Social Security and Unorganized Sector
Social Security and Unorganized Sector
Social Security and Unorganized Sector
5.1 Introduction
protection that is required to certain class of people in the society all along their
life. Generally, Social Security refers to protection extended by the society and
The main risks or insecurity to which human life is exposed and in relation
to which an organized society can afford relief to the helpless, individuals are the
incidents occurring right from childhood up to old age and death, which includes
We now take up for discussion the issues connected with another group of
who have not been able to get organized in pursuit of a common objective because
illiteracy, (c) small size of establishments with low capital investment per person
employed, (d) scattered nature of establishments, and (e) superior strength of the
Sector. We propose to cover every sector of such employment, but take up
categories where the number of workers is large and where information about
2. Casual labourers
8. Workers in tanneries
10. Fishermen
18. Street vendors
19. Hawkers
21. Cobblers
There will be a certain measure of overlap between them. For instance, bidi
and cigar establishments can fall under contract labour, which could be found in
casual labour and so on sometimes. These categories will include workers who are
protected by some labour legislation and others who are not. We expect that
between them, the categories of workers dealt with will throw up a range of issues
meet the mandate of our Constitution and provide some sort of protection to the
people in case of various workers in unorganised sector, the scope and coverage
of these legislations is limited to a lesser percentage of the total work force in the
unorganized sector due to various reasons. But the remaining large number of
persons working in unorganized sectors such as the small and marginal farmers,
the landless agricultural labours, the rural artisans, the handicrafts men and
women, the fishermen and women the salt workers, the hamals and the building
and construction workers etc., are deprived of protection under many Social
Security legislations of the State. Thus majority of the work force in the above
protection which can be achieved by dedicated efforts of the government and can
significance in the case of people in unorganised sector. For the first time in India
a comprehensive Social Security scheme for the unorganized sector has been
Unorganized Sector seeks to develop a healthy workforce that in turn will have a
positive impact on national income and economic growth. The scheme aims to
cover sickness, maternity, old age and death and proposes a participatory system
(NCEUS) submitted its first report on Social Security for unorganized workers to
the Government of India on May 16, 2006. The objective of this Commission with
legislative backing is to provide a national minimum Social Security that will act
When all the informal workers are covered, the Central Government
contribution will be 20,583 crore (including pension to below the poverty line
five years covering one-fifth of the eligible informal workers every year. 1
Except the old-age security, all the other Social Security benefits are based
on the insurance model. This makes it possible for delivery of the benefits by the
will be the responsibility of the national board as well as the state boards to ensure
the best possible deal by selecting the appropriate service provider. While life
insurance products are well tested and are offered to widely disperse poor
population both by the LIC and department of posts, there is limited experience
In the case of provident fund for above the poverty line (APL) workers it
can be managed by mutual fund. A guaranteed annual return of 10% has been
proposed since the small savings of the poor unorganized workers should not be
subjected to the vagaries of the capital market. As mutual funds cannot guarantee
Security Fund that will make up whenever there is a deficit in the yield below
Economic and Political Weekly, August 12. 2006
10%, and retain any surplus whenever the yield in the mutual fund is above 10%.
Historical experiences suggests that the Indian capital market has done reasonably
well to ensure the delivery of the proposed returns even with the adequate risk
hedging with the yield from the high return years will most likely cover the low
The real challenge here is the collection of contribution from the workers
over the breadth and length of the country and ensuring timely delivery of
services. The commission has carefully examined this issue and after discussion
with the department of posts and telegraphs has recommended that the vast
network of the postal system be taken advantage for this national project. There
are at present more than 1,56,000 post offices in the country and the system has
workers as well as the government through its network. It could also function as a
and making payments to the service providers as required by the concerned boards
(NCEUS) has referred to the concepts and results of NSS survey on Employment
sectors, the NCEUS noted that: employment in India can be meaningfully grouped
into four categories to reflect quality and its sectoral association. These are –
Hirway, Indira (2006) Unorganised Sector Workers Social Security Bill, 2005
a. formal employment in the formal or organised sector
households engaged in the sale and production of goods and services operated on
a proprietary or partnership basis and with less than ten total workers” and the
security benefits provided by the employers and the workers in the formal sector
without any employment and social security benefits provided by the employers”.
cooperative farming) and covers a very large part of agriculture. Thus it can be
seen that the Commission has made an important distinction between the
privatization under the globalization regime in 1991, there has been immense
MNC lobbies to amend existing labour laws and to introduce an exit policy by
giving undiluted powers for managements to hire and fire at will. After failing to
make any headway, due to organized resistance from the workers, the government
some sections of the labour there was a proposal to introduce some protection for
unorganized sector workers as well. The entire two year exercise costing crores of
countrywide massive working class protests. The industrialists lobby went into
overdrive blaming the organised sector for the plight of the unorganized sector
with the convoluted argument that the formers hard won rights deprived the latter
of their rights.
Last year, in line with the Second Labour Commission’s proposal for an
brought out a bill-the Unorganized Sector Workers Bill, 2003. The Bill envisaged
the setting up of National Boards at the central level and state-level called the
Boards & Welfare Facilitation Centers (WFCS). The Bill envisaged that workers
would have to register themselves with these Boards. However, there was no
Virodhi Manch (the Manch), proposed draft legislation for the unorganized sector
and discussed how in the Maharashtra state government, a major part of the state
Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS), which is the fund set up by the State to
give employment and subsistence to the unemployed poor in the rural areas,
especially in drought affected regions. The Manch pointed out that in the name of
‘welfare’ and Social Security, the employer was being let off the hook completely
and while the poorest of the State’s rural population was being made to bear the
cost. The cycle is complete when you consider that the money which makes up
the EGS fund is collected from workers in the form of professional tax.
it plays an important role in the Indian economy. More than 90 per cent of the
total workforce in the country and about 50 per cent of the national product are
accounted for by the Unorganised Sector. Sadly, majority of the socially and
and therefore it plays a vital and key role in the development of any country.
The significant effect and the impact on the economy from the
Unorganised Sector are evident from the following statistics showing the share of
i. Agriculture
v. Electricity, Gas
vii. Wholesale
viii. Hotel
National Statistics Committee Report on Unorganized Sector, February 2012, Official website
of NSC
xii. Education 37.9
In the context of the changes in the world economy and declaim of the
welfare state, there is considerable debate on the need to provide Social Security
to the unorganised sector. In the past there have been attempts to extend benefits
which have been available to the organized sector to the unorganised sector,
which has not been very successful. This research explores these possible
mechanisms for Social Security provisions, insurance, Social Security funds and
in the country. Of the working population of 317 million, over 290 million, i.e.,
over 92 percent are in the unorganized sector, these workers do not have steady
employment, secure or sustainable income and are not covered by Social Security
policy makers and academics on the one hand and demand from unorganized
Economic and Political Weekly May 30, 1998
sector workers themselves on the other, for economic and Social Security. The
new schemes in India are moving away from the category of ‘worker’ as the
The ILO has classified two broad groups according to the type of Social
Security by which they are covered. They are: Social Insurance and Social
Assistance covers persons with various disabilities, old age, and sickness. The two
types of target groups then are workers on one hand, and persons with disability,
on the other. The two categories are of course not mutually exclusive as a worker
‘the deprived’ ‘the poor’, or particular groups such as ‘the old’, ‘the disabled’,
Almost every person during his or her lifetime works and contributes to
case with many small farmers. Productive work also can be broadly defined to
include the work done by women in their homes. Seen in this way almost every
one is a productive worker at some periods in his/her life and not at others. The
productivity of this ‘lifetime’ worker increases or decreases depending upon his
The periods at the beginning and end of a person’s life are often periods of
no work, although here too there are child labourers in India many of whom work
harder than adults; old people in India also work till they are bedridden, though
complete lack of availability of work are also times when a person is not a worker.
There are times, as with a mother with small children or a widow with a family to
support when the worker has a lower productivity, although with more
responsibilities. These are the times of ‘vulnerability’ when the person needs help
The target groups of the NSAS have been characterized as old, weak, poor,
needy, but who are not ‘employable’. In other words they deserve our pity and
help, but they are not contributing to our society. On the other hand, if we
Ahmad E, Dreeze, J Hills and A Sen (eds) (1991), ‘Social Security in Developing Countries.’
she has the right to Social security, because of the contribution made already to
times of vulnerability and to strengthen the individual, the family and society. 6
The protection which society provides for workers who are in unorganised
sector, through series of public measures against the economic and social distress
invalidity, old age and death,; the provision of medical care; and the provisions of
Another inadequacy stems from the fact the components of Social Security
listed in the definition are based on the expression of the developed countries.
