Effect of Probiotic and Prebiotic As Antibiotic Growth Promoter Substitutions On Productive and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chicks
Effect of Probiotic and Prebiotic As Antibiotic Growth Promoter Substitutions On Productive and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chicks
Effect of Probiotic and Prebiotic As Antibiotic Growth Promoter Substitutions On Productive and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chicks
Abstract The application of in-feed antibiotic growth promoters in livestock diet threatens consumer health
and has arisen into a controversial issue worldwide. Thus,this study was designed to investigate the impact of
probiotic and prebiotic as growth promoter agents compared to antibiotic on performance and carcass traits
of broiler chicks. A total of two hundred and forty,one-day-old male broilers (Ross 308) were randomly
assigned to four treatments with four replicates of fifteen chicks based on a completely randomized design.
The dietary treatments consisted of the basal diet as control, experimental groups receiving 3 mg/kg
flavophospholipol, 15mg/kg ProtoxinTM and, 1 g/kg manna oligosaccharide as AGP, probiotic and prebiotic,
respectively.Body weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio were recorded at 2 week intervalsto week
7of the experiment. At 42 d, two birds per replicate were slaughtered for determination of carcass yield and
internal organ weights.Diet supplementationwith probiotic and prebiotic increased body weight of broilers at
28 and 42 d of age (P<0.05) compared to control birds. Broilers fed probiotic statistically consumed more
feed over the entire experimental periods. Feed efficiency improved slightly in different periodsin
supplemented groups compared to control birds. Carcass yield and relative organ weights were not
influenced by dietary treatments, but inclusion of prebiotic and antibiotic in the diet significantly reduced the
weight of abdominal fat pad of birds in comparison to control birds. The results obtained in this study
indicated that dietary inclusion of probiotic and prebiotic supported a superior performance of chicksand can
be applied as antibiotic growth promoter substitutions in broilers diet.
Keywords:Broiler; Performance; Antibiotic; Probiotic; Prebiotic
1. Introduction
Antibiotics at sub therapeutic doses have been widely used in animal feed as growth promoters to
enhance animal growth performance and production. In the presence of low levels of antibiotics, resistant
cells survive and grow producing an antibiotic resistant population in the final products. Therefore, the
application of antibiotics as growth promoters (AGP) in the animal feed has been limited in the European
Union since January 2006. As a result, new commercial feed additives of plant origin considered to be
natural products that consumers would accept, have been proposed to livestock producers. Herbs, spices,
various plant extracts, prebiotics, and probiotics have received increased attention as possible antibiotic
growth promoter substitutions.
Use of prebiotics or fermentable sugars instead of antibiotics is going to be popular in birds in order
toimprove the useful microbial population of GIT [8].Prebiotics have been defined by Gibson and
Roberfroid[7] as indigestible food ingredients which stimulate the growth and/or activity of a selected
number of bacteria in the GIT and improve the host’s health. Prebiotics have been shown to alter
gastrointestinal microflora, alter the immune system, prevent colonic cancer, reduce pathogen invasion
including pathogens such as Salmonella Entritidis and E.coliand reduce cholesterol and odor compounds
[4].Also, prebiotics supplementation of broilers diet result in an increase of the pH of the GIT and useful
bacteriapopulation such aslactobacillus andbifidobacteria, due to increasing production of volatile fatty acids
Probiotics are microorganisms that are fed to animals to colonize the intestinal environment and promote
a better flora balance [6]. Besides, these microorganisms are responsible for production of vitamins of the B
complex and digestive enzymes, and for stimulation of intestinal mucosa immunity, increasing protection
against toxins produced by pathogenic microorganisms.Nevertheless, contradictory results have been
reported by other researchers [18, 10, 16]. The strain of selected microorganisms, the dosage, method of
preparation, and condition of animals could be partially responsible for such discrepancies. The number of
viable microorganisms in probiotics has been considered a critical factor affecting the efficacy of probiotics
[14]. Consequently the current study was designed to compare the efficacy of probiotic and prebiotic as
antibiotic growth promoter substitutions on productive and carcass traits of male broiler chicks reared to 42 d
of age.
The various benefits of feeding antibiotic growth promoters have been reviewed widely [9, 1, 5] and will
not be repeated herein but in brief antibiotics may control and limit the growth and colonization of a variety
of pathogenic and nonpathogenic species of bacteria in chicks gut [5]. A more balanced biota population in
gut could lead to a greater efficiency in digestibility and utilization of food, resulting in an enhanced growth
and improved FCR [2]. The significant benefits of antibiotic supplementation observed on chick growth and
food conversion in the present study, were similar to those reported widely in the reviews just mentioned and
consistent across all ages.
Probiotics on one hand suppresses the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine and
incidence of diarrhea, on the other hand have the potential to increase the bioavailability of dietary minerals
resulting in an improved growth rate and feed efficiency. In addition, it has been demonstrated that
probiotics inhibit the in vitro growth of many enteric pathogens [3]. In accord to our results, Pandaet al.
[14]reported that application of probiotics in broilers diet increased final body weight gain and improved
FCR at week 6 of age.
