ADEC - Al Manahil Private School 2016-2017

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Private School

Inspection Report

Al Manahil Private School

Academic Year 2016 2017

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Al Manahil Private School

Inspection Date October 24, 2016 to October 27, 2016

Date of previous inspection September 28, 2014 to October 1, 2014

General Information Students

Total number of
School ID 144 720

%of students per Main Curriculum 100%

Opening year of
1994 curriculum (if
school Other Curriculum ----
KG 59
Number of students Primary: 370
Principal Joseph David
in other phases Middle: 228
High: 63

School telephone +971 (0) 3 7672030 Age range 4 to 17 years

Street 147, Building 18A,

Grades or Year
School Address Abu Dhabi Road (School KG2 Grade 10
Road), Al Ain

Official email (ADEC) [email protected] Gender Boys and girls % of Emirati
School website 1%
(Under Construction) Students
1. Pakistani 28%
Fee ranges (per Very Low Category Largest nationality
2. Filipino 18%
annum) AED 4,600 AED 10,100 groups (%)
3. Egyptian 14%
Licensed Curriculum Staff

Main Curriculum English National Curriculum Number of teachers 61

Other Curriculum Number of teaching

----- 5
(if applicable) assistants (TAs)
External Exams/ Teacher-student KG/ FS 1:15
Standardised tests ratio Other phases 1:13

Accreditation ---- Teacher turnover 16%

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Inspection activities
Number of inspectors 4

Number of inspection days 4

Number of lessons observed 103

Number of joint lesson 3

Number of parents
95 (return rate; 11%)
Inspectors examined and evaluated the written work of
a sample of students at a range of grades. They held
meetings with senior leaders and teachers, with other
Details of other inspection members of the school staff, members of the
activities governing body, students and parents. They reviewed
a range of documents provided by the school.
Inspectors also conducted 3 joint lesson observations
with members of the senior leadership team.

To provide opportunities for every child to feel part of
and be able to contribute to the school, local and global
community through the teaching of rights and

To provide a rich and exciting curriculum which

engages and motivates children and in which every
child can develop fully as an individual and achieve their
School Aims full potential

To develop motivated, inspired, independent children

who have a love of learning and are curious to know

To provide a secure supportive environment where

children can develop respect for themselves, others
and their surroundings resulting in pride in them-selves,
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their peers and their school and who are equipped to
meet the changes and challenges in their life ahead.


To provide quality education to every child in an

institutional setting suitable for his or her needs.


We at Al Manahil believe that modern teaching

methods and approaches must be implemented to
prepare students to lead successful and productive
School vision and mission lives through an intellectually stimulating curriculum
and creative use of technology.

Our Mission therefore, is to empower students to be

knowledgeable, responsible students prepared to
meet lifes challenges. We endeavor to provide a safe
learning environment that enables all student to
maximize achievement through a rich variety of
educational experiences.

No new students were admitted in the 2015-16 school

Admission Policy year. The school will not select students on grounds of
academic ability in the future.

The Senior leadership team comprises the acting

principal academic director, vice principal (pastoral),
assistant vice principal (currently the social worker) and
the coordinators for MoE subjects, kindergarten (KG)/
Leadership structure primary school, middle school and IGCSE. There are
(ownership, governance and heads of subject departments for Grades 6-10.
management) The school has been under new ownership since June
2016. A governing board was constituted in September
2016, comprising 3 parent representatives (elected) a
teacher (elected), representatives of the current and
former owners, the principal and academic director.

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SEN Details (Refer to ADEC SEN Policy and Procedures)
Number of students Number of other students
SEN Category identified through external identified by the school
assessments internally

Intellectual disability 0 0

Specific Learning Disability 0 0

Emotional and Behaviour

0 0
Disorders (ED/ BD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
0 0
Speech and Language
0 0
Physical and health related
5 0

Visually impaired 2 0

Hearing impaired 0 0

Multiple disabilities 0 0

G&T Details (Refer to ADEC SEN Policy and Procedures)

Number of students
G&T Category

Intellectual ability 1

Subject-specific aptitude (e.g. in science, mathematics,


Social maturity and leadership 0

Mechanical/ technical/ technological ingenuity 1

Visual and performing arts (e.g. art, theatre, recitation) 0

Psychomotor ability (e.g. dance or sport) 0

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The overall performance of the school
Inspectors considered the school in relation to 3 performance categories