Provision of food, for example, which is perhaps the most important component in
As the definition broadens and moves away from the ILO stand, there is a
include not only food elements such as food provision, housing and sanitation; but
Renana Jhabvala in EPW 1998.
consumption; preventive component that seeks to avert deprivation in more
specific ways; and protective component (also termed as safety net measures) that
The above definition and broadening of the scope of Social Security for
governments, NGOs, trade unions, political parties and in fact of all groups
concerned with development and/or social justice. In other words the employment
components of this newly defined Social Security tend to overwhelm the other
commentators quoted above, in the context of the overall need of the unorganized
sector. We see this as ‘full employment’, defined as the need for adequate
minimum needs of food, health care, child care, maternity care, old age support,
these basic necessities. The programmes and activities connected with provisions
of employment, income and assets may be termed ‘Economic Security’ and those
connected with other basic needs such as health care, child care, old age pensions,
food etc. may be termed as ‘Social Security’. In an Unorganised Sector the actual
elements of basic needs will vary from one group to another and from an area to
reach a basic standard of living. Social Security is the means by which society
provides its workers their basic needs of food, health care, child care, maternity
care, old age support, housing and other locally defined needs.
Economic security is the primary means by which persons are able to obtain their
Social Security needs. In the concept of Social Security to the unorganised sector
the workers in the rural areas of Bihar put it, “let us earn enough income and we
On the other hand, Social Security is a means to increase and maintain the
facilities can increase the hours that a women worker can be employed, and her
decrease in illness.
5.3.1 Social Security Measures for Unorganised Workers
be provided to the informal sector, and if so, what would be the mechanisms. This
debate arises in the context of the changes in the world economy and the decline
of concept of the welfare state. The earlier literature as well as the actions on
Social Security and the unorganized sector saw the solutions as merely extending
the benefits which were so far the province of the unorganized sector alone. Thus,
there were concerned attempts to extend the Employee Provident Fund Act to
unorganized sector workers such as bidi workers; the ESIS, too was extended to
contract workers and workers in small factories. Maternity benefit schemes were
formulated for the unorganized sector women such as agricultural labourers, and
provision for the unorganized sector, three specific ones are: The first is through
insurance, second is through Social Security funds and the third, the provision of
rapidly growing one, most insurance companies have not been looking at the
unorganized sector as a possible market. The insurance companies tend to see this
Insurance Corporation (GIC), for example, says, “this section of society (the
economically poor), is not much attracted to the concept of insurance which has as
its base the element of probability. The weaker section looks forward to
unorganized sector not being offered insurance policies which meet their needs.
Certainly, the concept of insurance is not unknown to the poor. Assets such as
savings, gold or even land are seen as insurance in times of crisis or difficulties,
and are used accordingly. Indeed, much of the coping strategies of the poor are
designed to avoid or cope with crises such as sickness, death or natural calamities.
Crises are a recurrent fact in the lives of the unorganized sector workers
and each crisis leaves them weaker and more vulnerable. It is usually a crisis,
personal, social or natural which drives a family into the downslide towards
destitution. The main reason for such a strong impact is the high expenditure
incurred at such times, and the lack of facilities for the poor to save for such
would be able to spread this risk over a longer period so that they could pay for it
during the times in which they were earning. In other words insurance would
often them the facility of spreading risk and vulnerabilities over a period of time.
That this is not merely a theoretical proposition has been shown by the
Perhaps the largest such model has been implemented by the Life Insurance
Corporation (LIC), which has had a group insurance scheme for the last 10 years.
This scheme offers life insurance cover at a premium of Rs 10 for every Rs 1,000
capital grant from the government of India. The premium has to be renewed every
year. This scheme had success mainly in areas where the scheme is administered
milk co-operative societies), a trade union, a broad (such as the Cloth Market
Workers Board), an NGO or any other organization which is able to collect the
premiums from the workers, and to liaison with the LIC for recovery of claims.
Although the LIC claims to have covered more than 40 million persons
under this scheme, in many cases, such as the 30 million agricultural workers
covered through the DRDAs, the coverage remains notional as the premium is
paid by the state governments and the claims rarely reach the ‘Beneficiaries’. In
sum, the LIC Scheme has been successful, although not on as large scale as its
figures show.
model which links insurance with both savings and trade union approach. At
present the scheme covers 30,000 workers, on terms described in the table.
health services, Adyar, Chennai and schemes run by NGOs such as SPAAPC,
The unorganized sector workers are willing to pay a premium for
insurance, if they can pay the premium which depends on their annual income and
mechanisms which offer services at their doorstep, products suited to their needs
the unorganized sector with required products and services. The following actions
linked initiatives that already exist and are working with the
full burden of the premium does not fall on the worker alone. Some
Social Security funds: Social Security or welfare funds are an existing
method by which the central and state governments have been providing Social
The Social Security needs of the unorganized sector are extensive and
varied whereas, the funds available for the programmes are necessarily limited.
These persons are the uncovered wage earners who work for very small
employers. Their needs and characteristics are identical to those of the covered
workers is the organized sector. Majority of the working people in the rural areas,
existing Social Security legislations. The small and marginal farmers, who are
badly hit by drought, flood, crop failures, epidemic, disease and others, such as
loss of livestock etc., needed some Social Assistance in the form of earning
related programmes in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry etc., and also
supply of seeds, pesticides and irrigation facilities. The other basic Social Security
need in the rural areas is health care as they are more prone to various diseases.
c. Social Assistance through welfare funds of Central and State
Governments and
d. Public Initiatives
both, rural and urban under the National Social Assistance Programmes, which
has three components, i.e., National Old Age Pension Schemes, National Family
benefits schemes and National Family benefits scheme and National Maternity
Benefit Scheme.
Rural Housing:
Under the programme of rural housing there are two schemes viz.,
The Gramin Awas are in operation for the rural poor below the poverty
line. The houses are allotted in the name of the female member of the household
the Ministry of Textiles are also implements certain Social Security schemes for
earlier being operated through LIC, such as Social Security Group Insurance
Khadi weavers, lady tailors, leather and tannery workers, papad workers, attached
Tendu-leaf collectors, urban poor, forest workers, power loom workers, women in
However, all the schemes now have been merged with the Janshree Bima
Yojna by LIC since august, 2000. The Janshree Bima Yojna provides benefit of
insurance in case of death, permanent partial disability. The premium for the
above benefit is Rs 200/- per beneficiary and 50% of this premium; i.e., Rs.100/-
is contributed from the Social Security fund. The scheme is available to persons in
the age the age group of 18 to 60 years and living bellow or marginally above the
poverty line.
workers in the unorganized sector; such has handloom weavers, artisans, and
other relevant industries. The schemes for handloom weavers include work-shed
cum housing schemes. The thrift housing scheme, heath package scheme and
insurance scheme. Similarly, work-shed cum housing, health package scheme and
group insurance schemes available for artisans. There is an insurance scheme for
power loom weavers also to cover the workers in the age group of 18 to 60 years
earning Rs.700/- per month. The annual premium of Rs.120/- is equally shared by
launched a Krishi Sharmil Samajik Suraksha Yojna, 2001 through the Life
participate in the scheme. The beneficiary will contribute Rs 365/- per annum
where as the Central Government will provide Rs 730/- per annum beneficiary
The benefits available under the scheme include life-cum-accident
mineworkers, iron ore; chrome ore and manganese ore mine workers, mica mine
workers and cine workers. These funds are used to provide various kinds of
assistance for children, drinking water supply etc. the medical assistance provided
under the welfare funds includes Rs.150 for purchase of spectacles to mine and
for heart disease and kidney transplant etc. Maternity benefit and around Rs.500
to female Bidi worker for first two deliveries and assistance for family welfare.
