko
son ilmo, ilma
song absaala, faarsaa, faarfannaa, faaruu, sirba
sorrow addeenya, gadda
soul, spirit lubbuu, afuura
sound, voice sagalee
soup shorbaa, hurgufoo
sour dhangaggaa'aa, kiikkoo
south kibba
spacious arawaca, bakka ballaa
spark qaanqee, qaanteetii
special, unique adda
species sanyii
specifically addatti, keessattiyuu
speech, talk haasaa, dubbii
speed tafii, sardamsuu, ariitii
spelling qubeessa
spice quyyifa, kuyyisa, mi'eessituu
spider sariitii, cincoo, daarabaaftuu, orbobiisa
spine miqiqqirii
sponge liifaa, sarphaphuu
spoon fallaana
sport ispoortii
spouse dhiirsa, niitii
spring (season) birraa
spy basaasaa, basaastuu
square addababa'ii
squirrel osolee
stainer calaltuu, miirtuu
stamp (for letters) sumuda
stamp (official seal) chaappaa
stapler qonyeessituu
star urjii
start jalqaba, eegala
starvation beela, xannee
station buufata
steam hurka
stepfather abbaa buddeenaa, abbaaddaa
stepmother haadha buddeenaa, gayyaa, ayyaaddaa, haadhaddaa
stew ittoo, waxii
stick ulee
still calleensa
stomach garaacha, macoo
stone dhagaa
storeroom kuusaa
storm obonboleettii, suulaa, bubbee
story, fable durdurii, sheekoo, seenaa
stove siliindarii, saamaawaaraa, shaawulaa, girgaatii
straight qajeelaa, qajeeltuu, qajeeltoo
straw (grass) citaa
strength jabina, cimina, anniisaa
string siibaagoo, fo'aa, tushii
strong cimaa, jabaa
structure, framework caasaa
student barataa, barattuu
substitute iddoomaa, iddoomtuu, geeddaramaa, geeddaramtuu
subtle abshaala, gamna, haxxee
success milkaawwii
successful milkaa'aa, milkooftuu
sudden tasa
sugar sukkaara
sugarcane meejoo, shonkooraa
suggestion yaada dhidaatu
suit kittaa, iraraajala
suitable mijaa'aa, tolaa
sum ida'ama, edaasa
summary xumura, guduunfaa, goolabbii
summer bona
summit (of mountain) qarree, fiixee, bantii
sun aduu, biiftuu
Sunday dilbata
sunrise bahiisa aduu
sunset seensa aduu
superior caalaa
superstition tolchituu
surprise dinqisiifannaa
suspicious ciicataa, ciicattuu, shakkituu, shakkisiisaa
swamp dhaqdhaqii, caffee, leephoo, duduba
sweat dafqa
sweater shurraaba, golfoo
sweet mi'aawaa, mi'ooftuu
sweet potato maxaaxisha, camcamee, soogiddee
swimsuit uffata daakaa
swollen dhodhommoqaa, dhiita'aa
synonym moggoyyaa
system sirna
English Oromo
table minjaala
talent dandeettii, kennaa
tall dheeraa, lawwee
tapeworm minnii, koosoo
target manii
taste (n) dhandhama, camii, akkaataa, filannaa
tax qaraxa, ashuuraa
taxi taaksii
tea shaayii, shaayee
tea leaves baala shayyii
teacher barsiisaa, barsiistuu
teachers barsiisoota
team gartuu, gumii, tuuta, garee
teapot moqorqoraa shaayee
tedious nuffisiisaa
tee shirt ti shartii
teenager yarsuma
teeth ilkaan
temperate zone badda daree
temperature (air) sadarkaa o'aa, haala qilleensaa
temperature (body) layidaa
ten kudhan
tent waaroo, dunkaana
termite rimma, gadulessa
thank you galatomi, galatoma
that (pron) sun, sana
the -icha, -ittii
the day after tomorrow iftaan
their, theirs isaani, saani
them isaani
there achi
therefore kanaaf
therefore, in that case eegasu
these kunniin, kanneen
they isaan
thief hattuu
thigh gudeeda, sarbaa, kofa, uduuda
thin qallaa, qalloo, huuqqataa, huuqqattuu
thing waanta, meeshaa
things waantoota
third (1/3) siisoo, nuusii, tokko sadaffaa
thirsty dheebuu, dhabsuu
thirty soddoma
this kun, kana
this year barana
those sunniin, sanneen
though (conj) ta'u illee, ta'u