Band A High performing (Outstanding, Very Good or Good)

Band B Satisfactory (Acceptable)

Band C In need of significant improvement (Weak or Very Weak)

School was judged to be: BAND C Weak

Band C
Band A Band B
In need of significant
High Performing Satisfactory


Very Weak
Very Good


Performance Standards

Performance Standard 1:

Students achievement

Performance Standard 2:
Students personal and
social development, and
their innovation skills

Performance Standard 3:
Teaching and assessment

Performance Standard 4:

Performance Standard 5:
The protection, care,
guidance and support of

Performance Standard 6:
Leadership and

Summary Evaluation:
The schools overall

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The Performance of the School
Evaluation of the schools overall performance
Al Manahil Private School provides education of weak quality. Students attainment
is below the expectations of the English National Curriculum in English at all phases
and in science in all but the high school phase. Attainment in Arabic among those
learning it as their first language is below the expectations of the Ministry of
Education (MoE) curriculum. The quality of the teaching is weak in almost half the
lessons. As a result, students make less progress than they should in most subjects
and in the development of important learning skills, particularly at the kindergarten
(KG) and primary phases.
The school came into new ownership in June 2016. Since then a considerable
investment has been made in upgrading the premises and facilities. A new principal
and academic director have been appointed, together with several subject
specialist teachers. A new governing board was constituted in September 2016,
with elected parents and teachers representatives.
The new leaders evaluation of their schools performance is perceptive, thorough
and accurate. They already know its strengths and weaknesses well. This has
enabled them to devise realistic and well-targeted plans for improvement. Some of
these strategies have achieved immediate impact; others require more time and
consistent application to take effect.
Progress made since last inspection and capacity to improve
The new senior leadership team (SLT) has introduced significant changes in a very
short period of time. As a result, the school has made recent, rapid improvement in
most aspects since its previous inspection in 2014, when it was judged to be very
unsatisfactory. Attainment in Islamic education, social studies and mathematics is
now acceptable in most phases. Students personal development and the schools
arrangements for their care, protection, health and safety are now good.
Leadership and management are now acceptable overall and some aspects are
Progress has been made with most of the recommendations from the previous
inspection report, thanks to the new leaderships determined response to them. All
these developments are the result of initiatives taken since the beginning of the
current trimester.
The school premises have undergone a complete overhaul. They now present an
attractive environment for teaching and learning. The facilities for outdoor
activities and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) have
been greatly enhanced.
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Students at all grades have taken standardised baseline tests in reading, spelling
and mathematics. Senior staff have begun competent analysis of the data
produced, generating practical recommendations for modifications to teaching
and curriculum. The results of the phonics and mathematics baseline tests have
been used to create classes based on ability at KG2.
Self-evaluation is now rigorous and thorough. The recently completed self-
evaluation form (SEF) provides honest, evidence-based commentary. Its
judgements are realistic and expressed convincingly.
Teaching quality remains weak overall, particularly at the KG and primary phases.
An ambitious programme of internally-provided training is in progress. Members of
the SLT lead twice-weekly after-school sessions on aspects of effective teaching
and learning. The topics take account of the outcomes of school self-evaluation and
in response to teachers identification of their own needs, generated by a new
performance management process. The impact of the programme is beginning to
be felt in improved classroom practice in some respects, for example in teachers
use of learning objectives in lesson planning.
The capacity of senior leadership to achieve and sustain further substantial
improvement without external support and guidance is a key strength of the
Development and promotion of innovation skills
The new SLT are conscious of the need to provide regular opportunities to promote
innovation. Implementation is at a very early stage.
A robotics workshop event for older students is planned to take place next week,
led by an expert and in conjunction with two other sister schools. Innovative work
takes place in a few lessons. In Islamic education at Grade 8 students consider the
effects of current social trends, involving critical thinking and discussion. Students
at Grade 4 make imaginative use of story boards in English, creating a series of
pictures to structure a story, effectively promoting their spoken language
proficiency. They also use outdoor resources on the school site to sharpen their
environmental awareness through work in science.
Many of the teachers have undertaken training to prepare them to introduce
learning strategies to extend students 21st century skills to cope with the rapidly
changing technological world of the future. These strategies have achieved only
limited impact in most lessons. Students are strongly dependent on direction by
the teachers in all that they do. Consequently, innovation, enterprise, enquiry,
research, critical thinking and use of learning technologies are all under-developed.