The Bidi workers are covered under general insurance scheme, providing Rs.3000
in case of natural death. Rs. 25000 due to death by accident and in the case of
permanent partial disability. The mineworkers get Rs.5000 in case of natural and
d. Public Initiatives
In India the initiatives taken by the Public is equally effective than the
sector in providing the Social security in one or other way with inviting by way
shares or investments in the public private organisations. With the help of each
The Social Security net was one of the agenda item during 38 th Session of
under the Chairmanship of Hon Minister of State for Labour deliberated the issue
social partners.
be enacted.
An insurance scheme should be introduced to provide minimum
alternative employment.
The various kinds of surveys that are conducted by the government of India
are as under:
d. Economic Survey
f. Economic Census
persons are engaged is collected in both usual principal status and subsidiary
status. The enterprises are classified into various categories viz., Proprietary,
etc. According to this form of survey agriculture and manufacturing together had
cent of the rural usual status workers and nearly 7 per cent of urban usual status
workers are excluded from the coverage). Thus, from the employment and
employment cannot be generated for all those engaged in the agricultural sector.
2010 covering 300 districts of 28 States/UTs selected from four strata within each
State/UT, based on population of 2001 census followed by selecting 16
The Annual EUS conducted by the Labour Bureau for the study of the
impact of economic volatility on the labour market does not distinguish formal
d. Economic Survey
non-household; with fixed premises and also without fixed premises. However,
Economic censuses carried out in India five times so far were limited to cover
only the non agricultural enterprises and agricultural enterprises not engaged in
crop production and plantations. The major deficiency of the past Economic
Census was that it could not cover all enterprises without fixed premises and the
enterprises and its use as the sampling frame for the follow-up surveys was
unorganized enterprises and unorganized workers and to suggest means and ways
for developing reliable statistics on the unorganized sector along with all its
f. Economic Census
collected will be used for planning purposes and to assess contribution of various
sectors of the economy through follow up surveys based on the frame provided by
Surveys was for the first time formulated by the then Central Statistical
Organization (CSO), Government of India way back in the year 1976. Since then
five such EC’s have been conducted so far in the years 1977, 1980, 1990, 1998
and 2005. The Economic Census data, over the years, have provided a base for
under taking follow up surveys by NSSO and other governmental and non-
industrial sectors and their contribution. Further, the data from ECs have been
Enterprises) in the formulation of sample design for collecting data from the
unregistered SSI sector in the third census as well as in the recently conducted
Fourth All-India Census cum Sample Survey of Micro, Small & Medium
Enterprises (2008-09).
The Sixth Economic Census-2012 was to be conducted during the year 2012 at an
expense of about Rupees 700 crores involving staff of about 8 lakh. The main
benchmark purposes;
persons, benefit levels and scope (contingencies). Despite some common features
coverage and a significant portion of the country’s GDP being spent on public
Social Security expenditure though possessing relatively high per capita incomes,
there are difference among the industrialized countries with respect to the
objectives, scope, coverage, benefits and role of public and private sectors in
security and the spreading of income over the life cycle, and categorical transfers
nations, the Scandinavian countries, France, Germany and United Kingdom are
among the high-spending nations on public Social Security expenditure while the
New Zealand, Portugal, Ireland, Canada, Australia, the United States and Japan
There are also significant differences among the nations with respect to
financing the Social Security. While Social Insurance is used in most countries to
Australia and New Zealand depends largely on general taxation to finance some
of the programmes. Social Assistance programmes on the other hand are financed
through general tax revenue in all countries. However the raising cost of the social
protection led the reduction of scope, level and range of benefits in many
A.B Atkinson , ‘Poverty and Social Security,1989,’ Harvester Wheat sheaf: Hemal Hempstead,
agencies to manage existing schemes is being observed and in some countries the
On the other hand amongst the developing countries many of them do not
possess effective Social Security coverage and a vast diversity in the Social
Security policies can also be seen. The wide disparity in the rate of growth and
regarded to be the cause for the limited social protection and the diversity in the
and in East Asia private transfers within families and communities coupled with
provident funds provide the bulk of Social Security provision. In both these
regions of the world, the tax financed Social Security plays a secondary role. In
Africa, with the exception of South Africa and neighbouring countries, all forms
of Social Security are very limited. Latin American countries also possess Social
Insurance systems with the tax financed Social Security having a residuary role. 9
these countries particularly the low income countries share the characteristics of
Dharm Ghai, ‘Social Security Priorities and patterns: Education and qutreach programme
International Institute for Labour Studies,’ ILO: Geneva, pp.4-5.
Armando Barrientos, ‘The Role of tax financed Social Security,’ 2007 ISSR Vol.60 No2-3
In most of the developing countries, the initial effort was to develop Social
Insurance schemes for wage and salaried workers in the organised sector and then
focus in most of the countries is also on providing some basic services particularly
with regard to health services, education and nutrition programmes for children
and cash grants for the poor financed from tax revenues. In the low-income
developing countries, majority of the population being in the informal sector, only
10-25 percent of the working population and their dependents are covered by
statutory Social Insurance mainly for pensions and health care costs. In sub-
Saharan Africa and South Asia, only an estimated 5% to 10% of the working
system has so far not reached many groups of the working population.
In most developing countries at one end is the small minority of the work
force who receive the Social Security benefits through protective measures
adopted by the government and at the other end are those who are suffering from
absolute poverty and who receive tax financed Social Security benefits consisting
majority of the population in between being excluded from any kind of protection.
performing statutory Social Insurance institutions have been able to extend Social
Wouter Van Ginneken, ISSR 2007, Vol.60, No.2-3 pp.39-57.
middle-income countries that either have reached universal coverage in at least
one of the Social Security branches such as the Republic of Korea, Costa Rica and
Chile are making serious efforts to reach universal coverage such as Tunisia,
Colombia, Brazil, the Philippines and Thailand.” While the Republic of Korea
injury benefits from 69% of the labour force in 1989 to 84 percent in 1999.
Namibia, Botswana, Bolivia, Nepal, Samoa, Brunei and Mauritius are among the
developing nations in the world apart from the only high income country, New
Zealand providing universal pensions. At the same time few middle income
countries also have brought major changes in their pension schemes. The pay-as-
you-go (PAYG) systems are being substituted by the fully funded (FF) individual
savings accounts and the provident fund schemes providing lump-sum payments
benefits. This shift is being considered to have been brought about by the factors
The countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong and the province of Taiwan,
China and Republic of Korea are the most successful developing countries in
terms of economic and social progress and are considered to be on par with the
Wouter Van Ginneken Extending ‘Social Security: Policies for developing countries, 2003.’
ILO: Geneva.
the absence of a comprehensive Social Security system modelled after the
developed countries. Instead their Social Security system is based on the policy of
full employment with a rapid increase in wages. The role of the state in Social
bodies manage various funds to which contributions are made and “this method
has resulted in a fragmentation of schemes with little pooling of risk among them
The basic needs of the poorest segments of the population are attended
through Social Assistance but the qualifying conditions are generally more
restrictive. Besides placing a strong emphasis on the role of the family and the
community in meeting the needs of the sick, the infirm and the old, noted features
of the social policy of these countries is the high priority given to primary,
secondary and tertiary education and public social expenditure accounting for a
withdrawals may be made; Special Account (SA) meant for retirement; and
Dharm Ghai, ‘Social Security Priorities and patterns: A Global Perspective, 2002’ Education
and qutreach programme International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO: Geneva. P.10.
