Data Mining and Knowledge Management
Data Mining and Knowledge Management
Data Mining and Knowledge Management
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The modern business organizations are adopting technological advancement to achieve competitive edge and satisfy their
consumer. The development in the field of Information technology systems has changed the way of conducting business today.
Business operations today rely more on the data they obtained and this data is continuously increasing in volume. The data stored
in different locations is difficult to find and use without the effective implementation of Data mining and Knowledge
management techniques. Organizations who smartly identify, obtain and then convert data in useful formats for their decision
making and operational improvements create additional value for their customers and enhance their operational capabilities.
Marketers and Customer relationship departments of firm uses Data mining techniques to make relevant decisions, this paper
emphasize on the identification of different data mining and Knowledge management techniques that are applied to different
business industries. The challenges and issues of execution of these techniques are also discussed and critically analyzed in this
Knowledge, information, Data Mining, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Business, operational
due to information technology they can make the the I.T related literature the data can be described as
consortium with other smaller firms and can access the raw facts and figures in numerical form. When data is
clientele that were previously not in access. According arrange in a pattern it becomes the information. When
to [6] with the increment of Information technology the information is possessed in persons observance in
applications inside organizations and with boast of form of modified information that may be unique,
businesses the data of customers also increased that are valuable and accurate it becomes knowledge. The
unused and remain hidden. The modern managers and knowledge is related to concepts, ideas, judgments,
decision makers are finding the significance of this observations and facts [9].Two major types of
hidden and untapped data for decision making and knowledge include Tacit Knowledge and Explicit
business growth. Due to the competition and options for knowledge. Explicit knowledge obtained from books
customers there is need in business world to create and documents whereas the tacit knowledge is obtained
CRM (customer relationship management) to obtain the from personal experience.
useful customer knowledge which can further be
transformed to a smart business strategy. On one side 2.2. Concept of Knowledge management
the data mining technique helps in divulge the unused The concept of knowledge management in a business
and hidden data related to customer to understand them environment is to obtain the data and modified it in
well. On other hand knowledge management is now form of useful knowledge. As a multidisciplinary
become the essential part of an organizational strategy concept there are several definitions of Knowledge
in order to improve business operations. This research management. [10] Argued that knowledge management
paper explores the affect of data mining (DM) and is diversified concept and taking a single definition out
Knowledge management (KM) applications on business of it is difficult task because of the three factors. This
organization performance. The reason of studying Data nature includes that knowledge is considered as
mining and Knowledge management is that [7,8] immaterial in nature and when it comes to its definition
confirms that DM and KM applications are becoming it is complex. In the management field of business the
significant for decision making process. This study knowledge management becomes further complex
further elaborates the benefits and problems because each field has its subjective and eclectic nature.
organizations face while executing Knowledge Third factor is that KM concept is in stage of
management and Data mining applications. emergence which is not yet established. [10] Included
The structure of the paper is designed to understand the the Knowledge management definition from other
significance of knowledge management and data authors as well whereas [14] observed a common
mining applications on business performance. The next feature in all the definitions which is that it helps an
section of this paper describes the concept of organization creating the competitive edge in market by
knowledge management, its process and discovery of sharing knowledge effectively in organization.
knowledge from databases. The third part of this paper According to [14] the security and protection of
emphasizes on data mining, and the business scenarios knowledge is also an important factor along with
related to data mining. Part 4 of this paper focuses on getting the ability to generate and incarcerate the
the application of Knowledge management and Data knowledge, the whole process is actually known as
mining in business organizations with special Knowledge management. [15] Defines the
consideration of decision making process and different Knowledge management from perspective of HR that it
fields of business. The part five identifies the is a process of obtain, capture, share and use the
challenges, limitations and problems KM and DM knowledge for the purpose of improve performance and
implementation resulted. In final part the paper is learning in company. [16] has given a changed
concluded. definition of Knowledge management which is that
identify, capture, arrange and distributing the
2. KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE intellectual information that is crucial for strategic
MANAGEMENT performance of a firm.[1] elaborate the Knowledge
2.1. Knowledge management as an integration process of different fields
Knowledge is the concept differs from data and of organization with strategic importance with the
information in the field of information technology. In objective to improve performance and capital. The core
Data mining and Knowledge management application to enhance business operations: An exploratory Study
Data mining and Knowledge management application to enhance business operations: An exploratory Study
Data mining and Knowledge management application to enhance business operations: An exploratory Study
Data mining and Knowledge management application to enhance business operations: An exploratory Study
Data mining and Knowledge management application to enhance business operations: An exploratory Study
Data mining and Knowledge management application to enhance business operations: An exploratory Study
fully implement KM. The cost of these supporting promotional campaigns targeting which leads to
activities sometimes outperforms the benefits. increased financial profitability.
Advancement of technology has taken the data
5.2. Limitations of Data Mining Application usage and data capturing to skies which creates the
The major limitations in the implementation of Data challenges for the implementation of Knowledge
Mining technique is use of huge data and privacy of management. Adoption of Knowledge management
consumer. There is need of protecting the rights of systems in organizations will be a must for those want
stakeholders involved like consumers, employees, and to compete and survive in competitive markets.
investors. Without fulfilling the ethical considerations Challenges of KM and DM application can be
and imposed the protection laws in applying Data identified and resolved with a team work of I.T
mining the information obtained and process remain department and employees at each layer systematically.
illegal without consent of consumers. Further the Since the data mining involved in knowledge
representation of data in database increased the generation and creation of data this could lead to clash
limitations because data if not properly managed and of these two techniques during operations that increase
save in homogeneous formats it would be failed to the need of integration of both these applications along
process it for decision making need. Data mining with operations. In future the need of advanced data
technique may not be succeed until assuring the mining tools will arise because of revolution in data
reliability of data because data obtained from reliable creation and accumulation. Businesses today know how
sources is integrated with outcome of analysis and the Data mining works but there needs get skills of
evaluation. The cost of buying networking and using Data mining and knowledge management tools so
computing hardware is declining but the price of that continuous improvement in operations, marketing
applications like Data mining has been increasing and customer relationships could be ensured.
which must be controlled because due to high cost
small to medium size firms failed to get benefit of REFERENCES
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