Prebiotic group marginally consumed more feed compared with control group, throughout the
experimental period. The improvement in feed intake by dietary prebiotic supplementation has been reported
to account for the improved growth performance of broiler chicks. However, the principle effects of
prebiotics have been reviewed by Cummings and Macfarlane [4] and include improvement of calcium and
magnesium absorption, production of short-chain fatty acids, and selective increases in the population of
lactate producing bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. It has been shown that increased lactate
concentration often decreases intestine pH and is a potent anti-microbial substance to several pathogenic
species such as E.coli[15]. Thus, prebiotic helps to balance the intestinal microflora of poultry, consequently
an improved utilization of diet nutrients (protein and energy) and higher feed intake leading to better
performance criteria. In accord to our findings, several studies have shown that addition of prebiotics to the
diet of broilers, leads to improved performance through improving gut microflora and feed utilization [17,
20]. However, Midilliet al.[11] failed to observe any improvement on productive traits of broilers fed
prebiotic supplemented diets.
Table1. Effect of experimental diets on performance of broilers at different ages.
Dietary treatments
Performance Parameters
Control Prebiotic Antibiotic Probiotic SEM P-value
Body Weight (g)
14 d 275.85 282.28 306.68 299.93 10.25 0.63
28 d 946.88b 985.75ab 1043.75a 1019.65a 29.09 0.05
42 d 1956.45b 2110.18a 2091.03a 2138.30a 36.09 0.04
Daily fee intake (g/d)
1-14 d 28.95 28.95 30.55 31.52 0.99 0.36
14-28 d 73.90b 85.55a 74.90b 76.82b 1.76 0.05
28-42 d 171.18 180.72 173.98 181.18 5.05 0.55
1-42 d 90.88b 94.55a 93.08ab 95.58a 1.21 0.03
FCR (g:g)
1-14 d 1.78a 1.73ab 1.66b 1.75ab 0.0111 0.05
ab a b
14-28 d 1.43 1.58 1.32 1.39b 0.0120 0.05
a b ab
28-42 d 2.37 2.24 2.32 2.27b 0.0309 0.03
1-42 d 1.95a 1.88b 1.86b 1.88b 0.0060 0.04
a–b values in rows with no common superscripts differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05)
As Table 2 indicates broilers fed diets supplemented with prebiotic and antibiotic significantly had a
lower percentage of abdominal fat in comparison with control birds (P<0.05). Other carcass traits evaluated
including liver, pancreas, gizzard, heart, small intestine and cecum weights, small intestine, and cecum
lengths were not markedly affected by dietary treatments.
Fat deposition in the abdominal area of broilers is regarded as waste in the poultry industry; since it
represents a loss in the market and consumer acceptability, and enhances expense during the treatment of
effluent produced when processing broilers. The obtained results of this study indicate that prebiotic
supplementation of broilers diet has the potential to lessen this type of waste by reduction of the fat content
in the abdominal area of birds. In accord to our results, Mohamed et al.[12] reported that the highest
abdominal fat percentage value was recorded for birds fed the control diet (2.21%) while the lowest value
was recorded for birds fed the MOS supplemented diet (1.78%). Similarly, they did not notice any significant
impact of supplements on dressing percentage, liver, heart, and gizzard relative weight.
No clear mechanisms have been reported responsible for the reduction of lipid synthesis by prebiotics
and herb oligosaccharides. It might in part be due to increasing beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus that
decrease the activity of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which is the rate-limiting enzyme in fatty acids synthesis.
The results reported by Zhou et al.[22] also agree with our findings, these scientists reported that application
of chitooligosaccharide in diet reduced abdominal fat pad of broiler chicks. In addition, it has been reported
that diet supplementation with mushroom extract plus probiotic result in a marked reduction of fad pad in
male and female broilers slaughtered at 49 d [19]. However, Midilli et al. [11] did not observe any significant
impact of prebiotic and Mannan-oligosaccharides on carcass traits and internal organ relative weight in
broiler chicks.
Table2. Effect of experimental diets on carcass yield, abdominal fat and internal organ weight of broilers at d 42.
Dietary treatments
Carcass traits
Control Prebiotic Antibiotic Probiotic SEM P-value
Carcass yield* 73.8 73.6 73.5 74.8 0.69 0.67
Abdominal fat* 1.76a 1.22b 1.25b 1.36ab 0.18 0.05
Liver* 2.17 2.22 2.33 2.15 0.14 0.34
Gizzard* 2.05 2.48 2.08 2.13 0.16 0.58
Heart* 0.591 0.572 0.588 0.580 0.048 0.63
Pancreas* 0.228 0.273 0.244 0.238 0.41 0.24
Intestine* 3.22 3.30 3.34 3.23 0.18 0.65
Cecum* 0.618 0.561 0.685 0.614 0.07 0.47
Intestine length** 173.5 174.8 177.6 173.3 7.14 0.58
Cecum length** 38.3 38.4 38 39.1 1.85 0.46
a–b values in rows with no common superscripts differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05)
*Percentage of live body weight
** cm
4. Conclusion
The obtained results of the current study suggest that probiotics and prebiotics exerted beneficial on
performance parameters of broiler chicks even in some periods superior to antibiotic. In addition, prebiotic
supplement could reduce abdominal fat pad at 42 d of age. Therefore, it could be concluded that the
foregoing additives have the potential to be applied as effective substitutes for in-feed antibiotics.
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