CPF are made by employers and employees and self-employed workers are also
required to contribute to the Medisave account but not to the other accounts.13
Uruguay began to adopt elements of the European Social Security system during
the inter-war period while Colombia, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela
and other countries gradually adopted the Social Insurance method with coverage
for health care, occupational injury and pensions after the Second World War and
later. Contributory schemes provide most of the social protection for workers in
formal structured employment and their families. The workers in the informal
sector and jobless workers are excluded from the coverage and depend on
America being high and unemployment insurance existing only in a few countries
sector), the countries have introduced direct employment programmes and also
provide assistance through cash subsidies. Though the direct impact of such
relatively low in most cases, they are considered to have helped to lower the
condition that they make investments in human capital such as sending children to
school or bringing them to health centres on regular basis. The most popular type
economy and a high share of workers engaged in it are regarded to be the reasons
for the lack of effective Social Security coverage. Further, “the fundamental
reason for exclusion from statutory contributory Social Security coverage is that
many workers outside the formal economy are unable or unwilling to contribute a
that do not meet their priority needs. In general they prioritize more immediate
measures have often reduced or eliminated access to free healthcare and primary
education.” At the same time it has been proved that the basic social protection
potent means in the fight against poverty. The universal pension schemes
providing cash benefits to the old and disabled have not only enhanced the status
of the individuals in the families but also effectively provide support to the whole
families. Further the measures taken up by some countries exhibit the fact that
even in the low-income developing countries, appropriate timely strategies
adopted by the government can effectively extend the Social Security coverage to
Hence in the developing countries also, the Social Security benefits can be
There is also every need on the part of the governments in the developing nations
to make efforts to make increase their public Social Security expenditure which
housing and Social Assistance funds as it accounts for relatively small proportion
j. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
of labour welfare and spelt the services and amenities which should be included in
this frame work. These services related to the Provision of canteens, rest and
recreation facilities, sanitary and medical facilities, arrangements for travel to and
from works and such other amenities add facilities, as may contribute to improve
the conditions under which the workers are employed. This can be regarded as the
amenities to workers, from this highest organisation of labour in the world, the
working class of the country. The Indian Constitution has made suitable additions
the base of the labour welfare amenities had been laid down. The Factories Act,
1948 provided for certain essential welfare services. For the provision of medical
legislation in the shape of the Employees State Insurance Act was enacted. It
B.P. Tyagi, ‘Labour Economics and Social Welfare,’ 9th edition, 2004, p.645.
provides benefits to workers in the case of sickness, maternity and employment
injury and also makes provision for certain other related matters.
The Central Government policy in the field of law has been to bring matter
connected with workers welfare more and more within the purview of legislation
setting appropriate standards. The Factories Act, 1948, the Plantation Labour Act
1951 and the Mines Act, 1952 are basic enactment which contains elaborate
provision for safeguarding the health and safety of workers inside the workplace
and for providing for their welfare. The Government of India also set up Labour
Welfare Funds to provide welfare amenities for the workers employed in coal,
mica, iron ore, manganese ore, limestone and dolomite mines and in the Beedi and
Cinema industries. Separate Welfare Funds have also been formed for specified
services like posts and Telegraphs, Ports, Dockyards etc. The welfare measures
financed out of the funds relate to provision of medical, housing, drinking water
etc. While most of the activities are administrated directly by the Welfare
Organization under the Ministry of Labour, Loans and Subsidies are provided by
the State Governments to the Local authorities and to the employers for
Scheme, Provident fund, gratuity and pension under various laws and industrial
Ibid. p.646.
housing schemes are some of the other prominent measures undertaken by the
The labour policy set out in the Five-year Plans since independence was
based on the belief that the basic needs of workers for food, clothing and shelter
must be satisfied. The first plan recommended many measures like the granting of
occupancy rights for house-sites. And also support for the Bhoodan Movement,
labour co-operatives, financial assistance minimum wages, etc. for the welfare of
agricultural workers.18
The Second Five-Year Plan stressed on the policy laid down in the First
Plan with modifications that became necessary with the adoption of the goal of
programmes under labour and labour welfare. The Third Five Year Plan made no
specific reference to labour welfare but stressed that for improving work
measures. The Fourth Five –Year Plan made a significant allotment of Rs.145
crores for schemes for training and other programmes oriented to the welfare of
workers. The Fifth Five year Plan made a provision of Rs.57 crores for the
‘Report of the Second National Commission on Labour, 2002,’ Vol. I, (Part), 753.
The thrust of the programmes in the Sixth Plan was on the effective
leather workers and other organised workers in the rural and urban areas. The plan
labour, inter-state migrant labour, migrant shepherds, and dairy cattle owners.
The thrust of the Seventh Plan was the improvement of capacity utilisation,
provision for the welfare and working and living conditions of unorganised labour
not only in the rural sector but also in urban areas. The Eighth Plan said the
working in the unorganised sector, were crucial elements in the strategy for
quantitative and qualitative enhancement of the status of labour. The plan also laid
‘Report of the Second National Commission on Labour, 2002,’ Vol. I, (Part), 754.
However, it has to be admitted that the five-Year Plans did not formulate
In most of the States and the Union Territories welfare centres has been
States, welfare funds have been constituted under the Acts. In these centres,
81 at different places for the benefit of industrial workers and their dependents
and provide recreational, educational, audio visual, Games Crafts, Nursery School
and Health.
Beside, a statutory fund was created for financing welfare measures for
plantation workers in Assam. This fund was created under the Assam Plantation
Employees Welfare Fund Act, 1959. This welfare fund consisted grants from the
Central/State governments, the Tea Board, unclaimed wages and donation. The
money of the Fund is utilised for activities such as adult education and literacy
subsidiary occupations and home industries for women and employed persons.
In Himachal Pradesh, the Labour Welfare Centre at Palampur continues to
women workers of plantations. In Jammu and Kashmir, there are five Labour
Welfare Centres functioning within the State and five outside the State for
workers migrating from the valley to the plants. This centre provides facilities for
recreation, sports, newspaper, etc., as also free medical aid to the worker.
Welfare Centres are administered by welfare Boards. The Boards of Gujarat and
Maharashtra are created under the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 and
that of Mysore under the Mysore Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965 and that of
Such funds are created almost in every State and welfare activities are
financed from these funds. Generally, State Governments run welfare and provide
programmes, training in tailoring and sewing, knitting, lace making leather and
other handicrafts, medical aid, maternity and child welfare facility. These services
are provided at various labour welfare centres in accordance with the need of
industrial workers. Each centre undertakes some of these services in the light of
councils, panchayats etc. are given powers to make provisions for the welfare of
the workers within their jurisdiction. The Bombay Municipal Corporation had set
These welfare centres are mostly located in the chawls of Mill workers, they assist
school, indoor and outdoor games, film shows and has organized maternity
facilities as well.22
The Madras Municipal Corporation has set-up centres for adult education
through night schools, a crèche and a canteen in the corporation’s workshop. The
crèche, under the care of a nurse and two attendants, provide workers children
with cradles and toys, playground and a bathroom. A nursery school is conducted
where poor children get mid-day meals in addition to milk. Co-operative Societies
workers. The municipalities of Ajmer, Delhi and Kanpur have also made
B.P, Tyagi, Labour Economic and Social Welfare, 9th edition, 2004 pp.673-74.
provide provident fund benefits. Many have made provision for retirement of
gratuities as well.23
the unorganised sector in the country. However, such provision is often part of a
larger package of services that include promotional Social Security such as access
(ILO’s) New Delhi Office, the total number of individuals covered by various
about 1.06 lakh households have been covered as beneficiary units under various
schemes. Further, community schemes cover around 40 villages. If all these are
This accounts for about 1.5 per cent of the estimated workforce in the unorganised
sector. Even if we assume that a number of small organisations might have been
left out of the data set, it is quite unlikely for the entire voluntary sector coverage
Ibid,. P. 674.
to be more than two to three per cent of the total workforce in the unorganised
sector were initiated in the early 1990s. Out of the 43 schemes for which data
were available, 70 per cent were started in the early 1990s, and 30 per cent
between 2000 and 2003. This indicates that the issue of protective Social Security
has recently entered the agenda of the voluntary sector. Out of the 45 schemes for
which data were available, 45 per cent accounted for coverage of less than 10,000
members, 40 per cent covered 10,000 to 100,000 members, while the remaining
accounted for coverage of more than 100,000 members. This includes a scheme
was in terms of the coverage for health-related risks. 34 schemes out of all the
Schemes have provided health insurance services. The next item accounting for
the maximum coverage was insurance cover for death under 28 schemes followed
old age pension (4 schemes) were quite low in the order of priority. Most of the
schemes dealt with single risk (38), mostly in the area of health insurance. While
nine schemes covered two risks, eight covered three risks, and only one scheme
schools, libraries, recreation and sports. It has also secured compensation for
The Poona and Bombay Seva Sadan Societies have taken keen interest in
providing educational, medical and social services to the women and children.
to various villages and carry out educational and public health work.