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Grade 10 girls administer the mobile collection of library books and leadership is
promoted through the newly-created house system and student council. In
general, students have too few opportunities to take the initiative and exercise
The SLTs capacity to innovate is illustrated by several initiatives, designed to effect
rapid improvement in response to the outcomes of school self-evaluation. For
example, a shortened middle school programme is designed to create time to
secure a firmer foundation for IGCSE courses at Grades 9 and 10. Daily Home Room
lessons are designed to deliver a sustained programme of pastoral care, including
opportunities to promote the development of 21st century skills. This initiative is
implemented inconsistently and depends upon individual teachers levels of
commitment to it. Lessons in the languages of Pakistan and the Philippines allow
students to develop knowledge and proficiency in that aspect of their heritage.
The re-branding of the school is an ambitious project, with much successfully
accomplished in a short period of time. Besides substantial improvement in the
quality of the premises and facilities, the programme has contributed to a
significant shift in the culture of the school, indicated by the highly positive
responses of teachers, parents and students.

The inspection identified the following as key areas of strength:

students behaviour and attitudes to learning, particularly in the middle
and high school phases
arrangements for the care, protection, health and safety of all students
the capacity of senior leadership to achieve and sustain further substantial

The inspection identified the following as key areas for improvement:

attainment in all key subjects at all phases, particularly in first language
Arabic, English and science
the ability of students at all phases to work independently of teachers
the range of teaching strategies to encourage students to think critically,
investigate, experiment and apply what they know to solve problems
curriculum and teaching strategies in all subjects to meet the needs of all
students, including the most able and those who find learning difficult
opportunities for students to show initiative, take responsibility and make
contributions to the community outside school.

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Performance Standard 1: Students Achievement

Students achievement Indicators KG Primary Middle High

Attainment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Weak

Progress Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Weak

Attainment Weak Weak Weak Weak

(as a First Language)
Progress Weak Acceptable Weak Weak

Arabic Attainment Weak Acceptable Weak Weak

(as a Second
Language) Progress Weak Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Attainment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Social Studies
Progress Acceptable Weak Weak Weak

Attainment Very Weak Weak Weak Acceptable

Progress Very Weak Weak Acceptable Acceptable

Attainment Weak Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Weak Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Attainment Weak Weak Weak Acceptable

Progress Weak Weak Weak Acceptable

Language of
instruction (if other Attainment N/A N/A N/A N/A
than English and
Arabic as First Progress N/A N/A N/A N/A

Other subjects Attainment Weak Weak Acceptable Acceptable

(Art, Music, PE)

Progress Weak Weak Acceptable Acceptable

Learning Skills
(including innovation, creativity, critical
Weak Weak Weak Weak
thinking, communication, problem-
solving and collaboration)

