Exchange of Money Under of Transfer Property Act-1882
Exchange of Money Under of Transfer Property Act-1882
Exchange of Money Under of Transfer Property Act-1882
Life , liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the
contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that
caused men to make laws in the first place.
~ Frederic Bastiat
A Bill finally presented to the Legislative Council, became a law on the 17th of
February 1882 and came into force on 1st July of the same year. The Transfer of
Property Act, 1882 mainly deals with the transfer of immovable property. It does
not apply to transfers by the operation of law such as transfer of immovable
property necessitated by Order of Court for insolvency or forfeiture among others.
The 137 sections contained within have been divided into 8 chapters.
Interestingly, nowhere does the Act define ‘What is a transfer of property’. But it
does define ‘transfer’ as a standalone in Section 5.
When two persons mutually transfer the ownership of one thing for the ownership
of another, neither thing or both things being money only, the transaction is called
an “exchange”.
If any party to an exchange or any person claiming through or under such party is
by reason of any defect in the title of the other party deprived of the thing or any
part of the thing received by him in exchange, then, unless a contrary intention
appears from the terms of the exchange, such other party is liable to him or any
person claiming through or under him for loss caused thereby, or at the option of
the person so deprived, for the return of the thing transferred, if still in the
possession of such other party or his legal representative or a transferee from him
without consideration.
Save as otherwise provided in this Chapter, each party has the rights and is subject
to the liabilities of a seller as to that which he gives, and has the rights and is
subject to the liabilities of a buyer as to that which he takes.
Section 121: Exchange of money
Since the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is not a complete code of transfer of
property; we can say its scope is limited. The Act does not apply to all the transfers
taking place in India. So, we can say that the scope of Exchange under the Transfer
of Property Act is also limited and the definition of exchange is not limited to
immovable property. An exchange is, therefore, not only the exchange of lands but
also the barter of goods. If one of the items that are transferred is money, the
transaction is not an exchange but a sale because the price is money, only.
However, money, in one form, may be exchanged for money in another form. So,
also, an exchange of one stamp for another is not a sale. A sale should, always, be
for a price. On the other hand, in the case of an exchange, the transfer of ownership
of one thing is not completed by paying a price or a promise thereof, but, only by a
transfer of another thing, in return. So, a transaction, where the consideration for
the transfer of certain properties is shared in a limited company, is considered to be
an exchange.
[Commissioner of I-Tax vs. Motor and General Stores (P) Ltd AIR 1968 SC
200 supra]
The ownership of one party must be exclusive of the ownership of the other.
Therefore, a partition is not an exchange. A transfer by a husband to a wife, in a
discharge of her claim to maintenance, is not an exchange, as the wife transfers no
ownership in anything.
If the lessee surrenders a lease and, the landlord grants him the lease of another
property, the transaction is not an exchange. If both parties are not the same there
cannot be an exchange.
Illustration: ”A” transfers to ”B”, a house worth Rs.1, 500, and ”B” transfers to
”A”, a field worth Rs. 1,000, and Rs. 500, cash. The transaction is an exchange.
Exchange of Property
Section 118 of the said Act defines “Exchange” as “When two persons mutually
transfer the ownership of one thing for the ownership of another, neither thing or
both things being money only, the transaction is called an exchange.”
All the formalities associated with “transfer by sale” have to be complied with, for
transfer of ownership rights in exchange for another property. If the value of the
property is Rs.100/- or more then a conveyance deed is required to be executed and
that must be registered with the office of Registrar / Sub-registrar. Further section
119 of the said act provides relief to a party who suffers in “transfer by exchange”
due to defect in the title of the transferor. A person with the defective title is liable
to return the original property of the other person and is also liable for the losses
incurred due to such exchange.
Each party, to such transfer by exchange, enjoys the rights and is subject to
liabilities of a seller, pertaining to the thing which he gives and enjoys the rights
and is subject to liabilities of a buyer, pertaining to the thing which he takes. This
provision is there in section 120 of the said act (Transfer of Property Act, 1882) for
protection of both the parties involved in the process of transfer of ownership
rights in immovable property by the exchange.
Section 118 provides that an exchange can be made only in the manner provided
for the transfer of such property by sale.
However, if any contrary expression appears, the party is not entitled to such
The difference between a sale and an exchange is that in a sale the price is paid in
money while in an exchange it is paid in another property by way of barter. The
sale is always for a price, which means money or the current coin of the realm
while no price is paid in an exchange, there is only a transfer of one specific
property for another. And although payment of price may be made in addition to
the transfer of property, by way of equality of exchange, such payment does not
make the exchange lose its character as such.
. R. k. sinha