Maternity and Infant Welfare Association, the Depressed classes Mission Society
are some of the voluntary social services agencies which have taken interest in the
The voluntary social service agencies can play a more significant role in
the better administration and utilization of welfare services made available by the
Seth observed that “the vast majority of industrialists in India still regard welfare
It may be inferred from it that most employers were indifferent towards the
welfare works for their employees in the beginning of 20th century. However,
there were very few employers who took the initiative in the welfare measures for
the betterment of their workers. In 1915, the Calico Mills in Ahmadabad started
In 1918, in Bombay, the Tatas started a medical unit in one of their mills,
which has not become the industrial health department. In 1920, in Delhi, Lala
Shri Ram of Delhi Cloth Mills started housing for workers and a few other
the empress Mills in Nagpur, the Bunny Mills in Madras and Tata steel Company
undertaken direct responsibility for organising welfare work for its member units
different places, which carry out the usual welfare programmes. Beside,
individual Jute mills also carry on welfare work for the workers and the provided
Seth, B.R. Labour Welfare Work-U.P. Labour Bulletin , June 1942, Cited by B.P. Tyagi,
‘Labour Economic and Social Welfare,’ 9th edition , 2004 pp.657.
Officers. Thirty two welfare Centres in West Bengal and one in U.P. are run by
Woollen Textile Mills have varying standard of welfare activities, i.e. the
standard of welfare work varies from unit to unit. The prominent mills which are
providing welfare activities in extensive scale are the providing welfare activities
in extensive scales are the Dhariwal Woollen Mills, the Kanpur Woollen,
Raymond Woollen Mills, and the Mahalakshmi Woollen Mills, Bombay, Lal Imli
Woollen Mills and a special Woollen Mills, Kanpur. This concern has got a
separate welfare section to look after labour welfare. Its main welfare activities
facilities; reading rooms and library; canteen etc. the social and religious functions
are also two schools for boy and girls of the factory workers.
manned by qualified medical offices where the workers and their families are
given free medical officers where the workers and their families are given free
medical treatment. Most units have also canteen which supply tea and snacks at
cheap rates and almost all have clubs with provisions for indoor and outdoor
games and reading rooms. The buildings and equipment for the schools are
R.C. Saxena, ‘Labour Problem and Social Welfare, 1981,’ pp 326.
provided by the management and education is free. Most of the units employing
In Sugar Industry the standard of welfare work varies from unit to unit. A
majority of the units have provided medical facilities to their workers. In some
cases hospitals are also maintained. Canteens have been started by some of them
while most of the units provided educational facilities. Some of them have got
their own schools, while other give financial assistance to the schools attended by
the workers’ children Almost all units provide recreational facilities like sports,
employers, in many cases has been done grudgingly and in a patronizing spirit.
There has been very little real spirit of service and thing has usually come from
them in an ill-grace. Many workers loom on the welfare work undertaken by the
employers with suspicion. The fear has been expressed that unless the workers are
on their guard, “welfare” may be substituted in effect for part of the wages. Such
spends a fair share of its income on welfare facilities. According to The Report of
B.P, Tyagi, ‘Labour Economic and Social Welfare,’ 9th edition , 2004 pp.662
Welfare Committee, 1969, which is popularly known as Malviya Committee, it
undertaken the problem of slum areas with the help of over 250 volunteers, who
were trained for this work, which covers the problem of community life as well. 28
from poverty and unemployment, the TLA encouraged small saving among the
consumer societies, many credit societies and also a number of workers housing
reading rooms and libraries in working class localities. It also runs typewriting
classes in working class localities. In the same way, women training courses in
sewing, embroidery, etc., were being conducted. It provides legal help to worker-
member when they are involved in industrial disputes, and trains them in trade
The Malviya Committee Report on Welfare said that the following figures
maintained 22 centres for training women in handicrafts; two study homes and
one hostel for girls; five nursery schools; 16 welfare centres for the children; 39
B.P, Tyagi, ‘Labour Economic and Social Welfare,’ 9th edition, 2004 pp.671.
societies among the working classes, under the Cooperative Housing Scheme, the
The Mazdoor Sabha of Kanpur has also some work in the field of labour
welfare. It has maintained a reading room, a library and also a dispensary for the
and outdoor games, medical educational and recreational facilities through labour
welfare centres.
Now, other workers organizations are also taking interest in this aspect of
workers life outside the factory. The TLA itself has expanded its work with a
The National Commission on Labour pointed out that similar works are
joint responsibility of the employers, the State and the trade unions. They should
all work in harmony to raise the standard of living of the workers. The problem or
Ibid p. 673,
workers’ welfare is of such a great magnitude that no single agency alone can
tackle it successfully.
On the whole, however, the State should take the responsibility of seeing
that the lot of workers is improved, and happily, in most of the civilized countries
of the world, the Governments have become aware of the importance of welfare
work and big schemes of labour welfare and Social Security have been adopted by
them. In India, a beginning has been made in this direction but still there is a great
scope for improving and extending the welfare activities for the working classes
in the country.
the Central level which shall recommend formulation of Social Security schemes
viz., life and disability cover, health and maternity benefits, old age protection and
any other benefit as may be determined by the Government for the workers in
unorganized. The National Social Security Board was set up as per the mandate of
the Act on 18/08/2009. It has held many meetings and recommended for
extension of the coverage of Social Security schemes viz., Janshree Bima Yojana,
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana and Old Age Pension Scheme to certain
i. "home-based worker" means a person engaged in the production of
worker in the organized sector who is not covered by any of the
criteria laid down for registration to avail Social Security benefits is as under:
he is an unorganized worker.
iv. If a scheme requires a registered unorganized worker to make a
iii. old age protection; and any other benefit as may be determined by
The Act however does not make it mandatory for the government to
those below the poverty line and those above, and is silent on a national minimum
wage, improving working conditions and the problems of women workers like
The unorganised non-agricultural workers in the Unorganised Sector face
the absence of fall back mechanisms (safety net). These workers have limited or
no formal Social Security cover which increases their vulnerability during times
of illness, old age, unemployment and untimely death. The absence of Social
households, many of whom are already very poor. It destroys the workers ability
to disaffection increasing social costs, widespread crimes, and persistent ill health.
Presently, less than 6% of the entire unorganised sector workforce has recourse to
sector in a phased manner within a period of 5 years. This scheme may be called
referred to as ‘worker’ to whom the Act extends who has completed 18 years of
age; whose monthly income does not exceed Rs.7000; who has submitted a
prescribed self-declaration form confirming that he/she is an unorganised non-
5.9.2 Benefits
The National Social Security scheme shall provide for a package of the
hospitalization for himself and his family members, costing Rs. 15000 a year in
total with Rs. 10000 maximum per ailment in designated, hospitals or clinics,
public or private, recognized by the State Board, with at least 15 beds. If there is
company to the clinics/hospitals directly and except for the transportation cost, no
Maternity Benefits of Rs. 1000 maximum or actual for the member or the
spouse, per year; Sickness covers of Rs 750 for earning head of family (during
hospitalisation) for 15 days (only in excess of 3 days) during the policy period @
Rs 50 per day and Life and disability cover in case of Natural Death: Rs. 30,000.
In case of Death or total disability due to accident: Rs. 75,000. In case of Partial
Old Age Security is given to the eligible workers. All BPL unorganised
non-agricultural workers will get a monthly pension of Rs. 200 at 60 plus. This
the scheme will be entitled to a Provident Fund which will accumulate to his
At the end of 60th year the APL unorganised non-agricultural worker will
have 3 options. He can continue with the provident fund scheme by contributing
the full premium i.e. both the government’s and his contribution, or, withdraw the
could buy an Annuity with the accumulated amount and the returns would be like
his pension.
of 6 months. After six months or before that if he becomes employed again, the
worker will be able to continue with the scheme by renewing his contribution.