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Achievement is weak overall for students of all abilities, including G&T students and
those with SEN. There are no historical data for students performance in external
assessments in any of the key subjects at the KG, primary and middle phases. The
results of recent baseline tests taken by students on entry to all grades indicate that
the English reading ages of almost all students across the school are well below their
chronological ages. Mathematics assessments indicate low performance against age
related expectations. The results of baseline (all grades) have yet to be analysed.
IGCSE results at Grade 10 in 2016 indicate very weak performance. Only 18% of students
achieved grades A*-C in English; 12% in mathematics; and 18% in science subjects. There
were very few entries in Arabic as an additional language. IGCSE results between 2014
and 2016 show a mainly declining trend in these subjects.
Fewer than 75% of students make progress at an acceptable rate in first language
Arabic; and in English and science at the KG and primary phases. Most students make
acceptable progress in Islamic education, additional language Arabic and
mathematics. The development of their learning skills is weak. Enquiry and research
skills, the ability to solve problems and work independently are all under-developed.
Achievement in Islamic education is acceptable. Most students at all grades attain
standards in line with curricular expectations and make the expected rate of progress.
At Grade 1, students understand why caring for people, animals and the environment
is important. At Grade 6 they appreciate the positive impact on society of charity and
volunteering. Skills in reading the Quran with recitation are less well developed. A
large minority of students across the school are reluctant to read aloud verses of
Quran because they lack the confidence that results from regular practice. Students
whose first language is Arabic make better progress than others because the teaching
in their Islamic education lessons is of higher quality.
Achievement in first language Arabic is weak at all phases. In lessons, only a minority
of students attain standards in line with curricular expectations. Progress is
acceptable at the primary phase because the students have opportunities to practise
skills in handwriting and speaking. Progress is weak across the middle and high school
grades. At Grade 5, for example, only a minority can read without mistakes in using
grammar rules; and at Grade 10 only a minority can speak standard Arabic and use it
to write creatively. Students use only a very limited range of learning resources in
lessons and are seldom required to work independently of the teachers. Progress is
impeded by poor time management: most lessons do not start promptly.
Attainment in Arabic as a second language is acceptable at the primary phase and
weak at the other phases. Most students at the primary phase understand basic
Arabic vocabulary and read simple phrases confidently. Their handwriting is legible

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and neat. Most students in the primary, middle and high school phases make progress
at the expected rate in all Arabic language skills. They benefit from the teachers
acceptable or better subject knowledge and from skilful questioning in a minority of
lessons that helps to develop their understanding.
Most students attain standards in line with curricular expectations in social studies.
Students at Grade 3 understand the importance of oil to the economy in the UAE. At
Grade 7, students are able to discuss the social, employment and educational
advantages of living in densely populated areas. Students make less progress across
the phases than they should because of largely unimaginative teaching and the lack
of variety in learning resources. Most lessons are delivered in lecture style and depend
mainly on textbooks. Few students are able to apply their knowledge to everyday
In English, fewer than 75% of students in the KG and at Grades 1-8 attain levels that are
in line with the standards of speaking, reading and writing expected of students
learning English as an additional language. Progress is very weak in the KG, weak at
the primary phase and acceptable at Grades 6-10. Most children in the KG can name
colours, but their responses to questions are limited to single words. They make very
weak progress because the teachers do not give them enough encouragement to use
target vocabulary in phrases or sentences. By Grade 5, a large minority of students
read with comprehension. The reading skills of the majority are below expected
levels. Their writing skills are weak because they have only limited opportunities to
learn and practise how to write at length. By Grades 9 and 10, most students speaking
skills are well-developed and they use a wide range of vocabulary to express ideas and
justify opinions, such as healthy eating habits. Reading is in line with curricular
expectations. Writing remains mostly below expected levels and is limited in length.
Achievement in mathematics is weak in the KG because the teachers expect too little
from the children. In one lesson observed, for example, the teacher kept repeating
numbers from 1 to 20 despite the fact that the majority of the children could count
higher. Attainment and progress are acceptable at the primary, middle and high
school phases. Progress is acceptable at the primary phase because the teachers give
careful instructions and use open ended questions to make students think and
suggest solutions. They use mathematical language to explain their answers. For
example, at Grade 7 students simplify equations expressed in symbolic form and use
formulae involving 4 or 5 operations in the correct order. Grade 9 students are able to
calculate speed, acceleration, distance and time using the correct formulae and plot
graphs to express the results. Progress is acceptable at these grades because the
teachers subject knowledge is secure and the majority of lessons are interesting and
provide challenge.

