Lesson Plan: What's Your Address?
Lesson Plan: What's Your Address?
Lesson Plan: What's Your Address?
Subject: English
Form: the 3rd
Date: The 11th of November
Teacher: Vermiiciuc Natalia
School: Gymnasium Gangura
Topic: Whats Your Address?
Type of lesson: mixed
Specific Competences:
Communicative and Pragmatic Competences (Production of oral messages and interaction and written messages)
Sub-competencies: .
1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and simple short sentences containing sounds, patterns of intonation and other specific phenomena. The words
and sentences are pronounced slowly and clearly.
1.4.Understanding the meaning of simple short instructions and directions related to definite simple situations, formulated directly, in commonly
used language, slowly and clearly.
2.3.Reproducing simple sentences and the formulas of politeness used in simple spoken interaction.
2.4.Producing simple personal questions and answers on the basis of spoken models.
3.7.Reading a simple short familiar dialogue, and demonstrating comprehension by appropriate fluency, stress, intonation, sense groups, and etc.
Operational Objectives:
Students will be able:
Distinguish in speech words and simple short sentences containing sounds, patterns of intonation and other specific phenomena. The words and
sentences are pronounced slowly and clearly.
Understand the meaning of simple short instructions and directions related to definite simple situations, formulated directly, in commonly used
language, slowly and clearly.
Reproduce simple sentences and the formulas of politeness used in simple spoken interaction.
Produce simple personal questions and answers on the basis of spoken models.
Read a simple short familiar dialogue, and demonstrating comprehension by appropriate fluency, stress, intonation, sense groups, and etc.
Fill out a simple form of personal identification.
Read numbers correctly.
Resources (materials used):
Textbooks, copybooks, pictures, computer, TV, ball, cube, worksheets with different activities.
1. Methods:
Communicative, Competency-based, Grammar Translation, the Audio-lingual.
2. Techniques:
Brainstorming, Power point presentation, crossword, interview, game, exercises.
3. Forms of activities:
Group work, individual work, whole class work .
Time of lesson: 45 minutes
ACTIVITY ACTIO Materials Methods, E
N techniques,
forms of
EVOCATION The teacher enters the Ss greet the the T Ss -speaking -to create a Whole class 2
Warm up classroom, greets the Ss teacher and answer -listening relaxed work min
Motivation for Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with the teachers Ss - T atmosphere for
the new lesson your right hand.] questions. the lesson
Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with
your left hand.]
Come in. [Motion to come
Let's sing. [Pretend you are
singing into a microphone.]
Let's play. [Run in place.]
Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with
your right hand.]
Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with
your left hand.]
Knock, knock, knock. [Pretend
to knock on a door.]
Come on in! [Motion for
someone to come inside.]
Let's sing. [Pretend you are
singing into a microphone.]
And play. [Run in place.]
And learn together. [Tap your
finger on your temple.]
Knock, knock! [Thrust your
fist in the air.]
The teacher asks them how
they are, if there are any Ss
Homework The teacher asks the Ss to Ss read their T Ss -pronoun Textbook -to practice the Whole class 1
Activity 1 read their homework task homework cing possessive case work min
(exercise 7) It is Rustys Ss T -reading
It is Pinkys
It is Tommys milk.
It is Dannys
It is Hoppys
Homework Teacher asks four pupils to The Ss read the T Ss -reading Textbook - to read GTM 2
Activity 2 read the poem poem - speaking correctly the Whole class min
Ss Ss poem work
Homework Teacher presents poster with The Ss read the T- Ss - reading - Laptop - to name Whole class 3
characters houses and asks description of the - speaking - Projector numbers work min
Activity 3 the pupils to answer the characters houses - PPT
and answer the
- What number is Pettys
house? questions:- Pettys
-What number is Dannys house is number 2.
house? -Dannys house is
-What number is Ruddys number ten.
house? -Ruddys house is
-What number is Pinkys
house? number sixteen.
- Pinkys house is
number ______?????