5.9.3 Organization
will be the responsibility of the State Social Security and Welfare Board for
grass root level, supervised and monitored by the National Social Security and
different levels and will also is responsible for running for National
Social Security and Welfare Fund (NSSWF). At the state level there
c. SSSWBs will negotiate with the insurance agency and other service
Fund (NSSWF), the best possible terms for providing the prescribed
d. SSSWBs would also set up their State Social Security and Welfare
5.9.4 Financing
Welfare Fund (NSSWF) through any of the sources as specified in section 8 of the
Act. However, the share of contribution of the BPL workers, if any, would be
borne by the Central Government. The total outlay of the scheme proposed for
however, the total cost is shared between the Centre and States in the ratio of
75:25, then, the Centre’s and the State Governments’ share is estimated at Rs
9715 crore and Rs 3239 crore respectively. The share of both Centre and States
5.10 Law Providing for Social Security for Unorganized Workers
concerned effort towards increasing the quantum of social spending on the basic
needs of all citizens can make a world of difference to the quality of life.
Historical evidence suggests that the protective security systems that are
widespread in the developed countries are the outcome and not the cause of
national legislation for Social Security cover to more than 300 million workers in
the unorganized sector. The commission was appointed in 2004 with a mandate
laws and Social Security systems along with the prescription of strategies for
One would have expected its sequencing to be the other way, for it is the
would have been to protect and legitimize what was already attained as standards
in the world of work. Here, we try to reverse this process; first create a legislative
framework expecting that the right institutions will emerge to fit the framework.
The policy-makers seem to take for granted that, if and when national legislation
the institutions underpinning that legislation will fallow without the country ever
The relevant institutions cannot be whisked into existence since they need
workers, which has escaped the hard task of evolving their security institutions in
industrial country can jump the gun or short-circuit this process, especially the
early stage of nurturing the foundational institutions that should provide primary
Perhaps, with the right mix of social policies the pace of change could be
accelerated, enabling the nation to take the high moral ground of legislating Social
5.10.1 The Target Groups
than 10 persons. The number of workers in the informal sector-both men and
300 million. The projection of expenditure for and future returns from Social
Security schemes are based on the recent estimates of worker participation rates.
These rates are likely to increase by a considerable margin in the course of the
workers and enterprises to enable them to “receive all forms of support and
assistance from the government”. The model recommended for extending Social
irrespective of size. The registered worker will be entitled to an identity (ID) card
valid in all parts of the country. The simple truth is that India does not have an
contributions from them or their employers. Even with low participation rates
A contributory scheme at the rate of Rs 1 per worker per day, as envisaged
by the commission to be collected from the three parties: the worker, employer
and the government is based on the assumption that all beneficiaries of the
not the case with an increasingly large body of casual workers both in urban and
rural areas. Nor can we be naïve to imagine that all informal sector employers will
contribute even tiny amounts of money to a worker’s fund for all 365 days of the
where both employers and contractors are unlikely into any durable relationships.
with contribution from workers as well as employers? It is well known that many
employers, irrespective of the size of the enterprises, are loathe entering into any
records of public authorities for fear of regularity sanctions. The size criterion
applied to small enterprises has always been used as a façade against any
a. An administrative machinery that can record all enterprises and
protection schemes
The review of international experience made in the report suggests that most
Social Security schemes are based in urban societies. Countries like Tunisia and
Brazil with much higher levels of urbanization and per capita income have,
indeed, developed some attractive institution. They are not necessary replicable in
come. Possibly there are some lessons to be learned from China which has
There is very little to show that India has made any progress with Social
Insurance programmes even in the urban areas. There is a compelling case for
targeting assistance primarily on the working poor in rural areas. Such assistance
perennial needs for health care, pensions and special contingencies through group
based Social Insurance schemes. In general, the group insurance schemes are cost
effective; they operate on the principle of collective risk-sharing and their
ownership rests with the beneficiaries who share the cost of administering them.
Often they are anchored on the voluntary initiatives of beneficiaries, most notably
funded system under which individual contributors can top up their benefits in
age pensions and other safeguards can be built only on a foundation of tax
financed social assistance and group financed insurance schemes. The state can
nurture the development of both Social Insurance and fully funded security
schemes through guaranteeing the real value of all contributions made by the
The commission takes note of the fact that there are many commendable
initiatives of both the central and state governments providing rudimentary forms
nutrition and child care. Such initiatives happen to be confined to a small majority
legislation is meant to consolidate and build on the welfare funds. However, based
on the experience of such funds, especially in Kerala, which has been projected as
the epitome of good practices in the field, one cannot help raising some doubts
Many trades for which welfare funds have been established happen to be
fading out and the number of workers therein declining on account of the
relations are shrinking in the plantations and processing industries which are
occupations such as ‘toddy’ tapping, weaving, carpenting and ‘beedi’ rolling. The
sector workers such as hair dresses and washermen, raising concerns about the
one is inclined to question the claim that more than 50% of all unorganized sector
workers are covered by the welfare funds. The state’s narrative on the labour
welfare fund for plantation workers and the artisans and skilled workers fund
leaves some questions on their content and reach unanswered. The source of funds
and the nature of benefits extended to 0.84 million agricultural workers and 1.07
survive entirely on social assistance, it is time to put them on a sound footing with
contributory schemes.
In West Bengal too the reach of some fairly impressive welfare schemes,
for instance, the provident fund for unorganized workers, appear to be low. The
presence of welfare funds is disturbingly low among some of the larger states of
northern India. If, indeed, they do exist, there is a pronounced urban bias in their
location and coverage. Perhaps, it is time to pause and audit the funds, taking into
account the number covered, resources mobilized and the benefits conferred on
different target groups. It is also worth exploring why a number of pilot schemes
aimed at unorganized workers have failed to take off in spite of the fact they
promise impressive benefits and demand less as contributions by the workers and
All the same there are valuable lessons to be learnt from the operation of
welfare funds. First, the funds are useful conduits for diverting Social Assistance
such as pensions, food and medical aid to the needy populace. They have proved
to be affordable in all states which have shown a political will for their adaptation.
The funds also provide an organizing framework for launching viable Social
minimum support programmes are practical and that they can be expanded both in
A universal system of Social Assistance targeted to the needy,
the policy makers. To achieve this we can only go in stages. Waving the magic
wand of a make-believe legislation will not take anyone to that destination. On the
other hand, a concerted effort towards increasing the quantum of social spending
on the basic needs of all citizens for education, health, drinking water and a clean
We have many labour laws in our books all of them do not cover workers
engaged in unorganised sector. All of them are not applicable, and were not meant
applicable. But none of the laws that form the base of the Social Security system
covers the whole unorganised sector. There are laws that apply wholly or partly to
this sector.31 These laws are: The Factories Act, 1948, The Minimum Wages Act,
1948, The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, the payment of wages Act, 1936, The
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, The Workmen Compensation Act, 1923, The
Payment of gratuity Act, 1972, Unorganised workers Social Security Act, 2008
etc. Which are applicable to the workers in the unorganised sector where there is
are engaged, and this result in a situation in which the principal employer does not
Report of the Second National Commission on Labour, http//
visited on 07, 03.2012.
come into the picture such an in building/construction activity, beedi rolling,
These workers are sometimes covered under more than one law e.g. The Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, as well as under one specific law or
Even though existence of these beneficial laws, the benefits and facilities
prescribed under these laws are denied to them in most cases. 32 We have no
escape from concluding that more than 90% of our workforce does not enjoy the
minimum protection and security that they need. This is a situation which should
shame all those who talk of care and commitment to the responsibility for
ensuring the rights and welfare of our people, in particular, the overwhelming
majority of our people who are in the labour force. Hence there is strong need and
whole of India. The Act ensure that the conduct of the insurance business by the
insurers is in the interest of the policy holders and the enactment of the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 led to many amendments in the
Act through which it is proposed to not only regulate and develop the insurance
sector but also envisages the development of infrastructure and social sectors
through insurance. The Act lays down that only public companies, societies
registered under the Co-operative Societies, and companies not being private
companies incorporated under the law of any country outside India are eligible to
on the particular class of insurance business and to also to renew the registration
every year. 33 The Act also stipulates that for obtaining the registration the
contracts of insurance upon human life, including any contract whereby the
happening of any contingency dependent on human life, and any contract which is
subject to payment of premiums for term dependent on human life and shall be
deemed to include-
Section 2C and Sections 3, 3A of the Insurance Act, 1938.