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Achievement in science is weak at the KG, primary and middle phases and acceptable
at the high school phase. Attainment is well below the level expected of children in
KG2. They make little progress in lessons because the work they are given does not
extend their scientific understanding. At the primary and middle phases fewer than
75% of students attain the age-related expectations of the English National Curriculum
(ENC). Students understanding of scientific concepts, such as digestion and skeleton
structure, is at a basic level at Grades 1-5. Students make acceptable progress in
scientific understanding and the accurate use of scientific vocabulary at Grades 5-8.
Students make only weak progress in the development of scientific skills of
experimentation and investigation. These key aspects of science seldom feature in
science lessons at these grades. At Grades 9 and 10 internal assessment shows that
most students are working towards the expected levels. Biology and chemistry are
stronger than physics at these grades and the girls performance is stronger than the
boys. In lessons most students at Grades 9 and 10 acquire scientific understanding in
line with curricular expectations. Progress in scientific knowledge and understanding
accelerates at these Grades because of well-informed specialist science teaching.
Students progress is far less pronounced in experimental skills and investigation
because they have too few opportunities to practise them.
Students achieve acceptable standards in a range of other subjects at the middle and
high school phases. Attainment and progress are weaker in these subjects at the KG
and primary phases. Good subject knowledge and lively presentations enable
students to make acceptable progress in the higher grades in history and ICT. They
successfully practise all the language skills in Urdu lessons. The severe lack of learning
resources limits standards and progress in art, music and physical education.
Students at all phases develop only weak learning skills. Most students at all grades
are keen to learn and show genuine and sustained interest in lessons. Younger
students become distracted in only a minority of lessons when the teachers
management of their behaviour is ineffective. When working in pairs and groups,
students are adept at cooperating and supporting one others learning. They are
rarely required to work on tasks that require collaboration to solve a problem or
prepare an argument. Activities are directed by the teachers in almost all lessons and
students are given almost no opportunity to work independently: to frame their own
enquiries, select resources, research information, draw conclusions and decide how
to present their findings.

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Performance Standard 2: Students personal and social development,
and their innovation skills

Students personal and social

development, and their innovation skills KG Primary Middle High

Personal development Acceptable Acceptable Good Good

Understanding of Islamic values and

Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
awareness of Emirati and world cultures

Social responsibility and innovation skills Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Students at all phases enjoy school and are keen to learn. They listen attentively to
teachers in lessons and ask questions to clarify or confirm their understanding. Older
students in particular take responsibility for their learning in all subjects. Students of
all ages behave well in most lessons and at other times. The self-discipline of the older
students contributes strongly to the calm and orderly tone that prevails throughout
the school day. Parents appreciate the recently improved behaviour and
atmosphere. Relationships among the more than 20 nationalities that comprise the
school community are courteous and respectful. Students demonstrate good
awareness of safe and healthy living. The majority eat healthily at break times and talk
readily about the importance of exercise. Most take part enthusiastically in physical
education lessons. There is little variation between grades in the rate of attendance
which, at 92% overall, is acceptable. Students are notably punctual to lessons
throughout the day.
Students show acceptable understanding of Islamic values and their importance to
modern society in the UAE in social studies and history lessons. Students listen
respectfully to verses from the Holy Quran every morning. They have an acceptable
degree of understanding and appreciation of UAE heritage and culture. They show
interest in the exhibits in the heritage corners placed around the school. They sing the
national anthem, the words of which are displayed in English in the corridors.
Students are proud of their own diverse cultural backgrounds. Their knowledge of
other cultures is less well developed.
Students have too few opportunities to contribute to the community outside school.
They enjoy school and willingly take part in activities. They seldom have the chance to
take the initiative or organise activities independently. The newly elected Student
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Council and house system are designed to increase opportunities for leadership in
school and outside; students at all phases currently have too few opportunities. The
school site is well cared for and largely free of litter. Students respect their much
improved surroundings. They do not take part in any extra-curricular activities that
promote environmental awareness and action.

Performance Standard 3: Teaching and Assessment

Teaching and Assessment Indicators KG Primary Middle High

Teaching for effective learning Weak Weak Acceptable Acceptable

Assessment Weak Weak Weak Acceptable

The quality of the teaching was deemed acceptable in about half of the lessons
observed and weak or very weak in a large minority of them. The teaching was good
or very good in a few lessons across the range of subjects and phases.
Most teachers have acceptable knowledge of the subjects they teach at the primary
phase. Their understanding of how to teach them successfully is less secure and KG
teachers have limited understanding of how young children learn. As a result, the
progress that students are able to make at these phases is restricted. Good teaching,
resulting in good progress, takes place in one class at Grade 4 in English, mathematics
and science. The majority of teachers strong subject knowledge at the middle and
high school phases enables them to make effective presentations and provide
accurate answers to students questions. This contributes to the acceptable progress
that older students make in most subjects.
Most lessons are planned carefully in the KG and primary phase. The lesson objectives
and success criteria are almost always displayed. These are often simply statements
from the curriculum or syllabus. A majority of lessons do not deliver their plans
successfully, particularly the planned match of work to the needs of different groups
of students. Tasks often go on too long and time management is often weak.
Students use a narrow range and limited quantity of learning resources. These are not
consistently well used to support learning. At the middle and high school phases most
lessons have a clear structure and are focused on achieving learning objectives. Time
is managed well and the narrow range of resources is used effectively.