Activity 4 Teacher announces the The Ss listen, write T - Ss - listening Board - to understand Communicati 1
objectives and the topic of the date and the - writing Copybooks the topic ve Method min
the lesson topic of the lesson Whole class
in their copybooks. work
REALIZATION The teacher uses the film to They listen and T Ss -listening Laptop -to listen and GTM 4
OF MEANING introduce the new topic. repeat the numbers Ss - T -speaking Film repeat the Whole class min
Practice 1-100. Numbers 1- numbers 1 - work
Activity 5 100 100
Practice The teacher gives the The students T Ss -reading Handouts - to read the Individual 2
handouts to the Ss and asks receive the numbers work min
Activity 6 them handouts
-What number is Pinkys - Pinkys house is
house? number 45
Practice The teacher presents PPT with They read the T Ss - listening Laptop to practice the Whole class 2
Activity 7 the numbers using Power Point numbers from the -speaking PPT pronunciation work min
Vocabulary Presentation slides and try to of the numbers
learn. Ss - Ss
Practice The teacher directs Ss to Ss practice look at T Ss - reading Textbooks -to find the Whole class 4
Exercise 1 and asks them to the map and find - speaking Map house work min
Activity 8 read the map and find Bills Bills house. Ss T
Teacher asks the pupils to - to read the
read the names of the streets. Ss read the names - reading names of the
Teacher draws the pupils of the streets -speaking streets
attention to the fact that in The students listen -listening
English they must first say the to the teacher
number of the house and then
the number of the street.
Practice Teacher asks the Ss The Ss look at the T Ss - reading Textbook - to say address Whole class 2
What number is the Pet Shop? map and answer - speaking Map work min
What number is the Bank?
Activity 9 the questions:
What number is the Flower
- 21
What number is the Hospital? - 42
What number is the Snack - 27
Bar? - 54
What number is the Church? - 33
What number is the
- 46
What number is the Toy
- 30
Shop? - 61
Practice The Teacher invites the pupils The Ss choose the T Ss -reading Laptop -to choose the Whole class 1
to play At Toys Shop Game" correct price -speaking PPT correct price work min
Activity 10 PPT
Practice The teacher plays the The Ss listen to the T Ss - listening Recording -to understand Individual 3
Activity 11 recording and the students dialogue and Ss - Ss -speaking Textbook the dialogue work min
Listening have to listen the dialogue. answer the
The teacher checks
comprehension What is
Kims address?
Practice Teacher plays the recording The Ss listen and T Ss - listening Recording - to listen and Whole class 3
Activity 12 again pausing after each line repeat the dialogue -speaking Tape repeat work min
Reading and asks the Ss to repeat correctly the
chorally. dialogue
Practice The teacher asks a pair of The Ss read the Ss - Ss - reading Textbook - to read the Pair work 2
Activity 13 pupils to read the dialogue. dialogue in pairs - speaking dialogue min
Practice The teacher direct the Ss The Ss look at the T - Ss - reading Textbook - to follow the Whole class 1
attention to Exercise 5. map and say where Ss - Ss -speaking Map footprints work min
Activity 14 Teacher asks the pupils to read Bill went and what - to answer the
the instructions. Explain the questions
Reading he did before he
footprints. The pupils have to
follow Bills footprints and say came to Kims
where he went and what he did house.
before he came to Kims
Practice The teacher asks the students The Ss take the Ss - Ss - reading Cards - to ask and Communicati 3
to work in pairs and ask and cards and ask and - writing answer the ve min
Activity 15 answer the questions: answer the - speaking questions Pair work
- How old are you?
Speaking questions.
- Whats your favourite
- Whats your address?
Moldova. District Ialoveni.
- Whats your telephone
number? My telephone
number is
REFLECTION The teacher asks the Ss to The Ss work in T Ss - reading Workbooks -to match the Pair work 2
Practice open the workbooks and do pairs. They match Ss - Ss - writing pictures with min
Activity 16 exercise 2: match the pictures the pictures with the numbers
with the numbers.
the numbers.
EXTENSION The teacher invites the pupils The Ss play the T - Ss -reading PPT - to fix their Whole class 3
Feed-Back to play Undersea Number game -speaking knowledge work min
Practice game
Activity 17
Teacher asks the Ss to place The Ss auto evaluate T- Ss - speaking Tree of - to evaluate Individual 2
Activity 18 their leaves on the Tree of themselves success, themselves work min
success leaves
Evaluation The teacher evaluates the Ss Ss listen to the T - Ss Register, -to evaluate the 1
gives marks & comments teacher. Record students min
them. books
Assigning T gives the Ss the homework: Ss note the T - Ss -writing Record -to write down 1
Homework -study the new words; homework. books the homework min
Exercises 7, 8 (page 39)