thousand kuma
thread fo'aa, kirrii
threat doorsisa
three sadii
throat kokkee, qoonqoo
through keessaan
thumb abbuudduu
thunder bakakkaa, mandisuu, kakawee
Thursday kamisa
tie (necktie) karabaatii
timber saanqaa
time yeroo
times (e.g., "5 times") hoggaa, si'a
timid na'aa, naatuu
tin qorqorroo
tire golollee, gommaa
tiring dadhabsiisaa
tissue paper sooftii, arrigoo
title (book), headline mata duree
today har'a
toe quba miillaa
together walitti, wajjin, walii-wajjin
toilet boolii, golbobbaa
toilet room manni fincaani
tomato timaatimii, ajaagaarii
tomorrow boru, bor
tongue arraba
tonight edana, har'a galgala
tooth ilka, ilkaan
toothpaste saamunaa ilkaanii
toothpick rigaa
total dimshaasha, waliigala
tourist daaw'ataa, daaw'attuu, imalaa, imaltuu
toward gara, kallattii
towel fooxaa, waccuu
toxic summaa'aa
train baabura geejjibaa
traitor gantuu, haalaa, haaltuu
translation hiikkaa
transportation geejjiba
trash haraa
treatment wal'aansa
tree, wood muka
trial, try out yaalii
triangle rogsadee, sadakkuu
tribe gosa
truck makiina fe'issa
true, real dhugaa
trust amaanaa
Tuesday kibxata, facaasaa, balloo
turn, order dabaree
twenty digdama
twin lakkuu
two lama
type, kind gosa, akaakuu, sanyii
English Oromo
ugly, untidy fokkisaa, fokkistuu
umbrella dibaaba, daatuu, gaaddisee
uncle (maternal) eessuma, hubuyu, abbo guddoo
uncle (paternal)) wasiila, abuyyaa
under jala
underpants pantii, butaantii
underskirt, slip minxii liibsii
understanding, awareness hubannaa
underwear jalaanii
uniform (clothes) fooyituu, walagoo
university yunivarsiitii
unless… yoo…malee
unripe xobbee
untidy boosacha, booseettii, samaa, samtuu
until hamma, hanga
until the end hamma dhuma
up irra, gara olii, hanga, gararraa
upwards ol
urine fincaan
us nu
use (n) faayidaa, dantaa, bu'aa
useful faayidaa qabeessa
useless badduu, goofoo, faayidaa-maleessa
usually, frequently, often yerroo baa'ee
English Oromo
vaccination talaallii
value sona, safuu, gatii
valueless, vain bilaasha
vegetables kuduraa
vegetation biqiltuulee
vehicle makiinaa, koonkoolata
ventilation qilleensa afarsuu
verb gochima, gocha
verb conjugation horsiisa gochaa
very baay'ee
vest jalaanii, sadarya
victory injifannoo, mo'icha
view, vision mul'ata, daayyaa
village ganda, araddaa, amba
violence jeequmsa, kolboo, goolii
visitor daaw'ataa, daaw'attuu
volume qabiyyee
volunteer nama fedhiisaatiin hojjetu
vomit diddiga, haqqee, bulgaatii, balaqqama
English Oromo
waist mudhii
waiter keessummeessisa, keessummeessitu
wall goorroo, dadaa, gidaaraa
war waraana, lola
wardrobe kabata, wancarii, ansaada
warehouse mankuusa
wasteful afoollessaa, afoollessituu, baraaxxuu, firfirstuu
watch ilaala, fana
watch (wrist) sa'aatii harka
water bishaan
water bottle, canteen koddaa
water pollution faalama bishaanii
waterfall fincaa'aa, gootuu, xinniqee
watermelon luxxee, habaaba
way karaa, daandii
we nuti, nuyi
weak dadhabaa, dadhabduu, kokottaa'aa, kokottooftuu, muyoo
weather haala qilleensaa
weather condition amaleensa
wedding cidha, aruuza
Wednesday roobi
weed huura, aramaa, buuchaa, dobaa, tusii
week torban
weekend sanbata fi dilbata
weight ulfina
welcome baga nagaa dhuftan
west lixa, dhiha, ilgalchuu
what maal
what (rel. pron.) waan
wheel (of car) masakaa
when yoom
when (rel. pron.) yoommu
whenever… yoommu…kamittiyyu/yeroohundaa