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Teachers maintain respectful and cordial relationships with students at all phases.
Almost all students show interest in lessons and willingly engage in their activities. In
most lessons, teachers use a narrow range of strategies. Only in the most effective
lessons, mostly in the older grades, do teachers identify their students different
learning needs and modify their questioning and expected outcomes to challenge
and support students accordingly. Lessons rarely feature discussion between
students. Only in the most effective lessons do teachers make skilful use of
questioning to orchestrate class discussions and encourage reflection and critical
thinking. Teaching mostly relies too heavily on whole group questioning. In these
lessons questions are used to elicit factual responses only. In all lessons whole-class
teaching predominates and teachers expect similar work from all students. This is
particularly evident in the KG.
In almost all subjects, students are given too few opportunities to find things out for
themselves, solve problems and develop the capacity to work independently, without
direction from the teacher. Consequently, these skills remain weak at all phases.
Assessment processes linked to the curriculum have recently been put in place.
Effective use of these is emerging at the primary and middle school grades. The use
of assessment information to inform curriculum planning and teaching is at an early
stage and is not implemented consistently or effectively.
With the exception of the most effective lessons, teachers planning and lesson
delivery demonstrates insecure knowledge of their students individual capabilities
and needs. Most teachers focus on one learning level and little attention is given to
challenging and supporting all students so that all can make at least acceptable
progress. Peer and self-assessment rarely feature in lessons. Teachers marking of
students written work is regular with limited constructive commentary on how it
could be improved.
The academic director has begun to analyse the results of the baseline tests taken by
all grades in September 2016. This has produced intelligent commentary and
recommendations for action at KG and Grade 1. Teachers have begun to use the
results of baseline tests to determine the composition of classes in the KG and to
identify and record the strengths and weaknesses of individual students at other
grade levels. This has led to planned modifications of teaching and learning in some
subjects. The interpretation of baseline assessment has yet to be completed at other
grades. At Grades 9 and 10, assessment processes are consistent and provide
accurate information about students progress. Primary and middle school students
have not taken external standardised assessments in recent years. Senior leaders
analyse the results of IGCSE examinations and use the information to benchmark
students performance.

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Performance Standard 4: Curriculum

Curriculum Indicators KG Primary Middle High

Curriculum design and implementation Weak Weak Weak Weak

Curriculum adaptation Weak Weak Weak Weak

The curriculum provides acceptable breadth and balance, though the implemented
curriculum focuses too heavily on knowledge acquisition, with weaker development
of learning skills.
Schemes of work are in place, based on the English National Curriculum (ENC). These
are at a developmental stage from KG through to Grade 8. Adopting the revised ENC
has resulted in some gaps in content and some discontinuity. Students academic
outcomes demonstrate that they are not adequately prepared for the next phase in
education and beyond school.
In the KG, children have very limited opportunities to make choices and manage their
learning. The curriculum provides choices of home languages from Grades 4 to 8.
Students at the primary and middle phases experience only a limited range of learning
approaches, which restricts the development of their learning skills. A limited range
of options are provided at Grades 9 and 10, where students have no opportunities to
pursue practical and creative subjects.
The curriculum is not sufficiently adapted to meet the academic needs of all groups
of students, particularly high achievers, those identified with SEN and those who find
learning difficult. Modifications are in place to support low achieving students, such
as a support class for Arabic and English language skills.
The curriculum provides very limited opportunities for students to engage in activities
to promote enterprise, innovation, creativity and social contribution. There are very
few extra-curricular activities or community links. The plan to initiate an extra-
curricular programme has yet to be implemented.
There are opportunities within the curriculum for students to develop understanding
of UAE culture and society, principally in social studies and history. References are
made in other subjects but these are not coordinated. Celebrations and special events
also contribute to students generally acceptable levels of knowledge and
understanding of the country in which they are being educated.