engaged or who have been engaged in any particular profession, trade or
rupees one hundred crores and in case of one who is carrying on exclusively the
insurance business as a re-insurer, the paid-up equity capital is two hundred and
crores. 35 It also lays down that every insurer carrying on the life insurance
business has to deposit a sun equivalent to one percent of the total gross premium
in a financial year and nor exceeding rupees ten crores with the Reserve Bank of
India and in case of general insurance the amt that is to be deposited is three
percent of the total gross premium. 36 Every insurer shall invest only in the
approved investments under the Act and is prohibited from investing funds of the
policyholders directly or indirectly outside India and also ensure that at all times
the invested assets are equivalent to not less than the sum of the amount of the
the amount required to meet the liability on policies of life insurance maturing for
investment in the infrastructure and social sectors and to protect the interest of the
policy holders. 38 The Act also empowers the Authority to issue directions to
Section (11) of the ESI Act, 1938
Section 6 of the ESI Act.1938
Section 7 of the ESI Act.1938
Sections 27, 27A, 27B & 27C of the ESI Act.1938
Section 27D of the ESI Act.1938
any action of the insurer or insurers which is detrimental to the interest of the
Authority is also been given the authority to remove any director or the chief
fulfilling the above mentioned objectives. 39 The Act specifically directs that
or general insurance policies to the persons residing in rural areas and workers in
the unorganised sector and for economically vulnerable or backward classes of the
The Act also prohibits the insurer form granting any loans or temporary
advances except the loans on life policies issued and to a banking company. The
The Act also lays down that any amalgamation and transfer of life insurance
business shall only be in accordance with the scheme prepared by the Insurance
Section 34 & 34B of the ESI Act.1938
Sections 32B & 32C of the ESI Act.1938
Section 29 of the ESI Act.1938
and transfer is in the interest of public and policyholders as well as in the interest
of insurance business of the country as a whole and also to secure the proper
management of an insurer.42 Further the Act also directs the Insurance Regulatory
affecting the interests of the holders of life insurance policies and the Central
Govt after considering the report may appoint an Administrator to manage the
affairs of the insurer under the direction and control of Authority. 43 The Act also
mandates the insurer to re-insure with Indian re-insurers under the specifications
The Act empowers the Central Govt to frame rules to carry out the purpose
of the Act. The Central Govt had framed the Redressal of Public Grievances
Rules, 1998 that provide for the appointment of Insurance Ombudsman to ensure
Council 44 has the power for conciliation and passing an award. Any insured
person for conciliation and passing an award. Any insured person who a grievance
against an insurer, after making a representation to the insurer about his grievance
Sections 35, 36, 37 & 37A of the ESI Act.1938
Section 52A of the ESI Act, 1938.
Rule 4 (f) of the ‘Redressal of Public Grievances Ruules,1938’ specifies that the insurance
council will consist of life Insurance Corporation of India , General insurance corporation of
India and its four subsidiaries and other insurance companies which will be permitted to do
insurance business in feature.
and if the insurer has reject it or gave an unsatisfactory reply, can make a
office of the insurer complained against is located. 45 The complaint can be with
legal construction of the policies in relation to the claims, or with regard to the
letter of acceptance that the award in is full and final settlement of his claim has to
be sent to the insurer within one month from the date of receipt of the award and
the insurer is under an obligation to comply with the terms of the award within
fifteen days of the receipt of the letter of acceptance and also to intimate the
satisfied with the award of the Ombudsman, he can either approach the consumer
forum or a civil court for redressal of his grievance. The legal heirs of the insured
are also eligible to lodge a complaint with the ombudsman. The Rules also
Rule 13 of the ‘Redressal of Public Grievances Rules, 1998.’
Rule 12.of the ‘Redressal of Public Grievances Rules, 1998.’
Rule 15 & 16.
person.48 So far twelve Ombudsmen have been appointed by the governing body
jurisdiction. The numbers of complaints lodged with the Ombudsmen were 12116
(together with the pending complaints as on April 1, 2006 and the 10187
complaints received during 2006-07) by the end of March 2007. Of these, 6021
were against life insurers and 6095 were against non-life insurers. The
Ombudsmen have disposed of 10169 complaints (5418 against life insurers and
4751 against the non-life insurers) and the complaints that are pending with the
ombudsmen for disposal as on April 1, 2007 were 1947 of which 603 were in case
The Act while laying down provisions to protect the rights of disabled
employment and Social Security of the disabled persons. The Act directs the
special schools and to equip the special schools with vacations training facilities
and take all necessary initiatives in imparting education to the disabled children
and in providing them appropriate orientation. The Act stipulates that the
Government should indentify and reserve posts suitable for the persons with
Rule 18.
IRDA Annual Report 2006-07, ‘Insurance Regulatory and development Authority:’
Hydarabad, P.59.
disability, set up special employment exchange and formulate schemes for
ensuring employment of persons with disability. The Act directs the Government
to provide incentives to employers both in public and private sector to ensure that
and mandates the govts and local authorities to reserve at least three percent in all
employer’s contribution for the Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme and the
incentive scheme is applicable to all the employers who have employed the
253 (E) Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 31-3-2008. Similar
Insurance Central Rules, 1950 have been amended and Rule 52-A has been
38025/2/2008 SSI issued by the Ministry of Labour and Employment Govt of
India and published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part II, Section 3 Sub-
and Full Participation) Act deals with the provisions of social authorities to
undertake within their economic capacity and disabilities and provide financial
registered with the special employment exchanges for more than two years and
still could not be placed in any gainful employment. The governments are also
directed to frame an insurance scheme or a security scheme for the benefits its
technical and professional courses if the monthly family income is less than
Rs.15,000/- The amt of scholarship varies from Rs. 400/- per month depending
upon the course, the beneficiary opted. Further, certain tax exemptions are
provided to persons with disabilities and their guardians. In addition to the State
pension, the Government of India recently in its interim union budget proposed to
c. The Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notifications Of
and the establishment in the private sector employing 25 or more workers. The
duration period or of unskilled office work. The State and the Union Territories
are responsible for enforcement of the Act. The Employment Exchanges set up
under the Statute are involved in registration, placement of job seekers, besides
113.05 lakhs are women. Further, to promote self employment, Self Employment
d. The Public Provident Fund Act, 1968
The Act along with the public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 farmed by the
Central Government under the Act lays down the provisions for the institution of
provident fund for the general public with an objective of providing unorganised
sector workers who are excluded from participation in mandated provisions with a
facility to accumulate savings for old age income security and other
contingencies. The organised sector employees can also subscribed to this scheme
individual account system under which members are allowed to open PPF
accounts either with some designated nationalized banks or with post offices. The
prescribed by the Government, accrue interest at the rate notified by the Central
Govt in Official Gazette from time. The subscriber to the fund can with draw the
total investment along with the interest at the expiry of 15 years and pre-mature
withdrawals is allowed from sixth financial year. The subscriber can also avail a
loan facility out of the amt standing to his credit after the completion of the third
the Subscriber dies while the account is still in operation, the amount is paid to his
nominee or to his legal heirs of non nomination is made. The investments made
into Public Provident Fund account qualify for deduction from income under
Section 80C of the Income Tax Act and the accumulations and withdrawals are
fully tax exempted. These tax benefits are being offered as an incentive to
encourage public to invest in the fund. The Central Government through Ministry
of Finance administers the scheme and the annual accretions of the fund ate
the whole of India and the Central Government is empowered to apply the
provisions of the Act to any other establishment through notification. The sales
promotion employee to avail the benefits under the Act must be an employee
to do any work relating to promotion of sales of business, but does not include
sixteen hundred rupees per month and those who are employed or engaged in a
applicable to the sales promotion employees to enable them to avail benefits under
those legislations.
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 are made applicable to the sale promotion
employment. The provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the Payment
of Gratuity Act, 1972 are also made applicable to the sales promotion employees
to afford the benefits of minimum wages and the gratuity. The Act besides
provisions of the Act are complied with, also prescribes punishment to the
regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry. The Act
extends to the whole of India. The Act stipulates the terms and conditions
regarding the appointment of the Chairperson and them members of the regulatory
Authority and also lays down the duties ,powers an functions of the Authority.
