S 2
S 2
S 2
Australian Curriculum
Below Level (4) At Level (5) Above Level (6)
Content Descriptors Elaborations Content Descriptors Elaborations Content Descriptors Elaborations
Understand, interpret and • defining Understand, interpret and • discussing how Identify the relationship • identifying how
experiment with a range of spoonerisms, experiment with sound figurative language between words, sounds, language choice and
devices and deliberate word neologisms and puns devices and imagery, including including simile and imagery and language patterns imagery build
play in poetry and other and exploring how simile, metaphor and metaphor can make in narratives and poetry such emotional
literary texts they are used by personification, in narratives, use of a comparison as ballads, limericks and free connection and
authors to create a shape poetry, songs, anthems between different verse engagement with the
sense of freshness, and odes things, for example story or theme
originality and ‘My love is like a red, • describing how a
playfulness red rose’, ‘Tyger!, character’s
• discussing poetic Tyger! burning experience
language, including bright, In the forests expressed through a
unusual adjectival of the night’, and verse novel impacts
use and how it how by appealing to on students
engages us the imagination, it personally, how the
emotionally and provides new ways of author controls the
brings to life the looking at the world revelation of the
poet’s subject matter • investigating the experiences and how
(for example ‘He qualities of the verse story builds
grasps the crag with contemporary meaning to its climax
crooked hands’/wee protest songs, for when we understand
timorous beastie) example those about the whole
Indigenous peoples
and those about the
Overview of Assessment
Pre – 8 lessons Ongoing – throughout 8 lessons Post – after 8 lessons
Students are provided with a Sense poem. Students are asked Students are given comprehension questions throughout the Students are asked to complete their own Sense poem,
to identify the type of poem as well as the key features. course of the unit. highlighting key elements in their draft.
Lesson two We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will learn to find the
Read poems through I understand the Re-cap – What are the key meaning behind the poem,
the use of beat and structure of a Lament elements of poetry? through the use of
rhythm. poem. comprehension.
Write full sentences Watch YouTube video: Why do we
with the use of the create poetry?
question in the answer.
Lesson three We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will learn the meaning
Read poems through I understand there a Re-cap – What are the key behind poems, as well as be able
the use of beat and number of different elements of poetry? to connect the poems meaning to
rhythm. elements for a poem. emotions.
Write full sentences
with the use of the
question in the answer.
Lesson four We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will learn to complete
Read poems through I understand the Re-cap – What are the key questions in a more defined
the use of beat and structure, rhythm elements of poetry? sense.
rhythm. and rhyme of a
Write full sentences poem. Note: heavily explain structure,
with the use of the rhythm and rhyme.
question in the answer.
Lesson five We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will begin to have an
Read poems through I can identify sound Re-cap – What are the key understanding of sound devices
the use of beat and devices within a elements of poetry? and their use within a poem.
rhythm. poem.
Write full sentences As a class discuss the use of sound
with the use of the devices within a poem.
question in the answer.
Lesson six We are learning to: I will be successful if: Revisit students prior knowledge on Students will be able to identify
Find verbs, adverbs, I create my own verbs, adverbs, adjectives and verbs, adverbs, adjectives and
adjectives and nouns to poem through the nouns. nouns through viewing a physical
use in a poem. use of verbs, adverbs, environment.
adjectives and nouns.
Lesson seven We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-visit definitions made at the Students will be able to identify
Identify Similes and I can identify Similes start of the year on Similes and and highlight the Similes within a
Metaphors. and Metaphors in a Metaphors. piece of text.
piece of text. Students will be able to identify
and underline the Metaphors
within a piece of text.
Lesson eight We are learning to: I will be successful if: Inform students on a Sense poem. Students will be able to
Create our own Sense I create a Sense successfully create their own
Poem. poem with the Create a class Sense poem on a Sense poem, through the use of
correct structure and chosen topic. the previous lessons findings.
Reflection Improvements / Notes for next lesson
Lesson one From the beginning of the lesson all students were engaged with the new Tomorrow I will begin to allow Josh to use his
topic that had been presented to them. rubix cube only once instructions have been
Ensuring that I continued to develop my teacher knowledge, before the set.
lesson was conducted I read over my notes from the supervising teacher,
this allowed me to remind myself that I need to be firm with students when
needed, however ensuring that the lesson is fun and informative.
Student Name Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Good
one two three four five six seven copy
Aitken, Chloe
Asbury, Chloe
Coppens, Poppy
Delahoy, Zoe
Ferrall, Jake
Free, Joshua
Giles, Nikkita
Marcelo, Robin
Papenfuss, Logan
Parker, Breanna
Paul, Bella
Shanahan, Zoe
Smith, Mitchell
Temple, Stephanie
Trichia, Alexander
Vanin-Smith, Scarlett
Vinen, Makayla