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Performance Standard 5: The protection, care, guidance and support
of students

The protection, care, guidance and

KG Primary Middle High
support of students Indicators

Health and safety, including

arrangements for child protection/ Good Good Good Good

Care and support Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

The school has good procedures for the care, welfare and safeguarding of students.
These represent considerable improvement since the last inspection, when they were
judged unsatisfactory. Training in child protection has been provided and the
procedures are widely understood by staff and students.
The premises offer a safe, hygienic and secure environment for students and staff.
Supervision of students is effective, including on school transport. Risk management
reports are developed, shared and monitored by the health and safety officer and the
SLT. All teachers are informed of safety issues and what action to take in case of an
emergency. Buildings and equipment are well maintained. The school keeps accurate
and secure records. The school registers all maintenance issues and follows them up
until they have been resolved.
The premises and facilities provide a safe environment but do not meet the needs of
all students, especially those who have special physical needs. Such students have to
be accommodated on the ground floor because there is no lift to the upper storey.
The promotion of safe and healthy living features in several aspects of school life,
including lessons in science and physical education. Teachers take their lunch break
with the students and talk about and model healthy eating. The Home Room period
provides good opportunities for the teachers to talk discuss good eating habits.
Students enjoy positive and supportive relationships with the school staff.
Supervision is good at all times during the day. Teachers manage students behaviour
well in most lessons.
The school has adopted effective procedures to promote attendance, working in
cooperation with parents. The attendance rate has improved markedly this trimester.
The school is notably successful in ensuring that students arrive punctually to lessons.

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A potentially effective process has been adopted to identify students with SEN and
who are gifted and talented. The process has begun only recently and is not yet fully
operational. Close involvement by the parents of students identified has already been
achieved. Limited support is given in lessons to students with individual education
plans (IEPs) to help them achieve their targets. These students consequently do not
make as much progress as they should in most subjects.
Arrangements are acceptable for ensuring that students receive guidance and
support when they need them. Students are confident about approaching the social
worker, vice principal and principal if they have a concern. The newly established
Home Room period is designed to provide additional opportunities for individual
support and guidance.

Performance Standard 6: Leadership and management

Leadership and management Indicators

The effectiveness of leadership Acceptable

Self-evaluation and improvement planning Good

Partnerships with parents and the community Acceptable

Governance Acceptable

Management, staffing, facilities and resources Acceptable

The principal conveys a clear sense of ambition for the school, which is to provide
consistently good teaching and learning for students of all backgrounds and abilities.
The principal and the academic director recognise the importance of improving
teachers professional practice if they are to realise that ambition. To achieve it they
are committed to rigorous programmes of monitoring, evaluation and training. They
have secure knowledge of curriculum and a sharp appreciation of effective teaching,
learning and assessment. They have successfully and rapidly established a far more
positive culture of learning among staff and students. Educational leadership is not
dispersed beyond this most senior level. Other senior staff subscribe to and support
the improved culture, encouraged and supported by the senior leadership. Their
knowledge and understanding of curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment are
less secure. Not all of them have the capability to contribute significantly to
implementing improvements.