where eessa, garam
where (rel. pron.) bakkii
which kam
white adii, calqii, weeca
white board gabatee aadi
who eenyu
who, which (rel. pron.) kan, tan
whoever eenyuyyuu
whose kan eenyu, kaneenyu
why maaliif
why (rel. pron.) waan <verb>+f
wick (candle or stove) fo'aa
wide bal'aa
width dalgeeta, bal'ina
wife niitii, haadha manaa, jaartii
wild animals bineensoota alaa
wildlife bineensa bosonaa
wind (moving air) qilleensa, bubbisa
window foddaa
windy qilleensa'aa
wing baallee, gofla, goblaa, koochoo, kola
winter (season) ganna
wip alangaa
wire shiboo
wisdom ogummaa
wise aaqila, ogeessa, ogeettii, qaroo
wish abbala, fedhii, hawwii
with wajjin, waliin, duukaa
with pleasure gammaccuu wajjin
wolf yeeyyii
woman nitinaayee, dubartii, gennee, nadheen
woman (married) gadarba
woman (old) alkoo
wood beetle qiinqee, qiinqani
word jecha
word jecha
work hojii
world addunyaa
worm raammoo
worn, worn out bututaa, moofaa
wound (n) madaa
wounded madaa'aa, madooftuu
English Oromo
yam goodarree
year waggaa, bara, ganna
years waggaawwan
yellow booraa, keelloo
yes eeyee, ee
yesterday kaleessa
yet hanga ammaatti, ammallee
yield oomisha, horata, callaa, atootota
yield, product callaa
yogurt itittuu
you (pl., obj.) isini
you (pl., subj.) isin
you (sing., obj.) si, si'i
you (sing., subj.) ati
young laccee, dargaggeessa, dargaggeettii
your, yours (pl.) keessan, keessani
your, yours (sing.) kee
zipper shaarneellaa
zone godina, ambaala
English Oromo
to absorb xuuxuu
to accept, receive, take fudhachuu
to accompany faana deemuu
to accomplish fiixaan baasuu, raaw'achuu
to accuse yakkuu, himata
to acquire argachuu, gonfachuu
to adapt madaqsuu
to add, increase dabaluu, eda'uu
to adjust sirreessuu, tottolchuu
to admire jajuu, dinqisiifachuu
to advise gorsuu
to affirm, prove mirkaneessuu
to agree waliigaluu, wal ta'uu
to aim qiyyaafachuu, akeekuu
to allow, permit hayyamuu, eeyyamuu
to alter geeddaruu, jijjiiruu
to amaze dinqamuu
to amputate kutuu, muruu
to amuse gammachiisuu, kofalchiisuu
to analyze xiinxaluu, gamaaggamuu
to annoy aarsuu, dallansiisuu
to applause, clap lamaarkuu
to appreciate leellisuu, dinqisiifachuu
to argue falmuu
to arrange sirreessuu, qopheessuu
to arrive ga'uu
to assemble walitti dacha'uu, walga'uu
to assess tilmaamuu, qorachuu
to assign ramaduu
to assist gargaaruu, deggeruu
to attach maxxansuu, qabsiisuu
to avoid, inhibit ittisuu, dhorkuu
to bake tolchuu
to bathe dhiquu
to be able danda'uu
to be amazed, surprised dinqifachuu
to be angry aaruu
to be better wayyaa'uu
to be born dhalachuu
to be busy yeroo dhabuu
to be called jedhamuu
to be found argamuu
to be full, satisfied quufuu
to be happy gammaduu
to be healthy, heal fayyuu
to be hungry beela'uu
to be ill dhukkubuu
to be jealous inaafuu, goomachuu, weenna'uu
to be known baramuu
to be located argamuu
to be moving, shaking socho'uu
to be next to aanuu
to be sorry, sad gadduu, gaabbuu
to be stressed cinqamuu
to be suitable mijaa'uu
to be thirsty dheebochuu
to be tired dadhabuu, bututuu
to be unable to find dhabuu
to be useful fayyaaduu
to be, become, happen ta'uu
to beat dha'uu, reebuu, tumuu, gobuu
to become good, successful toluu
to believe amanuu
to bite ciniinuu, hidduu
to blame haalachuu, komachuu
to bleed dhiiguu
to bless eebbisuu
to blow, pump afuufuu
to boil danfisuu
to borrow (and then return) ergifachuu
