Phishing PDF
Phishing PDF
Phishing PDF
Peter Gutmann
University of Auckland
Phishing is currently the most widespread financial threat
on the Internet
• Phishing sites increased at 28% / month in 2004-2005
• It’s a $xB / year industry
• We know that it works
• We don’t know why it works
– “Users are idiots” isn’t a reason
Why does it work?
• What are the threats?
• Where are the weak points in our defences?
Why can’t users get security right?
Users are idiots
User Conditioning
“We can fix security problems with better user education”
• We’ve been educating (conditioning) users for years…
• DNS errors, transient network outages, 404 errors, ASP
problems, Javascript warnings, missing plugins, temporary
server outages, incorrect or expired certificates, MySQL
backend problems (any slashdotted site), …
• In all cases the solution is to click “OK”/”Cancel” or to try
again later until it works
• Users have become conditioned to applying this solution to all
computer/network problems
Network attacks exhibit identical symptoms to the above
• We’re trying to detect attacks with a close to 100% false
positive rate!
User Conditioning (ctd)
The following dialog pops up the first time the user
searches ebay for dog food
Phishing Tip
Using a self-signed certificate gets you more respect than
not using a certificate at all
• More on this later
In 2005 alone, 450 “secure phishing” attacks were recorded
• Self-signed certificates
– Taking advantage of the “any certificate means the site is
good” mindset
• XSS, frame injection, …
• Genuine certificates issued to soundalike domains
– Fake site:
– Real Visa sites:,, …
How Users Make Decisions
Standard economic decision-making model assumed that
someone making a decision
• Weighs up a set of alternatives
• Chooses the best one
US DoD sponsored research into improving battlefield
• Found that users making a decision
– Generate options one at a time, without ever comparing any
– Reject approaches that don’t work
– Take the first one that does
This is termed the singular evaluation approach
Phishing Tip
This is not grumbling about idiot users, this is an
immutable law of nature
• You cannot ignore, avoid, or “educate” users out of this
• This behaviour is not the exception, it’s the environment
This isn’t going to be patched in a hurry
• You can’t “solve” this human problem target it as much as
• Sales people already know about forcing people into singular
evaluation mode: “call in the next 10 minutes”, “offer ends
Monday”, “try our exclusive …”, …
Automatic Processes and Habituation
Controlled processes
• Slow
• Costly in mental effort
• Provide a great deal of flexibility
Automatic processes
• Quick
• Little mental effort
• Acting on autopilot
Novice vs.experienced driver
• Changing gears, checking the rear-view mirror, looking left
and right at intersections is slow and manual or quick and
Phishing Tip
Try an indirect phish for a low-value site
• Who cares about my password for knitting patterns?
• (Not too necessary yet since direct phishing is still so easy)
Try phished credentials at high-value sites
• Hotmail ID at Paypal, Bank of America, Wachovia, …
Reject the first few passwords that the user enters
• Automatic process conditioning: Did I enter the password for
the right site?
• Users are so accustomed to entering passwords that they’ll
switch to other ones thinking that they used the wrong one
Phishing Tip
Try for the backup password (password hint)
• Many accounts have two passwords, the standard one and a
(very weak) backup
• These are uniformly terrible
– “What’s your dog’s maiden name?”
Real or Fake?
Humans are very bad at generating testable hypotheses
• People will try to confirm their hypothesis confirmation bias
• People are more likely to accept an invalid but plausible
conclusion than a valid but implausible one
How do you check whether a site is for real?
• Enter your username and password
• If it lets you in, it’s real
(If security people had bothered to implement password
authentication properly, this would be a valid test)
• TLS-PSK provides mutual authentication of client and server
• Have the technology fit the user, not the other way round
Real or Fake? (ctd)
Extreme case of rationalisation: Patients whose brain
hemispheres had been physically separated (corpus
• Tell one half of the brain to do something
• Ask the other half why it’s doing it
• Patients always had an explanation, even though the left half
literally didn’t know what the right half was doing
Phishing Tip
People want to believe what they see
Phishing Tip
The Simon Says Problem
Users are expected to change their behavior in the absence
of a stimulus
• This is very, very hard to do
In web browsers, the absence of a (tiny) padlock is
expected to change the user’s behaviour
• The Hamming weight of the security indicator is close to zero
Phishing Tip
Don’t worry about the MSIE 6 SP2 security ribbon and
similar “phishing” indicators
• Most users simply won’t notice them
• The few that notice them won’t know what they signify
• Security toolbars aren’t installed by default
• 39% of users of various anti-phishing toolbars were fooled by
phishing sites even after being told that they were part of a
phishing study
US financial institutions are working hard to train users to
ignore these indicators anyway
Brand Power
CAs have attempted to introduce “high-assurance”
• High assurance that you’ll be charged more for them
Most users don’t even know what a CA is
• Term is only defined for locale = xx-geek
• No users know all of the 100-150 CAs hardcoded into their
The most insignificant mainstream brand has more market
presence than the most significant CA brand
• More people recognise Visa as a trusted CA than Verisign
• Verisign is the world’s largest CA
• Visa isn’t a CA at all
Phishing Tip
Create your own CA belonging to a major brand
• Use that CA to issue site certificates for the brand
• Do you want to trust, certified
by the Visa CA?
– Of course I do, it’s Visa!
Phishing Blacklists
Added to both MSIE 7 and Firefox 2
Implementation of “enumerating badness”
• No.2 on Marcus Ranum’s “Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer
• Actually a special case of default-allow, the No.1 dumbest idea
To sidestep this, just avoid the blacklist
• 0-day phish
– Anti-Phishing Working Group reports that the average
phishing site lifetime is 5 days
– Spammers are already using sites with 6-hour lifetimes
• Reverse proxy via a botnet
– Try blacklisting 10,000 constantly-changing IP addresses
Phishing Tip
Nothing to worry about
• Just make sure that your site isn’t around long enough to be
• Many sites are already doing this anyway
Like WW2 German superguns
• Working on it diverts resources away from solving the real
Why can’t users get security right (revisited)
Users are idiots
Security people are wierdos
• Go directly against millennia of evolutionary conditioning
• No normal person would ever handle a user interface the way
that security people do
Security people design these interfaces assuming that
they’ll be used the way that they would use them
• At least one user study on PKI un-usability was greeted with
disbelief by security people
• It couldn’t possibly be this hard to use!