Lead Lag
Lead Lag
Lead Lag
IES EE Topic wise 2001-2008
C.System (A) Both
Derivative open loop
output 3. and closed loop
Reduction system time
in settling are stable
(B) Open loop system is stable but closed loop system is unstable
The Laplace transform of a transportation lag of 5 seconds is
D. Derivative errorsystem
(C) Open loop 4. Increase in damping
is unstable constant
but closed loop system is stable
(A) exp
compensation ( 5 s)
(D) Both open loop and closed
S.SREEKANTHA REDDY loop system are unstable
Codes : (B) exp (5 s)
(C) 1
A MCQ B181
s + 5C D
A property of phase-lead compensation is that the
(A) 4 3 1 2
exp a is k increased
Overshoot s
(B) 2 1 35 4
(B) Bandwidth of closed loop system is reduced
(C) 4 1 3 2
239 of closed loop system is reduced
(D) 2 (D) Gain
3 1 4 reduced
In the margin
system isshown in the given figure, r (t) = 1 + 2t (t $ 0). The
steady-state value of the error e (t) is equal to
MCQ 216MCQ 182
Indicate Which
which one
one ofofthe
transfer functions represents
is not correct ?
phase lead compensator ?
(A) The transfer function of a lag-lead compensation network is
(A) s + 1
s+2 (1 + sT1 a) (1 + sT2 b)
(a > 1, b < 1)
(1 + sT1) (1 + sT2)
(B) 6s + 3 (A) Zero
6s + (B)
2 Bridged T-network is used for cancellation compensation
(B) 2/10
(C) s + 5(C) Phase-lag compensation improves steady state response and
3s + 2 often results in reduced rise time
(C) 10/2
(D) s +(D) 8 Compensating network can be introduced in the feedback path of
s + 5s +(D) infinity
6a control system.
MCQ 217 MCQ 240
MCQ 183
A transfer function
The phaseofanglea control
of the system
system does not have pole-zero
cancellation. Which theone
following statements
of the following with respect
statements to a system
is true ? represented
(s) =
by its state-space model s + 5 , varies between
(A) System is neitherGcontrollables 2 + 4snor
+ 9observable
Xo = AX +controllable
(B) System is completely Bu and Y = andCX observable
(C) System1. (A)
and 90c
observable vector X of the system is unique.
but uncontrollable
2. (B)
(D) System isThe and 90c
controllable butofunobservable
A are the poles of the system transfer function.
3. (C) and 180c
The0cminimum number of state variables required is equal to the
number of independent energy storage elements in the system
MCQ 218 (D) 90c and 180c
A linear time of thesesystem
invariant statements are correct
is described ? following dynamic
by the
1 and241
2 Page 85
(B) 2 and 3
se 2001-2008 www.gatehelp.com
ontrol System
MCQ 248
22 control system is described by the following state
equations :
A step input is applied to a system with the transfer function
0 1 0
Xo = > H > H
2 3 G (s) 1= 1 + 0.5s 8 B
X + U e
and Y = 2 0 X.
MCQ 240
MCQ 65
A constant N -circle having centre at ( 1/2 + j 0) in the G-plane,
represents the phase angle equal to
(A) 180c (B) 90c
(C) 45c (D) 0c
MCQ 66
The constant M-circle represented by the equation
x + 2.25x + y = 1.125 where x = Re [G (j)] and y = lm [G (j)] has
2 2
MCQ 67
A third-order system is approximated to an equivalent second order
(A) 20 dB/decade (B) 40 dB/decade
(C) 60 dB/decade (D) 80 dB/ decade
MCQ 106
MCQ 132
Constant M circles have their centre and radius as
With regard2 to the filtering 2 property, the lead
2 compensator and the
c M 2 1, 0 m and
are crespectively;
m (B) c 2 , 0 m and b M
M 2 1l
(A)compensator M M
lag M 1
M 1
(A) low pass 2and high pass2 filters
and b 2
(C) c 0, 2 m l (D) c 0, 2 m and b M
M 2 1l
(B) highMpass M
1and low pass filters
1 M 1
(C) both high pass filters
MCQ 108
(D) both low pass filters
The maximum value of a controller output is 100 V and is obtained
when the input error is 1 V. If the controller is working at 20%
MCQ 133 Page 35
MCQ 133
1 a q 1= p - tan-1 b 1 l 1 q = p - tan-1 b 1 l
ba + 1 l 2
(C) cos(C) 4 (D) sin1 b a(D)
a + 1l 4 3
Statement For Linked Answer Q. 7 and 8 :
Match List I (Compensation) with List II (Characteristic) and select
The transfer function of a compensator is given as
the correct answer using the code given below the Lists :
Gc ^s h = s + a
Q. 7 ListGIc ^s h is a lead compensator if List II
a. Lag(A) a = 1, b = 2 1. (B) a = 3 , b = 2
Increase bandwidth
(C) a =- 3 , b =- 1
b. Lead 2. (D) a = 3 , b = 1
Q. 8 c. The phase of the above lead
Lag-Lead 3. compensator is maximum
Increases damping at
(A) 2 rad/s (B) 3 rad/s
d. Rate 4. Second order
(C) 6 rad/s (D) 1/ 3 rad/s
Codes :
a YEARb2011 c d ONE MARK
Q. 9
(A) 3 The
1 two 4rows of 2Rouths table of a third order characteristic equation are
S 3 3
(B) 2S 44 14 3
In can be inferred that the system has
(C) 3 (A) one
4 real pole
1 in the
2 right half of s -plane.
(D) 2 (B) a 1pair of complex
4 3conjugate poles in the right half of s -plane.
(C) a pair of real poles symmetrically placed around s = 0 Page 43
(D) a pair of complex conjugate poles on the imaginary axis of the s -plane