to borrow (consumables) liqeeffachuu
to bother rakkisuu
to break cabsuu
to bring fiduu
to brush riguu
to build ijaaruu
to burn gubuu, boba'uu, bobeessuu
to buy bituu
to calculate herreguu
to call waamuu, bilbiluu
to cancel haquu
to carry baacuu
to cease, stop, halt dhaabuu
to change jijjiiruu, geeddaramuu, sharafuu
to chase ari'uu, kurkursuu
to chat haasa'uu
to cheat, trick, deceive gowoomsuu, mujaadaluu
to choose, vote filuu, fo'uu
to circle, orbit naanna'uu
to clean qulqulleessuu, haruu
to close, shut cufuu
to collect funaanuu
to come dhufuu
to come back, return deebi'uu
to connect walitti qabsiisuu
to conserve, protect kunuunsuu
to console jajjabeessuu, onnachiisuu
to contact, touch tuquu
to continue fufuu
to control abboommachuu, to'achuu
to cook affeeluu
to correct sirreessuu
to cough qufa'uu
to count lakkaa'uu
to create, invent uumuu
to cross ce'uu
to cry boo'uu, iyyuu
to cure fayyisuu
to cut ciruu, kutuu, muruu
to dance shubbisuu, daalaluu, sirbuu, ragaduu
to decide murteessuu
to deforest bosona ciruu
to delete booxuu, haquu
to deny ganuu, haaluu
to describe ibsuu, addeessuu
to desire, wish fedhuu, hawwuu
to destroy barbadeessuu, balleessuu
to die du'uu
to dig soquu
to disagree walitti bu'uu
to disappear baduu
to disappoint gaddisiisuu
to dislike jibbuu, balfuu
to dismiss, expel, remove baasuu
to disobey, refuse diduu
to dispose gatuu
to divide hiruu, qooduu
to do gochuu, hojjechuu, dalaguu
to drain, dry s/t out gogsuu
to draw suuraa kaasuu
to dream (during sleep) abjoochuu
to dress uffachuu
to drink dhuguu
to drive oofuu
to dry up goguu
to eat nyaachuu
to edit gulaaluu
to elect filuu
to embarrass qaanessuu, yellaasiisuu, salphisuu
to encourage jajjabeessuu
to endure obsuu
to enter galuu, seenuu
to erase balleessuu, haquu
to escape miliquu, baqachuu
to establish, found hundeessuu
to examine qorachuu
to exceed, surpass caaluu
to exchange geeddaruu
to exit ba'uu
to explain ibsuu
to explode dho'uu
to fail, fall kufuu
to farm, plough qotuu
to fear, be afraid sodaachuu
to feed qallabuu
to fight waraanuu, loluu
to fill guutuu
to find, earn argachuu
to finish xumurtuu, fixuu
to fix, repair suphuu
to flee atiiluu, baqachuu
to flow yaa'uu
to fly barrisuu
to follow hordofuu, duukaa bu'uu
to forget, to neglect irraanfachuu, dagachuu
to forgive dhiifama gochuu
to frighten sodaachiisuu
to get in, get on seenuu
to get off bu'uu
to give kennuu, laachuu
to give back, to return (a thing) deebisuu
to give birth dhaluu, da'uu
to go deemuu
to gossip ususuu, gumgumuu
to govern bulchuu
to graze dheeduu
to greet nagaa gaafachuu, dubbisuu
to grieve gadduu
to grin, to smile seequu, qummaaduu
to grow biqiluu, marguu
to grow old dulloomuu
to grow up guddachuu
to growl gurur'uu
to guard, protect eeguu
to guess tilmaamuu, heduu
to haggle, negotiate price gatii falmuu
to hang rarraasuu, fannisuu
to harass doorsiisuu, sossodaachiisuu
to harm, injure miidhuu, hubuu
to harvest kassabuu, sassaabuu
to hate falquu, jibbuu
to have qabuu, qabaachuu
to hear dhaga'uu
to help gargaaruu, deggeruu, faduu
to hide dhoksuu
to hire mindeessuu, obarayeessuu
to hit dha'uu, rukutuu, gobuu, reebuu
to hold qabuu
to hug hammachuu, itti dhiyaachuu
to hunt adamsuu
to hurry ariifachuu, jarjaruu, si'achuu
to imagine yaaduu
to immigrate godaanuu
to immunize talaaluu
to impale uruu
to impede, hamper gufachiisuu