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Relationships throughout the staff are professional and friendly. Morale is high
among the teachers. Many praise the radical changes that have taken place recently.
Most demonstrate enthusiasm for the new regime and a willingness to learn.
Delegation of responsibilities is not yet effective. The principal and academic director
have deliberately adopted a highly directive approach in these early months. They are
aware of the need to coach others to disperse leadership capacity.
The SEF is perceptive and well-written. The wider staff body share the SLTs
understanding of the respects in which the school needs to improve, principally the
quality of teaching and learning. Significant improvement has already been made to
important aspects of the schools work: assessment practice, student behaviour, day-
to-day management, care, guidance, health, safety and facilities. There is also
evidence of emerging improved practice in aspects of teaching. There is good capacity
within the senior leadership for innovation and to achieve and sustain further
The principal and academic director have undertaken observation of all teachers
lessons. Their notes and feedback, which are documented, concentrate on the
evaluation of teaching and learning quality. As a result, all teachers have negotiated
targets for improvement. The evaluation of teaching quality has contributed to the
selection of in-school training topics. Its impact is beginning to be seen in aspects of
the teaching. It is too soon for any genuine impact to have been registered on
students achievement.
The school development plan (SDP), constructed in September 2016, focuses on the
recommendations from the previous inspection and the key outcomes of school self-
evaluation. It comprises a manageable number of priorities with a range of intelligent
strategies to achieve improvement. These are timed, with success criteria and
responsibilities allocated. The plan has not had sufficient time for its impact on key
areas of teaching quality and student achievement to be evaluated.
The school has surveyed parents satisfaction with the school this trimester. Parents
are invited to meetings about setting learning targets for their children this term.
Parents of students with SEN are involved in monitoring IEPs. Parents are represented
on the Governing Board. The 2015 Parents Questionnaire produced below average
satisfactory responses to all questions. There is now evidence of a far higher degree
of parental approval.
Communication with parents is good. Monthly newsletters at each grade gives
information about the topics to be studied and how parents can help. Parents are very
appreciative of these. Some parents would like more use of social media to convey
urgent information more quickly. A new, more informative format for reporting
students achievement will be issued later in the trimester. Students take part in
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sports and chess competitions with other schools. Their social contributions to the
community are very limited.
A new Governing Body (GB) was constituted in September 2016. It includes 3 elected
parent representatives and an elected teacher representative. The current and former
owners are also represented. The GB has conducted satisfaction surveys among
parents and teachers. It has not yet established formal procedures for holding the
schools professional leadership to account for the discharge of their responsibilities
and for evaluating the impact of financial investment. Members of the GB are deeply
committed to the school and enthusiastic about their role as critical friends. They
propose to sustain hands-on involvement in reflecting the views of the stakeholders
they represent.
The school has efficient methods for ensuring smooth day-to-day running These
include an efficient attendance system, timetabling, room allocation and supervision
to ensure punctuality to lessons. The staff are appropriately qualified. Almost all
curriculum areas are covered. An extensive internally-organised training programme
is based partly on the teachers own perceptions of their needs.
The newly-refurbished premises provide an acceptable environment for learning and
teaching. There are specialist laboratories for science and ICT and an artificial turf
soccer pitch. Good use is made of the outdoor shaded areas for assemblies and meals.
There are no specialist areas for art, music or technology. A minority of the classrooms
are too small for the number of students who use them.
The school has barely adequate resources for the basic delivery of the curriculum.
There are no musical instruments and specialist art equipment and very few resources
for physical education. Science equipment is limited there are not enough practical
resources for mathematics teaching. Insufficient learning resources in the KG prevent
children from exploring and exercising choice. There are far too few library books for
the number of students on roll.

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What the school should do to improve further:
1. Raise standards in all subjects, particularly first language Arabic, English and
science, so that the majority of students make better than expected progress
in relation to their starting points and curriculum standards by:
i. making the structure of lessons more consistent within and between
subjects, to establish a more uniform experience among students at each
ii. improving teachers use of lesson objectives and success criteria so that all
students know what is expected of them and how well they are doing
iii. creating more opportunities in lessons and as homework for students to
think critically, find information and answers for themselves and use what
they have learnt to solve problems.

2. Improve students skills in undertaking enquiries, research and problem-solving

independently of their teachers by:
i. sharing approaches that successfully teach and promote these skills widely
among the staff
ii. enabling teachers with advanced skills to influence and develop the practice
of colleagues through modelling successful strategies and team teaching.
3. Improve the progress of students with high ability, those who find learning
difficult and those with SEN by:
i. raising expectations for what more able students can achieve and devising
individual tasks to challenge them
ii. developing teaching strategies in each subject to support individual
students who find learning difficult, including those with SEN.
4. Increase the frequency and improve the quality of opportunities for students to
show initiative, be enterprising, take the lead and make a social contribution to
the community outside school by:
i. including the promotion of these skills in the work planned in subjects at all
ii. introducing activities targeted at improving these skills into all curriculum
enrichment activities
iii. developing links with outside organisations that offer this type of
opportunity to students of different ages.
5. Develop the schools governance arrangements so that the Governing Body
holds the schools professional leadership accountable for the quality of its
performance and the outcomes it secures for its students.

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