The Act empowers the Authority with regulation making power. The Act also lays
down the provision with regard to the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority Fund to meet the salaries and other remunerations of the members and
In execution of the objectives of the Insurance Act, 1938 and the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 and empowered under the
provision of both status.50 The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
since its inception had enacted many Regulation on various issues such as
regulations with regard to insurance brokers. All these Regulations aim at the
orderly growth of insurance business and the protection of the interests of the
associated with the objective of promoting the interest of the insured by affording
them security and also to benefit the needy, vulnerable and economically
backward classes as well as the low income groups. The Insurance Regulatory and
2002 stipulates the guidelines with regard to the advertisements and ensure that
they do not mislead the policyholders. It directs every insurer to flow recognised
Council of India and discharge its function in the policyholders. The Regulation
Section 114A of ‘the Insurance Act, 1938’ & Section 26 of the IRDA Act, 1999.
the Authority is empowered to take necessary action against the erring advertiser
Policy holders Interest) Regulations, 2002 specify that the prospectus of any
insurance protect should clearly state all the terms and conditions of the insurance
contract and also clearly specify the benefits available under it; the premium
payable; periodicity of payment; grace period allowed; and about the implication
all the terms and conditions before entering into the contract. 51 Further it is also
directed that the claim under a life policy shall be paid within 30 days from the
date of receipt of all relevant papers and the insurer should respond within 10 days
information required by the policyholder and render him necessary guidance in all
matters regarding the policy and provide him prompt service. 52 It is further
regulated that every insurer shall have proper and effective mechanism to address
complaints and grievances of policyholders efficiently and without delay and the
company and also inform him about the details of Insurance Ombudsman under
Regulation 3, 6 & 7 of IRDA (‘Protection of Policy Holders’ Interest) Regulations 2002.
Regulation 8, 9 and 10 of the IRDA. (Protection of Policyholders’ Interests) Regulation, 2002.
Regulation 5 of the IRDA. (Protection of Policyholders’ Interests) Regulation, 2002.
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Obligation of
provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 directs the insurers to cover with the life
insurance or general insurance policies, the persons residing in the rural sector;
backward classes of the society and persons with disabilities who may not be
gainfully employed and their guardians who need insurance to protect persons
with disability.54 The Regulation imposes obligation on life insure who begin to
carry on insurance business to, in the first five financial years, underwrite seven,
nine, twelve, fourteen and sixteen percent of total policies in that year respectively
in relation to the rural sector and in relation to the social sector five, 55 seven, ten,
Fifteen and twenty thousand lives during the first five years. 56 The obligations aim
to ensure that the insurance sector serves for the betterment of the backward and
vulnerable sections of the community. The Regulations also direct the Life
ensure that the quantum of insurance business on the rural and social sector
underwritten by them shall not be less than what has been recorded in 2001-02,
Section 32B & 32C of the Insurance Act, 1938 and Regulation 2 of the IRDA. (Obligations of
insurers to rural and Social Sectors) Regulation, 2002.
Regulation 2(C) of the IRDA. Regulation defines rural Sector to be a place with a population
of five thousand and where more than twenty-five percent of the male working population is
engaged in agricultural pursuits and Regulation 2 (d) defines social sector as that which includes
unorganized sector, informal sector, economically vulnerable or backward classes and persons
with disabilities.
Regulation 3 of the IRDA. (Obligations of insurers to rural and Social Sectors) Regulations,
The Annual Report of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
for the year 2006-07 states that all the sixteen life insurers including the public
sector insurer Life Insurance Corporation have fulfilled their obligation towards
the rural sector in the year 2006-07 . The number of polices underwritten by them
in the rural sector was as per the obligations applicable to them and in the social
sector, of the sixteen life insurance fourteen have fulfilled their social sector
obligations during the 2006-07. The number of lives covered by them was above
the stipulated obligations. Two pvt sector companies which commenced their
operations in 2006 could not fulfil their obligations and a penalty of five lakhs has
been imposed on one and the in other case it has been waived as the shortfall is
the year 2001-02. As far as the non-life insurance companies are concerned eight
private sector companies met their rural as well as social sector obligation only
three of them with the exception of the New India Assurance Co. Ltd could meet
Annual Report of ‘Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority: 2006-07’ p.38.
and cost of the risk involved. The micro-insurance products are specifically
and life insurance products. The Regulations issued by the Authority provided
frame work for insurers to design suitable micro-insurance products; specify the
products. While six life insurers have launched twelve micro-insurance products,
The Act provides for the constitution of welfare fund for the benefit of
practicing advocates. The Act extends to the whole of India expect in those states
which already have a State Welfare Fund Act functioning. The Act provides for
be a body corporate to operate the fund for the benefit of its members. The Act
stipulates that an amount equal to twenty percent of the enrolment fee received by
the State Bar Council is annually paid to the welfare fund. In addition, all sums
Vakalatnama filed before the court shall be deposited into the fund. An advocate
can apply to the trustee committee for admission as a member of the fund as per
Annual Report of ‘Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority:’ 2006-07 p.43.
the prescribed procedure and eligible and on being admitted is required to pay
certain annual subscription. A member who fails to pay the annual subscription
amt is liable to the removed from the membership. The member of the fund
member is also entitled for the benefits of a group life insurance and also receives
assistance for medical and educational facilities of his dependents fixed by the
Act, 2007
Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 and the Hindu
Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956 provide for the maintenance of parents
without any means by their children. But as the procedure to obtain relief under
both statutes is both time consuming and expensive and the need to have simple,
inexpensive and speedy provision for care of parents is felt, parliament enacted
the ‘Maintenance and Welfare of Parent and Senior Citizens Act’ in 2007. The
Act places an obligation to provide for the property of the senior citizen or is
likely to inherit the property, if the senior citizen is unable to maintain him or
herself. The Act defines the Senior citizen to be a person who attained 60 years of
age. The Act enables the senior citizen to make an application against the children
constituted for the purpose. The tribunal is empowered to make an order for
purpose. The tribunal is empowered to make an order for monthly allowance
subject to a maximum of Rs 10000 per month on being satisfied that the children
or the relative, against whom the complaint is made, is neglecting and refusing to
maintain the senior citizen. The Act also provides for interim maintenance during
the pendency of the proceedings. The Act prescribes imprisonment on the breach
of the order. The Act further protects the interest of the senior citizen in the
transferred, it shall be with a condition that the transferee shall provide for the
basic needs of a the senior citizen, The Act also lays down provisions with regard
to the welfare measures that are to be undertaken for the well-being of the senior
citizen such as facilities to the senior citizens etc. and directs the State
Governments to take measures for the protection of life and property of senior
The Act which is passed recently by the Parliament aims to benefits the
unorganised workers who are till now benefited on by through the minimum
wages with statutory Social Security benefits also. The Act defines the
any kind whatsoever, and where the enterprise employees less than ten workers.
The Act defines the ‘unorganised sector worker’ as a home based worker, self-
worker is defined as a person engaged in the production of goods or services for
employer. The Act defines the Self-employed workers’ as any person who is not
workers are brought under the category of wage workers by the Act. The Act
sector with regard to life and disability covers, health and maternity benefits, old
age protection by the Central Govt and the Scheme relating to provident fund
by the state governments. The schemes framed by the Central Government may
be wholly funded by the Central Government or funded by both central and State
similar lines, the schemes framed by the State Government shall be fully funded
by the Government or funded by the state, employer and the beneficiaries and the
Central Government may also provide financial assistance to the schemes. The
Act also proposes to constitute the National Social Security Advisory Board and
the State Security Advisory Board to monitory the welfare schemes and
The Act empowers the Central Government to bring the Act into force by
issue a notification and when the Act is brought into force the existing insurance
scheme that provide life insurance, disability and health cover for the unorganised
sector workers that are framed by the Central Government gets statutory backing
and the State Governments are needed to frame schemes that provide for Social
5.11 Conclusion
receiving urgent attention of the Central and some of the State governments.
After the exit of the Second National Labour Commission, no one expected
that the government would give up on its plans to water down the existing labour
laws. At the 39th Session of the Indian Labour Conference, held in New Delhi on
16-18 October 2003, the government mooted the proposed bill on unorganized
sector workers. The labour representatives suggested that there could be a cess of
one percent of the turnover on industries having a turnover of over Rs.100 crore to
bear the cost of the welfare scheme. The employer’s representatives, who
otherwise take up the issue of lack of welfare measures for the unorganized,
with changes in labour laws mostly along the lines of the Second Labour
would affect the interest of the workers. Hence, before taking any measures for