to imply, suggest yaada dhiheessuu
to improve, modify fooyyessuu
to include dabaluu, of keessatti qabachuu
to infect dhukkuba qabsiisuu
to influence dhiibbaa uumuu
to ingest liqimsuu
to inherit dhaaluu
to inquire, ask gaafachuu
to inspect sakatta'uu, qorachuu, to'achuu
to inspire, motivate kakaasuu
to insult arrabsuu
to intend karoorfachuu, yaaduu
to interrupt addaan kutuu
to intimidate sossodaachiisuu, quuxessuu
to introduce (people to each other) wal barsiisuu
to invite affeeruu
to joke qoosuu, baacuu
to jump xarrisuu, utaaluu
to kick dhiituu, qeera'uu
to kill ajjeesuu
to kiss dhungachuu
to knock (on a door) balbala rukutuu
to know beekuu, baruu, amanfachuu
to laugh kolfuu
to launder, wash clothes miiccuu
to lay (something down) ciibsuu
to lead geggeessuu, hoogganuu
to leak dhimmisuu
to learn barachuu, baruu
to leave baatuu, gadhiisuu
to leave, quit dhiisuu
to lessen xinneessuu, xinnaachuu
to lick arraabuu
to lie, fib kijibuu, sobuu
to lift up, raise kaasuu
to like, love jaalachuu
to limp okkoluu
to listen dhaggeeffachuu, caqasuu
to live jiraachuu
to loan, lend (and then get back) ergisuu
to loan, lend (consumables) liqeessuu
to lock qollofuu
to look ilaaluu, arguu
to lower, bring down buusuu
to magnify, increase guddisuu
to make gochuu, tolchuu
to make better wayyeessuu
to manufacture, produce oomishuu
to marry fuudhuu, heerumuu
to measure, weigh madaaluu, safaruu, lakkaa'uu
to meet, encounter quunamuu
to memorize yaadachuu
to milk elmuu
to mimic akkeessuu
to mix waliin makuu, walitti dabaluu
to moan, groan aaduu, gadooduu
to mourn gufufuu
to move, stir wawarraaquu
to multiply baay'isuu
to need barbaaduu, badaduu
to nominate eeruu
to notice, notify beeksisuu
to obey abboomamuu
to offend mufachiisuu, aarsuu, dallansiisuu
to open banuu, saaquu
to oppress cinqursuu, gad-qabuu
to optimize fooyyessu
to organize gurmeessuu, qixeessuu, gamteessuu
to paint dibuu
to pass darbuu, taruu
to pay kaffaluu
to peel quncisuu
to pierce waraanuu, uruu
to pile tuuluu
to plan karoorsuu, karoorfachuu
to plant, erect, establish dhaabuu
to play taphachuu, xabachuu
to pollute faaluu, areeruu
to pour dhangala'uu, dhangalaasuu
to practice shaakaluu
to preach lallabuu
to predict raajuu, raaguu
to prepare qopheessuu
to pretend fakkeessuu
to prevent, prohibit ittisuu
to print maxxansuu
to pull, drag harkisuu
to punish adabuu
to push dhiibuu
to put, place, store kaa'uu
to rain roobuu
to read dubbisuu
to reduce, decrease xiqqeessuu, hir'isuu
to regret gaabbuu, sheena'uu
to relax bashananuu
to remain hafuu
to remember yaadachuu, qaabachuu
to remind yaadachiisuu
to rent kireessuu
to repeat irra deebi'uu, lammeessuu
to ride gulufsiisuu
to roast waaduu, affeeluu, kalaankaluu
to rob saamuu
to rot raamma'uu, tortoruu
to run fiiguu, arreeduu, kaachuu
to satisfy booharsuu, quubsuu
to save, keep hambisuu, tursuu
to saw seeruu
to say jedhuu
to scoop hammaaruu
to scream iyyuu, wacuu
to see ilaaluu, arginuu
to seem fakkaachuu
to sell gurguruu
to send erguu
to serve tajaajiluu
to sew hodhuu, xibiiruu
to sharpen qaruu
to shave haaduu, aaduu, aaddachuu
to show, indicate agarsiisuu
to sift gingilchuu, soruu
to signify, mean agarsiisuu, mul'isuu
to sing weeddisuu, weellisuu, alalaasuu
to sit taa'uu
to slaughter gorra'uu, qaluu
to sleep rafuu, ciisuu
to slip mucucaachuu
to smash, shatter, crush hurreessuu, unkuteessuu
to smell suufuu, fuunfachuu, urgeeffachuu, suurachuu
to soak dhuubuu, laaffisuu
to sow seed, scatter facaasuu
to spend the day ooluu
to spend the night buluu
to spit tufuu
to sqeeze cimmiiguu, cuunfuu
to start, begin jalqabuu, eegaluu
to startle birrachuu, wareeruu, dammaqsuu
to stay turuu
to steal hatuu
to sting hidduu
to stir bulbuluu, irbuu, mooquu, sochoosu
to study qu'achuu
to stumble gufachuu
to succeed milkaa'uu
to suffice, be enough ga'uu
to supply dhiheessuu
to support deggeruu, utubuu, kibuu, gargaaruu
to surprise dinqisiisuu
to surround marsuu
to suspect shakkuu
to swallow liqimsu
to sweat dafquu
to sweep haruu
to sweeten mi'eessuu
to swim daakuu
to take (someone somewhere) geessuu
to take a picture kaafachuu
to take care eeggachuu
to talk, speak dubbachuu, haasa'uu, baanuu, qaaquu
to teach barsiisuu, leenjisuu
to tear tarsaasuu, baqasuu
to tell himuu
to thank, praise galateeffachuu
to think yaaduu, abbaaluu
to threaten doorsisuu, sodaachisuu, quuxessuu
to throw darbachuu, ha'uu
to tie, bind, imprison hidhuu
to till shukunuu, jaala soquu
to trade daldaluu
to translate hiikuu
to trust (s/b) abdachuu
to try yaaluu, badaduu
to try on safarachuu
to turn (in direction) goruu
to turn (something) garagaluu
to turn over, peddle garagalchuu
to understand hubachuu
to untie hiikuu
to update ammayyoomsuu
to uproot, lever out fonqolchuu
to use fayyadamuu
to visit daaw'achuu
to vomit hooqqisiisuu, balaqqamsiisuu, balaqqamuu
to wait afachuu, eeguu, turuu
to wake (someone) up dammaqsuu
to wake up, be startled dammaquu
to wake up, get up ka'uu
to walk adeemuu, tarkaanfachuu
to want barbaaduu, fedhuu, badaduu
to warn akeekkachiisuu, beekkachiisuu, seerachiisuu, weellefachuu
to wash dhiqqachuu, miiccuu, sharaquu
to waste baraaxuu, afoollessuu
to water (plants) bishaan obaasuu
to wear uffachuu, keewwachuu
to weed aramuu
to wet jiisuu
to whistle fooricuu, siissuu, fooqqisuu, shawwisuu
to win injifachuu, mo'uu
to winnow calleessuu
to wip dhaanuu
to wipe, rub clean haxaa'uu
to work hojjechuu
to worry dhiphachuu, yaadda'uu
to write barreessuu, katabuu
to yawm hamuummachuu

English Oromo
"a long time" yeroo dheera
"and you?" ati hoo?
"can you ___?" ___ dandeessa?
"Don't touch me!" nan tuqin!
"excuse me / sorry" dhiifama
"for example" fakkeenyaaf
"get off" bu'i, bu'a
"give me" naa keeni
"Good afternoon" (greeting) akkam olte/oltani?
"Good day" (parting) nagaan ooli/oola
"good luck" carraan gaarii
"Good morning" (greeting) akkam bulte/bultani?
"Good night" (parting) nagaan buli/bula
"here you are" (when giving) kunoo
"how do you do?" ashamaa
"I don't understand" nan galle, hin hubanne
"I understand" na gale, hubadhee jira
"I want to be alone" qobaa koo ta'uun barbaada
"I'll call back" deebiseen bilbila
"I'm sorry" (empathetic) nan gadda
"it's not possible" hin danda'amu
"it's nothing" homa miti
"it's possible" danda'ama
"may I ___?" ___ laata?
"never mind/no matter" hin yaadin
"no problem" rakoon hin jiru
"Of course" dhugaadhuma
"oh my goodness" wayyoo
"OK / all right" tole, haa ta'u
"Once upon a time" durdur, bara duri
"see you" wal agarra
"Thank you" galatoomi / galatooma
"there it is" kuunnoo
"What happened to you/what's
maal taate?
"why not?" maalif hin taane?

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